{==============================================================================| | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 002.000.000 | |==============================================================================| | Content: FTP client | |==============================================================================| | The contents of this file are Subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.1 | | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the | | License. You may obtain a Copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ | | | | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, | | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for | | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. | |==============================================================================| | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c) 1999-2002. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | | Petr Esner | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT ON} unit FTPsend; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, blcksock, SynaUtil, SynaCode; const cFtpProtocol = 'ftp'; cFtpDataProtocol = 'ftp-data'; FTP_OK = 255; FTP_ERR = 254; type TLogonActions = array [0..17] of byte; TFTPStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Response: Boolean; const Value: string) of object; TFTPListRec = class(TObject) public FileName: string; Directory: Boolean; Readable: Boolean; FileSize: Longint; FileTime: TDateTime; end; TFTPList = class(TObject) private FList: TList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; function ParseLine(Value: string): Boolean; published property List: TList read FList; end; TFTPSend = class(TObject) private FOnStatus: TFTPStatus; FSock: TTCPBlockSocket; FDSock: TTCPBlockSocket; FTimeout: Integer; FFTPHost: string; FFTPPort: string; FResultCode: Integer; FResultString: string; FFullResult: TStringList; FUsername: string; FPassword: string; FAccount: string; FFWHost: string; FFWPort: string; FFWUsername: string; FFWPassword: string; FFWMode: integer; FDataStream: TMemoryStream; FDataIP: string; FDataPort: string; FDirectFile: Boolean; FDirectFileName: string; FCanResume: Boolean; FPassiveMode: Boolean; FForceDefaultPort: Boolean; FFtpList: TFTPList; function Auth(Mode: integer): Boolean; function Connect: Boolean; function InternalStor(const Command: string; RestoreAt: integer): Boolean; function DataSocket: Boolean; function AcceptDataSocket: Boolean; function DataRead(const DestStream: TStream): Boolean; function DataWrite(const SourceStream: TStream): Boolean; protected procedure DoStatus(Response: Boolean; const Value: string); public CustomLogon: TLogonActions; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function ReadResult: Integer; procedure ParseRemote(Value: string); function FTPCommand(const Value: string): integer; function Login: Boolean; procedure Logout; function List(Directory: string; NameList: Boolean): Boolean; function RetriveFile(const FileName: string; Restore: Boolean): Boolean; function StoreFile(const FileName: string; Restore: Boolean): Boolean; function StoreUniqueFile: Boolean; function AppendFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: string): Boolean; function DeleteFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; function FileSize(const FileName: string): integer; function NoOp: Boolean; function ChangeWorkingDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; function ChangeToRootDir: Boolean; function DeleteDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; function CreateDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; function GetCurrentDir: String; published property Timeout: Integer read FTimeout Write FTimeout; property FTPHost: string read FFTPHost Write FFTPHost; property FTPPort: string read FFTPPort Write FFTPPort; property ResultCode: Integer read FResultCode; property ResultString: string read FResultString; property FullResult: TStringList read FFullResult; property Username: string read FUsername Write FUsername; property Password: string read FPassword Write FPassword; property Account: string read FAccount Write FAccount; property FWHost: string read FFWHost