unit KOLPrinters; {* Replaces VCL TPrinter functionality. |
Author : Bogusław Brandys, |

Version 1.4

|History : |
| 17-09-2002 [+] Added property Assigned which should always be checked before first access to TKOLPrinter. If is FALSE then there is no printer in system. (Warning: if You assign incorrect info to Assign procedure this could lead Your application to crash rather then return Assigned = FALSE) |
[+] Changed Write to WriteLn and improved.Now always print a line of text with carrage return #10#13 even there is no one at the end of text.Also should not break word on bottom-right corner of page and working good when text does not fit on page (NextPage invoked) |
| 15-09-2002 [-] Fix access violation when there is no printer in system (caused by DefPrinter function and Assign procedure). |
|Example: ! with Printer^ do ! begin ! Assign(nil); //default printer (actually not needed as default printer is assigned on start) ! if not Assigned then begin ! MsgBox('There is no default printer in system!',mb_iconexclamation); ! Exit; ! end; ! Title := 'Printing test...'; ! Canvas.Font.Assign(Memo1.Font); ! BeginDoc; ! for i:=0 to Memo1.Count-1 do WriteLn(Memo1.Items[i]); //or just WriteLn(Memo1.Text); ! EndDoc; ! end; |
|One more note: |
use psdWarning and pdWarning in PageSetup/Print dialogs to let user know that there is no printer in system (or no default). When these options are not used PrintDialog appear empty but PageSetup dialog never appears. |
Notes: |
When output is redirected to a file and You want to know his name , check Output property but always after sucessful Execute and before EndDoc (becouse EndDoc clears Output property) Margins are supported but experimental (if You have time and paper please examine if it working and let me know ;-) - especially if units for margins are properly computed. Beside let me know what is still missing... |
Still missing (I suppose): |
- printing text as continuation of current printed line (in the middle of the line) (this was a nightmare for me , if You know how to do it contact me) |
- printing of selected pages only (must compute pages count) |
- collate and printing more than one page when printer do not support multiple pages and collation (well, should not be very difficult, maybe just check if this is supported and if no just print many times the same) |
- Printers property (list of printers in system),PrinterIndex and Fonts property |
- print preview |
- more tests} interface uses Windows, Messages, KOL, KOLPrintCommon; type TPrinterState = (psNeedHandle, psHandle, psOtherHandle); TPrinterOrientation = (poPortrait, poLandscape); {* Paper orientation} TMarginOption = (mgInches, mgMillimeters); {* Margin option} PPrinter = ^TPrinter; TKOLPrinter = PPrinter; TPrinter = object(TObj) {*} private { Private declarations } fDevice, fDriver, fPort: string; fDevMode: THandle; fDeviceMode: PDeviceMode; fCanvas: PCanvas; // KOL canvas fTitle: string; fState: TPrinterState; // DC is allocated or need new DC becouse params were changed fAborted: Boolean; fPrinting: Boolean; fPageNumber: Integer; fOutput: string; PrinterInfo: TPrinterInfo; fRec: TRect; fMargins: TRect; //Margins (in pixels) fAssigned: Boolean; //if TRUE ,there is a printer with correctly assigned information protected function GetHandle: HDC; procedure SetHandle(Value: HDC); function GetCanvas: PCanvas; function GetCopies: Integer; procedure SetCopies(const Value: Integer); function GetOrientation: TPrinterOrientation; procedure