diff --git a/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dpr b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b51a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program pExample;
+ Vcl.Forms,
+ uMain in 'uMain.pas' {fmMain};
+{$R *.res}
+ Application.Initialize;
+ Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
+ Application.CreateForm(TfmMain, fmMain);
+ Application.Run;
diff --git a/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dproj b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f2e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ {B2F1BE7E-2745-4B2F-A4DE-CA83E5CC75C5}
+ 15.3
+ pExample.dpr
+ True
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ 1
+ Application
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ $(BDS)\bin\delphi_PROJECTICON.ico
+ System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ $(BDS)\bin\default_app.manifest
+ true
+ 1033
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ JvBDE;JvGlobus;O408br;JvMM;JvManagedThreads;FireDACSqliteDriver;DBXSqliteDriver;AbbreviaVCL;FireDACPgDriver;VampyreImagingPackage.D2009;fmx;JvDlgs;IndySystem;JvCrypt;TeeDB;frx19;inetdbbde;vclib;DBXInterBaseDriver;GR32_DSGN_RSXE5;DataSnapCommon;MiscrosoftScriptControls;pkCindyDERDXE5;JvNet;JvDotNetCtrls;DbxCommonDriver;vclimg;dbxcds;PieLib;vclshlctrls;MetropolisUILiveTile;JvXPCtrls;pkCindyPackDXE5;vcldb;vcldsnap;pkCindyIEDXE5;fmxFireDAC;pkCindyDBXDXE5;CustomIPTransport;JvCore;SynEdit_RXE5;vclribbon;dsnap;IndyIPServer;fmxase;vcl;IndyCore;DebenuPDFLibraryLite;DCEF_XE5;CodeSiteExpressPkg;IndyIPCommon;CloudService;FmxTeeUI;FireDACIBDriver;JvAppFrm;JvDB;JvRuntimeDesign;inetdbxpress;webdsnap;frxe19;JclDeveloperTools;JvDocking;adortl;JvWizards;frxDB19;FireDACASADriver;JvHMI;bindcompfmx;JvBands;vcldbx;FireDACODBCDriver;rtl;dbrtl;DbxClientDriver;FireDACCommon;bindcomp;JvPluginSystem;Tee;JclContainers;JvCmp;vclFireDAC;JvSystem;xmlrtl;svnui;ibxpress;SVATimer_DXE5;JvControls;JvTimeFramework;IndyProtocols;DBXMySQLDriver;djsonrt;FireDACCommonDriver;O408_r;bindengine;vclactnband;soaprtl;bindcompdbx;TeeUI;FMXTee;bindcompvcl;JvStdCtrls;JvCustom;Jcl;vclie;JvJans;JvPageComps;JvPrintPreview;pkCindyDBCtrlsPackDXE5;FireDACADSDriver;vcltouch;LINA_D_XE5;VclSmp;FireDAC;VCLRESTComponents;Intraweb;GR32_RSXE5;dsnapcon;inet;fmxobj;JclVcl;JvPascalInterpreter;FireDACMySQLDriver;vclx;svn;fmxdae;RESTComponents;bdertl;FireDACMSAccDriver;dbexpress;IndyIPClient;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ O408br;FireDACSqliteDriver;DBXSqliteDriver;AbbreviaVCL;FireDACPgDriver;fmx;IndySystem;vclib;DBXInterBaseDriver;DataSnapCommon;DbxCommonDriver;vclimg;dbxcds;vclshlctrls;MetropolisUILiveTile;vcldb;vcldsnap;fmxFireDAC;CustomIPTransport;SynEdit_RXE5;vclribbon;dsnap;IndyIPServer;fmxase;vcl;IndyCore;IndyIPCommon;CloudService;FireDACIBDriver;inetdbxpress;webdsnap;adortl;FireDACASADriver;bindcompfmx;FireDACODBCDriver;rtl;dbrtl;DbxClientDriver;FireDACCommon;bindcomp;vclFireDAC;xmlrtl;ibxpress;IndyProtocols;DBXMySQLDriver;FireDACCommonDriver;O408_r;bindengine;vclactnband;soaprtl;bindcompdbx;bindcompvcl;vclie;FireDACADSDriver;vcltouch;LINA_D_XE5;VclSmp;FireDAC;VCLRESTComponents;Intraweb;dsnapcon;inet;fmxobj;FireDACMySQLDriver;vclx;fmxdae;RESTComponents;FireDACMSAccDriver;dbexpress;IndyIPClient;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ 0
+ 0
+ MainSource
+ dfm
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ False
+ False
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ 1031
+ 1252
+ True
+ False
+ 12
diff --git a/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dproj.local b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dproj.local
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1ac22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.dproj.local
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.629,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.911,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.029,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.228,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Example\TContextMenu\uMain.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.505,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.438,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.832,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.376,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.579,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.086,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.036,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.283,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.634,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.044,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.562,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.012,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.689,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.779,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.120,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.963,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.256,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.169,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.228,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.dfm=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Example\TContextMenu\uMain.dfm
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.191,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Project1.dproj=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Example\TContextMenu\pExample.dproj
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.028,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.726,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.541,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.129,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.165,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.957,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.106,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.356,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.177,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.215,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.333,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
diff --git a/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.exe b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..411752e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.exe differ
diff --git a/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.identcache b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.identcache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a5312f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.identcache differ
diff --git a/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.res b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6cf632
Binary files /dev/null and b/Example/TCryptManager/pExample.res differ
diff --git a/Example/TCryptManager/uMain.dfm b/Example/TCryptManager/uMain.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8185443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TCryptManager/uMain.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+object fmMain: TfmMain
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 0
+ BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
+ BorderStyle = bsSingle
+ Caption = 'LinaComponents "TCryptManager" Example'
+ ClientHeight = 281
+ ClientWidth = 761
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -11
+ Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
+ Font.Style = []
+ OldCreateOrder = False
+ Position = poScreenCenter
+ OnCreate = FormCreate
+ PixelsPerInch = 96
+ TextHeight = 13
+ object mmDecrypted: TMemo
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 8
+ Width = 330
+ Height = 265
+ Lines.Strings = (
+ 'This is a sample test to show the usability of the'
+ '"TCryptManager" component from Lina Components'
+ 'for Delphi.')
+ ScrollBars = ssBoth
+ TabOrder = 0
+ WordWrap = False
+ end
+ object mmEncrypted: TMemo
+ Left = 425
+ Top = 8
+ Width = 330
+ Height = 265
+ ScrollBars = ssBoth
+ TabOrder = 1
+ WordWrap = False
+ end
+ object btEncrypt: TButton
+ Left = 344
+ Top = 87
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'Encrypt '#187
+ TabOrder = 2
+ OnClick = btEncryptClick
+ end
+ object rgMode: TRadioGroup
+ Left = 344
+ Top = 8
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 73
+ Caption = 'Mode'
+ Items.Strings = (
+ 'Xor'
+ 'Caesar'
+ 'Vigenere')
+ TabOrder = 3
+ OnClick = rgModeClick
+ end
+ object btDecrypt: TButton
+ Left = 344
+ Top = 118
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = #171' Decrypt'
+ TabOrder = 4
+ OnClick = btDecryptClick
+ end
+ object leKey: TLabeledEdit
+ Left = 344
+ Top = 221
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 21
+ CharCase = ecUpperCase
+ EditLabel.Width = 22
+ EditLabel.Height = 13
+ EditLabel.Caption = 'Key:'
+ TabOrder = 5
+ OnChange = leKeyChange
+ OnContextPopup = leKeyContextPopup
+ OnKeyPress = leKeyKeyPress
+ end
+ object brGenerate: TButton
+ Left = 344
+ Top = 248
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'Generate'
+ TabOrder = 6
+ OnClick = brGenerateClick
+ end
+ object CryptManager: TCryptManager
+ Left = 704
+ Top = 8
+ end
diff --git a/Example/TCryptManager/uMain.pas b/Example/TCryptManager/uMain.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4da9c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TCryptManager/uMain.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+unit uMain;
+/// Lina Cryption Example ///
+/// **************************** ///
+/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+{$IF CompilerVersion <> 26.0}
+ {$MESSAGE ERROR 'This example was written to compile under Delphi XE5'}
+ Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
+ Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.StdCtrls, uBase,
+ uSysCtrls, uSysTools;
+ TfmMain = class(TForm)
+ mmDecrypted: TMemo;
+ mmEncrypted: TMemo;
+ btEncrypt: TButton;
+ rgMode: TRadioGroup;
+ btDecrypt: TButton;
+ leKey: TLabeledEdit;
+ CryptManager: TCryptManager;
+ brGenerate: TButton;
+ procedure rgModeClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btEncryptClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btDecryptClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure leKeyChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure leKeyKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
+ procedure leKeyContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint;
+ var Handled: Boolean);
+ procedure brGenerateClick(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ end;
+ fmMain: TfmMain;
+{$R *.dfm}
+procedure TfmMain.btEncryptClick(Sender: TObject);
+ CryptManager.Decrypted.Assign(mmDecrypted.Lines);
+ mmEncrypted.Lines.Assign(CryptManager.Encrypted);
+procedure TfmMain.brGenerateClick(Sender: TObject);
+ leKey.Text := CryptManager.GenerateKey;
+procedure TfmMain.btDecryptClick(Sender: TObject);
+ CryptManager.Encrypted.Assign(mmEncrypted.Lines);
+ mmDecrypted.Lines.Assign(CryptManager.Decrypted);
+procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ rgMode.ItemIndex := 0;
+procedure TfmMain.leKeyChange(Sender: TObject);
+ CryptManager.Key := leKey.Text;
+procedure TfmMain.leKeyContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint;
+ var Handled: Boolean);
+ Handled := True;
+procedure TfmMain.leKeyKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
+ if (Key in Numbers + Letters) and (CryptManager.ValidKey(leKey.Text + Key) = False) then
+ begin
+ Key := #0;
+ end;
+procedure TfmMain.rgModeClick(Sender: TObject);
+ leKey.Clear;
+ leKey.NumbersOnly := rgMode.ItemIndex = 0;
+ leKey.MaxLength := Abs(BoolToInt(rgMode.ItemIndex = 1));
+ case rgMode.ItemIndex of
+ 0: CryptManager.Mode := cmXor;
+ 1: CryptManager.Mode := cmCaesar;
+ 2: CryptManager.Mode := cmVigenere;
+ end;
diff --git a/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dpr b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b51a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dpr
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+program pExample;
+ Vcl.Forms,
+ uMain in 'uMain.pas' {fmMain};
+{$R *.res}
+ Application.Initialize;
+ Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
+ Application.CreateForm(TfmMain, fmMain);
+ Application.Run;
diff --git a/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dproj b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f2e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ {B2F1BE7E-2745-4B2F-A4DE-CA83E5CC75C5}
+ 15.3
+ pExample.dpr
+ True
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ 1
+ Application
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ $(BDS)\bin\delphi_PROJECTICON.ico
+ System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ $(BDS)\bin\default_app.manifest
+ true
+ 1033
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ JvBDE;JvGlobus;O408br;JvMM;JvManagedThreads;FireDACSqliteDriver;DBXSqliteDriver;AbbreviaVCL;FireDACPgDriver;VampyreImagingPackage.D2009;fmx;JvDlgs;IndySystem;JvCrypt;TeeDB;frx19;inetdbbde;vclib;DBXInterBaseDriver;GR32_DSGN_RSXE5;DataSnapCommon;MiscrosoftScriptControls;pkCindyDERDXE5;JvNet;JvDotNetCtrls;DbxCommonDriver;vclimg;dbxcds;PieLib;vclshlctrls;MetropolisUILiveTile;JvXPCtrls;pkCindyPackDXE5;vcldb;vcldsnap;pkCindyIEDXE5;fmxFireDAC;pkCindyDBXDXE5;CustomIPTransport;JvCore;SynEdit_RXE5;vclribbon;dsnap;IndyIPServer;fmxase;vcl;IndyCore;DebenuPDFLibraryLite;DCEF_XE5;CodeSiteExpressPkg;IndyIPCommon;CloudService;FmxTeeUI;FireDACIBDriver;JvAppFrm;JvDB;JvRuntimeDesign;inetdbxpress;webdsnap;frxe19;JclDeveloperTools;JvDocking;adortl;JvWizards;frxDB19;FireDACASADriver;JvHMI;bindcompfmx;JvBands;vcldbx;FireDACODBCDriver;rtl;dbrtl;DbxClientDriver;FireDACCommon;bindcomp;JvPluginSystem;Tee;JclContainers;JvCmp;vclFireDAC;JvSystem;xmlrtl;svnui;ibxpress;SVATimer_DXE5;JvControls;JvTimeFramework;IndyProtocols;DBXMySQLDriver;djsonrt;FireDACCommonDriver;O408_r;bindengine;vclactnband;soaprtl;bindcompdbx;TeeUI;FMXTee;bindcompvcl;JvStdCtrls;JvCustom;Jcl;vclie;JvJans;JvPageComps;JvPrintPreview;pkCindyDBCtrlsPackDXE5;FireDACADSDriver;vcltouch;LINA_D_XE5;VclSmp;FireDAC;VCLRESTComponents;Intraweb;GR32_RSXE5;dsnapcon;inet;fmxobj;JclVcl;JvPascalInterpreter;FireDACMySQLDriver;vclx;svn;fmxdae;RESTComponents;bdertl;FireDACMSAccDriver;dbexpress;IndyIPClient;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ O408br;FireDACSqliteDriver;DBXSqliteDriver;AbbreviaVCL;FireDACPgDriver;fmx;IndySystem;vclib;DBXInterBaseDriver;DataSnapCommon;DbxCommonDriver;vclimg;dbxcds;vclshlctrls;MetropolisUILiveTile;vcldb;vcldsnap;fmxFireDAC;CustomIPTransport;SynEdit_RXE5;vclribbon;dsnap;IndyIPServer;fmxase;vcl;IndyCore;IndyIPCommon;CloudService;FireDACIBDriver;inetdbxpress;webdsnap;adortl;FireDACASADriver;bindcompfmx;FireDACODBCDriver;rtl;dbrtl;DbxClientDriver;FireDACCommon;bindcomp;vclFireDAC;xmlrtl;ibxpress;IndyProtocols;DBXMySQLDriver;FireDACCommonDriver;O408_r;bindengine;vclactnband;soaprtl;bindcompdbx;bindcompvcl;vclie;FireDACADSDriver;vcltouch;LINA_D_XE5;VclSmp;FireDAC;VCLRESTComponents;Intraweb;dsnapcon;inet;fmxobj;FireDACMySQLDriver;vclx;fmxdae;RESTComponents;FireDACMSAccDriver;dbexpress;IndyIPClient;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ 0
+ 0
+ MainSource
+ dfm
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ False
+ False
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ False
+ 1031
+ 1252
+ pExample.dpr
+ True
+ False
+ 12
diff --git a/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dproj.local b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dproj.local
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c08d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.dproj.local
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.541,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.177,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.356,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.333,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.963,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.120,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.215,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.165,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.129,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.106,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.957,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.779,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.438,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.169,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.911,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.726,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.832,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.029,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.283,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.036,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.579,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.376,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.191,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Example\TContextMenu\pExample.dproj=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Project1.dproj
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.228,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Example\TContextMenu\uMain.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.086,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.228,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Example\TContextMenu\uMain.dfm=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.dfm
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.634,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.256,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.505,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.028,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.629,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.562,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.044,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.689,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.012,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Unit1.pas
diff --git a/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.exe b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36daf12
Binary files /dev/null and b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.exe differ
diff --git a/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.identcache b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.identcache
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d0b01
Binary files /dev/null and b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.identcache differ
diff --git a/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.res b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6cf632
Binary files /dev/null and b/Example/TDelphiManager/pExample.res differ
diff --git a/Example/TDelphiManager/uMain.dfm b/Example/TDelphiManager/uMain.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd440b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TDelphiManager/uMain.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+object fmMain: TfmMain
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 0
+ BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
+ BorderStyle = bsSingle
+ Caption = 'LinaComponents "TDelphiManager" Example'
+ ClientHeight = 219
+ ClientWidth = 474
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -11
+ Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
+ Font.Style = []
+ OldCreateOrder = False
+ Position = poScreenCenter
+ OnCreate = FormCreate
+ PixelsPerInch = 96
+ TextHeight = 13
+ object rgVersions: TRadioGroup
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 8
+ Width = 371
+ Height = 185
+ Caption = 'Installed Delphi versions'
+ TabOrder = 0
+ end
+ object pnButtons: TPanel
+ Left = 385
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 89
+ Height = 200
+ Align = alRight
+ TabOrder = 1
+ ExplicitHeight = 201
+ object btLaunch: TButton
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 168
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'Launch'
+ Default = True
+ TabOrder = 2
+ OnClick = btLaunchClick
+ end
+ object btRefresh: TButton
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 8
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'Refresh'
+ TabOrder = 0
+ OnClick = btRefreshClick
+ end
+ object btInfo: TButton
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 137
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'Info'
+ TabOrder = 1
+ OnClick = btInfoClick
+ end
+ end
+ object StatusBar: TStatusBar
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 200
+ Width = 474
+ Height = 19
+ Panels = <>
+ SimplePanel = True
+ ExplicitLeft = 192
+ ExplicitTop = 208
+ ExplicitWidth = 0
+ end
+ object DelphiManager: TDelphiManager
+ Left = 40
+ Top = 32
+ end
diff --git a/Example/TDelphiManager/uMain.pas b/Example/TDelphiManager/uMain.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..320b231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/TDelphiManager/uMain.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+unit uMain;
+/// Lina Delphi Manager Example ///
+/// **************************** ///
+/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+{$IF CompilerVersion <> 26.0}
+ {$MESSAGE ERROR 'This example was written to compile under Delphi XE5'}
+ Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
+ Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, uBase,
+ uSysCtrls, Vcl.ComCtrls;
+ TfmMain = class(TForm)
+ rgVersions: TRadioGroup;
+ pnButtons: TPanel;
+ btLaunch: TButton;
+ btRefresh: TButton;
+ DelphiManager: TDelphiManager;
+ btInfo: TButton;
+ StatusBar: TStatusBar;
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btRefreshClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btLaunchClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure btInfoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ end;
+ fmMain: TfmMain;
+{$R *.dfm}
+procedure TfmMain.btInfoClick(Sender: TObject);
+ MessageDlg(DelphiVersionToFullName(NameToDelphiVersion(rgVersions.Items.Strings[rgVersions.ItemIndex])) +
+ sLineBreak + 'Code name: ' + DelphiVersionToCodeName(NameToDelphiVersion(rgVersions.Items.Strings[rgVersions.ItemIndex])) +
+ sLineBreak + 'Product version: ' + IntToStr(DelphiVersionToProductVersion(NameToDelphiVersion(rgVersions.Items.Strings[rgVersions.ItemIndex]))) +
+ sLineBreak + 'Package version: ' + IntToStr(DelphiVersionToPackageVersion(NameToDelphiVersion(rgVersions.Items.Strings[rgVersions.ItemIndex]))),
+ mtInformation,[mbOK],0);
+procedure TfmMain.btLaunchClick(Sender: TObject);
+ DelphiManager.Launch(NameToDelphiVersion(rgVersions.Items.Strings[rgVersions.ItemIndex]));
+procedure TfmMain.btRefreshClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Installed: TDelphiVersions;
+ Index: TDelphiVersion;
+ rgVersions.Items.Clear;
+ Installed := DelphiManager.Installed;
+ for Index := Low(TDelphiVersion) to High(TDelphiVersion) do
+ begin
+ if Index in Installed then
+ begin
+ rgVersions.Items.Add(DelphiVersionToName(Index));
+ end;
+ end;
+ if rgVersions.Items.Count <> 0 then
+ begin
+ rgVersions.ItemIndex := 0;
+ btInfo.Enabled := True;
+ btLaunch.Enabled := True;
+ end else
+ begin
+ rgVersions.ItemIndex := -1;
+ btInfo.Enabled := False;
+ btLaunch.Enabled := False;
+ end;
+procedure TfmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ StatusBar.SimpleText := 'Built with ' + DelphiManager.VersionFullName + ' "' + DelphiManager.VersionCodeName + '" and Lina Components v' + FloatToStr(DelphiManager.LinaVersion) + ' for ' + DelphiManager.LocalPlatformFullName;
+ btRefresh.Click;
diff --git a/Example/TLocalizationManager/pExample.exe b/Example/TLocalizationManager/pExample.exe
index 37b9b5d..99afced 100644
Binary files a/Example/TLocalizationManager/pExample.exe and b/Example/TLocalizationManager/pExample.exe differ
diff --git a/Example/TLocalizationManager/pExample.identcache b/Example/TLocalizationManager/pExample.identcache
index e508cbb..f6cb760 100644
Binary files a/Example/TLocalizationManager/pExample.identcache and b/Example/TLocalizationManager/pExample.identcache differ
diff --git a/Example/TLocalizationManager/uMain.dfm b/Example/TLocalizationManager/uMain.dfm
index 0bdd3f9..d3fcf70 100644
--- a/Example/TLocalizationManager/uMain.dfm
+++ b/Example/TLocalizationManager/uMain.dfm
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ object Form1: TForm1
Height = 41
Align = alBottom
TabOrder = 0
- ExplicitTop = 139
object btClose: TButton
Left = 8
Top = 8
