unit uCEFMacOSFunctions; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE OBJFPC}{$H+} {$ENDIF} {$I cef.inc} {$IFNDEF TARGET_64BITS}{$ALIGN ON}{$ENDIF} {$MINENUMSIZE 4} interface uses System.UITypes, {$IFDEF MACOS} FMX.Helpers.Mac, System.Messaging, Macapi.CoreFoundation, Macapi.Foundation, {$ENDIF} uCEFMacOSConstants; {$IFDEF MACOSX} function KeyToMacOSKeyCode(aKey : Word): integer; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOS} procedure CopyCEFFramework; procedure CopyCEFHelpers(const aProjectName : string); procedure ShowMessageCF(const aHeading, aMessage : string; const aTimeoutInSecs : double = 0); function NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode: NSString; {$ENDIF} implementation {$IFDEF MACOS} uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.IOUtils, Posix.Stdio, FMX.Types, uCEFMiscFunctions; const PRJ_HELPER_SUBFIX = '_helper'; PRJ_GPU_SUBFIX = '_helper_gpu'; PRJ_PLUGIN_SUBFIX = '_helper_plugin'; PRJ_RENDERER_SUBFIX = '_helper_renderer'; HELPER_SUBFIX = ' Helper'; GPU_SUBFIX = ' Helper (GPU)'; PLUGIN_SUBFIX = ' Helper (Plugin)'; RENDERER_SUBFIX = ' Helper (Renderer)'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOSX} // Key Code translation following the information found in these documents : // https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/mac/pdf/MacintoshToolboxEssentials.pdf // https://eastmanreference.com/complete-list-of-applescript-key-codes function KeyToMacOSKeyCode(aKey : Word): integer; begin case aKey of vkBack : Result := kVK_Delete; vkTab : Result := kVK_Tab; vkClear : Result := kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear; vkReturn : Result := kVK_Return; vkShift : Result := kVK_Shift; vkControl : Result := kVK_Control; vkMenu : Result := kVK_Option; vkPause : Result := kVK_F15; vkCapital : Result := kVK_CapsLock; vkEscape : Result := kVK_Escape; vkSpace : Result := kVK_Space; vkPrior : Result := kVK_PageUp; vkNext : Result := kVK_PageDown; vkEnd : Result := kVK_End; vkHome : Result := kVK_Home; vkLeft : Result := kVK_LeftArrow; vkUp : Result := kVK_UpArrow; vkRight : Result := kVK_RightArrow; vkDown : Result := kVK_DownArrow; vkSnapshot : Result := kVK_F13; vkHelp, vkInsert : Result := kVK_Help; vkDelete : Result := kVK_ForwardDelete; vk0 : Result := kVK_ANSI_0; vk1 : Result := kVK_ANSI_1; vk2 : Result := kVK_ANSI_2; vk3 : Result := kVK_ANSI_3; vk4 : Result := kVK_ANSI_4; vk5 : Result := kVK_ANSI_5; vk6 : Result := kVK_ANSI_6; vk7 : Result := kVK_ANSI_7; vk8 : Result := kVK_ANSI_8; vk9 : Result := kVK_ANSI_9; vkA : Result := kVK_ANSI_A; vkB : Result := kVK_ANSI_B; vkC : Result := kVK_ANSI_C; vkD : Result := kVK_ANSI_D; vkE : Result := kVK_ANSI_E; vkF : Result := kVK_ANSI_F; vkG : Result := kVK_ANSI_G; vkH : Result := kVK_ANSI_H; vkI : Result := kVK_ANSI_I; vkJ : Result := kVK_ANSI_J; vkK : Result := kVK_ANSI_K; vkL : Result := kVK_ANSI_L; vkM : Result := kVK_ANSI_M; vkN : Result := kVK_ANSI_N; vkO : Result := kVK_ANSI_O; vkP : Result := kVK_ANSI_P; vkQ : Result := kVK_ANSI_Q; vkR : Result := kVK_ANSI_R; vkS : Result := kVK_ANSI_S; vkT : Result := kVK_ANSI_T; vkU : Result := kVK_ANSI_U; vkV : Result := kVK_ANSI_V; vkW : Result := kVK_ANSI_W; vkX : Result := kVK_ANSI_X; vkY : Result := kVK_ANSI_Y; vkZ : Result := kVK_ANSI_Z; vkLWin : Result := kVK_Option; vkRWin : Result := kVK_RightOption; vkNumpad0 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad0; vkNumpad1 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad1; vkNumpad2 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad2; vkNumpad3 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad3; vkNumpad4 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad4; vkNumpad5 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad5; vkNumpad6 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad6; vkNumpad7 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad7; vkNumpad8 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad8; vkNumpad9 