// ************************************************************************ // ***************************** CEF4Delphi ******************************* // ************************************************************************ // // CEF4Delphi is based on DCEF3 which uses CEF3 to embed a chromium-based // browser in Delphi applications. // // The original license of DCEF3 still applies to CEF4Delphi. // // For more information about CEF4Delphi visit : // https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?lang=en&pageid=cef // // Copyright © 2018 Salvador Díaz Fau. All rights reserved. // // ************************************************************************ // ************ vvvv Original license and comments below vvvv ************* // ************************************************************************ (* * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3 * * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1 * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded * * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute * this source code without explicit permission. * *) unit uCEFServerComponent; {$IFNDEF CPUX64} {$ALIGN ON} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} {$ENDIF} {$I cef.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} WinApi.Windows, WinApi.Messages, System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Forms, WinApi.ActiveX, System.Math, {$ELSE} Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, Graphics, Forms, ActiveX, Math, {$ENDIF} uCEFTypes, uCEFInterfaces, uCEFServer, uCEFServerEvents, uCEFServerHandler; const DEFAULT_CEFSERVER_ADDRESS = ''; DEFAULT_CEFSERVER_PORT = 8099; DEFAULT_CEFSERVER_BACKLOG = 10; type TCEFServerComponent = class(TComponent, IServerEvents) protected FHandler : ICefServerHandler; FServer : ICefServer; FInitialized : boolean; // IServerEvents FOnServerCreated : TOnServerCreated; FOnServerDestroyed : TOnServerDestroyed; FOnClientConnected : TOnClientConnected; FOnClientDisconnected : TOnClientDisconnected; FOnHttpRequest : TOnHttpRequest; FOnWebSocketRequest : TOnWebSocketRequest; FOnWebSocketConnected : TOnWebSocketConnected; FOnWebSocketMessage : TOnWebSocketMessage; function GetInitialized : boolean; function GetIsRunning : boolean; function GetAddress : ustring; function GetHasConnection : boolean; // IServerEvents procedure doOnServerCreated(const server: ICefServer); virtual; procedure doOnServerDestroyed(const server: ICefServer); virtual; procedure doOnClientConnected(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer); virtual; procedure doOnClientDisconnected(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer); virtual; procedure doOnHttpRequest(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer; const client_address: ustring; const request: ICefRequest); virtual; procedure doOnWebSocketRequest(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer; const client_address: ustring; const request: ICefRequest; const callback: ICefCallback); virtual; procedure doOnWebSocketConnected(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer); virtual; procedure doOnWebSocketMessage(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer; const data: Pointer; data_size: NativeUInt); virtual; procedure InitializeEvents; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure CreateServer(const address : ustring = DEFAULT_CEFSERVER_ADDRESS; port : uint16 = DEFAULT_CEFSERVER_PORT; backlog : Integer = DEFAULT_CEFSERVER_BACKLOG); procedure Shutdown; function IsValidConnection(connection_id: Integer) : boolean; procedure SendHttp200response(connection_id: Integer; const content_type: ustring; const data: Pointer; data_size: NativeUInt); procedure SendHttp404response(connection_id: Integer); procedure SendHttp500response(connection_id: Integer; const error_message: ustring); procedure SendHttpResponse(connection_id, response_code: Integer; const content_type: ustring; content_length: int64; const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap); procedure SendRawData(connection_id: Integer; const data: Pointer; data_size: NativeUInt); procedure CloseConnection(connection_id: Integer); procedure SendWebSocketMessage(connection_id: Integer; const data: Pointer; data_size: NativeUInt); property Initialized : boolean read GetInitialized; property IsRunning : boolean read GetIsRunning; property Address : ustring read GetAddress; property HasConnection : boolean read GetHasConnection; published property OnServerCreated : TOnServerCreated read FOnServerCreated write FOnServerCreated; property OnServerDestroyed : TOnServerDestroyed read FOnServerDestroyed write FOnServerDestroyed; property OnClientConnected : TOnClientConnected read FOnClientConnected write FOnClientConnected; property OnClientDisconnected : TOnClientDisconnected read FOnClientDisconnected write FOnClientDisconnected; property OnHttpRequest : TOnHttpRequest read FOnHttpRequest write FOnHttpRequest; property OnWebSocketRequest : TOnWebSocketRequest read FOnWebSocketRequest write FOnWebSocketRequest; property OnWebSocketConnected : TOnWebSocketConnected read FOnWebSocketConnected write FOnWebSocketConnected; property OnWebSocketMessage : TOnWebSocketMessage read FOnWebSocketMessage write FOnWebSocketMessage; end; implementation uses uCEFLibFunctions, uCEFApplication, uCEFMiscFunctions; // For more information about the TCEFServerComponent properties and functions // read the code comments in the CEF3 source file /include/capi/cef_server_cap.h constructor TCEFServerComponent.