{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 001.000.006 | |==============================================================================| | Content: SSL support by StreamSecII | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2005, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2005. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | | Henrick Hellström | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@abstract(SSL plugin for StreamSecII or OpenStreamSecII) StreamSecII is native pascal library, you not need any external libraries! You can tune lot of StreamSecII properties by using your GlobalServer. If you not using your GlobalServer, then this plugin create own TSimpleTLSInternalServer instance for each TCP connection. Formore information about GlobalServer usage refer StreamSecII documentation. If you are not using key and certificate by GlobalServer, then you can use properties of this plugin instead, but this have limited features and @link(TCustomSSL.KeyPassword) not working properly yet! For handling keys and certificates you can use this properties: @link(TCustomSSL.CertCAFile), @link(TCustomSSL.CertCA), @link(TCustomSSL.TrustCertificateFile), @link(TCustomSSL.TrustCertificate), @link(TCustomSSL.PrivateKeyFile), @link(TCustomSSL.PrivateKey), @link(TCustomSSL.CertificateFile), @link(TCustomSSL.Certificate), @link(TCustomSSL.PFXFile). For usage of this properties and for possible formats of keys and certificates refer to StreamSecII documentation. } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$H+} unit ssl_streamsec; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, blcksock, synsock, synautil, synacode, TlsInternalServer, TlsSynaSock, TlsConst, StreamSecII, Asn1, X509Base, SecUtils; type {:@exclude} TMyTLSSynSockSlave = class(TTLSSynSockSlave) protected procedure SetMyTLSServer(const Value: TCustomTLSInternalServer); function GetMyTLSServer: TCustomTLSInternalServer; published property MyTLSServer: TCustomTLSInternalServer read GetMyTLSServer write SetMyTLSServer; end; {:@abstract(class implementing StreamSecII SSL plugin.) Instance of this class will be created for each @link(TTCPBlockSocket). You not need to create instance of this class, all is done by Synapse itself!} TSSLStreamSec = class(TCustomSSL) protected FSlave: TMyTLSSynSockSlave; FIsServer: Boolean; FTLSServer: TCustomTLSInternalServer; FServerCreated: Boolean; function SSLCheck: Boolean; function Init(server:Boolean): Boolean; function DeInit: Boolean; function Prepare(server:Boolean): Boolean; procedure NotTrustEvent(Sender: TObject; Cert: TASN1Struct; var ExplicitTrust: Boolean); function X500StrToStr(const Prefix: string; const Value: TX500String): string; function X501NameToStr(const Value: TX501Name): string; function GetCert: PASN1Struct; public constructor Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket); override; destructor Destroy; override; {:See @inherited} function LibVersion: String; override; {:See @inherited} function LibName: String; override; {:See @inherited and @link(ssl_streamsec) for more details.} function Connect: boolean; override; {:See @inherited and @link(ssl_streamsec) for more details.} function Accept: boolean; override; {:See @inherited} function Shutdown: boolean; override; {:See @inherited} function BiShutdown: boolean; override; {:See @inherited} function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; override; {:See @inherited} function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; override; {:See @inherited} function WaitingData: Integer; override; {:See @inherited} function GetSSLVersion: string; override; {:See @inherited} function GetPeerSubject: string; override; {:See @inherited} function GetPeerIssuer: string; override; {:See @inherited} function GetPeerName: string; override; {:See @inherited} function GetPeerFingerprint: ansistring; override; {:See @inherited} function GetCertInfo: string; override; published {:TLS server for tuning of StreamSecII.} property TLSServer: TCustomTLSInternalServer read FTLSServer write FTLSServer; end; implementation {==============================================================================} procedure TMyTLSSynSockSlave.SetMyTLSServer(const Value: TCustomTLSInternalServer); begin TLSServer := Value; end; function TMyTLSSynSockSlave.GetMyTLSServer: TCustomTLSInternalServer; begin Result := TLSServer; end; {==============================================================================} constructor TSSLStreamSec.Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket); begin inherited Create(Value); FSlave := nil; FIsServer := False; FTLSServer := nil; end; destructor TSSLStreamSec.Destroy; begin DeInit; inherited Destroy; end; function TSSLStreamSec.LibVersion: String; begin Result := 'StreamSecII'; end; function TSSLStreamSec.LibName: String; begin Result := 'ssl_streamsec'; end; function TSSLStreamSec.SSLCheck: Boolean; begin Result := true; FLastErrorDesc := ''; if not Assigned(FSlave) then Exit; FLastError := FSlave.ErrorCode; if FLastError <> 0 then begin FLastErrorDesc := TlsConst.AlertMsg(FLastError); end; end; procedure TSSLStreamSec.NotTrustEvent(Sender: TObject; Cert: TASN1Struct; var ExplicitTrust: Boolean); begin ExplicitTrust := true; end; function TSSLStreamSec.Init(server:Boolean): Boolean; var st: TMemoryStream; pass: ISecretKey; ws: WideString; begin Result := False; ws := FKeyPassword; pass := TSecretKey.CreateBmpStr(PWideChar(ws), length(ws)); try FIsServer := Server; FSlave := TMyTLSSynSockSlave.CreateSocket(FSocket.Socket); if Assigned(FTLSServer) then FSlave.MyTLSServer := FTLSServer else if Assigned(TLSInternalServer.GlobalServer) then FSlave.MyTLSServer := TLSInternalServer.GlobalServer else begin FSlave.MyTLSServer := TSimpleTLSInternalServer.Create(nil); FServerCreated := True; end; if server then FSlave.MyTLSServer.ClientOrServer := cosServerSide else FSlave.MyTLSServer.ClientOrServer := cosClientSide; if not FVerifyCert then begin FSlave.MyTLSServer.OnCertNotTrusted := NotTrustEvent; end; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.VerifyServerName := []; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.Export40Bit := prAllowed; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.Export56Bit := prAllowed; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.RequestClientCertificate := False; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.RequireClientCertificate := False; if server and FVerifyCert then begin FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.RequestClientCertificate := True; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.RequireClientCertificate := True; end; if FCertCAFile <> '' then FSlave.MyTLSServer.LoadRootCertsFromFile(CertCAFile); if FCertCA <> '' then begin st := TMemoryStream.Create; try WriteStrToStream(st, FCertCA); st.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); FSlave.MyTLSServer.LoadRootCertsFromStream(st); finally st.free; end; end; if FTrustCertificateFile <> '' then FSlave.MyTLSServer.LoadTrustedCertsFromFile(FTrustCertificateFile); if FTrustCertificate <> '' then begin st := TMemoryStream.Create; try WriteStrToStream(st, FTrustCertificate); st.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); FSlave.MyTLSServer.LoadTrustedCertsFromStream(st); finally st.free; end; end; if FPrivateKeyFile <> '' then FSlave.MyTLSServer.LoadPrivateKeyRingFromFile(FPrivateKeyFile, pass); // FSlave.MyTLSServer.PrivateKeyRing.LoadPrivateKeyFromFile(FPrivateKeyFile, pass); if FPrivateKey <> '' then begin st := TMemoryStream.Create; try WriteStrToStream(st, FPrivateKey); st.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); FSlave.MyTLSServer.LoadPrivateKeyRingFromStream(st, pass); finally st.free; end; end; if FCertificateFile <> '' then FSlave.MyTLSServer.LoadMyCertsFromFile(FCertificateFile); if FCertificate <> '' then begin st := TMemoryStream.Create; try WriteStrToStream(st, FCertificate); st.