unit uCEFMiscFunctions; {$I cef.inc} {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE OBJFPC}{$H+} {$IFDEF MACOSX} {$ModeSwitch objectivec1} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF TARGET_64BITS}{$ALIGN ON}{$ENDIF} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} {$IFNDEF FPC}{$IFNDEF DELPHI12_UP} // Workaround for "Internal error" in old Delphi versions caused by uint64 handling {$R-} {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} interface uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} WinApi.Windows, WinApi.ActiveX, Winapi.ShellApi, System.Win.Registry, {$ELSE} {$IFDEF MACOSX}Macapi.Foundation, FMX.Helpers.Mac, Macapi.AppKit,{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FMX}FMX.Types, FMX.Platform,{$ENDIF} System.Types, System.IOUtils, System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.UITypes, System.Math, {$ELSE} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}Windows, ActiveX, ShellApi, Registry,{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI14_UP}Types, IOUtils,{$ENDIF} Classes, SysUtils, Math, {$IFDEF FPC}LCLType, LazFileUtils,{$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS}InterfaceBase, Forms,{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX}{$IFDEF FPC} ctypes, keysym, xf86keysym, x, xlib, {$IFDEF LCLGTK2}gtk2, glib2, gdk2, gtk2proc, gtk2int, Gtk2Def, gdk2x, Gtk2Extra,{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LCLGTK3}LazGdk3, LazGtk3, LazGLib2, gtk3widgets,{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} uCEFTypes, uCEFInterfaces, uCEFLibFunctions, uCEFResourceHandler, {$IFDEF LINUX}{$IFDEF FPC}uCEFLinuxFunctions,{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} uCEFConstants; const Kernel32DLL = 'kernel32.dll'; SHLWAPIDLL = 'shlwapi.dll'; NTDLL = 'ntdll.dll'; User32DLL = 'User32.dll'; Netapi32DLL = 'Netapi32.dll'; /// Return the alpha byte from a cef_color_t value. function CefColorGetA(color: TCefColor): Byte; /// Return the red byte from a cef_color_t value. function CefColorGetR(color: TCefColor): byte; /// Return the green byte from a cef_color_t value. function CefColorGetG(color: TCefColor): Byte; /// Return the blue byte from a cef_color_t value. function CefColorGetB(color: TCefColor): Byte; /// Return an cef_color_t value with the specified byte component values. function CefColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b: Byte): TCefColor; /// Return an int64_t value with the specified low and high int32_t component values. function CefInt64Set(int32_low, int32_high: Integer): Int64; /// Return the low int32_t value from an int64_t value. function CefInt64GetLow(const int64_val: Int64): Integer; /// Return the high int32_t value from an int64_t value. function CefInt64GetHigh(const int64_val: Int64): Integer; function CefGetObject(ptr: Pointer): TObject; {$IFNDEF CEF4DELHI_ALLOC_DEBUG}{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} function CefGetData(const i: ICefBaseRefCounted): Pointer; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function CefStringAlloc(const str: ustring): TCefString; function CefStringClearAndGet(str: PCefString): ustring; function CefString(const str: ustring): TCefString; overload; function CefString(const str: PCefString): ustring; overload; function CefUserFreeString(const str: ustring): PCefStringUserFree; procedure CefStringFree(const str: PCefString); function CefStringFreeAndGet(const str: PCefStringUserFree): ustring; procedure CefStringSet(const str: PCefString; const value: ustring); procedure CefStringInitialize(const aCefString : PCefString); {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} function CefRegisterExtension(const name, code: ustring; const Handler: ICefv8Handler): Boolean; function CefPostTask(aThreadId : TCefThreadId; const aTask: ICefTask) : boolean; function CefPostDelayedTask(aThreadId : TCefThreadId; const aTask : ICefTask; aDelayMs : Int64) : boolean; function CefCurrentlyOn(aThreadId : TCefThreadId) : boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function CefTimeToSystemTime(const dt: TCefTime): TSystemTime; function SystemTimeToCefTime(const dt: TSystemTime): TCefTime; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF LINUX} {$IFDEF FPC} function CefTimeToSystemTime(const dt: TCefTime): TSystemTime; function SystemTimeToCefTime(const dt: TSystemTime): TCefTime; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function FixCefTime(const dt : TCefTime): TCefTime; function CefTimeToDateTime(const dt: TCefTime): TDateTime; function DateTimeToCefTime(dt: TDateTime): TCefTime; function DateTimeToCefBaseTime(dt: TDateTime): TCefBaseTime; function CefTimeToDouble(const dt: TCefTime): double; function DoubleToCefTime(const dt: double): TCefTime; function CefTimeToUnixTime(const dt: TCefTime): int64; function UnixTimeToCefTime(const dt: int64): TCefTime; function CefTimeNow: TCefTime; function DoubleTimeNow: double; function CefTimeDelta(const cef_time1, cef_time2: TCefTime): int64; function CefBaseTimeNow: TCefBaseTime; function CetTimeToCefBaseTime(const ct: TCefTime) : TCefBaseTime; function CetTimeFromCefBaseTime(const cbt: TCefBaseTime) : TCefTime; function CefBaseTimeToDateTime(const cbt: TCefBaseTime) : TDateTime; function GetTimeIntervalMilliseconds(const from_: TCefTime): integer; procedure InitializeCefTime(var aTime : TCefTime); function cef_string_wide_copy(const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer; function cef_string_utf8_copy(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8): Integer; function cef_string_utf16_copy(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; function cef_string_copy(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure WindowInfoAsChild(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; aRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring = ''; aExStyle : DWORD = 0); procedure WindowInfoAsPopUp(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring = ''; aExStyle : DWORD = 0); procedure WindowInfoAsWindowless(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring = ''; aExStyle : DWORD = 0); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOSX} procedure WindowInfoAsChild(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; aRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring = ''; aHidden : boolean = False); procedure WindowInfoAsPopUp(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring = ''; aHidden : boolean = False); procedure WindowInfoAsWindowless(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring = ''; aHidden : boolean = False); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} procedure WindowInfoAsChild(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; aRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring = ''); procedure WindowInfoAsPopUp(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring = ''); procedure WindowInfoAsWindowless(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring = ''); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function ProcessUnderWow64(hProcess: THandle; Wow64Process: PBOOL): BOOL; stdcall; external Kernel32DLL name 'IsWow64Process'; function PathIsRelativeAnsi(pszPath: LPCSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external SHLWAPIDLL name 'PathIsRelativeA'; function PathIsRelativeUnicode(pszPath: LPCWSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external SHLWAPIDLL name 'PathIsRelativeW'; function GetGlobalMemoryStatusEx(lpBuffer: LPMEMORYSTATUSEX): BOOL; stdcall; external Kernel32DLL name 'GlobalMemoryStatusEx'; function PathCanonicalizeAnsi(pszBuf: LPSTR; pszPath: LPCSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external SHLWAPIDLL name 'PathCanonicalizeA'; function PathCanonicalizeUnicode(pszBuf: LPWSTR; pszPath: LPCWSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external SHLWAPIDLL name 'PathCanonicalizeW'; function PathIsUNCAnsi(pszPath: LPCSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external SHLWAPIDLL name 'PathIsUNCA'; function PathIsUNCUnicode(pszPath: LPCWSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external SHLWAPIDLL name 'PathIsUNCW'; function PathIsURLAnsi(pszPath: LPCSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external SHLWAPIDLL name 'PathIsURLA'; function PathIsURLUnicode(pszPath: LPCWSTR): BOOL; stdcall; external SHLWAPIDLL name 'PathIsURLW'; function ShutdownBlockReasonCreate(hWnd: HWND; Reason: LPCWSTR): Bool; stdcall; external User32DLL; function ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy(hWnd: HWND): Bool; stdcall; external User32DLL; function NetServerGetInfo(servername: LPWSTR; level: DWORD; out bufptr: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall; external Netapi32DLL; function NetApiBufferFree(Buffer: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall; external Netapi32DLL; {$IFNDEF DELPHI12_UP} const GWLP_WNDPROC = GWL_WNDPROC; GWLP_HWNDPARENT = GWL_HWNDPARENT; {$IFDEF WIN64} function SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd: HWND; nIndex: Integer; dwNewLong: int64): int64; stdcall; external user32 name 'SetWindowLongPtrW'; {$ELSE} function SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd: HWND; nIndex: Integer; dwNewLong: LongInt): LongInt; stdcall; external user32 name 'SetWindowLongW'; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function CustomPathIsRelative(const aPath : string) : boolean; function CustomPathCanonicalize(const aOriginalPath : string; var aCanonicalPath : string) : boolean; function CustomAbsolutePath(const aPath : string; aMustExist : boolean = False) : string; function CustomPathIsURL(const aPath : string) : boolean; function CustomPathIsUNC(const aPath : string) : boolean; function GetModulePath : string; function CefIsCertStatusError(Status : TCefCertStatus) : boolean; function CefCrashReportingEnabled : boolean; procedure CefSetCrashKeyValue(const aKey, aValue : ustring); /// /// Add a log message. See the LogSeverity defines for supported |severity| /// values. /// procedure CefLog(const aFile : string; aLine, aSeverity : integer; const aMessage : string); procedure CefDebugLog(const aMessage : string; aSeverity : integer = CEF_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR); procedure CefKeyEventLog(const aEvent : TCefKeyEvent); procedure CefMouseEventLog(const aEvent : TCefMouseEvent); procedure OutputDebugMessage(const aMessage : string); function CustomExceptionHandler(const aFunctionName : string; const aException : exception) : boolean; function CefRegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(const