{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 001.003.000 | |==============================================================================| | Content: SSL support by OpenSSL and the CAPI engine | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)2018, Pepak | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Pepak (Czech Republic). | | Portions created by Pepak are Copyright (c)2018. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} //requires OpenSSL libraries, including the CAPI engine (capi.dll)! //recommended source: Stunnel (https://www.stunnel.org) {:@abstract(SSL plugin for OpenSSL and the CAPI engine) Compatibility with OpenSSL versions: 1.0.2 works fine. 1.1.x does not work properly out of the box. I was never able to get CAPI to work with pre-built binaries or binaries that I built myself, even in third party applications such as STunnel. The only config which works for me involves custom-building OpenSSL with engines statically compiled into libcrypto: 1) Install PERL (e.g. C:\PERL). Make sure the BIN subdirectory is in the PATH (SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\PERL\BIN). 2) Download DMAKE ( https://metacpan.org/release/dmake ) and unpack it into the Perl directory (you will get C:\PERL\DMAKE\DMAKE.EXE and other files). Add the DMAKE directory to PATH as well. 3) Start Visual Studio Development Prompt, either 32 or 64bit. All the following commands should be run in this prompt. 4) Install the Text::Template module by running: cpan -i Text::Template 5) Download and unpack the OpenSSL sources into e.g. C:\SOURCE\OPENSSL. 6) Download and unpack the Zlib sources into e.g. C:\SOURCE\ZLIB. 7) Go to the ZLIB directory and run: nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc 8) Go to the OpenSSL directory and run: 32bit: perl Configure shared enable-static-engine enable-zlib --with-zlib-include=C:\SOURCE\ZLIB --with-zlib-lib=C:\SOURCE\ZLIB\zlib.lib VC-WIN32 64bit: perl Configure shared enable-static-engine enable-zlib --with-zlib-include=C:\SOURCE\ZLIB --with-zlib-lib=C:\SOURCE\ZLIB\zlib.lib VC-WIN64A Make sure to replace both instances of C:\SOURCE\ZLIB with the actual path to the Zlib library. 9) If you want to build the OpenSSL DLLs without external dependencies (e.g. on the Visual Studio Runtime), edit the generated makefile: - Change the "/MD" flag in CNF_FLAGS to "/MT". - Add "/NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT" to CNF_LDFLAGS. 10) In the OpenSSL directory, run: nmake 11) When all is done, copy LIBCRYPTO-1_1*.DLL and LIBSSH-1_1*.DLL to your application's binary directory. OpenSSL libraries are loaded dynamically - you do not need the librares even if you compile your application with this unit. SSL just won't work if you don't have the OpenSSL libraries. The plugin is built on the standard OpenSSL plugin, giving it all the features of it. In fact, if you do not have the CAPI engine, the plugin will behave in exactly the same way as the original plugin - the CAPI engine is completely optional, the plugin will work without it - obviously without the support for Windows Certificate Stores. The windows certificate stores are supported through the following properties: @link(TSSLOpenSSLCapi.SigningCertificate) - expects pointer to the certificate context of the signing certificate (PCCERT_CONTENT). @br Note that due to the limitations of OpenSSL, it is not possible to switch between different engines (e.g. CAPI and default) on the fly - the engine is a global setting for the whole of OpenSSL. For that reason, once the engine is enabled (either explicitly or by using a Windows certificate for a connection), it will stay enabled and there is no method for disabling it. } {$INCLUDE 'jedi.inc'} {$H+} {$DEFINE USE_ENGINE_POOL} unit ssl_openssl_capi; interface uses Windows, Crypt32, SysUtils, Classes, SyncObjs, blcksock, ssl_openssl, ssl_openssl_lib; type PENGINE = Pointer; type TWindowsCertStoreLocation = ( wcslCurrentUser , wcslCurrentUserGroupPolicy , wcslUsers , wcslCurrentService , wcslServices , wcslLocalMachine , wcslLocalMachineGroupPolicy , wcslLocalMachineEnterprise ); type {:@abstract(class extending the OpenSSL SSL plugin with CAPI support.) Instance of this class will be created for each @link(TTCPBlockSocket). You not need to create instance of this class, all is done by Synapse itself!