@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ object Form1: TForm1
Indent = 'Coding'
Field = 'Caption'
- Left = 240
- Top = 32
+ Left = 280
+ Top = 24
diff --git a/Example/TLocalizationManager/uMain.pas b/Example/TLocalizationManager/uMain.pas
index 7380544..37250da 100644
--- a/Example/TLocalizationManager/uMain.pas
+++ b/Example/TLocalizationManager/uMain.pas
@@ -52,8 +52,13 @@ begin
procedure TForm1.btHelloClick(Sender: TObject);
+//var g: TLocalizationGenerator;
- ShowMessage(HelloWorld);
+//g := TLocalizationGenerator.Create(LocalizationManager.Data);
+// ShowMessage(HelloWorld);
+showmessage((localizationmanager.Localizations.Items[LocalizationManager.Current] as TLocalization).Name);
procedure TForm1.coEncodingChange(Sender: TObject);
@@ -75,12 +80,12 @@ end;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Index: Integer;
- LanguageFiles: TStrings;
+ // LanguageFiles: TStrings;
HelloWorld := 'Hello,' + #10 + 'World!';
(LocalizationManager.References.Items[0] as TLocalizationReference).Reference := @HelloWorld;
- LanguageFiles := TStringList.Create;
+ {LanguageFiles := TStringList.Create;
for Index := 0 to LanguageFiles.Count - 1 do
@@ -92,7 +97,12 @@ begin
// if (LocalizationManager.Localizations.Items[Index] as TLocalization).Lines.DefaultEncoding = TEncoding.ANSI then showmessage('');
// TLocalization(LocalizationManager.Localizations.Items[Index]).Encoding := ceANSI;
- //LocalizationManager.Applier.ApplyMode := laMainForm;
+ //LocalizationManager.Applier.ApplyMode := laMainForm; }
+ LocalizationManager.Localizations.LoadFromDirectory(ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName),['*.loc']);
+ for Index := 0 to LocalizationManager.Localizations.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ lbLanguage.Items.Add((LocalizationManager.Localizations.Items[Index] as TLocalization).Name);
+ end;
procedure TForm1.lbLanguageClick(Sender: TObject);
diff --git a/Information/Statistics.txt b/Information/Statistics.txt
index 164cbc0..a910116 100644
--- a/Information/Statistics.txt
+++ b/Information/Statistics.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
These statistics cover the official repository of Lina Components.
-Total lines of code (LoC): 10300+
-Total visual components (VC): 17
\ No newline at end of file
+Total lines of code (LoC): 12000+
+Total visual components (VC): 20
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dpk b/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dpk
index 775f407..4664838 100644
--- a/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dpk
+++ b/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dpk
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ package LINA_D_XE5;
- dbrtl,
+ vclx,
@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ contains
uAdvCtrls in '..\..\Source\uAdvCtrls.pas',
uWebCtrls in '..\..\Source\uWebCtrls.pas',
uFileCtrls in '..\..\Source\uFileCtrls.pas',
- uInit in '..\..\Source\uInit.pas',
+ {$IFDEF WIN32}
+ uInit in '..\..\Source\uInit.pas',
+ {$ENDIF}
uCalc in '..\..\Source\uCalc.pas';
diff --git a/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dproj b/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dproj
index a89a75b..7d731e8 100644
--- a/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dproj
+++ b/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dproj
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
diff --git a/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dproj.local b/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dproj.local
index bb605d8..1c3cc35 100644
--- a/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dproj.local
+++ b/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.dproj.local
@@ -1,50 +1,53 @@

- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.681,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Resource\Lina.rc=
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.809,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Resource\Lina.rc
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.204,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\uFileCtrls.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uFileCtrls.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.508,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uBase.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.576,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uSysTools.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.325,=dbrtl.dcp
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.412,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.674,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.675,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.592,=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uFileTools.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.411,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uAdvCtrls.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.621,=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uLinaTest.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.318,=vcl.dcp
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.414,C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uLinaTest.pas=
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.577,=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uBattery.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.556,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uLocalMgr.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.143,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Untitled1.htm
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.508,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uBase.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.518,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uBattery.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.650,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uBattery.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uSysCtrls.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.204,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\uFileCtrls.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uFileCtrls.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.411,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uAdvCtrls.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.675,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.809,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Resource\Lina.rc
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.325,=dbrtl.dcp
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.681,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Resource\Lina.rc=
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.934,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\Config.inc
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.414,C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uLinaTest.pas=
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.621,=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uLinaTest.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.556,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uLocalMgr.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.577,=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uBattery.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.861,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Settings.inc
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.318,=vcl.dcp
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.648,=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uScriptMgr.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.896,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\CodeQuality.htm=
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.938,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\Config.inc
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.537,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\CodeQuality.htm=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Untitled1.htm
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.143,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Untitled1.htm
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.896,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\CodeQuality.htm=
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.412,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.971,=IndySystem.dcp
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.555,=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uBase.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.196,=rtl.dcp
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.525,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uCrypt.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.584,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uVirtObj.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.686,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uSysTools.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.196,=rtl.dcp
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.075,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uCalc.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.118,=IndyCore.dcp
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.535,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uFileTools.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.633,=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uLocalMgr.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.686,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uSysTools.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.525,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uCrypt.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.672,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\uFrmCtrls.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.932,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\uFileCtrls.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.173,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uInit.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.791,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.837,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.582,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uWebCtrls.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.566,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uScriptMgr.pas
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.045,=IndyProtocols.dcp
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.633,C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\Package1.dproj=C:\Users\Dennis\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\LINA_D_XE5.dproj
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.582,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uWebCtrls.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.932,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\uFileCtrls.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.837,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.791,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.674,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.173,C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Package\Delphi_XE5\Unit1.pas=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uInit.pas
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.857,=PascalScript_Core_D19.dcp
- 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.546,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uFrmCtrls.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.045,=IndyProtocols.dcp
1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.799,=PascalScript_Core_D19.dcp
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.566,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uScriptMgr.pas
+ 1899.12.30 00:00:00.000.546,=C:\Users\Dennis G\Documents\RAD Studio\Projekte\LinaComponents\Source\uFrmCtrls.pas
@@ -75,12 +78,12 @@
diff --git a/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.identcache b/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.identcache
index b173661..abd1c66 100644
Binary files a/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.identcache and b/Package/Delphi_XE5/LINA_D_XE5.identcache differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TCryptManager.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TCryptManager.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab3347b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TCryptManager.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TDelphiManager.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TDelphiManager.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df9755e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TDelphiManager.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TStringContainer.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TStringContainer.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9406ea7
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TStringContainer.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TValueEdit.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TValueEdit.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51d1f38
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/Large/TValueEdit.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TCryptManager.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TCryptManager.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f51de70
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TCryptManager.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TDelphiManager.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TDelphiManager.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67bf58a
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TDelphiManager.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TSizePanel.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TSizePanel.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92bb68a
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TSizePanel.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TStringContainer.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TStringContainer.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..714d8d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/Small/TStringContainer.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/TCryptManager.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/TCryptManager.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c726bb5
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/TCryptManager.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/TDelphiManager.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/TDelphiManager.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17a64db
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/TDelphiManager.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/TStringContainer.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/TStringContainer.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d0b45
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/TStringContainer.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Bitmap/TValueEdit.bmp b/Resource/Bitmap/TValueEdit.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b61787e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resource/Bitmap/TValueEdit.bmp differ
diff --git a/Resource/Compiled/uAdvCtrls.dcr b/Resource/Compiled/uAdvCtrls.dcr
index 1f29e7c..c6c4f69 100644
Binary files a/Resource/Compiled/uAdvCtrls.dcr and b/Resource/Compiled/uAdvCtrls.dcr differ
diff --git a/Resource/Compiled/uSysCtrls.dcr b/Resource/Compiled/uSysCtrls.dcr
index b3959a4..883c419 100644
Binary files a/Resource/Compiled/uSysCtrls.dcr and b/Resource/Compiled/uSysCtrls.dcr differ
diff --git a/Resource/LINA.rc b/Resource/LINA.rc
index e3cb67f..9add5ea 100644
--- a/Resource/LINA.rc
+++ b/Resource/LINA.rc
@@ -14,9 +14,15 @@ TCOMPONENTMANAGER32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TComponentManager.bmp"
TCONTEXTMENU BITMAP "Bitmap\TContextMenu.bmp"
TCONTEXTMENU16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TContextMenu.bmp"
TCONTEXTMENU32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TContextMenu.bmp"
+TCRYPTMANAGER BITMAP "Bitmap\TCryptManager.bmp"
+TCRYPTMANAGER16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TCryptManager.bmp"
+TCRYPTMANAGER32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TCryptManager.bmp"
TCURSORFIX BITMAP "Bitmap\TCursorFix.bmp"
TCURSORFIX16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TCursorFix.bmp"
TCURSORFIX32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TCursorFix.bmp"
+TDELPHIMANAGER BITMAP "Bitmap\TDelphiManager.bmp"
+TDELPHIMANAGER16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TDelphiManager.bmp"
+TDELPHIMANAGER32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TDelphiManager.bmp"
TDOWNLOAD BITMAP "Bitmap\TDownload.bmp"
TDOWNLOAD16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TDownload.bmp"
TDOWNLOAD32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TDownload.bmp"
@@ -41,9 +47,18 @@ TSCROLLLISTBOX32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TScrollListBox.bmp"
TSHORTCUTLABEL BITMAP "Bitmap\TShortcutLabel.bmp"
TSHORTCUTLABEL16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TShortcutLabel.bmp"
TSHORTCUTLABEL32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TShortcutLabel.bmp"
+TSIZEPANEL BITMAP "Bitmap\TSizePanel.bmp"
+TSIZEPANEL16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TSizePanel.bmp"
+TSIZEPANEL32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TSizePanel.bmp"
TSPLASHSCREEN BITMAP "Bitmap\TSplashScreen.bmp"
TSPLASHSCREEN16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TSplashScreen.bmp"
TSPLASHSCREEN32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TSplashScreen.bmp"
+TSTRINGCONTAINER BITMAP "Bitmap\TStringContainer.bmp"
+TSTRINGCONTAINER16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TStringContainer.bmp"
+TSTRINGCONTAINER32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TStringContainer.bmp"
+TVALUEEDIT BITMAP "Bitmap\TValueEdit.bmp"
+TVALUEEDIT16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TValueEdit.bmp"
+TVALUEEDIT32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TValueEdit.bmp"
TVIRTUALPROGRAM BITMAP "Bitmap\TVirtualProgram.bmp"
TVIRTUALPROGRAM16 BITMAP "Bitmap\Small\TVirtualProgram.bmp"
TVIRTUALPROGRAM32 BITMAP "Bitmap\Large\TVirtualProgram.bmp"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uAdvCtrls.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uAdvCtrls.dcu
index 6437fbb..558a427 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uAdvCtrls.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uAdvCtrls.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uBase.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uBase.dcu
index 05377cb..d8431de 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uBase.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uBase.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uCalc.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uCalc.dcu
index c8dd1e7..d9e829d 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uCalc.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uCalc.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uCrypt.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uCrypt.dcu
index 0d8fdc0..888d507 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uCrypt.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uCrypt.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uFileCtrls.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uFileCtrls.dcu
index f27a641..a4d9b6d 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uFileCtrls.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uFileCtrls.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uFileTools.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uFileTools.dcu
index 6dadd2a..402fd80 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uFileTools.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uFileTools.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uFrmCtrls.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uFrmCtrls.dcu
index f233401..35a27f9 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uFrmCtrls.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uFrmCtrls.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uInit.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uInit.dcu
index 497d0c4..9b4689d 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uInit.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uInit.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uLocalMgr.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uLocalMgr.dcu
index 0cafc8c..982ea6f 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uLocalMgr.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uLocalMgr.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uScriptMgr.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uScriptMgr.dcu
index 1a4114f..6161b18 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uScriptMgr.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uScriptMgr.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uSysCtrls.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uSysCtrls.dcu
index 2d1bb9a..9603bbe 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uSysCtrls.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uSysCtrls.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uSysTools.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uSysTools.dcu
index a5df079..38ba830 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uSysTools.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uSysTools.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uVirtObj.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uVirtObj.dcu
index 41c5b52..3de2f95 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uVirtObj.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uVirtObj.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Compiled/uWebCtrls.dcu b/Source/Compiled/uWebCtrls.dcu
index eb642e5..b1337d5 100644
Binary files a/Source/Compiled/uWebCtrls.dcu and b/Source/Compiled/uWebCtrls.dcu differ
diff --git a/Source/Config.inc b/Source/Config.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1591b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Config.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/// Lina Configuration File ///
+/// **************************** ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+{ Globale Einstellungen }
+{ Globale Einschränkungen }
+ { Nur der Delphi-Compiler wird (offiziell) unterstützt. }
+ {$MESSAGE ERROR 'Lina Components requires Delphi'}
+ {$IFEND}
+ { Nur Windows wird (offiziell) als Ziel-Platform unterstützt. }
+ {$MESSAGE ERROR 'Lina Components requires Microsoft Windows'}
+ {$IFEND}
+ {$IF (CompilerVersion < 15.0) AND Defined(WARN_INCOMPATIBLEVERSION)}
+ { Frühere Delphi-Versionen als Delphi 7 werden nicht (offiziell)
+ unterstützt. }
+ {$MESSAGE ERROR 'Lina Components requires Delphi 7 or higher'}
+ {$IFEND}
+ {$IF CompilerVersion < 17.0}
+ { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2005 gab es noch nicht die
+ Möglichkeit, Records mit methoden zu versehen. Die Implementierung von
+ Prozeduren und/oder Funktionen war Klassen vorenthalten. }
+ {$IFEND}
+ {$IF CompilerVersion < 18.5}
+ { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2007 gab es (offiziell) noch keine
+ Unterstützung für Windows-Vista-spezifische funktionen wie die TaskDialog-
+ Komponente oder einige Funktionen.
+ Damit dies nicht zu Problemen führt, geht der Compiler darauf mithilfe
+ dieser Direktive ein. }
+ {$IFEND}
+ {$IF CompilerVersion < 20.0}
+ { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2009 war die Nutzung generischer
+ Datentypen (Generics) nicht möglich. Da es ohne diese nahezu unmöglich
+ scheint, typisierte Objekte, wie zum Beispiel typisierte TObjectList's
+ zu deklarieren, fallen diese Deklarationen unter früheren Delphi-Versionen
+ weg. Dies kann eventuell zu kompatibilitätsproblemen zwischen
+ unterschiedlichen Nutzern dieser Komponenten führen, lässt sich aber nicht
+ vermeiden. }
+ { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2009 entsprach der String-Typenalias
+ dem AnsiString-Typen. Da es gegebenfalls bei manchen externen (zB. OS-
+ Spezifischen) Klassen zu Kompatibilitätsproblemen kommmen könnte, wird
+ hier eine Überprüfung der Unicode-Unterstützung durchgeführt.
