// ************************************************************************ // ***************************** CEF4Delphi ******************************* // ************************************************************************ // // CEF4Delphi is based on DCEF3 which uses CEF to embed a chromium-based // browser in Delphi applications. // // The original license of DCEF3 still applies to CEF4Delphi. // // For more information about CEF4Delphi visit : // https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?lang=en&pageid=cef // // Copyright © 2020 Salvador Diaz Fau. All rights reserved. // // ************************************************************************ // ************ vvvv Original license and comments below vvvv ************* // ************************************************************************ (* * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3 * * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1 * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded * * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute * this source code without explicit permission. * *) unit uCEFChromiumCore; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE OBJFPC}{$H+} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF CPUX64}{$ALIGN ON}{$ENDIF} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} {$I cef.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}WinApi.Windows, WinApi.Messages, WinApi.ActiveX, WinApi.CommCtrl,{$ENDIF} System.Classes, System.SyncObjs, {$ELSE} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}Windows, ActiveX, CommCtrl,{$ENDIF} Classes, {$IFDEF FPC} LCLProc, LCLType, LCLIntf, LResources, LMessages, InterfaceBase, {$ELSE} Messages, {$ENDIF} SyncObjs, {$ENDIF} uCEFTypes, uCEFInterfaces, uCEFLibFunctions, uCEFMiscFunctions, uCEFClient, uCEFConstants, uCEFTask, uCEFDomVisitor, uCEFChromiumEvents, {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}uCEFDragAndDropMgr,{$ENDIF} uCEFChromiumOptions, uCEFChromiumFontOptions, uCEFPDFPrintOptions; type {$IFNDEF FPC}{$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP}[ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} TChromiumCore = class(TComponent, IChromiumEvents) protected {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FCompHandle : HWND; {$ENDIF} FHandler : ICefClient; FBrowser : ICefBrowser; FBrowserId : Integer; FReqContextHandler : ICefRequestContextHandler; FResourceRequestHandler : ICefResourceRequestHandler; FDefaultUrl : ustring; FOptions : TChromiumOptions; FFontOptions : TChromiumFontOptions; FPDFPrintOptions : TPDFPrintOptions; FDefaultEncoding : ustring; FProxyType : integer; FProxyScheme : TCefProxyScheme; FProxyServer : ustring; FProxyPort : integer; FProxyUsername : ustring; FProxyPassword : ustring; FProxyScriptURL : ustring; FProxyByPassList : ustring; FMaxConnectionsPerProxy : integer; FUpdatePreferences : boolean; FCustomHeaderName : ustring; FCustomHeaderValue : ustring; FAddCustomHeader : boolean; FDoNotTrack : boolean; FSendReferrer : boolean; FHyperlinkAuditing : boolean; FRunAllFlashInAllowMode : boolean; FAllowOutdatedPlugins : boolean; FAlwaysAuthorizePlugins : boolean; FSpellChecking : boolean; FSpellCheckerDicts : ustring; FZoomStep : byte; FZoomStepCS : TCriticalSection; FPrefsFileName : string; FIsOSR : boolean; FInitialized : boolean; FClosing : boolean; FSafeSearch : boolean; FYouTubeRestrict : integer; FPrintingEnabled : boolean; FWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; FBrowserSettings : TCefBrowserSettings; FDevWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; FDevBrowserSettings : TCefBrowserSettings; FDragOperations : TCefDragOperations; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FDragDropManager : TCEFDragAndDropMgr; FDropTargetWnd : HWND; {$ENDIF} FDragAndDropInitialized : boolean; FWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy : TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy; FWebRTCMultipleRoutes : TCefState; FWebRTCNonProxiedUDP : TCefState; FAcceptLanguageList : ustring; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FOldBrowserCompWndPrc : TFNWndProc; FOldWidgetCompWndPrc : TFNWndProc; FOldRenderCompWndPrc : TFNWndProc; FBrowserCompStub : Pointer; FWidgetCompStub : Pointer; FRenderCompStub : Pointer; {$ENDIF} FBrowserCompHWND : THandle; FWidgetCompHWND : THandle; FRenderCompHWND : THandle; // ICefClient FOnProcessMessageReceived : TOnProcessMessageReceived; // ICefLoadHandler FOnLoadStart : TOnLoadStart; FOnLoadEnd : TOnLoadEnd; FOnLoadError : TOnLoadError; FOnLoadingStateChange : TOnLoadingStateChange; // ICefFocusHandler FOnTakeFocus : TOnTakeFocus; FOnSetFocus : TOnSetFocus; FOnGotFocus : TOnGotFocus; // ICefContextMenuHandler FOnBeforeContextMenu : TOnBeforeContextMenu; FOnRunContextMenu : TOnRunContextMenu; FOnContextMenuCommand : TOnContextMenuCommand; FOnContextMenuDismissed : TOnContextMenuDismissed; // ICefKeyboardHandler FOnPreKeyEvent : TOnPreKeyEvent; FOnKeyEvent : TOnKeyEvent; // ICefDisplayHandler FOnAddressChange : TOnAddressChange; FOnTitleChange : TOnTitleChange; FOnFavIconUrlChange : TOnFavIconUrlChange; FOnFullScreenModeChange : TOnFullScreenModeChange; FOnTooltip : TOnTooltip; FOnStatusMessage : TOnStatusMessage; FOnConsoleMessage : TOnConsoleMessage; FOnAutoResize : TOnAutoResize; FOnLoadingProgressChange : TOnLoadingProgressChange; // ICefDownloadHandler FOnBeforeDownload : TOnBeforeDownload; FOnDownloadUpdated : TOnDownloadUpdated; // ICefJsDialogHandler FOnJsdialog : TOnJsdialog; FOnBeforeUnloadDialog : TOnBeforeUnloadDialog; FOnResetDialogState : TOnResetDialogState; FOnDialogClosed : TOnDialogClosed; // ICefLifeSpanHandler FOnBeforePopup : TOnBeforePopup; FOnAfterCreated : TOnAfterCreated; FOnBeforeClose : TOnBeforeClose; FOnClose : TOnClose; // ICefRequestHandler FOnBeforeBrowse : TOnBeforeBrowse; FOnOpenUrlFromTab : TOnOpenUrlFromTab; FOnGetAuthCredentials : TOnGetAuthCredentials; FOnQuotaRequest : TOnQuotaRequest; FOnCertificateError : TOnCertificateError; FOnSelectClientCertificate : TOnSelectClientCertificate; FOnPluginCrashed : TOnPluginCrashed; FOnRenderViewReady : TOnRenderViewReady; FOnRenderProcessTerminated : TOnRenderProcessTerminated; FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr : TOnGetResourceRequestHandler; // ICefResourceRequestHandler FOnBeforeResourceLoad : TOnBeforeResourceLoad; FOnGetResourceHandler : TOnGetResourceHandler; FOnResourceRedirect : TOnResourceRedirect; FOnResourceResponse : TOnResourceResponse; FOnGetResourceResponseFilter : TOnGetResourceResponseFilter; FOnResourceLoadComplete : TOnResourceLoadComplete; FOnProtocolExecution : TOnProtocolExecution; // ICefCookieAccessFilter FOnCanSendCookie : TOnCanSendCookie; FOnCanSaveCookie : TOnCanSaveCookie; // ICefDialogHandler FOnFileDialog : TOnFileDialog; // ICefRenderHandler FOnGetAccessibilityHandler : TOnGetAccessibilityHandler; FOnGetRootScreenRect : TOnGetRootScreenRect; FOnGetViewRect : TOnGetViewRect; FOnGetScreenPoint : TOnGetScreenPoint; FOnGetScreenInfo : TOnGetScreenInfo; FOnPopupShow : TOnPopupShow; FOnPopupSize : TOnPopupSize; FOnPaint : TOnPaint; FOnAcceleratedPaint : TOnAcceleratedPaint; FOnCursorChange : TOnCursorChange; FOnStartDragging : TOnStartDragging; FOnUpdateDragCursor : TOnUpdateDragCursor; FOnScrollOffsetChanged : TOnScrollOffsetChanged; FOnIMECompositionRangeChanged : TOnIMECompositionRangeChanged; FOnTextSelectionChanged : TOnTextSelectionChanged; FOnVirtualKeyboardRequested : TOnVirtualKeyboardRequested; // ICefDragHandler FOnDragEnter : TOnDragEnter; FOnDraggableRegionsChanged : TOnDraggableRegionsChanged; // ICefFindHandler FOnFindResult : TOnFindResult; // ICefRequestContextHandler FOnRequestContextInitialized : TOnRequestContextInitialized; FOnBeforePluginLoad : TOnBeforePluginLoad; FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr : TOnGetResourceRequestHandler; // Custom FOnTextResultAvailable : TOnTextResultAvailableEvent; FOnPdfPrintFinished : TOnPdfPrintFinishedEvent; FOnPrefsAvailable : TOnPrefsAvailableEvent; FOnCookiesDeleted : TOnCookiesDeletedEvent; FOnResolvedHostAvailable : TOnResolvedIPsAvailableEvent; FOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable : TOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailableEvent; FOnDownloadImageFinished : TOnDownloadImageFinishedEvent; FOnCookiesFlushed : TNotifyEvent; FOnCertificateExceptionsCleared : TNotifyEvent; FOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared : TNotifyEvent; FOnAllConnectionsClosed : TNotifyEvent; FOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread : TOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread; FOnCookiesVisited : TOnCookiesVisited; FOnCookieVisitorDestroyed : TOnCookieVisitorDestroyed; FOnCookieSet : TOnCookieSet; FOnZoomPctAvailable : TOnZoomPctAvailable; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FOnBrowserCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent; FOnWidgetCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent; FOnRenderCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent; {$ENDIF} function GetIsLoading : boolean; function GetMultithreadApp : boolean; function GetHasDocument : boolean; function GetHasView : boolean; function GetHasDevTools : boolean; function GetHasClientHandler : boolean; function GetHasBrowser : boolean; function GetCanGoBack : boolean; function GetCanGoForward : boolean; function GetDocumentURL : ustring; function GetZoomLevel : double; function GetZoomPct : double; function GetZoomStep : byte; function GetIsPopUp : boolean; function GetWindowHandle : TCefWindowHandle; function GetWindowlessFrameRate : integer; function GetFrameIsFocused : boolean; function GetInitialized : boolean; function GetVisibleNavigationEntry : ICefNavigationEntry; function GetHasValidMainFrame : boolean; function GetFrameCount : NativeUInt; function GetRequestContextCache : ustring; function GetRequestContextIsGlobal : boolean; function GetAudioMuted : boolean; procedure SetDoNotTrack(aValue : boolean); procedure SetSendReferrer(aValue : boolean); procedure SetHyperlinkAuditing(aValue : boolean); procedure SetRunAllFlashInAllowMode(aValue : boolean); procedure SetAllowOutdatedPlugins(aValue : boolean); procedure SetAlwaysAuthorizePlugins(aValue : boolean); procedure SetSpellChecking(aValue : boolean); procedure SetSpellCheckerDicts(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy(aValue : TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy); procedure SetWebRTCMultipleRoutes(aValue : TCefState); procedure SetWebRTCNonProxiedUDP(aValue : TCefState); procedure SetProxyType(aValue : integer); procedure SetProxyScheme(aValue : TCefProxyScheme); procedure SetProxyServer(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetProxyPort(aValue : integer); procedure SetProxyUsername(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetProxyPassword(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetProxyScriptURL(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetProxyByPassList(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetMaxConnectionsPerProxy(const aValue : integer); procedure SetCustomHeaderName(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetCustomHeaderValue(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetZoomLevel(const aValue : double); procedure SetZoomPct(const aValue : double); procedure SetZoomStep(aValue : byte); procedure SetWindowlessFrameRate(aValue : integer); procedure SetAudioMuted(aValue : boolean); procedure SetSafeSearch(aValue : boolean); procedure SetYouTubeRestrict(aValue : integer); procedure SetPrintingEnabled(aValue : boolean); procedure SetAcceptLanguageList(const aValue : ustring); procedure SetOnRequestContextInitialized(const aValue : TOnRequestContextInitialized); procedure SetOnBeforePluginLoad(const aValue : TOnBeforePluginLoad); function CreateBrowserHost(aWindowInfo : PCefWindowInfo; const aURL : ustring; const aSettings : PCefBrowserSettings; const aExtraInfo : ICefDictionaryValue; const aContext : ICefRequestContext): boolean; function CreateBrowserHostSync(aWindowInfo : PCefWindowInfo; const aURL : ustring; const aSettings : PCefBrowserSettings; const aExtraInfo : ICefDictionaryValue; const aContext : ICefRequestContext): Boolean; procedure DestroyClientHandler; procedure DestroyReqContextHandler; procedure DestroyResourceRequestHandler; procedure ClearBrowserReference; procedure CreateReqContextHandler; procedure CreateResourceRequestHandler; procedure InitializeEvents; procedure InitializeSettings(var aSettings : TCefBrowserSettings); procedure GetPrintPDFSettings(var aSettings : TCefPdfPrintSettings; const aTitle, aURL : ustring); function UpdateProxyPrefs(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser) : boolean; function UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName : ustring; aValue : boolean) : boolean; overload; function UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName : ustring; aValue : integer) : boolean; overload; function UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName : ustring; const aValue : double) : boolean; overload; function UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName, aValue : ustring) : boolean; overload; function UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName : ustring; const aValue : TStringList) : boolean; overload; function UpdateStringListPref(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName, aValue : ustring) : boolean; procedure HandleDictionary(const aDict : ICefDictionaryValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot : string); procedure HandleNull(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); procedure HandleBool(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); procedure HandleInteger(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); procedure HandleDouble(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); procedure HandleString(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); procedure HandleBinary(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); procedure HandleList(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); procedure HandleInvalid(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); function ExecuteUpdateZoomStepTask(aInc : boolean) : boolean; function ExecuteUpdateZoomPctTask(aInc : boolean) : boolean; function ExecuteReadZoomTask : boolean; function ExecuteSetZoomPctTask(const aValue : double) : boolean; function ExecuteSetZoomLevelTask(const aValue : double) : boolean; function ExecuteSetZoomStepTask(aValue : byte) : boolean; procedure UpdateHostZoomLevel(const aValue : double); procedure UpdateHostZoomPct(const aValue : double); procedure DelayedDragging; procedure InitializeWindowInfo(aParentHandle : TCefWindowHandle; aParentRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring); virtual; procedure DefaultInitializeDevToolsWindowInfo(aDevToolsWnd: TCefWindowHandle; const aClientRect: TRect; const aWindowName: ustring); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure PrefsAvailableMsg(var aMessage : TMessage); function SendCompMessage(aMsg : cardinal; wParam : cardinal = 0; lParam : integer = 0) : boolean; procedure ToMouseEvent(grfKeyState : Longint; pt : TPoint; var aMouseEvent : TCefMouseEvent); procedure WndProc(var aMessage: TMessage); procedure CreateStub(const aMethod : TWndMethod; var aStub : Pointer); procedure FreeAndNilStub(var aStub : pointer); function InstallCompWndProc(aWnd: THandle; aStub: Pointer): TFNWndProc; procedure RestoreCompWndProc(var aOldWnd: THandle; aNewWnd: THandle; var aProc: TFNWndProc); procedure CallOldCompWndProc(aProc: TFNWndProc; aWnd: THandle; var aMessage: TMessage); procedure BrowserCompWndProc(var aMessage: TMessage); procedure WidgetCompWndProc(var aMessage: TMessage); procedure RenderCompWndProc(var aMessage: TMessage); function CopyDCToBitmapStream(aSrcDC : HDC; const aSrcRect : TRect; var aStream : TStream) : boolean; {$ENDIF} procedure DragDropManager_OnDragEnter(Sender: TObject; const aDragData : ICefDragData; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint); procedure DragDropManager_OnDragOver(Sender: TObject; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint); procedure DragDropManager_OnDragLeave(Sender: TObject); procedure DragDropManager_OnDrop(Sender: TObject; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint); // IChromiumEvents procedure GetSettings(var aSettings : TCefBrowserSettings); // ICefClient function doOnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const aMessage: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean; virtual; // ICefLoadHandler procedure doOnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; transitionType: TCefTransitionType); virtual; procedure doOnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer); virtual; procedure doOnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: TCefErrorCode; const errorText, failedUrl: ustring); virtual; procedure doOnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean); virtual; // ICefFocusHandler procedure doOnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean); virtual; function doOnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual; // ICefContextMenuHandler procedure doOnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel); virtual; function doRunContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel; const callback: ICefRunContextMenuCallback): Boolean; virtual; function doOnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer; eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); virtual; // ICefKeyboardHandler function doOnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; function doOnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean; virtual; // ICefDisplayHandler procedure doOnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring); virtual; procedure doOnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring); virtual; procedure doOnFaviconUrlChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const iconUrls: TStrings); virtual; procedure doOnFullScreenModeChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; fullscreen: Boolean); virtual; function doOnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring); virtual; function doOnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; level: TCefLogSeverity; const aMessage, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean; virtual; function doOnAutoResize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const new_size: PCefSize): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnLoadingProgressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const progress: double); virtual; // ICefDownloadHandler procedure doOnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem; const suggestedName: ustring; const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback); virtual; procedure doOnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem; const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback); virtual; // ICefJsDialogHandler function doOnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl: ustring; dialogType: TCefJsDialogType; const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring; const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; function doOnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean; const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual; procedure doOnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual; // ICefLifeSpanHandler function doOnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring; targetDisposition: TCefWindowOpenDisposition; userGesture: Boolean; const popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo; var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings; var extra_info: ICefDictionaryValue; var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual; procedure doOnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual; function doOnClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; virtual; // ICefRequestHandler function doOnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; user_gesture, isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; function doOnOpenUrlFromTab(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl: ustring; targetDisposition: TCefWindowOpenDisposition; userGesture: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; procedure doGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; is_navigation, is_download: boolean; const request_initiator: ustring; var disable_default_handling: boolean; var aResourceRequestHandler : ICefResourceRequestHandler); virtual; function doOnGetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl: ustring; isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring; const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean; virtual; function doOnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl: ustring; newSize: Int64; const callback: ICefRequestCallback): Boolean; virtual; function doOnCertificateError(const browser: ICefBrowser; certError: TCefErrorcode; const requestUrl: ustring; const sslInfo: ICefSslInfo; const callback: ICefRequestCallback): Boolean; virtual; function doOnSelectClientCertificate(const browser: ICefBrowser; isProxy: boolean; const host: ustring; port: integer; certificatesCount: NativeUInt; const certificates: TCefX509CertificateArray; const callback: ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback): boolean; virtual; procedure doOnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring); virtual; procedure doOnRenderViewReady(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual; procedure doOnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus); virtual; // ICefResourceRequestHandler function doOnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; const callback: ICefRequestCallback): TCefReturnValue; virtual; procedure doOnGetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; var aResourceHandler : ICefResourceHandler); virtual; procedure doOnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; const response: ICefResponse; var newUrl: ustring); virtual; function doOnResourceResponse(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; const response: ICefResponse): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnGetResourceResponseFilter(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; const response: ICefResponse; var aResponseFilter: ICefResponseFilter); virtual; procedure doOnResourceLoadComplete(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; const response: ICefResponse; status: TCefUrlRequestStatus; receivedContentLength: Int64); virtual; procedure doOnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; var allowOsExecution: Boolean); virtual; // ICefCookieAccessFilter function doCanSendCookie(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; const cookie: PCefCookie): boolean; virtual; function doCanSaveCookie(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; const response: ICefResponse; const cookie: PCefCookie): boolean; virtual; // ICefDialogHandler function doOnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFilePath: ustring; const acceptFilters: TStrings; selectedAcceptFilter: Integer; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean; virtual; // ICefRenderHandler procedure doOnGetAccessibilityHandler(var aAccessibilityHandler : ICefAccessibilityHandler); virtual; function doOnGetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; var rect: TCefRect): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnGetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; var rect: TCefRect); virtual; function doOnGetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer; var screenX, screenY: Integer): Boolean; virtual; function doOnGetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser; var screenInfo: TCefScreenInfo): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser; show: Boolean); virtual; procedure doOnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect); virtual; procedure doOnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser; type_: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray; const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer); virtual; procedure doOnAcceleratedPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser; type_: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray; shared_handle: Pointer); virtual; procedure doOnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; cursor: TCefCursorHandle; cursorType: TCefCursorType; const customCursorInfo: PCefCursorInfo); virtual; function doOnStartDragging(const browser: ICefBrowser; const dragData: ICefDragData; allowedOps: TCefDragOperations; x, y: Integer): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnUpdateDragCursor(const browser: ICefBrowser; operation: TCefDragOperation); virtual; procedure doOnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser; x, y: Double); virtual; procedure doOnIMECompositionRangeChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser; const selected_range: PCefRange; character_boundsCount: NativeUInt; const character_bounds: PCefRect); virtual; procedure doOnTextSelectionChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser; const selected_text: ustring; const selected_range: PCefRange); virtual; procedure doOnVirtualKeyboardRequested(const browser: ICefBrowser; input_mode: TCefTextInpuMode); virtual; // ICefDragHandler function doOnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser; const dragData: ICefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean; virtual; procedure doOnDraggableRegionsChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; regionsCount: NativeUInt; const regions: PCefDraggableRegionArray); virtual; // ICefFindHandler procedure doOnFindResult(const browser: ICefBrowser; identifier, count: Integer; const selectionRect: PCefRect; activeMatchOrdinal: Integer; finalUpdate: Boolean); virtual; // ICefRequestContextHandler procedure doOnRequestContextInitialized(const request_context: ICefRequestContext); virtual; function doOnBeforePluginLoad(const mimeType, pluginUrl:ustring; isMainFrame : boolean; const topOriginUrl: ustring; const pluginInfo: ICefWebPluginInfo; var pluginPolicy: TCefPluginPolicy): Boolean; virtual; procedure doGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; is_navigation, is_download: boolean; const request_initiator: ustring; var disable_default_handling: boolean; var aResourceRequestHandler : ICefResourceRequestHandler); virtual; // Custom procedure doCookiesDeleted(numDeleted : integer); virtual; procedure doPdfPrintFinished(aResultOK : boolean); virtual; procedure doTextResultAvailable(const aText : ustring); virtual; procedure doUpdatePreferences(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser); virtual; procedure doUpdateOwnPreferences; virtual; function doSavePreferences : boolean; virtual; procedure doResolvedHostAvailable(result: TCefErrorCode; const resolvedIps: TStrings); virtual; function doNavigationVisitorResultAvailable(const entry: ICefNavigationEntry; current: Boolean; index, total: Integer) : boolean; virtual; procedure doDownloadImageFinished(const imageUrl: ustring; httpStatusCode: Integer; const image: ICefImage); virtual; procedure doOnCookiesStoreFlushed; virtual; procedure doCertificateExceptionsCleared; virtual; procedure doHttpAuthCredentialsCleared; virtual; procedure doAllConnectionsClosed; virtual; procedure doOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread(aTaskID : cardinal); virtual; procedure doOnCookiesVisited(const name_, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime; count, total, aID : Integer; var aDeleteCookie, aResult : Boolean); virtual; procedure doOnCookieVisitorDestroyed(aID : integer); virtual; procedure doOnCookieSet(aSuccess : boolean; aID : integer); virtual; procedure doUpdateZoomStep(aInc : boolean); virtual; procedure doUpdateZoomPct(aInc : boolean); virtual; procedure doReadZoom; virtual; procedure doSetZoomLevel(const aValue : double); virtual; procedure doSetZoomPct(const aValue : double); virtual; procedure doSetZoomStep(aValue : byte); virtual; function MustCreateLoadHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateFocusHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateContextMenuHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateDialogHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateKeyboardHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateDisplayHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateDownloadHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateJsDialogHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateLifeSpanHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateRenderHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateRequestHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateDragHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateFindHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateResourceRequestHandler : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateCookieAccessFilter : boolean; virtual; function MustCreateRequestContextHandler : boolean; virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AfterConstruction; override; procedure BeforeDestruction; override; function CreateClientHandler(aIsOSR : boolean = True) : boolean; overload; function CreateClientHandler(var aClient : ICefClient; aIsOSR : boolean = True) : boolean; overload; procedure CloseBrowser(aForceClose : boolean); function ShareRequestContext(var aContext : ICefRequestContext; const aHandler : ICefRequestContextHandler = nil) : boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure InitializeDragAndDrop(const aDropTargetWnd : HWND); procedure ShutdownDragAndDrop; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function CreateBrowser(aParentHandle : TCefWindowHandle; aParentRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring = ''; const aContext : ICefRequestContext = nil; const aExtraInfo : ICefDictionaryValue = nil) : boolean; overload; virtual; procedure LoadURL(const aURL : ustring; const aFrameName : ustring = ''); overload; procedure LoadURL(const aURL : ustring; const aFrame : ICefFrame); overload; procedure LoadURL(const aURL : ustring; const aFrameIdentifier : int64); overload; procedure LoadString(const aHTML : ustring; const aFrameName : ustring = ''); overload; procedure LoadString(const aHTML : ustring; const aFrame : ICefFrame); overload; procedure LoadString(const aHTML : ustring; const aFrameIdentifier : int64); overload; procedure LoadResource(const aStream : TCustomMemoryStream; const aMimeType, aCharset : string; const aFrameName : ustring = ''); overload; procedure LoadResource(const aStream : TCustomMemoryStream; const aMimeType, aCharset : string; const aFrame : ICefFrame); overload; procedure LoadResource(const aStream : TCustomMemoryStream; const aMimeType, aCharset : string; const aFrameIdentifier : int64); overload; procedure LoadRequest(const aRequest: ICefRequest); procedure GoBack; procedure GoForward; procedure Reload; procedure ReloadIgnoreCache; procedure StopLoad; procedure StartDownload(const aURL : ustring); procedure DownloadImage(const imageUrl: ustring; isFavicon: Boolean; maxImageSize: cardinal; bypassCache: Boolean); procedure SimulateMouseWheel(aDeltaX, aDeltaY : integer); function ClearCertificateExceptions(aClearImmediately : boolean = True) : boolean; function ClearHttpAuthCredentials(aClearImmediately : boolean = True) : boolean; function CloseAllConnections(aCloseImmediately : boolean = True) : boolean; procedure RetrieveHTML(const aFrameName : ustring = ''); overload; procedure RetrieveHTML(const aFrame : ICefFrame); overload; procedure RetrieveHTML(const aFrameIdentifier : int64); overload; procedure RetrieveText(const aFrameName : ustring = ''); overload; procedure RetrieveText(const aFrame : ICefFrame); overload; procedure RetrieveText(const aFrameIdentifier : int64); overload; procedure GetNavigationEntries(currentOnly: Boolean); function GetFrameNames(var aFrameNames : TStrings) : boolean; function GetFrameIdentifiers(var aFrameCount : NativeUInt; var aFrameIdentifierArray : TCefFrameIdentifierArray) : boolean; procedure ExecuteJavaScript(const aCode, aScriptURL : ustring; const aFrameName : ustring = ''; aStartLine : integer = 0); overload; procedure ExecuteJavaScript(const aCode, aScriptURL : ustring; const aFrame : ICefFrame; aStartLine : integer = 0); overload; procedure ExecuteJavaScript(const aCode, aScriptURL : ustring; const aFrameIdentifier : int64; aStartLine : integer = 0); overload; procedure UpdatePreferences; procedure SavePreferences(const aFileName : string); function SetNewBrowserParent(aNewParentHwnd : HWND) : boolean; procedure ResolveHost(const aURL : ustring); function IsSameBrowser(const aBrowser : ICefBrowser) : boolean; function ExecuteTaskOnCefThread(aCefThreadId : TCefThreadId; aTaskID : cardinal; aDelayMs : Int64 = 0) : boolean; function DeleteCookies(const url : ustring = ''; const cookieName : ustring = ''; aDeleteImmediately : boolean = False) : boolean; function VisitAllCookies(aID : integer = 0) : boolean; function VisitURLCookies(const url : ustring; includeHttpOnly : boolean = False; aID : integer = 0) : boolean; function SetCookie(const url, name_, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime; aSetImmediately : boolean = True; aID : integer = 0): Boolean; function FlushCookieStore(aFlushImmediately : boolean = True) : boolean; procedure UpdateSupportedSchemes(const aSchemes : TStrings; aIncludeDefaults : boolean = True); procedure ShowDevTools(const inspectElementAt: TPoint; aWindowInfo: PCefWindowInfo); procedure CloseDevTools(const aDevToolsWnd : TCefWindowHandle = 0); procedure Find(aIdentifier : integer; const aSearchText : ustring; aForward, aMatchCase, aFindNext : Boolean); procedure StopFinding(aClearSelection : Boolean); procedure Print; procedure PrintToPDF(const aFilePath, aTitle, aURL : ustring); procedure ClipboardCopy; procedure ClipboardPaste; procedure ClipboardCut; procedure ClipboardUndo; procedure ClipboardRedo; procedure ClipboardDel; procedure SelectAll; procedure IncZoomStep; procedure DecZoomStep; procedure IncZoomPct; procedure DecZoomPct; procedure ResetZoomStep; procedure ResetZoomLevel; procedure ResetZoomPct; procedure ReadZoom; procedure WasResized; procedure WasHidden(hidden: Boolean); procedure NotifyScreenInfoChanged; procedure NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted; procedure Invalidate(type_: TCefPaintElementType = PET_VIEW); procedure SendExternalBeginFrame; procedure SendKeyEvent(const event: PCefKeyEvent); procedure SendMouseClickEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; type_: TCefMouseButtonType; mouseUp: Boolean; clickCount: Integer); procedure SendMouseMoveEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; mouseLeave: Boolean); procedure SendMouseWheelEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; deltaX, deltaY: Integer); procedure SendTouchEvent(const event: PCefTouchEvent); procedure SendFocusEvent(setFocus: Boolean); procedure SendCaptureLostEvent; procedure SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId; const ProcMessage: ICefProcessMessage; const aFrameName : ustring = ''); overload; procedure SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId; const ProcMessage: ICefProcessMessage; const aFrame : ICefFrame); overload; procedure SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId; const ProcMessage: ICefProcessMessage; const aFrameIdentifier : int64); overload; function CreateUrlRequest(const request: ICefRequest; const client: ICefUrlrequestClient; const aFrameName : ustring = ''): ICefUrlRequest; overload; function CreateUrlRequest(const request: ICefRequest; const client: ICefUrlrequestClient; const aFrame : ICefFrame): ICefUrlRequest; overload; function CreateUrlRequest(const request: ICefRequest; const client: ICefUrlrequestClient; const aFrameIdentifier : int64): ICefUrlRequest; overload; procedure SetFocus(focus: Boolean); procedure SetAccessibilityState(accessibilityState: TCefState); procedure DragTargetDragEnter(const dragData: ICefDragData; const event: PCefMouseEvent; allowedOps: TCefDragOperations); procedure DragTargetDragOver(const event: PCefMouseEvent; allowedOps: TCefDragOperations); procedure DragTargetDragLeave; procedure DragTargetDrop(const event: PCefMouseEvent); procedure DragSourceEndedAt(x, y: Integer; op: TCefDragOperation); procedure DragSourceSystemDragEnded; procedure IMESetComposition(const text: ustring; const underlines : TCefCompositionUnderlineDynArray; const replacement_range, selection_range : PCefRange); procedure IMECommitText(const text: ustring; const replacement_range : PCefRange; relative_cursor_pos : integer); procedure IMEFinishComposingText(keep_selection : boolean); procedure IMECancelComposition; property DefaultUrl : ustring read FDefaultUrl write FDefaultUrl; property Options : TChromiumOptions read FOptions write FOptions; property FontOptions : TChromiumFontOptions read FFontOptions write FFontOptions; property PDFPrintOptions : TPDFPrintOptions read FPDFPrintOptions write FPDFPrintOptions; property DefaultEncoding : ustring read FDefaultEncoding write FDefaultEncoding; property BrowserId : integer read FBrowserId; property Browser : ICefBrowser read FBrowser; property CefClient : ICefClient read FHandler; property ReqContextHandler : ICefRequestContextHandler read FReqContextHandler; property ResourceRequestHandler : ICefResourceRequestHandler read FResourceRequestHandler; property CefWindowInfo : TCefWindowInfo read FWindowInfo; property VisibleNavigationEntry : ICefNavigationEntry read GetVisibleNavigationEntry; property MultithreadApp : boolean read GetMultithreadApp; property IsLoading : boolean read GetIsLoading; property HasDocument : boolean read GetHasDocument; property HasView : boolean read GetHasView; property HasDevTools : boolean read GetHasDevTools; property HasClientHandler : boolean read GetHasClientHandler; property HasBrowser : boolean read GetHasBrowser; property CanGoBack : boolean read GetCanGoBack; property CanGoForward : boolean read GetCanGoForward; property IsPopUp : boolean read GetIsPopUp; property WindowHandle : TCefWindowHandle read GetWindowHandle; property BrowserHandle : THandle read FBrowserCompHWND; property WidgetHandle : THandle read FWidgetCompHWND; property RenderHandle : THandle read FRenderCompHWND; property FrameIsFocused : boolean read GetFrameIsFocused; property Initialized : boolean read GetInitialized; property RequestContextCache : ustring read GetRequestContextCache; property RequestContextIsGlobal : boolean read GetRequestContextIsGlobal; property DocumentURL : ustring read GetDocumentURL; property ZoomLevel : double read GetZoomLevel write SetZoomLevel; property ZoomPct : double read GetZoomPct write SetZoomPct; property ZoomStep : byte read GetZoomStep write SetZoomStep; property WindowlessFrameRate : integer read GetWindowlessFrameRate write SetWindowlessFrameRate; property CustomHeaderName : ustring read FCustomHeaderName write SetCustomHeaderName; property CustomHeaderValue : ustring read FCustomHeaderValue write SetCustomHeaderValue; property DoNotTrack : boolean read FDoNotTrack write SetDoNotTrack; property SendReferrer : boolean read FSendReferrer write SetSendReferrer; property HyperlinkAuditing : boolean read FHyperlinkAuditing write SetHyperlinkAuditing; property RunAllFlashInAllowMode : boolean read FRunAllFlashInAllowMode write SetRunAllFlashInAllowMode; property AllowOutdatedPlugins : boolean read FAllowOutdatedPlugins write SetAllowOutdatedPlugins; property AlwaysAuthorizePlugins : boolean read FAlwaysAuthorizePlugins write SetAlwaysAuthorizePlugins; property SpellChecking : boolean read FSpellChecking write SetSpellChecking; property SpellCheckerDicts : ustring read FSpellCheckerDicts write SetSpellCheckerDicts; property HasValidMainFrame : boolean read GetHasValidMainFrame; property FrameCount : NativeUInt read GetFrameCount; property DragOperations : TCefDragOperations read FDragOperations write FDragOperations; property AudioMuted : boolean read GetAudioMuted write SetAudioMuted; property SafeSearch : boolean read FSafeSearch write SetSafeSearch; property YouTubeRestrict : integer read FYouTubeRestrict write SetYouTubeRestrict; property PrintingEnabled : boolean read FPrintingEnabled write SetPrintingEnabled; property AcceptLanguageList : ustring read FAcceptLanguageList write SetAcceptLanguageList; property WebRTCIPHandlingPolicy : TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy read FWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy write SetWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy; property WebRTCMultipleRoutes : TCefState read FWebRTCMultipleRoutes write SetWebRTCMultipleRoutes; property WebRTCNonproxiedUDP : TCefState read FWebRTCNonProxiedUDP write SetWebRTCNonProxiedUDP; property ProxyType : integer read FProxyType write SetProxyType; property ProxyScheme : TCefProxyScheme read FProxyScheme write SetProxyScheme; property ProxyServer : ustring read FProxyServer write SetProxyServer; property ProxyPort : integer read FProxyPort write SetProxyPort; property ProxyUsername : ustring read FProxyUsername write SetProxyUsername; property ProxyPassword : ustring read FProxyPassword write SetProxyPassword; property ProxyScriptURL : ustring read FProxyScriptURL write SetProxyScriptURL; property ProxyByPassList : ustring read FProxyByPassList write SetProxyByPassList; property MaxConnectionsPerProxy : integer read FMaxConnectionsPerProxy write SetMaxConnectionsPerProxy; published property OnTextResultAvailable : TOnTextResultAvailableEvent read FOnTextResultAvailable write FOnTextResultAvailable; property OnPdfPrintFinished : TOnPdfPrintFinishedEvent read FOnPdfPrintFinished write FOnPdfPrintFinished; property OnPrefsAvailable : TOnPrefsAvailableEvent read FOnPrefsAvailable write FOnPrefsAvailable; property OnCookiesDeleted : TOnCookiesDeletedEvent read FOnCookiesDeleted write FOnCookiesDeleted; property OnResolvedHostAvailable : TOnResolvedIPsAvailableEvent read FOnResolvedHostAvailable write FOnResolvedHostAvailable; property OnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable : TOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailableEvent read FOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable write FOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable; property OnDownloadImageFinished : TOnDownloadImageFinishedEvent read FOnDownloadImageFinished write FOnDownloadImageFinished; property OnCookiesFlushed : TNotifyEvent read FOnCookiesFlushed write FOnCookiesFlushed; property OnCertificateExceptionsCleared : TNotifyEvent read FOnCertificateExceptionsCleared write FOnCertificateExceptionsCleared; property OnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared : TNotifyEvent read FOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared write FOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared; property OnAllConnectionsClosed : TNotifyEvent read FOnAllConnectionsClosed write FOnAllConnectionsClosed; property OnExecuteTaskOnCefThread : TOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread read FOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread write FOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread; property OnCookiesVisited : TOnCookiesVisited read FOnCookiesVisited write FOnCookiesVisited; property OnCookieVisitorDestroyed : TOnCookieVisitorDestroyed read FOnCookieVisitorDestroyed write FOnCookieVisitorDestroyed; property OnCookieSet : TOnCookieSet read FOnCookieSet write FOnCookieSet; property OnZoomPctAvailable : TOnZoomPctAvailable read FOnZoomPctAvailable write FOnZoomPctAvailable; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} property OnBrowserCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnBrowserCompMsg write FOnBrowserCompMsg; property OnWidgetCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnWidgetCompMsg write FOnWidgetCompMsg; property OnRenderCompMsg : TOnCompMsgEvent read FOnRenderCompMsg write FOnRenderCompMsg; {$ENDIF} // ICefClient property OnProcessMessageReceived : TOnProcessMessageReceived read FOnProcessMessageReceived write FOnProcessMessageReceived; // ICefLoadHandler property OnLoadStart : TOnLoadStart read FOnLoadStart write FOnLoadStart; property OnLoadEnd : TOnLoadEnd read FOnLoadEnd write FOnLoadEnd; property OnLoadError : TOnLoadError read FOnLoadError write FOnLoadError; property OnLoadingStateChange : TOnLoadingStateChange read FOnLoadingStateChange write FOnLoadingStateChange; // ICefFocusHandler property OnTakeFocus : TOnTakeFocus read FOnTakeFocus write FOnTakeFocus; property OnSetFocus : TOnSetFocus read FOnSetFocus write FOnSetFocus; property OnGotFocus : TOnGotFocus read FOnGotFocus write