// ************************************************************************ // ***************************** CEF4Delphi ******************************* // ************************************************************************ // // CEF4Delphi is based on DCEF3 which uses CEF to embed a chromium-based // browser in Delphi applications. // // The original license of DCEF3 still applies to CEF4Delphi. // // For more information about CEF4Delphi visit : // https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?lang=en&pageid=cef // // Copyright © 2022 Salvador Diaz Fau. All rights reserved. // // ************************************************************************ // ************ vvvv Original license and comments below vvvv ************* // ************************************************************************ (* * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3 * * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1 * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded * * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute * this source code without explicit permission. * *) unit uCEFTextfieldComponent; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE OBJFPC}{$H+} {$ENDIF} {$I cef.inc} {$IFNDEF TARGET_64BITS}{$ALIGN ON}{$ENDIF} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} interface uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}WinApi.Windows,{$ENDIF} System.Classes, {$ELSE} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}Windows,{$ENDIF} Classes, {$IFDEF FPC} LCLProc, LCLType, LCLIntf, LResources, InterfaceBase, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} uCEFTypes, uCEFInterfaces, uCEFViewsFrameworkEvents, uCEFViewComponent; type {$IFNDEF FPC}{$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP}[ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} TCEFTextfieldComponent = class(TCEFViewComponent, ICefTextfieldDelegateEvents) protected FTextfield : ICefTextfield; // ICefTextfieldDelegateEvents FOnTextfieldKeyEvent : TOnTextfieldKeyEventEvent; FOnAfterUserAction : TOnAfterUserActionEvent; procedure DestroyView; override; procedure Initialize; override; function GetInitialized : boolean; override; function GetAsView : ICefView; override; function GetAsTextfield : ICefTextfield; override; function GetIsPasswordInput : boolean; function GetIsReadOnly : boolean; function GetText : ustring; function GetHasSelection : boolean; function GetSelectedText : ustring; function GetSelectedRange : TCefRange; function GetCursorPosition : NativeUInt; function GetTextColor : TCefColor; function GetSelectionTextColor : TCefColor; function GetSelectionBackgroundColor : TCefColor; function GetPlaceholderText : ustring; procedure SetPasswordInput(password_input: boolean); procedure SetReadOnly(read_only: boolean); procedure SetText(const text_: ustring); procedure SetTextColor(color: TCefColor); procedure SetSelectionTextColor(color: TCefColor); procedure SetSelectionBackgroundColor(color: TCefColor); procedure SetPlaceholderText(const text_: ustring); // ICefTextfieldDelegateEvents procedure doOnKeyEvent(const textfield: ICefTextfield; const event: TCefKeyEvent; var aResult : boolean); procedure doOnAfterUserAction(const textfield: ICefTextfield); // ICefViewDelegateEvents procedure doCreateCustomView; override; public procedure CreateTextField; procedure AppendText(const text_: ustring); procedure InsertOrReplaceText(const text_: ustring); procedure SelectAll(reversed: boolean); procedure ClearSelection; procedure SelectRange(const range: TCefRange); procedure SetFontList(const font_list: ustring); procedure ApplyTextColor(color: TCefColor; const range: TCefRange); procedure ApplyTextStyle(style: TCefTextStyle; add: boolean; const range: TCefRange); function IsCommandEnabled(command_id: TCefTextFieldCommands): boolean; procedure ExecuteCommand(command_id: TCefTextFieldCommands); procedure ClearEditHistory; procedure SetAccessibleName(const name_: ustring); procedure SetPlaceholderTextColor(color: TCefColor); property PasswordInput : boolean read GetIsPasswordInput write SetPasswordInput; property ReadOnly : boolean read GetIsReadOnly write SetReadOnly; property Text : ustring read GetText write SetText; property SelectedText : ustring read GetSelectedText; property TextColor : TCefColor read GetTextColor write SetTextColor; property SelectionTextColor : TCefColor read GetSelectionTextColor write SetSelectionTextColor; property SelectionBackgroundColor : TCefColor read GetSelectionBackgroundColor write SetSelectionBackgroundColor; property PlaceholderText : ustring read GetPlaceholderText write SetPlaceholderText; property HasSelection : boolean read GetHasSelection; published property OnTextfieldKeyEvent : TOnTextfieldKeyEventEvent read FOnTextfieldKeyEvent write FOnTextfieldKeyEvent; property OnAfterUserAction : TOnAfterUserActionEvent read FOnAfterUserAction write FOnAfterUserAction; end; {$IFDEF FPC} procedure Register; {$ENDIF} // ********************************************************* // ********************** ATTENTION ! ********************** // ********************************************************* // ** ** // ** MANY OF THE EVENTS IN CEF4DELPHI COMPONENTS LIKE ** // ** TCHROMIUM, TFMXCHROMIUM OR TCEFAPPLICATION ARE ** // ** EXECUTED IN A CEF THREAD BY DEFAULT. ** // ** ** // ** WINDOWS CONTROLS MUST BE CREATED AND DESTROYED IN ** // ** THE SAME THREAD TO AVOID ERRORS. ** // ** SOME OF THEM RECREATE THE HANDLERS IF THEY ARE ** // ** MODIFIED AND CAN CAUSE THE SAME ERRORS. ** // ** ** // ** DON'T CREATE, MODIFY OR DESTROY WINDOWS CONTROLS ** // ** INSIDE THE CEF4DELPHI EVENTS AND USE ** // ** SYNCHRONIZATION OBJECTS TO PROTECT VARIABLES AND ** // ** FIELDS IF THEY ARE ALSO USED IN THE MAIN THREAD. ** // ** ** // ** READ THIS FOR MORE INFORMATION : ** // ** https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?pageid=cef ** // ** ** // ** USE OUR FORUMS FOR MORE QUESTIONS : ** // ** https://www.briskbard.com/forum/ ** // ** ** // ********************************************************* // ********************************************************* implementation uses uCEFTextfieldDelegate, uCEFMiscFunctions, uCEFTask, uCEFTextfield; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.Initialize; begin inherited Initialize; FTextfield := nil; FOnTextfieldKeyEvent := nil; FOnAfterUserAction := nil; end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.DestroyView; begin FTextfield := nil; end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.CreateTextField; begin CreateView; end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.doOnKeyEvent(const textfield : ICefTextfield; const event : TCefKeyEvent; var aResult : boolean); begin if assigned(FOnTextfieldKeyEvent) then FOnTextfieldKeyEvent(self, textfield, event, aResult); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.doOnAfterUserAction(const textfield: ICefTextfield); begin if assigned(FOnAfterUserAction) then FOnAfterUserAction(self, textfield); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.doCreateCustomView; var TempDelegate : ICefTextfieldDelegate; begin if (FTextfield = nil) then try TempDelegate := TCustomTextfieldDelegate.Create(self); FTextfield := TCefTextfieldRef.CreateTextField(TempDelegate); finally TempDelegate := nil; end; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetInitialized : boolean; begin Result := (FTextfield <> nil); end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetAsView : ICefView; begin Result := FTextfield as ICefView; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetAsTextfield : ICefTextfield; begin Result := FTextfield; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetIsPasswordInput : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FTextfield.IsPasswordInput; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetIsReadOnly : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FTextfield.IsReadOnly; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetText : ustring; begin if Initialized then Result := FTextfield.GetText else Result := ''; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetHasSelection : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FTextfield.HasSelection; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetSelectedText : ustring; begin if Initialized then Result := FTextfield.SelectedText else Result := ''; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetSelectedRange : TCefRange; var TempRange : TCefRange; begin if Initialized then TempRange := FTextfield.GetSelectedRange else begin TempRange.from := 0; TempRange.to_ := 0; end; Result := TempRange; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetCursorPosition : NativeUInt; begin if Initialized then Result := FTextfield.GetCursorPosition else Result := 0; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetTextColor : TCefColor; begin if Initialized then Result := FTextfield.GetTextColor else Result := 0; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetSelectionTextColor : TCefColor; begin if Initialized then Result := FTextfield.GetSelectionTextColor else Result := 0; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetSelectionBackgroundColor : TCefColor; begin if Initialized then Result := FTextfield.GetSelectionBackgroundColor else Result := 0; end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.GetPlaceholderText : ustring; begin if Initialized then Result := FTextfield.GetPlaceholderText else Result := ''; end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetPasswordInput(password_input: boolean); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetPasswordInput(password_input); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetReadOnly(read_only: boolean); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetReadOnly(read_only); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetText(const text_: ustring); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetText(text_); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetTextColor(color: TCefColor); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetTextColor(color); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetSelectionTextColor(color: TCefColor); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetSelectionTextColor(color); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetSelectionBackgroundColor(color: TCefColor); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetSelectionBackgroundColor(color); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetPlaceholderText(const text_: ustring); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetPlaceholderText(text_); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.AppendText(const text_: ustring); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.AppendText(text_); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.InsertOrReplaceText(const text_: ustring); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.InsertOrReplaceText(text_); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SelectAll(reversed: boolean); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SelectAll(reversed); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.ClearSelection; begin if Initialized then FTextfield.ClearSelection; end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SelectRange(const range: TCefRange); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SelectRange(range); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetFontList(const font_list: ustring); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetFontList(font_list); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.ApplyTextColor(color: TCefColor; const range: TCefRange); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.ApplyTextColor(color, range); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.ApplyTextStyle(style: TCefTextStyle; add: boolean; const range: TCefRange); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.ApplyTextStyle(style, add, range); end; function TCEFTextfieldComponent.IsCommandEnabled(command_id: TCefTextFieldCommands): boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FTextfield.IsCommandEnabled(command_id); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.ExecuteCommand(command_id: TCefTextFieldCommands); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.ExecuteCommand(command_id); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.ClearEditHistory; begin if Initialized then FTextfield.ClearEditHistory; end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetAccessibleName(const name_: ustring); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetAccessibleName(name_); end; procedure TCEFTextfieldComponent.SetPlaceholderTextColor(color: TCefColor); begin if Initialized then FTextfield.SetPlaceholderTextColor(color); end; {$IFDEF FPC} procedure Register; begin {$I res/tceftextfieldcomponent.lrs} RegisterComponents('Chromium Views Framework', [TCEFTextfieldComponent]); end; {$ENDIF} end.