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Keypad9; vkMultiply : Result := kVK_ANSI_KeypadMultiply; vkAdd : Result := kVK_ANSI_KeypadPlus; vkSubtract : Result := kVK_ANSI_KeypadMinus; vkDecimal : Result := kVK_ANSI_KeypadDecimal; vkDivide : Result := kVK_ANSI_KeypadDivide; vkF1 : Result := kVK_F1; vkF2 : Result := kVK_F2; vkF3 : Result := kVK_F3; vkF4 : Result := kVK_F4; vkF5 : Result := kVK_F5; vkF6 : Result := kVK_F6; vkF7 : Result := kVK_F7; vkF8 : Result := kVK_F8; vkF9 : Result := kVK_F9; vkF10 : Result := kVK_F10; vkF11 : Result := kVK_F11; vkF12 : Result := kVK_F12; vkF13 : Result := kVK_F13; vkF14 : Result := kVK_F14; vkF15 : Result := kVK_F15; vkF16 : Result := kVK_F16; vkF17 : Result := kVK_F17; vkF18 : Result := kVK_F18; vkF19 : Result := kVK_F19; vkF20 : Result := kVK_F20; vkNumLock : Result := kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear; vkScroll : Result := kVK_F14; vkLShift : Result := kVK_Shift; vkRShift : Result := kVK_RightShift; vkLControl : Result := kVK_Control; vkRControl : Result := kVK_RightControl; vkLMenu, vkRMenu : Result := kVK_Command; vkVolumeMute : Result := kVK_Mute; vkVolumeDown : Result := kVK_VolumeDown; vkVolumeUp : Result := kVK_VolumeUp; vkSemicolon : Result := kVK_ANSI_Semicolon; vkEqual : Result := kVK_ANSI_Equal; vkComma : Result := kVK_ANSI_Comma; vkMinus : Result := kVK_ANSI_Minus; vkPeriod : Result := kVK_ANSI_Period; vkSlash : Result := kVK_ANSI_Slash; vkTilde : Result := kVK_ANSI_Grave; vkLeftBracket : Result := kVK_ANSI_LeftBracket; vkBackslash : Result := kVK_ANSI_Backslash; vkRightBracket : Result := kVK_ANSI_RightBracket; vkQuote : Result := kVK_ANSI_Quote; vkOem102 : Result := kVK_ANSI_Backslash; // kVK_JIS_Yen in Japanese keyboards ? vkOemClear : Result := kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear; else Result := 0; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOS} procedure CopyAllFiles(const aSrcPath, aDstPath: string); var TempDirectories, TempFiles : TStringDynArray; i : integer; TempNewDstPath, TempSrcFile, TempDstFile : string; begin try TempDirectories := TDirectory.GetDirectories(aSrcPath); for i := 0 to pred(Length(TempDirectories)) do begin TempNewDstPath := aDstPath + TempDirectories[i].Substring(TDirectory.GetParent(TempDirectories[i]).Length); if not(TDirectory.Exists(TempNewDstPath)) then TDirectory.CreateDirectory(TempNewDstPath); CopyAllFiles(TempDirectories[i], TempNewDstPath); end; TempFiles := TDirectory.GetFiles(aSrcPath); for i := 0 to pred(Length(TempFiles)) do begin TempSrcFile := TempFiles[i]; TempDstFile := aDstPath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + TPath.GetFileName(TempFiles[i]); TFile.Copy(TempSrcFile, TempDstFile); TFile.SetAttributes(TempDstFile, TFile.GetAttributes(TempSrcFile)); end; except on e : exception do FMX.Types.Log.d('CopyAllFiles error : ' + e.Message); end; end; procedure CopyCEFFramework; const CEF_FRAMEWORK_DIR = 'Chromium Embedded Framework.framework'; var appFrameworksPath, dstCEFPath, srcCEFPath : string; begin try appFrameworksPath := TDirectory.GetParent(ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0))) + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + 'Frameworks'; dstCEFPath := appFrameworksPath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + CEF_FRAMEWORK_DIR; srcCEFPath := TDirectory.GetParent(GetModulePath) + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + CEF_FRAMEWORK_DIR; if not(TDirectory.Exists(appFrameworksPath)) then TDirectory.CreateDirectory(appFrameworksPath); if TDirectory.Exists(srcCEFPath) and not(TDirectory.Exists(dstCEFPath)) then begin TDirectory.CreateDirectory(dstCEFPath); CopyAllFiles(srcCEFPath, dstCEFPath); end; except on e : exception do FMX.Types.Log.d('CopyCEFFramework error : ' + e.Message); end; end; procedure RenameCEFHelper(const aHelperPrjPath : string); var appBundleName, appBundlePath, appNewBundlePath, appExecutable, appExecPath, appNewName, appOldSubfix, appNewSubfix : string; begin try