{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 002.006.001 | |==============================================================================| | Content: MIME message object | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2021, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000-2021. | | Portions created by Petr Fejfar are Copyright (c)2011-2012. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM From distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@abstract(MIME message handling) Classes for easy handling with e-mail message. } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$H+} {$M+} unit mimemess; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, mimepart, synachar, synautil, mimeinln; type {:Possible values for message priority} TMessPriority = (MP_unknown, MP_low, MP_normal, MP_high); {:@abstract(Object for basic e-mail header fields.)} TMessHeader = class(TObject) private FFrom: string; FToList: TStringList; FCCList: TStringList; FSubject: string; FOrganization: string; FCustomHeaders: TStringList; FDate: TDateTime; FXMailer: string; FCharsetCode: TMimeChar; FReplyTo: string; FMessageID: string; FPriority: TMessPriority; Fpri: TMessPriority; Fxpri: TMessPriority; Fxmspri: TMessPriority; protected function ParsePriority(value: string): TMessPriority; function DecodeHeader(value: string): boolean; virtual; public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; {:Clears all data fields.} procedure Clear; virtual; {Add headers from from this object to Value.} procedure EncodeHeaders(const Value: TStrings); virtual; {:Parse header from Value to this object.} procedure DecodeHeaders(const Value: TStrings); {:Try find specific header in CustomHeader. Search is case insensitive. This is good for reading any non-parsed header.} function FindHeader(Value: string): string; {:Try find specific headers in CustomHeader. This metod is for repeatly used headers like 'received' header, etc. Search is case insensitive. This is good for reading ano non-parsed header.} procedure FindHeaderList(Value: string; const HeaderList: TStrings); published {:Sender of message.} property From: string read FFrom Write FFrom; {:Stringlist with receivers of message. (one per line)} property ToList: TStringList read FToList; {:Stringlist with Carbon Copy receivers of message. (one per line)} property CCList: TStringList read FCCList; {:Subject of message.} property Subject: string read FSubject Write FSubject; {:Organization string.} property Organization: string read FOrganization Write FOrganization; {:After decoding contains all headers lines witch not have parsed to any other structures in this object. It mean: this conatins all other headers except: X-MAILER, FROM, SUBJECT, ORGANIZATION, TO, CC, DATE, MIME-VERSION, CONTENT-TYPE, CONTENT-DESCRIPTION, CONTENT-DISPOSITION, CONTENT-ID, CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING, REPLY-TO, MESSAGE-ID, X-MSMAIL-PRIORITY, X-PRIORITY, PRIORITY When you encode headers, all this lines is added as headers. Be carefull for duplicites!} property CustomHeaders: TStringList read FCustomHeaders; {:Date and time of message.} property Date: TDateTime read FDate Write FDate; {:Mailer identification.} property XMailer: string read FXMailer Write FXMailer; {:Address for replies} property ReplyTo: string read FReplyTo Write FReplyTo; {:message indetifier} property MessageID: string read FMessageID Write FMessageID; {:message priority} property Priority: TMessPriority read FPriority Write FPriority; {:Specify base charset. By default is used system charset.} property CharsetCode: TMimeChar read FCharsetCode Write FCharsetCode; end; TMessHeaderClass = class of TMessHeader; {:@abstract(Object for handling of e-mail message.)} TMimeMess = class(TObject) private FMessagePart: TMimePart; FLines: TStringList; FHeader: TMessHeader; public constructor Create; {:create this object and assign your own descendant of @link(TMessHeader) object to @link(header) property. So, you can create your own message headers parser and use it by this object.} constructor CreateAltHeaders(HeadClass: TMessHeaderClass); destructor Destroy; override; {:Reset component to default state.} procedure Clear; virtual; {:Add MIME part as subpart of PartParent. If you need set root MIME part, then set as PartParent @NIL value. If you need set more then one subpart, you must have PartParent of multipart type!