{==============================================================================| | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 001.001.001 | |==============================================================================| | Content: IMAP4rev1 client | |==============================================================================| | The contents of this file are Subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.1 | | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the | | License. You may obtain a Copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ | | | | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, | | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for | | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. | |==============================================================================| | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2001. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ON} //RFC-2060 unit IMAPsend; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, blcksock, SynaUtil, SynaCode; const cIMAPProtocol = '143'; type TIMAPSend = class(TObject) private FSock: TTCPBlockSocket; FTimeout: Integer; FIMAPHost: string; FIMAPPort: string; FTagCommand: integer; FResultString: string; FFullResult: TStringList; FIMAPcap: TStringList; FUsername: string; FPassword: string; FAuthDone: Boolean; FSelectedFolder: string; FSelectedCount: integer; FSelectedRecent: integer; FSelectedUIDvalidity: integer; FUID: Boolean; function ReadResult: string; function AuthLogin: Boolean; function Connect: Boolean; procedure ParseMess(Value:TStrings); procedure ParseFolderList(Value:TStrings); procedure ParseSelect; procedure ParseSearch(Value:TStrings); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function IMAPcommand(Value: string): string; function IMAPuploadCommand(Value: string; const Data:TStrings): string; function Login: Boolean; procedure Logout; function NoOp: Boolean; function List(FromFolder: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean; function ListSubscribed(FromFolder: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean; function CreateFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; function DeleteFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; function RenameFolder(FolderName, NewFolderName: string): Boolean; function SubscribeFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; function UnsubscribeFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; function SelectFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; function SelectROFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; function CloseFolder: Boolean; function StatusFolder(FolderName, Value: string): integer; function ExpungeFolder: Boolean; function CheckFolder: Boolean; function AppendMess(ToFolder: string; const Mess: TStrings): Boolean; function DeleteMess(MessID: integer): boolean; function FetchMess(MessID: integer; const Mess: TStrings): Boolean; function FetchHeader(MessID: integer; const Headers: TStrings): Boolean; function MessageSize(MessID: integer): integer; function CopyMess(MessID: integer; ToFolder: string): Boolean; function SearchMess(Criteria: string; const FoundMess: TStrings): Boolean; function SetFlagsMess(MessID: integer; Flags: string): Boolean; function GetFlagsMess(MessID: integer; var Flags: string): Boolean; function FindCap(const Value: string): string; published property Timeout: Integer read FTimeout Write FTimeout; property IMAPHost: string read FIMAPHost Write FIMAPHost; property IMAPPort: string read FIMAPPort Write FIMAPPort; property ResultString: string read FResultString; property FullResult: TStringList read FFullResult; property IMAPcap: TStringList read FIMAPcap; property Username: string read FUsername Write FUsername; property Password: string read FPassword Write FPassword; property AuthDone: Boolean read FAuthDone; property UID: Boolean read FUID Write FUID; property Sock: TTCPBlockSocket read FSock; property SelectedFolder: string read FSelectedFolder; property SelectedCount: integer read FSelectedCount; property SelectedRecent: integer read FSelectedRecent; property SelectedUIDvalidity: integer read FSelectedUIDvalidity; end; implementation const CRLF = #13#10; constructor TIMAPSend.Create; begin inherited Create; FFullResult := TStringList.Create; FIMAPcap := TStringList.Create; FSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; FSock.CreateSocket; FSock.SizeRecvBuffer := 32768; FSock.SizeSendBuffer := 32768; FTimeout := 300000; FIMAPhost := cLocalhost; FIMAPPort := cIMAPProtocol; FUsername := ''; FPassword := ''; FTagCommand := 0; FSelectedFolder := ''; FSelectedCount := 0; FSelectedRecent := 0; FSelectedUIDvalidity := 0; FUID := False; end; destructor TIMAPSend.Destroy; begin FSock.Free; FIMAPcap.Free; FFullResult.