{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 002.002.002 | |==============================================================================| | Content: Coding and decoding support | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2012, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000-2012. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@abstract(Various encoding and decoding support)} {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$Q-} {$R-} {$H+} {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} {$IFDEF UNICODE} {$WARN IMPLICIT_STRING_CAST OFF} {$WARN IMPLICIT_STRING_CAST_LOSS OFF} {$WARN SUSPICIOUS_TYPECAST OFF} {$ENDIF} unit synacode; interface uses SysUtils; type TSpecials = set of AnsiChar; const SpecialChar: TSpecials = ['=', '(', ')', '[', ']', '<', '>', ':', ';', ',', '@', '/', '?', '\', '"', '_']; NonAsciiChar: TSpecials = [#0..#31, #127..#255]; URLFullSpecialChar: TSpecials = [';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '=', '&', '#', '+']; URLSpecialChar: TSpecials = [#$00..#$20, '<', '>', '"', '%', '{', '}', '|', '\', '^', '[', ']', '`', #$7F..#$FF]; TableBase64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; TableBase64mod = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+,='; TableUU = '`!"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_'; TableXX = '+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; ReTablebase64 = #$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$3E +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$3F +#$34 +#$35 +#$36 +#$37 +#$38 +#$39 +#$3A +#$3B +#$3C +#$3D +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$00 +#$01 +#$02 +#$03 +#$04 +#$05 +#$06 +#$07 +#$08 +#$09 +#$0A +#$0B +#$0C +#$0D +#$0E +#$0F +#$10 +#$11 +#$12 +#$13 +#$14 +#$15 +#$16 +#$17 +#$18 +#$19 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$1A +#$1B +#$1C +#$1D +#$1E +#$1F +#$20 +#$21 +#$22 +#$23 +#$24 +#$25 +#$26 +#$27 +#$28 +#$29 +#$2A +#$2B +#$2C +#$2D +#$2E +#$2F +#$30 +#$31 +#$32 +#$33 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40; ReTableUU = #$01 +#$02 +#$03 +#$04 +#$05 +#$06 +#$07 +#$08 +#$09 +#$0A +#$0B +#$0C +#$0D +#$0E +#$0F +#$10 +#$11 +#$12 +#$13 +#$14 +#$15 +#$16 +#$17 +#$18 +#$19 +#$1A +#$1B +#$1C +#$1D +#$1E +#$1F +#$20 +#$21 +#$22 +#$23 +#$24 +#$25 +#$26 +#$27 +#$28 +#$29 +#$2A +#$2B +#$2C +#$2D +#$2E +#$2F +#$30 +#$31 +#$32 +#$33 +#$34 +#$35 +#$36 +#$37 +#$38 +#$39 +#$3A +#$3B +#$3C +#$3D +#$3E +#$3F +#$00 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40; ReTableXX = #$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$00 +#$40 +#$01 +#$40 +#$40 +#$02 +#$03 +#$04 +#$05 +#$06 +#$07 +#$08 +#$09 +#$0A +#$0B +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$0C +#$0D +#$0E +#$0F +#$10 +#$11 +#$12 +#$13 +#$14 +#$15 +#$16 +#$17 +#$18 +#$19 +#$1A +#$1B +#$1C +#$1D +#$1E +#$1F +#$20 +#$21 +#$22 +#$23 +#$24 +#$25 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$26 +#$27 +#$28 +#$29 +#$2A +#$2B +#$2C +#$2D +#$2E +#$2F +#$30 +#$31 +#$32 +#$33 +#$34 +#$35 +#$36 +#$37 +#$38 +#$39 +#$3A +#$3B +#$3C +#$3D +#$3E +#$3F +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40; {:Decodes triplet encoding with a given character delimiter. It is used for decoding quoted-printable or URL encoding.} function DecodeTriplet(const Value: AnsiString; Delimiter: AnsiChar): AnsiString; {:Decodes a string from quoted printable form. (also decodes triplet sequences like '=7F')} function DecodeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Decodes a string of URL encoding. (also decodes triplet sequences like '%7F')} function DecodeURL(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Performs triplet encoding with a given character delimiter. Used for encoding quoted-printable or URL encoding.} function EncodeTriplet(const Value: AnsiString; Delimiter: AnsiChar; Specials: TSpecials): AnsiString; {:Encodes a string to triplet quoted printable form. All @link(NonAsciiChar) are encoded.} function EncodeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Encodes a string to triplet quoted printable form. All @link(NonAsciiChar) and @link(SpecialChar) are encoded.} function EncodeSafeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Encodes a string to URL format. Used for encoding data from a form field in HTTP, etc. (Encodes all critical characters including characters used as URL delimiters ('/',':', etc.)} function EncodeURLElement(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Encodes a string to URL format. Used to encode critical characters in all URLs.} function EncodeURL(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Decode 4to3 encoding with given table. If some element is not found in table, first item from table is used. This is good for buggy coded items by Microsoft Outlook. This software sometimes using wrong table for UUcode, where is used ' ' instead '`'.} function Decode4to3(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Decode 4to3 encoding with given REVERSE table. Using this function with reverse table is much faster then @link(Decode4to3). This function is used internally for Base64, UU or XX decoding.} function Decode4to3Ex(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Encode by system 3to4 (used by Base64, UU coding, etc) by given table.