} function AddPart(const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimePart; {:Add MIME part as subpart of PartParent. If you need set root MIME part, then set as PartParent @NIL value. If you need set more then 1 subpart, you must have PartParent of multipart type! This part is marked as multipart with secondary MIME type specified by MultipartType parameter. (typical value is 'mixed') This part can be used as PartParent for another parts (include next multipart). If you need only one part, then you not need Multipart part.} function AddPartMultipart(const MultipartType: String; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimePart; {:Add MIME part as subpart of PartParent. If you need set root MIME part, then set as PartParent @NIL value. If you need set more then 1 subpart, you must have PartParent of multipart type! After creation of part set type to text part and set all necessary properties. Content of part is readed from value stringlist.} function AddPartText(const Value: TStrings; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Add MIME part as subpart of PartParent. If you need set root MIME part, then set as PartParent @NIL value. If you need set more then 1 subpart, you must have PartParent of multipart type! After creation of part set type to text part and set all necessary properties. Content of part is readed from value stringlist. You can select your charset and your encoding type. If Raw is @true, then it not doing charset conversion!} function AddPartTextEx(const Value: TStrings; const PartParent: TMimePart; PartCharset: TMimeChar; Raw: Boolean; PartEncoding: TMimeEncoding): TMimepart; {:Add MIME part as subpart of PartParent. If you need set root MIME part, then set as PartParent @NIL value. If you need set more then 1 subpart, you must have PartParent of multipart type! After creation of part set type to text part to HTML type and set all necessary properties. Content of HTML part is readed from Value stringlist.} function AddPartHTML(const Value: TStrings; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Same as @link(AddPartText), but content is readed from file} function AddPartTextFromFile(const FileName: String; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Same as @link(AddPartHTML), but content is readed from file} function AddPartHTMLFromFile(const FileName: String; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Add MIME part as subpart of PartParent. If you need set root MIME part, then set as PartParent @NIL value. If you need set more then 1 subpart, you must have PartParent of multipart type! After creation of part set type to binary and set all necessary properties. MIME primary and secondary types defined automaticly by filename extension. Content of binary part is readed from Stream. This binary part is encoded as file attachment.} function AddPartBinary(const Stream: TStream; const FileName: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Same as @link(AddPartBinary), but content is readed from file} function AddPartBinaryFromFile(const FileName: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Add MIME part as subpart of PartParent. If you need set root MIME part, then set as PartParent @NIL value. If you need set more then 1 subpart, you must have PartParent of multipart type! After creation of part set type to binary and set all necessary properties. MIME primary and secondary types defined automaticly by filename extension. Content of binary part is readed from Stream. This binary part is encoded as inline data with given Conten ID (cid). Content ID can be used as reference ID in HTML source in HTML part.} function AddPartHTMLBinary(const Stream: TStream; const FileName, Cid: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Same as @link(AddPartHTMLBinary), but content is readed from file} function AddPartHTMLBinaryFromFile(const FileName, Cid: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Add MIME part as subpart of PartParent. If you need set root MIME part, then set as PartParent @NIL value. If you need set more then 1 subpart, you must have PartParent of multipart type! After creation of part set type to message and set all necessary properties. MIME primary and secondary types are setted to 'message/rfc822'. Content of raw RFC-822 message is readed from Stream.} function AddPartMess(const Value: TStrings; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Same as @link(AddPartMess), but content is readed from file} function AddPartMessFromFile(const FileName: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; {:Compose message from @link(MessagePart) to @link(Lines). Headers from @link(Header) object is added also.} procedure EncodeMessage; virtual; {:Decode message from @link(Lines) to @link(MessagePart). Massage headers are parsed into @link(Header) object.