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TIMAPSend.ReadResult: string; var s: string; x, l: integer; begin Result := ''; FFullResult.Clear; FResultString := ''; repeat s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout); if Pos('S' + IntToStr(FTagCommand) + ' ', s) = 1 then begin FResultString := s; break; end else FFullResult.Add(s); if (s <> '') and (s[Length(s)]='}') then begin s := Copy(s, 1, Length(s) - 1); x := RPos('{', s); s := Copy(s, x + 1, Length(s) - x); l := StrToIntDef(s, -1); if l <> -1 then begin setlength(s, l); x := FSock.recvbufferex(PChar(s), l, FTimeout); SetLength(s, x); FFullResult.Add(s); end; end; until FSock.LastError <> 0; s := separateright(FResultString, ' '); Result:=uppercase(separateleft(s, ' ')); end; function TIMAPSend.IMAPcommand(Value: string): string; begin Inc(FTagCommand); FSock.SendString('S' + IntToStr(FTagCommand) + ' ' + Value + CRLF); Result := ReadResult; end; function TIMAPSend.IMAPuploadCommand(Value: string; const Data:TStrings): string; var l: integer; begin Inc(FTagCommand); l := Length(Data.Text); FSock.SendString(IntToStr(FTagCommand) + ' ' + Value + ' {'+ IntToStr(l) + '}' + CRLF); FSock.SendString(Data.Text + CRLF); Result := ReadResult; end; procedure TIMAPSend.ParseMess(Value:TStrings); var n: integer; begin Value.Clear; for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 2 do if FFullResult[n][Length(FFullResult[n])] = '}' then begin Value.Text := FFullResult[n + 1]; Break; end; end; procedure TIMAPSend.ParseFolderList(Value:TStrings); var n, x: integer; s: string; begin Value.Clear; for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do begin s := FFullResult[n]; x := RPos(' ', s); if (x > 0) and (Pos('NOSELECT', UpperCase(s)) = 0) then Value.Add(Copy(s, x + 1, Length(s) - x)); end; end; procedure TIMAPSend.ParseSelect; var n: integer; s, t: string; begin FSelectedCount := 0; FSelectedRecent := 0; FSelectedUIDvalidity := 0; for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do begin s := uppercase(FFullResult[n]); if Pos(' EXISTS', s) > 0 then begin t := separateleft(s, ' EXISTS'); t := separateright(t, '* '); FSelectedCount := StrToIntDef(t, 0); end; if Pos(' RECENT', s) > 0 then begin t := separateleft(s, ' RECENT'); t := separateright(t, '* '); FSelectedRecent := StrToIntDef(t, 0); end; if Pos('UIDVALIDITY', s) > 0 then begin t := separateright(s, 'UIDVALIDITY '); t := separateleft(t, ']'); FSelectedUIDvalidity := StrToIntDef(t, 0); end; end; end; procedure TIMAPSend.ParseSearch(Value:TStrings); var n: integer; s: string; begin Value.Clear; for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do begin s := uppercase(FFullResult[n]); if Pos('* SEARCH', s) = 1 then begin s := SeparateRight(s, '* SEARCH'); while s <> '' do Value.Add(Fetch(s, ' ')); end; end; end; function TIMAPSend.FindCap(const Value: string): string; var n: Integer; s: string; begin s := UpperCase(Value); Result := ''; for n := 0 to FIMAPcap.Count - 1 do if Pos(s, UpperCase(FIMAPcap[n])) = 1 then begin Result := FIMAPcap[n]; Break; end; end; function TIMAPSend.AuthLogin: Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('LOGIN ' + FUsername + ' ' + FPassword) = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.Connect: Boolean; begin FSock.CloseSocket; FSock.CreateSocket; FSock.Connect(FIMAPHost, FIMAPPort); Result := FSock.LastError = 0; end; function TIMAPSend.Login: Boolean; var n: Integer; s, t: string; begin FSelectedFolder := ''; FSelectedCount := 0; FSelectedRecent := 0; FSelectedUIDvalidity := 0; Result := False; FAuthDone := False; if not Connect then Exit; s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout); if Pos('* PREAUTH', s) = 1 then FAuthDone := True else if Pos('* OK', s) = 1 then FAuthDone := False else Exit; FIMAPcap.Clear; s := IMAPcommand('CAPABILITY'); if s = 'OK' then begin for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do if Pos('* CAPABILITY ', FFullResult[n]) = 1 then begin s := SeparateRight(FFullResult[n], '* CAPABILITY '); while not (s = '') do begin t := separateleft(s, ' '); s := separateright(s, ' '); if s = t then s := ''; FIMAPcap.Add(t); end; end; if Findcap('IMAP4rev1') = '' then Exit; end; Result := AuthLogin; end; procedure TIMAPSend.Logout; begin IMAPcommand('LOGOUT'); FSelectedFolder := ''; FSock.CloseSocket; end; function TIMAPSend.NoOp: Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('NOOP') = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.List(FromFolder: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('LIST "' + FromFolder + '" *') = 'OK'; ParseFolderList(FolderList); end; function TIMAPSend.ListSubscribed(FromFolder: string; const FolderList: TStrings): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('LSUB "' + FromFolder + '" *') = 'OK'; ParseFolderList(FolderList); end; function