- Modified CefPostTask and CefPostDelayedTask to return a boolean value.
- Added CefCurrentlyOn helper function.
- Replaced all "CEF3" mentions by "CEF".
- New MDIExternalPumpBrowser demo.
- New JSWindowBindingSubProcess demo.
- Added more comments and checks in some initialization functions of TCEFApplication.
- Fixed the functions to get the certificate issuer chains :
TCEFX509CertificateRef.GetDEREncodedIssuerChain and
- Replaced FmtStr by a custom function for backwards compatibility.
- Added the property TCEFApplication.EnableGPU.
- Updated cef.inc to include the latest Delphi versions.
- Bug fix#33 : Drag and drop is now supported in OSR mode.
- Improved keyboard handling in OSR mode.
- MiniBrowser demo : The DOM visitor and the Javascript extensions now
send customized results to the main form
- Fixed some CEF3 variable definitions.