{******************************************************************************} {* DCPcrypt v2.1 written by David Barton (crypto@cityinthesky.co.uk) **********} {******************************************************************************} {* A binary compatible implementation of RC2 **********************************} {******************************************************************************} {* Copyright (c) 1999-2002 David Barton *} {* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *} {* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), *} {* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *} {* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *} {* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *} {* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *} {* *} {* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in *} {* all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *} {* *} {* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR *} {* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *} {* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *} {* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER *} {* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *} {* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *} {* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *} {******************************************************************************} unit DCPrc2; {$INCLUDE '..\dcp.inc'} interface uses Classes, Sysutils, DCPcrypt2, DCPconst, DCPblockciphers; type TDCP_rc2= class(TDCP_blockcipher64) protected KeyData: array[0..63] of word; procedure InitKey(const Key; Size: longword); override; public class function GetId: integer; override; class function GetAlgorithm: string; override; class function GetMaxKeySize: integer; override; class function SelfTest: boolean; override; procedure Burn; override; procedure EncryptECB(const InData; var OutData); override; procedure DecryptECB(const InData; var OutData); override; end; {******************************************************************************} {******************************************************************************} implementation {$R-}{$Q-} {$I DCPrc2.inc} {$IFDEF DELPHIXE2_UP} {$POINTERMATH ON} {$ENDIF} function LRot16(a, n: word): word; begin Result:= (a shl n) or (a shr (16-n)); end; function RRot16(a, n: word): word; begin Result:= (a shr n) or (a shl (16-n)); end; class function TDCP_rc2.GetMaxKeySize: integer; begin Result:= 1024; end; class function TDCP_rc2.GetID: integer; begin Result:= DCP_rc2; end; class function TDCP_rc2.GetAlgorithm: string; begin Result:= 'RC2'; end; class function TDCP_rc2.SelfTest: boolean; const Key1: array[0..15] of byte= ($00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07,$08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0E,$0F); InData1: array[0..7] of byte= ($00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00); OutData1: array[0..7] of byte= ($50,$DC,$01,$62,$BD,$75,$7F,$31); Key2: array[0..15] of byte= ($00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01); InData2: array[0..7] of byte= ($00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00); OutData2: array[0..7] of byte= ($21,$82,$9C,$78,$A9,$F9,$C0,$74); var Cipher: TDCP_rc2; Data: array[0..7] of byte; begin FillChar(Data, SizeOf(Data), 0); Cipher:= TDCP_rc2.Create(nil); Cipher.Init(Key1,Sizeof(Key1)*8,nil); Cipher.EncryptECB(InData1,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@OutData1,Sizeof(Data))); Cipher.DecryptECB(Data,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@InData1,Sizeof(Data))) and Result; Cipher.Burn; Cipher.Init(Key2,Sizeof(Key2)*8,nil); Cipher.EncryptECB(InData2,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@OutData2,Sizeof(Data))) and Result; Cipher.DecryptECB(Data,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@InData2,Sizeof(Data))) and Result; Cipher.Burn; Cipher.Free; end; procedure TDCP_rc2.InitKey(const Key; Size: longword); var i: longword; KeyB: array[0..127] of byte; begin FillChar(KeyB, SizeOf(KeyB), 0); Move(Key,KeyB,Size div 8); for i:= (Size div 8) to 127 do KeyB[i]:= sBox[(KeyB[i-(Size div 8)]+KeyB[i-1]) and $FF]; KeyB[0]:= sBox[KeyB[0]]; Move(KeyB,KeyData,Sizeof(KeyData)); end; procedure TDCP_rc2.Burn; begin FillChar(KeyData,Sizeof(KeyData),0); inherited Burn; end; procedure TDCP_rc2.EncryptECB(const InData; var OutData); var i, j: longword; w: array[0..3] of word; begin if not fInitialized then raise EDCP_blockcipher.Create('Cipher not initialized'); Pdword(@w[0])^:= Pdword(@InData)^; Pdword(@w[2])^:= Pdword(PointerToInt(@InData)+4)^; for i:= 0 to 15 do begin j:= i*4; w[0]:= LRot16((w[0]+(w[1] and (not w[3]))+(w[2] and w[3])+KeyData[j+0]),1); w[1]:= LRot16((w[1]+(w[2] and (not w[0]))+(w[3] and w[0])+KeyData[j+1]),2); w[2]:= LRot16((w[2]+(w[3] and (not w[1]))+(w[0] and w[1])+KeyData[j+2]),3); w[3]:= LRot16((w[3]+(w[0] and (not w[2]))+(w[1] and w[2])+KeyData[j+3]),5); if (i= 4) or (i= 10) then begin w[0]:= w[0]+KeyData[w[3] and 63]; w[1]:= w[1]+KeyData[w[0] and 63]; w[2]:= w[2]+KeyData[w[1] and 63]; w[3]:= w[3]+KeyData[w[2] and 63]; end; end; Pdword(@OutData)^:= Pdword(@w[0])^; Pdword(PointerToInt(@OutData)+4)^:= Pdword(@w[2])^; end; procedure TDCP_rc2.DecryptECB(const InData; var OutData); var i, j: longword; w: array[0..3] of word; begin if not fInitialized then raise EDCP_blockcipher.Create('Cipher not initialized'); Pdword(@w[0])^:= Pdword(@InData)^; Pdword(@w[2])^:= Pdword(PointerToInt(@InData)+4)^; for i:= 15 downto 0 do begin j:= i*4; w[3]:= RRot16(w[3],5)-(w[0] and (not w[2]))-(w[1] and w[2])-KeyData[j+3]; w[2]:= RRot16(w[2],3)-(w[3] and (not w[1]))-(w[0] and w[1])-KeyData[j+2]; w[1]:= RRot16(w[1],2)-(w[2] and (not w[0]))-(w[3] and w[0])-KeyData[j+1]; w[0]:= RRot16(w[0],1)-(w[1] and (not w[3]))-(w[2] and w[3])-KeyData[j+0]; if (i= 5) or (i= 11) then begin w[3]:= w[3]-KeyData[w[2] and 63]; w[2]:= w[2]-KeyData[w[1] and 63]; w[1]:= w[1]-KeyData[w[0] and 63]; w[0]:= w[0]-KeyData[w[3] and 63]; end; end; Pdword(@OutData)^:= Pdword(@w[0])^; Pdword(PointerToInt(@OutData)+4)^:= Pdword(@w[2])^; end; end.