SchemeName, DomainName : ustring; const handler: TCefResourceHandlerClass = nil): Boolean; function CefClearSchemeHandlerFactories : boolean; function CefAddCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(const SourceOrigin, TargetProtocol, TargetDomain: ustring; AllowTargetSubdomains: Boolean): Boolean; function CefRemoveCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(const SourceOrigin, TargetProtocol, TargetDomain: ustring; AllowTargetSubdomains: Boolean): Boolean; function CefClearCrossOriginWhitelist: Boolean; procedure UInt64ToFileVersionInfo(const aVersion : uint64; var aVersionInfo : TFileVersionInfo); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetExtendedFileVersion(const aFileName : ustring) : uint64; function GetDLLVersion(const aDLLFile : ustring; var aVersionInfo : TFileVersionInfo) : boolean; procedure OutputLastErrorMessage; function GetRegistryWindowsVersion(var aMajor, aMinor: cardinal) : boolean; function GetRealWindowsVersion(var aMajor, aMinor: cardinal) : boolean; function CheckRealWindowsVersion(aMajor, aMinor: cardinal) : boolean; {$ENDIF} function SplitLongString(aSrcString : string) : string; function GetAbsoluteDirPath(const aSrcPath : string; var aRsltPath : string) : boolean; function CheckSubprocessPath(const aSubprocessPath : string; var aMissingFiles : string) : boolean; function CheckLocales(const aLocalesDirPath : string; var aMissingFiles : string; const aLocalesRequired : string = '') : boolean; function CheckResources(const aResourcesDirPath : string; var aMissingFiles : string) : boolean; function CheckDLLs(const aFrameworkDirPath : string; var aMissingFiles : string) : boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function CheckDLLVersion(const aDLLFile : ustring; aMajor, aMinor, aRelease, aBuild : uint16) : boolean; function GetDLLHeaderMachine(const aDLLFile : ustring; var aMachine : integer) : boolean; {$ENDIF} function GetFileTypeDescription(const aExtension : ustring) : ustring; function FileVersionInfoToString(const aVersionInfo : TFileVersionInfo) : string; function CheckFilesExist(var aList : TStringList; var aMissingFiles : string) : boolean; function Is32BitProcess : boolean; function CefResolveUrl(const base_url, relative_url: ustring): ustring; function CefParseUrl(const url: ustring; var parts: TUrlParts): Boolean; function CefCreateUrl(var parts: TUrlParts): ustring; function CefFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(const originUrl: string): string; function CefGetMimeType(const extension: ustring): ustring; procedure CefGetExtensionsForMimeType(const mimeType: ustring; var extensions: TStringList); function CefBase64Encode(const data: Pointer; dataSize: NativeUInt): ustring; function CefBase64Decode(const data: ustring): ICefBinaryValue; function CefUriEncode(const text: ustring; usePlus: Boolean): ustring; function CefUriDecode(const text: ustring; convertToUtf8: Boolean; unescapeRule: TCefUriUnescapeRule): ustring; function CefGetPath(const aPathKey : TCefPathKey) : ustring; function CefIsRTL : boolean; function CefCreateDirectory(const fullPath: ustring): Boolean; function CefGetTempDirectory(out tempDir: ustring): Boolean; function CefCreateNewTempDirectory(const prefix: ustring; out newTempPath: ustring): Boolean; function CefCreateTempDirectoryInDirectory(const baseDir, prefix: ustring; out newDir: ustring): Boolean; function CefDirectoryExists(const path: ustring): Boolean; function CefDeleteFile(const path: ustring; recursive: Boolean): Boolean; function CefZipDirectory(const srcDir, destFile: ustring; includeHiddenFiles: Boolean): Boolean; procedure CefLoadCRLSetsFile(const path : ustring); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function CefIsKeyDown(aWparam : WPARAM) : boolean; function CefIsKeyToggled(aWparam : WPARAM) : boolean; function GetCefMouseModifiers : TCefEventFlags; overload; function GetCefMouseModifiers(awparam : WPARAM) : TCefEventFlags; overload; function GetCefKeyboardModifiers(aWparam : WPARAM; aLparam : LPARAM) : TCefEventFlags; procedure CefCheckAltGrPressed(aWparam : WPARAM; var aEvent : TCefKeyEvent); procedure DropEffectToDragOperation(aEffect : Longint; var aAllowedOps : TCefDragOperations); procedure DragOperationToDropEffect(const aDragOperations : TCefDragOperations; var aEffect: Longint); function GetWindowsMajorMinorVersion(var wMajorVersion, wMinorVersion : DWORD) : boolean; function RunningWindows10OrNewer : boolean; function GetDPIForHandle(aHandle : HWND; var aDPI : UINT) : boolean; function GetDefaultCEFUserAgent : string; {$IFDEF DELPHI14_UP} function TouchPointToPoint(aHandle : HWND; const TouchPoint: TTouchInput): TPoint; function GetDigitizerStatus(var aDigitizerStatus : TDigitizerStatus; aDPI : cardinal = 0) : boolean; function HasTouchOrPen(aDPI : cardinal = 0) : boolean; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function DeviceToLogical(aValue : integer; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double) : integer; overload; function DeviceToLogical(aValue : single; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double) : single; overload; procedure DeviceToLogical(var aEvent : TCEFMouseEvent; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double); overload; procedure DeviceToLogical(var aEvent : TCefTouchEvent; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double); overload; procedure DeviceToLogical(var aPoint : TPoint; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double); overload; function LogicalToDevice(aValue : integer; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double) : integer; overload; procedure LogicalToDevice(var aRect : TCEFRect; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double); overload; function GetScreenDPI : integer; function GetDeviceScaleFactor : single; function DeleteDirContents(const aDirectory : string; const aExcludeFiles : TStringList = nil) : boolean; function DeleteFileList(const aFileList : TStringList) : boolean; function MoveFileList(const aFileList : TStringList; const aSrcDirectory, aDstDirectory : string) : boolean; function CefGetDataURI(const aString, aMimeType : ustring) : ustring; overload; function CefGetDataURI(aData : pointer; aSize : integer; const aMimeType : ustring; const aCharset : ustring = '') : ustring; overload; function ValidCefWindowHandle(aHandle : TCefWindowHandle) : boolean; procedure InitializeWindowHandle(var aHandle : TCefWindowHandle); function GetCommandLineSwitchValue(const aKey : string; var aValue : ustring) : boolean; implementation uses {$IFDEF LINUX}{$IFDEF FMX}uCEFLinuxFunctions, Posix.Unistd, Posix.Stdio,{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOSX}{$IFDEF FPC}CocoaAll,{$ELSE}Posix.Unistd, Posix.Stdio,{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} uCEFApplicationCore, uCEFSchemeHandlerFactory, uCEFValue, uCEFBinaryValue, uCEFStringList; function CefColorGetA(color: TCefColor): Byte; begin Result := (color shr 24) and $FF; end; function CefColorGetR(color: TCefColor): byte; begin Result := (color shr 16) and $FF; end; function CefColorGetG(color: TCefColor): Byte; begin Result := (color shr 8) and $FF; end; function CefColorGetB(color: TCefColor): Byte; begin Result := color and $FF; end; function CefColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b: Byte): TCefColor; begin Result := (a shl 24) or (r shl 16) or (g shl 8) or b; end; function CefInt64Set(int32_low, int32_high: Integer): Int64; begin Result := int32_low or (int32_high shl 32); end; function CefInt64GetLow(const int64_val: Int64): Integer; begin Result := Integer(int64_val); end; function CefInt64GetHigh(const int64_val: Int64): Integer; begin Result := (int64_val shr 32) and $FFFFFFFF; end; function CefStringClearAndGet(str: PCefString): ustring; begin if (str <> nil) and (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin Result := CefString(str); cef_string_utf16_clear(str); end else Result := ''; end; {$IFDEF CEF4DELHI_ALLOC_DEBUG} function CefGetObject(ptr: Pointer): TObject; var TempPointer : pointer; begin Result := nil; if (ptr <> nil) then begin Dec(PByte(ptr), SizeOf(Pointer)); TempPointer := ptr; if (PPointer(ptr)^ <> nil) then begin Dec(PByte(TempPointer), SizeOf(Pointer) * 2); if (PPointer(TempPointer)^ = CEF4DELPHI_ALLOC_PADDING) then Result := TObject(PPointer(ptr)^) else CefDebugLog('Pointer to an unknown memory address!', CEF_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO); end else CefDebugLog('Object pointer is NIL!', CEF_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO); end; end; {$ELSE} function CefGetObject(ptr: Pointer): TObject; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin if (ptr <> nil) then begin Dec(PByte(ptr), SizeOf(Pointer)); Result := TObject(PPointer(ptr)^); end else Result := nil; end; {$ENDIF} function CefGetData(const i: ICefBaseRefCounted): Pointer; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin if (i <> nil) then Result := i.Wrap else Result := nil; end; function CefString(const str: PCefString): ustring; begin if (str <> nil) and (str^.str <> nil) and (str^.length > 0) and (str^.length < nativeuint(high(integer))) then SetString(Result, str^.str, str^.length) else Result := ''; end; function CefString(const str: ustring): TCefString; begin Result.str := PChar16(PWideChar(str)); Result.length := Length(str); Result.dtor := nil; end; procedure CefStringFree(const str: PCefString); begin if (str <> nil) and (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_string_utf16_clear(str); end; procedure CefStringSet(const str: PCefString; const value: ustring); begin if (str <> nil) and (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_string_utf16_set(PWideChar(value), Length(value), str, Ord(True)); end; procedure CefStringInitialize(const aCefString : PCefString); {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin if (aCefString <> nil) then begin aCefString^.str := nil; aCefString^.length := 0; aCefString^.dtor := nil; end; end; function CefStringFreeAndGet(const str: PCefStringUserFree): ustring; begin if (str <> nil) and (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin Result := CefString(PCefString(str)); cef_string_userfree_utf16_free(str); end else Result := ''; end; function CefStringAlloc(const str: ustring): TCefString; begin CefStringInitialize(@Result); if (str <> '') and (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_string_wide_to_utf16(PWideChar(str), Length(str), @Result); end; procedure _free_string(str: PChar16); stdcall; begin if (str <> nil) then