{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 004.000.001 | |==============================================================================| | Content: SSL support by OpenSSL 1.1 | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2021, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2002-2021. | | Portions created by Petr Fejfar are Copyright (c)2011-2012. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | | Tomas Hajny (OS2 support) | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} { Special thanks to Gregor Ibic (Intelicom d.o.o., http://www.intelicom.si) for good inspiration about begin with SSL programming. } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$H+} {$IFDEF VER125} {$DEFINE BCB} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF BCB} {$ObjExportAll On} (*$HPPEMIT 'namespace ssl_openssl_lib { using System::Shortint; }' *) {$ENDIF} //old Delphi does not have MSWINDOWS define. {$IFDEF WIN32} {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE MSWINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {:@abstract(OpenSSL support) This unit is Pascal interface to OpenSSL library (used by @link(ssl_openssl) unit). OpenSSL 1.1 is loaded dynamicly on-demand. If this library is not found in system, requested OpenSSL function just return errorcode. } unit ssl_openssl11_lib; interface uses Classes, synafpc, {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF FPC} {$IFDEF UNIX} BaseUnix, {$ENDIF UNIX} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF POSIX} {$ELSE} Libc, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} SysUtils; {$ELSE} Windows; {$ENDIF} var {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF DARWIN} DLLSSLName: string = 'libssl.dylib'; DLLUtilName: string = 'libcrypto.dylib'; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF OS2} {$IFDEF OS2GCC} DLLSSLName: string = 'kssl.dll'; DLLUtilName: string = 'kcrypto.dll'; {$ELSE OS2GCC} DLLSSLName: string = 'ssl.dll'; DLLUtilName: string = 'crypto.dll'; {$ENDIF OS2GCC} {$ELSE OS2} //linux DLLSSLName: string = 'libssl.so.1.1'; DLLUtilName: string = 'libcrypto.so.1.1'; {$ENDIF OS2} {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF WIN64} DLLSSLName: string = 'libssl-1_1-x64.dll'; DLLUtilName: string = 'libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll'; {$ELSE} DLLSSLName: string = 'libssl-1_1.dll'; DLLUtilName: string = 'libcrypto-1_1.dll'; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} type SslPtr = Pointer; PSslPtr = ^SslPtr; PSSL_CTX = SslPtr; PSSL = SslPtr; PSSL_METHOD = SslPtr; PX509 = SslPtr; PX509_NAME = SslPtr; PX509_STORE = Pointer; PEVP_MD = SslPtr; PInteger = ^Integer; PBIO_METHOD = SslPtr; PBIO = SslPtr; EVP_PKEY = SslPtr; PRSA = SslPtr; PASN1_UTCTIME = SslPtr; PASN1_INTEGER = SslPtr; PPasswdCb = SslPtr; PFunction = procedure; PSTACK = SslPtr; {pf} TSkPopFreeFunc = procedure(p:SslPtr); cdecl; {pf} TX509Free = procedure(x: PX509); cdecl; {pf} DES_cblock = array[0..7] of Byte; PDES_cblock = ^DES_cblock; des_ks_struct = packed record ks: DES_cblock; weak_key: Integer; end; des_key_schedule = array[1..16] of des_ks_struct; const EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE = 16 + 20; SSL_ERROR_NONE = 0; SSL_ERROR_SSL = 1; SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ = 2; SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE = 3; SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP = 4; SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL = 5; //look at error stack/return value/errno SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN = 6; SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT = 7; SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT = 8; SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 = $01000000; SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 = $02000000; SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 = $04000000; SSL_OP_ALL = $000FFFFF; SSL_VERIFY_NONE = $00; SSL_VERIFY_PEER = $01; OPENSSL_DES_DECRYPT = 0; OPENSSL_DES_ENCRYPT = 1; X509_V_OK = 0; X509_V_ILLEGAL = 1; X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT = 2; X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL = 3; X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE = 4; X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE = 5; X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY = 6; X509_V_ERR_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE = 7; X509_V_ERR_CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE = 8; X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID = 9; X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED = 10; X509_V_ERR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID = 11; X509_V_ERR_CRL_HAS_EXPIRED = 12; X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD = 13; X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD = 14; X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD = 15; X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD = 16; X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM = 17; X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT = 18; X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN = 19; X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY = 20; X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE = 21; X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG = 22; X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED = 23; X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA = 24; X509_V_ERR_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED = 25; X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE = 26; X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED = 27; X509_V_ERR_CERT_REJECTED = 28; //These are 'informational' when looking for issuer cert X509_V_ERR_SUBJECT_ISSUER_MISMATCH = 29; X509_V_ERR_AKID_SKID_MISMATCH = 30; X509_V_ERR_AKID_ISSUER_SERIAL_MISMATCH = 31; X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN = 32; X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL_ISSUER = 33; X509_V_ERR_UNHANDLED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION = 34; //The application is not happy X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION = 50; SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 = 2; SSL_FILETYPE_PEM = 1; EVP_PKEY_RSA = 6; SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_HOSTNAME = 55; TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name = 0; TLS1_VERSION = $0301; TLS1_1_VERSION = $0302; TLS1_2_VERSION = $0303; TLS1_3_VERSION = $0304; var SSLLibHandle: TLibHandle = 0; SSLUtilHandle: TLibHandle = 0; SSLLibFile: string = ''; SSLUtilFile: string = ''; // libssl.dll function SslGetError(s: PSSL; ret_code: Integer):Integer; // function SslCtxSetCipherList(arg0: PSSL_CTX; str: PChar):Integer; function