// ************************************************************************ // ***************************** CEF4Delphi ******************************* // ************************************************************************ // // CEF4Delphi is based on DCEF3 which uses CEF to embed a chromium-based // browser in Delphi applications. // // The original license of DCEF3 still applies to CEF4Delphi. // // For more information about CEF4Delphi visit : // https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?lang=en&pageid=cef // // Copyright © 2019 Salvador Diaz Fau. All rights reserved. // // ************************************************************************ // ************ vvvv Original license and comments below vvvv ************* // ************************************************************************ (* * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3 * * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1 * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded * * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute * this source code without explicit permission. * *) unit uCEFApplication; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE OBJFPC}{$H+} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF CPUX64}{$ALIGN ON}{$ENDIF} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} {$I cef.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} WinApi.Windows, WinApi.ActiveX,{$IFNDEF FMX} Vcl.Forms,{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} System.Classes, System.UITypes, {$ELSE} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}Windows, Forms, ActiveX,{$ENDIF} Classes, Controls, {$IFDEF FPC}dynlibs,{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} uCEFApplicationCore, uCEFTypes; const CEF_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAJOR = uCefApplicationCore.CEF_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAJOR; CEF_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR = uCefApplicationCore.CEF_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR; CEF_SUPPORTED_VERSION_RELEASE = uCefApplicationCore.CEF_SUPPORTED_VERSION_RELEASE; CEF_SUPPORTED_VERSION_BUILD = uCefApplicationCore.CEF_SUPPORTED_VERSION_BUILD; CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_MAJOR = uCefApplicationCore.CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_MAJOR; CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_MINOR = uCefApplicationCore.CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_MINOR; CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_RELEASE = uCefApplicationCore.CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_RELEASE; CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_BUILD = uCefApplicationCore.CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_BUILD; LIBCEF_DLL = uCefApplicationCore.LIBCEF_DLL; CHROMEELF_DLL = uCefApplicationCore.CHROMEELF_DLL; type TCefApplication = class(TCefApplicationCore) protected FDestroyApplicationObject : boolean; FDestroyAppWindows : boolean; procedure BeforeInitSubProcess; override; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property DestroyApplicationObject: boolean read FDestroyApplicationObject write FDestroyApplicationObject; property DestroyAppWindows : boolean read FDestroyAppWindows write FDestroyAppWindows; end; TCEFDirectoryDeleterThread = uCEFApplicationCore.TCEFDirectoryDeleterThread; var GlobalCEFApp : TCefApplication = nil; function CefCursorToWindowsCursor(aCefCursor : TCefCursorType) : TCursor; procedure DestroyGlobalCEFApp; // ********************************************************* // ********************** ATTENTION ! ********************** // ********************************************************* // ** ** // ** MANY OF THE EVENTS IN CEF4DELPHI COMPONENTS LIKE ** // ** TCHROMIUM, TFMXCHROMIUM OR TCEFAPPLICATION ARE ** // ** EXECUTED IN A CEF THREAD BY DEFAULT. ** // ** ** // ** WINDOWS CONTROLS MUST BE CREATED AND DESTROYED IN ** // ** THE SAME THREAD TO AVOID ERRORS. ** // ** SOME OF THEM RECREATE THE HANDLERS IF THEY ARE ** // ** MODIFIED AND CAN CAUSE THE SAME ERRORS. ** // ** ** // ** DON'T CREATE, MODIFY OR DESTROY WINDOWS CONTROLS ** // ** INSIDE THE CEF4DELPHI EVENTS AND USE ** // ** SYNCHRONIZATION OBJECTS TO PROTECT VARIABLES AND ** // ** FIELDS IF THEY ARE ALSO USED IN THE MAIN THREAD. ** // ** ** // ** READ THIS FOR MORE INFORMATION : ** // ** https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?pageid=cef ** // ** ** // ** USE OUR FORUMS FOR MORE