{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 001.005.000 | |==============================================================================| | Content: LDAP client | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2008, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2003-2005. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@abstract(LDAP client) Used RFC: RFC-2251, RFC-2254, RFC-2829, RFC-2830 } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$H+} unit ldapsend; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, blcksock, synautil, asn1util, synacode; const cLDAPProtocol = '389'; LDAP_ASN1_BIND_REQUEST = $60; LDAP_ASN1_BIND_RESPONSE = $61; LDAP_ASN1_UNBIND_REQUEST = $42; LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_REQUEST = $63; LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_ENTRY = $64; LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_DONE = $65; LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_REFERENCE = $73; LDAP_ASN1_MODIFY_REQUEST = $66; LDAP_ASN1_MODIFY_RESPONSE = $67; LDAP_ASN1_ADD_REQUEST = $68; LDAP_ASN1_ADD_RESPONSE = $69; LDAP_ASN1_DEL_REQUEST = $4A; LDAP_ASN1_DEL_RESPONSE = $6B; LDAP_ASN1_MODIFYDN_REQUEST = $6C; LDAP_ASN1_MODIFYDN_RESPONSE = $6D; LDAP_ASN1_COMPARE_REQUEST = $6E; LDAP_ASN1_COMPARE_RESPONSE = $6F; LDAP_ASN1_ABANDON_REQUEST = $70; LDAP_ASN1_EXT_REQUEST = $77; LDAP_ASN1_EXT_RESPONSE = $78; type {:@abstract(LDAP attribute with list of their values) This class holding name of LDAP attribute and list of their values. This is descendant of TStringList class enhanced by some new properties.} TLDAPAttribute = class(TStringList) private FAttributeName: string; FIsBinary: Boolean; protected function Get(Index: integer): string; override; procedure Put(Index: integer; const Value: string); override; procedure SetAttributeName(Value: string); published {:Name of LDAP attribute.} property AttributeName: string read FAttributeName Write SetAttributeName; {:Return @true when attribute contains binary data.} property IsBinary: Boolean read FIsBinary; end; {:@abstract(List of @link(TLDAPAttribute)) This object can hold list of TLDAPAttribute objects.} TLDAPAttributeList = class(TObject) private FAttributeList: TList; function GetAttribute(Index: integer): TLDAPAttribute; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; {:Clear list.} procedure Clear; {:Return count of TLDAPAttribute objects in list.} function Count: integer; {:Add new TLDAPAttribute object to list.} function Add: TLDAPAttribute; {:Delete one TLDAPAttribute object from list.} procedure Del(Index: integer); {:Find and return attribute with requested name. Returns nil if not found.} function Find(AttributeName: string): TLDAPAttribute; {:List of TLDAPAttribute objects.} property Items[Index: Integer]: TLDAPAttribute read GetAttribute; default; end; {:@abstract(LDAP result object) This object can hold LDAP object. (their name and all their attributes with values)} TLDAPResult = class(TObject) private FObjectName: string; FAttributes: TLDAPAttributeList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; published {:Name of this LDAP object.} property ObjectName: string read FObjectName write FObjectName; {:Here is list of object attributes.} property Attributes: TLDAPAttributeList read FAttributes; end; {:@abstract(List of LDAP result objects) This object can hold list of LDAP objects. (for example result of LDAP SEARCH.)} TLDAPResultList = class(TObject) private FResultList: TList; function GetResult(Index: integer): TLDAPResult; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; {:Clear all TLDAPResult objects in list.