} function Encode3to4(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Decode string from base64 format.} function DecodeBase64(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Encodes a string to base64 format.} function EncodeBase64(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Decode string from modified base64 format. (used in IMAP, for example.)} function DecodeBase64mod(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Encodes a string to modified base64 format. (used in IMAP, for example.)} function EncodeBase64mod(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Decodes a string from UUcode format.} function DecodeUU(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:encode UUcode. it encode only datas, you must also add header and footer for proper encode.} function EncodeUU(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Decodes a string from XXcode format.} function DecodeXX(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:decode line with Yenc code. This code is sometimes used in newsgroups.} function DecodeYEnc(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Returns a new CRC32 value after adding a new byte of data.} function UpdateCrc32(Value: Byte; Crc32: Integer): Integer; {:return CRC32 from a value string.} function Crc32(const Value: AnsiString): Integer; {:Returns a new CRC16 value after adding a new byte of data.} function UpdateCrc16(Value: Byte; Crc16: Word): Word; {:return CRC16 from a value string.} function Crc16(const Value: AnsiString): Word; {:Returns a binary string with a RSA-MD5 hashing of "Value" string.} function MD5(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Returns a binary string with HMAC-MD5 hash.} function HMAC_MD5(Text, Key: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Returns a binary string with a RSA-MD5 hashing of string what is constructed by repeating "value" until length is "Len".} function MD5LongHash(const Value: AnsiString; Len: integer): AnsiString; {:Returns a binary string with a SHA-1 hashing of "Value" string.} function SHA1(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Returns a binary string with HMAC-SHA1 hash.} function HMAC_SHA1(Text, Key: AnsiString): AnsiString; {:Returns a binary string with a SHA-1 hashing of string what is constructed by repeating "value" until length is "Len".} function SHA1LongHash(const Value: AnsiString; Len: integer): AnsiString; {:Returns a binary string with a RSA-MD4 hashing of "Value" string.} function MD4(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; implementation const Crc32Tab: array[0..255] of Integer = ( Integer($00000000), Integer($77073096), Integer($EE0E612C), Integer($990951BA), Integer($076DC419), Integer($706AF48F), Integer($E963A535), Integer($9E6495A3), Integer($0EDB8832), Integer($79DCB8A4), Integer($E0D5E91E), Integer($97D2D988), Integer($09B64C2B), Integer($7EB17CBD), Integer($E7B82D07), Integer($90BF1D91), Integer($1DB71064), Integer($6AB020F2), Integer($F3B97148), Integer($84BE41DE), Integer($1ADAD47D), Integer($6DDDE4EB), Integer($F4D4B551), Integer($83D385C7), Integer($136C9856), Integer($646BA8C0), Integer($FD62F97A), Integer($8A65C9EC), Integer($14015C4F), Integer($63066CD9), Integer($FA0F3D63), Integer($8D080DF5), Integer($3B6E20C8), Integer($4C69105E), Integer($D56041E4), Integer($A2677172), Integer($3C03E4D1), Integer($4B04D447), Integer($D20D85FD), Integer($A50AB56B), Integer($35B5A8FA), Integer($42B2986C), Integer($DBBBC9D6), Integer($ACBCF940), Integer($32D86CE3), Integer($45DF5C75), Integer($DCD60DCF), Integer($ABD13D59), Integer($26D930AC), Integer($51DE003A), Integer($C8D75180), Integer($BFD06116), Integer($21B4F4B5), Integer($56B3C423), Integer($CFBA9599), Integer($B8BDA50F), Integer($2802B89E), Integer($5F058808), Integer($C60CD9B2), Integer($B10BE924), Integer($2F6F7C87), Integer($58684C11), Integer($C1611DAB), Integer($B6662D3D), Integer($76DC4190), Integer($01DB7106), Integer($98D220BC), Integer($EFD5102A), Integer($71B18589), Integer($06B6B51F), Integer($9FBFE4A5), Integer($E8B8D433), Integer($7807C9A2), Integer($0F00F934), Integer($9609A88E), Integer($E10E9818), Integer($7F6A0DBB), Integer($086D3D2D), Integer($91646C97), Integer($E6635C01), Integer($6B6B51F4), Integer($1C6C6162), Integer($856530D8), Integer($F262004E), Integer($6C0695ED), Integer($1B01A57B), Integer($8208F4C1), Integer($F50FC457), Integer($65B0D9C6), Integer($12B7E950), Integer($8BBEB8EA), Integer($FCB9887C), Integer($62DD1DDF), Integer($15DA2D49), Integer($8CD37CF3), Integer($FBD44C65), Integer($4DB26158), Integer($3AB551CE), Integer($A3BC0074), Integer($D4BB30E2), Integer($4ADFA541), Integer($3DD895D7), Integer($A4D1C46D), Integer($D3D6F4FB), Integer($4369E96A), Integer($346ED9FC), Integer($AD678846), Integer($DA60B8D0), Integer($44042D73), Integer($33031DE5), Integer($AA0A4C5F), Integer($DD0D7CC9), Integer($5005713C), Integer($270241AA), Integer($BE0B1010), Integer($C90C2086), Integer($5768B525), Integer($206F85B3), Integer($B966D409), Integer($CE61E49F), Integer($5EDEF90E), Integer($29D9C998), Integer($B0D09822), Integer($C7D7A8B4), Integer($59B33D17), Integer($2EB40D81), Integer($B7BD5