+ Zu beachten ist jedoch, dass Delphi 2009 und höher AnsiStrings implizit
+ in UnicodeStrings umwandelt und umgekehrt (sofern möglich). }
+ {$IFEND}
+ {$IF CompilerVersion < 21.0}
+ { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2010 gab es ein Problem mit dem
+ "crHandPoint" cursor, sodass dieser nicht korrekt unter Windows Vista oder
+ höher dargestellt wurde, sondern stattdessen im alten Windows-Look.
+ Bei älteren Delphi-Versionen als 2010 steht deswegen eine Pseudo-
+ Komponente zur Behebung dieses Problems zur Verfügung. }
+ {$IFEND}
+ {$IF CompilerVersion < 23.0}
+ { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als XE2 stand lediglich eine Ziel-Platform
+ für kompilierte Anwendungen zur Verfügung. Deshalb brauchte noch nicht auf
+ Kompatibilität zu mehrfacher Platform-Unterstützung geachtet werden. }
+ {$IFEND}
diff --git a/Source/uAdvCtrls.pas b/Source/uAdvCtrls.pas
index 9a7acd5..b0d9c6d 100644
--- a/Source/uAdvCtrls.pas
+++ b/Source/uAdvCtrls.pas
@@ -3,21 +3,17 @@ unit uAdvCtrls;
/// Lina Advanced Controls Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uAdvCtrls" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
{ Standard-Units }
- SysUtils, Classes, StdCtrls, Windows, Messages, Graphics, Controls, Printers,
- Contnrs, Forms,
+ SysUtils, Classes, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Windows, Messages, Graphics, Controls,
+ Printers, Contnrs, Forms, Math,
{ Andere Package-Units }
uBase, uSysTools, uFileTools;
@@ -25,12 +21,19 @@ type
{ Hilfsklassen }
TMemoCaptionMode = (mcmAnyState,mcmUnfocusedOnly);
TShortcutLabelState = (slsDefault,slsHovered,slsPressed);
+ TSizePanelAllow = set of (spaResize,spaMove);
+ TPanelBorderStyle = bsNone..bsSizeable;
+ TValueEditAllow = set of (veaNumbers,veaLetters,veaSpaces,veaSeparators,veaOperators,veaOther);
{ Ereignisse }
TPaintMemoPaintEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
+ { Hauptklassen }
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TCommandButton = class(TButton)
procedure CreateWnd; override;
@@ -67,6 +70,9 @@ type
property ReplaceCaption: Boolean read FReplaceCaption write SetReplaceCaption default False;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TScrollListBox = class(TListBox)
{ Protected-Deklarationen }
@@ -100,6 +106,9 @@ type
property WordWrap: Boolean read FWordWrap write SetWordWrap default False;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TPaintMemo = class(TMemo)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -120,6 +129,7 @@ type
{ Public-Deklarationen }
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Clear; override;
property CaptionVisible: Boolean read FCaptionVisible default False;
{ Ereignisse}
@@ -162,6 +172,9 @@ type
property Visited: TColor read FVisited write SetVisited default clPurple;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TShortcutLabel = class(TLabel)
{ Protected-Deklarationen }
@@ -197,28 +210,72 @@ type
property StoreVisited: Boolean read FStoreVisited write FStoreVisited default True;
- procedure Register;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TSizePanel = class(TPanel)
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ FAbout: TComponentAbout;
+ FAllow: TSizePanelAllow;
+ FBorderStyle: TPanelBorderStyle;
+ { Methoden }
+ procedure SetBorderStyle(Value: TPanelBorderStyle);
+ procedure WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST;
+ procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ published
+ { Published-Deklarationen }
+ property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
+ property Allow: TSizePanelAllow read FAllow write FAllow default [spaResize,spaMove];
+ property BorderStyle: TPanelBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsNone;
+ end;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TValueEdit = class(TEdit)
+ protected
+ { Protected-Deklarationen }
+ procedure Change; override;
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ FAbout: TComponentAbout;
+ FMinValue: Extended;
+ FMaxValue: Extended;
+ FAllow: TValueEditAllow;
+ FMaxSeparators: Byte;
+ FSeparatorChar: Char;
+ { Methoden }
+ procedure SetMinValue(Value: Extended);
+ procedure SetMaxValue(Value: Extended);
+ procedure SetAllow(Value: TValueEditAllow);
+ procedure SetMaxSeparators(Value: Byte);
+ procedure SetSeparatorChar(Value: Char);
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ published
+ { Published-Deklarationen }
+ property MinValue: Extended read FMinValue write SetMinValue;
+ property MaxValue: Extended read FMaxValue write SetMaxValue;
+ property Allow: TValueEditAllow read FAllow write SetAllow default [veaNumbers,veaSeparators];
+ property MaxSeparators: Byte read FMaxSeparators write SetMaxSeparators default 1;
+ property SeparatorChar: Char read FSeparatorChar write SetSeparatorChar default '.';
+ end;
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
function BmpToIco(Bitmap: TBitmap): TIcon;
function TargetVisited(Target: String): Boolean;
- { Meta-Daten }
- CommandButtonComponent_Version = '1.0';
- CommandButtonComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- CommandButtonComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
- ScrollListBoxComponent_Version = '1.0';
- ScrollListBoxComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- ScrollListBoxComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
- PaintMemoComponent_Version = '1.0';
- PaintMemoComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- PaintMemoComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
- ShortcutLabelComponent_Version = '1.0';
- ShortcutLabelComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- ShortcutLabelComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
{ Messages }
@@ -232,10 +289,12 @@ var
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TCommandButton,TScrollListBox,TPaintMemo,TShortcutLabel]);
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TCommandButton,TScrollListBox,TPaintMemo,TShortcutLabel,TSizePanel,TValueEdit]);
+ end;
function BmpToIco(Bitmap: TBitmap): TIcon;
@@ -268,7 +327,7 @@ end;
constructor TCommandButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TCommandButton,CommandButtonComponent_Version,CommandButtonComponent_Copyright,CommandButtonComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TCommandButton);
FCommandLink := False;
FShield := False;
FIcon := TIcon.Create;
@@ -379,7 +438,7 @@ end;
constructor TScrollListBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TScrollListBox,ScrollListBoxComponent_Version,ScrollListBoxComponent_Copyright,ScrollListBoxComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TScrollListBox);
FHorizontalScrollBar := False;
FWordWrap := False;
@@ -510,7 +569,7 @@ end;
constructor TPaintMemo.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TPaintMemo,PaintMemoComponent_Version,PaintMemoComponent_Copyright,PaintMemoComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TPaintMemo);
FShowCaption := True;
FCaptionFont := TFont.Create;
@@ -529,6 +588,17 @@ begin
+procedure TPaintMemo.Clear;
+{ Hier wurde ein Bug behoben, bei dem das OnChange-Ereignis beim aufrufen der
+ "Clear"-Methode nicht aufgerufen wurde. }
+ inherited;
+ if Assigned(OnChange) then
+ begin
+ OnChange(Self);
+ end;
procedure TPaintMemo.SetShowCaption(Value: Boolean);
FShowCaption := Value;
@@ -651,7 +721,7 @@ end;
constructor TShortcutLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TShortcutLabel,ShortcutLabelComponent_Version,ShortcutLabelComponent_Copyright,ShortcutLabelComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TShortcutLabel);
FState := slsDefault;
FFont := TShortcutLabelFont.Create(Self);
FHighlightVisited := True;
@@ -741,6 +811,164 @@ begin
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TSizePanel
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TSizePanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TSizePanel);
+ FAllow := [spaResize,spaMove];
+ FBorderStyle := bsNone;
+destructor TSizePanel.Destroy;
+ FAbout.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TSizePanel.SetBorderStyle(Value: TPanelBorderStyle);
+ if Value <> FBorderStyle then
+ begin
+ if Value <> bsSizeable then
+ begin
+ (Self as TPanel).BorderStyle := Value;
+ end;
+ FBorderStyle := Value;
+ RecreateWnd;
+ end;
+procedure TSizePanel.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
+ ScreenPos: TPoint;
+ MoveArea: TRect;
+ inherited;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ ScreenPos := ScreenToClient(Point(Message.XPos,Message.YPos));
+ MoveArea := Rect(BevelWidth,BevelWidth,Width - BevelWidth,Height - BevelWidth);
+ if (spaResize in Allow) and (BorderStyle <> bsSizeable) then
+ begin
+ if ScreenPos.X < BevelWidth then
+ begin
+ if ScreenPos.Y < BevelWidth then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTTOPLEFT;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if ScreenPos.Y >= Height - BevelWidth then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTBOTTOMLEFT;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTLEFT;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if ScreenPos.X >= Width - BevelWidth then
+ begin
+ if ScreenPos.Y < BevelWidth then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTTOPRIGHT;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if ScreenPos.Y >= Height - BevelWidth then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTBOTTOMRIGHT;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTRIGHT;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if ScreenPos.Y < BevelWidth then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTTOP;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if ScreenPos.Y >= Height - BevelWidth then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTBOTTOM;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Message.Result = HTCLIENT) and (PtInRect(MoveArea,ScreenPos) = True) and (spaMove in Allow) then
+ begin
+ Message.Result := HTCAPTION;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TSizePanel.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
+ inherited;
+ if NewStyleControls and Ctl3D and (BorderStyle = bsSizeable) then
+ begin
+ Params.Style := Params.Style or WS_SIZEBOX and not WS_BORDER;
+ Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
+ end;
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TValueEdit
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TValueEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TValueEdit);
+ FAllow := [veaNumbers,veaSeparators];
+destructor TValueEdit.Destroy;
+ FAbout.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TValueEdit.SetMinValue(Value: Extended);
+ if True then
+procedure TValueEdit.SetMaxValue(Value: Extended);
+procedure TValueEdit.SetAllow(Value: TValueEditAllow);
+procedure TValueEdit.SetMaxSeparators(Value: Byte);
+procedure TValueEdit.SetSeparatorChar(Value: Char);
+procedure TValueEdit.Change;
+ if False then
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ end;
diff --git a/Source/uBase.pas b/Source/uBase.pas
index 8018954..e223248 100644
--- a/Source/uBase.pas
+++ b/Source/uBase.pas
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ unit uBase;
/// Lina Base Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
{ Dies ist die Basis-Unit für die Lina-Komponenten bzw. Methoden und Klassen.
@@ -16,6 +18,17 @@ uses
{ Standard-Units }
SysUtils, Classes, Dialogs, uSysTools;
+ UnitName = 'uBase';
+ LinaVersion = 1.00;
+ About_Title = 'About...';
+ { Komponenten-Informationen }
+ ComponentsPage = 'Lina';
+ ComponentsVersion = '1.0';
+ ComponentsCopyright = 'Copyright © 2016';
+ ComponentsAuthor = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
+ ComponentsHomepage = '';
TComponentAbout = class
@@ -30,6 +43,7 @@ type
{ Protected-Deklarationen }
property Component: TComponentClass read FComponent write FComponent;
+ { Published-Deklarationen }
property Name: TComponentName read FName;
property Version: ShortString read FVersion;
property Copyright: ShortString read FCopyright;
@@ -37,21 +51,19 @@ type
property Homepage: ShortString read FHomepage;
{ Public-Deklarationen }
- constructor Create(Component: TComponentClass; Ver: ShortString = '1.0';
- Copy: ShortString = ''; Auth: ShortString = ''; Home: ShortString = '');
+ constructor Create(Component: TComponentClass; Ver:
+ ShortString = ComponentsVersion; Copy: ShortString = ComponentsCopyright;
+ Auth: ShortString = ComponentsAuthor;
+ Home: ShortString = ComponentsHomepage);
{ Über-Dialog }
procedure AboutDlg;
- ComponentsPage = 'Lina';
- About_Title = 'About...';
constructor TComponentAbout.Create(Component: TComponentClass;
- Ver: ShortString = '1.0'; Copy: ShortString = ''; Auth: ShortString = '';
- Home: ShortString = '');
+ Ver: ShortString = ComponentsVersion; Copy: ShortString = ComponentsCopyright;
+ Auth: ShortString = ComponentsAuthor; Home: ShortString = ComponentsHomepage);
FComponent := Component;
FName := ExtractClassName(Component.ClassName);
diff --git a/Source/uCalc.pas b/Source/uCalc.pas
index 72daaa4..02210ac 100644
--- a/Source/uCalc.pas
+++ b/Source/uCalc.pas
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
unit uCalc;
+/// Lina Calculator Unit ///
+/// **************************** ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
@@ -73,6 +81,9 @@ type
function IndexOf(Name: String): Integer;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TCalculator = class(TComponent)
{ Ereignisse}
@@ -128,13 +139,11 @@ type
property Options: TCalculatorOptions read FOptions write FOptions;
- procedure Register;
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
- { Meta-Daten }
- CalculatorComponent_Version = '1.0';
- CalculatorComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- CalculatorComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
{ Sonderzeichen für Ausdrücke }
CalcSeperators = ['.',','];
CalcBrackets = ['(',')'];
@@ -143,10 +152,12 @@ const
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TCalculator]);
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TCalculator]);
+ end;
{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -218,7 +229,7 @@ end;
constructor TCalculator.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TCalculator,CalculatorComponent_Version,CalculatorComponent_Copyright,CalculatorComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TCalculator);
FExpression := '';
FValue := 0;
FConstants := TCalculatorConstants.Create(TCalculatorConstant,Self);
diff --git a/Source/uCrypt.pas b/Source/uCrypt.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 5234ea7..0000000
--- a/Source/uCrypt.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-unit uCrypt;
-/// Lina Cryption Unit ///
-/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uCrypt" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- { Standard-Units }
- SysUtils, Classes,
- { Andere Package-Units }
- uSysTools;
- { Fehlermeldungen }
- EInvalidKey = class(Exception);
- { Hilfsklassen }
- TCryptMode = (cmEncrypt,cmDecrypt);
- { Ereignisse }
- TCryptWorkEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Mode: TCryptMode) of object;
- TCryptKeyChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
- TCryptKeyChangeQueryEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var CanChange: Boolean) of object;
- { Hauptklassen }
- TCrypt = class
- private
- { Private-Deklarationen }
- FKeyString: String;
- FKeyChar: Char;
- FKeyInteger: Integer;
- FLines: TStrings;
- FWorkEvent: TCryptWorkEvent;
- FKeyChangeEvent: TCryptKeyChangeEvent;
- FKeyChangeQueryEvent: TCryptKeyChangeQueryEvent;
- { Methoden }
- procedure SetKeyString(Value: String);
- procedure SetKeyChar(Value: Char);
- procedure SetKeyInteger(Value: Integer);
- { Eigenschaften }
- property KeyString: String read FKeyString write SetKeyString;
- property KeyChar: Char read FKeyChar write SetKeyChar;
- property KeyInteger: Integer read FKeyInteger write SetKeyInteger;
- public
- { Public-Deklarationen }
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Lines: TStrings read FLines write FLines;
- procedure Decrypt; virtual;
- procedure Encrypt; virtual;
- { Ereignisse }
- property OnWork: TCryptWorkEvent read FWorkEvent write FWorkEvent;
- property OnKeyChange: TCryptKeyChangeEvent read FKeyChangeEvent write FKeyChangeEvent;
- property OnKeyChangeQuery: TCryptKeyChangeQueryEvent read FKeyChangeQueryEvent write FKeyChangeQueryEvent;
- end;
- { Spezifische Kryptologie-Verfahren }
- TXorCrypt = class(TCrypt)
- private
- { Private-Deklarationen }
- procedure SetKeyInteger(Value: Integer);
- public
- { Public-Deklarationen }
- procedure Decrypt;
- procedure Encrypt;
- { Eigenschaften }
- property KeyInteger;
- end;
- TVigenereCrypt = class(TCrypt)
- private
- { Private-Deklarationen }
- procedure SetKeyString(Value: String);
- public
- { Public-Deklarationen }
- procedure Decrypt;
- procedure Encrypt;
- { Eigenschaften }
- property KeyChar;
- end;
- TCaesarCrypt = class(TCrypt)
- private
- { Private-Deklarationen }
- procedure SetKeyChar(Value: Char);
- public
- { Public-Deklarationen }
- procedure Decrypt;
- procedure Encrypt;
- { Eigenschaften }
- property KeyString;
- end;
- //TDynaCrypt = class(TCrypt)
- //public
- { Public-Deklarationen }
- //procedure Decrypt;
- //procedure Encrypt;
- { Eigenschaften }
- //property KeyChar;
- //end;
-{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TCrypt
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-constructor TCrypt.Create;
- FLines := TStringList.Create;
-destructor TCrypt.Destroy;
- FLines.Free;
- inherited;
-procedure TCrypt.SetKeyString(Value: String);
- CanChange: Boolean;
- CanChange := True;
- if Assigned(OnKeyChange) then
- begin
- OnKeyChangeQuery(Self,CanChange);
- end;
- if CanChange = True then
- begin
- FKeyString := Value;
- if Assigned(OnKeyChange) then
- begin
- OnKeyChange(Self);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TCrypt.SetKeyChar(Value: Char);
- CanChange: Boolean;
- CanChange := True;
- if Assigned(OnKeyChange) then
- begin
- OnKeyChangeQuery(Self,CanChange);
- end;
- if CanChange = True then
- begin
- FKeyChar := Value;
- if Assigned(OnKeyChange) then
- begin
- OnKeyChange(Self);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TCrypt.SetKeyInteger(Value: Integer);
- CanChange: Boolean;
- CanChange := True;
- if Assigned(OnKeyChange) then
- begin
- OnKeyChangeQuery(Self,CanChange);
- end;
- if CanChange = True then
- begin
- FKeyInteger := Value;
- if Assigned(OnKeyChange) then
- begin
- OnKeyChange(Self);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TCrypt.Decrypt;
- //...