} procedure Clear; {:Return count of TLDAPResult objects in list.} function Count: integer; {:Create and add new TLDAPResult object to list.} function Add: TLDAPResult; {:List of TLDAPResult objects.} property Items[Index: Integer]: TLDAPResult read GetResult; default; end; {:Define possible operations for LDAP MODIFY operations.} TLDAPModifyOp = ( MO_Add, MO_Delete, MO_Replace ); {:Specify possible values for search scope.} TLDAPSearchScope = ( SS_BaseObject, SS_SingleLevel, SS_WholeSubtree ); {:Specify possible values about alias dereferencing.} TLDAPSearchAliases = ( SA_NeverDeref, SA_InSearching, SA_FindingBaseObj, SA_Always ); {:@abstract(Implementation of LDAP client) (version 2 and 3) Note: Are you missing properties for setting Username and Password? Look to parent @link(TSynaClient) object! Are you missing properties for specify server address and port? Look to parent @link(TSynaClient) too!} TLDAPSend = class(TSynaClient) private FSock: TTCPBlockSocket; FResultCode: Integer; FResultString: string; FFullResult: string; FAutoTLS: Boolean; FFullSSL: Boolean; FSeq: integer; FResponseCode: integer; FResponseDN: string; FReferals: TStringList; FVersion: integer; FSearchScope: TLDAPSearchScope; FSearchAliases: TLDAPSearchAliases; FSearchSizeLimit: integer; FSearchTimeLimit: integer; FSearchResult: TLDAPResultList; FExtName: string; FExtValue: string; function Connect: Boolean; function BuildPacket(const Value: string): string; function ReceiveResponse: string; function DecodeResponse(const Value: string): string; function LdapSasl(Value: string): string; function TranslateFilter(Value: string): string; function GetErrorString(Value: integer): string; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; {:Try to connect to LDAP server and start secure channel, when it is required.} function Login: Boolean; {:Try to bind to LDAP server with @link(TSynaClient.Username) and @link(TSynaClient.Password). If this is empty strings, then it do annonymous Bind. When you not call Bind on LDAPv3, then is automaticly used anonymous mode. This method using plaintext transport of password! It is not secure!} function Bind: Boolean; {:Try to bind to LDAP server with @link(TSynaClient.Username) and @link(TSynaClient.Password). If this is empty strings, then it do annonymous Bind. When you not call Bind on LDAPv3, then is automaticly used anonymous mode. This method using SASL with DIGEST-MD5 method for secure transfer of your password.} function BindSasl: Boolean; {:Close connection to LDAP server.} function Logout: Boolean; {:Modify content of LDAP attribute on this object.} function Modify(obj: string; Op: TLDAPModifyOp; const Value: TLDAPAttribute): Boolean; {:Add list of attributes to specified object.} function Add(obj: string; const Value: TLDAPAttributeList): Boolean; {:Delete this LDAP object from server.} function Delete(obj: string): Boolean; {:Modify object name of this LDAP object.} function ModifyDN(obj, newRDN, newSuperior: string; DeleteoldRDN: Boolean): Boolean; {:Try to compare Attribute value with this LDAP object.} function Compare(obj, AttributeValue: string): Boolean; {:Search LDAP base for LDAP objects by Filter.} function Search(obj: string; TypesOnly: Boolean; Filter: string; const Attributes: TStrings): Boolean; {:Call any LDAPv3 extended command.} function Extended(const Name, Value: string): Boolean; {:Try to start SSL/TLS connection to LDAP server.} function StartTLS: Boolean; published {:Specify version of used LDAP protocol. Default value is 3.