Write FFWHost; property FWPort: string read FFWPort Write FFWPort; property FWUsername: string read FFWUsername Write FFWUsername; property FWPassword: string read FFWPassword Write FFWPassword; property FWMode: integer read FFWMode Write FFWMode; property Sock: TTCPBlockSocket read FSock; property DSock: TTCPBlockSocket read FDSock; property DataStream: TMemoryStream read FDataStream; property DataIP: string read FDataIP; property DataPort: string read FDataPort; property DirectFile: Boolean read FDirectFile Write FDirectFile; property DirectFileName: string read FDirectFileName Write FDirectFileName; property CanResume: Boolean read FCanResume; property PassiveMode: Boolean read FPassiveMode Write FPassiveMode; property ForceDefaultPort: Boolean read FForceDefaultPort Write FForceDefaultPort; property OnStatus: TFTPStatus read FOnStatus write FOnStatus; property FtpList: TFTPList read FFtpList; end; function FtpGetFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass: string): Boolean; function FtpPutFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass: string): Boolean; function FtpInterServerTransfer( const FromIP, FromPort, FromFile, FromUser, FromPass: string; const ToIP, ToPort, ToFile, ToUser, ToPass: string): Boolean; implementation const CRLF = #13#10; constructor TFTPSend.Create; begin inherited Create; FFullResult := TStringList.Create; FDataStream := TMemoryStream.Create; FSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; FDSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; FFtpList := TFTPList.Create; FTimeout := 300000; FFTPHost := cLocalhost; FFTPPort := cFtpProtocol; FUsername := 'anonymous'; FPassword := 'anonymous@' + FSock.LocalName; FDirectFile := False; FPassiveMode := True; FForceDefaultPort := False; FAccount := ''; FFWHost := ''; FFWPort := cFtpProtocol; FFWUsername := ''; FFWPassword := ''; FFWMode := 0; end; destructor TFTPSend.Destroy; begin FDSock.Free; FSock.Free; FFTPList.Free; FDataStream.Free; FFullResult.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFTPSend.DoStatus(Response: Boolean; const Value: string); begin if assigned(OnStatus) then OnStatus(Self, Response, Value); end; function TFTPSend.ReadResult: Integer; var s,c: string; begin Result := 0; FFullResult.Clear; c := ''; repeat s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout); if c = '' then c :=Copy(s, 1, 3)+' '; FResultString := s; FFullResult.Add(s); if FSock.LastError <> 0 then Break; until Pos(c, s) = 1; s := FFullResult[0]; if Length(s) >= 3 then Result := StrToIntDef(Copy(s, 1, 3), 0); FResultCode := Result; end; function TFTPSend.FTPCommand(const Value: string): integer; begin FSock.SendString(Value + CRLF); DoStatus(False, Value); Result := ReadResult; DoStatus(True, FResultString); end; // based on idea by Petr Esner function TFTPSend.Auth(Mode: integer): Boolean; const // Direct connection USER[+PASS[+ACCT]] Action0: TLogonActions = (0, FTP_OK, 3, 1, FTP_OK, 6, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // SITE Action1: TLogonActions = (3, 6, 3, 4, 6, FTP_ERR, 5, FTP_ERR, 9, 0, FTP_OK, 12, 1, FTP_OK, 15, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR); // USER after logon Action2: TLogonActions = (3, 6, 3, 4, 6, FTP_ERR, 6, FTP_OK, 9, 1, FTP_OK, 12, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR, 0, 0, 0); // Transparent Action3: TLogonActions = (3, 6, 3, 4, 6, FTP_ERR, 0, FTP_OK, 9, 1, FTP_OK, 12, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR, 0, 0, 0); // proxy OPEN Action4: TLogonActions = (7, 3, 3, 0, FTP_OK, 6, 1, FTP_OK, 9, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // USER with no logon Action5: TLogonActions = (6, FTP_OK, 3, 1, FTP_OK, 6, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // USER fireID@remotehost Action6: TLogonActions = (8, 6, 3, 4, 6, FTP_ERR, 0, FTP_OK, 9, 1, FTP_OK, 12, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR, 0, 0, 0); // USER remoteID@remotehost fireID Action7: TLogonActions = (9, FTP_ERR, 3, 1, FTP_OK, 6, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // USER remoteID@fireID@remotehost Action8: TLogonActions = (10, FTP_OK, 3, 11, FTP_OK, 6, 2, FTP_OK, FTP_ERR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); var