{==============================================================================| | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 001.008.001 | |==============================================================================| | Content: MIME support procedures and functions | |==============================================================================| | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.1 | | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the | | License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ | | | | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, | | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for | | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. | |==============================================================================| | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000,2001. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} unit MIMEpart; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, SynaChar, SynaCode, SynaUtil, MIMEinLn; type TMimePrimary = (MP_TEXT, MP_MULTIPART, MP_MESSAGE, MP_BINARY); TMimeEncoding = (ME_7BIT, ME_8BIT, ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE, ME_BASE64, ME_UU, ME_XX); TMimePart = class(TObject) private FPrimary: string; FEncoding: string; FCharset: string; FDefaultCharset: string; FPrimaryCode: TMimePrimary; FEncodingCode: TMimeEncoding; FCharsetCode: TMimeChar; FTargetCharset: TMimeChar; FSecondary: string; FDescription: string; FDisposition: string; FContentID: string; FBoundary: string; FFileName: string; FLines: TStringList; FDecodedLines: TMemoryStream; FSkipLast: Boolean; procedure SetPrimary(Value: string); procedure SetEncoding(Value: string); procedure SetCharset(Value: string); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; function ExtractPart(Value: TStringList; BeginLine: Integer): Integer; procedure DecodePart; procedure EncodePart; procedure MimeTypeFromExt(Value: string); published property Primary: string read FPrimary write SetPrimary; property Encoding: string read FEncoding write SetEncoding; property Charset: string read FCharset write SetCharset; property DefaultCharset: string read FDefaultCharset write FDefaultCharset; property PrimaryCode: TMimePrimary read FPrimaryCode Write FPrimaryCode; property EncodingCode: TMimeEncoding read FEncodingCode Write FEncodingCode; property CharsetCode: TMimeChar read FCharsetCode Write FCharsetCode; property TargetCharset: TMimeChar read FTargetCharset Write FTargetCharset; property Secondary: string read FSecondary Write FSecondary; property Description: string read FDescription Write FDescription; property Disposition: string read FDisposition Write FDisposition; property ContentID: string read FContentID Write FContentID; property Boundary: string read FBoundary Write FBoundary; property FileName: string read FFileName Write FFileName; property Lines: TStringList read FLines; property DecodedLines: TMemoryStream read FDecodedLines; property SkipLast: Boolean read FSkipLast Write FSkipLast; end; const MaxMimeType = 25; MimeType: array[0..MaxMimeType, 0..2] of string = ( ('AU', 'audio', 'basic'), ('AVI', 'video', 'x-msvideo'), ('BMP', 'image', 'BMP'), ('DOC', 'application', 'MSWord'), ('EPS', 'application', 'Postscript'), ('GIF', 'image', 'GIF'), ('JPEG', 'image', 'JPEG'), ('JPG', 'image', 'JPEG'), ('MID', 'audio', 'midi'), ('MOV', 'video', 'quicktime'), ('MPEG', 'video', 'MPEG'), ('MPG', 'video', 'MPEG'), ('MP2', 'audio', 'mpeg'), ('MP3', 'audio', 'mpeg'), ('PDF', 'application', 'PDF'), ('PNG', 'image', 'PNG'), ('PS', 'application', 'Postscript'), ('QT', 'video', 'quicktime'), ('RA', 'audio', 'x-realaudio'), ('RTF', 'application', 'RTF'), ('SND', 'audio', 'basic'), ('TIF', 'image', 'TIFF'), ('TIFF', 'image', 'TIFF'), ('WAV', 'audio', 'x-wav'), ('WPD', 'application', 'Wordperfect5.1'), ('ZIP', 'application', 'ZIP') ); function NormalizeHeader(Value: TStringList; var Index: Integer): string; function GenerateBoundary: string; implementation function NormalizeHeader(Value: TStringList; var Index: Integer): string; var s, t: string; n: Integer; begin s := Value[Index]; Inc(Index); if s <> '' then while (Value.Count - 1) > Index do begin t := Value[Index]; if t = '' then Break; for n := 1 to Length(t) do if t[n] = #9 then t[n] := ' '; if t[1] <> ' ' then Break else begin s := s + ' ' + Trim(t); Inc(Index); end; end; Result := s; end; {==============================================================================} constructor TMIMEPart.Create; begin inherited Create; FLines := TStringList.Create; FDecodedLines := TMemoryStream.Create; FTargetCharset := GetCurCP; FDefaultCharset := 'US-ASCII'; FSkipLast := True; end; destructor TMIMEPart.Destroy; begin FDecodedLines.Free; FLines.Free; inherited Destroy; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.Clear; begin FPrimary := ''; FEncoding := ''; FCharset := ''; FPrimaryCode := MP_TEXT; FEncodingCode := ME_7BIT; FCharsetCode := ISO_8859_1; FTargetCharset := GetCurCP; FSecondary := ''; FDisposition := ''; FContentID := ''; FDescription := ''; FBoundary := ''; FFileName := ''; FLines.Clear; FDecodedLines.Clear; end; {==============================================================================} function TMIMEPart.ExtractPart(Value: TStringList; BeginLine: Integer): Integer; var n, x, x1, x2: Integer; t: TStringList; s, su, b: string; st, st2: string; e: Boolean; fn: string; begin t := TStringlist.Create; try { defaults } FLines.Clear; Primary := 'text'; FSecondary := 'plain'; FDescription := ''; Charset := FDefaultCharset; FFileName := ''; Encoding := '7BIT'; fn := ''; x := BeginLine; b := FBoundary; { if multipart - skip pre-part } if b <> '' then while Value.Count > x do begin s := Value[x]; Inc(x); if Pos('--' + b, s) = 1 then Break; end; { parse header } while Value.Count > x do begin s := NormalizeHeader(Value, x); if s = '' then Break; su := UpperCase(s); if Pos('CONTENT-TYPE:', su) = 1 then begin st := SeparateRight(su, ':'); st2 := SeparateLeft(st, ';'); Primary := SeparateLeft(st2, '/'); FSecondary := SeparateRight(st2, '/'); if (FSecondary = Primary) and (Pos('/', st2) < 1) then FSecondary := ''; case FPrimaryCode of MP_TEXT: begin Charset := UpperCase(GetParameter(s, 'charset=')); FFileName := GetParameter(s, 'name='); end; MP_MULTIPART: FBoundary := GetParameter(s, 'Boundary='); MP_MESSAGE: begin end; MP_BINARY: FFileName := GetParameter(s, 'name='); end; end; if Pos('CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING:', su) = 1 then Encoding := SeparateRight(su, ':'); if Pos('CONTENT-DESCRIPTION:', su) = 1 then FDescription := SeparateRight(s, ':'); if Pos('CONTENT-DISPOSITION:', su) = 1 then begin FDisposition := SeparateRight(su, ':'); FDisposition := Trim(SeparateLeft(FDisposition, ';')); fn := GetParameter(s, 'FileName='); end; if Pos('CONTENT-ID:', su) = 1 then FContentID := SeparateRight(s, ':'); end; if (PrimaryCode = MP_BINARY) and (FFileName = '') then FFileName := fn; FFileName := InlineDecode(FFileName, getCurCP); FFileName := ExtractFileName(FFileName); { finding part content x1-begin x2-end } x1 := x; x2 := Value.Count - 1; { if multipart - end is before next boundary } if b <> '' then begin for n := x to Value.Count - 1 do begin x2 := n; s := Value[n]; if Pos('--' + b, s) = 1 then begin Dec(x2); Break; end; end; end; { if content is multipart - content is delimited by their boundaries } if FPrimaryCode = MP_MULTIPART then begin for n := x to Value.Count - 1 do begin s := Value[n]; if Pos('--' + FBoundary, s) = 1 then begin x1 := n; Break; end; end; for n := Value.Count - 1 downto x do begin s := Value[n]; if Pos('--' + FBoundary, s) = 1 then begin x2 := n; Break; end; end; end; { copy content } for n := x1 to x2 do FLines.Add(Value[n]); Result := x2; { if content is multipart - find real end } if FPrimaryCode = MP_MULTIPART then begin e := False; for n := x2 + 1 to Value.Count - 1 do if Pos('--' + b, Value[n]) = 1 then begin e := True; Break; end; if not e then Result := Value.Count - 1; end; { if multipart - skip ending postpart} if b <> '' then begin x1 := Result; for n := x1 to Value.Count - 1 do begin s := Value[n]; if Pos('--' + b, s) = 1 then begin s := TrimRight(s); if s = ('--' + b + '--') then if FSkipLast then Result := Value.Count - 1 else Result := n + 1; Break; end; end; end; finally t.Free; end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.DecodePart; const CRLF = #13#10; var n: Integer; s: string; begin FDecodedLines.Clear; for n := 0 to FLines.Count - 1 do begin s := FLines[n]; case FEncodingCode of ME_7BIT: s := s + CRLF; ME_8BIT: begin s := CharsetConversion(s, FCharsetCode, FTargetCharset); s := s + CRLF; end; ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE: begin if s = '' then s := CRLF else if s[Length(s)] <> '=' then s := s + CRLF; s := DecodeQuotedPrintable(s); if FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT then s := CharsetConversion(s, FCharsetCode, FTargetCharset); end; ME_BASE64: begin if s <> '' then s := DecodeBase64(s); if FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT then s := CharsetConversion(s, FCharsetCode, FTargetCharset); end; ME_UU: if s <> '' then s := DecodeUU(s); ME_XX: if s <> '' then s := DecodeXX(s); end; FDecodedLines.Write(Pointer(s)^, Length(s)); end; FDecodedLines.