FOnGotFocus; // ICefContextMenuHandler property OnBeforeContextMenu : TOnBeforeContextMenu read FOnBeforeContextMenu write FOnBeforeContextMenu; property OnRunContextMenu : TOnRunContextMenu read FOnRunContextMenu write FOnRunContextMenu; property OnContextMenuCommand : TOnContextMenuCommand read FOnContextMenuCommand write FOnContextMenuCommand; property OnContextMenuDismissed : TOnContextMenuDismissed read FOnContextMenuDismissed write FOnContextMenuDismissed; // ICefKeyboardHandler property OnPreKeyEvent : TOnPreKeyEvent read FOnPreKeyEvent write FOnPreKeyEvent; property OnKeyEvent : TOnKeyEvent read FOnKeyEvent write FOnKeyEvent; // ICefDisplayHandler property OnAddressChange : TOnAddressChange read FOnAddressChange write FOnAddressChange; property OnTitleChange : TOnTitleChange read FOnTitleChange write FOnTitleChange; property OnFavIconUrlChange : TOnFavIconUrlChange read FOnFavIconUrlChange write FOnFavIconUrlChange; property OnFullScreenModeChange : TOnFullScreenModeChange read FOnFullScreenModeChange write FOnFullScreenModeChange; property OnTooltip : TOnTooltip read FOnTooltip write FOnTooltip; property OnStatusMessage : TOnStatusMessage read FOnStatusMessage write FOnStatusMessage; property OnConsoleMessage : TOnConsoleMessage read FOnConsoleMessage write FOnConsoleMessage; property OnAutoResize : TOnAutoResize read FOnAutoResize write FOnAutoResize; property OnLoadingProgressChange : TOnLoadingProgressChange read FOnLoadingProgressChange write FOnLoadingProgressChange; // ICefDownloadHandler property OnBeforeDownload : TOnBeforeDownload read FOnBeforeDownload write FOnBeforeDownload; property OnDownloadUpdated : TOnDownloadUpdated read FOnDownloadUpdated write FOnDownloadUpdated; // ICefJsDialogHandler property OnJsdialog : TOnJsdialog read FOnJsdialog write FOnJsdialog; property OnBeforeUnloadDialog : TOnBeforeUnloadDialog read FOnBeforeUnloadDialog write FOnBeforeUnloadDialog; property OnResetDialogState : TOnResetDialogState read FOnResetDialogState write FOnResetDialogState; property OnDialogClosed : TOnDialogClosed read FOnDialogClosed write FOnDialogClosed; // ICefLifeSpanHandler property OnBeforePopup : TOnBeforePopup read FOnBeforePopup write FOnBeforePopup; property OnAfterCreated : TOnAfterCreated read FOnAfterCreated write FOnAfterCreated; property OnBeforeClose : TOnBeforeClose read FOnBeforeClose write FOnBeforeClose; property OnClose : TOnClose read FOnClose write FOnClose; // ICefRequestHandler property OnBeforeBrowse : TOnBeforeBrowse read FOnBeforeBrowse write FOnBeforeBrowse; property OnOpenUrlFromTab : TOnOpenUrlFromTab read FOnOpenUrlFromTab write FOnOpenUrlFromTab; property OnGetAuthCredentials : TOnGetAuthCredentials read FOnGetAuthCredentials write FOnGetAuthCredentials; property OnQuotaRequest : TOnQuotaRequest read FOnQuotaRequest write FOnQuotaRequest; property OnCertificateError : TOnCertificateError read FOnCertificateError write FOnCertificateError; property OnSelectClientCertificate : TOnSelectClientCertificate read FOnSelectClientCertificate write FOnSelectClientCertificate; property OnPluginCrashed : TOnPluginCrashed read FOnPluginCrashed write FOnPluginCrashed; property OnRenderViewReady : TOnRenderViewReady read FOnRenderViewReady write FOnRenderViewReady; property OnRenderProcessTerminated : TOnRenderProcessTerminated read FOnRenderProcessTerminated write FOnRenderProcessTerminated; property OnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr : TOnGetResourceRequestHandler read FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr write FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr; // ICefResourceRequestHandler property OnBeforeResourceLoad : TOnBeforeResourceLoad read FOnBeforeResourceLoad write FOnBeforeResourceLoad; property OnGetResourceHandler : TOnGetResourceHandler read FOnGetResourceHandler write FOnGetResourceHandler; property OnResourceRedirect : TOnResourceRedirect read FOnResourceRedirect write FOnResourceRedirect; property OnResourceResponse : TOnResourceResponse read FOnResourceResponse write FOnResourceResponse; property OnGetResourceResponseFilter : TOnGetResourceResponseFilter read FOnGetResourceResponseFilter write FOnGetResourceResponseFilter; property OnResourceLoadComplete : TOnResourceLoadComplete read FOnResourceLoadComplete write FOnResourceLoadComplete; property OnProtocolExecution : TOnProtocolExecution read FOnProtocolExecution write FOnProtocolExecution; // ICefCookieAccessFilter property OnCanSendCookie : TOnCanSendCookie read FOnCanSendCookie write FOnCanSendCookie; property OnCanSaveCookie : TOnCanSaveCookie read FOnCanSaveCookie write FOnCanSaveCookie; // ICefDialogHandler property OnFileDialog : TOnFileDialog read FOnFileDialog write FOnFileDialog; // ICefRenderHandler property OnGetAccessibilityHandler : TOnGetAccessibilityHandler read FOnGetAccessibilityHandler write FOnGetAccessibilityHandler; property OnGetRootScreenRect : TOnGetRootScreenRect read FOnGetRootScreenRect write FOnGetRootScreenRect; property OnGetViewRect : TOnGetViewRect read FOnGetViewRect write FOnGetViewRect; property OnGetScreenPoint : TOnGetScreenPoint read FOnGetScreenPoint write FOnGetScreenPoint; property OnGetScreenInfo : TOnGetScreenInfo read FOnGetScreenInfo write FOnGetScreenInfo; property OnPopupShow : TOnPopupShow read FOnPopupShow write FOnPopupShow; property OnPopupSize : TOnPopupSize read FOnPopupSize write FOnPopupSize; property OnPaint : TOnPaint read FOnPaint write FOnPaint; property OnAcceleratedPaint : TOnAcceleratedPaint read FOnAcceleratedPaint write FOnAcceleratedPaint; property OnCursorChange : TOnCursorChange read FOnCursorChange write FOnCursorChange; property OnStartDragging : TOnStartDragging read FOnStartDragging write FOnStartDragging; property OnUpdateDragCursor : TOnUpdateDragCursor read FOnUpdateDragCursor write FOnUpdateDragCursor; property OnScrollOffsetChanged : TOnScrollOffsetChanged read FOnScrollOffsetChanged write FOnScrollOffsetChanged; property OnIMECompositionRangeChanged : TOnIMECompositionRangeChanged read FOnIMECompositionRangeChanged write FOnIMECompositionRangeChanged; property OnTextSelectionChanged : TOnTextSelectionChanged read FOnTextSelectionChanged write FOnTextSelectionChanged; property OnVirtualKeyboardRequested : TOnVirtualKeyboardRequested read FOnVirtualKeyboardRequested write FOnVirtualKeyboardRequested; // ICefDragHandler property OnDragEnter : TOnDragEnter read FOnDragEnter write FOnDragEnter; property OnDraggableRegionsChanged : TOnDraggableRegionsChanged read FOnDraggableRegionsChanged write FOnDraggableRegionsChanged; // ICefFindHandler property OnFindResult : TOnFindResult read FOnFindResult write FOnFindResult; // ICefRequestContextHandler property OnRequestContextInitialized : TOnRequestContextInitialized read FOnRequestContextInitialized write SetOnRequestContextInitialized; property OnBeforePluginLoad : TOnBeforePluginLoad read FOnBeforePluginLoad write SetOnBeforePluginLoad; property OnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr : TOnGetResourceRequestHandler read FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr write FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr; end; // ********************************************************* // ********************** ATTENTION ! ********************** // ********************************************************* // ** ** // ** MANY OF THE EVENTS IN CEF4DELPHI COMPONENTS LIKE ** // ** TCHROMIUM, TFMXCHROMIUM OR TCEFAPPLICATION ARE ** // ** EXECUTED IN A CEF THREAD BY DEFAULT. ** // ** ** // ** WINDOWS CONTROLS MUST BE CREATED AND DESTROYED IN ** // ** THE SAME THREAD TO AVOID ERRORS. ** // ** SOME OF THEM RECREATE THE HANDLERS IF THEY ARE ** // ** MODIFIED AND CAN CAUSE THE SAME ERRORS. ** // ** ** // ** DON'T CREATE, MODIFY OR DESTROY WINDOWS CONTROLS ** // ** INSIDE THE CEF4DELPHI EVENTS AND USE ** // ** SYNCHRONIZATION OBJECTS TO PROTECT VARIABLES AND ** // ** FIELDS IF THEY ARE ALSO USED IN THE MAIN THREAD. ** // ** ** // ** READ THIS FOR MORE INFORMATION : ** // ** https://www.briskbard.com/index.php?pageid=cef ** // ** ** // ** USE OUR FORUMS FOR MORE QUESTIONS : ** // ** https://www.briskbard.com/forum/ ** // ** ** // ********************************************************* // ********************************************************* implementation uses {$IFDEF DELPHI16_UP} System.SysUtils, System.Math, {$ELSE} SysUtils, Math, {$ENDIF} uCEFBrowser, uCEFValue, uCEFDictionaryValue, uCEFStringMultimap, uCEFFrame, uCEFApplicationCore, uCEFProcessMessage, uCEFRequestContext, {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}uCEFOLEDragAndDrop,{$ENDIF} uCEFPDFPrintCallback, uCEFResolveCallback, uCEFDeleteCookiesCallback, uCEFStringVisitor, uCEFListValue, uCEFNavigationEntryVisitor, uCEFDownloadImageCallBack, uCEFCookieManager, uCEFRequestContextHandler, uCEFCookieVisitor, uCEFSetCookieCallback, uCEFResourceRequestHandler; constructor TChromiumCore.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin FBrowser := nil; FBrowserId := 0; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FCompHandle := 0; {$ENDIF} FClosing := False; FInitialized := False; FIsOSR := False; FDefaultUrl := 'about:blank'; FHandler := nil; FReqContextHandler := nil; FResourceRequestHandler := nil; FOptions := nil; FFontOptions := nil; FDefaultEncoding := ''; FPDFPrintOptions := nil; FUpdatePreferences := False; FCustomHeaderName := ''; FCustomHeaderValue := ''; FPrefsFileName := ''; FAddCustomHeader := False; FDoNotTrack := True; FSendReferrer := True; FHyperlinkAuditing := False; FRunAllFlashInAllowMode := False; FAllowOutdatedPlugins := False; FAlwaysAuthorizePlugins := False; FSpellChecking := True; FSpellCheckerDicts := ''; FZoomStep := ZOOM_STEP_DEF; FZoomStepCS := nil; FSafeSearch := False; FYouTubeRestrict := YOUTUBE_RESTRICT_OFF; FPrintingEnabled := True; FAcceptLanguageList := ''; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FOldBrowserCompWndPrc := nil; FOldWidgetCompWndPrc := nil; FOldRenderCompWndPrc := nil; FBrowserCompStub := nil; FWidgetCompStub := nil; FRenderCompStub := nil; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} FBrowserCompHWND := 0; FWidgetCompHWND := 0; FRenderCompHWND := 0; FDragOperations := DRAG_OPERATION_NONE; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FDragDropManager := nil; FDropTargetWnd := 0; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} FDragAndDropInitialized := False; FWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy := hpDefault; FWebRTCMultipleRoutes := STATE_DEFAULT; FWebRTCNonProxiedUDP := STATE_DEFAULT; FProxyType := CEF_PROXYTYPE_SYSTEM; FProxyScheme := psHTTP; FProxyServer := ''; FProxyPort := 80; FProxyUsername := ''; FProxyPassword := ''; FProxyScriptURL := ''; FProxyByPassList := ''; FMaxConnectionsPerProxy := CEF_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_PROXY_DEFAULT_VALUE; FillChar(FWindowInfo, SizeOf(TCefWindowInfo), 0); FillChar(FDevWindowInfo, SizeOf(TCefWindowInfo), 0); InitializeSettings(FBrowserSettings); InitializeSettings(FDevBrowserSettings); InitializeEvents; inherited Create(AOwner); end; destructor TChromiumCore.Destroy; begin try try {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if (FDragDropManager <> nil) then FreeAndNil(FDragDropManager); if (FCompHandle <> 0) then begin DeallocateHWnd(FCompHandle); FCompHandle := 0; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} ClearBrowserReference; if (FFontOptions <> nil) then FreeAndNil(FFontOptions); if (FOptions <> nil) then FreeAndNil(FOptions); if (FPDFPrintOptions <> nil) then FreeAndNil(FPDFPrintOptions); if (FZoomStepCS <> nil) then FreeAndNil(FZoomStepCS); except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.Destroy', e) then raise; end; finally inherited Destroy; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.BeforeDestruction; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} RestoreCompWndProc(FBrowserCompHWND, 0, FOldBrowserCompWndPrc); FreeAndNilStub(FBrowserCompStub); RestoreCompWndProc(FWidgetCompHWND, 0, FOldWidgetCompWndPrc); FreeAndNilStub(FWidgetCompStub); RestoreCompWndProc(FRenderCompHWND, 0, FOldRenderCompWndPrc); FreeAndNilStub(FRenderCompStub); {$ENDIF} DestroyClientHandler; DestroyReqContextHandler; DestroyResourceRequestHandler; inherited BeforeDestruction; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ClearBrowserReference; begin FBrowser := nil; FBrowserId := 0; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFNDEF FPC} // Windows XP and newer (older Delphi version < XE don't have them and newer // require a call to InitCommonControl what isn't necessary. {type SUBCLASSPROC = function(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM; uIdSubclass: UINT_PTR; dwRefData: DWORD_PTR): LRESULT; stdcall; TSubClassProc = SUBCLASSPROC; function SetWindowSubclass(hWnd: HWND; pfnSubclass: SUBCLASSPROC; uIdSubclass: UINT_PTR; dwRefData: DWORD_PTR): BOOL; stdcall; external comctl32 name 'SetWindowSubclass'; //function GetWindowSubclass(hWnd: HWND; pfnSubclass: SUBCLASSPROC; uIdSubclass: UINT_PTR; var pdwRefData: DWORD_PTR): BOOL; stdcall; // external comctl32 name 'GetWindowSubclass'; function RemoveWindowSubclass(hWnd: HWND; pfnSubclass: SUBCLASSPROC; uIdSubclass: UINT_PTR): BOOL; stdcall; external comctl32 name 'RemoveWindowSubclass'; function DefSubclassProc(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; external comctl32 name 'DefSubclassProc'; // We stick with the original implementation because the WndProc stub is a lot // faster than the WindowSubClass stub that uses the slow GetProp(hWnd). Which // is extremly slow in Windows 10 1809 and newer. } procedure TChromiumCore.CreateStub(const aMethod : TWndMethod; var aStub : Pointer); begin if (aStub = nil) then aStub := MakeObjectInstance(aMethod); end; procedure TChromiumCore.FreeAndNilStub(var aStub : pointer); begin if (aStub <> nil) then begin FreeObjectInstance(aStub); aStub := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.InstallCompWndProc(aWnd: THandle; aStub: Pointer): TFNWndProc; begin Result := TFNWndProc(SetWindowLongPtr(aWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, NativeInt(aStub))); end; procedure TChromiumCore.RestoreCompWndProc(var aOldWnd: THandle; aNewWnd: THandle; var aProc: TFNWndProc); begin if (aOldWnd <> 0) and (aOldWnd <> aNewWnd) and (aProc <> nil) then begin SetWindowLongPtr(aOldWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, NativeInt(aProc)); aProc := nil; aOldWnd := 0; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.CallOldCompWndProc(aProc: TFNWndProc; aWnd: THandle; var aMessage: TMessage); begin if (aProc <> nil) and (aWnd <> 0) then aMessage.Result := CallWindowProc(aProc, aWnd, aMessage.Msg, aMessage.wParam, aMessage.lParam); end; {$ELSE} procedure TChromiumCore.CreateStub(const aMethod : TWndMethod; var aStub : Pointer); begin if (aStub = nil) then begin GetMem(aStub, SizeOf(TWndMethod)); TWndMethod(aStub^) := aMethod; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.FreeAndNilStub(var aStub : pointer); begin if (aStub <> nil) then begin FreeMem(aStub); aStub := nil; end; end; function CompSubClassProc(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM; uIdSubclass: UINT_PTR; dwRefData: DWORD_PTR): LRESULT; stdcall; var m: TWndMethod; Msg: TMessage; begin Msg.msg := uMsg; Msg.wParam := wparam; Msg.lParam := lParam; Msg.Result := 0; m := TWndMethod(Pointer(dwRefData)^); m(Msg); Result := Msg.Result; end; function TChromiumCore.InstallCompWndProc(aWnd: THandle; aStub: Pointer): TFNWndProc; begin Result := nil; if (aWnd <> 0) and (aStub <> nil) then begin SetWindowSubclass(aWnd, @CompSubClassProc, 1, NativeInt(aStub)); Result := TFNWndProc(1); // IdSubClass end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.RestoreCompWndProc(var aOldWnd: THandle; aNewWnd: THandle; var aProc: TFNWndProc); begin if (aOldWnd <> 0) and (aOldWnd <> aNewWnd) and (aProc <> nil) then begin RemoveWindowSubclass(aOldWnd, @CompSubClassProc, 1); aProc := nil; aOldWnd := 0; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.CallOldCompWndProc(aProc: TFNWndProc; aWnd: THandle; var aMessage: TMessage); begin if (aProc <> nil) and (aWnd <> 0) then aMessage.Result := DefSubclassProc(aWnd, aMessage.Msg, aMessage.wParam, aMessage.lParam); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} procedure TChromiumCore.DestroyClientHandler; begin try if (FHandler <> nil) then begin FHandler.RemoveReferences; FHandler := nil; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.DestroyClientHandler', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.DestroyReqContextHandler; begin try if (FReqContextHandler <> nil) then begin FReqContextHandler.RemoveReferences; FReqContextHandler := nil; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.DestroyReqContextHandler', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.CreateReqContextHandler; begin if MustCreateRequestContextHandler and (FReqContextHandler = nil) then FReqContextHandler := TCustomRequestContextHandler.Create(self); end; procedure TChromiumCore.DestroyResourceRequestHandler; begin try if (FResourceRequestHandler <> nil) then begin FResourceRequestHandler.RemoveReferences; FResourceRequestHandler := nil; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.DestroyResourceRequestHandler', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.CreateResourceRequestHandler; begin if MustCreateResourceRequestHandler and (FResourceRequestHandler = nil) then FResourceRequestHandler := TCustomResourceRequestHandler.Create(self); end; procedure TChromiumCore.AfterConstruction; begin inherited AfterConstruction; try if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FCompHandle := AllocateHWnd({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}WndProc); {$ENDIF} FOptions := TChromiumOptions.Create; FFontOptions := TChromiumFontOptions.Create; FPDFPrintOptions := TPDFPrintOptions.Create; FZoomStepCS := TCriticalSection.Create; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.AfterConstruction', e) then raise; end; end; function TChromiumCore.CreateClientHandler(aIsOSR : boolean) : boolean; begin Result := False; try if (FHandler = nil) then begin FIsOSR := aIsOsr; FHandler := TCustomClientHandler.Create(Self); Result := True; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.CreateClientHandler', e) then raise; end; end; function TChromiumCore.CreateClientHandler(var aClient : ICefClient; aIsOSR : boolean) : boolean; begin if CreateClientHandler(aIsOSR) then begin CreateResourceRequestHandler; aClient := FHandler; Result := True; end else Result := False; end; procedure TChromiumCore.InitializeEvents; begin // ICefClient FOnProcessMessageReceived := nil; // ICefLoadHandler FOnLoadStart := nil; FOnLoadEnd := nil; FOnLoadError := nil; FOnLoadingStateChange := nil; // ICefFocusHandler FOnTakeFocus := nil; FOnSetFocus := nil; FOnGotFocus := nil; // ICefContextMenuHandler FOnBeforeContextMenu := nil; FOnRunContextMenu := nil; FOnContextMenuCommand := nil; FOnContextMenuDismissed := nil; // ICefKeyboardHandler FOnPreKeyEvent := nil; FOnKeyEvent := nil; // ICefDisplayHandler FOnAddressChange := nil; FOnTitleChange := nil; FOnFavIconUrlChange := nil; FOnFullScreenModeChange := nil; FOnTooltip := nil; FOnStatusMessage := nil; FOnConsoleMessage := nil; FOnAutoResize := nil; FOnLoadingProgressChange := nil; // ICefDownloadHandler FOnBeforeDownload := nil; FOnDownloadUpdated := nil; // ICefJsDialogHandler FOnJsdialog := nil; FOnBeforeUnloadDialog := nil; FOnResetDialogState := nil; FOnDialogClosed := nil; // ICefLifeSpanHandler FOnBeforePopup := nil; FOnAfterCreated := nil; FOnBeforeClose := nil; FOnClose := nil; // ICefRequestHandler FOnBeforeBrowse := nil; FOnOpenUrlFromTab := nil; FOnGetAuthCredentials := nil; FOnQuotaRequest := nil; FOnCertificateError := nil; FOnSelectClientCertificate := nil; FOnPluginCrashed := nil; FOnRenderViewReady := nil; FOnRenderProcessTerminated := nil; FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr := nil; // ICefResourceRequestHandler FOnBeforeResourceLoad := nil; FOnGetResourceHandler := nil; FOnResourceRedirect := nil; FOnResourceResponse := nil; FOnGetResourceResponseFilter := nil; FOnResourceLoadComplete := nil; FOnProtocolExecution := nil; // ICefCookieAccessFilter FOnCanSendCookie := nil; FOnCanSaveCookie := nil; // ICefDialogHandler FOnFileDialog := nil; // ICefRenderHandler FOnGetAccessibilityHandler := nil; FOnGetRootScreenRect := nil; FOnGetViewRect := nil; FOnGetScreenPoint := nil; FOnGetScreenInfo := nil; FOnPopupShow := nil; FOnPopupSize := nil; FOnPaint := nil; FOnAcceleratedPaint := nil; FOnCursorChange := nil; FOnStartDragging := nil; FOnUpdateDragCursor := nil; FOnScrollOffsetChanged := nil; FOnIMECompositionRangeChanged := nil; FOnTextSelectionChanged := nil; FOnVirtualKeyboardRequested := nil; // ICefDragHandler FOnDragEnter := nil; FOnDraggableRegionsChanged := nil; // ICefFindHandler FOnFindResult := nil; // ICefRequestContextHandler FOnRequestContextInitialized := nil; FOnBeforePluginLoad := nil; FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr := nil; // Custom FOnTextResultAvailable := nil; FOnPdfPrintFinished := nil; FOnPrefsAvailable := nil; FOnCookiesDeleted := nil; FOnResolvedHostAvailable := nil; FOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable := nil; FOnDownloadImageFinished := nil; FOnCookiesFlushed := nil; FOnCertificateExceptionsCleared := nil; FOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared := nil; FOnAllConnectionsClosed := nil; FOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread := nil; FOnCookiesVisited := nil; FOnCookieVisitorDestroyed := nil; FOnCookieSet := nil; FOnZoomPctAvailable := nil; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FOnBrowserCompMsg := nil; FOnWidgetCompMsg := nil; FOnRenderCompMsg := nil; {$ENDIF} end; function TChromiumCore.CreateBrowser( aParentHandle : TCefWindowHandle; aParentRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring; const aContext : ICefRequestContext; const aExtraInfo : ICefDictionaryValue) : boolean; var TempNewContext, TempGlobalContext : ICefRequestContext; begin Result := False; TempNewContext := nil; try try // GlobalCEFApp.GlobalContextInitialized has to be TRUE before creating any browser // even if you use a custom request context. // If you create a browser in the initialization of your app, make sure you call this // function when GlobalCEFApp.GlobalContextInitialized is TRUE. // Use the GlobalCEFApp.OnContextInitialized