SetOrientation(const Value: TPrinterOrientation); function GetPageHeight: Integer; function GetPageWidth: Integer; function Scale: Integer; procedure Prepare; procedure DefPrinter; public { Public declarations } destructor Destroy; virtual; procedure Abort; {* Abort print process} procedure BeginDoc; {* Begin print process} procedure EndDoc; {* End print process end send it to print spooler} procedure NewPage; {* Request new page} procedure Assign(Source: PPrinterInfo); {* Assign information about selected printer for example from Print/Page dialogs} procedure AssignMargins(cMargins: TRect; Option: TMarginOption); {* Assign information about paper margins for example from TKOLPageSetupDialog (in thousands of inches scale)} procedure WriteLn(const Text: string); {* Print tekst with TKOLPrinter selected font.Note: can be invoked more than once, but currently only for text ended with #10#13 (other is not properly wraped around right page corner ;-( )} procedure RE_Print(RichEdit: PControl); {* Print content of TKOLRichEdit (if Rich is not TKOLRichEdit nothing happens) with full formating of course :-)} property Assigned: Boolean read fAssigned; {* If TRUE, there is a default or assigned previoulsy printer (by Assign).Always check this property to avoid access violation when there is no printer in system} property Title: string read fTitle write fTitle; {* Title of print process in print manager window} function Info: PPrinterInfo; {* Returns info of selected print} property Output: string read fOutput write fOutput; {* Let print to the file.Assign file path to this property.} property Handle: HDC read GetHandle write SetHandle; {*} property Canvas: PCanvas read GetCanvas; {*} property Copies: Integer read GetCopies write SetCopies; {* Number of copies} property Orientation: TPrinterOrientation read GetOrientation write SetOrientation; {* Page orientation} property Margins: TRect read fMargins write fMargins; {* Page margins (in pixels)} property PageHeight: Integer read GetPageHeight; {* Page height in logical pixels} property PageWidth: Integer read GetPageWidth; {* Page width in logical pixels} property PageNumber: Integer read fPageNumber; {* Currently printed page number} property Printing: Boolean read fPrinting; {* Indicate printing process} property Aborted: Boolean read fAborted; {* Indicate abort of printing process} end; function Printer: PPrinter; {* Returns pointer to global TKOLPrinter object} procedure RecreatePrinter; {* Recreates global Printer pbject } function NewPrinter(PrinterInfo: PPrinterInfo): PPrinter; {* Global function for creating TKOLPrinter instance.Usually not needed, becouse inluding KOLPrinters causes creating of global TKOLPrinter instance.} implementation uses RichEdit; type PtagPD = ^tagPD; tagPD = packed record lStructSize: DWORD; hWndOwner: HWND; hDevMode: HGLOBAL; hDevNames: HGLOBAL; hDC: HDC; Flags: DWORD; nFromPage: Word; nToPage: Word; nMinPage: Word; nMaxPage: Word; nCopies: Word; hInstance: HINST; lCustData: LPARAM; lpfnPrintHook: function(Wnd: HWND; Message: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall; lpfnSetupHook: function(Wnd: HWND; Message: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall; lpPrintTemplateName: PAnsiChar; lpSetupTemplateName: PAnsiChar; hPrintTemplate: HGLOBAL; hSetupTemplate: HGLOBAL; end; const PD_RETURNDC = $00000100; PD_RETURNDEFAULT = $00000400; var FPrinter : PPrinter = nil; function PrintDlg(var PrintDlg: tagPD): BOOL; stdcall; external 