} property Version: integer read FVersion Write FVersion; {:Result code of last LDAP operation.} property ResultCode: Integer read FResultCode; {:Human readable description of result code of last LDAP operation.} property ResultString: string read FResultString; {:Binary string with full last response of LDAP server. This string is encoded by ASN.1 BER encoding! You need this only for debugging.} property FullResult: string read FFullResult; {:If @true, then try to start TSL mode in Login procedure.} property AutoTLS: Boolean read FAutoTLS Write FAutoTLS; {:If @true, then use connection to LDAP server through SSL/TLS tunnel.} property FullSSL: Boolean read FFullSSL Write FFullSSL; {:Sequence number of last LDAp command. It is incremented by any LDAP command.} property Seq: integer read FSeq; {:Specify what search scope is used in search command.} property SearchScope: TLDAPSearchScope read FSearchScope Write FSearchScope; {:Specify how to handle aliases in search command.} property SearchAliases: TLDAPSearchAliases read FSearchAliases Write FSearchAliases; {:Specify result size limit in search command. Value 0 means without limit.} property SearchSizeLimit: integer read FSearchSizeLimit Write FSearchSizeLimit; {:Specify search time limit in search command (seconds). Value 0 means without limit.} property SearchTimeLimit: integer read FSearchTimeLimit Write FSearchTimeLimit; {:Here is result of search command.} property SearchResult: TLDAPResultList read FSearchResult; {:On each LDAP operation can LDAP server return some referals URLs. Here is their list.} property Referals: TStringList read FReferals; {:When you call @link(Extended) operation, then here is result Name returned by server.} property ExtName: string read FExtName; {:When you call @link(Extended) operation, then here is result Value returned by server.} property ExtValue: string read FExtValue; {:TCP socket used by all LDAP operations.} property Sock: TTCPBlockSocket read FSock; end; {:Dump result of LDAP SEARCH into human readable form. Good for debugging.} function LDAPResultDump(const Value: TLDAPResultList): string; implementation {==============================================================================} function TLDAPAttribute.Get(Index: integer): string; begin Result := inherited Get(Index); if FIsbinary then Result := DecodeBase64(Result); end; procedure TLDAPAttribute.Put(Index: integer; const Value: string); var s: string; begin s := Value; if FIsbinary then s := EncodeBase64(Value) else s :=UnquoteStr(s, '"'); inherited Put(Index, s); end; procedure TLDAPAttribute.SetAttributeName(Value: string); begin FAttributeName := Value; FIsBinary := Pos(';binary', Lowercase(value)) > 0; end; {==============================================================================} constructor TLDAPAttributeList.Create; begin inherited Create; FAttributeList := TList.Create; end; destructor TLDAPAttributeList.Destroy; begin Clear; FAttributeList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TLDAPAttributeList.Clear; var n: integer; x: TLDAPAttribute; begin for n := Count - 1 downto 0 do begin x := GetAttribute(n); if Assigned(x) then x.Free; end; FAttributeList.Clear; end; function TLDAPAttributeList.Count: integer; begin Result := FAttributeList.Count; end; function TLDAPAttributeList.GetAttribute(Index: integer): TLDAPAttribute; begin Result := nil; if Index < Count then Result := TLDAPAttribute(FAttributeList[Index]); end; function TLDAPAttributeList.Add: TLDAPAttribute; begin Result := TLDAPAttribute.Create; FAttributeList.Add(Result); end; procedure TLDAPAttributeList.Del(Index: integer); var x: TLDAPAttribute; begin x := GetAttribute(Index); if Assigned(x) then x.free; FAttributeList.Delete(Index); end; function TLDAPAttributeList.Find(AttributeName: string): TLDAPAttribute; var n: integer; x: TLDAPAttribute; begin Result := nil; AttributeName := lowercase(AttributeName); for n := 0 to Count - 1 do begin x := GetAttribute(n); if Assigned(x) then if lowercase(x.AttributeName) = Attributename then begin result := x; break; end; end; end; {==============================================================================} constructor TLDAPResult.Create; begin inherited Create; FAttributes := TLDAPAttributeList.Create; end; destructor TLDAPResult.Destroy; begin FAttributes.Free; inherited Destroy; end; {==============================================================================} constructor TLDAPResultList.Create; begin inherited Create; FResultList := TList.Create; end; destructor TLDAPResultList.Destroy; begin Clear; FResultList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TLDAPResultList.Clear; var n: integer; x: TLDAPResult; begin for n := Count - 1 downto 0 do begin x := GetResult(n); if Assigned(x) then x.Free; end; FResultList.Clear; end; function TLDAPResultList.Count: integer; begin Result := FResultList.Count; end; function TLDAPResultList.GetResult(Index: integer): TLDAPResult; begin Result := nil; if Index < Count then Result := TLDAPResult(FResultList[Index]); end; function TLDAPResultList.Add: TLDAPResult; begin Result := TLDAPResult.Create; FResultList.Add(Result); end; {==============================================================================} constructor TLDAPSend.Create; begin inherited Create; FReferals := TStringList.Create; FFullResult := ''; FSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; FTimeout := 60000; FTargetPort := cLDAPProtocol; FAutoTLS := False; FFullSSL := False; FSeq := 0; FVersion := 3; FSearchScope := SS_WholeSubtree; FSearchAliases := SA_Always; FSearchSizeLimit := 0; FSearchTimeLimit := 0; FSearchResult := TLDAPResultList.Create; end; destructor TLDAPSend.Destroy; begin FSock.Free; FSearchResult.Free; FReferals.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TLDAPSend.GetErrorString(Value: integer): string; begin case Value of 0: Result := 'Success'; 1: Result := 'Operations error'; 2: Result := 'Protocol error'; 3: Result := 'Time limit Exceeded'; 4: Result := 'Size limit Exceeded'; 5: Result := 'Compare FALSE'; 6: Result := 'Compare TRUE'; 7: Result := 'Auth method not supported'; 8: Result := 'Strong auth required'; 9: Result := '-- reserved --'; 10: Result := 'Referal'; 11: Result := 'Admin limit exceeded'; 12: Result := 'Unavailable critical extension'; 13: Result := 'Confidentality required'; 14: Result := 'Sasl bind in progress'; 16: Result := 'No such attribute'; 17: Result := 'Undefined attribute type'; 18: Result := 'Inappropriate matching'; 19: Result := 'Constraint violation'; 20: Result := 'Attribute or value exists'; 21: Result := 'Invalid attribute syntax'; 32: Result := 'No such object'; 33: Result := 'Alias problem'; 34: Result := 'Invalid DN syntax'; 36: Result := 'Alias dereferencing problem'; 48: Result := 'Inappropriate authentication'; 49: Result := 'Invalid credentials'; 50: Result := 'Insufficient access rights'; 51: Result := 'Busy'; 52: Result := 'Unavailable'; 53: Result := 'Unwilling to perform'; 54: Result := 'Loop detect'; 64: Result := 'Naming violation'; 65: Result := 'Object class violation'; 66: Result := 'Not allowed on non leaf'; 67: Result := 'Not allowed on RDN'; 68: Result := 'Entry