// ************************************************************************ // ***************************** CEF4Delphi ******************************* // ************************************************************************ // // CEF4Delphi is based on DCEF3 which uses CEF to embed a chromium-based // browser in Delphi applications. // // The original license of DCEF3 still applies to CEF4Delphi. // // For more information about CEF4Delphi visit : // https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?lang=en&pageid=cef // // Copyright © 2023 Salvador Diaz Fau. All rights reserved. // // ************************************************************************ // ************ vvvv Original license and comments below vvvv ************* // ************************************************************************ (* * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3 * * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1 * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded * * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute * this source code without explicit permission. * *) unit uCEFOSRIMEHandler; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE OBJFPC}{$H+} {$ENDIF} {$I cef.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}WinApi.Windows,{$ENDIF} System.Classes, System.Math, WinApi.imm, {$ELSE} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}Windows, imm, {$IFDEF FPC}imm_dyn,{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} Classes, Math, {$ENDIF} uCEFTypes; const DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_COLOR = $FF000000; // Black SkColor DEFAULT_BLINK_BACKGROUND_COLOR = $00000000; // White SkColor DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_STYLE = CEF_CUS_SOLID; KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US = $0409; type {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF FPC} // Define some types to compile in Linux with Lazarus HWND = NativeUInt; LANGID = Word; HIMC = Integer; LPARAM = NativeInt; WParam = NativeUInt; PWChar = ^WideChar; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} TCEFOSRIMEHandler = class protected FHWND : HWND; FCompositionRange : TCefRange; FCursorIndex : integer; FIMERect : TCefRect; FSystemCaret : boolean; FInputLanguageID : LANGID; FCompositionBounds : TCefRectDynArray; FIsComposing : boolean; FIMM32DLL : THandle; function GetPrimaryLangID : word; function GetSubLangID : word; function GetInitialized : boolean; procedure GetCompositionInfo(imc : HIMC; aParam : LPARAM; var composition_text : ustring; var underlines : TCefCompositionUnderlineDynArray; var composition_start : integer); function GetString(imc : HIMC; aParam : WParam; aType : integer; var aResult : ustring) : boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function IsSelectionAttribute(aAttribute : AnsiChar) : boolean; {$ENDIF} procedure GetCompositionSelectionRange(imc : HIMC; var target_start, target_end : integer); procedure GetCompositionUnderlines(imc : HIMC; target_start, target_end : integer; var underlines : TCefCompositionUnderlineDynArray); public constructor Create(aHWND : HWND); destructor Destroy; override; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure SetInputLanguage; {$ENDIF} procedure CreateImeWindow; procedure DestroyImeWindow; procedure CleanupComposition; procedure ResetComposition; function GetResult(aParam : LPARAM; var aResult : ustring) : boolean; function GetComposition(aParam : LPARAM; var composition_text : ustring; var underlines : TCefCompositionUnderlineDynArray; var composition_start : integer) : boolean; procedure EnableIME; procedure DisableIME; procedure CancelIME; procedure UpdateCaretPosition(index : integer); procedure ChangeCompositionRange(const selection_range : TCefRange; const character_bounds : TCefRectDynArray); procedure MoveImeWindow; property IsComposing : boolean read FIsComposing; property InputLanguageID : LANGID read FInputLanguageID; property PrimaryLangID : word read GetPrimaryLangID; property SubLangID : word read GetSubLangID; property Initialized : boolean read GetInitialized; end; // Original Chromium source code : // https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:ui/base/ime/win/imm32_manager.cc // Original CEF source code : // https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/tests/cefclient/browser/osr_ime_handler_win.cc implementation uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} System.SysUtils, {$ELSE} SysUtils, {$ENDIF} uCEFMiscFunctions; constructor TCEFOSRIMEHandler.Create(aHWND : HWND); begin inherited Create; FHWND := aHWND; FCompositionRange.from := 0; FCompositionRange.to_ := 0; FCursorIndex := -1; FIMERect.x := -1; FIMERect.y := -1; FIMERect.width := 0; FIMERect.height := 0; FSystemCaret := False; FCompositionBounds := nil; FIsComposing := False; FIMM32DLL := 0; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FInputLanguageID := LANG_USER_DEFAULT; {$IFNDEF FPC} FIMM32DLL := SafeLoadLibrary('imm32.dll'); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; destructor TCEFOSRIMEHandler.Destroy; begin DestroyImeWindow; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if (FIMM32DLL <> 0) then begin FreeLibrary(FIMM32DLL); FIMM32DLL := 0; end; {$ENDIF} if (FCompositionBounds <> nil) then begin Finalize(FCompositionBounds); FCompositionBounds := nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; function TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetPrimaryLangID : word; begin Result := FInputLanguageID and $03FF; end; function TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetSubLangID : word; begin Result := (FInputLanguageID and $FC00) shr 10; end; function TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetInitialized : boolean; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFNDEF FPC} Result := (FIMM32DLL <> 0); {$ELSE} Result := True; {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} Result := False; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetCompositionInfo( imc : HIMC; aParam : LPARAM; var composition_text : ustring; var underlines : TCefCompositionUnderlineDynArray; var composition_start : integer); var TempTargetStart, TempTargetEnd, TempLen, i : integer; begin if (underlines <> nil) then begin Finalize(underlines, 0); underlines := nil; end; TempLen := length(composition_text); TempTargetStart := TempLen; TempTargetEnd := TempLen; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if ((aParam and GCS_COMPATTR) <> 0) then GetCompositionSelectionRange(imc, TempTargetStart, TempTargetEnd); if ((aParam and CS_NOMOVECARET) = 0) and ((aParam and GCS_CURSORPOS) <> 0) then composition_start := ImmGetCompositionString(imc, GCS_CURSORPOS, nil, 0) else composition_start := 0; if ((aParam and GCS_COMPCLAUSE) <> 0) then GetCompositionUnderlines(imc, TempTargetStart, TempTargetEnd, underlines); {$ENDIF} if (underlines = nil) or (length(underlines) = 0) then begin i := 0; if (TempTargetStart > 0) then inc(i); if (TempTargetEnd > TempTargetStart) then inc(i); if (TempTargetEnd < TempLen) then inc(i); if (i > 0) then begin SetLength(underlines, i); i := 0; if (TempTargetStart > 0) then begin underlines[i].color := DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_COLOR; underlines[i].background_color := DEFAULT_BLINK_BACKGROUND_COLOR; underlines[i].range.from := 0; underlines[i].range.to_ := TempTargetStart; underlines[i].thick := 0; underlines[i].style := DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_STYLE; inc(i); end; if (TempTargetEnd > TempTargetStart) then begin underlines[i].color := DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_COLOR; underlines[i].background_color := DEFAULT_BLINK_BACKGROUND_COLOR; underlines[i].range.from := TempTargetStart; underlines[i].range.to_ := TempTargetEnd; underlines[i].thick := 1; underlines[i].style := DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_STYLE; inc(i); end; if (TempTargetEnd < TempLen) then begin underlines[i].color := DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_COLOR; underlines[i].background_color := DEFAULT_BLINK_BACKGROUND_COLOR; underlines[i].range.from := TempTargetEnd; underlines[i].range.to_ := TempLen; underlines[i].thick := 0; underlines[i].style := DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_STYLE; end; end; end; end; function TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetString( imc : HIMC; aParam : WParam; aType : integer; var aResult : ustring) : boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempStringSize : integer; TempBuffer : PWideChar; {$ENDIF} begin Result := False; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if ((aParam and aType) = 0) then exit; TempStringSize := ImmGetCompositionStringW(imc, aType, nil, 0); if (TempStringSize <= 0) then exit; TempStringSize := TempStringSize + SizeOf(WideChar); TempBuffer := nil; try try GetMem(TempBuffer, TempStringSize); FillChar(TempBuffer^, TempStringSize, 0); ImmGetCompositionStringW(imc, aType, TempBuffer, TempStringSize); aResult := TempBuffer; Result := True; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetString', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempBuffer <> nil) then FreeMem(TempBuffer); end; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function