FTPServer: string; LogonActions: TLogonActions; i: integer; s: string; x: integer; begin Result := False; if FFWHost = '' then Mode := 0; if (FFTPPort = cFtpProtocol) or (FFTPPort = '21') then FTPServer := FFTPHost else FTPServer := FFTPHost + ':' + FFTPPort; case Mode of -1: LogonActions := CustomLogon; 1: LogonActions := Action1; 2: LogonActions := Action2; 3: LogonActions := Action3; 4: LogonActions := Action4; 5: LogonActions := Action5; 6: LogonActions := Action6; 7: LogonActions := Action7; 8: LogonActions := Action8; else LogonActions := Action0; end; i := 0; repeat case LogonActions[i] of 0: s := 'USER ' + FUserName; 1: s := 'PASS ' + FPassword; 2: s := 'ACCT ' + FAccount; 3: s := 'USER ' + FFWUserName; 4: s := 'PASS ' + FFWPassword; 5: s := 'SITE ' + FTPServer; 6: s := 'USER ' + FUserName + '@' + FTPServer; 7: s := 'OPEN ' + FTPServer; 8: s := 'USER ' + FFWUserName + '@' + FTPServer; 9: s := 'USER ' + FUserName + '@' + FTPServer + ' ' + FFWUserName; 10: s := 'USER ' + FUserName + '@' + FFWUserName + '@' + FTPServer; 11: s := 'PASS ' + FPassword + '@' + FFWPassword; end; x := FTPCommand(s); x := x div 100; if (x <> 2) and (x <> 3) then Exit; i := LogonActions[i + x - 1]; case i of FTP_ERR: Exit; FTP_OK: begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; until False; end; function TFTPSend.Connect: Boolean; begin FSock.CloseSocket; FSock.CreateSocket; if FFWHost = '' then FSock.Connect(FFTPHost, FFTPPort) else FSock.Connect(FFWHost, FFWPort); Result := FSock.LastError = 0; end; function TFTPSend.Login: Boolean; begin Result := False; FCanResume := False; if not Connect then Exit; if ReadResult <> 220 then Exit; if not Auth(FFWMode) then Exit; FTPCommand('TYPE I'); FTPCommand('STRU F'); FTPCommand('MODE S'); if FTPCommand('REST 0') = 350 then if FTPCommand('REST 1') = 350 then begin FTPCommand('REST 0'); FCanResume := True; end; Result := True; end; procedure TFTPSend.Logout; begin FTPCommand('QUIT'); FSock.CloseSocket; end; procedure TFTPSend.ParseRemote(Value: string); var n: integer; nb, ne: integer; s: string; x: integer; begin Value := trim(Value); nb := Pos('(',Value); ne := Pos(')',Value); if (nb = 0) or (ne = 0) then begin nb:=RPos(' ',Value); s:=Copy(Value, nb + 1, Length(Value) - nb); end else begin s:=Copy(Value,nb+1,ne-nb-1); end; for n := 1 to 4 do if n = 1 then FDataIP := Fetch(s, ',') else FDataIP := FDataIP + '.' + Fetch(s, ','); x := StrToIntDef(Fetch(s, ','), 0) * 256; x := x + StrToIntDef(Fetch(s, ','), 0); FDataPort := IntToStr(x); end; function TFTPSend.DataSocket: boolean; var s: string; begin Result := False; if FPassiveMode then begin if FTPCommand('PASV') <> 227 then Exit; ParseRemote(FResultString); FDSock.CloseSocket; FDSock.CreateSocket; FDSock.Connect(FDataIP, FDataPort); Result := FDSock.LastError = 0; end else begin FDSock.CloseSocket; FDSock.CreateSocket; if FForceDefaultPort then s := cFtpDataProtocol else s := '0'; FDSock.Bind(FDSock.LocalName, s); if FDSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; FDSock.Listen; FDSock.GetSins; FDataIP := FDSock.GetLocalSinIP; FDataIP := FDSock.ResolveName(FDataIP); FDataPort := IntToStr(FDSock.GetLocalSinPort); s := StringReplace(FDataIP, '.', ','); s := 'PORT ' + s + ',' + IntToStr(FDSock.GetLocalSinPort div 256) + ',' + IntToStr(FDSock.GetLocalSinPort mod 256); Result := FTPCommand(s) = 200; end; end; function TFTPSend.AcceptDataSocket: Boolean; var x: integer; begin if FPassiveMode then Result := True else begin Result := False; if FDSock.CanRead(FTimeout) then begin x := FDSock.Accept; if not FDSock.UsingSocks then FDSock.CloseSocket; FDSock.Socket := x; Result := True; end; end; end; function TFTPSend.DataRead(const DestStream: TStream): Boolean; var x: integer; buf: string; begin Result := False; try if not AcceptDataSocket then Exit; repeat buf := FDSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FDSock.LastError = 0 then DestStream.Write(Pointer(buf)^, Length(buf)); until FDSock.LastError <> 0; x := ReadResult; if (x = 226) or (x = 250) then Result := True; finally FDSock.CloseSocket; end; end; function TFTPSend.DataWrite(const SourceStream: TStream): Boolean; const BufSize = 8192; var Bytes: integer; bc, lb: integer; n, x: integer; Buf: string; begin