{******************************************************************************} {* DCPcrypt v2.0 written by David Barton (crypto@cityinthesky.co.uk) **********} {******************************************************************************} {* A binary compatible implementation of RC5 **********************************} {******************************************************************************} {* Copyright (c) 1999-2002 David Barton *} {* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *} {* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), *} {* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *} {* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *} {* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *} {* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *} {* *} {* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in *} {* all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *} {* *} {* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR *} {* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *} {* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *} {* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER *} {* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *} {* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *} {* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *} {******************************************************************************} unit DCPrc5; {$MODE Delphi} interface uses Classes, Sysutils, DCPcrypt2, DCPconst, DCPblockciphers; const NUMROUNDS= 12; { number of rounds must be between 12-16 } type TDCP_rc5= class(TDCP_blockcipher64) protected KeyData: array[0..((NUMROUNDS*2)+1)] of DWord; procedure InitKey(const Key; Size: longword); override; public class function GetId: integer; override; class function GetAlgorithm: string; override; class function GetMaxKeySize: integer; override; class function SelfTest: boolean; override; procedure Burn; override; procedure EncryptECB(const InData; var OutData); override; procedure DecryptECB(const InData; var OutData); override; end; {******************************************************************************} {******************************************************************************} implementation {$R-}{$Q-} const sBox: array[0..33] of dword= ( $B7E15163,$5618CB1C,$F45044D5,$9287BE8E,$30BF3847,$CEF6B200, $6D2E2BB9,$0B65A572,$A99D1F2B,$47D498E4,$E60C129D,$84438C56, $227B060F,$C0B27FC8,$5EE9F981,$FD21733A,$9B58ECF3,$399066AC, $D7C7E065,$75FF5A1E,$1436D3D7,$B26E4D90,$50A5C749,$EEDD4102, $8D14BABB,$2B4C3474,$C983AE2D,$67BB27E6,$05F2A19F,$A42A1B58, $42619511,$E0990ECA,$7ED08883,$1D08023C); function LRot32(a, b: longword): longword; begin Result:= (a shl b) or (a shr (32-b)); end; function RRot32(a, b: longword): longword; begin Result:= (a shr b) or (a shl (32-b)); end; class function TDCP_rc5.GetID: integer; begin Result:= DCP_rc5; end; class function TDCP_rc5.GetAlgorithm: string; begin Result:= 'RC5'; end; class function TDCP_rc5.GetMaxKeySize: integer; begin Result:= 2048; end; class function TDCP_rc5.SelfTest: boolean; const Key1: array[0..15] of byte= ($DC,$49,$DB,$13,$75,$A5,$58,$4F,$64,$85,$B4,$13,$B5,$F1,$2B,$AF); Plain1: array[0..1] of dword= ($B7B3422F,$92FC6903); Cipher1: array[0..1] of dword= ($B278C165,$CC97D184); Key2: array[0..15] of byte= ($52,$69,$F1,$49,$D4,$1B,$A0,$15,$24,$97,$57,$4D,$7F,$15,$31,$25); Plain2: array[0..1] of dword= ($B278C165,$CC97D184); Cipher2: array[0..1] of dword= ($15E444EB,$249831DA); var Cipher: TDCP_rc5; Data: array[0..1] of dword; begin dcpFillChar(Data, SizeOf(Data), 0); Cipher:= TDCP_rc5.Create(nil); Cipher.Init(Key1,Sizeof(Key1)*8,nil); Cipher.EncryptECB(Plain1,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@Cipher1,Sizeof(Data))); Cipher.DecryptECB(Data,Data); Result:= Result and boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@Plain1,Sizeof(Data))); Cipher.Burn; Cipher.Init(Key2,Sizeof(Key2)*8,nil); Cipher.EncryptECB(Plain2,Data); Result:= Result and boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@Cipher2,Sizeof(Data))); Cipher.DecryptECB(Data,Data); Result:= Result and boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@Plain2,Sizeof(Data))); Cipher.Burn; Cipher.Free; end; procedure TDCP_rc5.InitKey(const Key; Size: longword); var xKeyD: array[0..63] of DWord; i, j, k, xKeyLen: longword; A, B: DWord; begin dcpFillChar(xKeyD,Sizeof(xKeyD),0); Size:= Size div 8; Move(Key,xKeyD,Size); xKeyLen:= Size div 4; if (Size mod 4)<> 0 then Inc(xKeyLen); Move(sBox,KeyData,(NUMROUNDS+1)*8); i:= 0; j:= 0; A:= 0; B:= 0; if xKeyLen> ((NUMROUNDS+1)*2) then k:= xKeyLen*3 else k:= (NUMROUNDS+1)*6; for k:= k downto 1 do begin A:= LRot32(KeyData[i]+A+B,3); KeyData[i]:= A; B:= LRot32(xKeyD[j]+A+B,A+B); xKeyD[j]:= B; i:= (i+1) mod ((NUMROUNDS+1)*2); j:= (j+1) mod xKeyLen; end; FillChar(xKeyD,Sizeof(xKeyD),0); end; procedure TDCP_rc5.Burn; begin FillChar(KeyData,Sizeof(KeyData),$FF); inherited Burn; end; procedure TDCP_rc5.EncryptECB(const InData; var OutData); var A, B: DWord; i: longword; begin if not fInitialized then raise EDCP_blockcipher.Create('Cipher not initialized'); A:= PDword(@InData)^ + KeyData[0]; B:= PDword(pointer(@InData)+4)^ + KeyData[1]; for i:= 1 to NUMROUNDS do begin A:= A xor B; A:= LRot32(A,B)+KeyData[2*i]; B:= B xor A; B:= LRot32(B,A)+KeyData[(2*i)+1]; end; PDword(@OutData)^:= A; PDword(pointer(@OutData)+4)^:= B; end; procedure TDCP_rc5.DecryptECB(const InData; var OutData); var A, B: DWord; i: longword; begin if not fInitialized then raise EDCP_blockcipher.Create('Cipher not initialized'); A:= PDword(@InData)^; B:= PDword(pointer(@InData)+4)^; for i:= NUMROUNDS downto 1 do begin B:= RRot32(B-KeyData[(2*i)+1],A); B:= B xor A; A:= RRot32(A-KeyData[2*i],B); A:= A xor B; end; PDword(@OutData)^:= A - KeyData[0]; PDword(pointer(@OutData)+4)^:= B - KeyData[1]; end; end.