TCEFOSRIMEHandler.IsSelectionAttribute(aAttribute : AnsiChar) : boolean; begin Result := (ord(aAttribute) = ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED) or (ord(aAttribute) = ATTR_TARGET_NOTCONVERTED); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetCompositionSelectionRange(imc : HIMC; var target_start, target_end : integer); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var i, TempStart, TempEnd, TempBufferLen : integer; TempBuffer : array of AnsiChar; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempBuffer := nil; try try TempBufferLen := ImmGetCompositionStringW(imc, GCS_COMPATTR, nil, 0); if (TempBufferLen > 0) then begin SetLength(TempBuffer, TempBufferLen); for i := 0 to pred(TempBufferLen) do TempBuffer[i] := #0; TempBufferLen := ImmGetCompositionStringW(imc, GCS_COMPATTR, @TempBuffer[0], TempBufferLen); TempStart := 0; while (TempStart < TempBufferLen) do if IsSelectionAttribute(TempBuffer[TempStart]) then break else inc(TempStart); TempEnd := TempStart; while (TempEnd < TempBufferLen) do if not(IsSelectionAttribute(TempBuffer[TempEnd])) then break else inc(TempEnd); target_start := TempStart; target_end := TempEnd; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetCompositionSelectionRange', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempBuffer <> nil) then begin Finalize(TempBuffer); TempBuffer := nil; end; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetCompositionUnderlines( imc : HIMC; target_start : integer; target_end : integer; var underlines : TCefCompositionUnderlineDynArray); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var i, j, TempSize : integer; TempUndLen : integer; TempLen : integer; TempBuffer : array of cardinal; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempBuffer := nil; try try TempSize := ImmGetCompositionStringW(imc, GCS_COMPCLAUSE, nil, 0); TempLen := TempSize div SizeOf(cardinal); if (TempLen > 0) then begin SetLength(TempBuffer, TempLen); for i := 0 to pred(TempLen) do TempBuffer[i] := 0; ImmGetCompositionStringW(imc, GCS_COMPCLAUSE, @TempBuffer[0], TempSize); if (underlines <> nil) then TempUndLen := length(underlines) else TempUndLen := 0; SetLength(underlines, TempUndLen + pred(TempSize)); i := 0; while (i < pred(TempLen)) do begin j := i + TempUndLen; underlines[j].range.from := TempBuffer[i]; underlines[j].range.to_ := TempBuffer[succ(i)]; underlines[j].color := DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_COLOR; underlines[j].background_color := DEFAULT_BLINK_BACKGROUND_COLOR; underlines[j].style := DEFAULT_BLINK_UNDERLINE_STYLE; if (underlines[j].range.from >= target_start) and (underlines[j].range.to_ <= target_end) then underlines[j].thick := 1 else underlines[j].thick := 0; inc(i); end; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetCompositionUnderlines', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempBuffer <> nil) then begin Finalize(TempBuffer); TempBuffer := nil; end; end; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.SetInputLanguage; var TempName : array[0..KL_NAMELENGTH] of char; TempLayout : string; i : integer; TempID : LANGID; begin TempID := KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US; try try for i := 0 to KL_NAMELENGTH do TempName[i] := #0; if GetKeyboardLayoutName(TempName) then begin TempLayout := trim(copy(TempName, KL_NAMELENGTH div 2, KL_NAMELENGTH)); if (length(TempLayout) > 0) then TempID := StrToInt('$' + TempLayout); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TCEFOSRIMEHandler.SetInputLanguage', e) then raise; end; finally FInputLanguageID := TempID; end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.CreateImeWindow; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if ((PrimaryLangID = LANG_CHINESE) or (PrimaryLangID = LANG_JAPANESE)) and not(FSystemCaret) and CreateCaret(FHWND, 0, 1, 1) then FSystemCaret := True; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.DestroyImeWindow; begin if FSystemCaret then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} DestroyCaret(); {$ENDIF} FSystemCaret := False; end; end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.CleanupComposition; var TempIMC : HIMC; begin if Initialized and FIsComposing then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempIMC := ImmGetContext(FHWND); if (TempIMC <> 0) then try ImmNotifyIME(TempIMC, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_COMPLETE, 0); finally ImmReleaseContext(FHWND, TempIMC); end; ResetComposition; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.ResetComposition; begin FIsComposing := False; FCursorIndex := -1; end; function TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetResult(aParam : LPARAM; var aResult : ustring) : boolean; var TempIMC : HIMC; begin Result := False; if not(Initialized) then exit; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempIMC := ImmGetContext(FHWND); if (TempIMC <> 0) then try Result := GetString(TempIMC, aParam, GCS_RESULTSTR, aResult); finally ImmReleaseContext(FHWND, TempIMC); end; {$ENDIF} end; function TCEFOSRIMEHandler.GetComposition( aParam : LPARAM; var composition_text : ustring; var underlines : TCefCompositionUnderlineDynArray; var composition_start : integer) : boolean; var TempIMC : HIMC; begin Result := False; if not(Initialized) then exit; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempIMC := ImmGetContext(FHWND); if (TempIMC <> 0) then try if GetString(TempIMC, aParam, GCS_COMPSTR, composition_text) then begin GetCompositionInfo(TempIMC, aParam, composition_text, underlines, composition_start); FIsComposing := True; Result := True; end; finally ImmReleaseContext(FHWND, TempIMC); end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.EnableIME; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if Initialized then begin {$IFDEF DELPHI22_UP} ImmAssociateContextEx(FHWND, 0, IACE_DEFAULT); {$ELSE} ImmAssociateContext(FHWND, 0); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.DisableIME; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if Initialized then begin CleanupComposition(); {$IFDEF DELPHI22_UP} ImmAssociateContextEx(FHWND, 0, 0); {$ELSE} ImmAssociateContext(FHWND, 0); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.CancelIME; var TempIMC : HIMC; begin if Initialized and FIsComposing then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempIMC := ImmGetContext(FHWND); if (TempIMC <> 0) then try ImmNotifyIME(TempIMC, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_CANCEL, 0); finally ImmReleaseContext(FHWND, TempIMC); end; ResetComposition; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.UpdateCaretPosition(index : integer); begin FCursorIndex := index; MoveImeWindow(); end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.ChangeCompositionRange(const selection_range : TCefRange; const character_bounds : TCefRectDynArray); var i : integer; begin FCompositionRange := selection_range; if (character_bounds <> nil) then begin SetLength(FCompositionBounds, length(character_bounds)); i := pred(length(character_bounds)); while (i >= 0) do begin FCompositionBounds[i] := character_bounds[i]; dec(i); end; end else begin Finalize(FCompositionBounds); FCompositionBounds := nil; end; MoveImeWindow(); end; procedure TCEFOSRIMEHandler.MoveImeWindow; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempRect : TCefRect; TempLocation : integer; TempIMC : HIMC; TempCandidatePos : TCandidateForm; TempCandidateExc : TCandidateForm; const CARET_MARGIN = 1; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if not(Initialized) and (GetFocus <> FHWND) then exit; TempRect := FIMERect; TempLocation := FCursorIndex; if (TempLocation = -1) then TempLocation := FCompositionRange.from; if (TempLocation >= FCompositionRange.from) then TempLocation := TempLocation - FCompositionRange.from; if (FCompositionBounds = nil) then exit else if (TempLocation >= 0) and (TempLocation < length(FCompositionBounds)) then TempRect := FCompositionBounds[TempLocation] else if (length(FCompositionBounds) > 0) then TempRect := FCompositionBounds[pred(length(FCompositionBounds))] else exit; TempIMC := ImmGetContext(FHWND); if (TempIMC <> 0) then try if (PrimaryLangID = LANG_CHINESE) then begin TempCandidatePos.dwIndex := 0; TempCandidatePos.dwStyle := CFS_CANDIDATEPOS; TempCandidatePos.ptCurrentPos.X := TempRect.x; TempCandidatePos.ptCurrentPos.Y := TempRect.y; TempCandidatePos.rcArea.Left := 0; TempCandidatePos.rcArea.Top := 0; TempCandidatePos.rcArea.Right := 0; TempCandidatePos.rcArea.Bottom := 0; ImmSetCandidateWindow(TempIMC, @TempCandidatePos); end; if FSystemCaret then case PrimaryLangID of LANG_JAPANESE : SetCaretPos(TempRect.x, TempRect.y + TempRect.height); else SetCaretPos(TempRect.x, TempRect.y); end; if (PrimaryLangID = LANG_KOREAN) then TempRect.y := TempRect.y + CARET_MARGIN; TempCandidateExc.dwIndex := 0; TempCandidateExc.dwStyle := CFS_EXCLUDE; TempCandidateExc.ptCurrentPos.X := TempRect.x; TempCandidateExc.ptCurrentPos.Y := TempRect.y; TempCandidateExc.rcArea.Left := TempRect.x; TempCandidateExc.rcArea.Top := TempRect.y; TempCandidateExc.rcArea.Right := TempRect.x + TempRect.width; TempCandidateExc.rcArea.Bottom := TempRect.y + TempRect.height; ImmSetCandidateWindow(TempIMC, @TempCandidateExc); finally ImmReleaseContext(FHWND, TempIMC); end; {$ENDIF} end; end.