{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 001.001.008 | |==============================================================================| | Content: Socket Independent Platform Layer - FreePascal definition include | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)2006-2021, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2006-2021. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@exclude} {$IFDEF FPC} {For FreePascal 2.x.x} //{$DEFINE FORCEOLDAPI} {Note about define FORCEOLDAPI: If you activate this compiler directive, then is allways used old socket API for name resolution. If you leave this directive inactive, then the new API is used, when running system allows it. For IPv6 support you must have new API! } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$H+} {$ifdef FreeBSD} {$DEFINE SOCK_HAS_SINLEN} // BSD definition of scoketaddr {$endif} {$ifdef darwin} {$DEFINE SOCK_HAS_SINLEN} // BSD definition of scoketaddr {$endif} interface uses SyncObjs, SysUtils, Classes, synafpc, BaseUnix, Unix, termio, sockets, netdb; function InitSocketInterface(stack: string): Boolean; function DestroySocketInterface: Boolean; const DLLStackName = ''; WinsockLevel = $0202; cLocalHost = ''; cAnyHost = ''; c6AnyHost = '::0'; c6Localhost = '::1'; cLocalHostStr = 'localhost'; type TSocket = longint; TAddrFamily = integer; TMemory = pointer; type TFDSet = Baseunix.TFDSet; PFDSet = ^TFDSet; Ptimeval = Baseunix.ptimeval; Ttimeval = Baseunix.ttimeval; const FIONREAD = termio.FIONREAD; FIONBIO = termio.FIONBIO; FIOASYNC = termio.FIOASYNC; const IPPROTO_IP = 0; { Dummy } IPPROTO_ICMP = 1; { Internet Control Message Protocol } IPPROTO_IGMP = 2; { Internet Group Management Protocol} IPPROTO_TCP = 6; { TCP } IPPROTO_UDP = 17; { User Datagram Protocol } IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41; IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58; IPPROTO_RM = 113; IPPROTO_RAW = 255; IPPROTO_MAX = 256; type PInAddr = ^TInAddr; TInAddr = sockets.in_addr; PSockAddrIn = ^TSockAddrIn; TSockAddrIn = sockets.TInetSockAddr; TIP_mreq = record imr_multiaddr: TInAddr; // IP multicast address of group imr_interface: TInAddr; // local IP address of interface end; PInAddr6 = ^TInAddr6; TInAddr6 = sockets.Tin6_addr; PSockAddrIn6 = ^TSockAddrIn6; TSockAddrIn6 = sockets.TInetSockAddr6; TIPv6_mreq = record ipv6mr_multiaddr: TInAddr6; // IPv6 multicast address. ipv6mr_interface: integer; // Interface index. end; const INADDR_ANY = $00000000; INADDR_LOOPBACK = $7F000001; INADDR_BROADCAST = $FFFFFFFF; INADDR_NONE = $FFFFFFFF; ADDR_ANY = INADDR_ANY; INVALID_SOCKET = TSocket(NOT(0)); SOCKET_ERROR = -1; Const IP_TOS = sockets.IP_TOS; { int; IP type of service and precedence. } IP_TTL = sockets.IP_TTL; { int; IP time to live. } IP_HDRINCL = sockets.IP_HDRINCL; { int; Header is included with data. } IP_OPTIONS = sockets.IP_OPTIONS; { ip_opts; IP per-packet options. } // IP_ROUTER_ALERT = sockets.IP_ROUTER_ALERT; { bool } IP_RECVOPTS = sockets.IP_RECVOPTS; { bool } IP_RETOPTS = sockets.IP_RETOPTS; { bool } // IP_PKTINFO = sockets.IP_PKTINFO; { bool } // IP_PKTOPTIONS = sockets.IP_PKTOPTIONS; // IP_PMTUDISC = sockets.IP_PMTUDISC; { obsolete name? } // IP_MTU_DISCOVER = sockets.IP_MTU_DISCOVER; { int; see below } // IP_RECVERR = sockets.IP_RECVERR; { bool } // IP_RECVTTL = sockets.IP_RECVTTL; { bool } // IP_RECVTOS = sockets.IP_RECVTOS; { bool } IP_MULTICAST_IF = sockets.IP_MULTICAST_IF; { in_addr; set/get IP multicast i/f } IP_MULTICAST_TTL = sockets.IP_MULTICAST_TTL; { u_char; set/get IP multicast ttl } IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = sockets.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP; { i_char; set/get IP multicast loopback } IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = sockets.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP; { ip_mreq; add an IP group membership } IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = sockets.