event to know when // GlobalCEFApp.GlobalContextInitialized is set to TRUE. if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) and not(FClosing) and (FBrowser = nil) and (FBrowserId = 0) and (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.GlobalContextInitialized and CreateClientHandler(aParentHandle = 0) then begin GetSettings(FBrowserSettings); InitializeWindowInfo(aParentHandle, aParentRect, aWindowName); CreateResourceRequestHandler; if (aContext = nil) then begin CreateReqContextHandler; if (FReqContextHandler <> nil) then begin TempGlobalContext := TCefRequestContextRef.Global(); TempNewContext := TCefRequestContextRef.Shared(TempGlobalContext, FReqContextHandler); end; end else TempNewContext := aContext; if GlobalCEFApp.MultiThreadedMessageLoop then Result := CreateBrowserHost(@FWindowInfo, FDefaultUrl, @FBrowserSettings, aExtraInfo, TempNewContext) else Result := CreateBrowserHostSync(@FWindowInfo, FDefaultUrl, @FBrowserSettings, aExtraInfo, TempNewContext); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.CreateBrowser', e) then raise; end; finally TempGlobalContext := nil; TempNewContext := nil; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.InitializeWindowInfo( aParentHandle : TCefWindowHandle; aParentRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring); begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if FIsOSR then WindowInfoAsWindowless(FWindowInfo, FCompHandle, aWindowName) else WindowInfoAsChild(FWindowInfo, aParentHandle, aParentRect, aWindowName); {$ELSE} if FIsOSR then WindowInfoAsWindowless(FWindowInfo, 0) else WindowInfoAsChild(FWindowInfo, aParentHandle, aParentRect); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TChromiumCore.DefaultInitializeDevToolsWindowInfo( aDevToolsWnd : TCefWindowHandle; const aClientRect : TRect; const aWindowName : ustring); begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if (aDevToolsWnd <> 0) then WindowInfoAsChild(FDevWindowInfo, aDevToolsWnd, aClientRect, aWindowName) else WindowInfoAsPopUp(FDevWindowInfo, WindowHandle, DEVTOOLS_WINDOWNAME); {$ELSE} if (aDevToolsWnd <> 0) then WindowInfoAsChild(FDevWindowInfo, aDevToolsWnd, aClientRect) else WindowInfoAsPopUp(FDevWindowInfo, WindowHandle); {$ENDIF} end; function TChromiumCore.ShareRequestContext(var aContext : ICefRequestContext; const aHandler : ICefRequestContextHandler) : boolean; begin Result := False; aContext := nil; if Initialized then begin aContext := TCefRequestContextRef.Shared(FBrowser.Host.RequestContext, aHandler); Result := (aContext <> nil); end; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure TChromiumCore.InitializeDragAndDrop(const aDropTargetWnd : HWND); var TempDropTarget : IDropTarget; begin if FIsOSR and not(FDragAndDropInitialized) and (FDragDropManager = nil) and (aDropTargetWnd <> 0) then begin FDropTargetWnd := aDropTargetWnd; FDragDropManager := TCEFDragAndDropMgr.Create; FDragDropManager.OnDragEnter := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}DragDropManager_OnDragEnter; FDragDropManager.OnDragOver := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}DragDropManager_OnDragOver; FDragDropManager.OnDragLeave := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}DragDropManager_OnDragLeave; FDragDropManager.OnDrop := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}DragDropManager_OnDrop; TempDropTarget := TOLEDropTarget.Create(FDragDropManager); RegisterDragDrop(FDropTargetWnd, TempDropTarget); FDragAndDropInitialized := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ShutdownDragAndDrop; begin if FDragAndDropInitialized and (FDropTargetWnd <> 0) then begin RevokeDragDrop(FDropTargetWnd); FDragAndDropInitialized := False; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ToMouseEvent(grfKeyState : Longint; pt : TPoint; var aMouseEvent : TCefMouseEvent); begin if (FDropTargetWnd <> 0) then begin MapWindowPoints(0, FDropTargetWnd, pt, 1); aMouseEvent.x := pt.x; aMouseEvent.y := pt.y; aMouseEvent.modifiers := GetCefMouseModifiers(grfKeyState); end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TChromiumCore.DragDropManager_OnDragEnter(Sender: TObject; const aDragData : ICefDragData; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempMouseEvent : TCefMouseEvent; TempAllowedOps : TCefDragOperations; {$ENDIF} begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} ToMouseEvent(grfKeyState, pt, TempMouseEvent); DropEffectToDragOperation(dwEffect, TempAllowedOps); DeviceToLogical(TempMouseEvent, GlobalCEFApp.DeviceScaleFactor); DragTargetDragEnter(aDragData, @TempMouseEvent, TempAllowedOps); DragTargetDragOver(@TempMouseEvent, TempAllowedOps); DragOperationToDropEffect(FDragOperations, dwEffect); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragDropManager_OnDragOver(Sender: TObject; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempMouseEvent : TCefMouseEvent; TempAllowedOps : TCefDragOperations; {$ENDIF} begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} ToMouseEvent(grfKeyState, pt, TempMouseEvent); DropEffectToDragOperation(dwEffect, TempAllowedOps); DeviceToLogical(TempMouseEvent, GlobalCEFApp.DeviceScaleFactor); DragTargetDragOver(@TempMouseEvent, TempAllowedOps); DragOperationToDropEffect(FDragOperations, dwEffect); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragDropManager_OnDragLeave(Sender: TObject); begin DragTargetDragLeave; end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragDropManager_OnDrop(Sender: TObject; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempMouseEvent : TCefMouseEvent; TempAllowedOps : TCefDragOperations; {$ENDIF} begin if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} ToMouseEvent(grfKeyState, pt, TempMouseEvent); DropEffectToDragOperation(dwEffect, TempAllowedOps); DeviceToLogical(TempMouseEvent, GlobalCEFApp.DeviceScaleFactor); DragTargetDragOver(@TempMouseEvent, TempAllowedOps); DragTargetDrop(@TempMouseEvent); DragOperationToDropEffect(FDragOperations, dwEffect); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.CloseBrowser(aForceClose : boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.CloseBrowser(aForceClose); end; function TChromiumCore.CreateBrowserHost( aWindowInfo : PCefWindowInfo; const aURL : ustring; const aSettings : PCefBrowserSettings; const aExtraInfo : ICefDictionaryValue; const aContext : ICefRequestContext): boolean; var TempURL : TCefString; begin TempURL := CefString(aURL); Result := cef_browser_host_create_browser(aWindowInfo, FHandler.Wrap, @TempURL, aSettings, CefGetData(aExtraInfo), CefGetData(aContext)) <> 0; end; function TChromiumCore.CreateBrowserHostSync( aWindowInfo : PCefWindowInfo; const aURL : ustring; const aSettings : PCefBrowserSettings; const aExtraInfo : ICefDictionaryValue; const aContext : ICefRequestContext): boolean; var TempURL : TCefString; begin TempURL := CefString(aURL); FBrowser := TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync(aWindowInfo, FHandler.Wrap, @TempURL, aSettings, CefGetData(aExtraInfo), CefGetData(aContext))); if (FBrowser <> nil) then begin FBrowserId := FBrowser.Identifier; FInitialized := (FBrowserId <> 0); Result := FInitialized; end else Result := False; end; procedure TChromiumCore.Find(aIdentifier : integer; const aSearchText : ustring; aForward, aMatchCase, aFindNext : Boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.Find(aIdentifier, aSearchText, aForward, aMatchCase, aFindNext); end; procedure TChromiumCore.StopFinding(aClearSelection : Boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.StopFinding(aClearSelection); end; procedure TChromiumCore.Print; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.Print; end; procedure TChromiumCore.PrintToPDF(const aFilePath, aTitle, aURL : ustring); var TempSettings : TCefPdfPrintSettings; TempCallback : ICefPdfPrintCallback; begin if Initialized then begin GetPrintPDFSettings(TempSettings, aTitle, aURL); TempCallback := TCefCustomPDFPrintCallBack.Create(self); FBrowser.Host.PrintToPdf(aFilePath, @TempSettings, TempCallback); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ClipboardCopy; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.FocusedFrame; if (TempFrame = nil) then TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.Copy; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ClipboardPaste; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.FocusedFrame; if (TempFrame = nil) then TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.Paste; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ClipboardCut; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.FocusedFrame; if (TempFrame = nil) then TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.Cut; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ClipboardUndo; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.FocusedFrame; if (TempFrame = nil) then TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.Undo; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ClipboardRedo; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.FocusedFrame; if (TempFrame = nil) then TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.Redo; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ClipboardDel; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.FocusedFrame; if (TempFrame = nil) then TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.Del; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SelectAll; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.FocusedFrame; if (TempFrame = nil) then TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.SelectAll; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.GetPrintPDFSettings(var aSettings : TCefPdfPrintSettings; const aTitle, aURL : ustring); begin if (FPDFPrintOptions <> nil) then begin aSettings.header_footer_title := CefString(aTitle); aSettings.header_footer_url := CefString(aURL); aSettings.page_width := FPDFPrintOptions.page_width; aSettings.page_height := FPDFPrintOptions.page_height; aSettings.scale_factor := FPDFPrintOptions.scale_factor; aSettings.margin_top := FPDFPrintOptions.margin_top; aSettings.margin_right := FPDFPrintOptions.margin_right; aSettings.margin_bottom := FPDFPrintOptions.margin_bottom; aSettings.margin_left := FPDFPrintOptions.margin_left; aSettings.margin_type := FPDFPrintOptions.margin_type; aSettings.header_footer_enabled := Ord(FPDFPrintOptions.header_footer_enabled); aSettings.selection_only := Ord(FPDFPrintOptions.selection_only); aSettings.landscape := Ord(FPDFPrintOptions.landscape); aSettings.backgrounds_enabled := Ord(FPDFPrintOptions.backgrounds_enabled); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.GetSettings(var aSettings : TCefBrowserSettings); begin if (FFontOptions <> nil) and (FOptions <> nil) then begin aSettings.size := SizeOf(TCefBrowserSettings); aSettings.windowless_frame_rate := FOptions.WindowlessFrameRate; aSettings.standard_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.StandardFontFamily); aSettings.fixed_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.FixedFontFamily); aSettings.serif_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.SerifFontFamily); aSettings.sans_serif_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.SansSerifFontFamily); aSettings.cursive_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.CursiveFontFamily); aSettings.fantasy_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.FantasyFontFamily); aSettings.default_font_size := FFontOptions.DefaultFontSize; aSettings.default_fixed_font_size := FFontOptions.DefaultFixedFontSize; aSettings.minimum_font_size := FFontOptions.MinimumFontSize; aSettings.minimum_logical_font_size := FFontOptions.MinimumLogicalFontSize; aSettings.remote_fonts := FFontOptions.RemoteFonts; aSettings.default_encoding := CefString(DefaultEncoding); aSettings.javascript := FOptions.Javascript; aSettings.javascript_close_windows := FOptions.JavascriptCloseWindows; aSettings.javascript_access_clipboard := FOptions.JavascriptAccessClipboard; aSettings.javascript_dom_paste := FOptions.JavascriptDomPaste; aSettings.plugins := FOptions.Plugins; aSettings.universal_access_from_file_urls := FOptions.UniversalAccessFromFileUrls; aSettings.file_access_from_file_urls := FOptions.FileAccessFromFileUrls; aSettings.web_security := FOptions.WebSecurity; aSettings.image_loading := FOptions.ImageLoading; aSettings.image_shrink_standalone_to_fit := FOptions.ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit; aSettings.text_area_resize := FOptions.TextAreaResize; aSettings.tab_to_links := FOptions.TabToLinks; aSettings.local_storage := FOptions.LocalStorage; aSettings.databases := FOptions.Databases; aSettings.application_cache := FOptions.ApplicationCache; aSettings.webgl := FOptions.Webgl; aSettings.background_color := FOptions.BackgroundColor; aSettings.accept_language_list := CefString(FOptions.AcceptLanguageList); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.InitializeSettings(var aSettings : TCefBrowserSettings); begin aSettings.size := SizeOf(TCefBrowserSettings); aSettings.windowless_frame_rate := 30; aSettings.standard_font_family := CefString(''); aSettings.fixed_font_family := CefString(''); aSettings.serif_font_family := CefString(''); aSettings.sans_serif_font_family := CefString(''); aSettings.cursive_font_family := CefString(''); aSettings.fantasy_font_family := CefString(''); aSettings.default_font_size := 0; aSettings.default_fixed_font_size := 0; aSettings.minimum_font_size := 0; aSettings.minimum_logical_font_size := 0; aSettings.remote_fonts := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.default_encoding := CefString(''); aSettings.javascript := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.javascript_close_windows := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.javascript_access_clipboard := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.javascript_dom_paste := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.plugins := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.universal_access_from_file_urls := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.file_access_from_file_urls := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.web_security := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.image_loading := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.image_shrink_standalone_to_fit := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.text_area_resize := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.tab_to_links := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.local_storage := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.databases := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.application_cache := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.webgl := STATE_DEFAULT; aSettings.background_color := 0; aSettings.accept_language_list := CefString(''); end; // Leave aFrameName empty to load the URL in the main frame procedure TChromiumCore.LoadURL(const aURL : ustring; const aFrameName : ustring); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin if (length(aFrameName) > 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrame(aFrameName) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.LoadUrl(aURL); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.LoadURL(const aURL : ustring; const aFrame : ICefFrame); begin if Initialized and (aFrame <> nil) and aFrame.IsValid then aFrame.LoadUrl(aURL); end; procedure TChromiumCore.LoadURL(const aURL : ustring; const aFrameIdentifier : int64); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin if (aFrameIdentifier <> 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrameByident(aFrameIdentifier) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.LoadUrl(aURL); end; end; // Leave aFrameName empty to load the URL in the main frame procedure TChromiumCore.LoadString(const aHTML : ustring; const aFrameName : ustring); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized and (length(aHTML) > 0) then begin if (length(aFrameName) > 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrame(aFrameName) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.LoadUrl(CefGetDataURI(aHTML, 'text/html')); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.LoadString(const aHTML : ustring; const aFrame : ICefFrame); begin if Initialized and (length(aHTML) > 0) and (aFrame <> nil) and aFrame.IsValid then aFrame.LoadUrl(CefGetDataURI(aHTML, 'text/html')); end; procedure TChromiumCore.LoadString(const aHTML : ustring; const aFrameIdentifier : int64); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized and (length(aHTML) > 0) then begin if (aFrameIdentifier <> 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrameByident(aFrameIdentifier) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.LoadUrl(CefGetDataURI(aHTML, 'text/html')); end; end; // Leave aFrameName empty to load the URL in the main frame procedure TChromiumCore.LoadResource(const aStream : TCustomMemoryStream; const aMimeType, aCharset : string; const aFrameName : ustring); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized and (aStream <> nil) and (aStream.Size > 0) then begin if (length(aFrameName) > 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrame(aFrameName) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.LoadUrl(CefGetDataURI(aStream.Memory, aStream.Size, aMimeType, aCharset)); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.LoadResource(const aStream : TCustomMemoryStream; const aMimeType, aCharset : string; const aFrame : ICefFrame); begin if Initialized and (aStream <> nil) and (aStream.Size > 0) and (aFrame <> nil) and aFrame.IsValid then aFrame.LoadUrl(CefGetDataURI(aStream.Memory, aStream.Size, aMimeType, aCharset)); end; procedure TChromiumCore.LoadResource(const aStream : TCustomMemoryStream; const aMimeType, aCharset : string; const aFrameIdentifier : int64); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized and (aStream <> nil) and (aStream.Size > 0) then begin if (aFrameIdentifier <> 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrameByident(aFrameIdentifier) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.LoadUrl(CefGetDataURI(aStream.Memory, aStream.Size, aMimeType, aCharset)); end; end; // WARNING: This function will fail with "bad IPC message" reason // INVALID_INITIATOR_ORIGIN (213) unless you first navigate to the request // origin using some other mechanism (LoadURL, link click, etc). procedure TChromiumCore.LoadRequest(const aRequest: ICefRequest); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.LoadRequest(aRequest); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.GoBack; begin if Initialized and CanGoBack then FBrowser.GoBack; end; procedure TChromiumCore.GoForward; begin if Initialized and CanGoForward then FBrowser.GoForward; end; procedure TChromiumCore.Reload; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Reload; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ReloadIgnoreCache; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.ReloadIgnoreCache; end; procedure TChromiumCore.StopLoad; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.StopLoad; end; procedure TChromiumCore.StartDownload(const aURL : ustring); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.StartDownload(aURL); end; // Use the OnDownloadImageFinished event to receive the image procedure TChromiumCore.DownloadImage(const imageUrl : ustring; isFavicon : boolean; maxImageSize : cardinal; bypassCache : boolean); var TempCallback : ICefDownloadImageCallback; begin try if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) then begin TempCallback := TCefCustomDownloadImageCallback.Create(self); FBrowser.Host.DownloadImage(imageUrl, isFavicon, maxImageSize, bypassCache, TempCallback); end; finally TempCallback := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.GetIsLoading : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.IsLoading; end; function TChromiumCore.GetMultithreadApp : boolean; begin Result := (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) and GlobalCEFApp.MultiThreadedMessageLoop; end; function TChromiumCore.GetHasDocument : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.HasDocument; end; function TChromiumCore.GetHasView : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.Host.HasView; end; function TChromiumCore.GetHasDevTools : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.Host.HasDevTools; end; function TChromiumCore.GetHasClientHandler : boolean; begin Result := (FHandler <> nil); end; function TChromiumCore.GetHasBrowser : boolean; begin Result := (FBrowser <> nil); end; function TChromiumCore.GetWindowHandle : TCefWindowHandle; begin if Initialized then Result := FBrowser.Host.WindowHandle else Result := 0; end; function TChromiumCore.GetFrameIsFocused : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and (FBrowser.FocusedFrame <> nil); end; function TChromiumCore.GetWindowlessFrameRate : integer; begin if Initialized then Result := FBrowser.Host.GetWindowlessFrameRate else Result := 0; end; function TChromiumCore.GetVisibleNavigationEntry : ICefNavigationEntry; begin if Initialized then Result := FBrowser.Host.VisibleNavigationEntry else Result := nil; end; function TChromiumCore.GetHasValidMainFrame : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and (FBrowser.MainFrame <> nil) and FBrowser.MainFrame.IsValid; end; function TChromiumCore.GetFrameCount : NativeUInt; begin if Initialized then Result := FBrowser.GetFrameCount else Result := 0; end; function TChromiumCore.GetRequestContextCache : ustring; begin if Initialized then Result := FBrowser.host.RequestContext.CachePath else if (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) then Result := GlobalCEFApp.cache else Result := ''; end; function TChromiumCore.GetRequestContextIsGlobal : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.host.RequestContext.IsGlobal; end; function TChromiumCore.GetAudioMuted : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.host.IsAudioMuted; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetAudioMuted(aValue : boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SetAudioMuted(aValue); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetWindowlessFrameRate(aValue : integer); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SetWindowlessFrameRate(aValue); end; function TChromiumCore.GetCanGoBack : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.CanGoBack; end; function