} procedure DecodeMessage; virtual; {pf} {: HTTP message is received by @link(THTTPSend) component in two parts: headers are stored in @link(THTTPSend.Headers) and a body in memory stream @link(THTTPSend.Document). On the top of it, HTTP connections are always 8-bit, hence data are transferred in native format i.e. no transfer encoding is applied. This method operates the similiar way and produces the same result as @link(DecodeMessage). } procedure DecodeMessageBinary(AHeader:TStrings; AData:TMemoryStream); {/pf} published {:@link(TMimePart) object with decoded MIME message. This object can handle any number of nested @link(TMimePart) objects itself. It is used for handle any tree of MIME subparts.} property MessagePart: TMimePart read FMessagePart; {:Raw MIME encoded message.} property Lines: TStringList read FLines; {:Object for e-mail header fields. This object is created automaticly. Do not free this object!} property Header: TMessHeader read FHeader; end; implementation {==============================================================================} constructor TMessHeader.Create; begin inherited Create; FToList := CreateStringList; FCCList := CreateStringList; FCustomHeaders := CreateStringList; FCharsetCode := GetCurCP; end; destructor TMessHeader.Destroy; begin FCustomHeaders.Free; FCCList.Free; FToList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMessHeader.Clear; begin FFrom := ''; FToList.Clear; FCCList.Clear; FSubject := ''; FOrganization := ''; FCustomHeaders.Clear; FDate := 0; FXMailer := ''; FReplyTo := ''; FMessageID := ''; FPriority := MP_unknown; end; procedure TMessHeader.EncodeHeaders(const Value: TStrings); var n: Integer; s: string; begin if FDate = 0 then FDate := Now; for n := FCustomHeaders.Count - 1 downto 0 do if FCustomHeaders[n] <> '' then Value.Insert(0, FCustomHeaders[n]); if FPriority <> MP_unknown then case FPriority of MP_high: begin Value.Insert(0, 'X-MSMAIL-Priority: High'); Value.Insert(0, 'X-Priority: 1'); Value.Insert(0, 'Priority: urgent'); end; MP_low: begin Value.Insert(0, 'X-MSMAIL-Priority: low'); Value.Insert(0, 'X-Priority: 5'); Value.Insert(0, 'Priority: non-urgent'); end; end; if FReplyTo <> '' then Value.Insert(0, 'Reply-To: ' + GetEmailAddr(FReplyTo)); if FMessageID <> '' then Value.Insert(0, 'Message-ID: <' + trim(FMessageID) + '>'); if FXMailer = '' then Value.Insert(0, 'X-mailer: Synapse - Pascal TCP/IP library by Lukas Gebauer') else Value.Insert(0, 'X-mailer: ' + FXMailer); Value.Insert(0, 'MIME-Version: 1.0 (produced by Synapse)'); if FOrganization <> '' then Value.Insert(0, 'Organization: ' + InlineCodeEx(FOrganization, FCharsetCode)); s := ''; for n := 0 to FCCList.Count - 1 do if s = '' then s := InlineEmailEx(FCCList[n], FCharsetCode) else s := s + ', ' + InlineEmailEx(FCCList[n], FCharsetCode); if s <> '' then Value.Insert(0, 'CC: ' + s); Value.Insert(0, 'Date: ' + Rfc822DateTime(FDate)); if FSubject <> '' then Value.Insert(0, 'Subject: ' + InlineCodeEx(FSubject, FCharsetCode)); s := ''; for n := 0 to FToList.Count - 1 do if s = '' then s := InlineEmailEx(FToList[n], FCharsetCode) else s := s + ', ' + InlineEmailEx(FToList[n], FCharsetCode); if s <> '' then Value.Insert(0, 'To: ' + s); Value.Insert(0, 'From: ' + InlineEmailEx(FFrom, FCharsetCode)); end; function TMessHeader.ParsePriority(value: string): TMessPriority; var s: string; x: integer; begin Result := MP_unknown; s := Trim(separateright(value, ':')); s := Separateleft(s, ' '); x := StrToIntDef(s, -1); if x >= 0 then case x of 1, 2: Result := MP_High; 3: Result := MP_Normal; 4, 5: Result := MP_Low; end else begin s := lowercase(s); if (s = 'urgent') or (s = 'high') or (s = 'highest') then Result := MP_High; if (s = 'normal') or (s = 'medium') then Result := MP_Normal; if (s = 'low') or (s = 'lowest') or (s = 'no-priority') or (s = 'non-urgent') then Result := MP_Low; end; end; function TMessHeader.DecodeHeader(value: string): boolean; var s, t: string; cp: TMimeChar; begin Result := True; cp := FCharsetCode; s := uppercase(value); if Pos('X-MAILER:', s) = 1 then begin FXMailer := Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':')); Exit; end; if Pos('FROM:', s) = 1 then begin FFrom := InlineDecode(Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':')), cp); Exit; end; if Pos('SUBJECT:', s) = 1 then begin FSubject := InlineDecode(Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':')), cp); Exit; end; if Pos('ORGANIZATION:', s) = 1 then begin FOrganization := InlineDecode(Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':')), cp); Exit; end; if Pos('TO:', s) = 1 then begin s := Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':')); repeat t := InlineDecode(Trim(FetchEx(s, ',', '"')), cp); if