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); FHandler := nil; FServer := nil; FInitialized := False; InitializeEvents; end; destructor TCEFServerComponent.Destroy; begin FServer := nil; FHandler := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.InitializeEvents; begin FOnServerCreated := nil; FOnServerDestroyed := nil; FOnClientConnected := nil; FOnClientDisconnected := nil; FOnHttpRequest := nil; FOnWebSocketRequest := nil; FOnWebSocketConnected := nil; FOnWebSocketMessage := nil; end; function TCEFServerComponent.GetInitialized : boolean; begin Result := FInitialized and (FHandler <> nil) and (FServer <> nil); end; function TCEFServerComponent.GetIsRunning : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FServer.IsRunning; end; function TCEFServerComponent.GetAddress : ustring; begin if Initialized then Result := FServer.GetAddress else Result := ''; end; function TCEFServerComponent.GetHasConnection : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FServer.HasConnection; end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.doOnServerCreated(const server: ICefServer); begin if (FServer = nil) and (server <> nil) and server.IsRunning and not(server.HasConnection) then begin FServer := server; FInitialized := True; end; if assigned(FOnServerCreated) then FOnServerCreated(self, server); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.doOnServerDestroyed(const server: ICefServer); begin if assigned(FOnServerDestroyed) then FOnServerDestroyed(self, server); FServer := nil; FInitialized := False; end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.doOnClientConnected(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer); begin if assigned(FOnClientConnected) then FOnClientConnected(self, server, connection_id); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.doOnClientDisconnected(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer); begin if assigned(FOnClientDisconnected) then FOnClientDisconnected(self, server, connection_id); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.doOnHttpRequest(const server : ICefServer; connection_id : Integer; const client_address : ustring; const request : ICefRequest); begin if assigned(FOnHttpRequest) then FOnHttpRequest(self, server, connection_id, client_address, request); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.doOnWebSocketRequest(const server : ICefServer; connection_id : Integer; const client_address : ustring; const request : ICefRequest; const callback : ICefCallback); begin if assigned(FOnWebSocketRequest) then FOnWebSocketRequest(self, server, connection_id, client_address, request, callback); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.doOnWebSocketConnected(const server: ICefServer; connection_id: Integer); begin if assigned(FOnWebSocketConnected) then FOnWebSocketConnected(self, server, connection_id); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.doOnWebSocketMessage(const server : ICefServer; connection_id : Integer; const data : Pointer; data_size : NativeUInt); begin if assigned(FOnWebSocketMessage) then FOnWebSocketMessage(self, server, connection_id, data, data_size); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.CreateServer(const address : ustring; port : uint16; backlog : Integer); const CEFSERVER_MIN_PORT = 1025; CEFSERVER_MAX_PORT = 65535; var TempAddress : TCefString; TempPort : integer; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and (GlobalCEFApp.Status = asInitialized) and not(Initialized) and (length(address) > 0) then begin if (FHandler = nil) then FHandler := TCustomServerHandler.Create(self); TempPort := max(CEFSERVER_MIN_PORT, min(CEFSERVER_MAX_PORT, port)); TempAddress := CefString(address); cef_server_create(@TempAddress, TempPort, backlog, FHandler.Wrap); end; end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.Shutdown; begin if Initialized then FServer.shutdown; end; function TCEFServerComponent.IsValidConnection(connection_id: Integer) : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FServer.IsValidConnection(connection_id); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.SendHttp200response(connection_id : Integer; const content_type : ustring; const data : Pointer; data_size : NativeUInt); begin if Initialized then FServer.SendHttp200response(connection_id, content_type, data, data_size); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.SendHttp404response(connection_id: Integer); begin if Initialized then FServer.SendHttp404response(connection_id); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.SendHttp500response(connection_id: Integer; const error_message: ustring); begin if Initialized then FServer.SendHttp500response(connection_id, error_message); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.SendHttpResponse(connection_id : Integer; response_code : Integer; const content_type : ustring; content_length : int64; const headerMap : ICefStringMultimap); begin if Initialized then FServer.SendHttpResponse(connection_id, response_code, content_type, content_length, headerMap); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.SendRawData(connection_id: Integer; const data: Pointer; data_size: NativeUInt); begin if Initialized then FServer.SendRawData(connection_id, data, data_size); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.CloseConnection(connection_id: Integer); begin if Initialized then FServer.CloseConnection(connection_id); end; procedure TCEFServerComponent.SendWebSocketMessage(connection_id: Integer; const data: Pointer; data_size: NativeUInt); begin if Initialized then FServer.SendWebSocketMessage(connection_id, data, data_size); end; end.