'comdlg32.dll' name 'PrintDlgA'; function AbortProc(Handle: HDC; Error: Integer): Bool; stdcall; begin Result := not fPrinter.Aborted; end; function NewPrinter(PrinterInfo: PPrinterInfo): PPrinter; begin New(Result, Create); Result.fTitle := ''; Result.fOutput := ''; Result.fAborted := False; Result.fPrinting := False; Result.fPageNumber := 0; Result.fCanvas := nil; Result.fMargins.Top := 10; Result.fMargins.Left := 10; Result.fMargins.Bottom := 10; Result.fMargins.Right := 10; FillChar(Result.fRec, sizeof(Result.fRec), 0); if PrinterInfo = nil then Result.DefPrinter else Result.Assign(PrinterInfo); end; function Printer: PPrinter; begin if FPrinter = nil then FPrinter := NewPrinter(nil); Result := FPrinter; end; procedure RecreatePrinter; begin Free_And_Nil(FPrinter); FPrinter := NewPrinter(nil); end; destructor TPrinter.Destroy; begin Prepare; fTitle := ''; fDevice := ''; fDriver := ''; fPort := ''; fOutput := ''; inherited; {+++} FPrinter := nil; end; procedure TPrinter.Prepare; begin { Free previously used resources } if (fState <> psOtherHandle) and (fCanvas <> nil) then begin fCanvas.Free; fCanvas := nil; {+++} end; if fDevMode <> 0 then begin GlobalUnlock(fDevMode); GlobalFree(fDevMode); end; end; function TPrinter.Scale: Integer; var DC : HDC; ScreenH, PrinterH : Integer; begin DC := GetDC(0); ScreenH := GetDeviceCaps(DC, LOGPIXELSY); PrinterH := GetDeviceCaps(fCanvas.Handle, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(0, DC); Result := PrinterH div ScreenH; end; procedure TPrinter.WriteLn(const Text: string); var OldFontSize, PageH, Size, Len: Integer; pC : PChar; Rect : TRect; Metrics : TTextMetric; NewText : string; procedure ComputeRect; { Start from new line.Rect is the rest of page from current new line to the bottom. First probe how many characters do not fit on this rect.} begin Len := 1; while Windows.DrawText(fCanvas.Handle, pC, Len, Rect, DT_CALCRECT + DT_WORDBREAK + DT_NOCLIP + DT_NOPREFIX + DT_EXPANDTABS) < PageH do begin Rect.Right := fRec.Right; //must be, becouse DrawText shorten right corner Len := Len + 100; if Len > Size then begin Len := Size; Break; end; end; { Next : Count backwards to find exact characters which fit on required page rect.} while Windows.DrawText(fCanvas.Handle, pC, Len, Rect, DT_CALCRECT + DT_WORDBREAK + DT_NOCLIP + DT_NOPREFIX + DT_EXPANDTABS) > PageH do Len := Len - 1; { Find position of last space or line end (#13#10) to not break word (if possible) on bottom-right corner of the page.Do it only for multipage text (Len<>Size) } { if (Len <> Size) and (Len > 0) then begin Test := Len; while ((NewText[Test] <> #32) and (NewText[Test]<> #10)) and (Test > 0) do Test := Test -1 ; if Test > 0 then Len := Test; end; } { Finally draw it!} Windows.DrawText(fCanvas.Handle, pC, Len, Rect, DT_WORDBREAK + DT_NOCLIP + DT_NOPREFIX + DT_EXPANDTABS); end; begin if Length(Text) <= 0 then Exit; if Text[Length(Text)] <> #10 then NewText := Text + #13#10 else NewText := Text; pC := PChar(NewText); Size := Length(NewText); SetMapMode(fCanvas.Handle, MM_TEXT); OldFontSize := fCanvas.Font.FontHeight; fCanvas.Font.FontHeight := fCanvas.Font.FontHeight * Scale; SelectObject(fCanvas.Handle, fCanvas.Font.Handle); PageH := GetPageHeight - fMargins.Bottom; GetTextMetrics(fCanvas.Handle, Metrics); while Size > 0 do begin Rect := fRec; ComputeRect; Inc(pC, Len + 1); Dec(Size, Len + 1); if (Size > 0) and (fRec.Left <= fMargins.Left) then NewPage; end; if (Rect.Bottom > PageH) then begin NewPage; Rect.Bottom := 