// ************************************************************************ // ***************************** CEF4Delphi ******************************* // ************************************************************************ // // CEF4Delphi is based on DCEF3 which uses CEF3 to embed a chromium-based // browser in Delphi applications. // // The original license of DCEF3 still applies to CEF4Delphi. // // For more information about CEF4Delphi visit : // https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?lang=en&pageid=cef // // Copyright © 2017 Salvador Díaz Fau. All rights reserved. // // ************************************************************************ // ************ vvvv Original license and comments below vvvv ************* // ************************************************************************ (* * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3 * * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1 * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded * * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute * this source code without explicit permission. * *) unit uCEFMiscFunctions; {$IFNDEF CPUX64} {$ALIGN ON} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} {$ENDIF} interface uses WinApi.Windows, System.Classes, System.SysUtils, uCEFTypes, uCEFInterfaces, uCEFLibFunctions; const Kernel32DLL = 'kernel32.dll'; procedure CefStringListToStringList(var aSrcSL : TCefStringList; var aDstSL : TStringList); overload; procedure CefStringListToStringList(var aSrcSL : TCefStringList; var aDstSL : TStrings); overload; function CefColorGetA(color: TCefColor): Byte; function CefColorGetR(color: TCefColor): byte; function CefColorGetG(color: TCefColor): Byte; function CefColorGetB(color: TCefColor): Byte; function CefColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b: Byte): TCefColor; function CefInt64Set(int32_low, int32_high: Integer): Int64; function CefInt64GetLow(const int64_val: Int64): Integer; function CefInt64GetHigh(const int64_val: Int64): Integer; function CefGetObject(ptr: Pointer): TObject; function CefGetData(const i: ICefBase): Pointer; function CefStringAlloc(const str: ustring): TCefString; function CefStringClearAndGet(var str: TCefString): ustring; function CefString(const str: ustring): TCefString; overload; function CefString(const str: PCefString): ustring; overload; function CefUserFreeString(const str: ustring): PCefStringUserFree; procedure CefStringFree(const str: PCefString); function CefStringFreeAndGet(const str: PCefStringUserFree): ustring; procedure CefStringSet(const str: PCefString; const value: ustring); function CefExecuteProcess(var app : ICefApp; aWindowsSandboxInfo : Pointer = nil) : integer; function CefRegisterExtension(const name, code: ustring; const Handler: ICefv8Handler): Boolean; procedure CefPostTask(ThreadId: TCefThreadId; const task: ICefTask); procedure CefPostDelayedTask(ThreadId: TCefThreadId; const task: ICefTask; delayMs: Int64); function CefTimeToSystemTime(const dt: TCefTime): TSystemTime; function SystemTimeToCefTime(const dt: TSystemTime): TCefTime; function CefTimeToDateTime(const dt: TCefTime): TDateTime; function DateTimeToCefTime(dt: TDateTime): TCefTime; function cef_string_wide_copy(const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer; function cef_string_utf8_copy(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8): Integer; function cef_string_utf16_copy(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; function cef_string_copy(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; procedure WindowInfoAsChild(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : THandle; aRect : TRect; const aWindowName : string = ''); procedure WindowInfoAsPopUp(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : THandle; const aWindowName : string = ''); procedure WindowInfoAsWindowless(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : THandle; aTransparent : boolean; const aWindowName : string = ''); function TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(lpTimeZoneInformation: PTimeZoneInformation; lpLocalTime, lpUniversalTime: PSystemTime): BOOL; stdcall; external Kernel32DLL; function SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(lpTimeZoneInformation: PTimeZoneInformation; lpUniversalTime, lpLocalTime: PSystemTime): BOOL; stdcall; external Kernel32DLL; function CefIsCertStatusError(Status : TCefCertStatus) : boolean; function CefIsCertStatusMinorError(Status : TCefCertStatus) : boolean; function CefCrashReportingEnabled : boolean; procedure CefSetCrashKeyValue(const aKey, aValue : ustring); implementation function CefColorGetA(color: TCefColor): Byte; begin Result := (color shr 24) and $FF; end; function CefColorGetR(color: TCefColor): byte; begin Result := (color shr 16) and $FF; end; function CefColorGetG(color: TCefColor): Byte; begin Result := (color shr 8) and $FF; end; function CefColorGetB(color: TCefColor): Byte; begin Result := color and $FF; end; function CefColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b: Byte): TCefColor; begin Result := (a shl 24) or (r shl 16) or (g shl 8) or b; end; function CefInt64Set(int32_low, int32_high: Integer): Int64; begin Result := int32_low or (int32_high shl 32); end; function CefInt64GetLow(const int64_val: Int64): Integer; begin Result := Integer(int64_val); end; function CefInt64GetHigh(const int64_val: Int64): Integer; begin Result := (int64_val shr 32) and $FFFFFFFF; end; procedure CefStringListToStringList(var aSrcSL : TCefStringList; var aDstSL : TStringList); begin CefStringListToStringList(aSrcSL, TStrings(aDstSL)); end; procedure CefStringListToStringList(var aSrcSL : TCefStringList; var aDstSL : TStrings); var i, j : NativeUInt; TempString : TCefString; begin if (aSrcSL <> nil) and (aDstSL <> nil) then begin i := 0; j := pred(cef_string_list_size(aSrcSL)); while (i < j) do begin FillChar(TempString, SizeOf(TempString), 0); cef_string_list_value(aSrcSL, i, @TempString); aDstSL.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(TempString)); inc(i); end; end; end; function CefStringClearAndGet(var str: TCefString): ustring; begin Result := CefString(@str); cef_string_utf16_clear(@str); end; function CefGetObject(ptr: Pointer): TObject; inline; begin Dec(PByte(ptr), SizeOf(Pointer)); Result := TObject(PPointer(ptr)^); end; function CefGetData(const i: ICefBase): Pointer; inline; begin if (i <> nil) then Result := i.Wrap else Result := nil; end; function CefString(const str: PCefString): ustring; begin if str <> nil then SetString(Result, str.str, str.length) else Result := ''; end; function CefString(const str: ustring): TCefString; begin Result.str := PChar16(PWideChar(str)); Result.length := Length(str); Result.dtor := nil; end; procedure CefStringFree(const str: PCefString); begin if str <> nil then cef_string_utf16_clear(str); end; procedure CefStringSet(const str: PCefString; const value: ustring); begin if str <> nil then cef_string_utf16_set(PWideChar(value), Length(value), str, 1); end; function CefStringFreeAndGet(const str: PCefStringUserFree): ustring; begin if str <> nil then begin Result := CefString(PCefString(str)); cef_string_userfree_utf16_free(str); end else Result := ''; end; function CefStringAlloc(const str: ustring): TCefString; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); if str <> '' then cef_string_wide_to_utf16(PWideChar(str), Length(str), @Result); end; procedure _free_string(str: PChar16); stdcall; begin if str <> nil then FreeMem(str); end; function CefUserFreeString(const str: ustring): PCefStringUserFree; begin Result := cef_string_userfree_utf16_alloc; Result.length := Length(str); GetMem(Result.str, Result.length * SizeOf(TCefChar)); Move(PCefChar(str)^, Result.str^, Result.length * SizeOf(TCefChar)); Result.dtor := @_free_string; end; function CefExecuteProcess(var app : ICefApp; aWindowsSandboxInfo : Pointer) : integer; begin Result := cef_execute_process(@HInstance, CefGetData(app), aWindowsSandboxInfo); end; function CefRegisterExtension(const name, code: ustring; const Handler: ICefv8Handler): Boolean; var n, c: TCefString; begin n := CefString(name); c := CefString(code); Result := cef_register_extension(@n, @c, CefGetData(handler)) <> 0; end; procedure CefPostTask(ThreadId: TCefThreadId; const task: ICefTask); begin cef_post_task(ThreadId, CefGetData(task)); end; procedure CefPostDelayedTask(ThreadId: TCefThreadId; const task: ICefTask; delayMs: Int64); begin cef_post_delayed_task(ThreadId, CefGetData(task), delayMs); end; function CefTimeToSystemTime(const