- if Assigned(OnWork) = True then
- begin
- OnWork(Self,cmDecrypt);
- end;
-procedure TCrypt.Encrypt;
- //...
- if Assigned(OnWork) = True then
- begin
- OnWork(Self,cmEncrypt);
- end;
-{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TXorCrypt
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TXorCrypt.SetKeyInteger(Value: Integer);
- if not (KeyInteger in [0..31]) then
- begin
- raise EInvalidKey.Create('Invalid key value');
- end;
- inherited;
-procedure TXorCrypt.Decrypt;
- { Bei Xor entspricht der Entschlüsselungs-Algorithmus dem der
- Verschlüsselung. Deshalb genügt hier ein Verweis auf "TXorCrypt.Encrypt". }
- Encrypt;
- inherited;
-procedure TXorCrypt.Encrypt;
- Encrypted: TStrings;
- LineIndex: Integer;
- CharIndex: Integer;
- Line: String;
- Encrypted := TStringList.Create;
- try
- Encrypted.Assign(Lines);
- for LineIndex := 0 to Encrypted.Count do
- begin
- Line := Encrypted.Strings[LineIndex];
- for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Line) do
- begin
- if Line[CharIndex] > #31 then
- begin
- Line[CharIndex] := Chr(Ord(Line[CharIndex]) xor KeyInteger);
- end;
- end;
- Encrypted.Strings[LineIndex] := Line;
- end;
- Lines.Assign(Encrypted);
- finally
- Encrypted.Free;
- end;
- inherited;
-{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TVigenereCrypt
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TVigenereCrypt.SetKeyString(Value: String);
- Index: Integer;
- Value := UpperCase(Value);
- for Index := 1 to Length(Value) do
- begin
- if not (Value[Index] in ['A'..'Z']) then
- begin
- raise EInvalidKey.Create('Invalid key value');
- end;
- end;
- inherited;
-procedure TVigenereCrypt.Decrypt;
- Encrypted: TStrings;
- LineIndex: Integer;
- CharIndex: Integer;
- Line: String;
- KeyIndex: Integer;
- CurKeyLetter: Integer;
- CurLetter: Integer;
- Encrypted := TStringList.Create;
- try
- Encrypted.Assign(Lines);
- for LineIndex := 0 to Encrypted.Count do
- begin
- Line := Encrypted.Strings[LineIndex];
- for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Line) do
- begin
- if Line[CharIndex] in ['A'..'Z'] then
- begin
- CurKeyLetter := Ord(KeyString[1 + (KeyIndex mod Length(KeyString))]) - Ord('A');
- CurLetter := Ord(Line[CharIndex]) - Ord('A');
- Line[CharIndex] := Chr(Ord('A') + ((26 + CurLetter - CurKeyLetter) mod 26));
- Inc(KeyIndex);
- end
- end;
- Encrypted.Strings[LineIndex] := Line;
- end;
- Lines.Assign(Encrypted);
- finally
- Encrypted.Free;
- end;
- inherited;
-procedure TVigenereCrypt.Encrypt;
- Encrypted: TStrings;
- LineIndex: Integer;
- CharIndex: Integer;
- Line: String;
- KeyIndex: Integer;
- CurKeyLetter: Integer;
- CurLetter: Integer;
- Encrypted := TStringList.Create;
- try
- Encrypted.Assign(Lines);
- for LineIndex := 0 to Encrypted.Count do
- begin
- Line := Encrypted.Strings[LineIndex];
- for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Line) do
- begin
- if Line[CharIndex] in ['A'..'Z'] then
- begin
- CurKeyLetter := Ord(KeyString[1 + (KeyIndex mod Length(KeyString))]) - Ord('A');
- CurLetter := Ord(Line[CharIndex]) - Ord('A');
- Line[CharIndex] := Chr(Ord('A') + ((CurLetter + CurKeyLetter) mod 26));
- Inc(KeyIndex);
- end
- end;
- Encrypted.Strings[LineIndex] := Line;
- end;
- Lines.Assign(Encrypted);
- finally
- Encrypted.Free;
- end;
- inherited;
-{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TCaesarCrypt
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
-procedure TCaesarCrypt.SetKeyChar(Value: Char);
- Value := CharUpperCase(Value);
- if not (Value in ['A'..'Z']) then
- begin
- raise EInvalidKey.Create('Invalid key value');
- end;
- inherited;
-procedure TCaesarCrypt.Decrypt;
- //...
- inherited;
-procedure TCaesarCrypt.Encrypt;
- //...
- inherited;
diff --git a/Source/uFileCtrls.pas b/Source/uFileCtrls.pas
index 3f66d58..ff14c46 100644
--- a/Source/uFileCtrls.pas
+++ b/Source/uFileCtrls.pas
@@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ unit uFileCtrls;
/// Lina File Controls Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uFileCtrls" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
@@ -18,7 +14,7 @@ uses
{ Standard-Units }
SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Registry,
{ Andere Package-Units }
- uBase;
+ uBase, uSysTools;
{ Fehlermeldungen }
@@ -57,6 +53,9 @@ type
TContextMenuItems = class(TCollection);
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TContextMenu = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -98,25 +97,25 @@ type
property OnCreateEntry: TContextMenuCreateEntryEvent read FCreateEntryEvent write FCreateEntryEvent;
- procedure Register;
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
function ExtStrToRegKey(ExtStr: String): String;
- { Meta-Daten }
- ContextMenuComponent_Version = '1.0';
- ContextMenuComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- ContextMenuComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
{ Sonstige }
ContextRegPathShell = '\shell';
ContextRegPathCommand = '\command';
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TContextMenu]);
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TContextMenu]);
+ end;
function ExtStrToRegKey(ExtStr: String): String;
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ end;
constructor TContextMenu.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TContextMenu,ContextMenuComponent_Version,ContextMenuComponent_Copyright,ContextMenuComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TContextMenu);
FItems := TContextMenuItems.Create(TContextMenuItem);
FExt := '*';
FAutoLoad := False;
@@ -208,7 +207,7 @@ begin
for Index := 1 to Length(Value) do
- if not (Value[Index] in ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then
+ if not (Value[Index] in Numbers + Letters) then
raise EInvalidExt.Create('Invalid file extension value');
@@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ begin
for Index := 1 to Length(Value) do
- if not (Value[Index] in ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then
+ if not (Value[Index] in Numbers + Letters) then
raise EInvalidAlias.Create('Invalid extension alias value');
diff --git a/Source/uFileTools.pas b/Source/uFileTools.pas
index 117d1d8..4468045 100644
--- a/Source/uFileTools.pas
+++ b/Source/uFileTools.pas
@@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ unit uFileTools;
/// Lina File Tools Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uFileTools" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
@@ -166,14 +162,15 @@ const
B_TO_TB = -4;
{ Dateierweiterungen für ListFiles() }
FXT_ANY = '*.*';
- FXT_EXE = '*.exe';
- FXT_TXT = '*.txt';
- { Vielleicht später mal implementieren...
- FXT_IMG = ('*.jpg','*.jpeg','*.png','*.tif','*.tiff','*.bmp','*.gif');
- FXT_PAS = ('*.pas','*.dpr','*.dpk','*.dfm');
- FXT_MSO = ('*.doc','*.xls','*.ppt');
- FXT_MSI = ('*.msi');
- FXT_IMG = ('*.img','*.iso'); }
+ FXT_EXEC: array [0..2] of String = ('*.exe','*.com','*.scr');
+ FXT_TEXT: array [0..1] of String = ('*.txt','*.rtf');
+ FXT_IMAGE: array [0..6] of String = ('*.jpg','*.jpeg','*.png','*.tif','*.tiff','*.bmp','*.gif');
+ FXT_SOURCE: array [0..3] of String = ('*.pas','*.dpr','*.dpk','*.dfm');
+ FXT_OFFICE: array [0..2] of String = ('*.doc','*.xls','*.ppt');
+ FXT_OFFICEX: array [0..2] of String = ('*.docx','*.xlsx','*.pptx');
+ FXT_INSTALL: array [0..1] of String = ('*.msi','*.msu');
+ FXT_DISK: array [0..2] of String = ('*.img','*.iso','*.bin');
+ FXT_ARCHIVE: array [0..4] of String = ('*.zip','*.rar','*.7z','*.tar','*.gz');
InvalidFileNames: TInvalidFileNames;
diff --git a/Source/uFrmCtrls.pas b/Source/uFrmCtrls.pas
index 8075913..38547dd 100644
--- a/Source/uFrmCtrls.pas
+++ b/Source/uFrmCtrls.pas
@@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ unit uFrmCtrls;
/// Lina Form Controls Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uFrmCtrls" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
@@ -223,6 +219,9 @@ type
property Interval: Cardinal read GetInterval write SetInterval default 1000;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TSplashScreen = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -292,7 +291,6 @@ type
{ T...Manager }
TComponentManager = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -312,6 +310,9 @@ type
property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TProgressBarManager = class(TComponentManager)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -337,6 +338,9 @@ type
property Mode: TProgressBarManagerMode read FMode write SetMode default pmmNone;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TListBoxManager = class(TComponentManager)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -418,6 +422,9 @@ type
TParamReferences = class(TCollection);
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TParamDefiner = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -452,32 +459,18 @@ type
procedure SetTaskBarVisibe(const Value: Boolean);
procedure ListParams(var OutList: TStrings);
- procedure Register;
- { Meta-Daten }
- SplashScreenComponent_Version = '1.0';
- SplashScreenComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- SplashScreenComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
- ProgressBarManagerComponent_Version = '1.0';
- ProgressBarManagerComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- ProgressBarManagerComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
- ListBoxManagerComponent_Version = '1.0';
- ListBoxManagerComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- ListBoxManagerComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
- ParamDefinerComponent_Version = '1.0';
- ParamDefinerComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- ParamDefinerComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TSplashScreen,TProgressBarManager,TListBoxManager,TParamDefiner]);
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TSplashScreen,TProgressBarManager,TListBoxManager,TParamDefiner]);
+ end;
procedure ShowMessageVal(const Msg: Integer);
@@ -1043,7 +1036,7 @@ begin
FAnimationSpeed := 10;
FVisible := False;
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TSplashScreen,SplashScreenComponent_Version,SplashScreenComponent_Copyright,SplashScreenComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TSplashScreen);
FSplashForm := TSplashForm.Create;
FSplashForm.FormObject.OnShow := FormObjectShow;
FSplashForm.FormObject.OnHide := FormObjectHide;
@@ -1396,7 +1389,7 @@ end;
constructor TProgressBarManager.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TProgressBarManager,ProgressBarManagerComponent_Version,ProgressBarManagerComponent_Copyright,ProgressBarManagerComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TProgressBarManager);
FMode := pmmNone;
@@ -1470,7 +1463,7 @@ end;
constructor TListBoxManager.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TListBoxManager,ListBoxManagerComponent_Version,ListBoxManagerComponent_Copyright,ListBoxManagerComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TListBoxManager);
FMode := lmmNone;
FFilterOptions := [sfoCaseSensitive,sfoForceTrim,sfoDefaultVisible];
FilteredList := TFilteredStringList.Create;
@@ -1805,7 +1798,7 @@ end;
constructor TParamDefiner.Create;
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TParamDefiner,ParamDefinerComponent_Version,ParamDefinerComponent_Copyright,ParamDefinerComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TParamDefiner);
FReferences := TParamReferences.Create(TParamReference);
diff --git a/Source/uInit.pas b/Source/uInit.pas
index 45f05d1..e89f94f 100644
--- a/Source/uInit.pas
+++ b/Source/uInit.pas
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ unit uInit;
/// Lina Initialization Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
{ Dies ist die Initialisierungs-Unit für das Lina Components Package.
- Diese Unit darf NIEMALS direkt in eine Laufzeit-Library eingebunden
+ Diese Unit darf NIEMALS direkt in eine Laufzeit-Bibliothek eingebunden
werden! }
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ begin
SplashBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- (ToolsAPI.SplashScreenServices as IOTASplashScreenServices).AddPluginBitmap(
+ (SplashScreenServices as IOTASplashScreenServices).AddPluginBitmap(
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ begin
AboutBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- PluginIndex := (ToolsAPI.BorlandIDEServices as IOTAAboutBoxServices120).AddPluginInfo(
+ PluginIndex := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAAboutBoxServices120).AddPluginInfo(
@@ -68,59 +70,6 @@ begin
- {$IF Defined(CompilerVersion) = True}
- {$IF CompilerVersion < 15.0}
- { Frühere Delphi-Versionen als Delphi 7 werden nicht (offiziell)
- unterstützt. }
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'Lina Components requires Delphi 7 or higher'}
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF CompilerVersion < 17.0}
- { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2005 gab es noch nicht dieMöglichkeit,
- Records mit methoden zu versehen. Die Implementierung von Prozeduren und/
- oder Funktionen war Klassen vorenthalten. }
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF CompilerVersion < 18.5}
- { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2007 gab es (offiziell) noch keine
- Unterstützung für Windows-Vista-spezifische funktionen wie die TaskDialog-
- Komponente oder einige Funktionen.
- Damit dies nicht zu Problemen führt, geht der Compiler darauf mithilfe
- dieser Direktive ein. }
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF CompilerVersion < 21.0}
- { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2010 gab es ein Problem mit dem
- "crHandPoint" cursor, sodass dieser nicht korrekt unter Windows Vista oder
- höher dargestellt wurde, sondern stattdessen im alten Windows-Look.
- Bei älteren Delphi-Versionen als 2010 steht deswegen eine Pseudo-
- Komponente zur Behebung dieses Problems zur Verfügung. }
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF CompilerVersion < 20.0}
- { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2009 war die Nutzung generischer
- Datentypen (Generics) nicht möglich. Da es ohne diese nahezu unmöglich
- scheint, typisierte Objekte, wie zum Beispiel typisierte TObjectList's
- zu deklarieren, fallen diese Deklarationen unter früheren Delphi-Versionen
- weg. Dies kann eventuell zu kompatibilitätsproblemen zwischen
- unterschiedlichen Nutzern dieser Komponenten führen, lässt sich aber nicht
- vermeiden. }
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF CompilerVersion < 20.0}
- { Unter früheren Delphi-Versionen als 2009 entsprach der String-Typenalias
- dem AnsiString-Typen. Da es gegebenfalls bei manchen externen (zB. OS-
- Spezifischen) Klassen zu Kompatibilitätsproblemen kommmen könnte, wird
- hier eine Überprüfung der Unicode-Unterstützung durchgeführt.