Result := False; try if not AcceptDataSocket then Exit; Bytes := SourceStream.Size - SourceStream.Position; bc := Bytes div BufSize; lb := Bytes mod BufSize; SetLength(Buf, BufSize); for n := 1 to bc do begin SourceStream.read(Pointer(buf)^, BufSize); FDSock.SendBuffer(Pchar(buf), BufSize); if FDSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; end; SetLength(Buf, lb); SourceStream.read(Pointer(buf)^, lb); FDSock.SendBuffer(Pchar(buf), lb); if FDSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; FDSock.CloseSocket; x := ReadResult; if (x = 226) or (x = 250) then Result := True; finally FDSock.CloseSocket; end; end; function TFTPSend.List(Directory: string; NameList: Boolean): Boolean; var x: integer; l: TStringList; begin Result := False; FDataStream.Clear; FFTPList.Clear; if Directory <> '' then Directory := ' ' + Directory; if not DataSocket then Exit; FTPCommand('TYPE A'); if NameList then x := FTPCommand('NLST' + Directory) else x := FTPCommand('LIST' + Directory); if (x div 100) <> 1 then Exit; Result := DataRead(FDataStream); if not NameList then begin l := TStringList.Create; try FDataStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); l.LoadFromStream(FDataStream); for x := 0 to l.Count - 1 do FFTPList.ParseLine(l[x]); finally l.Free; end; end; FDataStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); end; function TFTPSend.RetriveFile(const FileName: string; Restore: Boolean): Boolean; var RetrStream: TStream; begin Result := False; if FileName = '' then Exit; Restore := Restore and FCanResume; if FDirectFile then if Restore and FileExists(FDirectFileName) then RetrStream := TFileStream.Create(FDirectFileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareExclusive) else RetrStream := TFileStream.Create(FDirectFileName, fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite) else RetrStream := FDataStream; try if not DataSocket then Exit; FTPCommand('TYPE I'); if Restore then begin RetrStream.Seek(0, soFromEnd); if FTPCommand('REST ' + IntToStr(RetrStream.Size)) <> 350 then Exit; end else if RetrStream is TMemoryStream then TMemoryStream(RetrStream).Clear; if (FTPCommand('RETR ' + FileName) div 100) <> 1 then Exit; Result := DataRead(RetrStream); if not FDirectFile then RetrStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); finally if FDirectFile then RetrStream.Free; end; end; function TFTPSend.InternalStor(const Command: string; RestoreAt: integer): Boolean; var SendStream: TStream; StorSize: integer; begin Result := False; if FDirectFile then if not FileExists(FDirectFileName) then Exit else SendStream := TFileStream.Create(FDirectFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite) else SendStream := FDataStream; try if not DataSocket then Exit; FTPCommand('TYPE I'); StorSize := SendStream.Size; if not FCanResume then RestoreAt := 0; if RestoreAt = StorSize then begin Result := True; Exit; end; if RestoreAt > StorSize then RestoreAt := 0; FTPCommand('ALLO ' + IntToStr(StorSize - RestoreAt)); if FCanResume then if FTPCommand('REST ' + IntToStr(RestoreAt)) <> 350 then Exit; SendStream.Seek(RestoreAt, soFromBeginning); if (FTPCommand(Command) div 100) <> 1 then Exit; Result := DataWrite(SendStream); finally if FDirectFile then SendStream.Free; end; end; function TFTPSend.StoreFile(const FileName: string; Restore: Boolean): Boolean; var RestoreAt: integer; begin Result := False; if FileName = '' then Exit; RestoreAt := 0; Restore := Restore and FCanResume; if Restore then begin RestoreAt := Self.FileSize(FileName); if RestoreAt < 0 then RestoreAt := 0; end; Result := InternalStor('STOR ' + FileName, RestoreAt); end; function TFTPSend.StoreUniqueFile: Boolean; begin Result := InternalStor('STOU', 0); end; function TFTPSend.AppendFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; begin Result := False; if FileName = '' then Exit; Result := InternalStor('APPE '+FileName, 0); end; function TFTPSend.NoOp: Boolean; begin Result := (FTPCommand('NOOP') div 100) = 2; end; function TFTPSend.RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: string): Boolean; begin Result := False; if FTPCommand('RNFR ' + OldName) <> 350 then Exit; Result := FTPCommand('RNTO ' + NewName) = 250; end; function