mirror of https://github.com/salvadordf/CEF4Delphi.git synced 2025-02-02 10:25:26 +02:00
Salvador Díaz Fau 26c6f6696d Update to CEF 3.3239.1700.g385b2d4
- New TCEFServerComponent. The new CEF3 includes a http and websockets server for communication between applications in localhost.
- New JSDialogBrowser demo to showhow to use custom forms in javascript dialogs.
- New SimpleServer demo which uses TCEFServerComponent.
- Removed all the code that could be removed from the DPR files and moved to another units.
- Now the GlogalCEFApp checks all the CEF3 binaries and stores the missing files in GlogalCEFApp.MissingLibFiles. The default error message gives a list of missing files.
- New GlobalCEFApp.Status property. Use it with GlobalCEFApp.ShowMessageDlg set to False if you want to show customized error messages.
- Now TCEFClient only creates the necessary handlers if you use any their events in TChromium.
- Fixed a destruction bug in OSRExternalPumpBrowser
- Added the procedures to handle WM_ENTERMENULOOP and WM_EXITMENULOOP to all the demos.
2017-12-18 19:38:56 +01:00

74 lines
1.5 KiB

object JSDialogBrowserFrm: TJSDialogBrowserFrm
Left = 0
Top = 0
Caption = 'Initializing browser. Please wait...'
ClientHeight = 624
ClientWidth = 1038
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
Position = poScreenCenter
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
OnShow = FormShow
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object ChromiumWindow1: TChromiumWindow
Left = 0
Top = 30
Width = 1038
Height = 594
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
OnAfterCreated = ChromiumWindow1AfterCreated
object AddressPnl: TPanel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 1038
Height = 30
Align = alTop
BevelOuter = bvNone
Enabled = False
Padding.Left = 5
Padding.Top = 5
Padding.Right = 5
Padding.Bottom = 5
ShowCaption = False
TabOrder = 1
object AddressEdt: TEdit
Left = 5
Top = 5
Width = 997
Height = 20
Margins.Right = 5
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
Text = 'file:///JSDialog.html'
ExplicitHeight = 21
object GoBtn: TButton
Left = 1002
Top = 5
Width = 31
Height = 20
Margins.Left = 5
Align = alRight
Caption = 'Go'
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = GoBtnClick
object Timer1: TTimer
Enabled = False
Interval = 300
OnTimer = Timer1Timer
Left = 56
Top = 88