- Zu beachten ist jedoch, dass Delphi 2009 und höher AnsiStrings implizit
- in UnicodeStrings umwandelt und umgekehrt (sofern möglich). }
- {$IFEND}
- {$IFEND}
- { Globale Einstellungen }
{ Package-Registrierung }
@@ -129,6 +78,7 @@ initialization
{ Package-Deregistrierung }
diff --git a/Source/uLocalMgr.pas b/Source/uLocalMgr.pas
index c3eb534..87d105f 100644
--- a/Source/uLocalMgr.pas
+++ b/Source/uLocalMgr.pas
@@ -3,22 +3,18 @@ unit uLocalMgr;
/// Lina Localize Manager Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uLocalMgr" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
{ Standard-Units }
- SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, TypInfo,
+ SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, TypInfo, IniFiles,
{ Andere Package-Units }
- uBase, uSysTools;
+ uBase, uSysTools, uFileTools;
{ Fehlermeldungen }
@@ -52,6 +48,7 @@ type
FIndent: String;
FAddress: String;
FCharacter: String;
+ FSpecial: String;
{ Methoden }
procedure SetComment(Value: String);
procedure SetSeparator(Value: String);
@@ -59,6 +56,7 @@ type
procedure SetIndent(Value: String);
procedure SetAddress(Value: String);
procedure SetCharacter(Value: String);
+ procedure SetSpecial(Value: String);
{ Public-Deklarationen }
constructor Create;
@@ -72,6 +70,30 @@ type
property Indent: String read FIndent write SetIndent;
property Address: String read FAddress write SetAddress;
property Character: String read FCharacter write SetCharacter;
+ property Special: String read FSpecial write SetSpecial;
+ end;
+ TLocalizationData = class;
+ TLocalization = class;
+ TLocalizationImporter = class
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ FLocalization: TLocalization;
+ FClearBeforeImport: Boolean;
+ { Methoden }
+ procedure PrepareImport;
+ { Eigenschaften }
+ property Localization: TLocalization read FLocalization;
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create(ALocalization: TLocalization);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure ImportFromData(Data: TLocalizationData);
+ procedure ImportFromINI(INI: TIniFile);
+ { Eigenschaften }
+ property ClearBeforeImport: Boolean read FClearBeforeImport write FClearBeforeImport default True;
TLocalization = class(TCollectionItem)
@@ -82,10 +104,12 @@ type
FTag: TLanguageTag;
FFormat: TLocalizationFormat;
FEncoding: TCharEncoding;
+ FConverter: TLocalizationImporter;
{ Methoden }
function GetDisplayName: String; override;
function GetLines: TStrings;
procedure SetLines(Value: TStrings);
+ procedure SetName(Value: ShortString);
procedure SetTag(Value: TLanguageTag);
function GetFormat: TLocalizationFormat;
procedure SetFormat(Value: TLocalizationFormat);
@@ -107,11 +131,12 @@ type
{ Published-Deklarationen }
{ Eigenschaften }
- property Name: ShortString read FName write FName;
+ property Name: ShortString read FName write SetName;
property Tag: TLanguageTag read FTag write SetTag;
property Lines: TStrings read GetLines write SetLines;
property Format: TLocalizationFormat read GetFormat write SetFormat;
property Encoding: TCharEncoding read FEncoding write SetEncoding default {$IFDEF NO_UNICODE} ceUTF8 {$ELSE} ceUnicode {$ENDIF};
+ property Converter: TLocalizationImporter read FConverter write FConverter;
TLocalizationManager = class;
@@ -125,6 +150,27 @@ type
constructor Create(ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass; AManager: TLocalizationManager);
destructor Destroy; override;
function IndexOfTag(const Tag: TLanguageTag): Integer;
+ procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: String);
+ procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: String);
+ procedure LoadFromDirectory(const Dir: String; FileExts: array of String; RecMode: Boolean = True);
+ end;
+ TLocalizationExporter = class
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ FData: TLocalizationData;
+ FClearBeforeExport: Boolean;
+ { Eigenschaften }
+ property Data: TLocalizationData read FData;
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create(AData: TLocalizationData);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure ExportToINI(var INI: TIniFile);
+ published
+ { Published-Deklarationen }
+ { Eigenschaften }
+ property ClearBeforeExport: Boolean read FClearBeforeExport write FClearBeforeExport default True;
TLocalizationData = class
@@ -134,6 +180,7 @@ type
Indents: array of TStringReferenceDataArray;
Values: TStringArray;
FManager: TLocalizationManager;
+ FExporter: TLocalizationExporter;
{ Protected-Deklarationen }
procedure AddSection(Section: String);
@@ -156,6 +203,7 @@ type
procedure WriteInteger(const Section,Indent: String; Value: Integer);
procedure WriteFloat(const Section,Indent: String; Value: Extended);
procedure Address(const Section,Indent,Target: String);
+ property Exporter: TLocalizationExporter read FExporter write FExporter;
TLocalizationReferences = class(TCollection)
@@ -178,6 +226,7 @@ type
FReference: PString;
FField: String;
{ Methoden }
+ function GetDisplayName: String; override;
procedure SetIndent(Value: String);
procedure Apply;
@@ -217,6 +266,9 @@ type
property ApplyMode: TLocalizationApplyMode read FApplyMode write SetApplyMode default laCustom;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TLocalizationManager = class(TComponent)
{ Ereignisse}
@@ -257,20 +309,18 @@ type
property Applier: TLocalizationApplier read FApplier write FApplier;
- procedure Register;
- { Meta-Daten }
- LocalizationManagerComponent_Version = '1.0';
- LocalizationManagerComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- LocalizationManagerComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TLocalizationManager]);
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TLocalizationManager]);
+ end;
{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -285,6 +335,7 @@ begin
FHeader := '*';
FAddress := '@';
FCharacter := '$#';
+ FSpecial := '!';
destructor TLocalizationFormat.Destroy;
@@ -297,7 +348,7 @@ procedure TLocalizationFormat.SetComment(Value: String);
Index: Integer;
- if (ArrayPos(Value,[FSeparator,FHeader,FIndent,FAddress,FCharacter]) <> -1) or (Length(Value) = 0) then
+ if (ArrayPos(Value,[FSeparator,FHeader,FIndent,FAddress,FCharacter,FSpecial]) <> -1) or (Length(Value) = 0) then
raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid localization format for property: "Comment"');
@@ -315,7 +366,7 @@ procedure TLocalizationFormat.SetSeparator(Value: String);
Index: Integer;
- if (ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FHeader,FIndent,FAddress,FCharacter]) <> -1) or (Length(Value) = 0) then
+ if (ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FHeader,FIndent,FAddress,FCharacter,FSpecial]) <> -1) or (Length(Value) = 0) then
raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid localization format for property: "Separator"');
@@ -333,7 +384,7 @@ procedure TLocalizationFormat.SetHeader(Value: String);
Index: Integer;
- if ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FIndent,FAddress,FCharacter]) <> -1 then
+ if ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FIndent,FAddress,FCharacter,FSpecial]) <> -1 then
raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid localization format for property: "Header"');
@@ -351,7 +402,7 @@ procedure TLocalizationFormat.SetIndent(Value: String);
Index: Integer;
- if ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FHeader,FAddress,FCharacter]) <> -1 then
+ if ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FHeader,FAddress,FCharacter,FSpecial]) <> -1 then
raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid localization format for property: "Indent"');
@@ -369,7 +420,7 @@ procedure TLocalizationFormat.SetAddress(Value: String);
Index: Integer;
- if (ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FHeader,FIndent,FCharacter]) <> -1) or (Length(Value) = 0) then
+ if (ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FHeader,FIndent,FCharacter,FSpecial]) <> -1) or (Length(Value) = 0) then
raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid localization format for property: "Address"');
@@ -387,7 +438,7 @@ procedure TLocalizationFormat.SetCharacter(Value: String);
Index: Integer;
- if (ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FHeader,FIndent,FAddress]) <> -1) or (Length(Value) = 0) then
+ if (ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FHeader,FIndent,FAddress,FSpecial]) <> -1) or (Length(Value) = 0) then
raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid localization format for property: "Character"');
@@ -401,6 +452,109 @@ begin
FCharacter := Value;
+procedure TLocalizationFormat.SetSpecial(Value: String);
+ Index: Integer;
+ if ArrayPos(Value,[FComment,FSeparator,FHeader,FIndent,FAddress,FCharacter]) <> -1 then
+ begin
+ raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid localization format for property: "Special"');
+ end;
+ for Index := 1 to Length(Value) do
+ begin
+ if Value[Index] in Spaces then
+ begin
+ raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid localization format for property: "Special"');
+ end;
+ end;
+ FSpecial := Value;
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TLocalizationImporter
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TLocalizationImporter.Create(ALocalization: TLocalization);
+ inherited Create;
+ FLocalization := ALocalization;
+ FClearBeforeImport := True;
+destructor TLocalizationImporter.Destroy;
+ //...
+ inherited;
+procedure TLocalizationImporter.PrepareImport;
+ if ClearBeforeImport = True then
+ begin
+ Localization.Lines.Clear;
+ end;
+ Localization.Lines.Add(Localization.Format.Comment + ' ' + '+++ AUTO-GENERATED LOCALIZATION CONTENT +++');
+procedure TLocalizationImporter.ImportFromData(Data: TLocalizationData);
+ Section: Integer;
+ Indent: Integer;
+ if Data = nil then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ PrepareImport;
+ for Section := 0 to Length(Data.Sections) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if Data.Sections[Section].Value <> '' then
+ begin
+ Localization.Lines.Add(Localization.Format.Header + ' ' + Data.Sections[Section].Value);
+ end;
+ for Indent := 0 to Length(Data.Sections[Section].Reference^) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Localization.Lines.Add(Localization.Format.Indent + ' ' + Data.Sections[Section].Reference^[Indent].Value + ' ' + Localization.Format.Separator + ' ' + Data.Sections[Section].Reference^[Indent].Reference^);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLocalizationImporter.ImportFromINI(INI: TIniFile);
+ Sections: TStrings;
+ Section: Integer;
+ Indents: TStrings;
+ Indent: Integer;
+ if INI = nil then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ PrepareImport;
+ Sections := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ INI.ReadSections(Sections);
+ for Section := 0 to Sections.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if Sections.Strings[Section] <> '' then
+ begin
+ Localization.Lines.Add(Localization.Format.Header + ' ' + Sections[Section]);
+ end;
+ Indents := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ for Indent := 0 to Indents.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Localization.Lines.Add(Localization.Format.Indent + ' ' + Indents.Strings[Indent] + ' ' + Localization.Format.Separator + ' ' + INI.ReadString(Sections.Strings[Section],Indents.Strings[Indent],''));
+ end;
+ finally
+ Indents.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Sections.Free;
+ end;
{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
@@ -412,12 +566,14 @@ begin
FFormat := TLocalizationFormat.Create;
FTag := 'L' + IntToStrMinLength(ID,2);
Encoding := {$IFDEF NO_UNICODE} ceUTF8 {$ELSE} ceUnicode {$ENDIF};
+ FConverter := TLocalizationImporter.Create(Self);
constructor TLocalization.Create(Collection: TCollection; const AFileName: TFileName);
+ FConverter.Free;
destructor TLocalization.Destroy;
@@ -449,6 +605,7 @@ end;
procedure TLocalization.SetTag(Value: TLanguageTag);
+ Value := Trim(Value);
if ((Collection as TLocalizations).IndexOfTag(Value) > -1) and
((Collection as TLocalizations).IndexOfTag(Value) <> Index)then
@@ -459,6 +616,16 @@ begin
+procedure TLocalization.SetName(Value: ShortString);
+ Value := Trim(Value);
+ if Value[1] in ['a'..'z'] then
+ begin
+ Value[1] := UpCase(Value[1]);
+ end;
+ FName := Value;
function TLocalization.GetFormat: TLocalizationFormat;
Result := FFormat;
@@ -516,13 +683,24 @@ function TLocalization.Apply: Boolean;
Die Syntax entspricht den in der TLocalizationFormat-Klasse festgelegten
Bausteinen und Einstellungen, die zur Laufzeit für jede Sprache Individuell
- festgelegt werden kann. }
+ festgelegt werden kann.
+ Spezielle Direktiven:
+ - "LOC ": Namen der aktuellen Sprache ändern
+ - "TAG ": Sprachkürzel der aktuellen Sprache ändern
+ - "INC ": Andere Sprache einbinden
+ - "END": Kompilierung beenden
+ - "APP ": Fortfahren, falls der Titel der Anwendung übereinstimmt
+ - "NOT ": Beenden, falls der Titel der Anwendung übereinstimmt }
+ Specials: array [0..5] of String = ('loc','tag','inc','end','app','not');
Position: (posPrefix,posIndent,posSeparator,posValue);
Line: Integer;
Complete: Boolean;
Finished: Boolean;
Header: Boolean;
+ Special: Boolean;
Address: Boolean;
Character: Boolean;
Current: PChar;
@@ -549,6 +727,7 @@ begin
Position := posPrefix;
Header := False;
+ Special := False;
Address := False;
Complete := False;
Finished := False;
@@ -562,14 +741,15 @@ begin
if ((Address = False) or (Current^ <> #0)) and (not (Current^ in Spaces)) or ((((Address = False) and (Position = posValue)) or (Header = True)) and (Length(Block) <> 0)) then
//Zeichen zu Block hinzufügen
- if Character = False then
+ if Current^ <> #0 then
- Block := Block + Current^;
- if address = true then
- address := true;
- end else
- begin
- Ordinal := Ordinal + Current^;
+ if Character = False then
+ begin
+ Block := Block + Current^;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Ordinal := Ordinal + Current^;
+ end;
if (Current^ = #0{@Lines.Strings[Line][Length(Lines.Strings[Line])]}) or ((Character = True) and (Current^ in Spaces)) then
@@ -645,7 +825,7 @@ begin
(Address = True) then
//Block fertig
- if ((Position = posSeparator) and (Block = Format.Separator)) or ((Block = Format.Comment) and ((Position = posPrefix) or (Finished = True))) or ((Header = True) and (Position = posIndent) and (Length(Block) <> 0)) or ((Position = PosValue) and ((Address = False) or (Length(Block) <> 0))) then
+ if ((Position = posSeparator) and (Block = Format.Separator)) or ((Block = Format.Comment) and ((Position = posPrefix) or (Finished = True))) or ((Header = True) and (Position = posIndent) and (Length(Block) <> 0)) or (((Position = PosValue) or ((Current^ = #0) and (Special = True))) and ((Address = False) or ((Length(Block) <> 0) or (Special = True)))) then
if Position = posSeparator then
@@ -660,25 +840,106 @@ begin
//Ende von Value
if (Finished = False) and (Block <> Format.Comment) then
- if Address = False then
+ //Ende von Special
+ if Special = True then
- //Wert
- (Collection as TLocalizations).FManager.Data.WriteString(Section,Indent,TrimRight(Block));
- end else
- begin
- //Adressierung
- Complete := (Current^ = #0{@Lines.Strings[Line][Length(Lines.Strings[Line])]});
- if (Collection as TLocalizations).FManager.Data.IndentExists(Section,Block) = True then
+ if Length(Indent) = 0 then
- (Collection as TLocalizations).FManager.Data.Address(Section,Indent,Block);
- Finished := True;
- Block := '';
- Inc(Current);
- Continue;
+ Indent := LowerCase(Block);
+ Block := '';
+ end;
+ if Indent = Specials[0] then
+ begin
+ //LOC abc
+ Name := Block;
end else
- RaiseParseErrorUndeclared(Block,Line,Current,Length(Block));
- Exit;
+ if Indent = Specials[1] then
+ begin
+ //TAG abc
+ Tag := Block;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if Indent = Specials[2] then
+ begin
+ //INC abc
+ ((Collection as TLocalizations).Items[(Collection as TLocalizations).IndexOfTag(Trim(Block))] as TLocalization).Apply;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if Indent = Specials[3] then
+ begin
+ //END
+ if Length(Trim(Block)) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ RaiseParseErrorUnexpected('End of line','expression',Line,Current,Length(Block));
+ end;
+ Exit;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if Indent = Specials[4] then
+ begin
+ //APP abc
+ Block := Trim(Block);
+ if (Length(Block) <> 0) and (Position = posValue) then
+ begin
+ if Application.Title <> Block then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ RaiseParseErrorUnexpected('Argument','end of line',Line,Current);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if Indent = Specials[5] then
+ begin
+ //NOT abc
+ if (Length(Block) <> 0) and (Position = posValue) then
+ begin
+ if Application.Title = Block then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ RaiseParseErrorUnexpected('Argument','end of line',Line,Current);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ RaiseParseErrorUnexpected('End of line','expression',Line,Current);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ //Ende von Indent
+ if Address = False then
+ begin
+ //Wert
+ (Collection as TLocalizations).FManager.Data.WriteString(Section,Indent,TrimRight(Block));
+ end else
+ begin
+ //Adressierung
+ Complete := (Current^ = #0{@Lines.Strings[Line][Length(Lines.Strings[Line])]});
+ if (Collection as TLocalizations).FManager.Data.IndentExists(Section,Block) = True then
+ begin
+ (Collection as TLocalizations).FManager.Data.Address(Section,Indent,Block);
+ Finished := True;
+ Block := '';
+ Inc(Current);
+ Continue;
+ end else
+ begin
+ RaiseParseErrorUndeclared(Block,Line,Current,Length(Block));
+ Exit;
+ end;
@@ -693,11 +954,12 @@ begin
case Position of
posPrefix: begin
- if (Block <> Format.Header) and (Block <> Format.Indent) then
+ if (Block <> Format.Header) and (Block <> Format.Indent) and (Block <> Format.Special) then
- if (Length(Format.Header) = 0) or (Length(Format.Indent) = 0) then
+ if (Length(Format.Header) = 0) or (Length(Format.Indent) = 0) or (Length(Format.Special) = 0) then
Header := (Length(Format.Header) = 0);
+ Special := (Length(Format.Special) = 0);
Position := posIndent;
end else
@@ -707,14 +969,30 @@ begin
Header := (Block = Format.Header);
+ Special := (Block = Format.Special);
posIndent: begin
+ Indent := LowerCase(TrimRight(Block));
if Header = False then
+ if Special = True then
+ begin
+ if ArrayPos(Indent,Specials) <> -1 then
+ begin
+ Inc(Position);
+ end else
+ begin
+ RaiseParseErrorUnexpected('Command','"' + Block + '"',Line,Current,Length(Block));
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ { if Indent = Specials[3] then
+ begin
+ Finished := True;
+ end; }
+ end;
- Indent := TrimRight(Block);
posSeparator: begin
Address := (Block = Format.Address);
@@ -775,6 +1053,125 @@ begin
+procedure TLocalizations.LoadFromFile(const FileName: String);
+ Languages: TStrings;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Languages := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ Languages.LoadFromFile(FileName);
+ for Index := 0 to Languages.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ (Add as TLocalization).Name := Languages.Strings[Index];
+ end;
+ finally
+ Languages.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TLocalizations.SaveToFile(const FileName: String);
+ Languages: TStrings;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Languages := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ for Index := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Languages.Add((Items[Index] as TLocalization).Name);
+ end;
+ Languages.SaveToFile(FileName);
+ finally
+ Languages.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TLocalizations.LoadFromDirectory(const Dir: String; FileExts: array of String; RecMode: Boolean = True);
+ Languages: TStrings;
+ Language_Index: Integer;
+ Languages := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ ListFiles(Dir,Languages,FileExts,[fnDirectory,fnExtension],RecMode);
+ for Language_Index := 0 to Languages.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ with (Add as TLocalization) do
+ begin
+ Name := ExtractFileName(ChangeFileExt(Languages.Strings[Language_Index],''));
+ Lines.LoadFromFile(Languages.Strings[Language_Index]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Languages.Free;
+ end;
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TLocalizationExporter
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TLocalizationExporter.Create(AData: TLocalizationData);
+ inherited Create;
+ FData := AData;
+ FClearBeforeExport := True;
+destructor TLocalizationExporter.Destroy;
+ //...