appBundleName := TPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(aHelperPrjPath); if appBundleName.EndsWith(PRJ_HELPER_SUBFIX) then begin appOldSubfix := PRJ_HELPER_SUBFIX; appNewSubfix := HELPER_SUBFIX; end else if appBundleName.EndsWith(PRJ_GPU_SUBFIX) then begin appOldSubfix := PRJ_GPU_SUBFIX; appNewSubfix := GPU_SUBFIX; end else if appBundleName.EndsWith(PRJ_PLUGIN_SUBFIX) then begin appOldSubfix := PRJ_PLUGIN_SUBFIX; appNewSubfix := PLUGIN_SUBFIX; end else if appBundleName.EndsWith(PRJ_RENDERER_SUBFIX) then begin appOldSubfix := PRJ_RENDERER_SUBFIX; appNewSubfix := RENDERER_SUBFIX; end else exit; appBundlePath := TPath.GetDirectoryName(aHelperPrjPath); appExecPath := aHelperPrjPath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + 'Contents' + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + 'MacOS' + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar; appNewName := appBundleName.Remove(appBundleName.LastIndexOf(appOldSubfix)) + appNewSubfix; appExecutable := appExecPath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + appBundleName; if TFile.Exists(appExecutable) then begin RenameFile(appExecutable, appExecPath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + appNewName); appNewBundlePath := appBundlePath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + appNewName + '.app'; if TDirectory.Exists(appNewBundlePath) then TDirectory.Delete(appNewBundlePath, True); RenameFile(aHelperPrjPath, appNewBundlePath); end; except on e : exception do FMX.Types.Log.d('RenameCEFHelper error : ' + e.Message); end; end; procedure CopyCEFHelpers(const aProjectName : string); const projectSubfixes : array [0..3] of string = (PRJ_HELPER_SUBFIX, PRJ_GPU_SUBFIX, PRJ_PLUGIN_SUBFIX, PRJ_RENDERER_SUBFIX); helperSubfixes : array [0..3] of string = (HELPER_SUBFIX, GPU_SUBFIX, PLUGIN_SUBFIX, RENDERER_SUBFIX); var appParentPath, appFrameworksPath : string; srcBundlePath, dstBundlePath : string; helperBundlePath, prjBundleName, helperBundleName : string; i : integer; begin appParentPath := TDirectory.GetParent(GetModulePath); appFrameworksPath := TDirectory.GetParent(ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0))) + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + 'Frameworks'; for i := 0 to 3 do begin prjBundleName := aProjectName + projectSubfixes[i] + '.app'; helperBundleName := aProjectName + helperSubfixes[i] + '.app'; srcBundlePath := appParentPath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + prjBundleName; dstBundlePath := appFrameworksPath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + prjBundleName; helperBundlePath := appFrameworksPath + TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar + helperBundleName; if TDirectory.Exists(srcBundlePath) then begin if TDirectory.Exists(dstBundlePath) then TDirectory.Delete(dstBundlePath, True); if not(TDirectory.Exists(helperBundlePath)) or (TDirectory.GetCreationTimeUtc(srcBundlePath) > TDirectory.GetCreationTimeUtc(helperBundlePath)) then begin CopyAllFiles(srcBundlePath, dstBundlePath); RenameCEFHelper(dstBundlePath); end; end; end; end; procedure ShowMessageCF(const aHeading, aMessage : string; const aTimeoutInSecs : double = 0); var TempHeading, TempMessage : CFStringRef; TempResponse : CFOptionFlags; begin TempHeading := CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(nil, PChar(aHeading), Length(AHeading), kCFAllocatorNull); TempMessage := CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(nil, PChar(aMessage), Length(AMessage), kCFAllocatorNull); try CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(aTimeoutInSecs, kCFUserNotificationNoteAlertLevel, nil, nil, nil, TempHeading, TempMessage, nil, nil, nil, TempResponse); finally CFRelease(TempHeading); CFRelease(TempMessage); end; end; function NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode: NSString; begin result := CocoaNSStringConst(libFoundation, 'NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode'); end; {$ENDIF} end.