TFTPSend.DeleteFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; begin Result := FTPCommand('DELE ' + FileName) = 250; end; function TFTPSend.FileSize(const FileName: string): integer; var s: string; begin Result := -1; if FTPCommand('SIZE ' + FileName) = 213 then begin s := SeparateRight(ResultString, ' '); s := SeparateLeft(s, ' '); Result := StrToIntDef(s, -1); end; end; function TFTPSend.ChangeWorkingDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; begin Result := FTPCommand('CWD ' + Directory) = 250; end; function TFTPSend.ChangeToRootDir: Boolean; begin Result := FTPCommand('CDUP') = 200; end; function TFTPSend.DeleteDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; begin Result := FTPCommand('RMD ' + Directory) = 250; end; function TFTPSend.CreateDir(const Directory: string): Boolean; begin Result := FTPCommand('MKD ' + Directory) = 257; end; function TFTPSend.GetCurrentDir: String; begin Result := ''; if FTPCommand('PWD') = 257 then begin Result := SeparateRight(FResultString, '"'); Result := Separateleft(Result, '"'); end; end; {==============================================================================} constructor TFTPList.Create; begin inherited Create; FList := TList.Create; end; destructor TFTPList.Destroy; begin Clear; FList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFTPList.Clear; var n:integer; begin for n := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if Assigned(FList[n]) then TFTPListRec(FList[n]).Free; FList.Clear; end; // based on idea by D. J. Bernstein, djb@pobox.com function TFTPList.ParseLine(Value: string): Boolean; var flr: TFTPListRec; s: string; state: integer; year: Word; month: Word; mday: Word; t: TDateTime; x: integer; begin Result := False; if Length(Value) < 2 then Exit; year := 0; month := 0; mday := 0; t := 0; flr := TFTPListRec.Create; try flr.FileName := ''; flr.Directory := False; flr.Readable := False; flr.FileSize := 0; flr.FileTime := 0; Value := Trim(Value); {EPLF See http://pobox.com/~djb/proto/eplf.txt "+i8388621.29609,m824255902,/," + #9 + "tdev" "+i8388621.44468,m839956783,r,s10376," + #9 + "RFCEPLF" } if Value[1] = '+' then begin s := Fetch(Value, ','); while s <> '' do begin if s[1] = #9 then begin flr.FileName := Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1); Result := True; end; case s[1] of '/': flr.Directory := true; 'r': flr.Readable := true; 's': flr.FileSize := StrToIntDef(Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), 0); 'm': flr.FileTime := (StrToIntDef(Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), 0) / 86400) + 25569; end; s := Fetch(Value, ','); end; Exit; end; {UNIX-style listing, without inum and without blocks Permissions Owner Group Size Date/Time Name "-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README" "dr-xr-xr-x 2 root other 512 Apr 8 1994 etc" "dr-xr-xr-x 2 root 512 Apr 8 1994 etc" "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 7 Jan 25 00:17 bin -> usr/bin" Also produced by Microsoft's FTP servers for Windows: "---------- 1 owner group 1803128 Jul 10 10:18 ls-lR.Z" Also WFTPD for MSDOS: "-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 322 Aug 19 1996 message.ftp" Also NetWare: "d [R----F--] supervisor 512 Jan 16 18:53 login" "- [R----F--] rhesus 214059 Oct 20 15:27 cx.exe" Also NetPresenz for the Mac: "-------r-- 326 1391972 1392298 Nov 22 1995 MegaPhone.sit" "drwxrwxr-x folder 2 May 10 1996 network" } if (Value[1] = 'b') or (Value[1] = 'c') or (Value[1] = 'd') or (Value[1] = 'l') or (Value[1] = 'p') or (Value[1] = 's') or (Value[1] = '-') then begin if Value[1] = 'd' then flr.Directory := True; if Value[1] = '-' then flr.Readable := True; if Value[1] = 'l' then begin flr.Directory := True; flr.Readable := True; end; state := 1; s := Fetch(Value, ' '); while s <> '' do begin case state of 1: begin state := 2; if (s[1] = 'f') and (Pos(' ', s) = 6) then state := 3; end; 2: state := 3; 3: begin flr.FileSize := StrToIntDef(s, 0); state := 4; end; 4: begin month := GetMonthNumber(s); if month > 0 then state := 5 else flr.FileSize := StrToIntDef(s, 0); end; 5: begin mday := StrToIntDef(s, 0); state := 6; end; 6: begin if (Pos(':', s) > 0) then t := GetTimeFromStr(s) else if Length(s) = 4 then