QUESTIONS : ** // ** https://www.briskbard.com/forum/ ** // ** ** // ********************************************************* // ********************************************************* implementation uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} System.Math, System.IOUtils, System.SysUtils, {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}WinApi.TlHelp32, WinApi.PSAPI,{$ENDIF} {$ELSE} Math, {$IFDEF DELPHI14_UP}IOUtils,{$ENDIF} SysUtils, {$IFDEF FPC} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}jwatlhelp32, jwapsapi,{$ENDIF} {$ELSE} TlHelp32, {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}PSAPI,{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} uCEFConstants; function CefCursorToWindowsCursor(aCefCursor : TCefCursorType) : TCursor; begin case aCefCursor of CT_POINTER : Result := crArrow; CT_CROSS : Result := crCross; CT_HAND : Result := crHandPoint; CT_IBEAM : Result := crIBeam; CT_WAIT : Result := crHourGlass; CT_HELP : Result := crHelp; CT_EASTRESIZE : Result := crSizeWE; CT_NORTHRESIZE : Result := crSizeNS; CT_NORTHEASTRESIZE : Result := crSizeNESW; CT_NORTHWESTRESIZE : Result := crSizeNWSE; CT_SOUTHRESIZE : Result := crSizeNS; CT_SOUTHEASTRESIZE : Result := crSizeNWSE; CT_SOUTHWESTRESIZE : Result := crSizeNESW; CT_WESTRESIZE : Result := crSizeWE; CT_NORTHSOUTHRESIZE : Result := crSizeNS; CT_EASTWESTRESIZE : Result := crSizeWE; CT_NORTHEASTSOUTHWESTRESIZE : Result := crSizeNESW; CT_NORTHWESTSOUTHEASTRESIZE : Result := crSizeNWSE; CT_COLUMNRESIZE : Result := crHSplit; CT_ROWRESIZE : Result := crVSplit; CT_MOVE : Result := crSizeAll; CT_PROGRESS : Result := crAppStart; CT_NONE : Result := crNone; CT_NODROP, CT_NOTALLOWED : Result := crNo; CT_GRAB, CT_GRABBING : Result := crDrag; else Result := crDefault; end; end; procedure DestroyGlobalCEFApp; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) then FreeAndNil(GlobalCEFApp); end; constructor TCefApplication.Create; begin inherited Create; if GlobalCEFApp = nil then GlobalCEFApp := Self; FDestroyApplicationObject := False; FDestroyAppWindows := True; end; destructor TCefApplication.Destroy; begin if GlobalCEFApp = Self then GlobalCEFApp := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TCefApplication.BeforeInitSubProcess; {$IFNDEF FPC} {$IFNDEF FMX} var AppDestroy: procedure(Obj: TApplication; ReleaseMemoryFlag: Byte); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF FPC} {$IFNDEF FMX} if Application <> nil then begin if FDestroyApplicationObject then begin // Call the destructor in "inherited Destroy" mode. This makes it possible to undo // all the code that TApplication.Create did without actually releasing the Application // object so that TControl.Destroy and DoneApplication dont't crash. // // Undoing also includes destroying the "AppWindows" and calling OleUninitialize what // allows CEF to initialize the COM thread model the way it is required in the // sub-processes (debug assertion). AppDestroy := @TApplication.Destroy; AppDestroy(Application, 0); // Set all sub-objects to nil (we destroyed them already). This prevents the second // TApplication.Destroy call in DoneApplication from trying to release already released // objects. TApplication.InitInstance(Application); end else begin if FDestroyAppWindows then begin // This is the fix for the issue #139 // https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi/issues/139 // Subprocesses will never use these window handles but TApplication creates them // before executing the code in the DPR file. Any other application trying to // initiate a DDE conversation will use SendMessage or SendMessageTimeout to // broadcast the WM_DDE_INITIATE to all top-level windows. The subprocesses never // call Application.Run so the SendMessage freezes the other applications. if (Application.Handle <> 0) then DestroyWindow(Application.Handle); {$IFDEF DELPHI9_UP} if (Application.PopupControlWnd <> 0) then DeallocateHWnd(Application.PopupControlWnd); {$ENDIF} end; if not IsLibrary then begin // Undo the OleInitialize from TApplication.Create. The sub-processes want a different // COM thread model and fail with an assertion if the Debug-DLLs are used. OleUninitialize; end; end; end; {$ELSE} // FMX {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} // Undo the OleInitialize from FMX.Platform.Win::initialization. The sub-processes want a different // COM thread model and fail with an assertion if the Debug-DLLs are used. OleUninitialize; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; end.