dt: TCefTime): TSystemTime; begin Result.wYear := dt.year; Result.wMonth := dt.month; Result.wDayOfWeek := dt.day_of_week; Result.wDay := dt.day_of_month; Result.wHour := dt.hour; Result.wMinute := dt.minute; Result.wSecond := dt.second; Result.wMilliseconds := dt.millisecond; end; function SystemTimeToCefTime(const dt: TSystemTime): TCefTime; begin Result.year := dt.wYear; Result.month := dt.wMonth; Result.day_of_week := dt.wDayOfWeek; Result.day_of_month := dt.wDay; Result.hour := dt.wHour; Result.minute := dt.wMinute; Result.second := dt.wSecond; Result.millisecond := dt.wMilliseconds; end; function CefTimeToDateTime(const dt: TCefTime): TDateTime; var st: TSystemTime; begin st := CefTimeToSystemTime(dt); SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nil, @st, @st); Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(st); end; function DateTimeToCefTime(dt: TDateTime): TCefTime; var st: TSystemTime; begin DateTimeToSystemTime(dt, st); TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nil, @st, @st); Result := SystemTimeToCefTime(st); end; function cef_string_wide_copy(const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer; begin Result := cef_string_wide_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True)); end; function cef_string_utf8_copy(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8): Integer; begin Result := cef_string_utf8_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True)); end; function cef_string_utf16_copy(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; begin Result := cef_string_utf16_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True)); end; function cef_string_copy(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; begin Result := cef_string_utf16_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True)); end; procedure WindowInfoAsChild(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : THandle; aRect : TRect; const aWindowName : string); begin aWindowInfo.ex_style := 0; aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.style := WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_TABSTOP; aWindowInfo.x := aRect.left; aWindowInfo.y := aRect.top; aWindowInfo.width := aRect.right - aRect.left; aWindowInfo.height := aRect.bottom - aRect.top; aWindowInfo.parent_window := aParent; aWindowInfo.menu := 0; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.transparent_painting_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; procedure WindowInfoAsPopUp(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : THandle; const aWindowName : string); begin aWindowInfo.ex_style := 0; aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.style := WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_VISIBLE; aWindowInfo.x := integer(CW_USEDEFAULT); aWindowInfo.y := integer(CW_USEDEFAULT); aWindowInfo.width := integer(CW_USEDEFAULT); aWindowInfo.height := integer(CW_USEDEFAULT); aWindowInfo.parent_window := aParent; aWindowInfo.menu := 0; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.transparent_painting_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; procedure WindowInfoAsWindowless(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : THandle; aTransparent : boolean; const aWindowName : string); begin aWindowInfo.ex_style := 0; aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.style := 0; aWindowInfo.x := 0; aWindowInfo.y := 0; aWindowInfo.width := 0; aWindowInfo.height := 0; aWindowInfo.parent_window := aParent; aWindowInfo.menu := 0; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(True); aWindowInfo.transparent_painting_enabled := ord(aTransparent); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; function CefIsCertStatusError(Status : TCefCertStatus) : boolean; begin Result := (cef_is_cert_status_error(Status) <> 0); end; function CefIsCertStatusMinorError(Status : TCefCertStatus) : boolean; begin Result := (cef_is_cert_status_minor_error(Status) <> 0); end; function CefCrashReportingEnabled : boolean; begin Result := (cef_crash_reporting_enabled <> 0); end; procedure CefSetCrashKeyValue(const aKey, aValue : ustring); var TempKey, TempValue : TCefString; begin TempKey := CefString(aKey); TempValue := CefString(aValue); cef_set_crash_key_value(@TempKey, @TempValue); end; end.