0; end; fRec.Top := Rect.Bottom - Metrics.tmHeight; fRec.Left := fMargins.Left; fRec.Bottom := PageH; fCanvas.Font.FontHeight := OldFontSize; NewText := ''; end; procedure TPrinter.DefPrinter; var ftagPD : tagPD; DevNames : PDevNames; begin fAssigned := false; fState := psHandle; Prepare; { Get DC of default printer } FillChar(ftagPD, sizeof(tagPD), 0); ftagPD.Flags := PD_RETURNDC + PD_RETURNDEFAULT; ftagPD.lStructSize := sizeof(ftagPD); if not PrintDlg(ftagPD) then Exit; fAssigned := true; DevNames := PDevNames(GlobalLock(ftagPD.hDevNames)); fDevMode := ftagPD.hDevMode; fDeviceMode := PDevMode(GlobalLock(fDevMode)); try fDriver := string(PChar(DevNames) + DevNames^.wDriverOffset); fDevice := string(PChar(DevNames) + DevNames^.wDeviceOffset); fPort := string(PChar(DevNames) + DevNames^.wOutputOffset); finally GlobalUnlock(ftagPD.hDevNames); GlobalFree(ftagPD.hDevNames); end; fCanvas := NewCanvas(ftagPD.hDC); end; procedure TPrinter.Assign(Source: PPrinterInfo); var Size : Integer; DevMode : PDevMode; fhDC : HDC; begin fAssigned := false; if (Source = nil) or (Source^.ADriver = nil) and (Source^.ADevice = nil) and (Source^.APort = nil) and (Source^.ADevMode = 0) then DefPrinter else begin Prepare; fDriver := string(Source^.ADriver); fDevice := string(Source^.ADevice); fPort := string(Source^.APort); DevMode := PDevMode(GlobalLock(Source^.ADevMode)); try Size := sizeof(DevMode^); fDevMode := GlobalAlloc(GHND, Size); fDeviceMode := PDevMode(GlobalLock(fDevMode)); CopyMemory(fDeviceMode, DevMode, Size); fhDC := CreateDC(PChar(fDriver), PChar(fDevice), PChar(fPort), fDeviceMode); finally GlobalUnlock(Source^.ADevMode); end; fCanvas := NewCanvas(fhDC); fAssigned := true; end; end; procedure TPrinter.AssignMargins(cMargins: TRect; Option: TMarginOption); var PH, PW : Integer; begin PH := GetDeviceCaps(fCanvas.Handle, LOGPIXELSY); PW := GetDeviceCaps(fCanvas.Handle, LOGPIXELSX); case Option of mgInches: begin fMargins.Top := round((cMargins.Top * PH) / 1000); fMargins.Left := round((cMargins.Left * PW) / 1000); fMargins.Bottom := round((cMargins.Bottom * PH) / 1000); fMargins.Right := round((cMargins.Right * PW) / 1000); end; mgMillimeters: begin fMargins.Top := round((cMargins.Top * PH) / 2540); fMargins.Left := round((cMargins.Left * PW) / 2540); fMargins.Bottom := round((cMargins.Bottom * PH) / 2540); fMargins.Right := round((cMargins.Right * PW) / 2540); end; end; end; procedure TPrinter.Abort; begin AbortDoc(fCanvas.Handle); fAborted := True; EndDoc; end; procedure TPrinter.BeginDoc; var doc : DOCINFOA; begin fRec.Top := fMargins.Top; fRec.Left := fMargins.Left; fRec.Right := GetPageWidth - fMargins.Right; fRec.Bottom := GetPageHeight - fMargins.Bottom; fAborted := False; fPageNumber := 1; fPrinting := True; FillChar(doc, sizeof(DOCINFOA), 0); doc.lpszDocName := PChar(fTitle); if (fOutput <> '') then doc.lpszOutput := PChar(fOutput); doc.cbSize := sizeof(doc); SetAbortProc(fCanvas.Handle, AbortProc); StartDoc(fCanvas.Handle, doc); StartPage(fCanvas.Handle); end; procedure TPrinter.EndDoc; begin EndPage(fCanvas.Handle); if not fAborted then Windows.EndDoc(fCanvas.Handle); fAborted := False; fPageNumber := 0; fOutPut := ''; fPrinting := False; end; function TPrinter.GetHandle: HDC; var fhDC : HDC; begin if (fState = psNeedHandle) and (fCanvas <> nil) then begin fCanvas.Free; fhDC := CreateDC(PChar(fDriver), PChar(fDevice), PChar(fPort), fDeviceMode); fCanvas := NewCanvas(fhDC); fState := psHandle; end; Result := fCanvas.Handle; end; procedure