t <> '' then FToList.Add(t); until s = ''; Exit; end; if Pos('CC:', s) = 1 then begin s := Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':')); repeat t := InlineDecode(Trim(FetchEx(s, ',', '"')), cp); if t <> '' then FCCList.Add(t); until s = ''; Exit; end; if Pos('DATE:', s) = 1 then begin FDate := DecodeRfcDateTime(Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':'))); Exit; end; if Pos('REPLY-TO:', s) = 1 then begin FReplyTo := InlineDecode(Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':')), cp); Exit; end; if Pos('MESSAGE-ID:', s) = 1 then begin FMessageID := GetEmailAddr(Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ':'))); Exit; end; if Pos('PRIORITY:', s) = 1 then begin FPri := ParsePriority(value); Exit; end; if Pos('X-PRIORITY:', s) = 1 then begin FXPri := ParsePriority(value); Exit; end; if Pos('X-MSMAIL-PRIORITY:', s) = 1 then begin FXmsPri := ParsePriority(value); Exit; end; if Pos('MIME-VERSION:', s) = 1 then Exit; if Pos('CONTENT-TYPE:', s) = 1 then Exit; if Pos('CONTENT-DESCRIPTION:', s) = 1 then Exit; if Pos('CONTENT-DISPOSITION:', s) = 1 then Exit; if Pos('CONTENT-ID:', s) = 1 then Exit; if Pos('CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING:', s) = 1 then Exit; Result := False; end; procedure TMessHeader.DecodeHeaders(const Value: TStrings); var s: string; x: Integer; begin Clear; Fpri := MP_unknown; Fxpri := MP_unknown; Fxmspri := MP_unknown; x := 0; while Value.Count > x do begin s := NormalizeHeader(Value, x); if s = '' then Break; if not DecodeHeader(s) then FCustomHeaders.Add(s); end; if Fpri <> MP_unknown then FPriority := Fpri else if Fxpri <> MP_unknown then FPriority := Fxpri else if Fxmspri <> MP_unknown then FPriority := Fxmspri end; function TMessHeader.FindHeader(Value: string): string; var n: integer; begin Result := ''; for n := 0 to FCustomHeaders.Count - 1 do if Pos(UpperCase(Value), UpperCase(FCustomHeaders[n])) = 1 then begin Result := Trim(SeparateRight(FCustomHeaders[n], ':')); break; end; end; procedure TMessHeader.FindHeaderList(Value: string; const HeaderList: TStrings); var n: integer; begin HeaderList.Clear; for n := 0 to FCustomHeaders.Count - 1 do if Pos(UpperCase(Value), UpperCase(FCustomHeaders[n])) = 1 then begin HeaderList.Add(Trim(SeparateRight(FCustomHeaders[n], ':'))); end; end; {==============================================================================} constructor TMimeMess.Create; begin CreateAltHeaders(TMessHeader); end; constructor TMimeMess.CreateAltHeaders(HeadClass: TMessHeaderClass); begin inherited Create; FMessagePart := TMimePart.Create; FLines := CreateStringList; FHeader := HeadClass.Create; end; destructor TMimeMess.Destroy; begin FMessagePart.Free; FHeader.Free; FLines.Free; inherited Destroy; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMimeMess.Clear; begin FMessagePart.Clear; FLines.Clear; FHeader.Clear; end; {==============================================================================} function TMimeMess.AddPart(const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimePart; begin if PartParent = nil then Result := FMessagePart else Result := PartParent.AddSubPart; Result.Clear; end; {==============================================================================} function TMimeMess.AddPartMultipart(const MultipartType: String; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimePart; begin Result := AddPart(PartParent); with Result do begin Primary := 'Multipart'; Secondary := MultipartType; Description := 'Multipart message'; Boundary := GenerateBoundary; EncodePartHeader; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartText(const Value: TStrings; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; begin Result := AddPart(PartParent); with Result do begin Value.SaveToStream(DecodedLines); Primary := 'text'; Secondary := 'plain'; Description := 'Message text'; Disposition := 'inline'; CharsetCode := IdealCharsetCoding(AnsiString(Value.Text), TargetCharset, IdealCharsets); EncodingCode := ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; EncodePart; EncodePartHeader; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartTextEx(const Value: TStrings; const PartParent: TMimePart; PartCharset: TMimeChar; Raw: Boolean; PartEncoding: TMimeEncoding): TMimepart; begin Result := AddPart(PartParent); with Result do begin Value.SaveToStream(DecodedLines); Primary := 'text'; Secondary := 'plain'; Description := 'Message text'; Disposition := 'inline'; CharsetCode := PartCharset; EncodingCode := PartEncoding; ConvertCharset := not Raw; EncodePart; EncodePartHeader; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartHTML(const