FreeMem(str); end; function CefUserFreeString(const str: ustring): PCefStringUserFree; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin Result := cef_string_userfree_utf16_alloc(); Result^.length := Length(str); GetMem(Result^.str, Result^.length * SizeOf(TCefChar)); Move(PCefChar(str)^, Result^.str^, Result^.length * SizeOf(TCefChar)); Result^.dtor := @_free_string; end else Result := nil; end; function CefRegisterExtension(const name, code: ustring; const Handler: ICefv8Handler): Boolean; var TempName, TempCode : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and ((GlobalCEFApp.ProcessType = ptRenderer) or GlobalCEFApp.SingleProcess) and (length(name) > 0) and (length(code) > 0) then begin TempName := CefString(name); TempCode := CefString(code); Result := cef_register_extension(@TempName, @TempCode, CefGetData(handler)) <> 0; end else Result := False; end; function CefPostTask(aThreadId : TCefThreadId; const aTask : ICefTask) : boolean; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (aTask <> nil) then Result := cef_post_task(aThreadId, aTask.Wrap) <> 0 else Result := False; end; function CefPostDelayedTask(aThreadId : TCefThreadId; const aTask : ICefTask; aDelayMs : Int64) : boolean; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (aTask <> nil) then Result := cef_post_delayed_task(aThreadId, aTask.Wrap, aDelayMs) <> 0 else Result := False; end; function CefCurrentlyOn(aThreadId : TCefThreadId) : boolean; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then Result := cef_currently_on(aThreadId) <> 0 else Result := False; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function CefTimeToSystemTime(const dt: TCefTime): TSystemTime; begin Result.wYear := dt.year; Result.wMonth := dt.month; Result.wDayOfWeek := dt.day_of_week; Result.wDay := dt.day_of_month; Result.wHour := dt.hour; Result.wMinute := dt.minute; Result.wSecond := dt.second; Result.wMilliseconds := dt.millisecond; end; function SystemTimeToCefTime(const dt: TSystemTime): TCefTime; begin Result.year := dt.wYear; Result.month := dt.wMonth; Result.day_of_week := dt.wDayOfWeek; Result.day_of_month := dt.wDay; Result.hour := dt.wHour; Result.minute := dt.wMinute; Result.second := dt.wSecond; Result.millisecond := dt.wMilliseconds; end; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF LINUX} {$IFDEF FPC} function CefTimeToSystemTime(const dt: TCefTime): TSystemTime; begin Result.Year := dt.year; Result.Month := dt.month; Result.DayOfWeek := dt.day_of_week; Result.Day := dt.day_of_month; Result.Hour := dt.hour; Result.Minute := dt.minute; Result.Second := dt.second; Result.Millisecond := dt.millisecond; end; function SystemTimeToCefTime(const dt: TSystemTime): TCefTime; begin Result.year := dt.Year; Result.month := dt.Month; Result.day_of_week := dt.DayOfWeek; Result.day_of_month := dt.Day; Result.hour := dt.Hour; Result.minute := dt.Minute; Result.second := dt.Second; Result.millisecond := dt.Millisecond; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function FixCefTime(const dt : TCefTime): TCefTime; var DayTable : PDayTable; begin Result := dt; Result.year := min(9999, max(1, Result.year)); Result.month := min(12, max(1, Result.month)); Result.hour := min(23, max(0, Result.hour)); Result.minute := min(59, max(0, Result.minute)); Result.second := min(59, max(0, Result.second)); Result.millisecond := min(999, max(0, Result.millisecond)); DayTable := @MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Result.year)]; Result.day_of_month := min(DayTable^[Result.month], max(1, Result.day_of_month)); end; function CefTimeToDateTime(const dt: TCefTime): TDateTime; var TempFixedCefTime : TCefTime; begin TempFixedCefTime := FixCefTime(dt); Result := EncodeDate(TempFixedCefTime.year, TempFixedCefTime.month, TempFixedCefTime.day_of_month) + EncodeTime(TempFixedCefTime.hour, TempFixedCefTime.minute, TempFixedCefTime.second, TempFixedCefTime.millisecond); end; function DateTimeToCefTime(dt: TDateTime): TCefTime; var TempYear, TempMonth, TempDay, TempHour, TempMin, TempSec, TempMSec : Word; begin DecodeDate(dt, TempYear, TempMonth, TempDay); DecodeTime(dt, TempHour, TempMin, TempSec, TempMSec); Result.year := TempYear; Result.month := TempMonth; Result.day_of_week := DayOfWeek(dt); Result.day_of_month := TempDay; Result.hour := TempHour; Result.minute := TempMin; Result.second := TempSec; Result.millisecond := TempMSec; end; function DateTimeToCefBaseTime(dt: TDateTime): TCefBaseTime; begin Result := CetTimeToCefBaseTime(DateTimeToCefTime(dt)); end; function CefTimeToDouble(const dt: TCefTime): double; begin Result := 0; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_time_to_doublet(@dt, Result); end; function DoubleToCefTime(const dt: double): TCefTime; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TCefTime), #0); if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_time_from_doublet(dt, Result); end; function CefTimeToUnixTime(const dt: TCefTime): int64; begin Result := 0; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_time_to_timet(@dt, Result); end; function UnixTimeToCefTime(const dt: int64): TCefTime; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TCefTime), #0); if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_time_from_timet(dt, Result); end; function CefTimeNow: TCefTime; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TCefTime), #0); if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_time_now(Result); end; function DoubleTimeNow: double; var TempTime : TCefTime; begin Result := 0; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin FillChar(TempTime, SizeOf(TCefTime), #0); if (cef_time_now(TempTime) <> 0) then cef_time_to_doublet(@TempTime, Result); end; end; function CefTimeDelta(const cef_time1, cef_time2: TCefTime): int64; begin Result := 0; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then cef_time_delta(@cef_time1, @cef_time2, Result); end; function CefBaseTimeNow: TCefBaseTime; begin Result := 0; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then Result := cef_basetime_now(); end; function CetTimeToCefBaseTime(const ct: TCefTime) : TCefBaseTime; var TempResult : TCefBaseTime; begin Result := 0; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (cef_time_to_basetime(@ct, @TempResult) <> 0) then Result := TempResult; end; function CetTimeFromCefBaseTime(const cbt: TCefBaseTime) : TCefTime; var TempResult : TCefTime; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TCefTime), #0); if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (cef_time_from_basetime(cbt, @TempResult) <> 0) then Result := TempResult; end; function CefBaseTimeToDateTime(const cbt: TCefBaseTime) : TDateTime; var TempResult : TCefTime; begin Result := 0; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (cef_time_from_basetime(cbt, @TempResult) <> 0) then Result := CefTimeToDateTime(TempResult); end; function GetTimeIntervalMilliseconds(const from_: TCefTime): integer; var TempFrom : double; TempDelay : integer; begin Result := -1; TempFrom := CefTimeToDouble(from_); if (TempFrom = 0) then exit; TempDelay := ceil((TempFrom - DoubleTimeNow) * 1000); Result := max(0, TempDelay); end; procedure InitializeCefTime(var aTime : TCefTime); begin aTime.year := 0; aTime.month := 0; aTime.day_of_week := 0; aTime.day_of_month := 0; aTime.hour := 0; aTime.minute := 0; aTime.second := 0; aTime.millisecond := 0; end; function cef_string_wide_copy(const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then Result := cef_string_wide_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True)) else Result := 0; end; function cef_string_utf8_copy(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8): Integer; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then Result := cef_string_utf8_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True)) else Result := 0; end; function cef_string_utf16_copy(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then Result := cef_string_utf16_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True)) else Result := 0; end; function cef_string_copy(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then Result := cef_string_utf16_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True)) else Result := 0; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure WindowInfoAsChild(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; aRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring; aExStyle : DWORD); begin aWindowInfo.ex_style := aExStyle; aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.style := WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_TABSTOP; aWindowInfo.bounds.x := aRect.left; aWindowInfo.bounds.y := aRect.top; aWindowInfo.bounds.width := aRect.right - aRect.left; aWindowInfo.bounds.height := aRect.bottom - aRect.top; aWindowInfo.parent_window := aParent; aWindowInfo.menu := 0; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; procedure WindowInfoAsPopUp(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring; aExStyle : DWORD); begin aWindowInfo.ex_style := aExStyle; aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.style := WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_VISIBLE; aWindowInfo.bounds.x := integer(CW_USEDEFAULT); aWindowInfo.bounds.y := integer(CW_USEDEFAULT); aWindowInfo.bounds.width := integer(CW_USEDEFAULT); aWindowInfo.bounds.height := integer(CW_USEDEFAULT); aWindowInfo.parent_window := aParent; aWindowInfo.menu := 0; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; procedure WindowInfoAsWindowless(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring; aExStyle : DWORD); begin aWindowInfo.ex_style := aExStyle; aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.style := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.x := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.y := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.width := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.height := 0; aWindowInfo.parent_window := aParent; aWindowInfo.menu := 0; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(True); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOSX} procedure WindowInfoAsChild(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; aRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring; aHidden : boolean); begin aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.bounds.x := aRect.left; aWindowInfo.bounds.y := aRect.top; aWindowInfo.bounds.width := aRect.right - aRect.left; aWindowInfo.bounds.height := aRect.bottom - aRect.top; aWindowInfo.hidden := Ord(aHidden); aWindowInfo.parent_view := aParent; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); {$IFDEF FPC} aWindowInfo.view := 0; {$ELSE} aWindowInfo.view := nil; {$ENDIF} end; procedure WindowInfoAsPopUp(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring; aHidden : boolean); begin aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.bounds.x := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.y := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.width := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.height := 0; aWindowInfo.hidden := Ord(aHidden); aWindowInfo.parent_view := aParent; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); {$IFDEF FPC} aWindowInfo.view := 0; {$ELSE} aWindowInfo.view := nil; {$ENDIF} end; procedure WindowInfoAsWindowless(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring; aHidden : boolean); begin aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.bounds.x := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.y := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.width := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.height := 0; aWindowInfo.hidden := Ord(aHidden); aWindowInfo.parent_view := aParent; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(True); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); {$IFDEF FPC} aWindowInfo.view := 0; {$ELSE} aWindowInfo.view := nil; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} procedure WindowInfoAsChild(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; aRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring = ''); var TempParent : TCefWindowHandle; begin TempParent := aParent; {$IFDEF FPC} {$IFDEF LCLGTK2} if ValidCefWindowHandle(aParent) and (PGtkWidget(aParent)^.window <> nil) then TempParent := gdk_window_xwindow(PGtkWidget(aParent)^.window); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LCLGTK3} if ValidCefWindowHandle(aParent) then TempParent := gdk_x11_window_get_xid(TGtk3Container(aParent).Widget^.window); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.bounds.x := aRect.left; aWindowInfo.bounds.y := aRect.top; aWindowInfo.bounds.width := aRect.right - aRect.left; aWindowInfo.bounds.height := aRect.bottom - aRect.top; aWindowInfo.parent_window := TempParent; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; // WindowInfoAsPopUp only exists for Windows. The Linux version of cefclient // calls WindowInfoAsChild with aParent set to NULL to create a popup window. procedure WindowInfoAsPopUp(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring = ''); begin aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.bounds.x := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.y := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.width := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.height := 0; aWindowInfo.parent_window := aParent; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; procedure WindowInfoAsWindowless(var aWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; aParent : TCefWindowHandle; const aWindowName : ustring = ''); begin aWindowInfo.window_name := CefString(aWindowName); aWindowInfo.bounds.x := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.y := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.width := 0; aWindowInfo.bounds.height := 0; aWindowInfo.parent_window := aParent; aWindowInfo.windowless_rendering_enabled := ord(True); aWindowInfo.shared_texture_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.external_begin_frame_enabled := ord(False); aWindowInfo.window := 0; end; {$ENDIF} function CefIsCertStatusError(Status : TCefCertStatus) : boolean; begin Result := (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (cef_is_cert_status_error(Status) <> 0); end; function CefCrashReportingEnabled : boolean; begin Result := (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (cef_crash_reporting_enabled() <> 0); end; procedure CefSetCrashKeyValue(const aKey, aValue : ustring); var TempKey, TempValue : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempKey := CefString(aKey); TempValue := CefString(aValue); cef_set_crash_key_value(@TempKey, @TempValue); end; end; procedure CefLog(const aFile : string; aLine, aSeverity : integer; const aMessage : string); var TempFile, TempMessage : AnsiString; begin if (length(aFile) > 0) and (length(aMessage) > 0) then begin TempFile := AnsiString(aFile); TempMessage := AnsiString(aMessage); cef_log(@TempFile[1], aLine, aSeverity, @TempMessage[1]); end; end; procedure CefDebugLog(const aMessage : string; aSeverity : integer); const DEFAULT_LINE = 1; var TempString : string; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempString := 'PID: ' + IntToStr(GetCurrentProcessID) + ', TID: ' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadID); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} {$IFDEF FPC} TempString := 'PID: ' + IntToStr(GetProcessID()) + ', TID: ' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadID()); {$ELSE} // TO-DO: Find the equivalent function to get the process ID in Delphi FMX for Linux {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOSX} {$IFDEF FPC} // TO-DO: Find the equivalent function to get the process ID in Lazarus/FPC for MacOS {$ELSE} TempString := 'PID: ' + IntToStr(TNSProcessInfo.Wrap(TNSProcessInfo.OCClass.processInfo).processIdentifier) + ', TID: ' + IntToStr(TThread.Current.ThreadID); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} case GlobalCEFApp.ProcessType of ptBrowser : TempString := TempString + ', PT: Browser'; ptRenderer : TempString := TempString + ', PT: Renderer'; ptZygote : TempString := TempString + ', PT: Zygote'; ptGPU : TempString := TempString + ', PT: GPU'; ptUtility : TempString := TempString + ', PT: Utility'; ptOther : TempString := TempString + ', PT: Other'; end; CefLog('CEF4Delphi', DEFAULT_LINE, aSeverity, TempString + ' - ' + aMessage); end; end; procedure CefKeyEventLog(const aEvent : TCefKeyEvent); const DEFAULT_LINE = 1; var TempString : string; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin case aEvent.kind of KEYEVENT_RAWKEYDOWN : TempString := 'kind: KEYEVENT_RAWKEYDOWN'; KEYEVENT_KEYDOWN : TempString := 'kind: KEYEVENT_KEYDOWN'; KEYEVENT_KEYUP : TempString := 'kind: KEYEVENT_KEYUP'; KEYEVENT_CHAR : TempString := 'kind: KEYEVENT_CHAR'; end; TempString := TempString + ', modifiers: $' + inttohex(aEvent.modifiers, SizeOf(aEvent.modifiers) * 2); TempString := TempString + ', windows_key_code: $' + inttohex(aEvent.windows_key_code, SizeOf(aEvent.windows_key_code) * 2); TempString := TempString + ', native_key_code: $' + inttohex(aEvent.native_key_code, SizeOf(aEvent.native_key_code) * 2); TempString := TempString + ', is_system_key: ' + BoolToStr((aEvent.is_system_key <> 0), true); TempString := TempString + ', character: $' + inttohex(ord(aEvent.character), SizeOf(aEvent.character) * 2); TempString := TempString + ', unmodified_character: $' + inttohex(ord(aEvent.unmodified_character), SizeOf(aEvent.unmodified_character) * 2); TempString := TempString + ', focus_on_editable_field: ' + BoolToStr((aEvent.focus_on_editable_field <> 0), true);; CefLog('CEF4Delphi', DEFAULT_LINE, CEF_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO, TempString); end; end; procedure CefMouseEventLog(const aEvent : TCefMouseEvent); const DEFAULT_LINE = 1; var TempString : string; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempString := TempString + ', x: $' + inttohex(aEvent.x, SizeOf(aEvent.x) * 2); TempString := TempString + ', y: $' + inttohex(aEvent.y, SizeOf(aEvent.y) * 2); TempString := TempString + ', modifiers: $' + inttohex(aEvent.modifiers, SizeOf(aEvent.modifiers) * 2); CefLog('CEF4Delphi', DEFAULT_LINE, CEF_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO, TempString); end; end; procedure OutputDebugMessage(const aMessage : string); const DEFAULT_LINE = 1; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF FMX} FMX.Types.Log.d(aMessage); {$ELSE} OutputDebugString({$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}PWideChar{$ELSE}PAnsiChar{$ENDIF}(aMessage + chr(0))); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} {$IFDEF FPC} // TO-DO: Find a way to write in the error console using Lazarus in Linux {$ELSE} FMX.Types.Log.d(aMessage); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOSX} {$IFDEF FPC} // TO-DO: Find a way to write in the error console using Lazarus in MacOS {$ELSE} FMX.Types.Log.d(aMessage); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then CefLog('CEF4Delphi', DEFAULT_LINE, CEF_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR, aMessage); {$ENDIF} end; function CustomExceptionHandler(const aFunctionName : string; const aException : exception) : boolean; begin OutputDebugMessage(aFunctionName + ' error : ' + aException.message); Result := (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.ReRaiseExceptions; end; function CefRegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(const SchemeName : ustring; const DomainName : ustring; const handler : TCefResourceHandlerClass) : boolean; var TempScheme, TempDomainName : TCefString; TempFactory : ICefSchemeHandlerFactory; TempDomainNamePtr : PCefString; begin Result := False; try if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (length(SchemeName) > 0) then begin if (length(DomainName) > 0) then begin TempDomainName := CefString(DomainName); TempDomainNamePtr := @TempDomainName; end else TempDomainNamePtr := nil; TempScheme := CefString(SchemeName); TempFactory := TCefSchemeHandlerFactoryOwn.Create(handler); Result := cef_register_scheme_handler_factory(@TempScheme, TempDomainNamePtr, TempFactory.Wrap) <> 0; end; finally TempFactory := nil; end; end; function CefClearSchemeHandlerFactories : boolean; begin Result := (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (cef_clear_scheme_handler_factories() <> 0); end; function CefAddCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(const SourceOrigin : ustring; const TargetProtocol : ustring; const TargetDomain : ustring; AllowTargetSubdomains : Boolean): Boolean; var TempSourceOrigin, TempTargetProtocol, TempTargetDomain : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempSourceOrigin := CefString(SourceOrigin); TempTargetProtocol := CefString(TargetProtocol); TempTargetDomain := CefString(TargetDomain); Result := cef_add_cross_origin_whitelist_entry(@TempSourceOrigin, @TempTargetProtocol, @TempTargetDomain, Ord(AllowTargetSubdomains)) <> 0; end else Result := False; end; function CefRemoveCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(const SourceOrigin : ustring; const TargetProtocol : ustring; const TargetDomain : ustring; AllowTargetSubdomains : Boolean): Boolean; var TempSourceOrigin, TempTargetProtocol, TempTargetDomain : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempSourceOrigin := CefString(SourceOrigin); TempTargetProtocol := CefString(TargetProtocol); TempTargetDomain := CefString(TargetDomain); Result := cef_remove_cross_origin_whitelist_entry(@TempSourceOrigin, @TempTargetProtocol, @TempTargetDomain, Ord(AllowTargetSubdomains)) <> 0; end else Result := False; end; function CefClearCrossOriginWhitelist: Boolean; begin Result := cef_clear_cross_origin_whitelist() <> 0; end; function SplitLongString(aSrcString : string) : string; const MAXLINELENGTH = 50; begin Result := ''; while (length(aSrcString) > 0) do begin if (Result <> '') then Result := Result + CRLF + copy(aSrcString, 1, MAXLINELENGTH) else Result := Result + copy(aSrcString, 1, MAXLINELENGTH); aSrcString := copy(aSrcString, succ(MAXLINELENGTH), length(aSrcString)); end; end; function GetAbsoluteDirPath(const aSrcPath : string; var aRsltPath : string) : boolean; begin Result := True; if (length(aSrcPath) > 0) then begin aRsltPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(CustomAbsolutePath(aSrcPath)); Result := DirectoryExists(aRsltPath); end else aRsltPath := ''; end; function CheckLocales(const aLocalesDirPath : string; var aMissingFiles : string; const aLocalesRequired : string) : boolean; const LOCALES_REQUIRED_DEFAULT = 'am,' + 'ar,' + 'bg,' + 'bn,' + 'ca,' + 'cs,' + 'da,' + 'de,' + 'el,' + 'en-GB,' + 'en-US,' + 'es,' + 'es-419,' + 'et,' + 'fa,' + 'fi,' + 'fil,' + 'fr,' + 'gu,' + 'he,' + 'hi,' + 'hr,' + 'hu,' + 'id,' + 'it,' + 'ja,' + 'kn,' + 'ko,' + 'lt,' + 'lv,' + 'ml,' + 'mr,' + 'ms,' + 'nb,' + 'nl,' + 'pl,' + 'pt-BR,' + 'pt-PT,' + 'ro,' + 'ru,' + 'sk,' + 'sl,' + 'sr,' + 'sv,' + 'sw,' + 'ta,' + 'te,' + 'th,' + 'tr,' + 'uk,' + 'vi,' + 'zh-CN,' + 'zh-TW'; var i : integer; TempDir : string; TempList : TStringList; begin Result := False; TempList := nil; try try if (length(aLocalesDirPath) > 0) then TempDir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aLocalesDirPath) else TempDir := 'locales' + PathDelim; TempList := TStringList.Create; if (length(aLocalesRequired) > 0) then TempList.CommaText := aLocalesRequired else TempList.CommaText := LOCALES_REQUIRED_DEFAULT; i := 0; while (i < TempList.Count) do begin TempList[i] := TempDir + TempList[i] + '.pak'; inc(i); end; if DirectoryExists(TempDir) then Result := CheckFilesExist(TempList, aMissingFiles) else aMissingFiles := trim(aMissingFiles) + CRLF + TempList.Text; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('CheckLocales', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempList <> nil) then FreeAndNil(TempList); end; end; function CheckResources(const aResourcesDirPath : string; var aMissingFiles : string) : boolean; var TempDir : string; TempList : TStringList; TempExists : boolean; begin Result := False; try try TempExists := GetAbsoluteDirPath(aResourcesDirPath, TempDir); TempList := TStringList.Create; TempList.Add(TempDir + 'snapshot_blob.bin'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'v8_context_snapshot.bin'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'resources.pak'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'chrome_100_percent.pak'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'chrome_200_percent.pak'); if TempExists then Result := CheckFilesExist(TempList, aMissingFiles) else aMissingFiles := trim(aMissingFiles) + CRLF + TempList.Text; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('CheckResources', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempList <> nil) then FreeAndNil(TempList); end; end; function CheckSubprocessPath(const aSubprocessPath : string; var aMissingFiles : string) : boolean; begin Result := False; try if (length(aSubprocessPath) = 0) or FileExists(aSubprocessPath) then Result := True else aMissingFiles := trim(aMissingFiles) + CRLF + ExtractFileName(aSubprocessPath); except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('CheckSubprocessPath', e) then raise; end; end; function CheckDLLs(const aFrameworkDirPath : string; var aMissingFiles : string) : boolean; var TempDir : string; TempList : TStringList; TempExists : boolean; begin Result := False; TempList := nil; try try TempExists := GetAbsoluteDirPath(aFrameworkDirPath, TempDir); // The icudtl.dat file must be placed next to libcef.dll // http://www.magpcss.org/ceforum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14503#p32263 TempList := TStringList.Create; TempList.Add(TempDir + LIBCEF_DLL); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempList.Add(TempDir + CHROMEELF_DLL); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'd3dcompiler_47.dll'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'vk_swiftshader.dll'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'vk_swiftshader_icd.json'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'vulkan-1.dll'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'libEGL.dll'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'libGLESv2.dll'); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} TempList.Add(TempDir + 'libEGL.so'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'libGLESv2.so'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'libvk_swiftshader.so'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'vk_swiftshader_icd.json'); TempList.Add(TempDir + 'libvulkan.so.1'); {$ENDIF} TempList.Add(TempDir + 'icudtl.dat'); if TempExists then Result := CheckFilesExist(TempList, aMissingFiles) else aMissingFiles := trim(aMissingFiles) + CRLF + TempList.Text; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('CheckDLLs', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempList <> nil) then FreeAndNil(TempList); end; end; function CheckFilesExist(var aList : TStringList; var aMissingFiles : string) : boolean; var i : integer; begin Result := True; try if (aList <> nil) then begin i := 0; while (i < aList.Count) do begin if (length(aList[i]) > 0) and not(FileExists(aList[i])) then begin Result := False; aMissingFiles := aMissingFiles + aList[i] + CRLF; end; inc(i); end; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('CheckFilesExist', e) then raise; end; end; procedure UInt64ToFileVersionInfo(const aVersion : uint64; var aVersionInfo : TFileVersionInfo); begin aVersionInfo.MajorVer := uint16(aVersion shr 48); aVersionInfo.MinorVer := uint16((aVersion shr 32) and $FFFF); aVersionInfo.Release := uint16((aVersion shr 16) and $FFFF); aVersionInfo.Build := uint16(aVersion and $FFFF); end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetExtendedFileVersion(const aFileName : ustring) : uint64; var TempSize : DWORD; TempBuffer : pointer; TempLen : UINT; TempHandle : cardinal; TempInfo : PVSFixedFileInfo; begin Result := 0; TempBuffer := nil; TempHandle := 0; TempLen := 0; try try TempSize := GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(PWideChar(aFileName), TempHandle); if (TempSize > 0) then begin GetMem(TempBuffer, TempSize); if GetFileVersionInfoW(PWideChar(aFileName), TempHandle, TempSize, TempBuffer) and VerQueryValue(TempBuffer, '\', Pointer(TempInfo), TempLen) then begin Result := TempInfo^.dwFileVersionMS; Result := Result shl 32; Result := Result or TempInfo^.dwFileVersionLS; end; end else OutputLastErrorMessage; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('GetExtendedFileVersion', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempBuffer <> nil) then FreeMem(TempBuffer); end; end; procedure OutputLastErrorMessage; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} OutputDebugString({$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}PWideChar{$ELSE}PAnsiChar{$ENDIF}(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError()) + chr(0))); {$ENDIF} end; function GetRegistryWindowsVersion(var aMajor, aMinor: cardinal) : boolean; const SUBKEY = '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'; var TempRegKey : TRegistry; TempBuild : integer; begin Result := False; aMajor := 0; aMinor := 0; TempRegKey := nil; try try TempRegKey := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); TempRegKey.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if TempRegKey.KeyExists(SUBKEY) and TempRegKey.OpenKeyReadOnly(SUBKEY) then try if TempRegKey.ValueExists('CurrentMajorVersionNumber') and TempRegKey.ValueExists('CurrentMinorVersionNumber') then begin aMajor := TempRegKey.ReadInteger('CurrentMajorVersionNumber'); aMinor := TempRegKey.ReadInteger('CurrentMinorVersionNumber'); Result := True; end else if TempRegKey.ValueExists('CurrentBuildNumber') then begin TempBuild := StrToIntDef(TempRegKey.ReadString('CurrentBuildNumber'), 0); if (TempBuild >= 22000) then // Windows 11 begin aMajor := 10; aMinor := 0; Result := True; end else if (TempBuild >= 10240) then // Windows 10 begin aMajor := 10; aMinor := 0; Result := True; end else if (TempBuild >= 9600) then // Windows 8.1 begin aMajor := 6; aMinor := 3; Result := True; end else if (TempBuild >= 9200) then // Windows 8 begin aMajor := 6; aMinor := 2; Result := True; end else if (TempBuild >= 7600) then // Windows 7 begin aMajor := 6; aMinor := 1; Result := True; end else if (TempBuild >= 6000) then // Windows Vista begin aMajor := 6; aMinor := 0; Result := True; end else if (TempBuild >= 3790) then // Windows Server 2003 begin aMajor := 5; aMinor := 2; Result := True; end else if (TempBuild >= 2600) then // Windows XP begin aMajor := 5; aMinor := 1; Result := True; end else if (TempBuild >= 2195) then // Windows 2000 begin aMajor := 5; aMinor := 0; Result := True; end; end; finally TempRegKey.CloseKey; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('GetRegistryWindowsVersion', e) then raise; end; finally if assigned(TempRegKey) then FreeAndNil(TempRegKey); end; end; function GetRealWindowsVersion(var aMajor, aMinor: cardinal) : boolean; type SERVER_INFO_101 = record sv101_platform_id : DWORD; sv101_name : LPWSTR; sv101_version_major : DWORD; sv101_version_minor : DWORD; sv101_type : DWORD; sv101_comment : LPWSTR; end; PSERVER_INFO_101 = ^SERVER_INFO_101; const MAJOR_VERSION_MASK = $0F; NO_ERROR = 0; var TempBuffer : PSERVER_INFO_101; begin Result := False; aMajor := 0; aMinor := 0; TempBuffer := nil; if (NetServerGetInfo(nil, 101, Pointer(TempBuffer)) = NO_ERROR) then try aMajor := TempBuffer^.sv101_version_major and MAJOR_VERSION_MASK; aMinor := TempBuffer^.sv101_version_minor; Result := True; finally NetApiBufferFree(TempBuffer); end; end; function CheckRealWindowsVersion(aMajor, aMinor: cardinal) : boolean; var TempMajor, TempMinor : cardinal; TempResultAPI, TempResultReg : boolean; begin TempResultAPI := GetRealWindowsVersion(TempMajor, TempMinor) and ((TempMajor > aMajor) or ((TempMajor = aMajor) and (TempMinor >= aMinor))); TempResultReg := GetRegistryWindowsVersion(TempMajor, TempMinor) and ((TempMajor > aMajor) or ((TempMajor = aMajor) and (TempMinor >= aMinor))); Result := TempResultAPI or TempResultReg; end; function GetDLLVersion(const aDLLFile : ustring; var aVersionInfo : TFileVersionInfo) : boolean; var TempVersion : uint64; begin Result := False; try if FileExists(aDLLFile) then begin TempVersion := GetExtendedFileVersion(aDLLFile); if (TempVersion <> 0) then begin UInt64ToFileVersionInfo(TempVersion, aVersionInfo); Result := True; end; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('GetDLLVersion', e) then raise; end; end; function CheckDLLVersion(const aDLLFile : ustring; aMajor, aMinor, aRelease, aBuild : uint16) : boolean; var TempVersionInfo : TFileVersionInfo; begin Result := GetDLLVersion(aDLLFile, TempVersionInfo) and (TempVersionInfo.MajorVer = aMajor) and (TempVersionInfo.MinorVer = aMinor) and (TempVersionInfo.Release = aRelease) and (TempVersionInfo.Build = aBuild); end; // This function is based on the answer given by 'Alex' in StackOverflow // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2748474/how-to-determine-if-dll-file-was-compiled-as-x64-or-x86-bit-using-either-delphi function GetDLLHeaderMachine(const aDLLFile : ustring; var aMachine : integer) : boolean; var TempHeader : TImageDosHeader; TempImageNtHeaders : TImageNtHeaders; TempStream : TFileStream; begin Result := False; aMachine := IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN; TempStream := nil; try try if FileExists(aDLLFile) then begin TempStream := TFileStream.Create(aDLLFile, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); TempStream.seek(0, soFromBeginning); TempStream.ReadBuffer(TempHeader, SizeOf(TempHeader)); if (TempHeader.e_magic = IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) and (TempHeader._lfanew <> 0) then begin TempStream.Position := TempHeader._lfanew; TempStream.ReadBuffer(TempImageNtHeaders, SizeOf(TempImageNtHeaders)); if (TempImageNtHeaders.Signature = IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) then begin aMachine := TempImageNtHeaders.FileHeader.Machine; Result := True; end; end; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('GetDLLHeaderMachine', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempStream <> nil) then FreeAndNil(TempStream); end; end; function GetFileTypeDescription(const aExtension : ustring) : ustring; var TempInfo : SHFILEINFOW; TempExt : ustring; begin Result := ''; if (length(aExtension) > 0) then begin if (aExtension[1] = '.') then TempExt := aExtension else TempExt := '.' + aExtension; if (SHGetFileInfoW(@TempExt[1], FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, TempInfo, SizeOf(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_TYPENAME or SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) <> 0) then Result := TempInfo.szTypeName; end; end; {$ELSE} function GetFileTypeDescription(const aExtension : ustring) : ustring; begin Result := uppercase(aExtension) + ' files'; end; {$ENDIF} function FileVersionInfoToString(const aVersionInfo : TFileVersionInfo) : string; begin Result := IntToStr(aVersionInfo.MajorVer) + '.' + IntToStr(aVersionInfo.MinorVer) + '.' + IntToStr(aVersionInfo.Release) + '.' + IntToStr(aVersionInfo.Build); end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function Is32BitProcessRunningIn64BitOS : boolean; var TempResult : BOOL; begin Result := ProcessUnderWow64(GetCurrentProcess, @TempResult) and TempResult; end; {$ENDIF} function Is32BitProcess : boolean; begin {$IFDEF TARGET_32BITS} Result := True; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := Is32BitProcessRunningIn64BitOS; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF DELPHI17_UP} Result := TOSVersion.Architecture in [arIntelX86, arARM32]; {$ELSE} Result := False; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; function CustomPathIsRelative(const aPath : string) : boolean; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP} Result := PathIsRelativeUnicode(PChar(aPath)); {$ELSE} Result := PathIsRelativeAnsi(PChar(aPath)); {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} Result := (length(aPath) > 0) and (aPath[1] <> '/'); {$ENDIF} end; function CustomPathIsURL(const aPath : string) : boolean; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP} Result := PathIsURLUnicode(PChar(aPath + #0)); {$ELSE} Result := PathIsURLAnsi(PChar(aPath + #0)); {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} Result := False; {$ENDIF} end; function CustomPathIsUNC(const aPath : string) : boolean; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP} Result := PathIsUNCUnicode(PChar(aPath + #0)); {$ELSE} Result := PathIsUNCAnsi(PChar(aPath + #0)); {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} Result := False; {$ENDIF} end; function CustomPathCanonicalize(const aOriginalPath : string; var aCanonicalPath : string) : boolean; var TempBuffer: array [0..pred(MAX_PATH)] of Char; begin Result := False; aCanonicalPath := ''; if (length(aOriginalPath) > MAX_PATH) or (Copy(aOriginalPath, 1, 4) = '\\?\') or CustomPathIsUNC(aOriginalPath) then exit; FillChar(TempBuffer, MAX_PATH * SizeOf(Char), 0); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP} if PathCanonicalizeUnicode(@TempBuffer[0], PChar(aOriginalPath + #0)) then begin aCanonicalPath := TempBuffer; Result := True; end; {$ELSE} if PathCanonicalizeAnsi(@TempBuffer[0], PChar(aOriginalPath + #0)) then begin aCanonicalPath := TempBuffer; Result := True; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; function CustomAbsolutePath(const aPath : string; aMustExist : boolean) : string; var TempNewPath, TempOldPath : string; begin if (length(aPath) > 0) then begin if CustomPathIsRelative(aPath) then TempOldPath := GetModulePath + aPath else TempOldPath := aPath; if not(CustomPathCanonicalize(TempOldPath, TempNewPath)) then TempNewPath := TempOldPath; if aMustExist and not(DirectoryExists(TempNewPath)) then Result := '' else Result := TempNewPath; end else Result := ''; end; function GetModulePath : string; {$IFDEF MACOSX} const MAC_APP_POSTFIX = '.app/'; MAC_APP_SUBPATH = 'Contents/MacOS/'; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFileDir(GetModuleName(HINSTANCE{$IFDEF FPC}(){$ENDIF}))); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0))); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOSX} Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0))); {$IFDEF FPC} if copy(Result, Length(Result) + 1 - Length(MAC_APP_POSTFIX) - Length(MAC_APP_SUBPATH)) = MAC_APP_POSTFIX + MAC_APP_SUBPATH then SetLength(Result, Length(Result) - Length(MAC_APP_SUBPATH)); Result := CreateAbsolutePath(Result, GetCurrentDirUTF8); {$ELSE} if Result.Contains(MAC_APP_POSTFIX + MAC_APP_SUBPATH) then Result := Result.Remove(Result.IndexOf(MAC_APP_SUBPATH)); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; function CefResolveUrl(const base_url, relative_url: ustring): ustring; var TempBaseURL, TempRelativeURL, TempResolvedURL : TCefString; begin Result := ''; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempBaseURL := CefString(base_url); TempRelativeURL := CefString(relative_url); CefStringInitialize(@TempResolvedURL); if (cef_resolve_url(@TempBaseURL, @TempRelativeURL, @TempResolvedURL) <> 0) then Result := CefStringClearAndGet(@TempResolvedURL); end; end; function CefParseUrl(const url: ustring; var parts: TUrlParts): Boolean; var TempURL : TCefString; TempParts : TCefUrlParts; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin FillChar(TempParts, sizeof(TempParts), 0); TempURL := CefString(url); Result := cef_parse_url(@TempURL, TempParts) <> 0; if Result then begin parts.spec := CefString(@TempParts.spec); parts.scheme := CefString(@TempParts.scheme); parts.username := CefString(@TempParts.username); parts.password := CefString(@TempParts.password); parts.host := CefString(@TempParts.host); parts.port := CefString(@TempParts.port); parts.origin := CefString(@TempParts.origin); parts.path := CefString(@TempParts.path); parts.query := CefString(@TempParts.query); parts.fragment := CefString(@TempParts.fragment); end; end else Result := False; end; function CefCreateUrl(var parts: TUrlParts): ustring; var TempURL : TCefString; TempParts : TCefUrlParts; begin Result := ''; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempParts.spec := CefString(parts.spec); TempParts.scheme := CefString(parts.scheme); TempParts.username := CefString(parts.username); TempParts.password := CefString(parts.password); TempParts.host := CefString(parts.host); TempParts.port := CefString(parts.port); TempParts.origin := CefString(parts.origin); TempParts.path := CefString(parts.path); TempParts.query := CefString(parts.query); TempParts.fragment := CefString(parts.fragment); CefStringInitialize(@TempURL); if (cef_create_url(@TempParts, @TempURL) <> 0) then Result := CefStringClearAndGet(@TempURL); end; end; function CefFormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(const originUrl: string): string; var TempOrigin : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempOrigin := CefString(originUrl); Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(cef_format_url_for_security_display(@TempOrigin)); end else Result := ''; end; function CefGetMimeType(const extension: ustring): ustring; var TempExt : TCefString; begin TempExt := CefString(extension); Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(cef_get_mime_type(@TempExt)); end; procedure CefGetExtensionsForMimeType(const mimeType: ustring; var extensions: TStringList); var TempSL : ICefStringList; TempMimeType : TCefString; begin if (extensions <> nil) and (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempSL := TCefStringListOwn.Create; TempMimeType := CefString(mimeType); cef_get_extensions_for_mime_type(@TempMimeType, TempSL.Handle); TempSL.CopyToStrings(extensions); end; end; function CefBase64Encode(const data: Pointer; dataSize: NativeUInt): ustring; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(cef_base64encode(data, dataSize)) else Result := ''; end; function CefBase64Decode(const data: ustring): ICefBinaryValue; var TempData : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempData := CefString(data); Result := TCefBinaryValueRef.UnWrap(cef_base64decode(@TempData)); end else Result := nil; end; function CefUriEncode(const