} TSSLOpenSSLCapi = class(TSSLOpenSSL) private FEngine: PENGINE; FEngineInitialized: boolean; FSigningCertificateLocation: TWindowsCertStoreLocation; FSigningCertificateStore: string; FSigningCertificateID: string; function GetEngine: PENGINE; protected {:Loads a certificate context into the CAPI engine for signing/decryption.} function LoadSigningCertificate: boolean; {:See @inherited} function SetSslKeys: boolean; override; {:See @inherited} function NeedSigningCertificate: boolean; override; {:Returns true if the signing certificate should be used.} function SigningCertificateSpecified: boolean; {:Provides a cryptographic engine for OpenSSL} property Engine: PENGINE read GetEngine; public {:See @inherited} constructor Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket); override; {:See @inherited} destructor Destroy; override; {:See @inherited} procedure Assign(const Value: TCustomSSL); override; {:Use this function to load the CAPI engine and/or verify that the engine is available. The plugin will load CAPI itself when it is needed, so you may skip this function completely, but it may be useful to perform a manual CAPI load early during the application startup to make sure all connection use the same cryptographic engine (and, as a result, behave the same way).} class function InitEngine: boolean; {:Location of the certificate store used for the communication.} property SigningCertificateLocation: TWindowsCertStoreLocation read FSigningCertificateLocation write FSigningCertificateLocation; {:Certificate store used for the communication. The most common is "MY", or the user's private certificates.} property SigningCertificateStore: string read FSigningCertificateStore write FSigningCertificateStore; {:ID of the certificate to use. For standard CAPI, this is the friendly name of the certificate. For the client-side SSL it is not really necessary, as long as it is non-empty (which signifies that the CAPI engine should be used). For the server side, it must be a substring of the SubjectName of the certificate. The first matching certificate will be used.} property SigningCertificateID: string read FSigningCertificateID write FSigningCertificateID; end; implementation {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$REGION 'Support and compatibility functions'}{$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} {Support and compatibility functions } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function GetModuleFileNamePAS(Handle: THandle; out FileName: string): boolean; var FN: string; n: integer; begin Result := False; if Handle = 0 then Exit; SetLength(FN, MAX_PATH); n := GetModuleFileName(Handle, @FN[1], Length(FN)); if (n > 0) and (GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then begin SetLength(FN, n); n := GetModuleFileName(Handle, @FN[1], Length(FN)); end; if (n > 0) and (GetLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS) then begin SetLength(FN, n); FileName := FN; Result := True; end; end; {$IFNDEF UNICODE} type PPointer = ^Pointer; procedure RaiseLastOSError; begin RaiseLastWin32Error; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$ENDREGION}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$REGION 'Imported functions'}{$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} {Imported functions } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} const CapiEngineID = 'capi'; DLLCapiName = CapiEngineID + '.dll'; const SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS = 32; SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 = $08000000; const ENGINE_METHOD_ALL = $ffff; type PPX509 = ^PX509; var FEngineCS: TCriticalSection = nil; FEngineNeedsSHA2Workaround: boolean = False; var FEngineInterfaceInitialized: boolean = False; FENGINE_cleanup: procedure; cdecl = nil; FENGINE_load_builtin_engines: procedure; cdecl = nil; FENGINE_by_id: function(id: PAnsiChar): PENGINE; cdecl = nil; FENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string: function(e: PENGINE; cmd_name, arg: PAnsiChar; cmd_optional: integer): integer; cdecl = nil; FENGINE_init: function(e: PENGINE): integer; cdecl = nil; FENGINE_finish: function(e: PENGINE): integer; cdecl = nil; FENGINE_free: function(e: PENGINE): integer; cdecl = nil; FENGINE_set_default: function(e: PENGINE; flags: DWORD): integer; cdecl = nil; FENGINE_load_private_key: function(e: PENGINE; key_id: PAnsiChar; ui_method: Pointer; callback_data: Pointer): EVP_PKEY; cdecl = nil; FSSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine: function(ctx: PSSL_CTX; e: PENGINE): integer; cdecl = nil; Fd2i_X509: function(px: PPX509; data: PPointer; len: integer): PX509; cdecl = nil; function InitEngineInterface: boolean; var OpenSSLFileName: string; VerInfoSize: DWORD; VerInfo: Pointer; VerHandle: DWORD; SpecVerInfo: PVsFixedFileInfo; begin if FEngineInterfaceInitialized then begin Result := True; Exit; end; FEngineCS.Enter; try if FEngineInterfaceInitialized then begin Result := True; Exit; end; Result := False; if not InitSSLInterface then Exit; if SSLUtilHandle = 0 then Exit; if SSLLibHandle = 0 then Exit; FENGINE_cleanup := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_cleanup'); FENGINE_load_builtin_engines := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_load_builtin_engines'); FENGINE_by_id := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_by_id'); FENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string'); FENGINE_init := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_init'); FENGINE_finish := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_finish'); FENGINE_free := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_free'); FENGINE_set_default := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_set_default'); FENGINE_load_private_key := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'ENGINE_load_private_key'); FSSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine := GetProcAddress(SSLLibHandle, 'SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine'); Fd2i_X509 := GetProcAddress(SSLUtilHandle, 'd2i_X509'); FEngineInterfaceInitialized := True; //---- Workaround for a CAPI engine bug ------------------------------------ // https://www.stunnel.org/pipermail/stunnel-users/2017-February/005720.html // // The capi ENGINE in OpenSSL 1.0.2 and earlier uses the CSP attached // to the key for cryptographic operations. Unfortunately this means that // SHA2 algorithms are not supported for client authentication. // // OpenSSL 1.1.0 adds a workaround for this issue. If you disable TLS 1.2 // in earlier versions of OpenSSL it will not use SHA2 for client auth so // that will also work. begin FEngineNeedsSHA2Workaround := False; if GetModuleFileNamePAS(SSLUtilHandle, OpenSSLFileName) then begin VerInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(OpenSSLFileName), VerHandle); if VerInfoSize > 0 then begin GetMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize); try if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(OpenSSLFileName), VerHandle, VerInfoSize, VerInfo) then if VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\', Pointer(SpecVerInfo), VerInfoSize) then begin if SpecVerInfo^.dwFileVersionMS < (65536*1 + 1) then FEngineNeedsSHA2Workaround := True; end; finally FreeMem(VerInfo); end; end; end; end; //---- Workaround end ------------------------------------------------------ Result := True; finally FEngineCS.Leave; end; end; procedure DestroyEngineInterface; begin FEngineCS.Enter; try if Assigned(FENGINE_cleanup) then FENGINE_cleanup; FENGINE_cleanup := nil; FENGINE_load_builtin_engines := nil; FENGINE_by_id := nil; FENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string := nil; FENGINE_init := nil; FENGINE_finish := nil; FENGINE_free := nil; FENGINE_set_default := nil; FENGINE_load_private_key := nil; FSSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine := nil; Fd2i_X509 := nil; FEngineInterfaceInitialized := False; finally FEngineCS.Leave; end; end; procedure