C3B), Integer($C0BA6CAD), Integer($EDB88320), Integer($9ABFB3B6), Integer($03B6E20C), Integer($74B1D29A), Integer($EAD54739), Integer($9DD277AF), Integer($04DB2615), Integer($73DC1683), Integer($E3630B12), Integer($94643B84), Integer($0D6D6A3E), Integer($7A6A5AA8), Integer($E40ECF0B), Integer($9309FF9D), Integer($0A00AE27), Integer($7D079EB1), Integer($F00F9344), Integer($8708A3D2), Integer($1E01F268), Integer($6906C2FE), Integer($F762575D), Integer($806567CB), Integer($196C3671), Integer($6E6B06E7), Integer($FED41B76), Integer($89D32BE0), Integer($10DA7A5A), Integer($67DD4ACC), Integer($F9B9DF6F), Integer($8EBEEFF9), Integer($17B7BE43), Integer($60B08ED5), Integer($D6D6A3E8), Integer($A1D1937E), Integer($38D8C2C4), Integer($4FDFF252), Integer($D1BB67F1), Integer($A6BC5767), Integer($3FB506DD), Integer($48B2364B), Integer($D80D2BDA), Integer($AF0A1B4C), Integer($36034AF6), Integer($41047A60), Integer($DF60EFC3), Integer($A867DF55), Integer($316E8EEF), Integer($4669BE79), Integer($CB61B38C), Integer($BC66831A), Integer($256FD2A0), Integer($5268E236), Integer($CC0C7795), Integer($BB0B4703), Integer($220216B9), Integer($5505262F), Integer($C5BA3BBE), Integer($B2BD0B28), Integer($2BB45A92), Integer($5CB36A04), Integer($C2D7FFA7), Integer($B5D0CF31), Integer($2CD99E8B), Integer($5BDEAE1D), Integer($9B64C2B0), Integer($EC63F226), Integer($756AA39C), Integer($026D930A), Integer($9C0906A9), Integer($EB0E363F), Integer($72076785), Integer($05005713), Integer($95BF4A82), Integer($E2B87A14), Integer($7BB12BAE), Integer($0CB61B38), Integer($92D28E9B), Integer($E5D5BE0D), Integer($7CDCEFB7), Integer($0BDBDF21), Integer($86D3D2D4), Integer($F1D4E242), Integer($68DDB3F8), Integer($1FDA836E), Integer($81BE16CD), Integer($F6B9265B), Integer($6FB077E1), Integer($18B74777), Integer($88085AE6), Integer($FF0F6A70), Integer($66063BCA), Integer($11010B5C), Integer($8F659EFF), Integer($F862AE69), Integer($616BFFD3), Integer($166CCF45), Integer($A00AE278), Integer($D70DD2EE), Integer($4E048354), Integer($3903B3C2), Integer($A7672661), Integer($D06016F7), Integer($4969474D), Integer($3E6E77DB), Integer($AED16A4A), Integer($D9D65ADC), Integer($40DF0B66), Integer($37D83BF0), Integer($A9BCAE53), Integer($DEBB9EC5), Integer($47B2CF7F), Integer($30B5FFE9), Integer($BDBDF21C), Integer($CABAC28A), Integer($53B39330), Integer($24B4A3A6), Integer($BAD03605), Integer($CDD70693), Integer($54DE5729), Integer($23D967BF), Integer($B3667A2E), Integer($C4614AB8), Integer($5D681B02), Integer($2A6F2B94), Integer($B40BBE37), Integer($C30C8EA1), Integer($5A05DF1B), Integer($2D02EF8D) ); Crc16Tab: array[0..255] of Word = ( $0000, $1189, $2312, $329B, $4624, $57AD, $6536, $74BF, $8C48, $9DC1, $AF5A, $BED3, $CA6C, $DBE5, $E97E, $F8F7, $1081, $0108, $3393, $221A, $56A5, $472C, $75B7, $643E, $9CC9, $8D40, $BFDB, $AE52, $DAED, $CB64, $F9FF, $E876, $2102, $308B, $0210, $1399, $6726, $76AF, $4434, $55BD, $AD4A, $BCC3, $8E58, $9FD1, $EB6E, $FAE7, $C87C, $D9F5, $3183, $200A, $1291, $0318, $77A7, $662E, $54B5, $453C, $BDCB, $AC42, $9ED9, $8F50, $FBEF, $EA66, $D8FD, $C974, $4204, $538D, $6116, $709F, $0420, $15A9, $2732, $36BB, $CE4C, $DFC5, $ED5E, $FCD7, $8868, $99E1, $AB7A, $BAF3, $5285, $430C, $7197, $601E, $14A1, $0528, $37B3, $263A, $DECD, $CF44, $FDDF, $EC56, $98E9, $8960, $BBFB, $AA72, $6306, $728F, $4014, $519D, $2522, $34AB, $0630, $17B9, $EF4E, $FEC7, $CC5C, $DDD5, $A96A, $B8E3, $8A78, $9BF1, $7387, $620E, $5095, $411C, $35A3, $242A, $16B1, $0738, $FFCF, $EE46, $DCDD, $CD54, $B9EB, $A862, $9AF9, $8B70, $8408, $9581, $A71A, $B693, $C22C, $D3A5, $E13E, $F0B7, $0840, $19C9, $2B52, $3ADB, $4E64, $5FED, $6D76, $7CFF, $9489, $8500, $B79B, $A612, $D2AD, $C324, $F1BF, $E036, $18C1, $0948, $3BD3, $2A5A, $5EE5, $4F6C, $7DF7, $6C7E, $A50A, $B483, $8618, $9791, $E32E, $F2A7, $C03C, $D1B5, $2942, $38CB, $0A50, $1BD9, $6F66, $7EEF, $4C74, $5DFD, $B58B, $A402, $9699, $8710, $F3AF, $E226, $D0BD, $C134, $39C3, $284A, $1AD1, $0B58, $7FE7, $6E6E, $5CF5, $4D7C, $C60C, $D785, $E51E, $F497, $8028, $91A1, $A33A, $B2B3, $4A44, $5BCD, $6956, $78DF, $0C60, $1DE9, $2F72, $3EFB, $D68D, $C704, $F59F, $E416, $90A9, $8120, $B3BB, $A232, $5AC5, $4B4C, $79D7, $685E, $1CE1, $0D68, $3FF3, $2E7A, $E70E, $F687, $C41C, $D595, $A12A, $B0A3, $8238, $93B1, $6B46, $7ACF, $4854, $59DD, $2D62, $3CEB, $0E70, $1FF9, $F78F, $E606, $D49D, $C514, $B1AB, $A022, $92B9, $8330, $7BC7, $6A4E, $58D5, $495C, $3DE3, $2C6A, $1EF1, $0F78 ); procedure ArrByteToLong(var ArByte: Array of byte; var ArLong: Array of Integer); {$IFDEF CIL} var n: integer; {$ENDIF} begin if (High(ArByte) + 1) > ((High(ArLong) + 1) * 4) then Exit; {$IFDEF CIL} for n := 0 to ((high(ArByte) + 1) div 4) - 1 do ArLong[n] := ArByte[n * 4 + 0] + (ArByte[n * 4 + 1] shl 8) + (ArByte[n * 4 + 2] shl 16) + (ArByte[n * 4 + 3] shl 24); {$ELSE} Move(ArByte[0], ArLong[0], High(ArByte) + 1); {$ENDIF} end; procedure ArrLongToByte(var ArLong: Array of Integer; var ArByte: Array of byte); {$IFDEF CIL} var n: integer; {$ENDIF} begin if (High(ArByte) + 1) < ((High(ArLong) + 1) * 4) then Exit; {$IFDEF CIL} for n := 0 to high(ArLong) do begin ArByte[n * 4 + 0] := ArLong[n] and $000000FF; ArByte[n * 4 + 1] := (ArLong[n] shr 8) and $000000FF; ArByte[n * 4 + 2] := (ArLong[n] shr 