{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 004.000.002 | |==============================================================================| | Content: support procedures and functions | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2003, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c) 1999-2003. | | Portions created by Hernan Sanchez are Copyright (c) 2000. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | | Hernan Sanchez (hernan.sanchez@iname.com) | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$Q-} {$R-} {$H+} unit synautil; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, {$IFDEF LINUX} Libc; {$ELSE} Windows; {$ENDIF} function TimeZoneBias: integer; function TimeZone: string; function Rfc822DateTime(t: TDateTime): string; function CDateTime(t: TDateTime): string; function SimpleDateTime(t: TDateTime): string; function AnsiCDateTime(t: TDateTime): string; function GetMonthNumber(Value: string): integer; function GetTimeFromStr(Value: string): TDateTime; function GetDateMDYFromStr(Value: string): TDateTime; function DecodeRfcDateTime(Value: string): TDateTime; function GetUTTime: TDateTime; function SetUTTime(Newdt: TDateTime): Boolean; function GetTick: ULong; function TickDelta(TickOld, TickNew: ULong): ULong; function CodeInt(Value: Word): string; function DecodeInt(const Value: string; Index: Integer): Word; function IsIP(const Value: string): Boolean; function IsIP6(const Value: string): Boolean; function IPToID(Host: string): string; function DumpStr(const Buffer: string): string; function DumpExStr(const Buffer: string): string; procedure Dump(const Buffer, DumpFile: string); procedure DumpEx(const Buffer, DumpFile: string); function SeparateLeft(const Value, Delimiter: string): string; function SeparateRight(const Value, Delimiter: string): string; function GetParameter(const Value, Parameter: string): string; procedure ParseParametersEx(Value, Delimiter: string; const Parameters: TStrings); procedure ParseParameters(Value: string; const Parameters: TStrings); function IndexByBegin(Value: string; const List: TStrings): integer; function GetEmailAddr(const Value: string): string; function GetEmailDesc(Value: string): string; function StrToHex(const Value: string): string; function IntToBin(Value: Integer; Digits: Byte): string; function BinToInt(const Value: string): Integer; function ParseURL(URL: string; var Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path, Para: string): string; function ReplaceString(Value, Search, Replace: string): string; function RPosEx(const Sub, Value: string; From: integer): Integer; function RPos(const Sub, Value: String): Integer; function Fetch(var Value: string; const Delimiter: string): string; function FetchEx(var Value: string; const Delimiter, Quotation: string): string; function IsBinaryString(const Value: string): Boolean; function PosCRLF(const Value: string; var Terminator: string): integer; Procedure StringsTrim(const value: TStrings); function PosFrom(const SubStr, Value: String; From: integer): integer; function IncPoint(const p: pointer; Value: integer): pointer; function GetBetween(const PairBegin, PairEnd, Value: string): string; function CountOfChar(const Value: string; Chr: char): integer; function UnquoteStr(const Value: string; Quote: Char): string; implementation {==============================================================================} const MyDayNames: array[1..7] of string = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'); MyMonthNames: array[1..12] of string = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); {==============================================================================} function TimeZoneBias: integer; {$IFDEF LINUX} var t: TTime_T; UT: TUnixTime; begin {$IFNDEF FPC} __time(@T); localtime_r(@T, UT); {$ELSE} __time(T); localtime_r(T, UT); {$ENDIF} Result := ut.