text: ustring; usePlus: Boolean): ustring; var TempText : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempText := CefString(text); Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(cef_uriencode(@TempText, Ord(usePlus))); end else Result := ''; end; function CefUriDecode(const text: ustring; convertToUtf8: Boolean; unescapeRule: TCefUriUnescapeRule): ustring; var TempText : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempText := CefString(text); Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(cef_uridecode(@TempText, Ord(convertToUtf8), unescapeRule)); end else Result := ''; end; function CefGetPath(const aPathKey : TCefPathKey) : ustring; var TempPath : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin CefStringInitialize(@TempPath); if (cef_get_path(aPathKey, @TempPath) <> 0) then Result := CefStringClearAndGet(@TempPath); end else Result := ''; end; function CefIsRTL : boolean; begin Result := (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded and (cef_is_rtl() <> 0); end; function CefCreateDirectory(const fullPath: ustring): Boolean; var TempPath : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempPath := CefString(fullPath); Result := cef_create_directory(@TempPath) <> 0; end else Result := False; end; function CefGetTempDirectory(out tempDir: ustring): Boolean; var TempPath : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin CefStringInitialize(@TempPath); Result := cef_get_temp_directory(@TempPath) <> 0; tempDir := CefStringClearAndGet(@TempPath); end else begin Result := False; tempDir := ''; end; end; function CefCreateNewTempDirectory(const prefix: ustring; out newTempPath: ustring): Boolean; var TempPath, TempPref : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin CefStringInitialize(@TempPath); TempPref := CefString(prefix); Result := cef_create_new_temp_directory(@TempPref, @TempPath) <> 0; newTempPath := CefStringClearAndGet(@TempPath); end else begin Result := False; newTempPath := ''; end; end; function CefCreateTempDirectoryInDirectory(const baseDir, prefix: ustring; out newDir: ustring): Boolean; var TempBase, TempPath, TempPref: TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin CefStringInitialize(@TempPath); TempPref := CefString(prefix); TempBase := CefString(baseDir); Result := cef_create_temp_directory_in_directory(@TempBase, @TempPref, @TempPath) <> 0; newDir := CefStringClearAndGet(@TempPath); end else begin Result := False; newDir := ''; end; end; function CefDirectoryExists(const path: ustring): Boolean; var TempPath : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempPath := CefString(path); Result := cef_directory_exists(@TempPath) <> 0; end else Result := False; end; function CefDeleteFile(const path: ustring; recursive: Boolean): Boolean; var TempPath : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempPath := CefString(path); Result := cef_delete_file(@TempPath, Ord(recursive)) <> 0; end else Result := False; end; function CefZipDirectory(const srcDir, destFile: ustring; includeHiddenFiles: Boolean): Boolean; var TempSrc, TempDst : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempSrc := CefString(srcDir); TempDst := CefString(destFile); Result := cef_zip_directory(@TempSrc, @TempDst, Ord(includeHiddenFiles)) <> 0; end else Result := False; end; procedure CefLoadCRLSetsFile(const path : ustring); var TempPath : TCefString; begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.LibLoaded then begin TempPath := CefString(path); cef_load_crlsets_file(@TempPath); end; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function CefIsKeyDown(aWparam : WPARAM) : boolean; begin Result := (GetKeyState(aWparam) < 0); end; function CefIsKeyToggled(aWparam : WPARAM) : boolean; begin Result := (GetKeyState(aWparam) and $1) <> 0; end; function GetCefMouseModifiers(aWparam : WPARAM) : TCefEventFlags; begin Result := EVENTFLAG_NONE; if ((aWparam and MK_CONTROL) <> 0) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN; if ((aWparam and MK_SHIFT) <> 0) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_SHIFT_DOWN; if ((aWparam and MK_LBUTTON) <> 0) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON; if ((aWparam and MK_MBUTTON) <> 0) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON; if ((aWparam and MK_RBUTTON) <> 0) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON; if CefIsKeyDown(VK_MENU) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN; if CefIsKeyToggled(VK_NUMLOCK) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_NUM_LOCK_ON; if CefIsKeyToggled(VK_CAPITAL) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_CAPS_LOCK_ON; end; function GetCefMouseModifiers : TCefEventFlags; begin Result := EVENTFLAG_NONE; if CefIsKeyDown(MK_CONTROL) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN; if CefIsKeyDown(MK_SHIFT) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_SHIFT_DOWN; if CefIsKeyDown(MK_LBUTTON) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON; if CefIsKeyDown(MK_MBUTTON) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON; if CefIsKeyDown(MK_RBUTTON) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON; if CefIsKeyDown(VK_MENU) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN; if CefIsKeyToggled(VK_NUMLOCK) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_NUM_LOCK_ON; if CefIsKeyToggled(VK_CAPITAL) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_CAPS_LOCK_ON; end; function GetCefKeyboardModifiers(aWparam : WPARAM; aLparam : LPARAM) : TCefEventFlags; begin Result := EVENTFLAG_NONE; if CefIsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_SHIFT_DOWN; if CefIsKeyDown(VK_CONTROL) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN; if CefIsKeyDown(VK_MENU) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN; if CefIsKeyToggled(VK_NUMLOCK) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_NUM_LOCK_ON; if CefIsKeyToggled(VK_CAPITAL) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_CAPS_LOCK_ON; case aWparam of VK_RETURN: if (((aLparam shr 16) and KF_EXTENDED) <> 0) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_KEY_PAD; VK_INSERT, VK_DELETE, VK_HOME, VK_END, VK_PRIOR, VK_NEXT, VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT : if (((aLparam shr 16) and KF_EXTENDED) = 0) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_KEY_PAD; VK_NUMLOCK, VK_NUMPAD0, VK_NUMPAD1, VK_NUMPAD2, VK_NUMPAD3, VK_NUMPAD4, VK_NUMPAD5, VK_NUMPAD6, VK_NUMPAD7, VK_NUMPAD8, VK_NUMPAD9, VK_DIVIDE, VK_MULTIPLY, VK_SUBTRACT, VK_ADD, VK_DECIMAL, VK_CLEAR : Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_KEY_PAD; VK_SHIFT : if CefIsKeyDown(VK_LSHIFT) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_LEFT else if CefIsKeyDown(VK_RSHIFT) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_RIGHT; VK_CONTROL : if CefIsKeyDown(VK_LCONTROL) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_LEFT else if CefIsKeyDown(VK_RCONTROL) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_RIGHT; VK_MENU : if CefIsKeyDown(VK_LMENU) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_LEFT else if CefIsKeyDown(VK_RMENU) then Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_RIGHT; VK_LWIN : Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_LEFT; VK_RWIN : Result := Result or EVENTFLAG_IS_RIGHT; end; end; procedure CefCheckAltGrPressed(aWparam : WPARAM; var aEvent : TCefKeyEvent); const EITHER_SHIFT_KEY_PRESSED = $01; EITHER_CONTROL_KEY_PRESSED = $02; EITHER_ALT_KEY_PRESSED = $04; EITHER_HANKAKU_KEY_PRESSED = $08; EITHER_RESERVED1_KEY_PRESSED = $10; EITHER_RESERVED2_KEY_PRESSED = $20; var TempKBLayout : HKL; TempTranslatedChar : SHORT; TempShiftState : byte; begin if (aEvent.kind = KEYEVENT_CHAR) and CefIsKeyDown(VK_RMENU) then begin TempKBLayout := GetKeyboardLayout(0); TempTranslatedChar := VkKeyScanEx(char(aWparam), TempKBLayout); TempShiftState := byte(TempTranslatedChar shr 8); if ((TempShiftState and EITHER_CONTROL_KEY_PRESSED) <> 0) and ((TempShiftState and EITHER_ALT_KEY_PRESSED) <> 0) then begin aEvent.modifiers := aEvent.modifiers and not(EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN or EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN); aEvent.modifiers := aEvent.modifiers or EVENTFLAG_ALTGR_DOWN; end; end; end; procedure DropEffectToDragOperation(aEffect: Longint; var aAllowedOps : TCefDragOperations); begin aAllowedOps := DRAG_OPERATION_NONE; if ((aEffect and DROPEFFECT_COPY) <> 0) then aAllowedOps := aAllowedOps or DRAG_OPERATION_COPY; if ((aEffect and DROPEFFECT_LINK) <> 0) then aAllowedOps := aAllowedOps or DRAG_OPERATION_LINK; if ((aEffect and DROPEFFECT_MOVE) <> 0) then aAllowedOps := aAllowedOps or DRAG_OPERATION_MOVE; end; procedure DragOperationToDropEffect(const aDragOperations : TCefDragOperations; var aEffect: Longint); begin aEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE; if ((aDragOperations and DRAG_OPERATION_COPY) <> 0) then aEffect := aEffect or DROPEFFECT_COPY; if ((aDragOperations and DRAG_OPERATION_LINK) <> 0) then aEffect := aEffect or DROPEFFECT_LINK; if ((aDragOperations and DRAG_OPERATION_MOVE) <> 0) then aEffect := aEffect or DROPEFFECT_MOVE; end; function GetWindowsMajorMinorVersion(var wMajorVersion, wMinorVersion : DWORD) : boolean; type TRtlGetVersionFunc = function(var lpVersionInformation : TOSVersionInfoEx): LongInt; stdcall; var TempHandle : THandle; TempInfo : TOSVersionInfoEx; TempRtlGetVersionFunc : TRtlGetVersionFunc; begin Result := False; wMajorVersion := 0; wMinorVersion := 0; try TempHandle := LoadLibrary(NTDLL); if (TempHandle <> 0) then try {$IFDEF FPC}Pointer({$ENDIF}TempRtlGetVersionFunc{$IFDEF FPC}){$ENDIF} := GetProcAddress(TempHandle, 'RtlGetVersion'); if assigned(TempRtlGetVersionFunc) then begin ZeroMemory(@TempInfo, SizeOf(TOSVersionInfoEx)); if (TempRtlGetVersionFunc(TempInfo) = 0) then begin Result := True; wMajorVersion := TempInfo.dwMajorVersion; wMinorVersion := TempInfo.dwMinorVersion; end; end; finally FreeLibrary(TempHandle); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('GetWindowsMajorMinorVersion', e) then raise; end; end; // GetDpiForWindow is only available in Windows 10 (version 1607) or newer function GetDPIForHandle(aHandle : HWND; var aDPI : UINT) : boolean; type TGetDpiForWindow = function(hwnd: HWND): UINT; stdcall; var TempHandle : THandle; TempGetDpiForWindowFunc : TGetDpiForWindow; begin Result := False; aDPI := 0; if (aHandle = 0) then exit; try TempHandle := LoadLibrary(User32DLL); if (TempHandle <> 0) then try {$IFDEF FPC}Pointer({$ENDIF}TempGetDpiForWindowFunc{$IFDEF FPC}){$ENDIF} := GetProcAddress(TempHandle, 