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.EncodePart; var l: TStringList; s, t: string; n, x: Integer; const MaxLine = 75; begin if (FEncodingCode = ME_UU) or (FEncodingCode = ME_XX) then Encoding := 'base64'; l := TStringList.Create; FLines.Clear; FDecodedLines.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); try case FPrimaryCode of MP_MULTIPART, MP_MESSAGE: FLines.LoadFromStream(FDecodedLines); MP_TEXT, MP_BINARY: if FEncodingCode = ME_BASE64 then begin while FDecodedLines.Position < FDecodedLines.Size do begin Setlength(s, 54); x := FDecodedLines.Read(pointer(s)^, 54); Setlength(s, x); if FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT then s := CharsetConversion(s, FTargetCharset, FCharsetCode); s := EncodeBase64(s); FLines.Add(s); end; end else begin l.LoadFromStream(FDecodedLines); for n := 0 to l.Count - 1 do begin s := l[n]; if (FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT) and (FEncodingCode <> ME_7BIT) then s := CharsetConversion(s, FTargetCharset, FCharsetCode); if FEncodingCode = ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE then begin s := EncodeQuotedPrintable(s); repeat t := Copy(s, 1, MaxLine); s := Copy(s, MaxLine + 1, Length(s) - MaxLine); if s <> '' then t := t + '='; FLines.Add(t); until s = ''; end else FLines.Add(s); end; end; end; FLines.Add(''); FLines.Insert(0, ''); if FSecondary = '' then case FPrimaryCode of MP_TEXT: FSecondary := 'plain'; MP_MULTIPART: FSecondary := 'mixed'; MP_MESSAGE: FSecondary := 'rfc822'; MP_BINARY: FSecondary := 'octet-stream'; end; if FDescription <> '' then FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-Description: ' + FDescription); if FDisposition <> '' then begin s := ''; if FFileName <> '' then s := '; FileName="' + FFileName + '"'; FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-Disposition: ' + LowerCase(FDisposition) + s); end; if FContentID <> '' then FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-ID: ' + FContentID); case FEncodingCode of ME_7BIT: s := '7bit'; ME_8BIT: s := '8bit'; ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE: s := 'Quoted-printable'; ME_BASE64: s := 'Base64'; end; case FPrimaryCode of MP_TEXT, MP_BINARY: FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' + s); end; case FPrimaryCode of MP_TEXT: s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '; charset=' + GetIDfromCP(FCharsetCode); MP_MULTIPART: s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '; boundary="' + FBoundary + '"'; MP_MESSAGE: s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + ''; MP_BINARY: s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '; name="' + FFileName + '"'; end; FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-type: ' + s); finally l.Free; end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.MimeTypeFromExt(Value: string); var s: string; n: Integer; begin Primary := ''; FSecondary := ''; s := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Value)); if s = '' then s := UpperCase(Value); s := SeparateRight(s, '.'); for n := 0 to MaxMimeType do if MimeType[n, 0] = s then begin Primary := MimeType[n, 1]; FSecondary := MimeType[n, 2]; Break; end; if Primary = '' then Primary := 'application'; if FSecondary = '' then FSecondary := 'octet-string'; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.SetPrimary(Value: string); var s: string; begin FPrimary := Value; s := UpperCase(Value); FPrimaryCode := MP_BINARY; if Pos('TEXT', s) = 1 then FPrimaryCode := MP_TEXT; if Pos('MULTIPART', s) = 1 then FPrimaryCode := MP_MULTIPART; if Pos('MESSAGE', s) = 1 then FPrimaryCode := MP_MESSAGE; end; procedure TMIMEPart.SetEncoding(Value: string); var s: string; begin FEncoding := Value; s := UpperCase(Value); FEncodingCode := ME_7BIT; if Pos('8BIT', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_8BIT; if Pos('QUOTED-PRINTABLE', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; if Pos('BASE64', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_BASE64; if Pos('X-UU', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_UU; if Pos('X-XX', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_XX; end; procedure TMIMEPart.SetCharset(Value: string); begin FCharset := Value; FCharsetCode := GetCPFromID(Value); end; {==============================================================================} function GenerateBoundary: string; var x: Integer; begin Randomize; x := Random(MaxInt); Result := '--' + IntToHex(x, 8) + '_Synapse_message_boundary--'; end; end.