already exists'; 69: Result := 'Object class mods prohibited'; 71: Result := 'Affects multiple DSAs'; 80: Result := 'Other'; else Result := '--unknown--'; end; end; function TLDAPSend.Connect: Boolean; begin // Do not call this function! It is calling by LOGIN method! FSock.CloseSocket; FSock.LineBuffer := ''; FSeq := 0; FSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort); if FSock.LastError = 0 then FSock.Connect(FTargetHost, FTargetPort); if FSock.LastError = 0 then if FFullSSL then FSock.SSLDoConnect; Result := FSock.LastError = 0; end; function TLDAPSend.BuildPacket(const Value: string): string; begin Inc(FSeq); Result := ASNObject(ASNObject(ASNEncInt(FSeq), ASN1_INT) + Value, ASN1_SEQ); end; function TLDAPSend.ReceiveResponse: string; var x: Byte; i,j: integer; begin Result := ''; FFullResult := ''; x := FSock.RecvByte(FTimeout); if x <> ASN1_SEQ then Exit; Result := Char(x); x := FSock.RecvByte(FTimeout); Result := Result + Char(x); if x < $80 then i := 0 else i := x and $7F; if i > 0 then Result := Result + FSock.RecvBufferStr(i, Ftimeout); if FSock.LastError <> 0 then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; //get length of LDAP packet j := 2; i := ASNDecLen(j, Result); //retreive rest of LDAP packet if i > 0 then Result := Result + FSock.RecvBufferStr(i, Ftimeout); if FSock.LastError <> 0 then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; FFullResult := Result; end; function TLDAPSend.DecodeResponse(const Value: string): string; var i, x: integer; Svt: Integer; s, t: string; begin Result := ''; FResultCode := -1; FResultstring := ''; FResponseCode := -1; FResponseDN := ''; FReferals.Clear; i := 1; ASNItem(i, Value, Svt); x := StrToIntDef(ASNItem(i, Value, Svt), 0); if (svt <> ASN1_INT) or (x <> FSeq) then Exit; s := ASNItem(i, Value, Svt); FResponseCode := svt; if FResponseCode in [LDAP_ASN1_BIND_RESPONSE, LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_DONE, LDAP_ASN1_MODIFY_RESPONSE, LDAP_ASN1_ADD_RESPONSE, LDAP_ASN1_DEL_RESPONSE, LDAP_ASN1_MODIFYDN_RESPONSE, LDAP_ASN1_COMPARE_RESPONSE, LDAP_ASN1_EXT_RESPONSE] then begin FResultCode := StrToIntDef(ASNItem(i, Value, Svt), -1); FResponseDN := ASNItem(i, Value, Svt); FResultString := ASNItem(i, Value, Svt); if FResultString = '' then FResultString := GetErrorString(FResultCode); if FResultCode = 10 then begin s := ASNItem(i, Value, Svt); if svt = $A3 then begin x := 1; while x < Length(s) do begin t := ASNItem(x, s, Svt); FReferals.Add(t); end; end; end; end; Result := Copy(Value, i, Length(Value) - i + 1); end; function TLDAPSend.LdapSasl(Value: string): string; var nonce, cnonce, nc, realm, qop, uri, response: string; s: string; a1, a2: string; l: TStringList; n: integer; begin l := TStringList.Create; try nonce := ''; realm := ''; l.CommaText := Value; n := IndexByBegin('nonce=', l); if n >= 0 then nonce := UnQuoteStr(Trim(SeparateRight(l[n], 'nonce=')), '"'); n := IndexByBegin('realm=', l); if n >= 0 then realm := UnQuoteStr(Trim(SeparateRight(l[n], 'realm=')), '"'); cnonce := IntToHex(GetTick, 8); nc := '00000001'; qop := 'auth'; uri := 'ldap/' + FSock.ResolveIpToName(FSock.GetRemoteSinIP); a1 := md5(FUsername + ':' + realm + ':' + FPassword) + ':' + nonce + ':' + cnonce; a2 := 'AUTHENTICATE:' + uri; s := strtohex(md5(a1))+':' + nonce + ':' + nc + ':' + cnonce + ':' + qop +':'+strtohex(md5(a2)); response := strtohex(md5(s)); Result := 'username="' + Fusername + '",realm="' + realm + '",nonce="'; Result := Result + nonce + '",cnonce="' + cnonce + '",nc=' + nc + ',qop='; Result := Result + qop + ',digest-uri="' + uri + '",response=' + response; finally l.Free; end; end; function TLDAPSend.TranslateFilter(Value: string): string; var x: integer; s, t, l, r: string; c: char; attr, rule: string; dn: Boolean; begin Result := ''; if Value = '' then Exit; s := Value; if Value[1] = '(' then begin x := RPos(')', Value); s := Copy(Value, 2, x - 2); end; if s = '' then Exit; case s[1] of '!': // NOT rule (recursive call) begin Result := ASNOBject(TranslateFilter(GetBetween('(', ')', s)), $A2); end; '&': // AND rule (recursive call) begin repeat t := GetBetween('(', ')', s); s := Trim(SeparateRight(s, t)); if s <> '' then if s[1] = ')' then {$IFDEF CIL}Borland.Delphi.{$ENDIF}System.Delete(s, 1, 1); Result := Result + TranslateFilter(t); until s = ''; Result := ASNOBject(Result, $A0); end; '|': // OR rule (recursive call) begin repeat t := GetBetween('(', ')', s); s := Trim(SeparateRight(s, t)); if s <> '' then if s[1] = ')' then {$IFDEF CIL}Borland.Delphi.{$ENDIF}System.Delete(s, 1, 1); Result := Result + TranslateFilter(t); until s = ''; Result := ASNOBject(Result, $A1); end; else begin l := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, '=')); r := Trim(SeparateRight(s, '=')); if l <> '' then begin c := l[Length(l)]; case c of ':': // Extensible match begin {$IFDEF CIL}Borland.Delphi.{$ENDIF}System.Delete(l, Length(l), 1); dn := False; attr := ''; rule := ''; if Pos(':dn', l) > 0 then begin dn := True; l := ReplaceString(l, ':dn', ''); end; attr := Trim(SeparateLeft(l, ':')); rule := Trim(SeparateRight(l, ':')); if rule = l then rule := ''; if rule <> '' then Result := ASNObject(rule, $81); if attr <> '' then Result := Result + ASNObject(attr, $82); Result := Result + ASNObject(DecodeTriplet(r, '\'), $83); if dn then Result := Result + ASNObject(AsnEncInt($ff), $84) else Result := Result + ASNObject(AsnEncInt(0), $84); Result := ASNOBject(Result, $a9); end; '~': // Approx match begin {$IFDEF CIL}Borland.Delphi.{$ENDIF}System.Delete(l, Length(l), 1); Result := ASNOBject(l, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNOBject(DecodeTriplet(r, '\'), ASN1_OCTSTR); Result := ASNOBject(Result, $a8); end; '>': // Greater or equal match begin {$IFDEF CIL}Borland.Delphi.{$ENDIF}System.Delete(l, Length(l), 1); Result := ASNOBject(l, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNOBject(DecodeTriplet(r, '\'), ASN1_OCTSTR); Result := ASNOBject(Result, $a5); end; '<': // Less or equal match begin {$IFDEF CIL}Borland.Delphi.{$ENDIF}System.Delete(l, Length(l), 1); Result := ASNOBject(l, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNOBject(DecodeTriplet(r, '\'), ASN1_OCTSTR); Result := ASNOBject(Result, $a6); end; else // present if r = '*' then Result := ASNOBject(l, $87) else if Pos('*', r) > 0 then // substrings begin s := Fetch(r, '*'); if s <> '' then Result := ASNOBject(DecodeTriplet(s, '\'), $80); while r <> '' do begin if Pos('*', r) <= 0 then break; s := Fetch(r, '*'); Result := Result + ASNOBject(DecodeTriplet(s, '\'), $81); end; if r <> '' then Result := Result + ASNOBject(DecodeTriplet(r, '\'), $82); Result := ASNOBject(l, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNOBject(Result, ASN1_SEQ); Result := ASNOBject(Result, $a4); end else begin // Equality match Result := ASNOBject(l, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNOBject(DecodeTriplet(r, '\'), ASN1_OCTSTR); Result := ASNOBject(Result, $a3); end; end; end; end; end; end; function TLDAPSend.Login: Boolean; begin Result := False; if not Connect then Exit; Result := True; if FAutoTLS then Result := StartTLS; end; function TLDAPSend.Bind: Boolean; var