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); FSlave.MyTLSServer.LoadMyCertsFromStream(st); finally st.free; end; end; if FPFXfile <> '' then FSlave.MyTLSServer.ImportFromPFX(FPFXfile, pass); if server and FServerCreated then begin FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.BulkCipherAES128 := prPrefer; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.BulkCipherAES256 := prAllowed; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.EphemeralECDHKeySize := ecs256; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.SignatureRSA := prPrefer; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.KeyAgreementRSA := prAllowed; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.KeyAgreementECDHE := prAllowed; FSlave.MyTLSServer.Options.KeyAgreementDHE := prPrefer; FSlave.MyTLSServer.TLSSetupServer; end; Result := true; finally pass := nil; end; end; function TSSLStreamSec.DeInit: Boolean; var obj: TObject; begin Result := True; if assigned(FSlave) then begin FSlave.Close; if FServerCreated then obj := FSlave.TLSServer else obj := nil; FSlave.Free; obj.Free; FSlave := nil; end; FSSLEnabled := false; end; function TSSLStreamSec.Prepare(server:Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := false; DeInit; if Init(server) then Result := true else DeInit; end; function TSSLStreamSec.Connect: boolean; begin Result := False; if FSocket.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET then Exit; if Prepare(false) then begin FSlave.Open; SSLCheck; if FLastError <> 0 then Exit; FSSLEnabled := True; Result := True; end; end; function TSSLStreamSec.Accept: boolean; begin Result := False; if FSocket.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET then Exit; if Prepare(true) then begin FSlave.DoConnect; SSLCheck; if FLastError <> 0 then Exit; FSSLEnabled := True; Result := True; end; end; function TSSLStreamSec.Shutdown: boolean; begin Result := BiShutdown; end; function TSSLStreamSec.BiShutdown: boolean; begin DeInit; Result := True; end; function TSSLStreamSec.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; var l: integer; begin l := len; FSlave.SendBuf(Buffer^, l, true); Result := l; SSLCheck; end; function TSSLStreamSec.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; var l: integer; begin l := Len; Result := FSlave.ReceiveBuf(Buffer^, l); SSLCheck; end; function TSSLStreamSec.WaitingData: Integer; begin Result := 0; while FSlave.Connected do begin Result := FSlave.ReceiveLength; if Result > 0 then Break; Sleep(1); end; end; function TSSLStreamSec.GetSSLVersion: string; begin Result := 'SSLv3 or TLSv1'; end; function TSSLStreamSec.GetCert: PASN1Struct; begin if FIsServer then Result := FSlave.GetClientCert else Result := FSlave.GetServerCert; end; function TSSLStreamSec.GetPeerSubject: string; var XName: TX501Name; Cert: PASN1Struct; begin Result := ''; Cert := GetCert; if Assigned(cert) then begin ExtractSubject(Cert^,XName, false); Result := X501NameToStr(XName); end; end; function TSSLStreamSec.GetPeerName: string; var XName: TX501Name; Cert: PASN1Struct; begin Result := ''; Cert := GetCert; if Assigned(cert) then begin ExtractSubject(Cert^,XName, false); Result := XName.commonName.Str; end; end; function TSSLStreamSec.GetPeerIssuer: string; var XName: TX501Name; Cert: PASN1Struct; begin Result := ''; Cert := GetCert; if Assigned(cert) then begin ExtractIssuer(Cert^, XName, false); Result := X501NameToStr(XName); end; end; function TSSLStreamSec.GetPeerFingerprint: ansistring; var Cert: PASN1Struct; begin Result := ''; Cert := GetCert; if Assigned(cert) then Result := MD5(Cert.ContentAsOctetString); end; function TSSLStreamSec.GetCertInfo: string; var Cert: PASN1Struct; l: Tstringlist; begin Result := ''; Cert := GetCert; if Assigned(cert) then begin l := TStringList.Create; try Asn1.RenderAsText(cert^, l, true, true, true, 2); Result := l.Text; finally l.free; end; end; end; function TSSLStreamSec.X500StrToStr(const Prefix: string; const Value: TX500String): string; begin if Value.Str = '' then Result := '' else Result := '/' + Prefix + '=' + Value.Str; end; function TSSLStreamSec.X501NameToStr(const Value: TX501Name): string; begin Result := X500StrToStr('CN',Value.commonName) + X500StrToStr('C',Value.countryName) + X500StrToStr('L',Value.localityName) + X500StrToStr('ST',Value.stateOrProvinceName) + X500StrToStr('O',Value.organizationName) + X500StrToStr('OU',Value.organizationalUnitName) + X500StrToStr('T',Value.title) + X500StrToStr('N',Value.name) + X500StrToStr('G',Value.givenName) + X500StrToStr('I',Value.initials) + X500StrToStr('SN',Value.surname) + X500StrToStr('GQ',Value.generationQualifier) + X500StrToStr('DNQ',Value.dnQualifier) + X500StrToStr('E',Value.emailAddress); end; {==============================================================================} initialization SSLImplementation := TSSLStreamSec; finalization end.