__tm_gmtoff div 60; {$ELSE} var zoneinfo: TTimeZoneInformation; bias: Integer; begin case GetTimeZoneInformation(Zoneinfo) of 2: bias := zoneinfo.Bias + zoneinfo.DaylightBias; 1: bias := zoneinfo.Bias + zoneinfo.StandardBias; else bias := zoneinfo.Bias; end; Result := bias * (-1); {$ENDIF} end; {==============================================================================} function TimeZone: string; var bias: Integer; h, m: Integer; begin bias := TimeZoneBias; if bias >= 0 then Result := '+' else Result := '-'; bias := Abs(bias); h := bias div 60; m := bias mod 60; Result := Result + Format('%.2d%.2d', [h, m]); end; {==============================================================================} function Rfc822DateTime(t: TDateTime): string; var wYear, wMonth, wDay: word; begin DecodeDate(t, wYear, wMonth, wDay); Result := Format('%s, %d %s %s %s', [MyDayNames[DayOfWeek(t)], wDay, MyMonthNames[wMonth], FormatDateTime('yyyy hh:nn:ss', t), TimeZone]); end; {==============================================================================} function CDateTime(t: TDateTime): string; var wYear, wMonth, wDay: word; begin DecodeDate(t, wYear, wMonth, wDay); Result:= Format('%s %2d %s', [MyMonthNames[wMonth], wDay, FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', t)]); end; {==============================================================================} function SimpleDateTime(t: TDateTime): string; begin Result := FormatDateTime('yymmdd hhnnss', t); end; {==============================================================================} function AnsiCDateTime(t: TDateTime): string; var wYear, wMonth, wDay: word; begin DecodeDate(t, wYear, wMonth, wDay); Result := Format('%s %s %d %s', [MyDayNames[DayOfWeek(t)], MyMonthNames[wMonth], wDay, FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss yyyy ', t)]); end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeTimeZone(Value: string; var Zone: integer): Boolean; var x: integer; zh, zm: integer; s: string; begin Result := false; s := Value; if (Pos('+', s) = 1) or (Pos('-',s) = 1) then begin if s = '-0000' then Zone := TimeZoneBias else if Length(s) > 4 then begin zh := StrToIntdef(s[2] + s[3], 0); zm := StrToIntdef(s[4] + s[5], 0); zone := zh * 60 + zm; if s[1] = '-' then zone := zone * (-1); end; Result := True; end else begin x := 32767; if s = 'NZDT' then x := 13; if s = 'IDLE' then x := 12; if s = 'NZST' then x := 12; if s = 'NZT' then x := 12; if s = 'EADT' then x := 11; if s = 'GST' then x := 10; if s = 'JST' then x := 9; if s = 'CCT' then x := 8; if s = 'WADT' then x := 8; if s = 'WAST' then x := 7; if s = 'ZP6' then x := 6; if s = 'ZP5' then x := 5; if s = 'ZP4' then x := 4; if s = 'BT' then x := 3; if s = 'EET' then x := 2; if s = 'MEST' then x := 2; if s = 'MESZ' then x := 2; if s = 'SST' then x := 2; if s = 'FST' then x := 2; if s = 'CEST' then x := 2; if s = 'CET' then x := 1; if s = 'FWT' then x := 1; if s = 'MET' then x := 1; if s = 'MEWT' then x := 1; if s = 'SWT' then x := 1; if s = 'UT' then x := 0; if s = 'UTC' then x := 0; if s = 'GMT' then x := 0; if s = 'WET' then x := 0; if s = 'WAT' then x := -1; if s = 'BST' then x := -1; if s = 'AT' then x := -2; if s = 'ADT' then x := -3; if s = 'AST' then x := -4; if s = 'EDT' then x := -4; if s = 'EST' then x := -5; if s = 'CDT' then x := -5; if s = 'CST' then x := -6; if s = 'MDT' then x := -6; if s = 'MST' then x := -7; if s = 'PDT' then x := -7; if s = 'PST' then x := -8; if s = 'YDT' then x := -8; if s = 'YST' then x := -9; if s = 'HDT' then x := -9; if s = 'AHST' then x := -10; if s = 'CAT' then x := -10; if s = 'HST' then x := -10; if s = 'EAST' then x := -10; if s = 'NT' then x := -11; if s = 'IDLW' then x := -12; if x <> 32767 then begin zone := x * 60; Result := True; end; end; end; {==============================================================================} function GetMonthNumber(Value: string): integer; var n: integer; begin Result := 0; Value := Uppercase(Value); for n := 1 to 12 do if Value = uppercase(MyMonthNames[n]) then begin Result := n; Break; end; end; {==============================================================================} function GetTimeFromStr(Value: string): TDateTime; var x: integer; begin x := rpos(':', Value); if (x > 0) and ((Length(Value) - x) > 2) then Value := Copy(Value, 1, x + 2); Value := ReplaceString(Value, ':', TimeSeparator); Result := 0; try Result := StrToTime(Value); except on Exception do ; end; end; {==============================================================================} function GetDateMDYFromStr(Value: string): TDateTime; var wYear, wMonth, wDay: word; s: string; begin Result := 0; s := Fetch(Value, '-'); wMonth := StrToIntDef(s, 12); s := Fetch(Value, '-'); wDay := StrToIntDef(s, 30); wYear := StrToIntDef(Value, 1899); if wYear < 1000 then if (wYear > 99) then wYear := wYear + 1900 else if wYear > 50 then wYear := wYear + 1900 else wYear := wYear + 2000; try Result := EncodeDate(wYear, wMonth, wDay); except on Exception do ; end; end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeRfcDateTime(Value: string): TDateTime; var day, month, year: Word; zone: integer; x, y: integer; s: string; t: TDateTime; begin // ddd, d mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss // ddd, d mmm yy hh:mm:ss // ddd, mmm d yyyy hh:mm:ss // ddd mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy // Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123 // Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036 // Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() Format Result := 0; if Value = '' then Exit; day := 0; month := 0; year := 0; zone := 0; Value := ReplaceString(Value, ' -', ' #'); Value := ReplaceString(Value, '-', ' '); Value := ReplaceString(Value, ' #', ' -'); while Value <> '' do begin s := Fetch(Value, ' '); s := uppercase(s); // timezone if DecodetimeZone(s, x) then begin zone := x; continue; end; x := StrToIntDef(s, 0); // day or year if x > 0 then if (x < 32) and (day = 0) then begin day := x; continue; end else begin year := x; if year < 32 then year := year + 2000; if year < 1000 then year := year + 1900; continue; end; // time if rpos(':', s) > Pos(':', s) then begin t := GetTimeFromStr(s); if t <> 0 then Result := t; continue; end; //timezone daylight saving time if s = 'DST' then begin zone := zone + 60; continue; end; // month y := GetMonthNumber(s); if y > 0 then month := y; end; if year = 0 then year := 1980; if (month < 1) or (month > 12) then month := 1; if (day < 1) or (day > 31) then day := 1; Result := Result + Encodedate(year, month, day); zone := zone - TimeZoneBias; x := zone div 1440; Result := Result - x; zone := zone mod 1440; t := EncodeTime(Abs(zone) div 60, Abs(zone) mod 60, 0, 0); if zone < 0 then t := 0 - t; Result := Result - t; end; {==============================================================================} function GetUTTime: TDateTime; {$IFNDEF LINUX} {$IFNDEF FPC} var st: TSystemTime; begin GetSystemTime(st); result := SystemTimeToDateTime(st); {$ELSE} var st: SysUtils.TSystemTime; stw: Windows.TSystemTime; begin GetSystemTime(stw); st.Year := stw.wYear; st.Month := stw.wMonth; st.Day := stw.wDay; st.Hour := stw.wHour; st.Minute := stw.wMinute; st.Second := stw.wSecond; st.Millisecond := stw.wMilliseconds; result := SystemTimeToDateTime(st); {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} var TV: TTimeVal; TZ: Ttimezone; begin TZ.tz_minuteswest := 0; TZ.tz_dsttime := 0; gettimeofday(TV, TZ); Result := UnixDateDelta + (TV.tv_sec + TV.tv_usec / 1000000) / 86400; {$ENDIF} end; {==============================================================================} function SetUTTime(Newdt: TDateTime): Boolean; {$IFNDEF LINUX} {$IFNDEF FPC} var st: TSystemTime; begin DateTimeToSystemTime(newdt,st); Result := SetSystemTime(st); {$ELSE} var st: SysUtils.TSystemTime; stw: Windows.TSystemTime; begin DateTimeToSystemTime(newdt,st); stw.wYear := st.Year; stw.wMonth := st.Month; stw.wDay := st.Day; stw.wHour := st.Hour; stw.wMinute := st.Minute; stw.wSecond := st.Second; stw.wMilliseconds := st.Millisecond; Result := SetSystemTime(stw); {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} var TV: TTimeVal; d: double; TZ: Ttimezone; begin Result := false; TZ.tz_minuteswest := 0; TZ.tz_dsttime := 0; gettimeofday(TV, TZ); d := (newdt - UnixDateDelta) * 86400; TV.tv_sec := trunc(d); TV.tv_usec := trunc(frac(d) * 1000000); Result := settimeofday(TV, TZ) <> -1; {$ENDIF} end; {==============================================================================} {$IFDEF LINUX} function GetTick: ULong; var Stamp: TTimeStamp; begin Stamp := DateTimeToTimeStamp(Now); Result := Stamp.Time; end; {$ELSE} function GetTick: ULong; begin Result := Windows.GetTickCount; end; {$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} function TickDelta(TickOld, TickNew: ULong): ULong; begin //if DWord is signed type (older Deplhi), // then it not work properly on differencies larger then maxint! Result := 0; if TickOld <> TickNew then begin if TickNew < TickOld then begin TickNew := TickNew + ULong(MaxInt) + 1; TickOld := TickOld + ULong(MaxInt) + 1; end; Result := TickNew - TickOld; if TickNew < TickOld then if Result > 0 then Result := 0 - Result; end; end; {==============================================================================} function CodeInt(Value: Word): string; begin Result := Chr(Hi(Value)) + Chr(Lo(Value)) end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeInt(const Value: string; Index: Integer): Word; var x, y: Byte; begin