year := StrToIntDef(s, 0) else Exit; if (year = 0) or (month = 0) or (mday = 0) then Exit; flr.FileTime := t + Encodedate(year, month, mday); state := 7; end; 7: begin flr.FileName := s; Result := True; end; end; s := Fetch(Value, ' '); end; Exit; end; {Microsoft NT 4.0 FTP Service 10-20-98 08:57AM 619098 rizrem.zip 11-12-98 11:54AM test } if (Value[1] = '1') or (Value[1] = '0') then begin if Length(Value) < 8 then Exit; if (Ord(Value[2]) < 48) or (Ord(Value[2]) > 57) then Exit; if Value[3] <> '-' then Exit; s := Fetch(Value, ' '); t := GetDateMDYFromStr(s); if t = 0 then Exit; if Value = '' then Exit; s := Fetch(Value, ' '); flr.FileTime := t + GetTimeFromStr(s); if Value = '' then Exit; s := Fetch(Value, ' '); if s[1] = '<' then flr.Directory := True else begin flr.Readable := true; flr.Filesize := StrToIntDef(s, 0); end; if Value = '' then Exit; s := Fetch(Value, ' '); flr.FileName := s; Result := True; Exit; end; {MultiNet "00README.TXT;1 2 30-DEC-1996 17:44 [SYSTEM] (RWED,RWED,RE,RE)" "CORE.DIR;1 1 8-SEP-1996 16:09 [SYSTEM] (RWE,RWE,RE,RE)" and non-MutliNet VMS: "CII-MANUAL.TEX;1 213/216 29-JAN-1996 03:33:12 [ANONYMOU,ANONYMOUS] (RWED,RWED,,)" } x := Pos(';', Value); if x > 0 then begin s := Fetch(Value, ';'); if Uppercase(Copy(s,Length(s) - 4, 4)) = '.DIR' then begin flr.FileName := Copy(s, 1, Length(s) - 4); flr.Directory := True; end else begin flr.FileName := s; flr.Readable := True; end; s := Fetch(Value, ' '); s := Fetch(Value, ' '); if Value = '' then Exit; s := Fetch(Value, '-'); mday := StrToIntDef(s, 0); s := Fetch(Value, '-'); month := GetMonthNumber(s); s := Fetch(Value, ' '); year := StrToIntDef(s, 0); s := Fetch(Value, ' '); if Value = '' then Exit; if (year = 0) or (month = 0) or (mday = 0) then Exit; flr.FileTime := GetTimeFromStr(s) + EncodeDate(year, month, mday); Result := True; Exit; end; finally if Result then if flr.Directory and ((flr.FileName = '.') or (flr.FileName = '..')) then Result := False; if Result then FList.Add(flr) else flr.Free; end; end; {==============================================================================} function FtpGetFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass: string): Boolean; begin Result := False; with TFTPSend.Create do try if User <> '' then begin Username := User; Password := Pass; end; FTPHost := IP; FTPPort := Port; if not Login then Exit; DirectFileName := LocalFile; DirectFile:=True; Result := RetriveFile(FileName, False); Logout; finally Free; end; end; function FtpPutFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass: string): Boolean; begin Result := False; with TFTPSend.Create do try if User <> '' then begin Username := User; Password := Pass; end; FTPHost := IP; FTPPort := Port; if not Login then Exit; DirectFileName := LocalFile; DirectFile:=True; Result := StoreFile(FileName, False); Logout; finally Free; end; end; function FtpInterServerTransfer( const FromIP, FromPort, FromFile, FromUser, FromPass: string; const ToIP, ToPort, ToFile, ToUser, ToPass: string): Boolean; var FromFTP, ToFTP: TFTPSend; s: string; x: integer; begin Result := False; FromFTP := TFTPSend.Create; toFTP := TFTPSend.Create; try if FromUser <> '' then begin FromFTP.Username := FromUser; FromFTP.Password := FromPass; end; if ToUser <> '' then begin ToFTP.Username := ToUser; ToFTP.Password := ToPass; end; FromFTP.FTPHost := FromIP; FromFTP.FTPPort := FromPort; ToFTP.FTPHost := ToIP; ToFTP.FTPPort := ToPort; if not FromFTP.Login then Exit; if not ToFTP.Login then Exit; if FromFTP.FTPCommand('PASV') <> 227 then Exit; FromFTP.ParseRemote(FromFTP.ResultString); s := StringReplace(FromFTP.DataIP, '.', ','); s := 'PORT ' + s + ',' + IntToStr(StrToIntDef(FromFTP.DataPort, 0) div 256) + ',' + IntToStr(StrToIntDef(FromFTP.DataPort, 0) mod 256); if ToFTP.FTPCommand(s) <> 200 then Exit; x := FromFTP.FTPCommand('STOR ' + FromFile); if (x <> 125) and (x <> 150) then Exit; x := ToFTP.FTPCommand('RETR ' + ToFile); if (x <> 125) and (x <> 150) then Exit; FromFTP.Timeout := 21600000; x := FromFTP.ReadResult; if (x <> 226) and (x <> 250) then Exit; ToFTP.Timeout := 21600000; x := ToFTP.ReadResult; if (x <> 226) and (x <> 250) then Exit; Result := True; finally ToFTP.Free; FromFTP.Free; end; end; end.