TChromiumCore.GetCanGoForward : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.CanGoForward; end; function TChromiumCore.GetIsPopUp : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.IsPopUp; end; function TChromiumCore.GetInitialized : boolean; begin Result := FInitialized and not(FClosing) and (FBrowser <> nil); end; function TChromiumCore.GetDocumentURL : ustring; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin Result := ''; if Initialized then begin TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then Result := TempFrame.URL; end; end; function TChromiumCore.GetZoomLevel : double; begin Result := 0; if Initialized then Result := FBrowser.Host.ZoomLevel; end; function TChromiumCore.GetZoomPct : double; begin Result := power(1.2, ZoomLevel) * 100; end; function TChromiumCore.GetZoomStep : byte; begin Result := ZOOM_STEP_DEF; if (FZoomStepCS <> nil) then try FZoomStepCS.Acquire; Result := FZoomStep; finally FZoomStepCS.Release; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetZoomLevel(const aValue : double); begin if CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then doSetZoomLevel(aValue) else ExecuteSetZoomLevelTask(aValue); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetZoomPct(const aValue : double); begin if CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then doSetZoomPct(aValue) else ExecuteSetZoomPctTask(aValue); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetZoomStep(aValue : byte); begin if CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then doSetZoomStep(aValue) else ExecuteSetZoomStepTask(aValue); end; // Increments the Zoom Step value and triggers the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event with the new value procedure TChromiumCore.IncZoomStep; begin if CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then doUpdateZoomStep(True) else ExecuteUpdateZoomStepTask(True); end; // Decrements the Zoom Step value and triggers the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event with the new value procedure TChromiumCore.DecZoomStep; begin if CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then doUpdateZoomStep(False) else ExecuteUpdateZoomStepTask(False); end; // Increments the Zoom Percent value and triggers the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event with the new value procedure TChromiumCore.IncZoomPct; begin if CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then doUpdateZoomPct(True) else ExecuteUpdateZoomPctTask(True); end; // Decrements the Zoom Percent value and triggers the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event with the new value procedure TChromiumCore.DecZoomPct; begin if CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then doUpdateZoomPct(False) else ExecuteUpdateZoomPctTask(False); end; // Sets the Zoom Step to the default value and triggers the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event procedure TChromiumCore.ResetZoomStep; begin ZoomStep := ZOOM_STEP_DEF; end; // Sets the Zoom Level to the default value and triggers the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event procedure TChromiumCore.ResetZoomLevel; begin ZoomLevel := 0; end; // Sets the Zoom Percent to the default value and triggers the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event procedure TChromiumCore.ResetZoomPct; begin ZoomPct := ZoomStepValues[ZOOM_STEP_DEF]; end; // Triggers the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event with the current Zoom Percent value procedure TChromiumCore.ReadZoom; begin if CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then doReadZoom else ExecuteReadZoomTask; end; function TChromiumCore.ExecuteUpdateZoomStepTask(aInc : boolean) : boolean; var TempTask : ICefTask; begin Result := False; try if Initialized then begin TempTask := TCefUpdateZoomStepTask.Create(self, aInc); Result := CefPostTask(TID_UI, TempTask); end; finally TempTask := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.ExecuteUpdateZoomPctTask(aInc : boolean) : boolean; var TempTask : ICefTask; begin Result := False; try if Initialized then begin TempTask := TCefUpdateZoomPctTask.Create(self, aInc); Result := CefPostTask(TID_UI, TempTask); end; finally TempTask := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.ExecuteReadZoomTask : boolean; var TempTask : ICefTask; begin Result := False; try if Initialized then begin TempTask := TCefReadZoomTask.Create(self); Result := CefPostTask(TID_UI, TempTask); end; finally TempTask := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.ExecuteSetZoomPctTask(const aValue : double) : boolean; var TempTask : ICefTask; begin Result := False; try if Initialized then begin TempTask := TCefSetZoomPctTask.Create(self, aValue); Result := CefPostTask(TID_UI, TempTask); end; finally TempTask := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.ExecuteSetZoomLevelTask(const aValue : double) : boolean; var TempTask : ICefTask; begin Result := False; try if Initialized then begin TempTask := TCefSetZoomLevelTask.Create(self, aValue); Result := CefPostTask(TID_UI, TempTask); end; finally TempTask := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.ExecuteSetZoomStepTask(aValue : byte) : boolean; var TempTask : ICefTask; begin Result := False; try if Initialized then begin TempTask := TCefSetZoomStepTask.Create(self, aValue); Result := CefPostTask(TID_UI, TempTask); end; finally TempTask := nil; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetDoNotTrack(aValue : boolean); begin if (FDoNotTrack <> aValue) then begin FDoNotTrack := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetSendReferrer(aValue : boolean); begin if (FSendReferrer <> aValue) then begin FSendReferrer := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetHyperlinkAuditing(aValue : boolean); begin if (FHyperlinkAuditing <> aValue) then begin FHyperlinkAuditing := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetRunAllFlashInAllowMode(aValue : boolean); begin if (FRunAllFlashInAllowMode <> aValue) then begin FRunAllFlashInAllowMode := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetAllowOutdatedPlugins(aValue : boolean); begin if (FAllowOutdatedPlugins <> aValue) then begin FAllowOutdatedPlugins := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetAlwaysAuthorizePlugins(aValue : boolean); begin if (FAlwaysAuthorizePlugins <> aValue) then begin FAlwaysAuthorizePlugins := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetSpellChecking(aValue : boolean); begin if (FSpellChecking <> aValue) then begin FSpellChecking := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetSpellCheckerDicts(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FSpellCheckerDicts <> aValue) then begin FSpellCheckerDicts := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetSafeSearch(aValue : boolean); begin if (FSafeSearch <> aValue) then begin FSafeSearch := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetYouTubeRestrict(aValue : integer); begin if (FYouTubeRestrict <> aValue) then begin FYouTubeRestrict := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetPrintingEnabled(aValue : boolean); begin if (FPrintingEnabled <> aValue) then begin FPrintingEnabled := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetAcceptLanguageList(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FAcceptLanguageList <> aValue) then begin FAcceptLanguageList := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetOnRequestContextInitialized(const aValue : TOnRequestContextInitialized); begin FOnRequestContextInitialized := aValue; CreateReqContextHandler; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetOnBeforePluginLoad(const aValue : TOnBeforePluginLoad); begin FOnBeforePluginLoad := aValue; CreateReqContextHandler; end; procedure TChromiumCore.UpdateHostZoomLevel(const aValue : double); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.ZoomLevel := aValue; end; procedure TChromiumCore.UpdateHostZoomPct(const aValue : double); begin if (aValue > 0) then UpdateHostZoomLevel(LogN(1.2, aValue / 100)); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy(aValue : TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy); begin if (FWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy <> aValue) then begin FWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetWebRTCMultipleRoutes(aValue : TCefState); begin if (FWebRTCMultipleRoutes <> aValue) then begin FWebRTCMultipleRoutes := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetWebRTCNonProxiedUDP(aValue : TCefState); begin if (FWebRTCNonProxiedUDP <> aValue) then begin FWebRTCNonProxiedUDP := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetProxyType(aValue : integer); begin if (FProxyType <> aValue) then begin FProxyType := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetProxyScheme(aValue : TCefProxyScheme); begin if (FProxyScheme <> aValue) then begin FProxyScheme := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetProxyServer(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FProxyServer <> aValue) then begin FProxyServer := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetProxyPort(aValue : integer); begin if (FProxyPort <> aValue) then begin FProxyPort := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetProxyUsername(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FProxyUsername <> aValue) then begin FProxyUsername := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetProxyPassword(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FProxyPassword <> aValue) then begin FProxyPassword := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetProxyScriptURL(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FProxyScriptURL <> aValue) then begin FProxyScriptURL := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetProxyByPassList(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FProxyByPassList <> aValue) then begin FProxyByPassList := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetMaxConnectionsPerProxy(const aValue : integer); begin if (FMaxConnectionsPerProxy <> aValue) and (aValue in [CEF_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_PROXY_MIN_VALUE..CEF_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_PROXY_MAX_VALUE]) then begin FMaxConnectionsPerProxy := aValue; FUpdatePreferences := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetCustomHeaderName(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FCustomHeaderName <> aValue) then begin FCustomHeaderName := aValue; FAddCustomHeader := (length(FCustomHeaderName) > 0) and (length(FCustomHeaderValue) > 0); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetCustomHeaderValue(const aValue : ustring); begin if (FCustomHeaderValue <> aValue) then begin FCustomHeaderValue := aValue; FAddCustomHeader := (length(FCustomHeaderName) > 0) and (length(FCustomHeaderValue) > 0); end; end; // If aDeleteImmediately is false TChromiumCore.DeleteCookies triggers the TChromiumCore.OnCookiesDeleted // event when the cookies are deleted. function TChromiumCore.DeleteCookies(const url, cookieName: ustring; aDeleteImmediately : boolean) : boolean; var TempManager : ICefCookieManager; TempCallback : ICefDeleteCookiesCallback; begin Result := False; if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then begin TempManager := FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.GetCookieManager(nil); if (TempManager <> nil) then try if aDeleteImmediately then TempCallBack := nil else TempCallback := TCefCustomDeleteCookiesCallback.Create(self); Result := TempManager.DeleteCookies(url, cookieName, TempCallback); finally TempCallback := nil; end; end; end; // TChromiumCore.VisitAllCookies triggers the TChromiumCore.OnCookiesVisited event for each cookie // aID is an optional parameter to identify which VisitAllCookies call has triggered the // OnCookiesVisited event. // TChromiumCore.OnCookiesVisited may not be triggered if the cookie store is empty but the // TChromium.OnCookieVisitorDestroyed event will always be triggered to signal when the browser // when the visit is over. function TChromiumCore.VisitAllCookies(aID : integer) : boolean; var TempManager : ICefCookieManager; TempVisitor : ICefCookieVisitor; begin Result := False; if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then begin TempManager := FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.GetCookieManager(nil); if (TempManager <> nil) then try TempVisitor := TCefCustomCookieVisitor.Create(self, aID); Result := TempManager.VisitAllCookies(TempVisitor); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; end; // TChromiumCore.VisitURLCookies triggers the TChromiumCore.OnCookiesVisited event for each cookie // aID is an optional parameter to identify which VisitURLCookies call has triggered the // OnCookiesVisited event. // TChromiumCore.OnCookiesVisited may not be triggered if the cookie store is empty but the // TChromium.OnCookieVisitorDestroyed event will always be triggered to signal when the browser // when the visit is over. function TChromiumCore.VisitURLCookies(const url : ustring; includeHttpOnly : boolean; aID : integer) : boolean; var TempManager : ICefCookieManager; TempVisitor : ICefCookieVisitor; begin Result := False; if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then begin TempManager := FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.GetCookieManager(nil); if (TempManager <> nil) then try TempVisitor := TCefCustomCookieVisitor.Create(self, aID); Result := TempManager.VisitUrlCookies(url, includeHttpOnly, TempVisitor); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; end; // TChromiumCore.SetCookie triggers the TChromiumCore.OnCookieSet event when the cookie has been set // aID is an optional parameter to identify which SetCookie call has triggered the // OnCookieSet event. function TChromiumCore.SetCookie(const url, name_, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime; aSetImmediately : boolean; aID : integer): Boolean; var TempManager : ICefCookieManager; TempCallback : ICefSetCookieCallback; begin Result := False; if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then begin TempManager := FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.GetCookieManager(nil); if (TempManager <> nil) then try if aSetImmediately then TempCallback := nil else TempCallback := TCefCustomSetCookieCallback.Create(self, aID); Result := TempManager.SetCookie(url, name_, value, domain, path, secure, httponly, hasExpires, creation, lastAccess, expires, TempCallback); finally TempCallback := nil; end; end; end; // If aFlushImmediately is false then OnCookiesFlushed is triggered when the cookies are flushed function TChromiumCore.FlushCookieStore(aFlushImmediately : boolean) : boolean; var TempManager : ICefCookieManager; TempCallback : ICefCompletionCallback; begin Result := False; if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then begin TempManager := FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.GetCookieManager(nil); if (TempManager <> nil) then try if aFlushImmediately then TempCallback := nil else TempCallback := TCefFlushStoreCompletionCallback.Create(self); Result := TempManager.FlushStore(TempCallback); finally TempCallback := nil; end; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.UpdateSupportedSchemes(const aSchemes : TStrings; aIncludeDefaults : boolean); var TempManager : ICefCookieManager; begin if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then begin TempManager := FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.GetCookieManager(nil); if (TempManager <> nil) then try TempManager.SetSupportedSchemes(aSchemes, aIncludeDefaults, nil); finally TempManager := nil; end; end; end; // If aClearImmediately is false then OnCertificateExceptionsCleared is triggered when the exceptions are cleared function TChromiumCore.ClearCertificateExceptions(aClearImmediately : boolean) : boolean; var TempCallback : ICefCompletionCallback; begin Result := False; if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then try if aClearImmediately then TempCallback := nil else TempCallback := TCefClearCertificateExceptionsCompletionCallback.Create(self); FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.ClearCertificateExceptions(TempCallback); Result := True; finally TempCallback := nil; end; end; // If aClearImmediately is false then OnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared is triggered when the credeintials are cleared function TChromiumCore.ClearHttpAuthCredentials(aClearImmediately : boolean) : boolean; var TempCallback : ICefCompletionCallback; begin Result := False; if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then try if aClearImmediately then TempCallback := nil else TempCallback := TCefClearHttpAuthCredentialsCompletionCallback.Create(self); FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.ClearHttpAuthCredentials(TempCallback); Result := True; finally TempCallback := nil; end; end; // If aCloseImmediately is false then OnAllConnectionsClosed is triggered when the connections are closed function TChromiumCore.CloseAllConnections(aCloseImmediately : boolean) : boolean; var TempCallback : ICefCompletionCallback; begin Result := False; if Initialized and (FBrowser.Host <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.RequestContext <> nil) then try if aCloseImmediately then TempCallback := nil else TempCallback := TCefCloseAllConnectionsCompletionCallback.Create(self); FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.CloseAllConnections(TempCallback); Result := True; finally TempCallback := nil; end; end; // Leave aFrameName empty to get the HTML source from the main frame procedure TChromiumCore.RetrieveHTML(const aFrameName : ustring); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; TempVisitor : ICefStringVisitor; begin if Initialized then begin if (length(aFrameName) > 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrame(aFrameName) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then try TempVisitor := TCustomCefStringVisitor.Create(self); TempFrame.GetSource(TempVisitor); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.RetrieveHTML(const aFrame : ICefFrame); var TempVisitor : ICefStringVisitor; begin if Initialized and (aFrame <> nil) and aFrame.IsValid then try TempVisitor := TCustomCefStringVisitor.Create(self); aFrame.GetSource(TempVisitor); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.RetrieveHTML(const aFrameIdentifier : int64); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; TempVisitor : ICefStringVisitor; begin if Initialized then begin if (aFrameIdentifier <> 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrameByident(aFrameIdentifier) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then try TempVisitor := TCustomCefStringVisitor.Create(self); TempFrame.GetSource(TempVisitor); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; end; // Leave aFrameName empty to get the HTML source from the main frame procedure TChromiumCore.RetrieveText(const aFrameName : ustring); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; TempVisitor : ICefStringVisitor; begin if Initialized then begin if (length(aFrameName) > 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrame(aFrameName) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then try TempVisitor := TCustomCefStringVisitor.Create(self); TempFrame.GetText(TempVisitor); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.RetrieveText(const aFrame : ICefFrame); var TempVisitor : ICefStringVisitor; begin if Initialized and (aFrame <> nil) and aFrame.IsValid then try TempVisitor := TCustomCefStringVisitor.Create(self); aFrame.GetText(TempVisitor); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.RetrieveText(const aFrameIdentifier : int64); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; TempVisitor : ICefStringVisitor; begin if Initialized then begin if (aFrameIdentifier <> 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrameByident(aFrameIdentifier) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then try TempVisitor := TCustomCefStringVisitor.Create(self); TempFrame.GetText(TempVisitor); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.GetNavigationEntries(currentOnly: Boolean); var TempVisitor : ICefNavigationEntryVisitor; begin if Initialized then try TempVisitor := TCustomCefNavigationEntryVisitor.Create(self); FBrowser.Host.GetNavigationEntries(TempVisitor, currentOnly); finally TempVisitor := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.GetFrameNames(var aFrameNames : TStrings) : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.GetFrameNames(aFrameNames); end; function TChromiumCore.GetFrameIdentifiers(var aFrameCount : NativeUInt; var aFrameIdentifierArray : TCefFrameIdentifierArray) : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and FBrowser.GetFrameIdentifiers(aFrameCount, aFrameIdentifierArray); end; procedure TChromiumCore.UpdatePreferences; var TempTask: ICefTask; begin if Initialized then try TempTask := TCefUpdatePrefsTask.Create(self); CefPostTask(TID_UI, TempTask); finally TempTask := nil; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SavePreferences(const aFileName : string); var TempTask: ICefTask; begin if Initialized and (length(aFileName) > 0) then try FPrefsFileName := aFileName; TempTask := TCefSavePrefsTask.Create(self); CefPostTask(TID_UI, TempTask); finally TempTask := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.SetNewBrowserParent(aNewParentHwnd : HWND) : boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempHandle : HWND; {$ENDIF} begin Result := False; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if Initialized then begin TempHandle := FBrowser.Host.WindowHandle; Result := (TempHandle <> 0) and (SetParent(TempHandle, aNewParentHwnd) <> 0); end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TChromiumCore.ResolveHost(const aURL : ustring); var TempCallback : ICefResolveCallback; begin // Results will be received in the OnResolvedHostAvailable event of this class if Initialized and (length(aURL) > 0) then try TempCallback := TCefCustomResolveCallback.Create(self); FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.ResolveHost(aURL, TempCallback); finally TempCallback := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.IsSameBrowser(const aBrowser : ICefBrowser) : boolean; begin Result := Initialized and (aBrowser <> nil) and FBrowser.IsSame(aBrowser); end; // Calling