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP; { ip_mreq; drop an IP group membership } SOL_SOCKET = sockets.SOL_SOCKET; SO_DEBUG = sockets.SO_DEBUG; SO_REUSEADDR = sockets.SO_REUSEADDR; SO_TYPE = sockets.SO_TYPE; SO_ERROR = sockets.SO_ERROR; SO_DONTROUTE = sockets.SO_DONTROUTE; SO_BROADCAST = sockets.SO_BROADCAST; SO_SNDBUF = sockets.SO_SNDBUF; SO_RCVBUF = sockets.SO_RCVBUF; SO_KEEPALIVE = sockets.SO_KEEPALIVE; SO_OOBINLINE = sockets.SO_OOBINLINE; // SO_NO_CHECK = sockets.SO_NO_CHECK; // SO_PRIORITY = sockets.SO_PRIORITY; SO_LINGER = sockets.SO_LINGER; // SO_BSDCOMPAT = sockets.SO_BSDCOMPAT; // SO_REUSEPORT = sockets.SO_REUSEPORT; // SO_PASSCRED = sockets.SO_PASSCRED; // SO_PEERCRED = sockets.SO_PEERCRED; SO_RCVLOWAT = sockets.SO_RCVLOWAT; SO_SNDLOWAT = sockets.SO_SNDLOWAT; SO_RCVTIMEO = sockets.SO_RCVTIMEO; SO_SNDTIMEO = sockets.SO_SNDTIMEO; { Security levels - as per NRL IPv6 - don't actually do anything } // SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION = sockets.SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION; // SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_TRANSPORT = sockets.SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_TRANSPORT; // SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_NETWORK = sockets.SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_NETWORK; // SO_BINDTODEVICE = sockets.SO_BINDTODEVICE; { Socket filtering } // SO_ATTACH_FILTER = sockets.SO_ATTACH_FILTER; // SO_DETACH_FILTER = sockets.SO_DETACH_FILTER; {$IFDEF DARWIN} SO_NOSIGPIPE = $1022; {$ENDIF} SOMAXCONN = 1024; IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = sockets.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS; IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = sockets.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF; IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = sockets.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS; IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = sockets.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP; IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = sockets.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP; IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = sockets.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP; const SOCK_STREAM = 1; { stream socket } SOCK_DGRAM = 2; { datagram socket } SOCK_RAW = 3; { raw-protocol interface } SOCK_RDM = 4; { reliably-delivered message } SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5; { sequenced packet stream } { TCP options. } TCP_NODELAY = $0001; { Address families. } AF_UNSPEC = 0; { unspecified } AF_INET = 2; { internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc. } AF_INET6 = 10; { Internetwork Version 6 } AF_MAX = 24; { Protocol families, same as address families for now. } PF_UNSPEC = AF_UNSPEC; PF_INET = AF_INET; PF_INET6 = AF_INET6; PF_MAX = AF_MAX; type { Structure used for manipulating linger option. } PLinger = ^TLinger; TLinger = packed record l_onoff: integer; l_linger: integer; end; const MSG_OOB = sockets.MSG_OOB; // Process out-of-band data. MSG_PEEK = sockets.MSG_PEEK; // Peek at incoming messages. {$ifdef DARWIN} MSG_NOSIGNAL = 0; // Signal is disabled by SO_NOSIGPIPE socket option instead //was $20000 as undocumented option for Mac OS X {$else} MSG_NOSIGNAL = sockets.MSG_NOSIGNAL; // Do not generate SIGPIPE. {$endif} const WSAEINTR = ESysEINTR; WSAEBADF = ESysEBADF; WSAEACCES = ESysEACCES; WSAEFAULT = ESysEFAULT; WSAEINVAL = ESysEINVAL; WSAEMFILE = ESysEMFILE; WSAEWOULDBLOCK = ESysEWOULDBLOCK; WSAEINPROGRESS = ESysEINPROGRESS; WSAEALREADY = ESysEALREADY; WSAENOTSOCK = ESysENOTSOCK; WSAEDESTADDRREQ = ESysEDESTADDRREQ; WSAEMSGSIZE = ESysEMSGSIZE; WSAEPROTOTYPE = ESysEPROTOTYPE; WSAENOPROTOOPT = ESysENOPROTOOPT; WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT = ESysEPROTONOSUPPORT; WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT = ESysESOCKTNOSUPPORT; WSAEOPNOTSUPP = ESysEOPNOTSUPP; WSAEPFNOSUPPORT = ESysEPFNOSUPPORT; WSAEAFNOSUPPORT = ESysEAFNOSUPPORT; WSAEADDRINUSE = ESysEADDRINUSE; WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL = ESysEADDRNOTAVAIL; WSAENETDOWN = ESysENETDOWN; WSAENETUNREACH = ESysENETUNREACH; WSAENETRESET = ESysENETRESET; WSAECONNABORTED = ESysECONNABORTED; WSAECONNRESET = ESysECONNRESET; WSAENOBUFS = ESysENOBUFS; WSAEISCONN = ESysEISCONN; WSAENOTCONN = ESysENOTCONN; WSAESHUTDOWN = ESysESHUTDOWN; WSAETOOMANYREFS = ESysETOOMANYREFS; WSAETIMEDOUT = ESysETIMEDOUT; WSAECONNREFUSED = ESysECONNREFUSED; WSAELOOP = ESysELOOP; WSAENAMETOOLONG = ESysENAMETOOLONG; WSAEHOSTDOWN = ESysEHOSTDOWN; WSAEHOSTUNREACH = ESysEHOSTUNREACH; WSAENOTEMPTY = ESysENOTEMPTY; WSAEPROCLIM = -1; WSAEUSERS = ESysEUSERS; WSAEDQUOT = ESysEDQUOT; WSAESTALE = ESysESTALE; WSAEREMOTE = ESysEREMOTE; WSASYSNOTREADY = -2; WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED = -3; WSANOTINITIALISED = -4; WSAEDISCON = -5; WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND = 1; WSATRY_AGAIN = 2; WSANO_RECOVERY = 3; WSANO_DATA = -6; const WSADESCRIPTION_LEN = 256; WSASYS_STATUS_LEN = 128; type PWSAData = ^TWSAData; TWSAData = packed record wVersion: Word; wHighVersion: Word; szDescription: array[0..WSADESCRIPTION_LEN] of Char; szSystemStatus: array[0..WSASYS_STATUS_LEN] of Char; iMaxSockets: Word; iMaxUdpDg: Word; lpVendorInfo: PChar; end; function IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; function IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; function IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; function IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; function IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; function IN6_ADDR_EQUAL(const a: PInAddr6; const b: PInAddr6):boolean; procedure SET_IN6_IF_ADDR_ANY (const a: PInAddr6); procedure SET_LOOPBACK_ADDR6 (const a: PInAddr6); var in6addr_any, in6addr_loopback : TInAddr6; procedure FD_CLR(Socket: TSocket; var FDSet: TFDSet); function FD_ISSET(Socket: TSocket; var FDSet: TFDSet): Boolean; procedure FD_SET(Socket: TSocket; var FDSet: TFDSet); procedure FD_ZERO(var FDSet: TFDSet); {=============================================================================} var SynSockCS: SyncObjs.TCriticalSection; SockEnhancedApi: Boolean; SockWship6Api: Boolean; type TVarSin = packed record {$ifdef SOCK_HAS_SINLEN} sin_len : cuchar; {$endif} case integer of 0: (AddressFamily: sa_family_t); 1: ( case sin_family: sa_family_t of AF_INET: (sin_port: word; sin_addr: TInAddr; sin_zero: array[0..7] of Char); AF_INET6: (sin6_port: word; sin6_flowinfo: longword; sin6_addr: TInAddr6; sin6_scope_id: longword); ); end; function SizeOfVarSin(sin: TVarSin): integer; function WSAStartup(wVersionRequired: Word; var WSData: TWSAData): Integer; function WSACleanup: Integer; function WSAGetLastError: Integer; function GetHostName: string; function Shutdown(s: TSocket; how: Integer): Integer; function SetSockOpt(s: TSocket; level, optname: Integer; optval: TMemory; optlen: Integer): Integer; function GetSockOpt(s: TSocket; level, optname: Integer; optval: TMemory; var optlen: Integer): Integer; function Send(s: TSocket; Buf: TMemory; len, flags: Integer): Integer; function Recv(s: TSocket; Buf: TMemory; len, flags: Integer): Integer; function SendTo(s: TSocket; Buf: TMemory; len, flags: Integer; addrto: TVarSin): Integer; function RecvFrom(s: TSocket; Buf: TMemory; len, flags: Integer; var from: TVarSin): Integer; function ntohs(netshort: word): word; function ntohl(netlong: longword): longword; function Listen(s: TSocket; backlog: Integer): Integer; function IoctlSocket(s: TSocket; cmd: DWORD; var arg: integer): Integer; function htons(hostshort: word): word; function htonl(hostlong: longword): longword; function GetSockName(s: TSocket; var name: TVarSin): Integer; function GetPeerName(s: TSocket; var name: TVarSin): Integer; function Connect(s: TSocket; const name: TVarSin): Integer; function CloseSocket(s: TSocket): Integer; function Bind(s: TSocket; const addr: TVarSin): Integer; function