TPrinter.SetHandle(Value: HDC); begin if Value <> fCanvas.Handle then begin if fCanvas <> nil then fCanvas.Free; fCanvas := NewCanvas(Value); fState := psOtherHandle; end; end; function TPrinter.GetCanvas: PCanvas; begin GetHandle; Result := fCanvas; end; function TPrinter.Info: PPrinterInfo; begin with PrinterInfo do begin ADevice := PChar(fDevice); ADriver := PChar(fDriver); APort := PChar(fPort); ADevMode := fDevMode; end; Result := @PrinterInfo; end; function TPrinter.GetCopies: Integer; begin Result := fDeviceMode^.dmCopies; end; procedure TPrinter.SetCopies(const Value: Integer); begin fDeviceMode^.dmCopies := Value; end; function TPrinter.GetOrientation: TPrinterOrientation; begin if System.Assigned(fDeviceMode) and (fDeviceMode^.dmOrientation = DMORIENT_PORTRAIT) then Result := poPortrait else Result := poLandscape; end; procedure TPrinter.SetOrientation(const Value: TPrinterOrientation); const Orientations : array[TPrinterOrientation] of Integer = (DMORIENT_PORTRAIT, DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE); begin fDeviceMode^.dmOrientation := Orientations[Value]; end; function TPrinter.GetPageHeight: Integer; begin if fCanvas <> nil then Result := GetDeviceCaps(fCanvas.Handle, VERTRES) else Result := 0; end; function TPrinter.GetPageWidth: Integer; begin if fCanvas <> nil then Result := GetDeviceCaps(fCanvas.Handle, HORZRES) else Result := 0; end; procedure TPrinter.NewPage; begin fRec.Top := fMargins.Top; fRec.Left := fMargins.Left; fRec.Right := GetPageWidth - fMargins.Right; fRec.Bottom := GetPageHeight - fMargins.Bottom; EndPage(fCanvas.Handle); StartPage(fCanvas.Handle); SelectObject(fCanvas.Handle, fCanvas.Font.Handle); Inc(fPageNumber); end; procedure TPrinter.RE_Print(RichEdit: PControl); var Range : TFormatRange; LastChar, MaxLen, LogX, LogY, OldMap: Integer; SaveRect : TRect; TextLenEx : TGetTextLengthEx; begin if IndexOfStr(RichEdit.SubClassName, 'obj_RichEdit') = -1 then Exit; FillChar(Range, SizeOf(TFormatRange), 0); with Range do begin BeginDoc; hdc := GetHandle; hdcTarget := hdc; LogX := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, LOGPIXELSX); LogY := GetDeviceCaps(Handle, LOGPIXELSY); rc.Top := fMargins.Top * 1440 div LogY; rc.Left := fMargins.Left * 1440 div LogX; rc.Right := (GetPageWidth - fMargins.Right) * 1440 div LogX; rc.Bottom := (GetPageHeight - fMargins.Bottom) * 1440 div LogY; rcPage := rc; SaveRect := rc; LastChar := 0; // if RichEdit.Version >= 2 then begin with TextLenEx do begin flags := GTL_DEFAULT; codepage := CP_ACP; end; MaxLen := RichEdit.Perform(EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, WParam(@TextLenEx), 0); // end // else // MaxLen := Length(RichEdit.RE_Text[ reRTF, True ]); chrg.cpMax := -1; OldMap := SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT); SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle, EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0); { flush buffer } try repeat rc := SaveRect; chrg.cpMin := LastChar; LastChar := SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle, EM_FORMATRANGE, 1, Longint(@Range)); if (LastChar < MaxLen) and (LastChar <> -1) then NewPage; until (LastChar >= MaxLen) or (LastChar = -1); EndDoc; finally SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle, EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0); { flush buffer } SetMapMode(hdc, OldMap); { restore previous map mode } end; end; end; initialization //FPrinter := NewPrinter(nil); finalization Free_And_Nil(FPrinter); end.