{==============================================================================| | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 002.001.000 | |==============================================================================| | Content: SNTP client | |==============================================================================| | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.1 | | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the | | License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ | | | | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, | | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for | | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. | |==============================================================================| | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000,2001. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | | Patrick Chevalley | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {$Q-} {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ON} unit SNTPsend; interface uses SysUtils, synsock, blcksock, SynaUtil; const cNtpProtocol = 'ntp'; type PNtp = ^TNtp; TNtp = packed record mode: Byte; stratum: Byte; poll: Byte; Precision: Byte; RootDelay: Longint; RootDisperson: Longint; RefID: Longint; Ref1: Longint; Ref2: Longint; Org1: Longint; Org2: Longint; Rcv1: Longint; Rcv2: Longint; Xmit1: Longint; Xmit2: Longint; end; TSNTPSend = class(TObject) private FNTPReply: TNtp; FNTPTime: TDateTime; FNTPOffset: double; FNTPDelay: double; FMaxSyncDiff: double; FSyncTime: Boolean; FSntpHost: string; FTimeout: Integer; FSock: TUDPBlockSocket; FBuffer: string; FLi, FVn, Fmode : byte; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function DecodeTs(Nsec, Nfrac: Longint): TDateTime; procedure EncodeTs(dt: TDateTime; var Nsec, Nfrac: Longint); function GetSNTP: Boolean; function GetNTP: Boolean; function GetBroadcastNTP: Boolean; published property NTPReply: TNtp read FNTPReply; property NTPTime: TDateTime read FNTPTime; property NTPOffset: Double read FNTPOffset; property NTPDelay: Double read FNTPDelay; property MaxSyncDiff: double read FMaxSyncDiff write FMaxSyncDiff; property SyncTime: Boolean read FSyncTime write FSyncTime; property SntpHost: string read FSntpHost write FSntpHost; property Timeout: Integer read FTimeout write FTimeout; property Sock: TUDPBlockSocket read FSock; end; implementation constructor TSNTPSend.Create; begin inherited Create; FSock := TUDPBlockSocket.Create; FSock.CreateSocket; FTimeout := 5000; FSntpHost := cLocalhost; FMaxSyncDiff := 3600; FSyncTime := False; end; destructor TSNTPSend.Destroy; begin FSock.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TSNTPSend.DecodeTs(Nsec, Nfrac: Longint): TDateTime; const maxi = 4294967295.0; var d, d1: Double; begin Nsec := synsock.htonl(Nsec); Nfrac := synsock.htonl(Nfrac); d := Nsec; if d < 0 then d := maxi + d + 1; d1 := Nfrac; if d1 < 0 then d1 := maxi + d1 + 1; d1 := d1 / maxi; d1 := Trunc(d1 * 10000) / 10000; Result := (d + d1) / 86400; Result := Result + 2; end; procedure TSNTPSend.EncodeTs(dt: TDateTime; var Nsec, Nfrac: Longint); const maxi = 4294967295.0; maxilongint = 2147483647; var d, d1: Double; begin d := (dt - 2) * 86400; d1 := frac(d); d := trunc(d); if d>maxilongint then d := d - maxi - 1; d1 := Trunc(d1 * 10000) / 10000; d1 := d1 * maxi; if d1>maxilongint then d1 := d1 - maxi - 1; Nsec:=trunc(d); Nfrac:=trunc(d1); Nsec := synsock.htonl(Nsec); Nfrac := synsock.htonl(Nfrac); end; function TSNTPSend.GetBroadcastNTP: Boolean; var NtpPtr: PNtp; x: Integer; begin Result := False; FSock.Bind('', cNtpProtocol); FBuffer := FSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FSock.LastError = 0 then begin x := Length(FBuffer); if (SntpHost = '') or (FSock.GetRemoteSinIP = SntpHost) then if x >= SizeOf(NTPReply) then begin NtpPtr := Pointer(FBuffer); FNTPReply := NtpPtr^; FNTPTime := DecodeTs(NTPReply.Xmit1, NTPReply.Xmit2); if FSyncTime and ((abs(FNTPTime - GetUTTime) * 86400) <= FMaxSyncDiff) then SetUTTime(FNTPTime); Result := True; end; end; end; function TSNTPSend.GetSNTP: Boolean; var q: TNtp; NtpPtr: PNtp; x: Integer; begin Result := False; FSock.Connect(sntphost, cNtpProtocol); FillChar(q, SizeOf(q), 0); q.mode := $1B; FSock.SendBuffer(@q, SizeOf(q)); FBuffer := FSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FSock.LastError = 0 then begin x := Length(FBuffer); if x >= SizeOf(NTPReply) then begin NtpPtr := Pointer(FBuffer); FNTPReply := NtpPtr^; FNTPTime := DecodeTs(NTPReply.Xmit1, NTPReply.Xmit2); if FSyncTime and ((abs(FNTPTime - GetUTTime) * 86400) <= FMaxSyncDiff) then SetUTTime(FNTPTime); Result := True; end; end; end; function TSNTPSend.GetNTP: Boolean; var q: TNtp; NtpPtr: PNtp; x: Integer; t1, t2, t3, t4 : TDateTime; begin Result := False; FSock.Connect(sntphost, cNtpProtocol); FillChar(q, SizeOf(q), 0); q.mode := $1B; t1 := GetUTTime; EncodeTs(t1,q.org1,q.org2); FSock.SendBuffer(@q, SizeOf(q)); FBuffer := FSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FSock.LastError = 0 then begin x := Length(FBuffer); t4 := GetUTTime; if x >= SizeOf(NTPReply) then begin NtpPtr := Pointer(FBuffer); FNTPReply := NtpPtr^; FLi := (NTPReply.mode and $C0) shr 6; FVn := (NTPReply.mode and $38) shr 3; Fmode := NTPReply.mode and $07; if (Fli < 3) and (Fmode = 4) and (NTPReply.stratum >= 1) and (NTPReply.stratum <= 15) and (NTPReply.Rcv1 <> 0) and (NTPReply.Xmit1 <> 0) then begin t2 := DecodeTs(NTPReply.Rcv1, NTPReply.Rcv2); t3 := DecodeTs(NTPReply.Xmit1, NTPReply.Xmit2); FNTPDelay := (T4 - T1) - (T2 - T3); FNTPTime := t3 + FNTPDelay / 2; FNTPOffset := (((T2 - T1) + (T3 - T4)) / 2) * 86400; FNTPDelay := FNTPDelay * 86400; if FSyncTime and ((abs(FNTPTime - t1) * 86400) <= FMaxSyncDiff) then SetUTTime(FNTPTime); Result := True; end else result:=false; end; end; end; end.