Accept(s: TSocket; var addr: TVarSin): TSocket; function Socket(af, Struc, Protocol: Integer): TSocket; function Select(nfds: Integer; readfds, writefds, exceptfds: PFDSet; timeout: PTimeVal): Longint; function IsNewApi(Family: integer): Boolean; function SetVarSin(var Sin: TVarSin; IP, Port: string; Family, SockProtocol, SockType: integer; PreferIP4: Boolean): integer; function GetSinIP(Sin: TVarSin): string; function GetSinPort(Sin: TVarSin): Integer; procedure ResolveNameToIP(Name: string; Family, SockProtocol, SockType: integer; const IPList: TStrings); function ResolveIPToName(IP: string; Family, SockProtocol, SockType: integer): string; function ResolvePort(Port: string; Family, SockProtocol, SockType: integer): Word; {==============================================================================} implementation function IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; begin Result := ((a^.u6_addr32[0] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr32[1] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr32[2] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr32[3] = 0)); end; function IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; begin Result := ((a^.u6_addr32[0] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr32[1] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr32[2] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr8[12] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr8[13] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr8[14] = 0) and (a^.u6_addr8[15] = 1)); end; function IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; begin Result := ((a^.u6_addr8[0] = $FE) and (a^.u6_addr8[1] = $80)); end; function IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; begin Result := ((a^.u6_addr8[0] = $FE) and (a^.u6_addr8[1] = $C0)); end; function IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(const a: PInAddr6): boolean; begin Result := (a^.u6_addr8[0] = $FF); end; function IN6_ADDR_EQUAL(const a: PInAddr6; const b: PInAddr6): boolean; begin Result := (CompareMem( a, b, sizeof(TInAddr6))); end; procedure SET_IN6_IF_ADDR_ANY (const a: PInAddr6); begin FillChar(a^, sizeof(TInAddr6), 0); end; procedure SET_LOOPBACK_ADDR6 (const a: PInAddr6); begin FillChar(a^, sizeof(TInAddr6), 0); a^.u6_addr8[15] := 1; end; {=============================================================================} function WSAStartup(wVersionRequired: Word; var WSData: TWSAData): Integer; begin with WSData do begin wVersion := wVersionRequired; wHighVersion := $202; szDescription := 'Synsock - Synapse Platform Independent Socket Layer'; szSystemStatus := 'Running on Unix/Linux by FreePascal'; iMaxSockets := 32768; iMaxUdpDg := 8192; end; Result := 0; end; function WSACleanup: Integer; begin Result := 0; end; function WSAGetLastError: Integer; begin Result := fpGetErrno; end; function FD_ISSET(Socket: TSocket; var fdset: TFDSet): Boolean; begin Result := fpFD_ISSET(socket, fdset) <> 0; end; procedure FD_SET(Socket: TSocket; var fdset: TFDSet); begin fpFD_SET(Socket, fdset); end; procedure FD_CLR(Socket: TSocket; var fdset: TFDSet); begin fpFD_CLR(Socket, fdset); end; procedure FD_ZERO(var fdset: TFDSet); begin fpFD_ZERO(fdset); end; {=============================================================================} function SizeOfVarSin(sin: TVarSin): integer; begin case sin.sin_family of AF_INET: Result := SizeOf(TSockAddrIn); AF_INET6: Result := SizeOf(TSockAddrIn6); else Result := 0; end; end; {=============================================================================} function Bind(s: TSocket; const addr: TVarSin): Integer; begin if fpBind(s, @addr, SizeOfVarSin(addr)) = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := SOCKET_ERROR; end; function Connect(s: TSocket; const name: TVarSin): Integer; begin if fpConnect(s, @name, SizeOfVarSin(name)) = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := SOCKET_ERROR; end; function GetSockName(s: TSocket; var name: TVarSin): Integer; var len: integer; begin len := SizeOf(name); FillChar(name, len, 0); Result := fpGetSockName(s, @name, @Len); end; function GetPeerName(s: TSocket; var name: TVarSin): Integer; var len: integer; begin len := SizeOf(name); FillChar(name, len, 0); Result := fpGetPeerName(s, @name, @Len); end; function GetHostName: string; begin Result := unix.GetHostName; end; function Send(s: TSocket; Buf: TMemory; len, flags: Integer): Integer; begin Result := fpSend(s, pointer(Buf), len, flags); end; function Recv(s: TSocket; Buf: TMemory; len, flags: Integer): Integer; begin Result := fpRecv(s, pointer(Buf), len, flags); end; function SendTo(s: TSocket; Buf: TMemory; len, flags: Integer; addrto: TVarSin): Integer; begin Result := fpSendTo(s, pointer(Buf), len, flags, @addrto, SizeOfVarSin(addrto)); end; function RecvFrom(s: TSocket; Buf: TMemory; len, flags: Integer; var from: TVarSin): Integer; var x: integer; begin x := SizeOf(from); Result := fpRecvFrom(s, pointer(Buf), len, flags, @from, @x); end; function Accept(s: TSocket; var addr: TVarSin): TSocket; var x: integer; begin x := SizeOf(addr); Result := fpAccept(s, @addr, @x); end; function Shutdown(s: TSocket; how: Integer): Integer; begin Result := fpShutdown(s, how); end; function SetSockOpt(s: TSocket; level, optname: Integer; optval: Tmemory; optlen: Integer): Integer; begin Result := fpsetsockopt(s, level, optname, pointer(optval), optlen); end; function GetSockOpt(s: TSocket; level, optname: Integer; optval: Tmemory; var optlen: Integer): Integer; begin Result := fpgetsockopt(s, level, optname, pointer(optval), @optlen); end; function ntohs(netshort: word): word; begin Result := sockets.ntohs(NetShort); end; function ntohl(netlong: longword): longword; begin Result := sockets.ntohl(NetLong); end; function Listen(s: TSocket; backlog: Integer): Integer; begin if fpListen(s, backlog) = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := SOCKET_ERROR; end; function IoctlSocket(s: TSocket; cmd: DWORD; var arg: integer): Integer; begin Result := fpIoctl(s, cmd, @arg); end; function htons(hostshort: word): word; begin Result := sockets.htons(Hostshort); end; function htonl(hostlong: longword): longword; begin Result := sockets.htonl(HostLong); end; function CloseSocket(s: TSocket): Integer; begin Result := sockets.CloseSocket(s); end; function Socket(af, Struc, Protocol: Integer): TSocket; {$IFDEF DARWIN} var on_off: integer; {$ENDIF} begin Result := fpSocket(af, struc, protocol); // ##### Patch for Mac OS to avoid "Project XXX raised exception class 'External: SIGPIPE'" error. {$IFDEF DARWIN} if Result <> INVALID_SOCKET then begin on_off := 1; synsock.SetSockOpt(Result, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_NOSIGPIPE), @on_off, SizeOf(integer)); end; {$ENDIF} end; function Select(nfds: Integer; readfds, writefds, exceptfds: PFDSet; timeout: PTimeVal): Longint; begin Result := fpSelect(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout); end; {=============================================================================} function IsNewApi(Family: integer): Boolean; begin Result := SockEnhancedApi; if not Result then Result := (Family = AF_INET6) and SockWship6Api; end; function SetVarSin(var Sin: TVarSin; IP, Port: string; Family, SockProtocol, SockType: integer; PreferIP4: Boolean): integer; var TwoPass: boolean; f1, f2: integer; function GetAddr(f:integer): integer; var a4: array [1..1] of in_addr; a6: array [1..1] of Tin6_addr; he: THostEntry; begin Result := WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT; case f of AF_INET: begin if IP = cAnyHost then begin Sin.sin_family := AF_INET; Result := 0; end else begin if lowercase(IP) = cLocalHostStr then a4[1].s_addr := htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK) else begin a4[1].s_addr := 0; Result := WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND; a4[1] := StrTonetAddr(IP); if a4[1].s_addr = INADDR_ANY then if GetHostByName(ip, he) then a4[1]:=HostToNet(he.Addr) else