SslCtxSetCipherList(arg0: PSSL_CTX; var str: AnsiString):Integer; function SslCtxNew(meth: PSSL_METHOD):PSSL_CTX; procedure SslCtxFree(arg0: PSSL_CTX); function SslSetFd(s: PSSL; fd: Integer):Integer; function SslMethodTLS:PSSL_METHOD; function SslCtxUsePrivateKey(ctx: PSSL_CTX; pkey: SslPtr):Integer; function SslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1(pk: integer; ctx: PSSL_CTX; d: AnsiString; len: integer):Integer; // function SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: PChar; _type: Integer):Integer; function SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: AnsiString; _type: Integer):Integer; function SslCtxUseCertificate(ctx: PSSL_CTX; x: SslPtr):Integer; function SslCtxUseCertificateASN1(ctx: PSSL_CTX; len: integer; d: AnsiString):Integer; function SslCtxUseCertificateFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: AnsiString; _type: Integer):Integer; // function SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: PChar):Integer; function SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: AnsiString):Integer; function SslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX):Integer; procedure SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb(ctx: PSSL_CTX; cb: PPasswdCb); procedure SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata(ctx: PSSL_CTX; u: SslPtr); // function SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const CAfile: PChar; const CApath: PChar):Integer; function SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const CAfile: AnsiString; const CApath: AnsiString):Integer; function SslCtxCtrl(ctx: PSSL_CTX; cmd: integer; larg: integer; parg: SslPtr): integer; function SslCtxSetMinProtoVersion(ctx: PSSL_CTX; version: integer): integer; function SslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion(ctx: PSSL_CTX; version: integer): integer; function SslNew(ctx: PSSL_CTX):PSSL; procedure SslFree(ssl: PSSL); function SslAccept(ssl: PSSL):Integer; function SslConnect(ssl: PSSL):Integer; function SslShutdown(ssl: PSSL):Integer; function SslRead(ssl: PSSL; buf: SslPtr; num: Integer):Integer; function SslPeek(ssl: PSSL; buf: SslPtr; num: Integer):Integer; function SslWrite(ssl: PSSL; buf: SslPtr; num: Integer):Integer; function SslPending(ssl: PSSL):Integer; function SslGetVersion(ssl: PSSL):AnsiString; function SslGetPeerCertificate(ssl: PSSL):PX509; procedure SslCtxSetVerify(ctx: PSSL_CTX; mode: Integer; arg2: PFunction); function SSLGetCurrentCipher(s: PSSL):SslPtr; function SSLCipherGetName(c: SslPtr): AnsiString; function SSLCipherGetBits(c: SslPtr; var alg_bits: Integer):Integer; function SSLGetVerifyResult(ssl: PSSL):Integer; function SSLCtrl(ssl: PSSL; cmd: integer; larg: integer; parg: SslPtr):Integer; function SslSet1Host(ssl: PSSL; hostname: PAnsiChar):Integer; // libeay.dll function X509New: PX509; procedure X509Free(x: PX509); function X509NameOneline(a: PX509_NAME; var buf: AnsiString; size: Integer):AnsiString; function X509GetSubjectName(a: PX509):PX509_NAME; function X509GetIssuerName(a: PX509):PX509_NAME; function X509NameHash(x: PX509_NAME):Cardinal; // function SslX509Digest(data: PX509; _type: PEVP_MD; md: PChar; len: PInteger):Integer; function X509Digest(data: PX509; _type: PEVP_MD; md: AnsiString; var len: Integer):Integer; function X509print(b: PBIO; a: PX509): integer; function X509SetVersion(x: PX509; version: integer): integer; function X509SetPubkey(x: PX509; pkey: EVP_PKEY): integer; function X509SetIssuerName(x: PX509; name: PX509_NAME): integer; function X509NameAddEntryByTxt(name: PX509_NAME; field: Ansistring; _type: integer; bytes: Ansistring; len, loc, _set: integer): integer; function X509Sign(x: PX509; pkey: EVP_PKEY; const md: PEVP_MD): integer; function X509GmtimeAdj(s: PASN1_UTCTIME; adj: integer): PASN1_UTCTIME; function X509SetNotBefore(x: PX509; tm: PASN1_UTCTIME): integer; function X509SetNotAfter(x: PX509; tm: PASN1_UTCTIME): integer; function X509GetSerialNumber(x: PX509): PASN1_INTEGER; function EvpPkeyNew: EVP_PKEY; procedure EvpPkeyFree(pk: EVP_PKEY); function EvpPkeyAssign(pkey: EVP_PKEY; _type: integer; key: Prsa): integer; function EvpGetDigestByName(Name: AnsiString): PEVP_MD; // function ErrErrorString(e: integer; buf: PChar): PChar; function OpenSSLversion(t: integer): Ansistring; procedure ErrErrorString(e: integer; var buf: Ansistring; len: integer); function ErrGetError: integer; procedure ErrClearError; function BioNew(b: PBIO_METHOD): PBIO; procedure BioFreeAll(b: PBIO); function BioSMem: PBIO_METHOD; function BioCtrlPending(b: PBIO): integer; function BioRead(b: PBIO; var Buf: AnsiString; Len: integer): integer; function BioWrite(b: PBIO; Buf: AnsiString; Len: integer): integer; function d2iPKCS12bio(b:PBIO; Pkcs12: SslPtr): SslPtr; function PKCS12parse(p12: SslPtr; pass: Ansistring; var pkey, cert, ca: SslPtr): integer; procedure PKCS12free(p12: SslPtr); function RsaGenerateKey(bits, e: integer; callback: PFunction; cb_arg: SslPtr): PRSA; function Asn1UtctimeNew: PASN1_UTCTIME; procedure Asn1UtctimeFree(a: PASN1_UTCTIME); function Asn1IntegerSet(a: PASN1_INTEGER; v: integer): integer; function Asn1IntegerGet(a: PASN1_INTEGER): integer; {pf} function i2dX509bio(b: PBIO; x: PX509): integer; function d2iX509bio(b:PBIO; x:PX509): PX509; {pf} function PEMReadBioX509(b:PBIO; {var x:PX509;}x:PSslPtr; callback:PFunction; cb_arg: SslPtr): PX509; {pf} procedure SkX509PopFree(st: PSTACK; func: TSkPopFreeFunc); {pf} function OPENSSL_sk_num(Stack: PSTACK): Integer; function OPENSSL_sk_value(Stack: PSTACK; Item: Integer): PAnsiChar; function X509_STORE_add_cert(Store: PX509_STORE; Cert: PX509): Integer; function SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(const Ctx: PSSL_CTX): PX509_STORE; function i2dPrivateKeyBio(b: PBIO; pkey: EVP_PKEY): integer; // 3DES functions procedure DESsetoddparity(Key: des_cblock); function DESsetkeychecked(key: des_cblock; schedule: des_key_schedule): Integer; procedure DESecbencrypt(Input: des_cblock; output: des_cblock; ks: des_key_schedule; enc: Integer); function IsSSLloaded: Boolean; function InitSSLInterface: Boolean; function DestroySSLInterface: Boolean; var _X509Free: TX509Free = nil; {pf} implementation uses {$IFDEF OS2} Sockets, {$ENDIF OS2} SyncObjs; type // libssl.dll TSslGetError = function(s: PSSL; ret_code: Integer):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxSetCipherList = function(arg0: PSSL_CTX; str: PAnsiChar):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxNew = function(meth: PSSL_METHOD):PSSL_CTX; cdecl; TSslCtxFree = procedure(arg0: PSSL_CTX); cdecl; TSslSetFd = function(s: PSSL; fd: Integer):Integer; cdecl; TSslMethodTLS = function:PSSL_METHOD; cdecl; TSslCtxUsePrivateKey = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; pkey: sslptr):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1 = function(pk: integer; ctx: PSSL_CTX; d: sslptr; len: integer):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: PAnsiChar; _type: Integer):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxUseCertificate = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; x: SslPtr):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxUseCertificateASN1 = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; len: Integer; d: SslPtr):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxUseCertificateFile = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: PAnsiChar; _type: Integer):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxUseCertificateChainFile = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: PAnsiChar):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb = procedure(ctx: PSSL_CTX; cb: SslPtr); cdecl; TSslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata = procedure(ctx: PSSL_CTX; u: SslPtr); cdecl; TSslCtxLoadVerifyLocations = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const CAfile: PAnsiChar; const CApath: PAnsiChar):Integer; cdecl; TSslCtxCtrl = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; cmd: integer; larg: integer; parg: SslPtr): integer; cdecl; TSslCtxSetMinProtoVersion = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; version: integer): integer; cdecl; TSslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; version: integer): integer; cdecl; TSslNew = function(ctx: PSSL_CTX):PSSL; cdecl; TSslFree = procedure(ssl: PSSL); cdecl; TSslAccept = function(ssl: PSSL):Integer; cdecl; TSslConnect = function(ssl: PSSL):Integer; cdecl; TSslShutdown = function(ssl: PSSL):Integer; cdecl; TSslRead = function(ssl: PSSL; buf: PAnsiChar; num: Integer):Integer; cdecl; TSslPeek = function(ssl: PSSL; buf: PAnsiChar; num: Integer):Integer; cdecl; TSslWrite = function(ssl: PSSL; const buf: PAnsiChar; num: Integer):Integer; cdecl; TSslPending = function(ssl: PSSL):Integer; cdecl; TSslGetVersion = function(ssl: PSSL):PAnsiChar; cdecl; TSslGetPeerCertificate = function(ssl: PSSL):PX509; cdecl; TSslCtxSetVerify = procedure(ctx: PSSL_CTX; mode: Integer; arg2: SslPtr); cdecl; TSSLGetCurrentCipher = function(s: PSSL):SslPtr; cdecl; TSSLCipherGetName = function(c: Sslptr):PAnsiChar; cdecl; TSSLCipherGetBits = function(c: SslPtr; alg_bits: PInteger):Integer; cdecl; TSSLGetVerifyResult = function(ssl: PSSL):Integer; cdecl; TSSLCtrl = function(ssl: PSSL; cmd: integer; larg: integer; parg: SslPtr):Integer; cdecl; TSslSet1Host = function(ssl: PSSL; hostname: PAnsiChar):Integer; cdecl; TSSLSetTlsextHostName = function(ssl: PSSL; buf: PAnsiChar):Integer; cdecl; // libeay.dll TOPENSSL_sk_new_null = function: PSTACK; cdecl; TOPENSSL_sk_num = function(Stack: PSTACK): Integer; cdecl; TOPENSSL_sk_value = function(Stack: PSTACK; Item: Integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl; TOPENSSL_sk_free = procedure(Stack: PSTACK); cdecl; TOPENSSL_sk_insert = function(Stack: PSTACK; Data: PAnsiChar; Index: Integer): Integer; cdecl; TX509_dup = function(X: PX509): PX509; cdecl; TSSL_CTX_get_cert_store = function(const Ctx: PSSL_CTX): PX509_STORE;cdecl; TX509_STORE_add_cert = function(Store: PX509_STORE; Cert: PX509): Integer; cdecl; TX509New = function: PX509; cdecl; TX509NameOneline = function(a: PX509_NAME; buf: PAnsiChar; size: Integer):PAnsiChar; cdecl; TX509GetSubjectName = function(a: PX509):PX509_NAME; cdecl; TX509GetIssuerName = function(a: PX509):PX509_NAME; cdecl; TX509NameHash = function(x: PX509_NAME):Cardinal; cdecl; TX509Digest = function(data: PX509; _type: PEVP_MD; md: PAnsiChar; len: PInteger):Integer; cdecl; TX509print = function(b: PBIO; a: PX509): integer; cdecl; TX509SetVersion = function(x: PX509; version: integer): integer; cdecl; TX509SetPubkey = function(x: PX509; pkey: EVP_PKEY): integer; cdecl; TX509SetIssuerName = function(x: PX509; name: PX509_NAME): integer; cdecl; TX509NameAddEntryByTxt = function(name: PX509_NAME; field: PAnsiChar; _type: integer; bytes: PAnsiChar; len, loc, _set: integer): integer; cdecl; TX509Sign = function(x: PX509; pkey: EVP_PKEY; const md: PEVP_MD): integer; cdecl; TX509GmtimeAdj = function(s: PASN1_UTCTIME; adj: integer): PASN1_UTCTIME; cdecl; TX509SetNotBefore = function(x: PX509; tm: PASN1_UTCTIME): integer; cdecl; TX509SetNotAfter = function(x: PX509; tm: PASN1_UTCTIME): integer; cdecl; TX509GetSerialNumber = function(x: PX509): PASN1_INTEGER; cdecl; TEvpPkeyNew = function: EVP_PKEY; cdecl; TEvpPkeyFree = procedure(pk: EVP_PKEY); cdecl; TEvpPkeyAssign = function(pkey: EVP_PKEY; _type: integer; key: Prsa): integer; cdecl; TEvpGetDigestByName = function(Name: PAnsiChar): PEVP_MD; cdecl; TOpenSSLversion = function(t: integer): PAnsiChar; cdecl; TErrErrorString = procedure(e: integer; buf: PAnsiChar; len: integer); cdecl; TErrGetError = function: integer; cdecl; TErrClearError = procedure; cdecl; TBioNew = function(b: PBIO_METHOD): PBIO; cdecl; TBioFreeAll = procedure(b: PBIO); cdecl; TBioSMem = function: PBIO_METHOD; cdecl; TBioCtrlPending = function(b: PBIO): integer; cdecl; TBioRead = function(b: PBIO; Buf: PAnsiChar; Len: integer): integer; cdecl; TBioWrite = function(b: PBIO; Buf: PAnsiChar; Len: integer): integer; cdecl; Td2iPKCS12bio = function(b:PBIO; Pkcs12: SslPtr): SslPtr; cdecl; TPKCS12parse = function(p12: SslPtr; pass: PAnsiChar; var pkey, cert, ca: SslPtr): integer; cdecl; TPKCS12free = procedure(p12: SslPtr); cdecl; TRsaGenerateKey = function(bits, e: integer; callback: PFunction; cb_arg: SslPtr): PRSA; cdecl; TAsn1UtctimeNew = function: PASN1_UTCTIME; cdecl; TAsn1UtctimeFree = procedure(a: PASN1_UTCTIME); cdecl; TAsn1IntegerSet = function(a: PASN1_INTEGER; v: integer): integer; cdecl; TAsn1IntegerGet = function(a: PASN1_INTEGER): integer; cdecl; {pf} Ti2dX509bio = function(b: PBIO; x: PX509): integer; cdecl; Td2iX509bio = function(b:PBIO; x:PX509): PX509; cdecl; {pf} TPEMReadBioX509 = function(b:PBIO; {var x:PX509;}x:PSslPtr; callback:PFunction; cb_arg:SslPtr): PX509; cdecl; {pf} TSkX509PopFree = procedure(st: PSTACK; func: TSkPopFreeFunc); cdecl; {pf} Ti2dPrivateKeyBio= function(b: PBIO; pkey: EVP_PKEY): integer; cdecl; // 3DES functions TDESsetoddparity = procedure(Key: des_cblock); cdecl; TDESsetkeychecked = function(key: des_cblock; schedule: des_key_schedule): Integer; cdecl; TDESecbencrypt = procedure(Input: des_cblock; output: des_cblock; ks: des_key_schedule; enc: Integer); cdecl; var // libssl.dll _SslGetError: TSslGetError = nil; _SslCtxSetCipherList: TSslCtxSetCipherList = nil; _SslCtxNew: TSslCtxNew = nil; _SslCtxFree: TSslCtxFree = nil; _SslSetFd: TSslSetFd = nil; _SslMethodTLS: TSslMethodTLS = nil; _SslCtxUsePrivateKey: TSslCtxUsePrivateKey = nil; _SslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1: TSslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1 = nil; _SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile: TSslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile = nil; _SslCtxUseCertificate: TSslCtxUseCertificate = nil; _SslCtxUseCertificateASN1: TSslCtxUseCertificateASN1 = nil; _SslCtxUseCertificateFile: TSslCtxUseCertificateFile = nil; _SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile: TSslCtxUseCertificateChainFile = nil; _SslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile: TSslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile = nil; _SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb: TSslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb = nil; _SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata: TSslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata = nil; _SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations: TSslCtxLoadVerifyLocations = nil; _SslCtxCtrl: TSslCtxCtrl = nil; _SslNew: TSslNew = nil; _SslFree: TSslFree = nil; _SslAccept: TSslAccept = nil; _SslConnect: TSslConnect = nil; _SslShutdown: TSslShutdown = nil; _SslRead: TSslRead = nil; _SslPeek: TSslPeek = nil; _SslWrite: TSslWrite = nil; _SslPending: TSslPending = nil; _SslGetVersion: TSslGetVersion = nil; _SslGetPeerCertificate: TSslGetPeerCertificate = nil; _SslCtxSetVerify: TSslCtxSetVerify = nil; _SSLGetCurrentCipher: TSSLGetCurrentCipher = nil; _SSLCipherGetName: TSSLCipherGetName = nil; _SSLCipherGetBits: TSSLCipherGetBits = nil; _SSLGetVerifyResult: TSSLGetVerifyResult = nil; _SSLCtrl: TSSLCtrl = nil; _SslCtxSetMinProtoVersion: TSslCtxSetMinProtoVersion = nil; _SslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion: TSslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion = nil; // libeay.dll _OPENSSL_sk_new_null: TOPENSSL_sk_new_null = nil; _OPENSSL_sk_num: TOPENSSL_sk_num = nil; _OPENSSL_sk_value: TOPENSSL_sk_value = nil; _OPENSSL_sk_free: TOPENSSL_sk_free = nil; _OPENSSL_sk_insert: TOPENSSL_sk_insert = nil; _SSL_CTX_get_cert_store : TSSL_CTX_get_cert_store = nil; _X509_STORE_add_cert : TX509_STORE_add_cert = nil; _X509New: TX509New = nil; _X509NameOneline: TX509NameOneline = nil; _X509GetSubjectName: TX509GetSubjectName = nil; _X509GetIssuerName: TX509GetIssuerName = nil; _X509NameHash: TX509NameHash = nil; _X509Digest: TX509Digest = nil; _X509print: TX509print = nil; _X509SetVersion: TX509SetVersion = nil; _X509SetPubkey: TX509SetPubkey = nil; _X509SetIssuerName: TX509SetIssuerName = nil; _X509NameAddEntryByTxt: TX509NameAddEntryByTxt = nil; _X509Sign: TX509Sign = nil; _X509GmtimeAdj: TX509GmtimeAdj = nil; _X509SetNotBefore: TX509SetNotBefore = nil; _X509SetNotAfter: TX509SetNotAfter = nil; _X509GetSerialNumber: TX509GetSerialNumber = nil; _EvpPkeyNew: TEvpPkeyNew = nil; _EvpPkeyFree: TEvpPkeyFree = nil; _EvpPkeyAssign: TEvpPkeyAssign = nil; _EvpGetDigestByName: TEvpGetDigestByName = nil; _OpenSSLversion: TOpenSSLversion = nil; _ErrErrorString: TErrErrorString = nil; _ErrGetError: TErrGetError = nil; _ErrClearError: TErrClearError = nil; _BioNew: TBioNew = nil; _BioFreeAll: TBioFreeAll = nil; _BioSMem: TBioSMem = nil; _BioCtrlPending: TBioCtrlPending = nil; _BioRead: TBioRead = nil; _BioWrite: TBioWrite = nil; _d2iPKCS12bio: Td2iPKCS12bio = nil; _PKCS12parse: TPKCS12parse = nil; _PKCS12free: TPKCS12free = nil; _RsaGenerateKey: TRsaGenerateKey = nil; _Asn1UtctimeNew: TAsn1UtctimeNew = nil; _Asn1UtctimeFree: TAsn1UtctimeFree = nil; _Asn1IntegerSet: TAsn1IntegerSet = nil; _Asn1IntegerGet: TAsn1IntegerGet = nil; {pf} _i2dX509bio: Ti2dX509bio = nil; _d2iX509bio: Td2iX509bio = nil; {pf} _PEMReadBioX509: TPEMReadBioX509 = nil; {pf} _SkX509PopFree: TSkX509PopFree = nil; {pf} _i2dPrivateKeyBio: Ti2dPrivateKeyBio = nil; // 3DES functions _DESsetoddparity: TDESsetoddparity = nil; _DESsetkeychecked: TDESsetkeychecked = nil; _DESecbencrypt: TDESecbencrypt = nil; var SSLCS: TCriticalSection; SSLloaded: boolean = false; // libssl.dll function SslGetError(s: PSSL; ret_code: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslGetError) then Result := _SslGetError(s, ret_code) else Result := SSL_ERROR_SSL; end; //function SslCtxSetCipherList(arg0: PSSL_CTX; str: PChar):Integer; function SslCtxSetCipherList(arg0: PSSL_CTX; var str: AnsiString):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxSetCipherList) then Result := _SslCtxSetCipherList(arg0, PAnsiChar(str)) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxNew(meth: PSSL_METHOD):PSSL_CTX; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxNew) then Result := _SslCtxNew(meth) else Result := nil; end; procedure SslCtxFree(arg0: PSSL_CTX); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxFree) then _SslCtxFree(arg0); end; function SslSetFd(s: PSSL; fd: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslSetFd) then Result := _SslSetFd(s, fd) else Result := 0; end; function SslMethodTLS:PSSL_METHOD; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslMethodTLS) then Result := _SslMethodTLS else Result := nil; end; function SslCtxUsePrivateKey(ctx: PSSL_CTX; pkey: SslPtr):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxUsePrivateKey) then Result := _SslCtxUsePrivateKey(ctx, pkey) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1(pk: integer; ctx: PSSL_CTX; d: AnsiString; len: integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1) then Result := _SslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1(pk, ctx, Sslptr(d), len) else Result := 0; end; //function SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: PChar; _type: Integer):Integer; function SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: AnsiString; _type: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile) then Result := _SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile(ctx, PAnsiChar(_file), _type) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxUseCertificate(ctx: PSSL_CTX; x: SslPtr):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxUseCertificate) then Result := _SslCtxUseCertificate(ctx, x) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxUseCertificateASN1(ctx: PSSL_CTX; len: integer; d: AnsiString):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxUseCertificateASN1) then Result := _SslCtxUseCertificateASN1(ctx, len, SslPtr(d)) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxUseCertificateFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: AnsiString; _type: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxUseCertificateFile) then Result := _SslCtxUseCertificateFile(ctx, PAnsiChar(_file), _type) else Result := 0; end; //function SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: PChar):Integer; function SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const _file: AnsiString):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile) then Result := _SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile(ctx, PAnsiChar(_file)) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile(ctx: PSSL_CTX):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile) then Result := _SslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile(ctx) else Result := 0; end; procedure SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb(ctx: PSSL_CTX; cb: PPasswdCb); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb) then _SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb(ctx, cb); end; procedure SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata(ctx: PSSL_CTX; u: SslPtr); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata) then _SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata(ctx, u); end; //function SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const CAfile: PChar; const CApath: PChar):Integer; function SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations(ctx: PSSL_CTX; const CAfile: AnsiString; const CApath: AnsiString):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations) then Result := _SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations(ctx, SslPtr(CAfile), SslPtr(CApath)) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxCtrl(ctx: PSSL_CTX; cmd: integer; larg: integer; parg: SslPtr): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxCtrl) then Result := _SslCtxCtrl(ctx, cmd, larg, parg) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxSetMinProtoVersion(ctx: PSSL_CTX; version: integer): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxSetMinProtoVersion) then Result := _SslCtxSetMinProtoVersion(ctx, version) else Result := 0; end; function SslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion(ctx: PSSL_CTX; version: integer): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion) then Result := _SslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion(ctx, version) else Result := 0; end; function SslNew(ctx: PSSL_CTX):PSSL; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslNew) then Result := _SslNew(ctx) else Result := nil; end; procedure SslFree(ssl: PSSL); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslFree) then _SslFree(ssl); end; function SslAccept(ssl: PSSL):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslAccept) then Result := _SslAccept(ssl) else Result := -1; end; function SslConnect(ssl: PSSL):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslConnect) then Result := _SslConnect(ssl) else Result := -1; end; function SslShutdown(ssl: PSSL):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslShutdown) then Result := _SslShutdown(ssl) else Result := -1; end; //function SslRead(ssl: PSSL; buf: PChar; num: Integer):Integer; function SslRead(ssl: PSSL; buf: SslPtr; num: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslRead) then Result := _SslRead(ssl, PAnsiChar(buf), num) else Result := -1; end; //function SslPeek(ssl: PSSL; buf: PChar; num: Integer):Integer; function SslPeek(ssl: PSSL; buf: SslPtr; num: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslPeek) then Result := _SslPeek(ssl, PAnsiChar(buf), num) else Result := -1; end; //function SslWrite(ssl: PSSL; const buf: PChar; num: Integer):Integer; function SslWrite(ssl: PSSL; buf: SslPtr; num: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslWrite) then Result := _SslWrite(ssl, PAnsiChar(buf), num) else Result := -1; end; function SslPending(ssl: PSSL):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslPending) then Result := _SslPending(ssl) else Result := 0; end; //function SslGetVersion(ssl: PSSL):PChar; function SslGetVersion(ssl: PSSL):AnsiString; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslGetVersion) then Result := _SslGetVersion(ssl) else Result := ''; end; function SslGetPeerCertificate(ssl: PSSL):PX509; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslGetPeerCertificate) then Result := _SslGetPeerCertificate(ssl) else Result := nil; end; //procedure SslCtxSetVerify(ctx: PSSL_CTX; mode: Integer; arg2: SslPtr); procedure SslCtxSetVerify(ctx: PSSL_CTX; mode: Integer; arg2: PFunction); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslCtxSetVerify) then _SslCtxSetVerify(ctx, mode, @arg2); end; function SSLGetCurrentCipher(s: PSSL):SslPtr; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SSLGetCurrentCipher) then Result := _SSLGetCurrentCipher(s) else Result := nil; end; //function SSLCipherGetName(c: SslPtr):PChar; function SSLCipherGetName(c: SslPtr):AnsiString; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SSLCipherGetName) then Result := _SSLCipherGetName(c) else Result := ''; end; //function SSLCipherGetBits(c: SslPtr; alg_bits: PInteger):Integer; function SSLCipherGetBits(c: SslPtr; var alg_bits: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SSLCipherGetBits) then Result := _SSLCipherGetBits(c, @alg_bits) else Result := 0; end; function SSLGetVerifyResult(ssl: PSSL):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SSLGetVerifyResult) then Result := _SSLGetVerifyResult(ssl) else Result := X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION; end; function SSLCtrl(ssl: PSSL; cmd: integer; larg: integer; parg: SslPtr):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SSLCtrl) then Result := _SSLCtrl(ssl, cmd, larg, parg) else Result := X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION; end; function SslSet1Host(ssl: PSSL; hostname: PAnsiChar):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SslSet1Host) then Result := _SslSet1Host(ssl, hostname) else Result := 0; end; // libeay.dll function X509New: PX509; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509New) then Result := _X509New else Result := nil; end; procedure X509Free(x: PX509); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509Free) then _X509Free(x); end; //function SslX509NameOneline(a: PX509_NAME; buf: PChar; size: Integer):PChar; function X509NameOneline(a: PX509_NAME; var buf: AnsiString; size: Integer):AnsiString; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509NameOneline) then Result := _X509NameOneline(a, PAnsiChar(buf),size) else Result := ''; end; function X509GetSubjectName(a: PX509):PX509_NAME; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509GetSubjectName) then Result := _X509GetSubjectName(a) else Result := nil; end; function X509GetIssuerName(a: PX509):PX509_NAME; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509GetIssuerName) then Result := _X509GetIssuerName(a) else Result := nil; end; function X509NameHash(x: PX509_NAME):Cardinal; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509NameHash) then Result := _X509NameHash(x) else Result := 0; end; //function SslX509Digest(data: PX509; _type: PEVP_MD; md: PChar; len: PInteger):Integer; function X509Digest(data: PX509; _type: PEVP_MD; md: AnsiString; var len: Integer):Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509Digest) then Result := _X509Digest(data, _type, PAnsiChar(md), @len) else Result := 0; end; function EvpPkeyNew: EVP_PKEY; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_EvpPkeyNew) then Result := _EvpPkeyNew else Result := nil; end; procedure EvpPkeyFree(pk: EVP_PKEY); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_EvpPkeyFree) then _EvpPkeyFree(pk); end; function OpenSSLversion(t: integer): Ansistring; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_OpenSSLversion) then Result := PAnsiChar(_OpenSSLversion(t)) else Result := ''; end; procedure ErrErrorString(e: integer; var buf: Ansistring; len: integer); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_ErrErrorString) then _ErrErrorString(e, Pointer(buf), len); buf := PAnsiChar(Buf); end; function ErrGetError: integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_ErrGetError) then Result := _ErrGetError else Result := SSL_ERROR_SSL; end; procedure ErrClearError; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_ErrClearError) then _ErrClearError; end; function BioNew(b: PBIO_METHOD): PBIO; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_BioNew) then Result := _BioNew(b) else Result := nil; end; procedure BioFreeAll(b: PBIO); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_BioFreeAll) then _BioFreeAll(b); end; function BioSMem: PBIO_METHOD; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_BioSMem) then Result := _BioSMem else Result := nil; end; function BioCtrlPending(b: PBIO): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_BioCtrlPending) then Result := _BioCtrlPending(b) else Result := 0; end; //function BioRead(b: PBIO; Buf: PChar; Len: integer): integer; function BioRead(b: PBIO; var Buf: AnsiString; Len: integer): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_BioRead) then Result := _BioRead(b, PAnsiChar(Buf), Len) else Result := -2; end; //function BioWrite(b: PBIO; Buf: PChar; Len: integer): integer; function BioWrite(b: PBIO; Buf: AnsiString; Len: integer): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_BioWrite) then Result := _BioWrite(b, PAnsiChar(Buf), Len) else Result := -2; end; function X509print(b: PBIO; a: PX509): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509print) then Result := _X509print(b, a) else Result := 0; end; function d2iPKCS12bio(b:PBIO; Pkcs12: SslPtr): SslPtr; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_d2iPKCS12bio) then Result := _d2iPKCS12bio(b, Pkcs12) else Result := nil; end; function PKCS12parse(p12: SslPtr; pass: Ansistring; var pkey, cert, ca: SslPtr): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_PKCS12parse) then Result := _PKCS12parse(p12, SslPtr(pass), pkey, cert, ca) else Result := 0; end; procedure PKCS12free(p12: SslPtr); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_PKCS12free) then _PKCS12free(p12); end; function RsaGenerateKey(bits, e: integer; callback: PFunction; cb_arg: SslPtr): PRSA; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_RsaGenerateKey) then Result := _RsaGenerateKey(bits, e, callback, cb_arg) else Result := nil; end; function EvpPkeyAssign(pkey: EVP_PKEY; _type: integer; key: Prsa): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_EvpPkeyAssign) then Result := _EvpPkeyAssign(pkey, _type, key) else Result := 0; end; function X509SetVersion(x: PX509; version: integer): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509SetVersion) then Result := _X509SetVersion(x, version) else Result := 0; end; function X509SetPubkey(x: PX509; pkey: EVP_PKEY): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509SetPubkey) then Result := _X509SetPubkey(x, pkey) else Result := 0; end; function X509SetIssuerName(x: PX509; name: PX509_NAME): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509SetIssuerName) then Result := _X509SetIssuerName(x, name) else Result := 0; end; function X509NameAddEntryByTxt(name: PX509_NAME; field: Ansistring; _type: integer; bytes: Ansistring; len, loc, _set: integer): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509NameAddEntryByTxt) then Result := _X509NameAddEntryByTxt(name, PAnsiChar(field), _type, PAnsiChar(Bytes), len, loc, _set) else Result := 0; end; function X509Sign(x: PX509; pkey: EVP_PKEY; const md: PEVP_MD): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509Sign) then Result := _X509Sign(x, pkey, md) else Result := 0; end; function Asn1UtctimeNew: PASN1_UTCTIME; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_Asn1UtctimeNew) then Result := _Asn1UtctimeNew else Result := nil; end; procedure Asn1UtctimeFree(a: PASN1_UTCTIME); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_Asn1UtctimeFree) then _Asn1UtctimeFree(a); end; function X509GmtimeAdj(s: PASN1_UTCTIME; adj: integer): PASN1_UTCTIME; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509GmtimeAdj) then Result := _X509GmtimeAdj(s, adj) else Result := nil; end; function X509SetNotBefore(x: PX509; tm: PASN1_UTCTIME): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509SetNotBefore) then Result := _X509SetNotBefore(x, tm) else Result := 0; end; function X509SetNotAfter(x: PX509; tm: PASN1_UTCTIME): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509SetNotAfter) then Result := _X509SetNotAfter(x, tm) else Result := 0; end; function i2dX509bio(b: PBIO; x: PX509): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_i2dX509bio) then Result := _i2dX509bio(b, x) else Result := 0; end; function d2iX509bio(b: PBIO; x: PX509): PX509; {pf} begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_d2iX509bio) then Result := _d2iX509bio(b, x) else Result := nil; end; function PEMReadBioX509(b:PBIO; {var x:PX509;}x:PSslPtr; callback:PFunction; cb_arg: SslPtr): PX509; {pf} begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_PEMReadBioX509) then Result := _PEMReadBioX509(b,x,callback,cb_arg) else Result := nil; end; function OPENSSL_sk_num(Stack: PSTACK): Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_OPENSSL_sk_num) then Result := _OPENSSL_sk_num(Stack); end; function SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(const Ctx: PSSL_CTX): PX509_STORE; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SSL_CTX_get_cert_store) then Result := _SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(Ctx); end; function OPENSSL_sk_value(Stack: PSTACK; Item: Integer): PAnsiChar; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_OPENSSL_sk_value) then Result := _OPENSSL_sk_value(Stack, Item); end; function X509_STORE_add_cert(Store: PX509_STORE; Cert: PX509): Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509_STORE_add_cert) then Result := _X509_STORE_add_cert(Store, Cert); end; procedure SkX509PopFree(st: PSTACK; func:TSkPopFreeFunc); {pf} begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_SkX509PopFree) then _SkX509PopFree(st,func); end; function i2dPrivateKeyBio(b: PBIO; pkey: EVP_PKEY): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_i2dPrivateKeyBio) then Result := _i2dPrivateKeyBio(b, pkey) else Result := 0; end; function EvpGetDigestByName(Name: AnsiString): PEVP_MD; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_EvpGetDigestByName) then Result := _EvpGetDigestByName(PAnsiChar(Name)) else Result := nil; end; function Asn1IntegerSet(a: PASN1_INTEGER; v: integer): integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_Asn1IntegerSet) then Result := _Asn1IntegerSet(a, v) else Result := 0; end; function Asn1IntegerGet(a: PASN1_INTEGER): integer; {pf} begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_Asn1IntegerGet) then Result := _Asn1IntegerGet(a) else Result := 0; end; function X509GetSerialNumber(x: PX509): PASN1_INTEGER; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_X509GetSerialNumber) then Result := _X509GetSerialNumber(x) else Result := nil; end; // 3DES functions procedure DESsetoddparity(Key: des_cblock); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_DESsetoddparity) then _DESsetoddparity(Key); end; function DESsetkeychecked(key: des_cblock; schedule: des_key_schedule): Integer; begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_DESsetkeychecked) then Result := _DESsetkeychecked(key, schedule) else Result := -1; end; procedure DESecbencrypt(Input: des_cblock; output: des_cblock; ks: des_key_schedule; enc: Integer); begin if InitSSLInterface and Assigned(_DESecbencrypt) then _DESecbencrypt(Input, output, ks, enc); end; function LoadLib(const Value: String): HModule; begin Result := LoadLibrary(PChar(Value)); end; function GetProcAddr(module: HModule; const ProcName: string): SslPtr; begin Result := GetProcAddress(module, PChar(ProcName)); end; function InitSSLInterface: Boolean; var s: string; x: integer; begin {pf} if SSLLoaded then begin Result := TRUE; exit; end; {/pf} SSLCS.Enter; try if not IsSSLloaded then begin SSLUtilHandle := LoadLib(DLLUtilName); SSLLibHandle := LoadLib(DLLSSLName); if (SSLLibHandle <> 0) and (SSLUtilHandle <> 0) then begin _SslGetError := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_get_error'); _SslCtxSetCipherList := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list'); _SslCtxNew := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_new'); _SslCtxFree := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_free'); _SslSetFd := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_set_fd'); _SslMethodTLS := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'TLS_method'); _SslCtxUsePrivateKey := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey'); _SslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1 := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1'); //use SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file instead SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file, //because SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file not support DER format. :-O _SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file'); _SslCtxUseCertificate := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_use_certificate'); _SslCtxUseCertificateASN1 := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1'); _SslCtxUseCertificateFile := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file'); _SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file'); _SslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_check_private_key'); _SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb'); _SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata'); _SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations'); _SslCtxCtrl := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_ctrl'); _SslCtxSetMinProtoVersion := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version'); _SslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version'); _SslNew := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_new'); _SslFree := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_free'); _SslAccept := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_accept'); _SslConnect := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_connect'); _SslShutdown := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_shutdown'); _SslRead := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_read'); _SslPeek := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_peek'); _SslWrite := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_write'); _SslPending := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_pending'); _SslGetPeerCertificate := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_get_peer_certificate'); _SslGetVersion := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_get_version'); _SslCtxSetVerify := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_set_verify'); _SslGetCurrentCipher := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_get_current_cipher'); _SslCipherGetName := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CIPHER_get_name'); _SslCipherGetBits := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CIPHER_get_bits'); _SslGetVerifyResult := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_get_verify_result'); _SslCtrl := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_ctrl'); _SslSet1Host := GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_set1_host'); _OPENSSL_sk_new_null:= GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'OPENSSL_sk_new_null'); _OPENSSL_sk_num:= GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'OPENSSL_sk_num'); _OPENSSL_sk_value:= GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'OPENSSL_sk_value'); _OPENSSL_sk_free:= GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'OPENSSL_sk_free'); _OPENSSL_sk_insert:= GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'OPENSSL_sk_insert'); _SSL_CTX_get_cert_store:= GetProcAddr(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_get_cert_store'); _X509_STORE_add_cert := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_STORE_add_cert'); _X509New := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_new'); _X509Free := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_free'); _X509NameOneline := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_NAME_oneline'); _X509GetSubjectName := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_get_subject_name'); _X509GetIssuerName := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_get_issuer_name'); _X509NameHash := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_NAME_hash'); _X509Digest := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_digest'); _X509print := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_print'); _X509SetVersion := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_set_version'); _X509SetPubkey := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_set_pubkey'); _X509SetIssuerName := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_set_issuer_name'); _X509NameAddEntryByTxt := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt'); _X509Sign := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_sign'); _X509GmtimeAdj := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_gmtime_adj'); _X509SetNotBefore := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_set1_notBefore'); _X509SetNotAfter := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_set1_notAfter'); _X509GetSerialNumber := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'X509_get_serialNumber'); _EvpPkeyNew := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'EVP_PKEY_new'); _EvpPkeyFree := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'EVP_PKEY_free'); _EvpPkeyAssign := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'EVP_PKEY_assign'); _EvpGetDigestByName := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'EVP_get_digestbyname'); _OpenSSLversion := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'OpenSSL_version'); _ErrErrorString := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'ERR_error_string_n'); _ErrGetError := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'ERR_get_error'); _ErrClearError := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'ERR_clear_error'); _BioNew := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'BIO_new'); _BioFreeAll := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'BIO_free_all'); _BioSMem := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'BIO_s_mem'); _BioCtrlPending := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'BIO_ctrl_pending'); _BioRead := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'BIO_read'); _BioWrite := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'BIO_write'); _d2iPKCS12bio := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'd2i_PKCS12_bio'); _PKCS12parse := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'PKCS12_parse'); _PKCS12free := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'PKCS12_free'); _RsaGenerateKey := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'RSA_generate_key'); _Asn1UtctimeNew := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'ASN1_UTCTIME_new'); _Asn1UtctimeFree := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'ASN1_UTCTIME_free'); _Asn1IntegerSet := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'ASN1_INTEGER_set'); _Asn1IntegerGet := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'ASN1_INTEGER_get'); {pf} _i2dX509bio := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'i2d_X509_bio'); _d2iX509bio := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'd2i_X509_bio'); {pf} _PEMReadBioX509 := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'PEM_read_bio_X509'); {pf} _SkX509PopFree := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'SK_X509_POP_FREE'); {pf} _i2dPrivateKeyBio := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'i2d_PrivateKey_bio'); // 3DES functions _DESsetoddparity := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'DES_set_odd_parity'); _DESsetkeychecked := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'DES_set_key_checked'); _DESecbencrypt := GetProcAddr(SSLUtilHandle, 'DES_ecb_encrypt'); // SetLength(s, 1024); x := GetModuleFilename(SSLLibHandle,PChar(s),Length(s)); SetLength(s, x); SSLLibFile := s; SetLength(s, 1024); x := GetModuleFilename(SSLUtilHandle,PChar(s),Length(s)); SetLength(s, x); SSLUtilFile := s; SSLloaded := True; {$IFDEF OS2} Result := InitEMXHandles; {$ELSE OS2} Result := True; {$ENDIF OS2} end else begin //load failed! if SSLLibHandle <> 0 then begin FreeLibrary(SSLLibHandle); SSLLibHandle := 0; end; if SSLUtilHandle <> 0 then begin FreeLibrary(SSLUtilHandle); SSLLibHandle := 0; end; Result := False; end; end else //loaded before... Result := true; finally SSLCS.Leave; end; end; function DestroySSLInterface: Boolean; begin SSLCS.Enter; try SSLloaded := false; if SSLLibHandle <> 0 then begin FreeLibrary(SSLLibHandle); SSLLibHandle := 0; end; if SSLUtilHandle <> 0 then begin FreeLibrary(SSLUtilHandle); SSLLibHandle := 0; end; _SslGetError := nil; _SslCtxSetCipherList := nil; _SslCtxNew := nil; _SslCtxFree := nil; _SslSetFd := nil; _SslMethodTLS := nil; _SslCtxUsePrivateKey := nil; _SslCtxUsePrivateKeyASN1 := nil; _SslCtxUsePrivateKeyFile := nil; _SslCtxUseCertificate := nil; _SslCtxUseCertificateASN1 := nil; _SslCtxUseCertificateFile := nil; _SslCtxUseCertificateChainFile := nil; _SslCtxCheckPrivateKeyFile := nil; _SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCb := nil; _SslCtxSetDefaultPasswdCbUserdata := nil; _SslCtxLoadVerifyLocations := nil; _SslCtxCtrl := nil; _SslNew := nil; _SslFree := nil; _SslAccept := nil; _SslConnect := nil; _SslShutdown := nil; _SslRead := nil; _SslPeek := nil; _SslWrite := nil; _SslPending := nil; _SslGetPeerCertificate := nil; _SslGetVersion := nil; _SslCtxSetVerify := nil; _SslGetCurrentCipher := nil; _SslCipherGetName := nil; _SslCipherGetBits := nil; _SslGetVerifyResult := nil; _SslCtrl := nil; _SslSet1Host := nil; _SslCtxSetMinProtoVersion := nil; _SslCtxSetMaxProtoVersion := nil; _X509New := nil; _X509Free := nil; _X509NameOneline := nil; _X509GetSubjectName := nil; _X509GetIssuerName := nil; _X509NameHash := nil; _X509Digest := nil; _X509print := nil; _X509SetVersion := nil; _X509SetPubkey := nil; _X509SetIssuerName := nil; _X509NameAddEntryByTxt := nil; _X509Sign := nil; _X509GmtimeAdj := nil; _X509SetNotBefore := nil; _X509SetNotAfter := nil; _X509GetSerialNumber := nil; _EvpPkeyNew := nil; _EvpPkeyFree := nil; _EvpPkeyAssign := nil; _EvpGetDigestByName := nil; _OpenSSLversion := nil; _ErrErrorString := nil; _ErrGetError := nil; _ErrClearError := nil; _BioNew := nil; _BioFreeAll := nil; _BioSMem := nil; _BioCtrlPending := nil; _BioRead := nil; _BioWrite := nil; _d2iPKCS12bio := nil; _PKCS12parse := nil; _PKCS12free := nil; _RsaGenerateKey := nil; _Asn1UtctimeNew := nil; _Asn1UtctimeFree := nil; _Asn1IntegerSet := nil; _Asn1IntegerGet := nil; {pf} _SkX509PopFree := nil; {pf} _i2dX509bio := nil; _i2dPrivateKeyBio := nil; // 3DES functions _DESsetoddparity := nil; _DESsetkeychecked := nil; _DESecbencrypt := nil; finally SSLCS.Leave; end; Result := True; end; function IsSSLloaded: Boolean; begin Result := SSLLoaded; end; initialization begin SSLCS:= TCriticalSection.Create; end; finalization begin DestroySSLInterface; SSLCS.Free; end; end.