s: string; begin s := ASNObject(ASNEncInt(FVersion), ASN1_INT) + ASNObject(FUsername, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(FPassword, $80); s := ASNObject(s, LDAP_ASN1_BIND_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); s := ReceiveResponse; DecodeResponse(s); Result := FResultCode = 0; end; function TLDAPSend.BindSasl: Boolean; var s, t: string; x, xt: integer; digreq: string; begin Result := False; if FPassword = '' then Result := Bind else begin digreq := ASNObject(ASNEncInt(FVersion), ASN1_INT) + ASNObject('', ASN1_NULL) + ASNObject(ASNObject('DIGEST-MD5', ASN1_OCTSTR), $A3); digreq := ASNObject(digreq, LDAP_ASN1_BIND_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(digreq)); s := ReceiveResponse; t := DecodeResponse(s); if FResultCode = 14 then begin s := t; x := 1; t := ASNItem(x, s, xt); s := ASNObject(ASNEncInt(FVersion), ASN1_INT) + ASNObject('', ASN1_NULL) + ASNObject(ASNObject('DIGEST-MD5', ASN1_OCTSTR), $A3) + ASNObject(LdapSasl(t), ASN1_OCTSTR); s := ASNObject(s, LDAP_ASN1_BIND_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); s := ReceiveResponse; DecodeResponse(s); if FResultCode = 14 then begin Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(digreq)); s := ReceiveResponse; DecodeResponse(s); end; Result := FResultCode = 0; end; end; end; function TLDAPSend.Logout: Boolean; begin Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(ASNObject('', LDAP_ASN1_UNBIND_REQUEST))); FSock.CloseSocket; Result := True; end; function TLDAPSend.Modify(obj: string; Op: TLDAPModifyOp; const Value: TLDAPAttribute): Boolean; var s: string; n: integer; begin s := ''; for n := 0 to Value.Count -1 do s := s + ASNObject(Value[n], ASN1_OCTSTR); s := ASNObject(Value.AttributeName, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(s, ASN1_SETOF); s := ASNObject(ASNEncInt(Ord(Op)), ASN1_ENUM) + ASNObject(s, ASN1_SEQ); s := ASNObject(s, ASN1_SEQ); s := ASNObject(obj, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(s, ASN1_SEQ); s := ASNObject(s, LDAP_ASN1_MODIFY_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); s := ReceiveResponse; DecodeResponse(s); Result := FResultCode = 0; end; function TLDAPSend.Add(obj: string; const Value: TLDAPAttributeList): Boolean; var s, t: string; n, m: integer; begin s := ''; for n := 0 to Value.Count - 1 do begin t := ''; for m := 0 to Value[n].Count - 1 do t := t + ASNObject(Value[n][m], ASN1_OCTSTR); t := ASNObject(Value[n].AttributeName, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(t, ASN1_SETOF); s := s + ASNObject(t, ASN1_SEQ); end; s := ASNObject(obj, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(s, ASN1_SEQ); s := ASNObject(s, LDAP_ASN1_ADD_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); s := ReceiveResponse; DecodeResponse(s); Result := FResultCode = 0; end; function TLDAPSend.Delete(obj: string): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := ASNObject(obj, LDAP_ASN1_DEL_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); s := ReceiveResponse; DecodeResponse(s); Result := FResultCode = 0; end; function TLDAPSend.ModifyDN(obj, newRDN, newSuperior: string; DeleteOldRDN: Boolean): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := ASNObject(obj, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(newRDN, ASN1_OCTSTR); if DeleteOldRDN then s := s + ASNObject(ASNEncInt($ff), ASN1_BOOL) else s := s + ASNObject(ASNEncInt(0), ASN1_BOOL); if newSuperior <> '' then s := s + ASNObject(newSuperior, $80); s := ASNObject(s, LDAP_ASN1_MODIFYDN_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); s := ReceiveResponse; DecodeResponse(s); Result := FResultCode = 0; end; function TLDAPSend.Compare(obj, AttributeValue: string): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := ASNObject(Trim(SeparateLeft(AttributeValue, '=')), ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(Trim(SeparateRight(AttributeValue, '=')), ASN1_OCTSTR); s := ASNObject(obj, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(s, ASN1_SEQ); s := ASNObject(s, LDAP_ASN1_COMPARE_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); s := ReceiveResponse; DecodeResponse(s); Result := FResultCode = 0; end; function TLDAPSend.Search(obj: string; TypesOnly: Boolean; Filter: string; const Attributes: TStrings): Boolean; var s, t, u: string; n, i, x: integer; r: TLDAPResult; a: TLDAPAttribute; begin FSearchResult.Clear; FReferals.Clear; s := ASNObject(obj, ASN1_OCTSTR); s := s + ASNObject(ASNEncInt(Ord(FSearchScope)), ASN1_ENUM); s := s + ASNObject(ASNEncInt(Ord(FSearchAliases)), ASN1_ENUM); s := s + ASNObject(ASNEncInt(FSearchSizeLimit), ASN1_INT); s := s + ASNObject(ASNEncInt(FSearchTimeLimit), ASN1_INT); if TypesOnly then s := s + ASNObject(ASNEncInt($ff), ASN1_BOOL) else s := s + ASNObject(ASNEncInt(0), ASN1_BOOL); if Filter = '' then Filter := '(objectclass=*)'; t := TranslateFilter(Filter); if t = '' then s := s + ASNObject('', ASN1_NULL) else s := s + t; t := ''; for n := 0 to Attributes.Count - 1 do t := t + ASNObject(Attributes[n], ASN1_OCTSTR); s := s + ASNObject(t, ASN1_SEQ); s := ASNObject(s, LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); repeat s := ReceiveResponse; t := DecodeResponse(s); if FResponseCode = LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_ENTRY then begin //dekoduj zaznam r := FSearchResult.Add; n := 1; r.ObjectName := ASNItem(n, t, x); ASNItem(n, t, x); if x = ASN1_SEQ then begin while n < Length(t) do begin s := ASNItem(n, t, x); if x = ASN1_SEQ then begin i := n + Length(s); a := r.Attributes.Add; u := ASNItem(n, t, x); a.AttributeName := u; ASNItem(n, t, x); if x = ASN1_SETOF then while n < i do begin u := ASNItem(n, t, x); a.Add(u); end; end; end; end; end; if FResponseCode = LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_REFERENCE then begin n := 1; while n < Length(t) do FReferals.Add(ASNItem(n, t, x)); end; until FResponseCode = LDAP_ASN1_SEARCH_DONE; Result := FResultCode = 0; end; function TLDAPSend.Extended(const Name, Value: string): Boolean; var s, t: string; x, xt: integer; begin s := ASNObject(Name, $80); if Value <> '' then s := s + ASNObject(Value, $81); s := ASNObject(s, LDAP_ASN1_EXT_REQUEST); Fsock.SendString(BuildPacket(s)); s := ReceiveResponse; t := DecodeResponse(s); Result := FResultCode = 0; if Result then begin x := 1; FExtName := ASNItem(x, t, xt); FExtValue := ASNItem(x, t, xt); end; end; function TLDAPSend.StartTLS: Boolean; begin Result := Extended('', ''); if Result then begin Fsock.SSLDoConnect; Result := FSock.LastError = 0; end; end; {==============================================================================} function LDAPResultDump(const Value: TLDAPResultList): string; var n, m, o: integer; r: TLDAPResult; a: TLDAPAttribute; begin Result := 'Results: ' + IntToStr(Value.Count) + CRLF +CRLF; for n := 0 to Value.Count - 1 do begin Result := Result + 'Result: ' + IntToStr(n) + CRLF; r := Value[n]; Result := Result + ' Object: ' + r.ObjectName + CRLF; for m := 0 to r.Attributes.Count - 1 do begin a := r.Attributes[m]; Result := Result + ' Attribute: ' + a.AttributeName + CRLF; for o := 0 to a.Count - 1 do Result := Result + ' ' + a[o] + CRLF; end; end; end; end.