ENGINE_load_builtin_engines; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FENGINE_load_builtin_engines) then FENGINE_load_builtin_engines; end; function ENGINE_by_id(id: PAnsiChar): PENGINE; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FENGINE_by_id) then Result := FENGINE_by_id(id) else Result := nil; end; function ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e: PENGINE; cmd_name, arg: PAnsiChar; cmd_optional: integer): integer; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string) then Result := FENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, cmd_name, arg, cmd_optional) else Result := 0; end; function ENGINE_init(e: PENGINE): integer; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FENGINE_init) then Result := FENGINE_init(e) else Result := 0; end; function ENGINE_finish(e: PENGINE): integer; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FENGINE_finish) then Result := FENGINE_finish(e) else Result := 0; end; function ENGINE_free(e: PENGINE): integer; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FENGINE_free) then Result := FENGINE_free(e) else Result := 0; end; function ENGINE_set_default(e: PENGINE; flags: DWORD): integer; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FENGINE_set_default) then Result := FENGINE_set_default(e, flags) else Result := 0; end; function ENGINE_load_private_key(e: PENGINE; key_id: PAnsiChar; ui_method: Pointer; callback_data: Pointer): EVP_PKEY; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FENGINE_load_private_key) then Result := FENGINE_load_private_key(e, key_id, ui_method, callback_data) else Result := nil; end; function SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine(ctx: PSSL_CTX; e: PENGINE): integer; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(FSSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine) then Result := FSSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine(ctx, e) else Result := 0; end; function d2i_X509(px: PPX509; data: PPointer; len: integer): PX509; begin if InitEngineInterface and Assigned(Fd2i_X509) then Result := Fd2i_X509(px, data, len) else Result := nil; end; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$ENDREGION}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$REGION 'CAPI engine support'}{$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} {CAPI engine support } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} var FGlobalEngineInitialized: boolean = False; FGlobalEngine: PENGINE = nil; function PrepareCapiEngine(out Engine: PENGINE): boolean; function LoadCapiEngine(Engine: PENGINE; const FileName: string): boolean; begin Result := False; if ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(Engine, 'SO_PATH', PAnsiChar(AnsiString(FileName)), 0) <> 0 then if ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(Engine, 'LOAD', nil, 0) <> 0 then Result := True; end; function LoadCapiEngineDynamic(out Engine: PENGINE): boolean; var OpenSSLFileName: string; TempEngine: PENGINE; begin Result := False; if not GetModuleFileNamePAS(SSLUtilHandle, OpenSSLFileName) then Exit; TempEngine := ENGINE_by_id('dynamic'); try if TempEngine <> nil then begin if LoadCapiEngine(TempEngine, ExtractFilePath(OpenSSLFileName) + DLLCapiName) then // need a version match! Same dir suggests the versions could be the same if ENGINE_init(TempEngine) <> 0 then begin Engine := TempEngine; TempEngine := nil; Result := True; end; end; finally if TempEngine <> nil then begin ENGINE_free(TempEngine); //TempEngine := nil; // triggers a hint end; end; end; function LoadCapiEngineStatic(out Engine: PENGINE): boolean; var TempEngine: PENGINE; begin Result := False; TempEngine := ENGINE_by_id(CapiEngineID); try if TempEngine <> nil then begin if ENGINE_init(TempEngine) <> 0 then begin Engine := TempEngine; TempEngine := nil; Result := True; end; end; finally if TempEngine <> nil then begin ENGINE_free(TempEngine); //TempEngine := nil; // triggers a hint end; end; end; begin Result := LoadCapiEngineStatic(Engine) or LoadCapiEngineDynamic(Engine); end; function InitCapiEngine: boolean; var E: PENGINE; begin Result := FGlobalEngine <> nil; if FGlobalEngineInitialized then Exit; FEngineCS.Enter; try if FGlobalEngineInitialized then Exit; ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(); if PrepareCapiEngine(E) then begin if not Assigned(FSSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine) then begin if ENGINE_set_default(E, ENGINE_METHOD_ALL) = 0 then begin ENGINE_finish(E); ENGINE_free(E); E := nil; end; end; FGlobalEngine := E; end; FGlobalEngineInitialized := True; Result := FGlobalEngine <> nil; finally FEngineCS.Leave; end; end; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$ENDREGION}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$REGION 'Pool of engines'}{$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} {Pool of engines, to reduce the time to get a working connection } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {$IFDEF USE_ENGINE_POOL} type TEnginePool = class private fLock: TCriticalSection; fAvailableList: TList; protected procedure Lock; procedure Unlock; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Acquire(out Engine: PENGINE): boolean; procedure Release(var Engine: PENGINE); procedure Clear; end; var FEnginePool: TEnginePool = nil; { TEnginePool } function TEnginePool.Acquire(out Engine: PENGINE): boolean; var n: integer; begin if fAvailableList.Count > 0 then begin Lock; try for n := Pred(fAvailableList.Count) downto 0 do begin Engine := fAvailableList[n]; if Engine <> nil then begin fAvailableList.Delete(n); Result := True; Exit; end; end; finally Unlock; end; end; Result := InitCapiEngine and PrepareCapiEngine(Engine); end; procedure TEnginePool.Clear; var i: integer; E: PENGINE; begin Lock; try for i := 0 to Pred(fAvailableList.Count) do begin E := fAvailableList[i]; fAvailableList[i] := nil; if E <> nil then begin ENGINE_finish(E); ENGINE_free(E); end; end; fAvailableList.Clear; finally Unlock; end; end; constructor TEnginePool.Create; begin inherited Create; fLock := TCriticalSection.Create; fAvailableList := TList.Create; end; destructor TEnginePool.Destroy; begin Clear; FreeAndNil(fAvailableList); FreeAndNil(fLock); inherited; end; procedure TEnginePool.Lock; begin fLock.Enter; end; procedure TEnginePool.Release(var Engine: PENGINE); begin if Engine = nil then Exit; Lock; try fAvailableList.Add(Engine); Engine := nil; finally Unlock; end; end; procedure TEnginePool.Unlock; begin fLock.Leave; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$ENDREGION}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$REGION 'The plugin'}{$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} {The plugin } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { TSSLOpenSSLCapi } class function TSSLOpenSSLCapi.InitEngine: boolean; begin Result := InitCapiEngine; end; procedure TSSLOpenSSLCapi.Assign(const Value: TCustomSSL); var CAPIValue: TSSLOpenSSLCapi; begin inherited; if (Value <> nil) and (Value is TSSLOpenSSLCapi) then begin CAPIValue := TSSLOpenSSLCapi(Value); Self.FSigningCertificateLocation := CAPIValue.FSigningCertificateLocation; Self.FSigningCertificateStore := CAPIValue.FSigningCertificateStore; Self.FSigningCertificateID := CAPIValue.FSigningCertificateID; end; end; constructor TSSLOpenSSLCapi.Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket); begin inherited; FEngine := nil; FEngineInitialized := False; FSigningCertificateLocation := wcslCurrentUser; FSigningCertificateStore := 'MY'; FSigningCertificateID := ''; end; destructor TSSLOpenSSLCapi.Destroy; begin if FEngine <> nil then begin {$IFDEF USE_ENGINE_POOL} FEnginePool.Release(FEngine); {$ELSE} ENGINE_finish(FEngine); ENGINE_free(FEngine); {$ENDIF} FEngineInitialized := False; end; inherited; end; function TSSLOpenSSLCapi.GetEngine: PENGINE; begin if not FEngineInitialized then begin {$IFDEF USE_ENGINE_POOL} if not FEnginePool.Acquire(FEngine) then FEngine := nil; {$ELSE} if (not InitEngine) or (not PrepareCapiEngine(FEngine)) then FEngine := nil; {$ENDIF} FEngineInitialized := True; end; Result := FEngine; end; function TSSLOpenSSLCapi.LoadSigningCertificate: boolean; var pkey: EVP_PKEY; pdata: Pointer; cert: PX509; store: HCERTSTORE; certctx: PCCERT_CONTEXT; flags: DWORD; begin Result := False; if not SigningCertificateSpecified then Exit; if not InitEngine then Exit; if Engine = nil then Exit; if not Assigned(FSSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine) then Exit; if SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engine(Fctx, Engine) = 0 then Exit; if ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(Engine, 'store_name', PAnsiChar( {$IFDEF UNICODE} AnsiString {$ENDIF} (SigningCertificateStore)), 0) = 0 then Exit; if ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(Engine, 'lookup_method', '1', 0) = 0 then Exit; case SigningCertificateLocation of wcslCurrentUser: if ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(Engine, 'store_flags', '0', 0) = 0 then Exit; wcslLocalMachine: if ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(Engine, 'store_flags', '1', 0) = 0 then Exit; else Exit; // other store flags are not supported by the CAPI engine end; if Server then begin cert := nil; pkey := nil; try // Need to find the context and the store for the certificate. Unfortunately, // due to the CAPI engine limitations (see capi_load_privkey), I can only use // a very limited set of criteria for finding the certificate flags := 0; case SigningCertificateLocation of wcslCurrentUser: flags := flags or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER; wcslLocalMachine: flags := flags or CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE; else Exit; // other store flags are not supported by the CAPI engine end; store := CertOpenStore(CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, 0, 0, flags, PWideChar(WideString(SigningCertificateStore))); if store <> 0 then begin try certctx := CertFindCertificateInStore(store, X509_ASN_ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR_A, PAnsiChar( {$IFDEF UNICODE} AnsiString {$ENDIF} (SigningCertificateID)), nil); if certctx = nil then Exit; pkey := ENGINE_load_private_key(Engine, PAnsiChar( {$IFDEF UNICODE} AnsiString {$ENDIF} (SigningCertificateID)), nil, nil); if pkey = nil then Exit; pdata := certctx.pbCertEncoded; cert := d2i_X509(nil, @pdata, certctx.cbCertEncoded); if cert = nil then Exit; if SSLCTXusecertificate(Fctx, cert) <= 0 then Exit; if SSLCTXusePrivateKey(Fctx, pkey) <= 0 then Exit; Result := True; finally CertCloseStore(store, 0); end; end; finally if pkey <> nil then EvpPkeyFree(pkey); if cert <> nil then X509free(cert); end; end else begin Result := True; end; if Result then if FEngineNeedsSHA2Workaround then SslCtxCtrl(Fctx, SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS, SslCtxCtrl(Fctx, SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS, 0, nil) or SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2, nil); end; function TSSLOpenSSLCapi.NeedSigningCertificate: boolean; begin Result := SigningCertificateSpecified and inherited NeedSigningCertificate; end; function TSSLOpenSSLCapi.SetSslKeys: boolean; begin Result := False; if not assigned(FCtx) then Exit; try if SigningCertificateSpecified and InitEngine then begin if not LoadSigningCertificate then Exit; Result := True; end; if inherited SetSslKeys then Result := True; finally SSLCheck; end; end; function TSSLOpenSSLCapi.SigningCertificateSpecified: boolean; begin Result := (SigningCertificateID <> ''); end; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$ENDREGION}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$REGION 'Initialization and finalization'}{$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} {Initialization and finalization } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} initialization begin FEngineCS := TCriticalSection.Create; if InitSSLInterface and ((SSLImplementation = TSSLNone) or (SSLImplementation = TSSLOpenSSL)) then SSLImplementation := TSSLOpenSSLCapi; {$IFDEF USE_ENGINE_POOL} FEnginePool := TEnginePool.Create; {$ENDIF} end; finalization begin DestroyEngineInterface; {$IFDEF USE_ENGINE_POOL} FreeAndNil(FEnginePool); {$ENDIF} FreeAndNil(FEngineCS); end; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_REGION}{$ENDREGION}{$ENDIF} end.