+ inherited;
+procedure TLocalizationExporter.ExportToINI(var INI: TIniFile);
+ Section: Integer;
+ Sections: TStrings;
+ Indent: Integer;
+ if INI = nil then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if ClearBeforeExport = True then
+ begin
+ Sections := TStringList.Create;
+ INI.ReadSections(Sections);
+ for Section := 0 to Sections.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ INI.EraseSection(Sections.Strings[Section]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {
+ Localization.Lines.Add(Localization.Format.Comment + ' ' + '+++ AUTO-GENERATED LOCALIZATION CONTENT +++');
+ Sections := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ INI.ReadSections(Sections);
+ for Section := 0 to Sections.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if Sections.Strings[Section] <> '' then
+ begin
+ Localization.Lines.Add(Localization.Format.Header + ' ' + Sections[Section]);
+ end;
+ Indents := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ for Indent := 0 to Indents.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Localization.Lines.Add(Localization.Format.Indent + ' ' + Indents.Strings[Indent] + ' ' + Localization.Format.Separator + ' ' + INI.ReadString(Sections.Strings[Section],Indents.Strings[Indent],''));
+ end;
+ finally
+ Indents.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Sections.Free;
+ end; }
{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
@@ -783,11 +1180,13 @@ constructor TLocalizationData.Create(AManager: TLocalizationManager);
inherited Create;
FManager := AManager;
+ FExporter := TLocalizationExporter.Create(Self);
destructor TLocalizationData.Destroy;
FManager := nil;
+ FExporter.Free;
@@ -975,6 +1374,20 @@ begin
+function TLocalizationReference.GetDisplayName: String;
+ inherited;
+ Result := Indent;
+ if Length(Section) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := Section + '.' + Result;
+ end;
+ if Component <> nil then
+ begin
+ Result := Result + ' (' + Component.Name + '.' + Field + ')';
+ end;
procedure TLocalizationReference.SetIndent(Value: String);
Index: Integer;
@@ -1127,7 +1540,7 @@ end;
constructor TLocalizationManager.Create(AOwnder: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TLocalizationManager,LocalizationManagerComponent_Version,LocalizationManagerComponent_Copyright,LocalizationManagerComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TLocalizationManager);
FLocalizations := TLocalizations.Create(TLocalization,Self);
FData := TLocalizationData.Create(Self);
FReferences := TLocalizationReferences.Create(TLocalizationReference,Self);
diff --git a/Source/uScriptMgr.pas b/Source/uScriptMgr.pas
index 1ccf404..61f4749 100644
--- a/Source/uScriptMgr.pas
+++ b/Source/uScriptMgr.pas
@@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ unit uScriptMgr;
/// Lina Script Manager Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uScriptMgr" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
@@ -78,6 +74,9 @@ type
procedure Delete(Plugin: TPSPlugin);
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TScriptManager = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -171,13 +170,11 @@ type
procedure AddPlugin(PluginList: TPSPlugins; Plugin: TPSPlugin);
procedure DeletePlugin(PluginList: TPSPlugins; Plugin: TPSPlugin);
- procedure Register;
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
- { Meta-Daten }
- ScriptManagerComponent_Version = '1.0';
- ScriptManagerComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- ScriptManagerComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
{ Fehlermeldungen }
Error_MissingReturnTarget = 'Missing log-return target';
Error_MissingComponentName = 'Missing component name';
@@ -194,10 +191,12 @@ var
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TScriptManager]);
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TScriptManager]);
+ end;
procedure AddPlugin(PluginList: TPSPlugins; Plugin: TPSPlugin);
@@ -286,9 +285,9 @@ end;
constructor TScriptManager.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TScriptManager,ScriptManagerComponent_Version,ScriptManagerComponent_Copyright,ScriptManagerComponent_Author);
- //ReturnMode := srNone; Durch DEFAULT festgelegt!
- //ReturnStyle := srSimple; Durch DEFAULT festgelegt!
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TScriptManager);
+ ReturnMode := srNone;
+ ReturnStyle := srSimple;
SecureMode := True;
//ReturnSL := TStringList.Create; Nicht erstellen, Property ist nur ein Pointer auf ext. TStrings
FLibraries := [slClasses,slControls,slStdCtrls,slForms,slDateUtils,slCustom];
diff --git a/Source/uSysCtrls.pas b/Source/uSysCtrls.pas
index a70fde8..a48b2d8 100644
--- a/Source/uSysCtrls.pas
+++ b/Source/uSysCtrls.pas
@@ -3,35 +3,52 @@ unit uSysCtrls;
/// Lina System Controls Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uSysCtrls" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
{ Standard-Units }
- SysUtils, Classes, Windows, ExtCtrls, TlHelp32, PsAPI,
+ SysUtils, Classes, Windows, ExtCtrls, Registry, TlHelp32, PsAPI, dialogs,
{ Andere Package-Units }
- uBase, uSysTools;
+ uBase, uSysTools, uFileTools;
{ Fehlermeldungen }
EBatteryFlag = class(Exception);
+ EDelphiVersion = class(Exception);
+ EInvalidKey = class(Exception);
{ Hilfsklassen }
TBatteryFlag = (bfHealthy,bfLow,bfCritical,bfCharge,bfHealthyAccu,bfNone,bfUnknown);
TBatteryStatus = (bsInternal,bsExternal);
TProcessRefreshMode = (prNone,prAccess,prTime);
+ TDelphiVersion = (dv7,dv2005,dv2006,dv2007,dv2009,dv2010,dvXE,dvXE2,dvXE3,dvXE4,dvXE5,dvXE6,dvXE7,dvXE8,dv10);
+ TDelphiVersions = set of TDelphiVersion;
+ TDelphiCompilerOptions = set of (dcmDebug,dcmConsole,dcmTypeInfo,dcmUnicode,dcmExtSyntax,dcmAssembler,dcmCondExpr);
+ TDelphiTargetPlatform = (dpWin32,dpWin64,dpOSX32,dpAndroid32,dpIOSDev,dpIOSSim,dpIOSDev32,dpIOSDev64);
+ TDelphiTargetPlatforms = set of TDelphiTargetPlatform;
+ TDelphiLocalPlatform = dpWin32..dpWin64;
+ TDelphiEdition = (dePersonal,deProfessional,deEnterprise,deUltimate,deArchitect);
+ TCryptMode = (cmCustom,cmXor,cmCaesar,cmVigenere);
+ { Ereignisse }
+ TStringContainerChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
+ TStringContainerChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
+ TCryptWorkEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
+ TCryptKeyChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
+ TCryptKeyChangeQueryEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const NewKey: String; var CanChange: Boolean) of object;
{ Hauptklassen }
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TBattery = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -54,6 +71,9 @@ type
property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TCursorFix = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -67,11 +87,14 @@ type
property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TProcessManager = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
- TimerObject: TTimer;
FAbout: TComponentAbout;
+ TimerObject: TTimer;
FNames: TStrings;
FTimeOut: DWORD;
FRefreshMode: TProcessRefreshMode;
@@ -97,12 +120,175 @@ type
{ Published-Deklarationen }
property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
- property TimeOut: DWORD read FTimeOut write FTimeOut;
+ property TimeOut: DWORD read FTimeOut write FTimeOut default 0;
property RefreshMode: TProcessRefreshMode read FRefreshMode write SetRefreshMode default prNone;
property Interval: Cardinal read GetInterval write SetInterval default 1000;
- procedure Register;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TStringContainer = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ FAbout: TComponentAbout;
+ FItems: TStrings;
+ { Ereignisse }
+ FChangeEvent: TStringContainerChangeEvent;
+ FChangingEvent: TStringContainerChangingEvent;
+ { Methoden }
+ function GetItems: TStrings;
+ procedure SetItems(Value: TStrings);
+ procedure ItemsChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure ItemsChanging(Sender: TObject);
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ published
+ { Published-Deklarationen }
+ property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
+ property Items: TStrings read GetItems write SetItems;
+ { Ereignisse }
+ property OnChange: TStringContainerChangeEvent read FChangeEvent write FChangeEvent;
+ property OnChanging: TStringContainerChangingEvent read FChangingEvent write FChangingEvent;
+ end;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TDelphiManager = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ FAbout: TComponentAbout;
+ { Methoden }
+ function GetVersion: TDelphiVersion;
+ function GetVersionName: String;
+ function GetVersionFullName: String;
+ function GetVersionCodeName: String;
+ function GetInstalled: TDelphiVersions;
+ function GetCompilerVersion: Extended;
+ function GetRuntimeVersion: Extended;
+ function GetLinaVersion: Extended;
+ function GetProductVersion: Integer;
+ function GetPackageVersion: Integer;
+ function GetCompilerOptions: TDelphiCompilerOptions;
+ function GetLocalPlatform: TDelphiLocalPlatform;
+ function GetLocalPlatformName: String;
+ function GetLocalPlatformFullName: String;
+ protected
+ { Protected-Deklarationen }
+ function RegistryPath(const Version: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ function TargetPlatformKey(const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform): String;
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ { Eigenschaften }
+ property Version: TDelphiVersion read GetVersion;
+ property VersionName: String read GetVersionName;
+ property VersionFullName: String read GetVersionFullName;
+ property VersionCodeName: String read GetVersionCodeName;
+ property Installed: TDelphiVersions read GetInstalled;
+ property CompilerVersion: Extended read GetCompilerVersion;
+ property RuntimeVersion: Extended read GetRuntimeVersion;
+ property LinaVersion: Extended read GetLinaVersion;
+ property ProductVersion: Integer read GetProductVersion;
+ property PackageVersion: Integer read GetPackageVersion;
+ property CompilerOptions: TDelphiCompilerOptions read GetCompilerOptions;
+ property LocalPlatform: TDelphiLocalPlatform read GetLocalPlatform;
+ property LocalPlatformName: String read GetLocalPlatformName;
+ property LocalPlatformFullName: String read GetLocalPlatformFullName;
+ { Methoden }
+ function RootDir(const Version: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ function ExeName(const Version: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ function Edition(const Version: TDelphiVersion): TDelphiEdition;
+ function Language(const Version: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ function TargetPlatforms(const Version: TDelphiVersion): TDelphiTargetPlatforms;
+ function VariablePath(const Version: TDelphiVersion; const Variable: String): String;
+ procedure BrowsingPaths(const Version: TDelphiVersion; const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform; var Target: TStrings);
+ procedure SearchPaths(const Version: TDelphiVersion; const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform; var Target: TStrings);
+ procedure EnvironmentVariables(const Version: TDelphiVersion; Target: TStrings);
+ procedure Launch(const Version: TDelphiVersion);
+ published
+ { Published-Deklarationen }
+ property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
+ end;
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TCryptManager = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ FAbout: TComponentAbout;
+ FMode: TCryptMode;
+ FKey: String;
+ FDecrypted: TStrings;
+ FEncrypted: TStrings;
+ FAutoCrypt: Boolean;
+ FWorkEvent: TCryptWorkEvent;
+ FKeyChangeEvent: TCryptKeyChangeEvent;
+ FKeyChangeQueryEvent: TCryptKeyChangeQueryEvent;
+ { Methoden }
+ procedure SetMode(Value: TCryptMode);
+ procedure SetKey(Value: String);
+ function GetDecrypted: TStrings;
+ procedure SetDecrypted(Value: TStrings);
+ function GetEncrypted: TStrings;
+ procedure SetEncrypted(Value: TStrings);
+ protected
+ { Protected-Deklarationen }
+ procedure DecryptedChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure EncryptedChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure XorEncrypt;
+ procedure XorDecrypt;
+ procedure CaesarEncrypt;
+ procedure CaesarDecrypt;
+ procedure VigenereEncrypt;
+ procedure VigenereDecrypt;
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Decrypt;
+ procedure Encrypt;
+ function ValidKey(const S: String): Boolean;
+ function GenerateKey: String;
+ published
+ { Published-Deklarationen }
+ property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
+ property Mode: TCryptMode read FMode write SetMode default cmCustom;
+ property Key: String read FKey write SetKey;
+ property Decrypted: TStrings read GetDecrypted write SetDecrypted;
+ property Encrypted: TStrings read GetEncrypted write SetEncrypted;
+ property AutoCrypt: Boolean read FAutoCrypt write FAutoCrypt default True;
+ { Ereignisse }
+ property OnWork: TCryptWorkEvent read FWorkEvent write FWorkEvent;
+ property OnKeyChange: TCryptKeyChangeEvent read FKeyChangeEvent write FKeyChangeEvent;
+ property OnKeyChangeQuery: TCryptKeyChangeQueryEvent read FKeyChangeQueryEvent write FKeyChangeQueryEvent;
+ end;
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ function NameToDelphiVersion(const Name: String): TDelphiVersion;
+ function FullNameToDelphiVersion(const FullName: String): TDelphiVersion;
+ function CodeNameToDelphiVersion(const CodeName: String): TDelphiVersion;
+ function DelphiVersionToName(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ function DelphiVersionToFullName(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ function DelphiVersionToCodeName(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ function DelphiVersionToProductVersion(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): Integer;
+ function DelphiVersionToPackageVersion(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): Integer;
+ function ProductVersionToDelphiVersion(const ProductVersion: Integer): TDelphiVersion;
+ function PackageVersionToDelphiVersion(const PackageVersion: Integer): TDelphiVersion;
+ function ProductVersionToPackageVersion(const ProductVersion: Integer): Integer;
+ function PackageVersionToProductVersion(const PackageVersion: Integer): Integer;
+ function TargetPlatformToName(const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform): String;
+ function TargetPlatformToFullName(const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform): String;
+ function ValidKey(Mode: TCryptMode; const Key: String): Boolean;
+ function GenerateKey(Mode: TCryptMode): String;
{ PowerStatus-Meldungen }
@@ -113,24 +299,172 @@ const
PS_HEALTHYACCU = 'HealthyAccu';
PS_NONE = 'None';
PS_UNKNOWN = 'Unknown';
- { Meta-Daten }
- BatteryComponent_Version = '1.0';
- BatteryComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2014';
- BatteryComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
- CursorFixComponent_Version = '1.0';
- CursorFixComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2014';
- CursorFixComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
- ProcessManagerComponent_Version = '1.0';
- ProcessManagerComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2014';
- ProcessManagerComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
-procedure Register;
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TBattery,TCursorFix,TProcessManager,TStringContainer,TDelphiManager,TCryptManager]);
+ end;
+function NameToDelphiVersion(const Name: String): TDelphiVersion;
+ VersionNames: array [TDelphiVersion] of String = (
+ '7','2005','2006','2007','2009','2010',
+ 'XE','XE2','XE3','XE4','XE5','XE6','XE7','XE8',
+ '10'
+ );
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TBattery,TCursorFix,TProcessManager]);
+ Result := TDelphiVersion(ArrayPos(Name,VersionNames));
+function FullNameToDelphiVersion(const FullName: String): TDelphiVersion;
+ VersionFullNames: array [TDelphiVersion] of String = (
+ 'Delphi 7','Delphi 2005','Delphi 2006','Delphi 2007','Delphi 2009','Delphi 2010',
+ 'Delphi XE','Delphi XE2','Delphi XE3','Delphi XE4','Delphi XE5','Delphi XE6','Delphi XE7','Delphi XE8',
+ 'Delphi 10'
+ );
+ Result := TDelphiVersion(ArrayPos(FullName,VersionFullNames));
+function CodeNameToDelphiVersion(const CodeName: String): TDelphiVersion;
+ VersionCodeNames: array [TDelphiVersion] of String = (
+ 'Aurora','DiamondBack','DeXter','Spacely','Tiburón','Weaver',
+ 'Fulcrum','Pulsar','Waterdragon','Quintessence','Zephyr','Proteus','Carpathia','Elbrus',
+ 'Seattle'
+ );
+ Result := TDelphiVersion(ArrayPos(CodeName,VersionCodeNames));
+function DelphiVersionToName(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ VersionNames: array [TDelphiVersion] of String = (
+ '7','2005','2006','2007','2009','2010',
+ 'XE','XE2','XE3','XE4','XE5','XE6','XE7','XE8',
+ '10'
+ );
+ Result := VersionNames[DelphiVersion];
+function DelphiVersionToFullName(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ VersionFullNames: array [TDelphiVersion] of String = (
+ 'Delphi 7','Delphi 2005','Delphi 2006','Delphi 2007','Delphi 2009','Delphi 2010',
+ 'Delphi XE','Delphi XE2','Delphi XE3','Delphi XE4','Delphi XE5','Delphi XE6','Delphi XE7','Delphi XE8',
+ 'Delphi 10'
+ );
+ Result := VersionFullNames[DelphiVersion];
+function DelphiVersionToCodeName(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ VersionCodeNames: array [TDelphiVersion] of String = (
+ 'Aurora','DiamondBack','DeXter','Spacely','Tiburón','Weaver',
+ 'Fulcrum','Pulsar','Waterdragon','Quintessence','Zephyr','Proteus','Carpathia','Elbrus',
+ 'Seattle'
+ );
+ Result := VersionCodeNames[DelphiVersion];
+function DelphiVersionToProductVersion(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): Integer;
+ if DelphiVersion = dv7 then
+ begin
+ Result := 7;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := Integer(DelphiVersion) + 9;
+ end;
+function DelphiVersionToPackageVersion(const DelphiVersion: TDelphiVersion): Integer;
+ Result := DelphiVersionToProductVersion(DelphiVersion) * 10;
+function ProductVersionToDelphiVersion(const ProductVersion: Integer): TDelphiVersion;
+ Result := TDelphiVersion(ProductVersion - 7);
+function PackageVersionToDelphiVersion(const PackageVersion: Integer): TDelphiVersion;
+ Result := TDelphiVersion(PackageVersion - 7 div 10)
+function ProductVersionToPackageVersion(const ProductVersion: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := ProductVersion * 10;
+function PackageVersionToProductVersion(const PackageVersion: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := PackageVersion div 10;
+function TargetPlatformToName(const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform): String;
+ TargetPlatformNames: array [TDelphiTargetPlatform] of String = (
+ 'Win32','Win64',
+ 'OSX32',
+ 'Android32',
+ 'IOSDev','IOSSim','IOSDev32','IOSDev64'
+ );
+ Result := TargetPlatformNames[TargetPlatform];
+function TargetPlatformToFullName(const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform): String;
+ TargetPlatformNames: array [TDelphiTargetPlatform] of String = (
+ 'Windows 32-Bit','Windows 64-Bit',
+ 'Mac OS/X 32-Bit',
+ 'Android 32-Bit',
+ 'iOS','IOS Simulator','IOS 32-Bit','IOS 64-Bit'
+ );
+ Result := TargetPlatformNames[TargetPlatform];
+function ValidKey(Mode: TCryptMode; const Key: String): Boolean;