ExecuteTaskOnCefThread function will trigger the TChromiumCore.OnExecuteTaskOnCefThread event. // "aCefThreadId" indicates the CEF thread on which TChromiumCore.OnExecuteTaskOnCefThread will be executed. // "aTaskID" is a custom ID used to identify the task that triggered the TChromiumCore.OnExecuteTaskOnCefThread event. // "aDelayMs" is an optional delay in milliseconds to trigger the TChromiumCore.OnExecuteTaskOnCefThread event. function TChromiumCore.ExecuteTaskOnCefThread(aCefThreadId : TCefThreadId; aTaskID : cardinal; aDelayMs : Int64) : boolean; var TempTask : ICefTask; begin Result := False; try if Initialized then begin TempTask := TCefGenericTask.Create(self, aTaskID); if (aDelayMs <> 0) then Result := CefPostDelayedTask(aCefThreadId, TempTask, aDelayMs) else Result := CefPostTask(aCefThreadId, TempTask); end; finally TempTask := nil; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SimulateMouseWheel(aDeltaX, aDeltaY : integer); var TempEvent : TCefMouseEvent; begin if Initialized then begin TempEvent.x := 0; TempEvent.y := 0; TempEvent.modifiers := EVENTFLAG_NONE; FBrowser.Host.SendMouseWheelEvent(@TempEvent, aDeltaX, aDeltaY); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.doUpdatePreferences(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser); begin FUpdatePreferences := False; // The preferences registered in CEF are defined in : // /libcef/browser/prefs/browser_prefs.cc UpdateProxyPrefs(aBrowser); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'enable_do_not_track', FDoNotTrack); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'enable_referrers', FSendReferrer); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'enable_a_ping', FHyperlinkAuditing); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'plugins.run_all_flash_in_allow_mode', FRunAllFlashInAllowMode); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'plugins.allow_outdated', FAllowOutdatedPlugins); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'plugins.always_authorize', FAlwaysAuthorizePlugins); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'browser.enable_spellchecking', FSpellChecking); UpdateStringListPref(aBrowser, 'spellcheck.dictionaries', FSpellCheckerDicts); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'settings.force_google_safesearch', FSafeSearch); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'settings.force_youtube_restrict', FYouTubeRestrict); UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'printing.enabled', FPrintingEnabled); if (length(FAcceptLanguageList) > 0) then UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'intl.accept_languages', FAcceptLanguageList); if (FMaxConnectionsPerProxy <> CEF_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_PROXY_DEFAULT_VALUE) then UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'net.max_connections_per_proxy', FMaxConnectionsPerProxy); if FRunAllFlashInAllowMode then UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'profile.default_content_setting_values.plugins', 1); case FWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy of hpDefaultPublicAndPrivateInterfaces : UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'webrtc.ip_handling_policy', 'default_public_and_private_interfaces'); hpDefaultPublicInterfaceOnly : UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'webrtc.ip_handling_policy', 'default_public_interface_only'); hpDisableNonProxiedUDP : UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'webrtc.ip_handling_policy', 'disable_non_proxied_udp'); end; if (FWebRTCMultipleRoutes <> STATE_DEFAULT) then UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'webrtc.multiple_routes_enabled', (FWebRTCMultipleRoutes = STATE_ENABLED)); if (FWebRTCNonProxiedUDP <> STATE_DEFAULT) then UpdatePreference(aBrowser, 'webrtc.nonproxied_udp_enabled', (FWebRTCNonProxiedUDP = STATE_ENABLED)); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doUpdateOwnPreferences; begin if Initialized then doUpdatePreferences(FBrowser); end; function TChromiumCore.UpdateProxyPrefs(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser) : boolean; var TempError : ustring; TempProxy : ICefValue; TempValue : ICefValue; TempDict : ICefDictionaryValue; begin Result := False; try try if (aBrowser <> nil) and (aBrowser.Host <> nil) and aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.CanSetPreference('proxy') then begin TempProxy := TCefValueRef.New; TempValue := TCefValueRef.New; TempDict := TCefDictionaryValueRef.New; case FProxyType of CEF_PROXYTYPE_AUTODETECT : begin TempValue.SetString('auto_detect'); TempDict.SetValue('mode', TempValue); end; CEF_PROXYTYPE_SYSTEM : begin TempValue.SetString('system'); TempDict.SetValue('mode', TempValue); end; CEF_PROXYTYPE_FIXED_SERVERS : begin TempValue.SetString('fixed_servers'); TempDict.SetValue('mode', TempValue); case FProxyScheme of psSOCKS4 : TempDict.SetString('server', 'socks4://' + FProxyServer + ':' + inttostr(FProxyPort)); psSOCKS5 : TempDict.SetString('server', 'socks5://' + FProxyServer + ':' + inttostr(FProxyPort)); else TempDict.SetString('server', FProxyServer + ':' + inttostr(FProxyPort)); end; if (length(FProxyByPassList) > 0) then TempDict.SetString('bypass_list', FProxyByPassList); end; CEF_PROXYTYPE_PAC_SCRIPT : begin TempValue.SetString('pac_script'); TempDict.SetValue('mode', TempValue); TempDict.SetString('pac_url', FProxyScriptURL); end; else // CEF_PROXYTYPE_DIRECT begin TempValue.SetString('direct'); TempDict.SetValue('mode', TempValue); end; end; Result := TempProxy.SetDictionary(TempDict) and aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.SetPreference('proxy', TempProxy, TempError); if not(Result) then OutputDebugMessage('TChromiumCore.UpdateProxyPrefs error : ' + quotedstr(TempError)); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.UpdateProxyPrefs', e) then raise; end; finally TempProxy := nil; TempValue := nil; TempDict := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName : ustring; aValue : boolean) : boolean; var TempError : ustring; TempValue : ICefValue; begin Result := False; try try if (aBrowser <> nil) and (aBrowser.Host <> nil) and aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.CanSetPreference(aName) then begin TempValue := TCefValueRef.New; TempValue.SetBool(aValue); Result := aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.SetPreference(aName, TempValue, TempError); if not(Result) then OutputDebugMessage('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference error : ' + quotedstr(TempError)); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference', e) then raise; end; finally TempValue := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName : ustring; aValue : integer) : boolean; var TempError : ustring; TempValue : ICefValue; begin Result := False; try try if (aBrowser <> nil) and (aBrowser.Host <> nil) and aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.CanSetPreference(aName) then begin TempValue := TCefValueRef.New; TempValue.SetInt(aValue); Result := aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.SetPreference(aName, TempValue, TempError); if not(Result) then OutputDebugMessage('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference error : ' + quotedstr(TempError)); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference', e) then raise; end; finally TempValue := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName : ustring; const aValue : double) : boolean; var TempError : ustring; TempValue : ICefValue; begin Result := False; try try if (aBrowser <> nil) and (aBrowser.Host <> nil) and aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.CanSetPreference(aName) then begin TempValue := TCefValueRef.New; TempValue.SetDouble(aValue); Result := aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.SetPreference(aName, TempValue, TempError); if not(Result) then OutputDebugMessage('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference error : ' + quotedstr(TempError)); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference', e) then raise; end; finally TempValue := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName, aValue : ustring) : boolean; var TempError : ustring; TempValue : ICefValue; begin Result := False; try try if (aBrowser <> nil) and (aBrowser.Host <> nil) and aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.CanSetPreference(aName) then begin TempValue := TCefValueRef.New; TempValue.SetString(aValue); Result := aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.SetPreference(aName, TempValue, TempError); if not(Result) then OutputDebugMessage('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference error : ' + quotedstr(TempError)); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference', e) then raise; end; finally TempValue := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName : ustring; const aValue : TStringList) : boolean; var TempError : ustring; TempValue : ICefValue; TempList : ICefListValue; i : NativeUInt; TempSize : NativeUInt; begin Result := False; try try if (aValue <> nil) and (aValue.Count > 0) and (aBrowser <> nil) and (aBrowser.Host <> nil) and aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.CanSetPreference(aName) then begin TempSize := aValue.Count; TempList := TCefListValueRef.New; if TempList.SetSize(TempSize) then begin i := 0; while (i < TempSize) do begin TempList.SetString(i, aValue[i]); inc(i); end; TempValue := TCefValueRef.New; Result := TempValue.SetList(TempList) and aBrowser.Host.RequestContext.SetPreference(aName, TempValue, TempError); if not(Result) then OutputDebugMessage('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference error : ' + quotedstr(TempError)); end; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.UpdatePreference', e) then raise; end; finally TempValue := nil; TempList := nil; end; end; function TChromiumCore.UpdateStringListPref(const aBrowser: ICefBrowser; const aName, aValue : ustring) : boolean; var TempSL : TStringList; begin Result := False; TempSL := nil; try if (length(aName) > 0) and (length(aValue) > 0) then begin TempSL := TStringList.Create; TempSL.CommaText := aValue; Result := UpdatePreference(aBrowser, aName, TempSL); end; finally if (TempSL <> nil) then FreeAndNil(TempSL); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleNull(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); var TempKey : string; begin if (aRoot <> '') then TempKey := aRoot + '.' + aKey else TempKey := aKey; if (length(TempKey) > 0) then aResultSL.Add(TempKey + ' : -null-') else aResultSL.Add('-null-'); end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleBool(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); var TempKey : string; begin if (aRoot <> '') then TempKey := aRoot + '.' + aKey else TempKey := aKey; if (length(TempKey) > 0) then aResultSL.Add(TempKey + ' : ' + BoolToStr(aValue.GetBool, true)) else aResultSL.Add(BoolToStr(aValue.GetBool, true)); end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleInteger(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); var TempKey : string; begin if (aRoot <> '') then TempKey := aRoot + '.' + aKey else TempKey := aKey; if (length(TempKey) > 0) then aResultSL.Add(TempKey + ' : ' + IntToStr(aValue.GetInt)) else aResultSL.Add(IntToStr(aValue.GetInt)); end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleDouble(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); var TempKey : string; begin if (aRoot <> '') then TempKey := aRoot + '.' + aKey else TempKey := aKey; if (length(TempKey) > 0) then aResultSL.Add(TempKey + ' : ' + FloatToStr(aValue.GetDouble)) else aResultSL.Add(FloatToStr(aValue.GetDouble)); end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleString(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); var TempKey : string; begin if (aRoot <> '') then TempKey := aRoot + '.' + aKey else TempKey := aKey; if (length(TempKey) > 0) then aResultSL.Add(TempKey + ' : ' + aValue.GetString) else aResultSL.Add(aValue.GetString); end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleBinary(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); var TempKey : string; begin if (aRoot <> '') then TempKey := aRoot + '.' + aKey else TempKey := aKey; if (length(TempKey) > 0) then aResultSL.Add(TempKey + ' : -binary-') else aResultSL.Add('-binary-'); end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleList(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); var TempKey, TempResult : string; i, j : integer; TempList : ICefListValue; TempValue : ICefValue; TempSL : TStringList; begin if (aRoot <> '') then TempKey := aRoot + '.' + aKey else TempKey := aKey; TempList := aValue.GetList; TempSL := TStringList.Create; i := 0; j := TempList.GetSize; TempResult := '(' + inttostr(j) + '){'; while (i < j) do begin TempValue := TempList.GetValue(i); case TempValue.GetType of VTYPE_NULL : TempResult := TempResult + '-null-,'; VTYPE_BOOL : TempResult := TempResult + BoolToStr(TempValue.GetBool, true) + ','; VTYPE_INT : TempResult := TempResult + IntToStr(TempValue.GetInt) + ','; VTYPE_DOUBLE : TempResult := TempResult + FloatToStr(TempValue.GetDouble) + ','; VTYPE_STRING : TempResult := TempResult + TempValue.GetString + ','; VTYPE_BINARY : TempResult := TempResult + '-binary-,'; VTYPE_DICTIONARY : begin TempSL.Clear; HandleDictionary(TempValue.GetDictionary, TempSL, ''); TempResult := TempResult + TempSL.CommaText + ','; end; VTYPE_LIST : begin TempSL.Clear; HandleList(TempValue, TempSL, '', ''); TempResult := TempResult + TempSL.CommaText + ','; end; else TempResult := TempResult + '-invalid-,'; end; inc(i); end; i := length(TempResult); if (i > 0) and (TempResult[i] = ',') then TempResult := copy(TempResult, 1, pred(i)); TempResult := TempResult + '}'; if (length(TempKey) > 0) then aResultSL.Add(TempKey + ' : ' + TempResult) else aResultSL.Add(TempResult); TempSL.Free; end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleInvalid(const aValue : ICefValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot, aKey : string); var TempKey : string; begin if (aRoot <> '') then TempKey := aRoot + '.' + aKey else TempKey := aKey; if (length(TempKey) > 0) then aResultSL.Add(TempKey + ' : -invalid-') else aResultSL.Add('-invalid-'); end; procedure TChromiumCore.HandleDictionary(const aDict : ICefDictionaryValue; var aResultSL : TStringList; const aRoot : string); var TempKeys : TStringList; i, j : integer; TempValue : ICefValue; TempNewKey : string; begin TempKeys := nil; try try if (aDict <> nil) then begin TempKeys := TStringList.Create; aDict.GetKeys(TempKeys); i := 0; j := TempKeys.Count; while (i < j) do begin TempValue := aDict.GetValue(TempKeys[i]); case TempValue.GetType of VTYPE_NULL : HandleNull(TempValue, aResultSL, aRoot, TempKeys[i]); VTYPE_BOOL : HandleBool(TempValue, aResultSL, aRoot, TempKeys[i]); VTYPE_INT : HandleInteger(TempValue, aResultSL, aRoot, TempKeys[i]); VTYPE_DOUBLE : HandleDouble(TempValue, aResultSL, aRoot, TempKeys[i]); VTYPE_STRING : HandleString(TempValue, aResultSL, aRoot, TempKeys[i]); VTYPE_BINARY : HandleBinary(TempValue, aResultSL, aRoot, TempKeys[i]); VTYPE_LIST : HandleList(TempValue, aResultSL, aRoot, TempKeys[i]); VTYPE_DICTIONARY : begin if (length(aRoot) > 0) then TempNewKey := aRoot + '.' + TempKeys[i] else TempNewKey := TempKeys[i]; HandleDictionary(TempValue.GetDictionary, aResultSL, TempNewKey); end; else HandleInvalid(TempValue, aResultSL, aRoot, TempKeys[i]); end; inc(i); end; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.HandleDictionary', e) then raise; end; finally if (TempKeys <> nil) then TempKeys.Free; end; end; function TChromiumCore.doSavePreferences : boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempDict : ICefDictionaryValue; TempPrefs : TStringList; {$ENDIF} begin Result := False; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} TempPrefs := nil; try try if Initialized then begin TempPrefs := TStringList.Create; TempDict := FBrowser.Host.RequestContext.GetAllPreferences(True); HandleDictionary(TempDict, TempPrefs, ''); TempPrefs.SaveToFile(FPrefsFileName); Result := True; end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.Internal_SavePreferences', e) then raise; end; finally SendCompMessage(CEF_PREFERENCES_SAVED, Ord(Result)); if (TempPrefs <> nil) then FreeAndNil(TempPrefs); end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TChromiumCore.doResolvedHostAvailable(result: TCefErrorCode; const resolvedIps: TStrings); begin if assigned(FOnResolvedHostAvailable) then FOnResolvedHostAvailable(self, result, resolvedIps); end; function TChromiumCore.doNavigationVisitorResultAvailable(const entry : ICefNavigationEntry; current : Boolean; index : Integer; total : Integer) : boolean; begin Result := False; if assigned(FOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable) then FOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable(entry, current, index, total, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doDownloadImageFinished(const imageUrl : ustring; httpStatusCode : Integer; const image : ICefImage); begin if assigned(FOnDownloadImageFinished) then FOnDownloadImageFinished(self, imageUrl, httpStatusCode, image); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnCookiesStoreFlushed; begin if assigned(FOnCookiesFlushed) then FOnCookiesFlushed(self); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doCertificateExceptionsCleared; begin if assigned(FOnCertificateExceptionsCleared) then FOnCertificateExceptionsCleared(self); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doHttpAuthCredentialsCleared; begin if assigned(FOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared) then FOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared(self); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doAllConnectionsClosed; begin if assigned(FOnAllConnectionsClosed) then FOnAllConnectionsClosed(self); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread(aTaskID : cardinal); begin if assigned(FOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread) then FOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread(self, aTaskID); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnCookiesVisited(const name_, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime; count, total, aID : Integer; var aDeleteCookie, aResult : Boolean); begin if assigned(FOnCookiesVisited) then FOnCookiesVisited(self, name_, value, domain, path, secure, httponly, hasExpires, creation, lastAccess, expires, count, total, aID, aDeleteCookie, aResult); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnCookieVisitorDestroyed(aID : integer); begin if assigned(FOnCookieVisitorDestroyed) then FOnCookieVisitorDestroyed(self, aID); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnCookieSet(aSuccess : boolean; aID : integer); begin if assigned(FOnCookieSet) then FOnCookieSet(self, aSuccess, aID); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doUpdateZoomStep(aInc : boolean); var TempPct, TempPrev, TempNext : double; i : integer; begin if not(Initialized) or (FZoomStepCS = nil) then exit; try FZoomStepCS.Acquire; if (FZoomStep in [ZOOM_STEP_MIN..ZOOM_STEP_MAX]) then begin if aInc then begin if (FZoomStep < ZOOM_STEP_MAX) then begin inc(FZoomStep); UpdateHostZoomPct(ZoomStepValues[FZoomStep]); end; end else if (FZoomStep > ZOOM_STEP_MIN) then begin dec(FZoomStep); UpdateHostZoomPct(ZoomStepValues[FZoomStep]); end; end else begin TempPct := ZoomPct; TempPrev := 0; i := ZOOM_STEP_MIN; repeat if (i <= ZOOM_STEP_MAX) then TempNext := ZoomStepValues[i] else TempNext := ZoomStepValues[ZOOM_STEP_MAX] * 2; if (TempPct > TempPrev) and (TempPct < TempNext) then begin if aInc then begin if (i <= ZOOM_STEP_MAX) then begin FZoomStep := i; UpdateHostZoomPct(ZoomStepValues[FZoomStep]); end; end else if (i > ZOOM_STEP_MIN) then begin FZoomStep := pred(i); UpdateHostZoomPct(ZoomStepValues[FZoomStep]); end; i := ZOOM_STEP_MAX + 2; end else begin TempPrev := TempNext; inc(i); end; until (i > succ(ZOOM_STEP_MAX)); end; finally FZoomStepCS.Release; if assigned(FOnZoomPctAvailable) then FOnZoomPctAvailable(self, ZoomPct); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.doUpdateZoomPct(aInc : boolean); var TempNewZoom : double; i : integer; begin if not(Initialized) or (FZoomStepCS = nil) then exit; TempNewZoom := ZoomPct; try FZoomStepCS.Acquire; if aInc then TempNewZoom := min(TempNewZoom + ZOOM_PCT_DELTA, ZoomStepValues[ZOOM_STEP_MAX]) else TempNewZoom := max(TempNewZoom - ZOOM_PCT_DELTA, ZoomStepValues[ZOOM_STEP_MIN]); for i := ZOOM_STEP_MIN to ZOOM_STEP_MAX do if (TempNewZoom = ZoomStepValues[i]) then break; FZoomStep := i; UpdateHostZoomPct(TempNewZoom); finally FZoomStepCS.Release; if assigned(FOnZoomPctAvailable) then FOnZoomPctAvailable(self, TempNewZoom); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.doReadZoom; begin if Initialized and assigned(FOnZoomPctAvailable) then FOnZoomPctAvailable(self, ZoomPct); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doSetZoomLevel(const aValue : double); var TempZoom : double; i : integer; begin if not(Initialized) or (FZoomStepCS = nil) then exit; try FZoomStepCS.Acquire; UpdateHostZoomLevel(aValue); TempZoom := ZoomPct; for i := ZOOM_STEP_MIN to ZOOM_STEP_MAX do if (TempZoom = ZoomStepValues[i]) then break; FZoomStep := i; finally FZoomStepCS.Release; if assigned(FOnZoomPctAvailable) then FOnZoomPctAvailable(self, ZoomPct); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.doSetZoomPct(const aValue : double); var TempZoom : double; i : integer; begin if not(Initialized) or (FZoomStepCS = nil) then exit; try FZoomStepCS.Acquire; if (aValue >= ZoomStepValues[ZOOM_STEP_MIN]) and (aValue <= ZoomStepValues[ZOOM_STEP_MAX]) then begin UpdateHostZoomPct(aValue); TempZoom := ZoomPct; for i := ZOOM_STEP_MIN to ZOOM_STEP_MAX do if (TempZoom = ZoomStepValues[i]) then break; FZoomStep := i; end; finally FZoomStepCS.Release; if assigned(FOnZoomPctAvailable) then FOnZoomPctAvailable(self, ZoomPct); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.doSetZoomStep(aValue : byte); begin if not(Initialized) or (FZoomStepCS = nil) then exit; try FZoomStepCS.Acquire; if (aValue in [ZOOM_STEP_MIN..ZOOM_STEP_MAX]) then begin FZoomStep := aValue; UpdateHostZoomPct(ZoomStepValues[aValue]); end; finally FZoomStepCS.Release; if assigned(FOnZoomPctAvailable) then FOnZoomPctAvailable(self, ZoomPct); end; end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateLoadHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnLoadStart) or