'GetDpiForWindow'); if assigned(TempGetDpiForWindowFunc) then begin aDPI := TempGetDpiForWindowFunc(aHandle); Result := (aDPI <> 0); end; finally FreeLibrary(TempHandle); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('GetDPIForHandle', e) then raise; end; end; function RunningWindows10OrNewer : boolean; var TempMajorVer, TempMinorVer : DWORD; begin Result := GetWindowsMajorMinorVersion(TempMajorVer, TempMinorVer) and (TempMajorVer >= 10); end; function GetDefaultCEFUserAgent : string; var TempOS, TempChromiumVersion : string; TempMajorVer, TempMinorVer : DWORD; Temp64bit : BOOL; begin if GetWindowsMajorMinorVersion(TempMajorVer, TempMinorVer) and (TempMajorVer >= 4) then TempOS := 'Windows NT' else TempOS := 'Windows'; TempOS := TempOS + ' ' + inttostr(TempMajorVer) + '.' + inttostr(TempMinorVer); if ProcessUnderWow64(GetCurrentProcess(), @Temp64bit) and Temp64bit then TempOS := TempOS + '; WOW64'; if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) then TempChromiumVersion := GlobalCEFApp.ChromeVersion else TempChromiumVersion := inttostr(CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_MAJOR) + '.' + inttostr(CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_MINOR) + '.' + inttostr(CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_RELEASE) + '.' + inttostr(CEF_CHROMEELF_VERSION_BUILD); Result := 'Mozilla/5.0' + ' (' + TempOS + ') ' + 'AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' + 'Chrome/' + TempChromiumVersion + ' Safari/537.36'; end; {$IFDEF DELPHI14_UP} function TouchPointToPoint(aHandle : HWND; const TouchPoint: TTouchInput): TPoint; begin Result := Point(TouchPoint.X div 100, TouchPoint.Y div 100); PhysicalToLogicalPoint(aHandle, Result); end; function GetDigitizerStatus(var aDigitizerStatus : TDigitizerStatus; aDPI : cardinal) : boolean; var TempStatus : integer; begin {$IFDEF DELPHI26_UP} if (aDPI > 0) then TempStatus := GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_DIGITIZER, aDPI) else {$ENDIF} TempStatus := GetSystemMetrics(SM_DIGITIZER); aDigitizerStatus.IntegratedTouch := ((TempStatus and NID_INTEGRATED_TOUCH) <> 0); aDigitizerStatus.ExternalTouch := ((TempStatus and NID_EXTERNAL_TOUCH) <> 0); aDigitizerStatus.IntegratedPen := ((TempStatus and NID_INTEGRATED_PEN) <> 0); aDigitizerStatus.ExternalPen := ((TempStatus and NID_EXTERNAL_PEN) <> 0); aDigitizerStatus.MultiInput := ((TempStatus and NID_MULTI_INPUT) <> 0); aDigitizerStatus.Ready := ((TempStatus and NID_READY) <> 0); Result := (TempStatus <> 0); end; function HasTouchOrPen(aDPI : cardinal) : boolean; var TempStatus : TDigitizerStatus; begin Result := GetDigitizerStatus(TempStatus, aDPI); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function DeviceToLogical(aValue : integer; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double) : integer; begin Result := floor(aValue / aDeviceScaleFactor); end; function DeviceToLogical(aValue : single; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double) : single; begin Result := aValue / aDeviceScaleFactor; end; procedure DeviceToLogical(var aEvent : TCEFMouseEvent; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double); begin aEvent.x := DeviceToLogical(aEvent.x, aDeviceScaleFactor); aEvent.y := DeviceToLogical(aEvent.y, aDeviceScaleFactor); end; procedure DeviceToLogical(var aEvent : TCefTouchEvent; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double); begin aEvent.x := DeviceToLogical(aEvent.x, aDeviceScaleFactor); aEvent.y := DeviceToLogical(aEvent.y, aDeviceScaleFactor); end; procedure DeviceToLogical(var aPoint : TPoint; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double); begin aPoint.x := DeviceToLogical(aPoint.x, aDeviceScaleFactor); aPoint.y := DeviceToLogical(aPoint.y, aDeviceScaleFactor); end; function LogicalToDevice(aValue : integer; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double) : integer; begin Result := floor(aValue * aDeviceScaleFactor); end; procedure LogicalToDevice(var aRect : TCEFRect; const aDeviceScaleFactor : double); begin aRect.x := LogicalToDevice(aRect.x, aDeviceScaleFactor); aRect.y := LogicalToDevice(aRect.y, aDeviceScaleFactor); aRect.width := LogicalToDevice(aRect.width, aDeviceScaleFactor); aRect.height := LogicalToDevice(aRect.height, aDeviceScaleFactor); end; function GetScreenDPI : integer; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempDC : HDC; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF FMX} var TempService : IFMXScreenService; TempWidth, TempWidthMM : integer; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempDC := GetDC(0); Result := GetDeviceCaps(TempDC, LOGPIXELSX); ReleaseDC(0, TempDC); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} {$IFDEF FPC} if (Application <> nil) and (Application.MainForm <> nil) and (Application.MainForm.Monitor <> nil) then Result := Application.MainForm.Monitor.PixelsPerInch else if (screen <> nil) then begin if (WidgetSet <> nil) and (screen.PrimaryMonitor <> nil) then Result := screen.PrimaryMonitor.PixelsPerInch else Result := screen.PixelsPerInch; end else Result := USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI; {$ELSE} Result := -1; if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXScreenService, TempService) then Result := round(TempService.GetScreenScale * USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI); if (Result < 0) then begin Result := round(gdk_screen_get_resolution(gdk_screen_get_default)); if (Result < 0) then begin TempWidthMM := gdk_screen_width_mm; TempWidth := gdk_screen_width; if (TempWidthMM > 0) and (TempWidth > 0) then Result := round(TempWidth / (TempWidthMM / 25.4)) else Result := USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOSX} {$IFDEF FPC} Result := round(NSScreen.mainScreen.backingScaleFactor * USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI); {$ELSE} if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXScreenService, TempService) then Result := round(TempService.GetScreenScale * USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI) else Result := round(TNSScreen.Wrap(TNSScreen.OCClass.mainScreen).backingScaleFactor * USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; function GetDeviceScaleFactor : single; {$IFDEF MACOSX}{$IFDEF FMX} var TempService: IFMXScreenService; {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF MACOSX} {$IFDEF FPC} Result := NSScreen.mainScreen.backingScaleFactor; {$ELSE} if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXScreenService, TempService) then Result := TempService.GetScreenScale else Result := TNSScreen.Wrap(TNSScreen.OCClass.mainScreen).backingScaleFactor; {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} Result := GetScreenDPI / USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI; {$ENDIF} end; function DeleteDirContents(const aDirectory : string; const aExcludeFiles : TStringList) : boolean; var TempRec : TSearchRec; TempPath : string; TempIdx : integer; begin Result := True; try if (length(aDirectory) > 0) and DirectoryExists(aDirectory) and (FindFirst(aDirectory + '\*', faAnyFile, TempRec) = 0) then try repeat TempPath := aDirectory + PathDelim + TempRec.Name; if ((TempRec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) then begin if (TempRec.Name <> '.') and (TempRec.Name <> '..') then begin if DeleteDirContents(TempPath, aExcludeFiles) then Result := ((TempRec.Name = 'Network') or RemoveDir(TempPath)) and Result else Result := False; end; end else if (aExcludeFiles <> nil) then begin TempIdx := aExcludeFiles.IndexOf(TempRec.Name); Result := ((TempIdx >= 0) or ((TempIdx < 0) and DeleteFile(TempPath))) and Result; end else Result := DeleteFile(TempPath) and Result; until (FindNext(TempRec) <> 0) or not(Result); finally FindClose(TempRec); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('DeleteDirContents', e) then raise; end; end; function DeleteFileList(const aFileList : TStringList) : boolean; var i, TempCount : integer; begin Result := False; try if (aFileList <> nil) then begin i := 0; TempCount := 0; while (i < aFileList.Count) do begin if FileExists(aFileList[i]) and DeleteFile(aFileList[i]) then inc(TempCount); inc(i); end; Result := (aFileList.Count = TempCount); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('DeleteFileList', e) then raise; end; end; function MoveFileList(const aFileList : TStringList; const aSrcDirectory, aDstDirectory : string) : boolean; var i, TempCount : integer; TempSrcPath, TempDstPath : string; begin Result := False; try if (aFileList <> nil) and (length(aSrcDirectory) > 0) and (length(aDstDirectory) > 0) and DirectoryExists(aSrcDirectory) and (DirectoryExists(aDstDirectory) or CreateDir(aDstDirectory)) then begin i := 0; TempCount := 0; while (i < aFileList.Count) do begin TempSrcPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aSrcDirectory) + aFileList[i]; TempDstPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aDstDirectory) + aFileList[i]; if FileExists(TempSrcPath) and RenameFile(TempSrcPath, TempDstPath) then inc(TempCount); inc(i); end; Result := (aFileList.Count = TempCount); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('MoveFileList', e) then raise; end; end; function CefGetDataURI(const aString, aMimeType : ustring) : ustring; var TempUTF : AnsiString; begin TempUTF := UTF8Encode(aString); if (length(TempUTF) > 0) then Result := CefGetDataURI(@TempUTF[1], length(TempUTF), aMimeType, 'utf-8') else Result := ''; end; function CefGetDataURI(aData : pointer; aSize : integer; const aMimeType, aCharset : ustring) : ustring; begin Result := 'data:' + aMimeType; if (length(aCharset) > 0) then Result := Result + ';charset=' + aCharset; Result := Result + ';base64,' + CefURIEncode(CefBase64Encode(aData, aSize), false); end; function ValidCefWindowHandle(aHandle : TCefWindowHandle) : boolean; begin {$IFDEF MACOS} Result := (aHandle <> nil); {$ELSE} Result := (aHandle <> 0); {$ENDIF} end; procedure InitializeWindowHandle(var aHandle : TCefWindowHandle); begin {$IFDEF MACOS} aHandle := nil; {$ELSE} aHandle := 0; {$ENDIF} end; function GetCommandLineSwitchValue(const aKey : string; var aValue : ustring) : boolean; var i, TempLen : integer; TempKey : string; begin Result := False; TempKey := '--' + aKey + '='; TempLen := length(TempKey); i := paramCount; while (i >= 1) do if (CompareText(copy(paramstr(i), 1, TempLen), TempKey) = 0) then begin {$IFDEF FPC} aValue := UTF8Decode(copy(paramstr(i), succ(TempLen), length(paramstr(i)))); {$ELSE} aValue := copy(paramstr(i), succ(TempLen), length(paramstr(i))); {$ENDIF} Result := True; break; end else dec(i); end; end.