Value: TStrings; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; begin Result := AddPart(PartParent); with Result do begin Value.SaveToStream(DecodedLines); Primary := 'text'; Secondary := 'html'; Description := 'HTML text'; Disposition := 'inline'; CharsetCode := UTF_8; EncodingCode := ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; EncodePart; EncodePartHeader; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartTextFromFile(const FileName: String; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; var tmp: TStrings; begin tmp := CreateStringList; try tmp.LoadFromFile(FileName); Result := AddPartText(tmp, PartParent); Finally tmp.Free; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartHTMLFromFile(const FileName: String; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; var tmp: TStrings; begin tmp := CreateStringList; try tmp.LoadFromFile(FileName); Result := AddPartHTML(tmp, PartParent); Finally tmp.Free; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartBinary(const Stream: TStream; const FileName: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; begin Result := AddPart(PartParent); Result.DecodedLines.LoadFromStream(Stream); Result.MimeTypeFromExt(FileName); Result.Description := 'Attached file: ' + FileName; Result.Disposition := 'attachment'; Result.FileName := FileName; Result.EncodingCode := ME_BASE64; Result.EncodePart; Result.EncodePartHeader; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartBinaryFromFile(const FileName: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; var tmp: TMemoryStream; begin tmp := TMemoryStream.Create; try tmp.LoadFromFile(FileName); Result := AddPartBinary(tmp, ExtractFileName(FileName), PartParent); finally tmp.Free; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartHTMLBinary(const Stream: TStream; const FileName, Cid: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; begin Result := AddPart(PartParent); Result.DecodedLines.LoadFromStream(Stream); Result.MimeTypeFromExt(FileName); Result.Description := 'Included file: ' + FileName; Result.Disposition := 'inline'; Result.ContentID := Cid; Result.FileName := FileName; Result.EncodingCode := ME_BASE64; Result.EncodePart; Result.EncodePartHeader; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartHTMLBinaryFromFile(const FileName, Cid: string; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; var tmp: TMemoryStream; begin tmp := TMemoryStream.Create; try tmp.LoadFromFile(FileName); Result :=AddPartHTMLBinary(tmp, ExtractFileName(FileName), Cid, PartParent); finally tmp.Free; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartMess(const Value: TStrings; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; var part: Tmimepart; begin Result := AddPart(PartParent); part := AddPart(result); part.lines.addstrings(Value); part.DecomposeParts; with Result do begin Primary := 'message'; Secondary := 'rfc822'; Description := 'E-mail Message'; EncodePart; EncodePartHeader; end; end; function TMimeMess.AddPartMessFromFile(const FileName: String; const PartParent: TMimePart): TMimepart; var tmp: TStrings; begin tmp := CreateStringList; try tmp.LoadFromFile(FileName); Result := AddPartMess(tmp, PartParent); Finally tmp.Free; end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMimeMess.EncodeMessage; var l: TStringList; x: integer; begin //merge headers from THeaders and header field from MessagePart l := CreateStringList; try FHeader.EncodeHeaders(l); x := IndexByBegin('CONTENT-TYPE', FMessagePart.Headers); if x >= 0 then l.add(FMessagePart.Headers[x]); x := IndexByBegin('CONTENT-DESCRIPTION', FMessagePart.Headers); if x >= 0 then l.add(FMessagePart.Headers[x]); x := IndexByBegin('CONTENT-DISPOSITION', FMessagePart.Headers); if x >= 0 then l.add(FMessagePart.Headers[x]); x := IndexByBegin('CONTENT-ID', FMessagePart.Headers); if x >= 0 then l.add(FMessagePart.Headers[x]); x := IndexByBegin('CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING', FMessagePart.Headers); if x >= 0 then l.add(FMessagePart.Headers[x]); FMessagePart.Headers.Assign(l); finally l.Free; end; FMessagePart.ComposeParts; FLines.Assign(FMessagePart.Lines); end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMimeMess.DecodeMessage; begin FHeader.Clear; FHeader.DecodeHeaders(FLines); FMessagePart.Lines.Assign(FLines); FMessagePart.DecomposeParts; end; {pf} procedure TMimeMess.DecodeMessageBinary(AHeader:TStrings; AData:TMemoryStream); begin FHeader.Clear; FLines.Clear; FLines.Assign(AHeader); FHeader.DecodeHeaders(FLines); FMessagePart.DecomposePartsBinary(AHeader,PANSIChar(AData.Memory),PANSIChar(AData.Memory)+AData.Size); end; {/pf} end.