assigned(FOnLoadEnd) or assigned(FOnLoadError) or assigned(FOnLoadingStateChange); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateFocusHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnTakeFocus) or assigned(FOnSetFocus) or assigned(FOnGotFocus); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateContextMenuHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnBeforeContextMenu) or assigned(FOnRunContextMenu) or assigned(FOnContextMenuCommand) or assigned(FOnContextMenuDismissed); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateDialogHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnFileDialog); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateKeyboardHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnPreKeyEvent) or assigned(FOnKeyEvent); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateDisplayHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnAddressChange) or assigned(FOnTitleChange) or assigned(FOnFavIconUrlChange) or assigned(FOnFullScreenModeChange) or assigned(FOnTooltip) or assigned(FOnStatusMessage) or assigned(FOnConsoleMessage) or assigned(FOnAutoResize) or assigned(FOnLoadingProgressChange); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateDownloadHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnBeforeDownload) or assigned(FOnDownloadUpdated); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateJsDialogHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnJsdialog) or assigned(FOnBeforeUnloadDialog) or assigned(FOnResetDialogState) or assigned(FOnDialogClosed); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateLifeSpanHandler : boolean; begin Result := True; end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateRenderHandler : boolean; begin Result := FIsOSR; end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateRequestHandler : boolean; begin Result := True; end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateDragHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnDragEnter) or assigned(FOnDraggableRegionsChanged); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateFindHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnFindResult); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateResourceRequestHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnBeforeResourceLoad) or assigned(FOnGetResourceHandler) or assigned(FOnResourceRedirect) or assigned(FOnResourceResponse) or assigned(FOnGetResourceResponseFilter) or assigned(FOnResourceLoadComplete) or assigned(FOnProtocolExecution) or MustCreateCookieAccessFilter; end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateCookieAccessFilter : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnCanSendCookie) or assigned(FOnCanSaveCookie); end; function TChromiumCore.MustCreateRequestContextHandler : boolean; begin Result := assigned(FOnRequestContextInitialized) or assigned(FOnBeforePluginLoad) or assigned(FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr) or MustCreateResourceRequestHandler; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure TChromiumCore.PrefsAvailableMsg(var aMessage : TMessage); begin if assigned(FOnPrefsAvailable) then FOnPrefsAvailable(self, (aMessage.WParam <> 0)); end; function TChromiumCore.SendCompMessage(aMsg : cardinal; wParam : cardinal; lParam : integer) : boolean; begin Result := (FCompHandle <> 0) and PostMessage(FCompHandle, aMsg, wParam, lParam); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TChromiumCore.doTextResultAvailable(const aText : ustring); begin if assigned(FOnTextResultAvailable) then FOnTextResultAvailable(self, aText); end; procedure TChromiumCore.ExecuteJavaScript(const aCode, aScriptURL, aFrameName : ustring; aStartLine : integer); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin try if Initialized then begin if (length(aFrameName) > 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrame(aFrameName) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.ExecuteJavaScript(aCode, aScriptURL, aStartLine); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.ExecuteJavaScript', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ExecuteJavaScript(const aCode, aScriptURL : ustring; const aFrame : ICefFrame; aStartLine : integer); begin try if Initialized and (aFrame <> nil) and aFrame.IsValid then aFrame.ExecuteJavaScript(aCode, aScriptURL, aStartLine); except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.ExecuteJavaScript', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.ExecuteJavaScript(const aCode, aScriptURL : ustring; const aFrameIdentifier : int64; aStartLine : integer = 0); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin try if Initialized then begin if (aFrameIdentifier <> 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrameByident(aFrameIdentifier) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.ExecuteJavaScript(aCode, aScriptURL, aStartLine); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.ExecuteJavaScript', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.doCookiesDeleted(numDeleted : integer); begin if assigned(FOnCookiesDeleted) then FOnCookiesDeleted(self, numDeleted); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doPdfPrintFinished(aResultOK : boolean); begin if assigned(FOnPdfPrintFinished) then FOnPdfPrintFinished(self, aResultOK); end; procedure TChromiumCore.ShowDevTools(const inspectElementAt: TPoint; aWindowInfo: PCefWindowInfo); var TempPoint : TCefPoint; TempClient : ICefClient; TempPPoint : PCefPoint; begin try try if Initialized then begin InitializeSettings(FDevBrowserSettings); if aWindowInfo = nil then DefaultInitializeDevToolsWindowInfo(0, Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), '') else if aWindowInfo <> @FDevWindowInfo then FDevWindowInfo := aWindowInfo^; TempClient := TCustomClientHandler.Create(Self, True); if (inspectElementAt.x <> low(integer)) and (inspectElementAt.y <> low(integer)) then begin TempPoint.x := inspectElementAt.x; TempPoint.y := inspectElementAt.y; TempPPoint := @TempPoint; end else TempPPoint := nil; FBrowser.Host.ShowDevTools(@FDevWindowInfo, TempClient, @FDevBrowserSettings, TempPPoint); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.ShowDevTools', e) then raise; end; finally TempClient := nil; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.CloseDevTools(const aDevToolsWnd : TCefWindowHandle); begin if Initialized then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if (aDevToolsWnd <> 0) then SetParent(GetWindow(aDevToolsWnd, GW_CHILD), 0); {$ENDIF} if Initialized and (FBrowser <> nil) then FBrowser.Host.CloseDevTools; end; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure TChromiumCore.WndProc(var aMessage: TMessage); begin case aMessage.Msg of CEF_PREFERENCES_SAVED : PrefsAvailableMsg(aMessage); CEF_STARTDRAGGING : DelayedDragging; else aMessage.Result := DefWindowProc(FCompHandle, aMessage.Msg, aMessage.WParam, aMessage.LParam); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.BrowserCompWndProc(var aMessage: TMessage); var TempHandled : boolean; begin try TempHandled := False; try if assigned(FOnBrowserCompMsg) then FOnBrowserCompMsg(aMessage, TempHandled); if not(TempHandled) then CallOldCompWndProc(FOldBrowserCompWndPrc, FBrowserCompHWND, aMessage); finally if aMessage.Msg = WM_DESTROY then RestoreCompWndProc(FBrowserCompHWND, 0, FOldBrowserCompWndPrc); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.BrowserCompWndProc', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.WidgetCompWndProc(var aMessage: TMessage); var TempHandled : boolean; begin try TempHandled := False; try if assigned(FOnWidgetCompMsg) then FOnWidgetCompMsg(aMessage, TempHandled); if not(TempHandled) then CallOldCompWndProc(FOldWidgetCompWndPrc, FWidgetCompHWND, aMessage); finally if aMessage.Msg = WM_DESTROY then RestoreCompWndProc(FWidgetCompHWND, 0, FOldWidgetCompWndPrc); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.WidgetCompWndProc', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.RenderCompWndProc(var aMessage: TMessage); var TempHandled : boolean; begin try TempHandled := False; try if assigned(FOnRenderCompMsg) then FOnRenderCompMsg(aMessage, TempHandled); if not(TempHandled) then CallOldCompWndProc(FOldRenderCompWndPrc, FRenderCompHWND, aMessage); finally if aMessage.Msg = WM_DESTROY then RestoreCompWndProc(FRenderCompHWND, 0, FOldRenderCompWndPrc); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.RenderCompWndProc', e) then raise; end; end; {$ENDIF} function TChromiumCore.doOnClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; var TempAction : TCefCloseBrowserAction; begin Result := False; TempAction := cbaClose; // TempAction values // ----------------- // cbaCancel : stop closing the browser // cbaClose : continue closing the browser // cbaDelay : stop closing the browser momentarily. Used when the application // needs to execute some custom processes before closing the // browser. This is usually needed to destroy a TCEFWindowParent // in the main thread before closing the browser. if Assigned(FOnClose) then FOnClose(Self, browser, TempAction); case TempAction of cbaCancel : Result := True; cbaDelay : begin Result := True; if (browser <> nil) and (FBrowserId = browser.Identifier) then FClosing := True; end; else if (browser <> nil) and (FBrowserId = browser.Identifier) then FClosing := True; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser); begin if (browser <> nil) and (FBrowserId = browser.Identifier) then begin FInitialized := False; DestroyResourceRequestHandler; DestroyReqContextHandler; ClearBrowserReference; DestroyClientHandler; end; if Assigned(FOnBeforeClose) then FOnBeforeClose(Self, browser); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring); begin if Assigned(FOnAddressChange) then FOnAddressChange(Self, browser, frame, url); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser); begin if MultithreadApp and (FBrowser = nil) and (browser <> nil) then begin FBrowser := browser; FBrowserId := browser.Identifier; FInitialized := (FBrowserId <> 0); end; doUpdatePreferences(browser); if Assigned(FOnAfterCreated) then FOnAfterCreated(Self, browser); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnBeforeBrowse(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; user_gesture : Boolean; isRedirect : Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; if FUpdatePreferences then doUpdatePreferences(browser); if Assigned(FOnBeforeBrowse) then FOnBeforeBrowse(Self, browser, frame, request, user_gesture, isRedirect, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnBeforeContextMenu(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const params : ICefContextMenuParams; const model : ICefMenuModel); begin if Assigned(FOnBeforeContextMenu) then FOnBeforeContextMenu(Self, browser, frame, params, model); end; function TChromiumCore.doRunContextMenu(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const params : ICefContextMenuParams; const model : ICefMenuModel; const callback : ICefRunContextMenuCallback): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnRunContextMenu) then FOnRunContextMenu(Self, browser, frame, params, model, callback, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnBeforeDownload(const browser : ICefBrowser; const downloadItem : ICefDownloadItem; const suggestedName : ustring; const callback : ICefBeforeDownloadCallback); begin if Assigned(FOnBeforeDownload) then FOnBeforeDownload(Self, browser, downloadItem, suggestedName, callback); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnBeforePopup(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const targetUrl : ustring; const targetFrameName : ustring; targetDisposition : TCefWindowOpenDisposition; userGesture : Boolean; const popupFeatures : TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo : TCefWindowInfo; var client : ICefClient; var settings : TCefBrowserSettings; var extra_info : ICefDictionaryValue; var noJavascriptAccess : Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnBeforePopup) then FOnBeforePopup(Self, browser, frame, targetUrl, targetFrameName, targetDisposition, userGesture, popupFeatures, windowInfo, client, settings, extra_info, noJavascriptAccess, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; const callback : ICefRequestCallback): TCefReturnValue; var TempHeaderMap : ICefStringMultimap; begin if FAddCustomHeader then try TempHeaderMap := TCefStringMultimapOwn.Create; request.GetHeaderMap(TempHeaderMap); TempHeaderMap.Append(FCustomHeaderName, FCustomHeaderValue); request.SetHeaderMap(TempHeaderMap); finally TempHeaderMap := nil; end; if not(FSendReferrer) then request.SetReferrer('', REFERRER_POLICY_NO_REFERRER); Result := RV_CONTINUE; if Assigned(FOnBeforeResourceLoad) then FOnBeforeResourceLoad(Self, browser, frame, request, callback, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser : ICefBrowser; const messageText : ustring; isReload : Boolean; const callback : ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnBeforeUnloadDialog) then FOnBeforeUnloadDialog(Self, browser, messageText, isReload, callback, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnCertificateError(const browser : ICefBrowser; certError : TCefErrorcode; const requestUrl : ustring; const sslInfo : ICefSslInfo; const callback : ICefRequestCallback): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnCertificateError) then FOnCertificateError(Self, browser, certError, requestUrl, sslInfo, callback, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnConsoleMessage(const browser : ICefBrowser; level : TCefLogSeverity; const aMessage : ustring; const source : ustring; line : Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnConsoleMessage) then FOnConsoleMessage(Self, browser, level, aMessage, source, line, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnAutoResize(const browser : ICefBrowser; const new_size : PCefSize): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnAutoResize) then FOnAutoResize(Self, browser, new_size, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnLoadingProgressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const progress: double); begin if assigned(FOnLoadingProgressChange) then FOnLoadingProgressChange(self, browser, progress); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnContextMenuCommand(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const params : ICefContextMenuParams; commandId : Integer; eventFlags : TCefEventFlags): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnContextMenuCommand) then FOnContextMenuCommand(Self, browser, frame, params, commandId, eventFlags, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); begin if Assigned(FOnContextMenuDismissed) then FOnContextMenuDismissed(Self, browser, frame); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnCursorChange(const browser : ICefBrowser; cursor : TCefCursorHandle; cursorType : TCefCursorType; const customCursorInfo : PCefCursorInfo); begin if assigned(FOnCursorChange) then FOnCursorChange(self, browser, cursor, cursorType, customCursorInfo); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser); begin if Assigned(FOnDialogClosed) then FOnDialogClosed(Self, browser); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnDownloadUpdated(const browser : ICefBrowser; const downloadItem : ICefDownloadItem; const callback : ICefDownloadItemCallback); begin if Assigned(FOnDownloadUpdated) then FOnDownloadUpdated(Self, browser, downloadItem, callback); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnDragEnter(const browser : ICefBrowser; const dragData : ICefDragData; mask : TCefDragOperations): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnDragEnter) then FOnDragEnter(Self, browser, dragData, mask, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnDraggableRegionsChanged(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; regionsCount : NativeUInt; const regions : PCefDraggableRegionArray); begin if Assigned(FOnDraggableRegionsChanged) then FOnDraggableRegionsChanged(Self, browser, frame, regionsCount, regions); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnFaviconUrlChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const iconUrls: TStrings); begin if Assigned(FOnFavIconUrlChange) then FOnFavIconUrlChange(Self, browser, iconUrls); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnFileDialog(const browser : ICefBrowser; mode : TCefFileDialogMode; const title : ustring; const defaultFilePath : ustring; const acceptFilters : TStrings; selectedAcceptFilter : Integer; const callback : ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnFileDialog) then FOnFileDialog(Self, browser, mode, title, defaultFilePath, acceptFilters, selectedAcceptFilter, callback, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnFindResult(const browser : ICefBrowser; identifier : integer; count : Integer; const selectionRect : PCefRect; activeMatchOrdinal : Integer; finalUpdate : Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnFindResult) then FOnFindResult(Self, browser, identifier, count, selectionRect, activeMatchOrdinal, finalUpdate); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnRequestContextInitialized(const request_context: ICefRequestContext); begin if assigned(FOnRequestContextInitialized) then FOnRequestContextInitialized(self, request_context); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnBeforePluginLoad(const mimeType : ustring; const pluginUrl : ustring; isMainFrame : boolean; const topOriginUrl : ustring; const pluginInfo : ICefWebPluginInfo; var pluginPolicy : TCefPluginPolicy): Boolean; begin Result := False; if assigned(FOnBeforePluginLoad) then FOnBeforePluginLoad(self, mimeType, pluginUrl, isMainFrame, topOriginUrl, pluginInfo, pluginPolicy, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; is_navigation : boolean; is_download : boolean; const request_initiator : ustring; var disable_default_handling : boolean; var aResourceRequestHandler : ICefResourceRequestHandler); begin if (FResourceRequestHandler <> nil) then aResourceRequestHandler := FResourceRequestHandler; if Assigned(FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr) then FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqCtxHdlr(self, browser, frame, request, is_navigation, is_download, request_initiator, disable_default_handling, aResourceRequestHandler); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnFullScreenModeChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; fullscreen: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnFullScreenModeChange) then FOnFullScreenModeChange(Self, browser, fullscreen); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnGetAuthCredentials(const browser : ICefBrowser; const originUrl : ustring; isProxy : Boolean; const host : ustring; port : Integer; const realm : ustring; const scheme : ustring; const callback : ICefAuthCallback): Boolean; begin Result := False; if isProxy then begin if (FProxyType = CEF_PROXYTYPE_FIXED_SERVERS) and (callback <> nil) then begin Result := True; callback.cont(FProxyUsername, FProxyPassword); end; end else if Assigned(FOnGetAuthCredentials) then FOnGetAuthCredentials(Self, browser, originUrl, isProxy, host, port, realm, scheme, callback, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doCanSendCookie(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; const cookie : PCefCookie): boolean; begin Result := True; if assigned(FOnCanSendCookie) then FOnCanSendCookie(self, browser, frame, request, cookie, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doCanSaveCookie(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; const response : ICefResponse; const cookie : PCefCookie): boolean; begin Result := True; if assigned(FOnCanSaveCookie) then FOnCanSaveCookie(self, browser, frame, request, response, cookie, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnGetResourceHandler(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; var aResourceHandler : ICefResourceHandler); begin aResourceHandler := nil; if Assigned(FOnGetResourceHandler) then FOnGetResourceHandler(Self, browser, frame, request, aResourceHandler); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnGetAccessibilityHandler(var aAccessibilityHandler : ICefAccessibilityHandler); begin if assigned(FOnGetAccessibilityHandler) then FOnGetAccessibilityHandler(Self, aAccessibilityHandler); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnGetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; var rect: TCefRect): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnGetRootScreenRect) then FOnGetRootScreenRect(Self, browser, rect, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnGetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser; var screenInfo: TCefScreenInfo): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnGetScreenInfo) then FOnGetScreenInfo(Self, browser, screenInfo, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnGetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer; var screenX, screenY: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnGetScreenPoint) then FOnGetScreenPoint(Self, browser, viewX, viewY, screenX, screenY, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnGetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; var rect: TCefRect); begin if Assigned(FOnGetViewRect) then FOnGetViewRect(Self, browser, rect); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser); begin if Assigned(FOnGotFocus) then FOnGotFocus(Self, browser) end; function TChromiumCore.doOnJsdialog(const browser : ICefBrowser; const originUrl : ustring; dialogType : TCefJsDialogType; const messageText : ustring; const defaultPromptText : ustring; const callback : ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage : Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; if not(Initialized) then suppressMessage := True else begin suppressMessage := False; if Assigned(FOnJsdialog) then FOnJsdialog(Self, browser, originUrl, dialogType, messageText, defaultPromptText, callback, suppressMessage, Result); end; end; function TChromiumCore.doOnKeyEvent(const browser : ICefBrowser; const event : PCefKeyEvent; osEvent : TCefEventHandle): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnKeyEvent) then FOnKeyEvent(Self, browser, event, osEvent, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnLoadEnd(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; httpStatusCode : Integer); begin if Assigned(FOnLoadEnd) then FOnLoadEnd(Self, browser, frame, httpStatusCode); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnLoadError(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; errorCode : TCefErrorCode; const errorText : ustring; const failedUrl : ustring); begin if Assigned(FOnLoadError) then FOnLoadError(Self, browser, frame, errorCode, errorText, failedUrl); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnLoadingStateChange) then FOnLoadingStateChange(Self, browser, isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; transitionType: TCefTransitionType); begin if Assigned(FOnLoadStart) then FOnLoadStart(Self, browser, frame, transitionType); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnOpenUrlFromTab(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const targetUrl : ustring; targetDisposition : TCefWindowOpenDisposition; userGesture : Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnOpenUrlFromTab) then FOnOpenUrlFromTab(Self, browser, frame, targetUrl, targetDisposition, userGesture, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; is_navigation : boolean; is_download : boolean; const request_initiator : ustring; var disable_default_handling : boolean; var aResourceRequestHandler : ICefResourceRequestHandler); begin if (FResourceRequestHandler <> nil) then aResourceRequestHandler := FResourceRequestHandler; if Assigned(FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr) then FOnGetResourceRequestHandler_ReqHdlr(self, browser, frame, request, is_navigation, is_download, request_initiator, disable_default_handling, aResourceRequestHandler); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnPaint(const browser : ICefBrowser; type_ : TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount : NativeUInt; const dirtyRects : PCefRectArray; const buffer : Pointer; width : Integer; height : Integer); begin if Assigned(FOnPaint) then FOnPaint(Self, browser, type_, dirtyRectsCount, dirtyRects, buffer, width, height); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnAcceleratedPaint(const browser : ICefBrowser; type_ : TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount : NativeUInt; const dirtyRects : PCefRectArray; shared_handle : Pointer); begin if Assigned(FOnAcceleratedPaint) then FOnAcceleratedPaint(Self, browser, type_, dirtyRectsCount, dirtyRects, shared_handle); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnSelectClientCertificate(const browser : ICefBrowser; isProxy : boolean; const host : ustring; port : integer; certificatesCount : NativeUInt; const certificates : TCefX509CertificateArray; const callback : ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback): boolean; begin Result := False; if assigned(FOnSelectClientCertificate) then FOnSelectClientCertificate(self, browser, isProxy, host, port, certificatesCount, certificates, callback, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring); begin if Assigned(FOnPluginCrashed) then FOnPluginCrashed(Self, browser, pluginPath); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser; show: Boolean); begin if assigned(FOnPopupShow) then FOnPopupShow(self, browser, show); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect); begin if assigned(FOnPopupSize) then FOnPopupSize(self, browser, rect); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnPreKeyEvent(const browser : ICefBrowser; const event : PCefKeyEvent; osEvent : TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut : Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnPreKeyEvent) then FOnPreKeyEvent(Self, browser, event, osEvent, isKeyboardShortcut, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnProcessMessageReceived(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; sourceProcess : TCefProcessId; const aMessage : ICefProcessMessage): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnProcessMessageReceived) then FOnProcessMessageReceived(Self, browser, frame, sourceProcess, aMessage, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnProtocolExecution(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; var allowOsExecution : Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnProtocolExecution) then FOnProtocolExecution(Self, browser, frame, request, allowOsExecution); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnQuotaRequest(const browser : ICefBrowser; const originUrl : ustring; newSize : Int64; const callback : ICefRequestCallback): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnQuotaRequest) then FOnQuotaRequest(Self, browser, originUrl, newSize, callback, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus); begin if Assigned(FOnRenderProcessTerminated) then FOnRenderProcessTerminated(Self, browser, status); end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function EnumProcOSRChromeWidgetWin0(hWnd: HWND; lParam: LPARAM): BOOL; stdcall; var ClsName: array[0..256] of Char; begin ClsName[GetClassName(hWnd, ClsName, 256)] := #0; if StrComp(ClsName, 'Chrome_WidgetWin_0') = 0 then begin PHandle(lParam)^ := hWnd; Result := False; end else Result := True; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} procedure TChromiumCore.doOnRenderViewReady(const browser: ICefBrowser); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var OldBrowserCompHWND, OldWidgetCompHWND, OldRenderCompHWND: THandle; {$ENDIF} begin if (browser <> nil) and (browser.Host <> nil) and (browser.Identifier = FBrowserId) then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} OldBrowserCompHWND := FBrowserCompHWND; OldWidgetCompHWND := FWidgetCompHWND; OldRenderCompHWND := FRenderCompHWND; {$ENDIF} FBrowserCompHWND := browser.Host.WindowHandle; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if (FBrowserCompHWND <> 0) then begin FWidgetCompHWND := FindWindowEx(FBrowserCompHWND, 0, 'Chrome_WidgetWin_0', ''); if (FWidgetCompHWND = 0) and FIsOSR and CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI) then begin // The WidgetCompHWND window doesn't have a HwndParent (Owner). If we are in OSR mode this // causes popup menus that are opened by CEF to stay open if the user clicks somewhere else. // With this code we search for the Widget window in the UI Thread's window list and set // the Browser window as its HwndParent. This works around the bug. EnumThreadWindows(GetCurrentThreadId, @EnumProcOSRChromeWidgetWin0, NativeInt(@FWidgetCompHWND)); if (FWidgetCompHWND <> 0) then SetWindowLongPtr(FWidgetCompHWND, GWLP_HWNDPARENT, NativeInt(FBrowserCompHWND)); end; end; if (FWidgetCompHWND <> 0) then FRenderCompHWND := FindWindowEx(FWidgetCompHWND, 0, 'Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND', 'Chrome Legacy Window'); RestoreCompWndProc(OldBrowserCompHWND, FBrowserCompHWND, FOldBrowserCompWndPrc); if assigned(FOnBrowserCompMsg) and (FBrowserCompHWND <> 0) and (FOldBrowserCompWndPrc = nil) then begin CreateStub({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}BrowserCompWndProc, FBrowserCompStub); FOldBrowserCompWndPrc := InstallCompWndProc(FBrowserCompHWND, FBrowserCompStub); end; RestoreCompWndProc(OldWidgetCompHWND, FWidgetCompHWND, FOldWidgetCompWndPrc); if assigned(FOnWidgetCompMsg) and (FWidgetCompHWND <> 0) and (FOldWidgetCompWndPrc = nil) then begin CreateStub({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}WidgetCompWndProc, FWidgetCompStub); FOldWidgetCompWndPrc := InstallCompWndProc(FWidgetCompHWND, FWidgetCompStub); end; RestoreCompWndProc(OldRenderCompHWND, FRenderCompHWND, FOldRenderCompWndPrc); if assigned(FOnRenderCompMsg) and (FRenderCompHWND <> 0) and (FOldRenderCompWndPrc = nil) then begin CreateStub({$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}RenderCompWndProc, FRenderCompStub); FOldRenderCompWndPrc := InstallCompWndProc(FRenderCompHWND, FRenderCompStub); end; {$ENDIF} end; if Assigned(FOnRenderViewReady) then FOnRenderViewReady(Self, browser); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser); begin if Assigned(FOnResetDialogState) then FOnResetDialogState(Self, browser); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnResourceRedirect(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; const response : ICefResponse; var newUrl : ustring); begin if Assigned(FOnResourceRedirect) then FOnResourceRedirect(Self, browser, frame, request, response, newUrl); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnResourceResponse(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; const response : ICefResponse): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnResourceResponse) then FOnResourceResponse(Self, browser, frame, request, response, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnGetResourceResponseFilter(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; const response : ICefResponse; var aResponseFilter : ICefResponseFilter); begin aResponseFilter := nil; if Assigned(FOnGetResourceResponseFilter) then FOnGetResourceResponseFilter(self, browser, frame, request, response, aResponseFilter); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnResourceLoadComplete(const browser : ICefBrowser; const frame : ICefFrame; const request : ICefRequest; const response : ICefResponse; status : TCefUrlRequestStatus; receivedContentLength : Int64); begin if Assigned(FOnResourceLoadComplete) then FOnResourceLoadComplete(self, browser, frame, request, response, status, receivedContentLength); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser; x, y: Double); begin if Assigned(FOnScrollOffsetChanged) then FOnScrollOffsetChanged(Self, browser, x, y); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnIMECompositionRangeChanged(const browser : ICefBrowser; const selected_range : PCefRange; character_boundsCount : NativeUInt; const character_bounds : PCefRect); begin if assigned(FOnIMECompositionRangeChanged) then FOnIMECompositionRangeChanged(self, browser, selected_range, character_boundsCount, character_bounds); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnTextSelectionChanged(const browser : ICefBrowser; const selected_text : ustring; const selected_range : PCefRange); begin if assigned(FOnTextSelectionChanged) then FOnTextSelectionChanged(self, browser, selected_text, selected_range); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnVirtualKeyboardRequested(const browser : ICefBrowser; input_mode : TCefTextInpuMode); begin if assigned(FOnVirtualKeyboardRequested) then FOnVirtualKeyboardRequested(self, browser, input_mode); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnSetFocus) then FOnSetFocus(Self, browser, source, Result); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnStartDragging(const browser : ICefBrowser; const dragData : ICefDragData; allowedOps : TCefDragOperations; x : integer; y : Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if FDragAndDropInitialized and FDragDropManager.CloneDragData(dragData, allowedOps) then begin Result := True; SendCompMessage(CEF_STARTDRAGGING); end; if Assigned(FOnStartDragging) then FOnStartDragging(Self, browser, dragData, allowedOps, x, y, Result); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TChromiumCore.DelayedDragging; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var TempOperation : TCefDragOperation; TempPoint : TPoint; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if FDragAndDropInitialized and (FDropTargetWnd <> 0) and (GlobalCEFApp <> nil) then begin FDragOperations := DRAG_OPERATION_NONE; TempOperation := FDragDropManager.StartDragging; FDragOperations := DRAG_OPERATION_NONE; GetCursorPos(TempPoint); MapWindowPoints(0, FDropTargetWnd, TempPoint, 1); DeviceToLogical(TempPoint, GlobalCEFApp.DeviceScaleFactor); DragSourceEndedAt(TempPoint.x, TempPoint.y, TempOperation); DragSourceSystemDragEnded; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring); begin if Assigned(FOnStatusMessage) then FOnStatusMessage(Self, browser, value); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnTakeFocus) then FOnTakeFocus(Self, browser, next); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring); begin if Assigned(FOnTitleChange) then FOnTitleChange(Self, browser, title); end; function TChromiumCore.doOnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FOnTooltip) then FOnTooltip(Self, browser, text, Result); end; procedure TChromiumCore.doOnUpdateDragCursor(const browser: ICefBrowser; operation: TCefDragOperation); begin if FDragAndDropInitialized then FDragOperations := operation; if Assigned(FOnUpdateDragCursor) then FOnUpdateDragCursor(Self, browser, operation); end; procedure TChromiumCore.WasResized; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.WasResized; end; procedure TChromiumCore.WasHidden(hidden: Boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.WasHidden(hidden); end; procedure TChromiumCore.NotifyScreenInfoChanged; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.NotifyScreenInfoChanged; end; procedure TChromiumCore.NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted; end; procedure TChromiumCore.Invalidate(type_: TCefPaintElementType); begin if Initialized then begin if FIsOSR then FBrowser.Host.Invalidate(type_) else if (RenderHandle <> 0) then InvalidateRect(RenderHandle, nil, False) else InvalidateRect(WindowHandle, nil, False); end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendExternalBeginFrame; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SendExternalBeginFrame; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendKeyEvent(const event: PCefKeyEvent); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SendKeyEvent(event); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendMouseClickEvent(const event : PCefMouseEvent; type_ : TCefMouseButtonType; mouseUp : Boolean; clickCount : Integer); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SendMouseClickEvent(event, type_, mouseUp, clickCount); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendMouseMoveEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; mouseLeave: Boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SendMouseMoveEvent(event, mouseLeave); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendMouseWheelEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; deltaX, deltaY: Integer); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SendMouseWheelEvent(event, deltaX, deltaY); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendTouchEvent(const event: PCefTouchEvent); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SendTouchEvent(event); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendFocusEvent(setFocus: Boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SendFocusEvent(setFocus); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendCaptureLostEvent; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SendCaptureLostEvent; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetFocus(focus: Boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SetFocus(focus); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SetAccessibilityState(accessibilityState: TCefState); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.SetAccessibilityState(accessibilityState); end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId; const ProcMessage: ICefProcessMessage; const aFrameName : ustring); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin try if Initialized then begin if (length(aFrameName) > 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrame(aFrameName) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.SendProcessMessage(targetProcess, ProcMessage); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.SendProcessMessage', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId; const ProcMessage: ICefProcessMessage; const aFrame : ICefFrame); begin try if Initialized and (aFrame <> nil) and aFrame.IsValid then aFrame.SendProcessMessage(targetProcess, ProcMessage); except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.SendProcessMessage', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId; const ProcMessage: ICefProcessMessage; const aFrameIdentifier : int64); var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin try if Initialized then begin if (aFrameIdentifier <> 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrameByident(aFrameIdentifier) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then TempFrame.SendProcessMessage(targetProcess, ProcMessage); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.SendProcessMessage', e) then raise; end; end; function TChromiumCore.CreateUrlRequest(const request: ICefRequest; const client: ICefUrlrequestClient; const aFrameName : ustring): ICefUrlRequest; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin Result := nil; try if Initialized then begin if (length(aFrameName) > 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrame(aFrameName) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then Result := TempFrame.CreateUrlRequest(request, client); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.CreateUrlRequest', e) then raise; end; end; function TChromiumCore.CreateUrlRequest(const request: ICefRequest; const client: ICefUrlrequestClient; const aFrame : ICefFrame): ICefUrlRequest; begin Result := nil; try if Initialized and (aFrame <> nil) and aFrame.IsValid then Result := aFrame.CreateUrlRequest(request, client); except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.CreateUrlRequest', e) then raise; end; end; function TChromiumCore.CreateUrlRequest(const request: ICefRequest; const client: ICefUrlrequestClient; const aFrameIdentifier : int64): ICefUrlRequest; var TempFrame : ICefFrame; begin Result := nil; try if Initialized then begin if (aFrameIdentifier <> 0) then TempFrame := FBrowser.GetFrameByident(aFrameIdentifier) else TempFrame := FBrowser.MainFrame; if (TempFrame <> nil) and TempFrame.IsValid then Result := TempFrame.CreateUrlRequest(request, client); end; except on e : exception do if CustomExceptionHandler('TChromiumCore.CreateUrlRequest', e) then raise; end; end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragTargetDragEnter(const dragData: ICefDragData; const event: PCefMouseEvent; allowedOps: TCefDragOperations); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.DragTargetDragEnter(dragData, event, allowedOps); end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragTargetDragOver(const event: PCefMouseEvent; allowedOps: TCefDragOperations); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.DragTargetDragOver(event, allowedOps); end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragTargetDragLeave; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.DragTargetDragLeave; end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragTargetDrop(const event: PCefMouseEvent); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.DragTargetDrop(event); end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragSourceEndedAt(x, y: Integer; op: TCefDragOperation); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.DragSourceEndedAt(x, y, op); end; procedure TChromiumCore.DragSourceSystemDragEnded; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.DragSourceSystemDragEnded; end; procedure TChromiumCore.IMESetComposition(const text : ustring; const underlines : TCefCompositionUnderlineDynArray; const replacement_range : PCefRange; const selection_range : PCefRange); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.IMESetComposition(text, underlines, replacement_range, selection_range); end; procedure TChromiumCore.IMECommitText(const text : ustring; const replacement_range : PCefRange; relative_cursor_pos : integer); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.IMECommitText(text, replacement_range, relative_cursor_pos); end; procedure TChromiumCore.IMEFinishComposingText(keep_selection : boolean); begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.IMEFinishComposingText(keep_selection); end; procedure TChromiumCore.IMECancelComposition; begin if Initialized then FBrowser.Host.IMECancelComposition; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function TChromiumCore.CopyDCToBitmapStream(aSrcDC : HDC; const aSrcRect : TRect; var aStream : TStream) : boolean; var TempDstDC : HDC; TempWidth : Integer; TempHeight : Integer; TempInfo : TBitmapInfo; TempBits : Pointer; TempNewBitmap : HBITMAP; TempOldBitmap : HBITMAP; TempHeader : TBitmapFileHeader; begin Result := False; if (aSrcDC = 0) or (aStream = nil) then exit; TempDstDC := CreateCompatibleDC(aSrcDC); if (TempDstDC = 0) then exit; TempWidth := aSrcRect.Right - aSrcRect.Left; TempHeight := aSrcRect.Bottom - aSrcRect.Top; TempBits := nil; if (TempWidth > 0) and (TempHeight > 0) then begin ZeroMemory(@TempInfo, SizeOf(TBitmapInfo)); ZeroMemory(@TempHeader, SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader)); TempInfo.bmiHeader.biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader); TempInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth := TempWidth; TempInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight := TempHeight; TempInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; TempInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 32; TempInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; TempInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := TempWidth * TempHeight * SizeOf(TRGBQuad); TempNewBitmap := CreateDIBSection(TempDstDC, TempInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, TempBits, 0, 0); if (TempNewBitmap <> 0) then try TempOldBitmap := SelectObject(TempDstDC, TempNewBitmap); if BitBlt(TempDstDC, 0, 0, TempWidth, TempHeight, aSrcDC, aSrcRect.Left, aSrcRect.Top, SRCCOPY) then begin TempHeader.bfType := $4D42; // "BM" bitmap header TempHeader.bfOffBits := sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader) + TempInfo.bmiHeader.biSize + TempInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed * SizeOf(TRGBQuad); TempHeader.bfSize := TempHeader.bfOffBits + TempInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage; aStream.position := 0; aStream.Write(TempHeader, SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader)); aStream.Write(TempInfo.bmiHeader, SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader)); aStream.Write(TempBits^, TempInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage); aStream.position := 0; Result := True; end; SelectObject(TempDstDC, TempOldBitmap); finally DeleteObject(TempNewBitmap); end; end; ReleaseDC(0, TempDstDC); end; {$ENDIF} end.