16) and $000000FF; ArByte[n * 4 + 3] := (ArLong[n] shr 24) and $000000FF; end; {$ELSE} Move(ArLong[0], ArByte[0], High(ArByte) + 1); {$ENDIF} end; type TMDCtx = record State: array[0..3] of Integer; Count: array[0..1] of Integer; BufAnsiChar: array[0..63] of Byte; BufLong: array[0..15] of Integer; end; TSHA1Ctx= record Hi, Lo: integer; Buffer: array[0..63] of byte; Index: integer; Hash: array[0..4] of Integer; HashByte: array[0..19] of byte; end; TMDTransform = procedure(var Buf: array of LongInt; const Data: array of LongInt); {==============================================================================} function DecodeTriplet(const Value: AnsiString; Delimiter: AnsiChar): AnsiString; var x, l, lv: Integer; c: AnsiChar; b: Byte; bad: Boolean; begin lv := Length(Value); SetLength(Result, lv); x := 1; l := 1; while x <= lv do begin c := Value[x]; Inc(x); if c <> Delimiter then begin Result[l] := c; Inc(l); end else if x < lv then begin Case Value[x] Of #13: if (Value[x + 1] = #10) then Inc(x, 2) else Inc(x); #10: if (Value[x + 1] = #13) then Inc(x, 2) else Inc(x); else begin bad := False; Case Value[x] Of '0'..'9': b := (Byte(Value[x]) - 48) Shl 4; 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F': b := ((Byte(Value[x]) And 7) + 9) shl 4; else begin b := 0; bad := True; end; end; Case Value[x + 1] Of '0'..'9': b := b Or (Byte(Value[x + 1]) - 48); 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F': b := b Or ((Byte(Value[x + 1]) And 7) + 9); else bad := True; end; if bad then begin Result[l] := c; Inc(l); end else begin Inc(x, 2); Result[l] := AnsiChar(b); Inc(l); end; end; end; end else break; end; Dec(l); SetLength(Result, l); end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := DecodeTriplet(Value, '='); end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeURL(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := DecodeTriplet(Value, '%'); end; {==============================================================================} function EncodeTriplet(const Value: AnsiString; Delimiter: AnsiChar; Specials: TSpecials): AnsiString; var n, l: Integer; s: AnsiString; c: AnsiChar; begin SetLength(Result, Length(Value) * 3); l := 1; for n := 1 to Length(Value) do begin c := Value[n]; if c in Specials then begin Result[l] := Delimiter; Inc(l); s := IntToHex(Ord(c), 2); Result[l] := s[1]; Inc(l); Result[l] := s[2]; Inc(l); end else begin Result[l] := c; Inc(l); end; end; Dec(l); SetLength(Result, l); end; {==============================================================================} function EncodeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := EncodeTriplet(Value, '=', ['='] + NonAsciiChar); end; {==============================================================================} function EncodeSafeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := EncodeTriplet(Value, '=', SpecialChar + NonAsciiChar); end; {==============================================================================} function EncodeURLElement(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := EncodeTriplet(Value, '%', URLSpecialChar + URLFullSpecialChar); end; {==============================================================================} function EncodeURL(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := EncodeTriplet(Value, '%', URLSpecialChar); end; {==============================================================================} function Decode4to3(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString; var x, y, n, l: Integer; d: array[0..3] of Byte; begin SetLength(Result, Length(Value)); x := 1; l := 1; while x <= Length(Value) do begin for n := 0 to 3 do begin if x > Length(Value) then d[n] := 64 else begin y := Pos(Value[x], Table); if y < 1 then y := 1; d[n] := y - 1; end; Inc(x); end; Result[l] := AnsiChar((D[0] and $3F) shl 2 + (D[1] and $30) shr 4); Inc(l); if d[2] <> 64 then begin Result[l] := AnsiChar((D[1] and $0F) shl 4 + (D[2] and $3C) shr 2); Inc(l); if d[3] <> 64 then begin Result[l] := AnsiChar((D[2] and $03) shl 6 + (D[3] and $3F)); Inc(l); end; end; end; Dec(l); SetLength(Result, l); end; {==============================================================================} function Decode4to3Ex(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString; var x, y, lv: Integer; d: integer; dl: integer; c: byte; p: integer; begin lv := Length(Value); SetLength(Result, lv); x := 1; dl := 4; d := 0; p := 1; while x <= lv do begin y := Ord(Value[x]); if y in [33..127] then c := Ord(Table[y - 32]) else c := 64; Inc(x); if c > 63 then continue; d := (d shl 6) or c; dec(dl); if dl <> 0 then continue; Result[p] := AnsiChar((d shr 16) and $ff); inc(p); Result[p] := AnsiChar((d shr 8) and $ff); inc(p); Result[p] := AnsiChar(d and $ff); inc(p); d := 0; dl := 4; end; case dl of 1: begin d := d shr 2; Result[p] := AnsiChar((d shr 8) and $ff); inc(p); Result[p] := AnsiChar(d and $ff); inc(p); end; 2: begin d := d shr 4; Result[p] := AnsiChar(d and $ff); inc(p); end; end; SetLength(Result, p - 1); end; {==============================================================================} function Encode3to4(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString; var c: Byte; n, l: Integer; Count: Integer; DOut: array[0..3] of Byte; begin setlength(Result, ((Length(Value) + 2) div 3) * 4); l := 1; Count := 1; while Count <= Length(Value) do begin c := Ord(Value[Count]); Inc(Count); DOut[0] := (c and $FC) shr 2; DOut[1] := (c and $03) shl 4; if Count <= Length(Value) then begin c := Ord(Value[Count]); Inc(Count); DOut[1] := DOut[1] + (c and $F0) shr 4; DOut[2] := (c and $0F) shl 2; if Count <= Length(Value) then begin c := Ord(Value[Count]); Inc(Count); DOut[2] := DOut[2] + (c and $C0) shr 6; DOut[3] := (c and $3F); end else begin DOut[3] := $40; end; end else begin DOut[2] := $40; DOut[3] := $40; end; for n := 0 to 3 do begin if (DOut[n] + 1) <= Length(Table) then begin Result[l] := Table[DOut[n] + 1]; Inc(l); end; end; end; SetLength(Result, l - 1); end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeBase64(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := Decode4to3Ex(Value, ReTableBase64); end; {==============================================================================} function EncodeBase64(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := Encode3to4(Value, TableBase64); end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeBase64mod(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := Decode4to3(Value, TableBase64mod); end; {==============================================================================} function EncodeBase64mod(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := Encode3to4(Value, TableBase64mod); end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeUU(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; var s: AnsiString; uut: AnsiString; x: Integer; begin Result := ''; uut := TableUU; s := trim(UpperCase(Value)); if s = '' then Exit; if Pos('BEGIN', s) = 1 then Exit; if Pos('END', s) = 1 then Exit; if Pos('TABLE', s) = 1 then Exit; //ignore Table yet (set custom UUT) //begin decoding x := Pos(Value[1], uut) - 1; case (x mod 3) of 0: x :=(x div 3)* 4; 1: x :=((x div 3) * 4) + 2; 2: x :=((x div 3) * 4) + 3; end; //x - lenght UU line s := Copy(Value, 2, x); if s = '' then Exit; s := s + StringOfChar(' ', x - length(s)); Result := Decode4to3(s, uut); end; {==============================================================================} function EncodeUU(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := ''; if Length(Value) < Length(TableUU) then Result := TableUU[Length(Value) + 1] + Encode3to4(Value, TableUU); end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeXX(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; var s: AnsiString; x: Integer; begin Result := ''; s := trim(UpperCase(Value)); if s = '' then Exit; if Pos('BEGIN', s) = 1 then Exit; if Pos('END', s) = 1 then Exit; //begin decoding x := Pos(Value[1], TableXX) - 1; case (x mod 3) of 0: x :=(x div 3)* 4; 1: x :=((x div 3) * 4) + 2; 2: x :=((x div 3) * 4) + 3; end; //x - lenght XX line s := Copy(Value, 2, x); if s = '' then Exit; s := s + StringOfChar(' ', x - length(s)); Result := Decode4to3(s, TableXX); end; {==============================================================================} function DecodeYEnc(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; var C : Byte; i: integer; begin Result := ''; i := 1; while i <= Length(Value) do begin c := Ord(Value[i]); Inc(i); if c = Ord('=') then begin c := Ord(Value[i]); Inc(i); Dec(c, 64); end; Dec(C, 42); Result := Result + AnsiChar(C); end; end; {==============================================================================} function UpdateCrc32(Value: Byte; Crc32: Integer): Integer; begin Result := (Crc32 shr 8) xor crc32tab[Byte(Value xor (Crc32 and Integer($000000FF)))]; end; {==============================================================================} function Crc32(const Value: AnsiString): Integer; var n: Integer; begin Result := Integer($FFFFFFFF); for n := 1 to Length(Value) do Result := UpdateCrc32(Ord(Value[n]), Result); Result := not Result; end; {==============================================================================} function UpdateCrc16(Value: Byte; Crc16: Word): Word; begin Result := ((Crc16 shr 8) and $00FF) xor crc16tab[Byte(Crc16 xor (Word(Value)) and $00FF)]; end; {==============================================================================} function Crc16(const Value: AnsiString): Word; var n: Integer; begin Result := $FFFF; for n := 1 to Length(Value) do Result := UpdateCrc16(Ord(Value[n]), Result); end; {==============================================================================} procedure MDInit(var MDContext: TMDCtx); var n: integer; begin MDContext.Count[0] := 0; MDContext.Count[1] := 0; for n := 0 to high(MDContext.BufAnsiChar) do MDContext.BufAnsiChar[n] := 0; for n := 0 to high(MDContext.BufLong) do MDContext.BufLong[n] := 0; MDContext.State[0] := Integer($67452301); MDContext.State[1] := Integer($EFCDAB89); MDContext.State[2] := Integer($98BADCFE); MDContext.State[3] := Integer($10325476); end; procedure MD5Transform(var Buf: array of LongInt; const Data: array of LongInt); var A, B, C, D: LongInt; procedure Round1(var W: LongInt; X, Y, Z, Data: LongInt; S: Byte); begin Inc(W, (Z xor (X and (Y xor Z))) + Data); W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S)); Inc(W, X); end; procedure Round2(var W: LongInt; X, Y, Z, Data: LongInt; S: Byte); begin Inc(W, (Y xor (Z and (X xor Y))) + Data); W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S)); Inc(W, X); end; procedure Round3(var W: LongInt; X, Y, Z, Data: LongInt; S: Byte); begin Inc(W, (X xor Y xor Z) + Data); W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S)); Inc(W, X); end; procedure Round4(var W: LongInt; X, Y, Z, Data: LongInt; S: Byte); begin Inc(W, (Y xor (X or not Z)) + Data); W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S)); Inc(W, X); end; begin A := Buf[0]; B := Buf[1]; C := Buf[2]; D := Buf[3]; Round1(A, B, C, D, Data[0] + Longint($D76AA478), 7); Round1(D, A, B, C, Data[1] + Longint($E8C7B756), 12); Round1(C, D, A, B, Data[2] + Longint($242070DB), 17); Round1(B, C, D, A, Data[3] + Longint($C1BDCEEE), 22); Round1(A, B, C, D, Data[4] + Longint($F57C0FAF), 7); Round1(D, A, B, C, Data[5] + Longint($4787C62A), 12); Round1(C, D, A, B, Data[6] + Longint($A8304613), 17); Round1(B, C, D, A, Data[7] + Longint($FD469501), 22); Round1(A, B, C, D, Data[8] + Longint($698098D8), 7); Round1(D, A, B, C, Data[9] + Longint($8B44F7AF), 12); Round1(C, D, A, B, Data[10] + Longint($FFFF5BB1), 17); Round1(B, C, D, A, Data[11] + Longint($895CD7BE), 22); Round1(A, B, C, D, Data[12] + Longint($6B901122), 7); Round1(D, A, B, C, Data[13] + Longint($FD987193), 12); Round1(C, D, A, B, Data[14] + Longint($A679438E), 17); Round1(B, C, D, A, Data[15] + Longint($49B40821), 22); Round2(A, B, C, D, Data[1] + Longint($F61E2562), 5); Round2(D, A, B, C, Data[6] + Longint($C040B340), 9); Round2(C, D, A, B, Data[11] + Longint($265E5A51), 14); Round2(B, C, D, A, Data[0] + Longint($E9B6C7AA), 20); Round2(A, B, C, D, Data[5] + Longint($D62F105D), 5); Round2(D, A, B, C, Data[10] + Longint($02441453), 9); Round2(C, D, A, B, Data[15] + Longint($D8A1E681), 14); Round2(B, C, D, A, Data[4] + Longint($E7D3FBC8), 20); Round2(A, B, C, D, Data[9] + Longint($21E1CDE6), 5); Round2(D, A, B, C, Data[14] + Longint($C33707D6), 9); Round2(C, D, A, B, Data[3] + Longint($F4D50D87), 14); Round2(B, C, D, A, Data[8] + Longint($455A14ED), 20); Round2(A, B, C, D, Data[13] + Longint($A9E3E905), 5); Round2(D, A, B, C, Data[2] + Longint($FCEFA3F8), 9); Round2(C, D, A, B, Data[7] + Longint($676F02D9), 14); Round2(B, C, D, A, Data[12] + Longint($8D2A4C8A), 20); Round3(A, B, C, D, Data[5] + Longint($FFFA3942), 4); Round3(D, A, B, C, Data[8] + Longint($8771F681), 11); Round3(C, D, A, B, Data[11] + Longint($6D9D6122), 16); Round3(B, C, D, A, Data[14] + Longint($FDE5380C), 23); Round3(A, B, C, D, Data[1] + Longint($A4BEEA44), 4); Round3(D, A, B, C, Data[4] + Longint($4BDECFA9), 11); Round3(C, D, A, B, Data[7] + Longint($F6BB4B60), 16); Round3(B, C, D, A, Data[10] + Longint($BEBFBC70), 23); Round3(A, B, C, D, Data[13] + Longint($289B7EC6), 4); Round3(D, A, B, C, Data[0] + Longint($EAA127FA), 11); Round3(C, D, A, B, Data[3] + Longint($D4EF3085), 16); Round3(B, C, D, A, Data[6] + Longint($04881D05), 23); Round3(A, B, C, D, Data[9] + Longint($D9D4D039), 4); Round3(D, A, B, C, Data[12] + Longint($E6DB99E5), 11); Round3(C, D, A, B, Data[15] + Longint($1FA27CF8), 16); Round3(B, C, D, A, Data[2] + Longint($C4AC5665), 23); Round4(A, B, C, D, Data[0] + Longint($F4292244), 6); Round4(D, A, B, C, Data[7] + Longint($432AFF97), 10); Round4(C, D, A, B, Data[14] + Longint($AB9423A7), 15); Round4(B, C, D, A, Data[5] + Longint($FC93A039), 21); Round4(A, B, C, D, Data[12] + Longint($655B59C3), 6); Round4(D, A, B, C, Data[3] + Longint($8F0CCC92), 10); Round4(C, D, A, B, Data[10] + Longint($FFEFF47D), 15); Round4(B, C, D, A, Data[1] + Longint($85845DD1), 21); Round4(A, B, C, D, Data[8] + Longint($6FA87E4F), 6); Round4(D, A, B, C, Data[15] + Longint($FE2CE6E0), 10); Round4(C, D, A, B, Data[6] + Longint($A3014314), 15); Round4(B, C, D, A, Data[13] + Longint($4E0811A1), 21); Round4(A, B, C, D, Data[4] + Longint($F7537E82), 6); Round4(D, A, B, C, Data[11] + Longint($BD3AF235), 10); Round4(C, D, A, B, Data[2] + Longint($2AD7D2BB), 15); Round4(B, C, D, A, Data[9] + Longint($EB86D391), 21); Inc(Buf[0], A); Inc(Buf[1], B); Inc(Buf[2], C); Inc(Buf[3], D); end; //fixed by James McAdams procedure MDUpdate(var MDContext: TMDCtx; const Data: AnsiString; transform: TMDTransform); var Index, partLen, InputLen, I: integer; {$IFDEF CIL} n: integer; {$ENDIF} begin InputLen := Length(Data); with MDContext do begin Index := (Count[0] shr 3) and $3F; Inc(Count[0], InputLen shl 3); if Count[0] < (InputLen shl 3) then Inc(Count[1]); Inc(Count[1], InputLen shr 29); partLen := 64 - Index; if InputLen >= partLen then begin ArrLongToByte(BufLong, BufAnsiChar); {$IFDEF CIL} for n := 1 to partLen do BufAnsiChar[index - 1 + n] := Ord(Data[n]); {$ELSE} Move(Data[1], BufAnsiChar[Index], partLen); {$ENDIF} ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong); Transform(State, Buflong); I := partLen; while I + 63 < InputLen do begin ArrLongToByte(BufLong, BufAnsiChar); {$IFDEF CIL} for n := 1 to 64 do BufAnsiChar[n - 1] := Ord(Data[i + n]); {$ELSE} Move(Data[I+1], BufAnsiChar, 64); {$ENDIF} ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong); Transform(State, Buflong); inc(I, 64); end; Index := 0; end else I := 0; ArrLongToByte(BufLong, BufAnsiChar); {$IFDEF CIL} for