TIMAPSend.CreateFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('CREATE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.DeleteFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('DELETE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.RenameFolder(FolderName, NewFolderName: string): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('RENAME "' + FolderName + '" "' + NewFolderName + '"') = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.SubscribeFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('SUBSCRIBE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.UnsubscribeFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('UNSUBSCRIBE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.SelectFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('SELECT "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK'; FSelectedFolder := FolderName; ParseSelect; end; function TIMAPSend.SelectROFolder(FolderName: string): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('EXAMINE "' + FolderName + '"') = 'OK'; FSelectedFolder := FolderName; ParseSelect; end; function TIMAPSend.CloseFolder: Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('CLOSE') = 'OK'; FSelectedFolder := ''; end; function TIMAPSend.StatusFolder(FolderName, Value: string): integer; var n: integer; s, t: string; begin Result := -1; Value := Uppercase(Value); if IMAPcommand('STATUS "' + FolderName + '" (' + Value + ')' ) = 'OK' then for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do begin s := UpperCase(FFullResult[n]); if (Pos('* STATUS ', s) = 1) and (Pos(Value, s) > 0 ) then begin t := SeparateRight(s, Value); t := SeparateLeft(t, ')'); t := trim(t); Result := StrToIntDef(t, -1); Break; end; end; end; function TIMAPSend.ExpungeFolder: Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('EXPUNGE') = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.CheckFolder: Boolean; begin Result := IMAPcommand('CHECK') = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.AppendMess(ToFolder: string; const Mess: TStrings): Boolean; begin Result := IMAPuploadCommand('APPEND "' + ToFolder + '"', Mess) = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.DeleteMess(MessID: integer): boolean; var s: string; begin s := 'STORE ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' +FLAGS.SILENT (\Deleted)'; if FUID then s := 'UID ' + s; Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.FetchMess(MessID: integer; const Mess: TStrings): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' (RFC822)'; if FUID then s := 'UID ' + s; Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK'; ParseMess(Mess); end; function TIMAPSend.FetchHeader(MessID: integer; const Headers: TStrings): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' (RFC822.HEADER)'; if FUID then s := 'UID ' + s; Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK'; ParseMess(Headers); end; function TIMAPSend.MessageSize(MessID: integer): integer; var n: integer; s, t: string; begin Result := -1; s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' (RFC822.SIZE)'; if FUID then s := 'UID ' + s; if IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK' then for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do begin s := UpperCase(FFullResult[n]); if (Pos('* ', s) = 1) and (Pos('RFC822.SIZE', s) > 0 ) then begin t := SeparateRight(s, 'RFC822.SIZE '); t := SeparateLeft(t, ')'); t := trim(t); Result := StrToIntDef(t, -1); Break; end; end; end; function TIMAPSend.CopyMess(MessID: integer; ToFolder: string): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := 'COPY ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' "' + ToFolder + '"'; if FUID then s := 'UID ' + s; Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.SearchMess(Criteria: string; const FoundMess: TStrings): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := 'SEARCH ' + Criteria; if FUID then s := 'UID ' + s; Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK'; ParseSearch(FoundMess); end; function TIMAPSend.SetFlagsMess(MessID: integer; Flags: string): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := 'STORE ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' FLAGS.SILENT (' + Flags + ')'; if FUID then s := 'UID ' + s; Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK'; end; function TIMAPSend.GetFlagsMess(MessID: integer; var Flags: string): Boolean; var s: string; n: integer; begin Flags := ''; s := 'FETCH ' + IntToStr(MessID) + ' (FLAGS)'; if FUID then s := 'UID ' + s; Result := IMAPcommand(s) = 'OK'; for n := 0 to FFullResult.Count - 1 do begin s := uppercase(FFullResult[n]); if Pos('* FETCH (FLAGS', s) = 1 then begin s := SeparateRight(s, 'FLAGS'); s := Separateright(s, '('); Flags := SeparateLeft(s, ')'); end; end; end; {==============================================================================} end.