if Length(Value) > Index then x := Ord(Value[Index]) else x := 0; if Length(Value) >= (Index + 1) then y := Ord(Value[Index + 1]) else y := 0; Result := x * 256 + y; end; {==============================================================================} function IsIP(const Value: string): Boolean; var TempIP: string; function ByteIsOk(const Value: string): Boolean; var x, n: integer; begin x := StrToIntDef(Value, -1); Result := (x >= 0) and (x < 256); // X may be in correct range, but value still may not be correct value! // i.e. "$80" if Result then for n := 1 to length(Value) do if not (Value[n] in ['0'..'9']) then begin Result := False; Break; end; end; begin TempIP := Value; Result := False; if not ByteIsOk(Fetch(TempIP, '.')) then Exit; if not ByteIsOk(Fetch(TempIP, '.')) then Exit; if not ByteIsOk(Fetch(TempIP, '.')) then Exit; if ByteIsOk(TempIP) then Result := True; end; {==============================================================================} function IsIP6(const Value: string): Boolean; var TempIP: string; s,t: string; x: integer; partcount: integer; zerocount: integer; First: Boolean; begin TempIP := Value; Result := False; partcount := 0; zerocount := 0; First := True; while tempIP <> '' do begin s := fetch(TempIP, ':'); if not(First) and (s = '') then Inc(zerocount); First := False; if zerocount > 1 then break; Inc(partCount); if s = '' then Continue; if partCount > 8 then break; if tempIP = '' then begin t := SeparateRight(s, '%'); s := SeparateLeft(s, '%'); x := StrToIntDef('$' + t, -1); if (x < 0) or (x > $ffff) then break; end; x := StrToIntDef('$' + s, -1); if (x < 0) or (x > $ffff) then break; if tempIP = '' then Result := True; end; end; {==============================================================================} //Hernan Sanchez function IPToID(Host: string): string; var s, t: string; i, x: Integer; begin Result := ''; for x := 1 to 3 do begin t := ''; s := StrScan(PChar(Host), '.'); t := Copy(Host, 1, (Length(Host) - Length(s))); Delete(Host, 1, (Length(Host) - Length(s) + 1)); i := StrToIntDef(t, 0); Result := Result + Chr(i); end; i := StrToIntDef(Host, 0); Result := Result + Chr(i); end; {==============================================================================} function DumpStr(const Buffer: string): string; var n: Integer; begin Result := ''; for n := 1 to Length(Buffer) do Result := Result + ' +#$' + IntToHex(Ord(Buffer[n]), 2); end; {==============================================================================} function DumpExStr(const Buffer: string): string; var n: Integer; x: Byte; begin Result := ''; for n := 1 to Length(Buffer) do begin x := Ord(Buffer[n]); if x in [65..90, 97..122] then Result := Result + ' +''' + char(x) + '''' else Result := Result + ' +#$' + IntToHex(Ord(Buffer[n]), 2); end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure Dump(const Buffer, DumpFile: string); var f: Text; begin AssignFile(f, DumpFile); if FileExists(DumpFile) then DeleteFile(PChar(DumpFile)); Rewrite(f); try Writeln(f, DumpStr(Buffer)); finally CloseFile(f); end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure DumpEx(const Buffer, DumpFile: string); var f: Text; begin AssignFile(f, DumpFile); if FileExists(DumpFile) then DeleteFile(PChar(DumpFile)); Rewrite(f); try Writeln(f, DumpExStr(Buffer)); finally CloseFile(f); end; end; {==============================================================================} function SeparateLeft(const Value, Delimiter: string): string; var x: Integer; begin x := Pos(Delimiter, Value); if x < 1 then Result := Trim(Value) else Result := Trim(Copy(Value, 1, x - 1)); end; {==============================================================================} function SeparateRight(const Value, Delimiter: string): string; var x: Integer; begin x := Pos(Delimiter, Value); if x > 0 then x := x + Length(Delimiter) - 1; Result := Trim(Copy(Value, x + 1, Length(Value) - x)); end; {==============================================================================} function GetParameter(const Value, Parameter: string): string; var x: Integer; s: string; begin x := Pos(UpperCase(Parameter), UpperCase(Value)); Result := ''; if x > 0 then begin s := Copy(Value, x + Length(Parameter), Length(Value) - (x + Length(Parameter)) + 1); s := Trim(s); if Length(s) > 1 then begin x := pos(';', s); if x > 0 then s := Copy(s, 1, x - 1); Result := UnquoteStr(s, '"'); end; end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure ParseParametersEx(Value, Delimiter: string; const Parameters: TStrings); var s: string; begin Parameters.Clear; while Value <> '' do begin s := Fetch(Value, Delimiter); Parameters.Add(s); end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure ParseParameters(Value: string; const Parameters: TStrings); begin ParseParametersEx(Value, ';', Parameters); end; {==============================================================================} function IndexByBegin(Value: string; const List: TStrings): integer; var n: integer; s: string; begin Result := -1; Value := uppercase(Value); for n := 0 to List.Count -1 do begin s := UpperCase(List[n]); if Pos(Value, s) = 1 then begin Result := n; Break; end; end; end; {==============================================================================} function GetEmailAddr(const Value: string): string; var s: string; begin s := SeparateRight(Value, '<'); s := SeparateLeft(s, '>'); Result := Trim(s); end; {==============================================================================} function GetEmailDesc(Value: string): string; var s: string; begin Value := Trim(Value); s := SeparateRight(Value, '"'); if s <> Value then s := SeparateLeft(s, '"') else begin s := SeparateLeft(Value, '<'); if s = Value then begin s := SeparateRight(Value, '('); if s <> Value then s := SeparateLeft(s, ')') else s := ''; end; end; Result := Trim(s); end; {==============================================================================} function StrToHex(const Value: string): string; var n: Integer; begin Result := ''; for n := 1 to Length(Value) do Result := Result + IntToHex(Byte(Value[n]), 2); Result := LowerCase(Result); end; {==============================================================================} function IntToBin(Value: Integer; Digits: Byte): string; var x, y, n: Integer; begin Result := ''; x := Value; repeat y := x mod 2; x := x div 2; if y > 0 then Result := '1' + Result else Result := '0' + Result; until x = 0; x := Length(Result); for n := x to Digits - 1 do Result := '0' + Result; end; {==============================================================================} function BinToInt(const Value: string): Integer; var n: Integer; begin Result := 0; for n := 1 to Length(Value) do begin if Value[n] = '0' then Result := Result * 2 else if Value[n] = '1' then Result := Result * 2 + 1 else Break; end; end; {==============================================================================} function ParseURL(URL: string; var Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path, Para: string): string; var x, y: Integer; sURL: string; s: string; s1, s2: string; begin Prot := 'http'; User := ''; Pass := ''; Port := '80'; Para := ''; x := Pos('://', URL); if x > 0 then begin Prot := SeparateLeft(URL, '://'); sURL := SeparateRight(URL, '://'); end else sURL := URL; if UpperCase(Prot) = 'HTTPS' then Port := '443'; if UpperCase(Prot) = 'FTP' then Port := '21'; x := Pos('@', sURL); y := Pos('/', sURL); if (x > 0) and ((x < y) or (y < 1))then begin s := SeparateLeft(sURL, '@'); sURL := SeparateRight(sURL, '@'); x := Pos(':', s); if x > 0 then begin User := SeparateLeft(s, ':'); Pass := SeparateRight(s, ':'); end else User := s; end; x := Pos('/', sURL); if x > 0 then begin s1 := SeparateLeft(sURL, '/'); s2 := SeparateRight(sURL, '/'); end else begin s1 := sURL; s2 := ''; end; if Pos('[', s1) = 1 then begin Host := Separateleft(s1, ']'); Delete(Host, 1, 1); s1 := SeparateRight(s1, ']'); if Pos(':', s1) = 1 then Port := SeparateRight(s1, ':'); end else begin x := Pos(':', s1); if x > 0 then begin Host := SeparateLeft(s1, ':'); Port := SeparateRight(s1, ':'); end else Host := s1; end; Result := '/' + s2; x := Pos('?', s2); if x > 0 then begin Path := '/' + SeparateLeft(s2, '?'); Para := SeparateRight(s2, '?'); end else Path := '/' + s2; if Host = '' then Host := 'localhost'; end; {==============================================================================} function ReplaceString(Value, Search, Replace: string): string; var x, l, ls, lr: Integer; begin if (Value = '') or (Search = '') then begin Result := Value; Exit; end; ls := Length(Search); lr := Length(Replace); Result := ''; x := Pos(Search, Value); while x > 0 do begin l := Length(Result); SetLength(Result, l + x - 1); Move(Pointer(Value)^, Pointer(@Result[l + 1])^, x - 1); // Result:=Result+Copy(Value,1,x-1); l := Length(Result); SetLength(Result, l + lr); Move(Pointer(Replace)^, Pointer(@Result[l + 