+ if Length(Key) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ case Mode of
+ cmXor: Result := ((StrIsInt(Key) = True) and (StrToInt(Key) in [0..31]));
+ cmCaesar: Result := ((Length(Key) = 1) and (Key[1] in Letters));
+ cmVigenere: Result := ConsistsOf(Key,Letters);
+ end;
+ end;
+function GenerateKey(Mode: TCryptMode): String;
+ Current: PChar;
+ Randomize;
+ case Mode of
+ cmXor: Result := IntToStr(Random(32));
+ cmCaesar: Result := Chr(Random(Ord('Z') - Ord('A')) + Ord('A'));
+ cmVigenere: begin
+ SetLength(Result,1 + Random(15));
+ Current := PChar(Result);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ Current^ := Chr(Random(Ord('Z') - Ord('A')) + Ord('A'));
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -157,7 +491,7 @@ end;
constructor TBattery.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TBattery,BatteryComponent_Version,BatteryComponent_Copyright,BatteryComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TBattery);
destructor TBattery.Destroy;
@@ -236,7 +570,7 @@ constructor TCursorFix.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TCursorFix,CursorFixComponent_Version,CursorFixComponent_Copyright,CursorFixComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TCursorFix);
CursorHandle := Screen.Cursors[crHandPoint];
Screen.Cursors[crHandPoint] := LoadCursor(0,IDC_HAND);
@@ -270,9 +604,10 @@ end;
constructor TProcessManager.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TProcessManager,ProcessManagerComponent_Version,ProcessManagerComponent_Copyright,ProcessManagerComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TProcessManager);
FNames := TStringList.Create;
TimerObject := TTimer.Create(Self);
+ FTimeOut := 0;
FRefreshMode := prNone;
TimerObject.OnTimer := TimerObjectTimer;
@@ -511,4 +846,842 @@ begin
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TStringContainer
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TStringContainer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TStringContainer);
+ FItems := TStringList.Create;
+ (FItems as TStringList).OnChange := ItemsChange;
+ (FItems as TStringList).OnChanging := ItemsChanging;
+destructor TStringContainer.Destroy;
+ FAbout.Free;
+ FItems.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TStringContainer.GetItems: TStrings;
+ Result := FItems;
+procedure TStringContainer.SetItems(Value: TStrings);
+ (FItems as TStringList).Assign(Value);
+procedure TStringContainer.ItemsChange(Sender: TObject);
+ if Assigned(OnChange) then
+ begin
+ OnChange(Self);
+ end;
+procedure TStringContainer.ItemsChanging(Sender: TObject);
+ if Assigned(OnChanging) then
+ begin
+ OnChanging(Self);
+ end;
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TDelphiManager
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TDelphiManager.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TDelphiManager);
+destructor TDelphiManager.Destroy;
+ FAbout.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TDelphiManager.GetVersion: TDelphiVersion;
+ {$IFDEF VER150}
+ Result := dv7;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER170}
+ Result := dv2005;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER180}
+ {$IFNDEF VER185}
+ Result := dv2006;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := dv2007;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER200}
+ Result := dv2009;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER210}
+ Result := dv2010;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER220}
+ Result := dvXE;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER230}
+ Result := dvXE2;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER240}
+ Result := dvXE3;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER250}
+ Result := dvXE4;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER260}
+ Result := dvXE5;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER270}
+ Result := dvXE6;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER280}
+ Result := dvXE7;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER290}
+ Result := dvXE8;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$IFDEF VER300}
+ Result := dv10;
+ {$ELSE}
+ raise EDelphiVersion.Create('Delphi version could not be determined');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TDelphiManager.GetVersionName: String;
+ Result := DelphiVersionToName(Version);
+function TDelphiManager.GetVersionFullName: String;
+ Result := DelphiVersionToFullName(Version);
+function TDelphiManager.GetVersionCodeName: String;
+ Result := DelphiVersionToCodeName(Version);
+function TDelphiManager.GetInstalled: TDelphiVersions;
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Index: TDelphiVersion;
+ Result := [];
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ try
+ for Index := Low(TDelphiVersion) to High(TDelphiVersion) do
+ begin
+ if Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version)) then
+ begin
+ if FileExists(ExeName(Index)) = True then
+ begin
+ Result := Result + [Index];
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+function TDelphiManager.GetCompilerVersion: Extended;
+ Result := System.CompilerVersion;
+function TDelphiManager.GetRuntimeVersion: Extended;
+ Result := RTLVersion;
+function TDelphiManager.GetLinaVersion: Extended;
+ Result := uBase.LinaVersion;
+function TDelphiManager.GetProductVersion: Integer;
+ Result := DelphiVersionToProductVersion(Version);
+function TDelphiManager.GetPackageVersion: Integer;
+ Result := DelphiVersionToPackageVersion(Version);
+function TDelphiManager.GetCompilerOptions: TDelphiCompilerOptions;
+ Result := []
+ {$IFDEF DEBUG} + [dcmDebug] {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFOPT M+} + [dcmTypeInfo] {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF CONSOLE} + [dcmConsole] {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF UNICODE} + [dcmUnicode] {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFOPT X+} + [dcmExtSyntax] {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF ASSEMBLER} + [dcmAssembler] {$ENDIF}
+ ;
+function TDelphiManager.GetLocalPlatform: TDelphiLocalPlatform;
+ {$IFDEF WIN32}
+ Result := dpWin32;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF WIN64}
+ Result := dpWin64;
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TDelphiManager.GetLocalPlatformName: String;
+ Result := TargetPlatformToName(LocalPlatform);
+function TDelphiManager.GetLocalPlatformFullName: String;
+ Result := TargetPlatformToFullName(LocalPlatform);
+function TDelphiManager.RegistryPath(const Version: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ RegistryPaths: array [TDelphiVersion] of String = (
+ 'Software\Borland\Delphi\7.0',
+ 'Software\Borland\BDS\3.0',
+ 'Software\Borland\BDS\4.0',
+ 'Software\Borland\BDS\5.0',
+ 'Software\CodeGear\BDS\6.0',
+ 'Software\CodeGear\BDS\7.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\8.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\9.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\10.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\11.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\12.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\14.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\15.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\16.0',
+ 'Software\Embarcadero\BDS\17.0'
+ );
+ Result := RegistryPaths[Version];
+function TDelphiManager.TargetPlatformKey(const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform): String;
+ TargetPlatforms: array [TDelphiTargetPlatform] of String = (
+ 'Win32',
+ 'Win64',
+ 'OSX32',
+ 'Android32',
+ 'iOSDevice',
+ 'iOSSimulator',
+ 'iOSDevice32',
+ 'iOSDevice64'
+ );
+ Result := TargetPlatforms[TargetPlatform];
+function TDelphiManager.RootDir(const Version: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ RegEntry = 'RootDir';
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if (Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version)) = False) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ try
+ Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(RegistryPath(Version));
+ Result := Reg.ReadString(RegEntry);
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+function TDelphiManager.ExeName(const Version: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ RegEntry = 'App';
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if (Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version)) = False) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ try
+ Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(RegistryPath(Version));
+ Result := Reg.ReadString(RegEntry)
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+function TDelphiManager.Edition(const Version: TDelphiVersion): TDelphiEdition;
+ RegEntry = 'Edition';
+ Editions: array [TDelphiEdition] of String = (
+ 'Personal',
+ 'Professional',
+ 'Enterprise',
+ 'Ultimate',
+ 'Architect'
+ );
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if (Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version)) = False) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ try
+ Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(RegistryPath(Version));
+ Result := TDelphiEdition(ArrayPos(Reg.ReadString(RegEntry),Editions));
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+function TDelphiManager.Language(const Version: TDelphiVersion): String;
+ RegEntry = 'InstallLanguage';
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if (Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version)) = False) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ try
+ Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(RegistryPath(Version));
+ Result := Reg.ReadString(RegEntry);
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+function TDelphiManager.TargetPlatforms(const Version: TDelphiVersion): TDelphiTargetPlatforms;
+ Result := [dpWin32];
+ if Version >= dvXE2 then
+ begin
+ Result := Result + [dpWin64,dpOSX32];
+ if Version <> dvXE3 then
+ begin
+ Result := Result + [dpIOSSim];
+ if Version < dvXE8 then
+ begin
+ Result := Result + [dpIOSDev];
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := Result + [dpIOSDev32,dpIOSDev64];
+ end;
+ if Version >= dvXE5 then
+ begin
+ Result := Result + [dpAndroid32];
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TDelphiManager.VariablePath(const Version: TDelphiVersion; const Variable: String): String;
+ RegSubKey = 'Environment Variables';
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if (Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version) + PathDelim + RegSubKey) = False) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ try
+ Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(RegistryPath(Version) + PathDelim + RegSubKey);
+ if Reg.ValueExists(Variable) = True then
+ begin
+ Result := Reg.ReadString(Variable);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TDelphiManager.BrowsingPaths(const Version: TDelphiVersion; const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform; var Target: TStrings);
+ RegSubKey = 'Library';
+ RegEntry = 'Browsing Path';
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if (Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version) + PathDelim + RegSubKey + PathDelim + TargetPlatformKey(TargetPlatform)) = False) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ try
+ Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(RegistryPath(Version) + PathDelim + RegSubKey + PathDelim + TargetPlatformKey(TargetPlatform));
+ Target.StrictDelimiter := True;
+ Target.Delimiter := ';';
+ Target.DelimitedText := Reg.ReadString(RegEntry);
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TDelphiManager.SearchPaths(const Version: TDelphiVersion; const TargetPlatform: TDelphiTargetPlatform; var Target: TStrings);
+ RegSubKey = 'Library';
+ RegEntry = 'Search Path';
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if (Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version) + PathDelim + RegSubKey + PathDelim + TargetPlatformKey(TargetPlatform)) = False) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ try
+ Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(RegistryPath(Version) + PathDelim + RegSubKey + PathDelim + TargetPlatformKey(TargetPlatform));
+ Target.StrictDelimiter := True;
+ Target.Delimiter := ';';
+ Target.DelimitedText := Reg.ReadString(RegEntry);
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TDelphiManager.EnvironmentVariables(const Version: TDelphiVersion; Target: TStrings);
+ RegSubKey = 'Environment Variables';
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if (Reg.KeyExists(RegistryPath(Version) + PathDelim + RegSubKey) = False) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ try
+ Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(RegistryPath(Version) + PathDelim + RegSubKey);
+ Reg.GetValueNames(Target);
+ finally
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TDelphiManager.Launch(const Version: TDelphiVersion);
+ ExecuteFile(ExeName(Version));
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TCryptManager
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TCryptManager.Create;
+ inherited;
+ FMode := cmCustom;
+ FAutoCrypt := True;
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TCryptManager);
+ FDecrypted := TStringList.Create;
+ (FDecrypted as TStringList).OnChange := DecryptedChange;
+ FEncrypted := TStringList.Create;
+ (FEncrypted as TStringList).OnChange := EncryptedChange;
+destructor TCryptManager.Destroy;
+ FAbout.Free;
+ FDecrypted.Free;
+ FEncrypted.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TCryptManager.SetMode(Value: TCryptMode);
+ FMode := Value;
+ Key := '';
+procedure TCryptManager.SetKey(Value: String);
+ CanChange: Boolean;
+ if Length(Value) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ case Mode of
+ cmXor: if not ((StrIsInt(Value) = True) and (StrToInt(Value) in [0..31])) then
+ begin
+ raise EInvalidKey.Create('Invalid Xor crypt key value');
+ end;
+ cmCaesar: begin
+ Value[1] := CharUpperCase(Value[1]);
+ if not ((Length(Value) = 1) and (Value[1] in UpperCaseLetters)) then
+ begin
+ raise EInvalidKey.Create('Invalid Caesar crypt key value');
+ end;
+ end;
+ cmVigenere: begin
+ Value := UpperCase(Value);
+ if ConsistsOf(Value,UpperCaseLetters) = False then
+ begin
+ raise EInvalidKey.Create('Invalid Vigenere crypt key value');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ CanChange := True;
+ if Assigned(OnKeyChange) then
+ begin
+ OnKeyChangeQuery(Self,Value,CanChange);
+ end;
+ if CanChange = True then
+ begin
+ FKey := Value;
+ if Assigned(OnKeyChange) then
+ begin
+ OnKeyChange(Self);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TCryptManager.GetDecrypted: TStrings;
+ Result := FDecrypted;
+procedure TCryptManager.SetDecrypted(Value: TStrings);
+ (FDecrypted as TStringList).Assign(Value);
+ if AutoCrypt = True then
+ begin
+ Encrypt;
+ end;
+function TCryptManager.GetEncrypted: TStrings;
+ Result := FEncrypted;
+procedure TCryptManager.SetEncrypted(Value: TStrings);
+ (FEncrypted as TStringList).Assign(Value);
+ if AutoCrypt = True then
+ begin
+ Decrypt;
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.DecryptedChange(Sender: TObject);
+ if AutoCrypt = True then
+ begin
+ Encrypt;
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.EncryptedChange(Sender: TObject);
+ if AutoCrypt = True then
+ begin
+ Decrypt;
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.XorEncrypt;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Line: String;
+ Current: PChar;
+ Delta: Integer;
+ Delta := StrToInt(Key);
+ Encrypted.Clear;
+ for Index := 0 to Decrypted.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Line := Decrypted.Strings[Index];
+ Current := PChar(Line);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ Current^ := Chr(Ord(Current^) xor Delta);
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Encrypted.Add(Line);
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.XorDecrypt;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Line: String;
+ Current: PChar;
+ Delta: Integer;
+ Delta := StrToInt(Key);
+ Decrypted.Clear;
+ for Index := 0 to Encrypted.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Line := Encrypted.Strings[Index];
+ Current := PChar(Line);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ if Current^ > #31 then
+ begin
+ Current^ := Chr(Ord(Current^) xor Delta);
+ end;
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Decrypted.Add(Line);
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.CaesarEncrypt;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Line: String;
+ Current: PChar;
+ Delta: Byte;
+ Delta := Ord(Key[1]) - Ord('A');
+ Encrypted.Clear;
+ for Index := 0 to Decrypted.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Line := Decrypted.Strings[Index];
+ Current := PChar(Line);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ Current^ := Chr(Ord(Current^) + Delta);
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Encrypted.Add(Line);
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.CaesarDecrypt;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Line: String;
+ Current: PChar;
+ Delta: Byte;
+ Delta := Ord(Key[1]) - Ord('A');
+ Decrypted.Clear;
+ for Index := 0 to Encrypted.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Line := Encrypted.Strings[Index];
+ Current := PChar(Line);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ Current^ := Chr(Ord(Current^) - Delta);
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Decrypted.Add(Line);
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.VigenereEncrypt;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Line: String;
+ Current: PChar;
+ CurrentKey: PChar;
+ CurrentKey := PChar(Key);
+ Encrypted.Clear;
+ for Index := 0 to Decrypted.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Line := Decrypted.Strings[Index];
+ Current := PChar(Line);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ Current^ := Chr(Ord(Current^) + Ord(CurrentKey^) - Ord('A'));
+ Inc(CurrentKey);
+ if CurrentKey^ = #0 then
+ begin
+ CurrentKey := PChar(Key);
+ end;
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Encrypted.Add(Line);
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.VigenereDecrypt;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Line: String;
+ Current: PChar;
+ CurrentKey: PChar;
+ CurrentKey := PChar(Key);
+ Decrypted.Clear;
+ for Index := 0 to Encrypted.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Line := Encrypted.Strings[Index];
+ Current := PChar(Line);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ Current^ := Chr(Ord(Current^) - Ord(CurrentKey^) + Ord('A'));
+ Inc(CurrentKey);
+ if CurrentKey^ = #0 then
+ begin
+ CurrentKey := PChar(Key);
+ end;
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Decrypted.Add(Line);
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.Decrypt;
+ OldAutoCrypt: Boolean;
+ if AutoCrypt = True then
+ begin
+ OldAutoCrypt := True;
+ AutoCrypt := False;
+ end else
+ begin
+ OldAutoCrypt := False;
+ end;
+ if Length(Key) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ case Mode of
+ cmXor: XorDecrypt;
+ cmCaesar: CaesarDecrypt;
+ cmVigenere: VigenereDecrypt;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Assigned(OnWork) = True then
+ begin
+ OnWork(Self);
+ end;