Resolvename(ip, a4); end; if a4[1].s_addr <> INADDR_ANY then begin Sin.sin_family := AF_INET; sin.sin_addr := a4[1]; Result := 0; end; end; end; AF_INET6: begin if IP = c6AnyHost then begin Sin.sin_family := AF_INET6; Result := 0; end else begin if lowercase(IP) = cLocalHostStr then SET_LOOPBACK_ADDR6(@a6[1]) else begin Result := WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND; SET_IN6_IF_ADDR_ANY(@a6[1]); a6[1] := StrTonetAddr6(IP); if IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(@a6[1]) then Resolvename6(ip, a6); end; if not IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(@a6[1]) then begin Sin.sin_family := AF_INET6; sin.sin6_addr := a6[1]; Result := 0; end; end; end; end; end; begin Result := 0; FillChar(Sin, Sizeof(Sin), 0); Sin.sin_port := synsock.htons(Resolveport(port, family, SockProtocol, SockType)); TwoPass := False; if Family = AF_UNSPEC then begin if PreferIP4 then begin f1 := AF_INET; f2 := AF_INET6; TwoPass := True; end else begin f2 := AF_INET; f1 := AF_INET6; TwoPass := True; end; end else f1 := Family; Result := GetAddr(f1); if Result <> 0 then if TwoPass then Result := GetAddr(f2); end; function GetSinIP(Sin: TVarSin): string; begin Result := ''; case sin.AddressFamily of AF_INET: begin result := NetAddrToStr(sin.sin_addr); end; AF_INET6: begin result := NetAddrToStr6(sin.sin6_addr); end; end; end; function GetSinPort(Sin: TVarSin): Integer; begin if (Sin.sin_family = AF_INET6) then Result := synsock.ntohs(Sin.sin6_port) else Result := synsock.ntohs(Sin.sin_port); end; procedure ResolveNameToIP(Name: string; Family, SockProtocol, SockType: integer; const IPList: TStrings); var x, n: integer; a4: array [1..255] of in_addr; a6: array [1..255] of Tin6_addr; he: THostEntry; begin IPList.Clear; if (family = AF_INET) or (family = AF_UNSPEC) then begin if lowercase(name) = cLocalHostStr then IpList.Add(cLocalHost) else begin a4[1] := StrTonetAddr(name); if a4[1].s_addr = INADDR_ANY then if GetHostByName(name, he) then begin a4[1]:=HostToNet(he.Addr); x := 1; end else x := Resolvename(name, a4) else x := 1; for n := 1 to x do IpList.Add(netaddrToStr(a4[n])); end; end; if (family = AF_INET6) or (family = AF_UNSPEC) then begin if lowercase(name) = cLocalHostStr then IpList.Add(c6LocalHost) else begin a6[1] := StrTonetAddr6(name); if IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(@a6[1]) then x := Resolvename6(name, a6) else x := 1; for n := 1 to x do IpList.Add(netaddrToStr6(a6[n])); end; end; if IPList.Count = 0 then IPList.Add(cAnyHost); end; function ResolvePort(Port: string; Family, SockProtocol, SockType: integer): Word; var ProtoEnt: TProtocolEntry; ServEnt: TServiceEntry; begin Result := StrToIntDef(Port, 0); if Result = 0 then begin ProtoEnt.Name := ''; GetProtocolByNumber(SockProtocol, ProtoEnt); ServEnt.port := 0; GetServiceByName(Port, ProtoEnt.Name, ServEnt); Result := synsock.ntohs(ServEnt.port); end; end; function ResolveIPToName(IP: string; Family, SockProtocol, SockType: integer): string; var n: integer; a4: array [1..1] of in_addr; a6: array [1..1] of Tin6_addr; a: array [1..1] of string; begin Result := IP; a4[1] := StrToNetAddr(IP); if a4[1].s_addr <> INADDR_ANY then begin //why ResolveAddress need address in HOST order? :-O n := ResolveAddress(nettohost(a4[1]), a); if n > 0 then Result := a[1]; end else begin a6[1] := StrToNetAddr6(IP); n := ResolveAddress6(a6[1], a); if n > 0 then Result := a[1]; end; end; {=============================================================================} function InitSocketInterface(stack: string): Boolean; begin SockEnhancedApi := False; SockWship6Api := False; // Libc.Signal(Libc.SIGPIPE, TSignalHandler(Libc.SIG_IGN)); Result := True; end; function DestroySocketInterface: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; initialization begin SynSockCS := SyncObjs.TCriticalSection.Create; SET_IN6_IF_ADDR_ANY (@in6addr_any); SET_LOOPBACK_ADDR6 (@in6addr_loopback); end; finalization begin SynSockCS.Free; end; {$ENDIF}