1])^, lr); // Result:=Result+Replace; Delete(Value, 1, x - 1 + ls); x := Pos(Search, Value); end; Result := Result + Value; end; {==============================================================================} function RPosEx(const Sub, Value: string; From: integer): Integer; var n: Integer; l: Integer; begin result := 0; l := Length(Sub); for n := From - l + 1 downto 1 do begin if Copy(Value, n, l) = Sub then begin result := n; break; end; end; end; {==============================================================================} function RPos(const Sub, Value: String): Integer; begin Result := RPosEx(Sub, Value, Length(Value)); end; {==============================================================================} function Fetch(var Value: string; const Delimiter: string): string; var s: string; begin Result := SeparateLeft(Value, Delimiter); s := SeparateRight(Value, Delimiter); if s = Value then Value := '' else Value := Trim(s); Result := Trim(Result); end; {==============================================================================} function FetchEx(var Value: string; const Delimiter, Quotation: string): string; var n: integer; b: Boolean; begin Result := ''; b := False; n := 1; while n <= Length(Value) do begin if b then begin if Pos(Quotation, Value) = 1 then b := False; Result := Result + Value[1]; Delete(Value, 1, 1); end else begin if Pos(Delimiter, Value) = 1 then begin Delete(Value, 1, Length(delimiter)); break; end; b := Pos(Quotation, Value) = 1; Result := Result + Value[1]; Delete(Value, 1, 1); end; end; Result := Trim(Result); end; {==============================================================================} function IsBinaryString(const Value: string): Boolean; var n: integer; begin Result := False; for n := 1 to Length(Value) do if Value[n] in [#0..#8, #10..#31] then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; {==============================================================================} function PosCRLF(const Value: string; var Terminator: string): integer; var p1, p2, p3, p4: integer; const t1 = #$0d + #$0a; t2 = #$0a + #$0d; t3 = #$0d; t4 = #$0a; begin Terminator := ''; p1 := Pos(t1, Value); p2 := Pos(t2, Value); p3 := Pos(t3, Value); p4 := Pos(t4, Value); if p1 > 0 then Terminator := t1; Result := p1; if (p2 > 0) then if (Result = 0) or (p2 < Result) then begin Result := p2; Terminator := t2; end; if (p3 > 0) then if (Result = 0) or (p3 < Result) then begin Result := p3; Terminator := t3; end; if (p4 > 0) then if (Result = 0) or (p4 < Result) then begin Result := p4; Terminator := t4; end; end; {==============================================================================} Procedure StringsTrim(const Value: TStrings); var n: integer; begin for n := Value.Count - 1 downto 0 do if Value[n] = '' then Value.Delete(n) else Break; end; {==============================================================================} function PosFrom(const SubStr, Value: String; From: integer): integer; var ls,lv: integer; begin Result := 0; ls := Length(SubStr); lv := Length(Value); if (ls = 0) or (lv = 0) then Exit; if From < 1 then From := 1; while (ls + from - 1) <= (lv) do begin if CompareMem(@SubStr[1],@Value[from],ls) then begin result := from; break; end else inc(from); end; end; {==============================================================================} function IncPoint(const p: pointer; Value: integer): pointer; begin Result := pointer(integer(p) + Value); end; {==============================================================================} function GetBetween(const PairBegin, PairEnd, Value: string): string; var n: integer; x: integer; s: string; begin Result := ''; s := SeparateRight(Value, PairBegin); x := 1; for n := 1 to Length(s) do begin if s[n] = PairBegin then Inc(x); if s[n] = PairEnd then begin Dec(x); if x <= 0 then Break; end; Result := Result + s[n]; end; end; {==============================================================================} function CountOfChar(const Value: string; Chr: char): integer; var n: integer; begin Result := 0; for n := 1 to Length(Value) do if Value[n] = chr then Inc(Result); end; {==============================================================================} function UnquoteStr(const Value: string; Quote: Char): string; var LText: PChar; begin LText := PChar(Value); Result := AnsiExtractQuotedStr(LText, Quote); if Result = '' then Result := Value; end; {==============================================================================} end.