// ************************************************************************ // ***************************** CEF4Delphi ******************************* // ************************************************************************ // // CEF4Delphi is based on DCEF3 which uses CEF3 to embed a chromium-based // browser in Delphi applications. // // The original license of DCEF3 still applies to CEF4Delphi. // // For more information about CEF4Delphi visit : // https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?lang=en&pageid=cef // // Copyright © 2017 Salvador Díaz Fau. All rights reserved. // // ************************************************************************ // ************ vvvv Original license and comments below vvvv ************* // ************************************************************************ (* * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3 * * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1 * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded * * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute * this source code without explicit permission. * *) program MiniBrowser; {$I cef.inc} uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} Vcl.Forms, {$ELSE} Forms, {$ENDIF } uCEFApplication, uCEFMiscFunctions, uCEFSchemeRegistrar, uCEFRenderProcessHandler, uCEFv8Handler, uCEFInterfaces, uCEFDomVisitor, uCEFConstants, uCEFTypes, uCEFTask, uMiniBrowser in 'uMiniBrowser.pas' {MiniBrowserFrm}, uTestExtension in 'uTestExtension.pas', uHelloScheme in 'uHelloScheme.pas', uPreferences in 'uPreferences.pas' {PreferencesFrm}; {$R *.res} var TempProcessHandler : TCefCustomRenderProcessHandler; procedure DOMVisitor_OnDocAvailable(const document: ICefDomDocument); begin // This function is called from a different process. // document is only valid inside this function. // As an example, this function only writes the document title to the 'debug.log' file. CefLog('CEF4Delphi', 1, CEF_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR, 'document.Title : ' + document.Title); end; procedure ProcessHandler_OnCustomMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; TempVisitor : TCefFastDomVisitor; begin if (browser <> nil) then begin TempFrame := browser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) then begin TempVisitor := TCefFastDomVisitor.Create(DOMVisitor_OnDocAvailable); TempFrame.VisitDom(TempVisitor); end; end; end; procedure ProcessHandler_OnWebKitReady; begin {$IFDEF DELPHI14_UP} TCefRTTIExtension.Register('app', TTestExtension); {$ENDIF} end; procedure GlobalCEFApp_OnRegCustomSchemes(const registrar: TCefSchemeRegistrarRef); begin registrar.AddCustomScheme('hello', True, True, False, False, False); end; begin TempProcessHandler := TCefCustomRenderProcessHandler.Create; TempProcessHandler.MessageName := 'retrievedom'; // same message name than TMiniBrowserFrm.VisitDOMMsg TempProcessHandler.OnCustomMessage := ProcessHandler_OnCustomMessage; TempProcessHandler.OnWebKitReady := ProcessHandler_OnWebKitReady; GlobalCEFApp := TCefApplication.Create; GlobalCEFApp.RemoteDebuggingPort := 9000; GlobalCEFApp.RenderProcessHandler := TempProcessHandler as ICefRenderProcessHandler; GlobalCEFApp.OnRegCustomSchemes := GlobalCEFApp_OnRegCustomSchemes; GlobalCEFApp.LogFile := 'debug.log'; GlobalCEFApp.LogSeverity := LOGSEVERITY_ERROR; // Examples of command line switches. // ********************************** // // Uncomment the following line to see an FPS counter in the browser. //GlobalCEFApp.AddCustomCommandLine('--show-fps-counter'); // // Uncomment the following line to change the user agent string. //GlobalCEFApp.AddCustomCommandLine('--user-agent', 'MiniBrowser'); if GlobalCEFApp.StartMainProcess then begin CefRegisterSchemeHandlerFactory('hello', '', THelloScheme); Application.Initialize; Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Application.CreateForm(TMiniBrowserFrm, MiniBrowserFrm); Application.CreateForm(TPreferencesFrm, PreferencesFrm); Application.Run; end; GlobalCEFApp.Free; end.