+ if OldAutoCrypt = True then
+ begin
+ AutoCrypt := True;
+ end;
+procedure TCryptManager.Encrypt;
+ OldAutoCrypt: Boolean;
+ if AutoCrypt = True then
+ begin
+ OldAutoCrypt := True;
+ AutoCrypt := False;
+ end else
+ begin
+ OldAutoCrypt := False;
+ end;
+ if Length(Key) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ case Mode of
+ cmXor: XorEncrypt;
+ cmCaesar: CaesarEncrypt;
+ cmVigenere: VigenereEncrypt;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Assigned(OnWork) = True then
+ begin
+ OnWork(Self);
+ end;
+ if OldAutoCrypt = True then
+ begin
+ AutoCrypt := True;
+ end;
+function TCryptManager.ValidKey(const S: String): Boolean;
+ Result := uSysCtrls.ValidKey(Mode,S);
+function TCryptManager.GenerateKey: String;
+ Result := uSysCtrls.GenerateKey(Mode);
diff --git a/Source/uSysTools.pas b/Source/uSysTools.pas
index b745a8f..8a5c095 100644
--- a/Source/uSysTools.pas
+++ b/Source/uSysTools.pas
@@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ unit uSysTools;
/// Lina System Tools Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uSysTools" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
@@ -25,6 +21,7 @@ uses
{ Fehlermeldungen }
EWinUserInformation = class(Exception);
+ EStringCharAccess = class(Exception);
{ Hilfsklassen }
@@ -44,11 +41,13 @@ type
{ Typisierte Arrays }
TPointerArray = array of Pointer;
TPCharArray = array of PChar;
+ TCharArray = array of Char;
TVariantArray = array of Variant;
TStringArray = array of String;
TShortStringArray = array of ShortString;
+ TAnsiStringArray = array of AnsiString;
TByteArray = array of Byte;
TWordArray = array of Word;
@@ -143,10 +142,13 @@ type
TFloatRefDataArrayReferenceDataArray = array of TFloatRefDataArrayReferenceData;
+ TByteSet = set of Byte;
+ TCharSet = set of Char;
TVector = TFloatArray;
TMatrix = array of TVector;
- TCycle = {$IFDEF NO_RECORDMETHODS} record {$ELSE} class {$ENDIF}
+ TCycle = class
{ Private-Deklarationen }
FRadius: Extended;
@@ -157,11 +159,38 @@ type
procedure SetCircumference(Value: Extended);
{ Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
property Radius: Extended read FRadius write FRadius;
property Diameter: Extended read GetDiameter write SetDiameter;
property Circumference: Extended read GetCircumference write SetCircumference;
+ TRange = class
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ FOffset: Integer;
+ FTarget: Integer;
+ FStep: Integer;
+ { Methoden }
+ procedure SetOffset(Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetTarget(Value: Integer);
+ function GetLength: Integer;
+ procedure SetLength(Value: Integer);
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ function GetElements: TIntegerArray;
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Offset: Integer read FOffset write SetOffset default 0;
+ property Target: Integer read FTarget write SetTarget default 0;
+ property Length: Integer read GetLength write SetLength default 0;
+ property Count: Integer read GetCount default 0;
+ property Elements: TIntegerArray read GetElements;
+ property Step: Integer read FStep write FStep default 1;
+ end;
TFilteredStringList = class(TStringList)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -299,7 +328,7 @@ type
procedure SetMethodSubProp(Instance: TObject; const PropName: String; Value: TMethod);
function SubPropIsType(Instance: TObject; const PropName: String; TypeKind: TTypeKind): Boolean;
function SubPropType(Instance: TObject; const PropName: String): TTypeKind; overload;
- { Uhrzeit }
+ { Datum/Uhrzeit }
function SystemTime: TSystemTime;
function Year: Word;
function Month: Word;
@@ -309,7 +338,17 @@ type
function Minute: Word;
function Second: Word;
function Milliseconds: Word;
+ { Set-Operationen }
+ function Count(Elements: TByteSet): Byte; overload;
+ function Count(Elements: TCharSet): Byte; overload;
+ function SetToArray(Elements: TByteSet): TByteArray; overload;
+ function SetToArray(Elements: TCharSet): TCharArray; overload;
+ function ArrayToSet(Elements: array of Byte): TByteSet; overload;
+ function ArrayToSet(Elements: array of Char): TCharSet; overload;
{ Sonstige }
+ function StringToRange(const S: String; var Range: TRange): Boolean;
+ function ExprInStr(const S: String; Position: Integer): String;
+ function Factional(X: Byte): Cardinal;
function ExtractClassName(FullClassName: String; CaseSensitive: Boolean = True): String;
function CountLines(S: String): Integer;
function Wrappable(S: String; Font: TFont; MaxWidth: Integer): Boolean; overload;
@@ -334,9 +373,13 @@ type
function CharPosition(Current: PAnsiChar; Text: AnsiString): Integer; {$IFNDEF NO_UNICODE} overload;
function CharPosition(Current: PWideChar; Text: UnicodeString): Integer; overload;
+ function ConsistsOf(const S: String; Chars: array of Char): Boolean; overload;
+ function ConsistsOf(const S: String; Chars: TCharSet): Boolean; overload;
procedure PrintText(Strings: TStrings; Font: TFont);
- procedure ExtractChars(var Text: String; Chars: array of Char);
- procedure EnableDebugPrivilege;
+ procedure ExtractChars(var Text: String; Chars: array of Char); overload;
+ procedure ExtractChars(var Text: String; Chars: TCharSet); overload;
+ procedure SetPrivilege(const Name: PChar; Value: Boolean); overload;
+ procedure SetPrivilege(const Name: String; Value: Boolean); overload;
Spaces = [#9,#10,#13,#32,#160];
@@ -345,7 +388,42 @@ const
LowerCaseLetters = ['a'..'z'];
Letters = UpperCaseLetters + LowerCaseLetters;
Operators = ['+','-','*','/'];
+ { WinAPI-Privilegien }
+ SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME = 'SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege';
+ SE_AUDIT_NAME = 'SeAuditPrivilege';
+ SE_BACKUP_NAME = 'SeBackupPrivilege';
+ SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_NAME = 'SeChangeNotifyPrivilege';
+ SE_CREATE_GLOBAL_NAME = 'SeCreateGlobalPrivilege';
+ SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE_NAME = 'SeCreatePagefilePrivilege';
+ SE_CREATE_PERMANENT_NAME = 'SeCreatePermanentPrivilege';
+ SE_CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK_NAME = 'SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege';
+ SE_CREATE_TOKEN_NAME = 'SeCreateTokenPrivilege';
SE_DEBUG_NAME = 'SeDebugPrivilege';
+ SE_ENABLE_DELEGATION_NAME = 'SeEnableDelegationPrivilege';
+ SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME = 'SeImpersonatePrivilege';
+ SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME = 'SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege';
+ SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME = 'SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege';
+ SE_INC_WORKING_SET_NAME = 'SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege';
+ SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME = 'SeLoadDriverPrivilege';
+ SE_LOCK_MEMORY_NAME = 'SeLockMemoryPrivilege';
+ SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'SeMachineAccountPrivilege';
+ SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME = 'SeManageVolumePrivilege';
+ SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS_NAME = 'SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege';
+ SE_RELABEL_NAME = 'SeRelabelPrivilege';
+ SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = 'SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege';
+ SE_RESTORE_NAME = 'SeRestorePrivilege';
+ SE_SECURITY_NAME = 'SeSecurityPrivilege';
+ SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = 'SeShutdownPrivilege';
+ SE_SYNC_AGENT_NAME = 'SeSyncAgentPrivilege';
+ SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_NAME = 'SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege';
+ SE_SYSTEM_PROFILE_NAME = 'SeSystemProfilePrivilege';
+ SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME = 'SeSystemtimePrivilege';
+ SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME = 'SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege';
+ SE_TCB_NAME = 'SeTcbPrivilege';
+ SE_TIME_ZONE_NAME = 'SeTimeZonePrivilege';
+ SE_TRUSTED_CREDMAN_ACCESS_NAME = 'SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege';
+ SE_UNDOCK_NAME = 'SeUndockPrivilege';
+ SE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT_NAME = 'SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege';
@@ -1199,6 +1277,192 @@ begin
Result := SystemTime.wMilliseconds;
+function Count(Elements: TByteSet): Byte;
+ Current: Byte;
+ Result := 0;
+ for Current in Elements do
+ begin
+ Inc(Result);
+ end;
+function Count(Elements: TCharSet): Byte;
+ Current: Char;
+ Result := 0;
+ for Current in Elements do
+ begin
+ Inc(Result);
+ end;
+function SetToArray(Elements: TByteSet): TByteArray;
+ Current: Byte;
+ Index: Integer;
+ SetLength(Result,Count(Elements));
+ Index := 0;
+ for Current in Elements do
+ begin
+ Result[Index] := Current;
+ Inc(Index);
+ end;
+function SetToArray(Elements: TCharSet): TCharArray;
+ Current: Char;
+ Index: Integer;
+ SetLength(Result,Count(Elements));
+ Index := 0;
+ for Current in Elements do
+ begin
+ Result[Index] := Current;
+ Inc(Index);
+ end;
+function ArrayToSet(Elements: array of Byte): TByteSet;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Result := [];
+ for Index := 0 to Length(Elements) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Result := Result + [Elements[Index]];
+ end;
+function ArrayToSet(Elements: array of Char): TCharSet;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Result := [];
+ for Index := 0 to Length(Elements) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Result := Result + [Elements[Index]];
+ end;
+function StringToRange(const S: String; var Range: TRange): Boolean;
+ Current: PChar;
+ Block: String;
+ Temp: TRange;
+ Position: (posOffset,posDots,posTarget,posFinish);
+ {if Range = nil then
+ begin
+ Range := TRange.Create;
+ end;
+ Result := False;
+ if Length(S) = 0 then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Current := PChar(S);
+ Position := posOffset;
+ Temp := TRange.Create;
+ try
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ if (Position^ = posFinish) and (not (Current^ in Spaces)) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ case Current^ of
+ Spaces: if Position in [posOffset,posTarget] then
+ begin
+ Inc(Position);
+ end;
+ '0'..'9': Block := Block + Current^;
+ '+','-': if Length(Block) = 0 then
+ begin
+ Block := Block + Current^;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ '.': if (Current + 1)^ = '.' then
+ begin
+ Block := '';
+ Inc(Current);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ finally
+ Temp.Free;
+ end;
+ if Result = True then
+ begin
+ Range.Offset := Temp.Offset;
+ Range.Target := Temp.Target;
+ Range.Step := Temp.Step;
+ end; }
+function ExprInStr(const S: String; Position: Integer): String;
+ Current: PChar;
+ if (Position < 1) or (Position > Length(S)) then
+ begin
+ raise EStringCharAccess.Create('Access to String char at position ' + IntToStr(Position) + ' not possible');
+ end;
+ Current := @S[Position];
+ Result := '';
+ while (Current^ in Letters) and (Current >= @S[1]) do
+ begin
+ Result := Current^ + Result;
+ Dec(Current);
+ end;
+ Current := @S[Position + 1];
+ while Current^ in Letters do
+ begin
+ Result := Result + Current^;
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+function Factional(X: Byte): Cardinal;
+ Index: Integer;
+ Result := 1;
+ for Index := 2 to X do
+ begin
+ Result := Result * Index;
+ end;
+function Factional(X: Byte): Cardinal; assembler;
+ JMP @Check
+ @Multiply:
+ @Check:
+ JNE @Multiply
function ExtractClassName(FullClassName: String; CaseSensitive: Boolean = True): String;
if ((FullClassName[1] = 'T') or ((CaseSensitive = False) and (FullClassName[1] = 't'))) and ((FullClassName[2] in UppercaseLetters) or (CaseSensitive = False)) then
@@ -1310,11 +1574,6 @@ function SecToTime(const Sec: Cardinal): TTime;
Hrs, Mins: Word;
- if Sec <= 0 then
- begin
- Result := StrToTime('00:00:00');
- Exit;
- end;
Hrs := Sec div 3600;
Mins := Sec div 60 - Hrs * 60;
Result := StrToTime(IntToStr(Hrs) + ':' + IntToStr(Mins) + ':' + IntToStr(Sec - (Hrs * 3600 + Mins * 60)));
@@ -2123,6 +2382,40 @@ begin
+function ConsistsOf(const S: String; Chars: TCharSet): Boolean; overload;
+ Current: PChar;
+ Current := PChar(S);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ if not (Current^ in Chars) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+function ConsistsOf(const S: String; Chars: array of Char): Boolean; overload;
+ Current: PChar;
+ Current := PChar(S);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ if ArrayPos(Current^,Chars) = -1 then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
procedure PrintText(Strings: TStrings; Font: TFont);
Index: Integer;
@@ -2144,12 +2437,12 @@ begin
-procedure ExtractChars(var Text: String; Chars: array of Char);
+procedure ExtractChars(var Text: String; Chars: array of Char); overload;
Current: PChar;
OutPut: String;
- Current := @Text[1];
+ Current := PChar(Text);
while Current^ <> #0 do
@@ -2162,21 +2455,50 @@ begin
Text := OutPut;
-procedure EnableDebugPrivilege;
+procedure ExtractChars(var Text: String; Chars: TCharSet); overload;
+ Current: PChar;
+ OutPut: String;
+ Current := PChar(Text);
+ SetLength(OutPut,0);
+ while Current^ <> #0 do
+ begin
+ if Current^ in Chars then
+ begin
+ OutPut := OutPut + Current^;
+ end;
+ Inc(Current);
+ end;
+ Text := OutPut;
+procedure SetPrivilege(const Name: PChar; Value: Boolean); overload;
Token: THandle;
- TokenPrivs: TTokenPrivileges;
+ Privileges: TTokenPrivileges;
if OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES,Token) then
- TokenPrivs.PrivilegeCount := 1;
- LookupPrivilegeValue(nil, SE_DEBUG_NAME, TokenPrivs.Privileges[0].Luid);
- TokenPrivs.Privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
- AdjustTokenPrivileges(Token,False,TokenPrivs,SizeOf(TokenPrivs),nil,DWord(nil^));
+ Privileges.PrivilegeCount := 1;
+ LookupPrivilegeValue(nil,Name,Privileges.Privileges[0].Luid);
+ if Value = True then
+ begin
+ Privileges.Privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Privileges.Privileges[0].Attributes := 0;
+ end;
+ AdjustTokenPrivileges(Token,False,Privileges,SizeOf(Privileges),nil,DWord(nil^));
+procedure SetPrivilege(const Name: String; Value: Boolean); overload;
+ SetPrivilege(PChar(Name),Value);
function WinUserName: String;
Buffer: array [0..255] of Char;
@@ -2266,6 +2588,18 @@ end;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TCycle.Create;
+ inherited;
+ FRadius := 0;
+destructor TCycle.Destroy;
+ //...
+ inherited;
function TCycle.GetDiameter: Extended;
Result := Radius * 2;
@@ -2286,6 +2620,69 @@ begin
FRadius := Value / 2 / Pi;
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TRange
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
+constructor TRange.Create;
+ inherited;
+ FOffset := 0;
+ FTarget := 0;
+ FStep := 1;
+destructor TRange.Destroy;
+ //...
+ inherited;
+procedure TRange.SetOffset(Value: Integer);
+ if Value <= Target then
+ begin
+ FOffset := Value;
+ end;
+procedure TRange.SetTarget(Value: Integer);
+ if Value >= Offset then
+ begin
+ FTarget := Value;
+ end;
+function TRange.GetLength: Integer;
+ Result := Target - Offset;
+procedure TRange.SetLength(Value: Integer);
+ if Value >= 0 then
+ begin
+ Length := Value;
+ end;
+function TRange.GetCount: Integer;
+ Result := Length div Step;
+function TRange.GetElements: TIntegerArray;
+ Index: Integer;
+ System.SetLength(Result,Count);
+ for Index := 0 to System.Length(Result) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Result[Index] := Offset + Step * Index;
+ end;
{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
diff --git a/Source/uVirtObj.pas b/Source/uVirtObj.pas
index 8c82e36..4982b1a 100644
--- a/Source/uVirtObj.pas
+++ b/Source/uVirtObj.pas
@@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ unit uVirtObj;
/// Lina Virtual Object Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uVirtObj" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
@@ -52,6 +48,9 @@ type
TVirtualClasses = array of TVirtualClass;
{ VirtualProgram }
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TVirtualProgram = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -68,21 +67,18 @@ type
property About: TComponentAbout read FAbout;
- procedure Register;
- { Meta-Daten }
- VirtualProgramComponent_Name = 'ScriptManager';
- VirtualProgramComponent_Version = 1.0;
- VirtualProgramComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2014';
- VirtualProgramComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TVirtualProgram]);
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TVirtualProgram]);
+ end;
constructor TVirtualProgram.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
diff --git a/Source/uWebCtrls.pas b/Source/uWebCtrls.pas
index e9a73b8..1c8128d 100644
--- a/Source/uWebCtrls.pas
+++ b/Source/uWebCtrls.pas
@@ -3,14 +3,10 @@ unit uWebCtrls;
/// Lina Web Controls Unit ///
/// **************************** ///
-/// (c) 2014 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
+/// (c) 2015 Dennis Göhlert a.o. ///
- {$MESSAGE ERROR 'The "uWebCtrls" unit is only available under MS-Windows OS'}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$I 'Config.inc'}
@@ -35,6 +31,9 @@ type
{ Hauptklassen }
+ [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)]
+ {$ENDIF}
TDownload = class(TComponent)
{ Private-Deklarationen }
@@ -85,7 +84,9 @@ type
function StrIsURL(const S: String): Boolean;
function GetTagParamValue(const S,Tag,Param: String): String;
- procedure Register;
+ procedure Register;
+ {$ENDIF}
{ Web-Protokolle }
@@ -97,17 +98,15 @@ const
WebProtocols: array [0..4] of String = (WP_HTTP,WP_HTTPS,WP_FTP,WP_CALL,WP_MAIL);
WebProtocolsSimple: array [0..1] of String = (WP_MAIL,WP_CALL);
WebProtocolsSpecial: array [0..2] of String = (WP_HTTP,WP_HTTPS,WP_FTP);
- { Meta-Daten }
- DownloadComponent_Version = '1.0';
- DownloadComponent_Copyright = 'Copyright © 2015';
- DownloadComponent_Author = 'Dennis Göhlert a.o.';
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TDownload]);
+ procedure Register;
+ begin
+ RegisterComponents(ComponentsPage,[TDownload]);
+ end;
function ValidProtocol(const Protocol: String;
const Protocols: array of String): Boolean;
@@ -323,10 +322,14 @@ begin
+{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TDownload
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
constructor TDownload.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TDownload,DownloadComponent_Version,DownloadComponent_Copyright,DownloadComponent_Author);
+ FAbout := TComponentAbout.Create(TDownload);
idHTTPObject := TidHTTP.Create(Self);
idHTTPObject.HandleRedirects := True;
idHTTPObject.OnWork := idHTTPObjectWork;
diff --git a/resource/bitmap/Large/TSizePanel.bmp b/resource/bitmap/Large/TSizePanel.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe8005c
Binary files /dev/null and b/resource/bitmap/Large/TSizePanel.bmp differ
diff --git a/resource/bitmap/Small/TValueEdit.bmp b/resource/bitmap/Small/TValueEdit.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0803a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/resource/bitmap/Small/TValueEdit.bmp differ
diff --git a/resource/bitmap/TSizePanel.bmp b/resource/bitmap/TSizePanel.bmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b257bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/resource/bitmap/TSizePanel.bmp differ