n := 1 to InputLen-I do BufAnsiChar[Index + n - 1] := Ord(Data[i + n]); {$ELSE} Move(Data[I+1], BufAnsiChar[Index], InputLen-I); {$ENDIF} ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong); end end; function MDFinal(var MDContext: TMDCtx; transform: TMDTransform): AnsiString; var Cnt: Word; P: Byte; digest: array[0..15] of Byte; i: Integer; n: integer; begin for I := 0 to 15 do Digest[I] := I + 1; with MDContext do begin Cnt := (Count[0] shr 3) and $3F; P := Cnt; BufAnsiChar[P] := $80; Inc(P); Cnt := 64 - 1 - Cnt; if Cnt < 8 then begin for n := 0 to cnt - 1 do BufAnsiChar[P + n] := 0; ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong); // FillChar(BufAnsiChar[P], Cnt, #0); Transform(State, BufLong); ArrLongToByte(BufLong, BufAnsiChar); for n := 0 to 55 do BufAnsiChar[n] := 0; ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong); // FillChar(BufAnsiChar, 56, #0); end else begin for n := 0 to Cnt - 8 - 1 do BufAnsiChar[p + n] := 0; ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong); // FillChar(BufAnsiChar[P], Cnt - 8, #0); end; BufLong[14] := Count[0]; BufLong[15] := Count[1]; Transform(State, BufLong); ArrLongToByte(State, Digest); // Move(State, Digest, 16); Result := ''; for i := 0 to 15 do Result := Result + AnsiChar(digest[i]); end; // FillChar(MD5Context, SizeOf(TMD5Ctx), #0) end; {==============================================================================} function MD5(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; var MDContext: TMDCtx; begin MDInit(MDContext); MDUpdate(MDContext, Value, @MD5Transform); Result := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD5Transform); end; {==============================================================================} function HMAC_MD5(Text, Key: AnsiString): AnsiString; var ipad, opad, s: AnsiString; n: Integer; MDContext: TMDCtx; begin if Length(Key) > 64 then Key := md5(Key); ipad := StringOfChar(#$36, 64); opad := StringOfChar(#$5C, 64); for n := 1 to Length(Key) do begin ipad[n] := AnsiChar(Byte(ipad[n]) xor Byte(Key[n])); opad[n] := AnsiChar(Byte(opad[n]) xor Byte(Key[n])); end; MDInit(MDContext); MDUpdate(MDContext, ipad, @MD5Transform); MDUpdate(MDContext, Text, @MD5Transform); s := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD5Transform); MDInit(MDContext); MDUpdate(MDContext, opad, @MD5Transform); MDUpdate(MDContext, s, @MD5Transform); Result := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD5Transform); end; {==============================================================================} function MD5LongHash(const Value: AnsiString; Len: integer): AnsiString; var cnt, rest: integer; l: integer; n: integer; MDContext: TMDCtx; begin l := length(Value); cnt := Len div l; rest := Len mod l; MDInit(MDContext); for n := 1 to cnt do MDUpdate(MDContext, Value, @MD5Transform); if rest > 0 then MDUpdate(MDContext, Copy(Value, 1, rest), @MD5Transform); Result := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD5Transform); end; {==============================================================================} // SHA1 is based on sources by Dave Barton (davebarton@bigfoot.com) procedure SHA1init( var SHA1Context: TSHA1Ctx ); var n: integer; begin SHA1Context.Hi := 0; SHA1Context.Lo := 0; SHA1Context.Index := 0; for n := 0 to High(SHA1Context.Buffer) do SHA1Context.Buffer[n] := 0; for n := 0 to High(SHA1Context.HashByte) do SHA1Context.HashByte[n] := 0; // FillChar(SHA1Context, SizeOf(TSHA1Ctx), #0); SHA1Context.Hash[0] := integer($67452301); SHA1Context.Hash[1] := integer($EFCDAB89); SHA1Context.Hash[2] := integer($98BADCFE); SHA1Context.Hash[3] := integer($10325476); SHA1Context.Hash[4] := integer($C3D2E1F0); end; //****************************************************************************** function RB(A: integer): integer; begin Result := (A shr 24) or ((A shr 8) and $FF00) or ((A shl 8) and $FF0000) or (A shl 24); end; procedure SHA1Compress(var Data: TSHA1Ctx); var A, B, C, D, E, T: integer; W: array[0..79] of integer; i: integer; n: integer; function F1(x, y, z: integer): integer; begin Result := z xor (x and (y xor z)); end; function F2(x, y, z: integer): integer; begin Result := x xor y xor z; end; function F3(x, y, z: integer): integer; begin Result := (x and y) or (z and (x or y)); end; function LRot32(X: integer; c: integer): integer; begin result := (x shl c) or (x shr (32 - c)); end; begin ArrByteToLong(Data.Buffer, W); // Move(Data.Buffer, W, Sizeof(Data.Buffer)); for i := 0 to 15 do W[i] := RB(W[i]); for i := 16 to 79 do W[i] := LRot32(W[i-3] xor W[i-8] xor W[i-14] xor W[i-16], 1); A := Data.Hash[0]; B := Data.Hash[1]; C := Data.Hash[2]; D := Data.Hash[3]; E := Data.Hash[4]; for i := 0 to 19 do begin T := LRot32(A, 5) + F1(B, C, D) + E + W[i] + integer($5A827999); E := D; D := C; C := LRot32(B, 30); B := A; A := T; end; for i := 20 to 39 do begin T := LRot32(A, 5) + F2(B, C, D) + E + W[i] + integer($6ED9EBA1); E := D; D := C; C := LRot32(B, 30); B := A; A := T; end; for i := 40 to 59 do begin T := LRot32(A, 5) + F3(B, C, D) + E + W[i] + integer($8F1BBCDC); E := D; D := C; C := LRot32(B, 30); B := A; A := T; end; for i := 60 to 79 do begin T := LRot32(A, 5) + F2(B, C, D) + E + W[i] + integer($CA62C1D6); E := D; D := C; C := LRot32(B, 30); B := A; A := T; end; Data.Hash[0] := Data.Hash[0] + A; Data.Hash[1] := Data.Hash[1] + B; Data.Hash[2] := Data.Hash[2] + C; Data.Hash[3] := Data.Hash[3] + D; Data.Hash[4] := Data.Hash[4] + E; for n := 0 to high(w) do w[n] := 0; // FillChar(W, Sizeof(W), 0); for n := 0 to high(Data.Buffer) do Data.Buffer[n] := 0; // FillChar(Data.Buffer, Sizeof(Data.Buffer), 0); end; //****************************************************************************** procedure SHA1Update(var Context: TSHA1Ctx; const Data: AnsiString); var Len: integer; n: integer; i, k: integer; begin Len := Length(data); for k := 0 to 7 do begin i := Context.Lo; Inc(Context.Lo, Len); if Context.Lo < i then Inc(Context.Hi); end; for n := 1 to len do begin Context.Buffer[Context.Index] := byte(Data[n]); Inc(Context.Index); if Context.Index = 64 then begin Context.Index := 0; SHA1Compress(Context); end; end; end; //****************************************************************************** function SHA1Final(var Context: TSHA1Ctx): AnsiString; type Pinteger = ^integer; var i: integer; procedure ItoArr(var Ar: Array of byte; I, value: Integer); begin Ar[i + 0] := Value and $000000FF; Ar[i + 1] := (Value shr 8) and $000000FF; Ar[i + 2] := (Value shr 16) and $000000FF; Ar[i + 3] := (Value shr 24) and $000000FF; end; begin Context.Buffer[Context.Index] := $80; if Context.Index >= 56 then SHA1Compress(Context); ItoArr(Context.Buffer, 56, RB(Context.Hi)); ItoArr(Context.Buffer, 60, RB(Context.Lo)); // Pinteger(@Context.Buffer[56])^ := RB(Context.Hi); // Pinteger(@Context.Buffer[60])^ := RB(Context.Lo); SHA1Compress(Context); Context.Hash[0] := RB(Context.Hash[0]); Context.Hash[1] := RB(Context.Hash[1]); Context.Hash[2] := RB(Context.Hash[2]); Context.Hash[3] := RB(Context.Hash[3]); Context.Hash[4] := RB(Context.Hash[4]); ArrLongToByte(Context.Hash, Context.HashByte); Result := ''; for i := 0 to 19 do Result := Result + AnsiChar(Context.HashByte[i]); end; function SHA1(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; var SHA1Context: TSHA1Ctx; begin SHA1Init(SHA1Context); SHA1Update(SHA1Context, Value); Result := SHA1Final(SHA1Context); end; {==============================================================================} function HMAC_SHA1(Text, Key: AnsiString): AnsiString; var ipad, opad, s: AnsiString; n: Integer; SHA1Context: TSHA1Ctx; begin if Length(Key) > 64 then Key := SHA1(Key); ipad := StringOfChar(#$36, 64); opad := StringOfChar(#$5C, 64); for n := 1 to Length(Key) do begin ipad[n] := AnsiChar(Byte(ipad[n]) xor Byte(Key[n])); opad[n] := AnsiChar(Byte(opad[n]) xor Byte(Key[n])); end; SHA1Init(SHA1Context); SHA1Update(SHA1Context, ipad); SHA1Update(SHA1Context, Text); s := SHA1Final(SHA1Context); SHA1Init(SHA1Context); SHA1Update(SHA1Context, opad); SHA1Update(SHA1Context, s); Result := SHA1Final(SHA1Context); end; {==============================================================================} function SHA1LongHash(const Value: AnsiString; Len: integer): AnsiString; var cnt, rest: integer; l: integer; n: integer; SHA1Context: TSHA1Ctx; begin l := length(Value); cnt := Len div l; rest := Len mod l; SHA1Init(SHA1Context); for n := 1 to cnt do SHA1Update(SHA1Context, Value); if rest > 0 then SHA1Update(SHA1Context, Copy(Value, 1, rest)); Result := SHA1Final(SHA1Context); end; {==============================================================================} procedure MD4Transform(var Buf: array of LongInt; const Data: array of LongInt); var A, B, C, D: LongInt; function LRot32(a, b: longint): longint; begin Result:= (a shl b) or (a shr (32 - b)); end; begin A := Buf[0]; B := Buf[1]; C := Buf[2]; D := Buf[3]; A:= LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 0], 3); D:= LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 1], 7); C:= LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[ 2], 11); B:= LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[ 3], 19); A:= LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 4], 3); D:= LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 5], 7); C:= LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[ 6], 11); B:= LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[ 7], 19); A:= LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 8], 3); D:= LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 9], 7); C:= LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[10], 11); B:= LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[11], 19); A:= LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[12], 3); D:= LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[13], 7); C:= LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[14], 11); B:= LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[15], 19); A:= LRot32(A + ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + Data[ 0] + longint($5a827999), 3); D:= LRot32(D + ((A and B) or (A and C) or (B and C)) + Data[ 4] + longint($5a827999), 5); C:= LRot32(C + ((D and A) or (D and B) or (A and B)) + Data[ 8] + longint($5a827999), 9); B:= LRot32(B + ((C and D) or (C and A) or (D and A)) + Data[12] + longint($5a827999), 13); A:= LRot32(A + ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + Data[ 1] + longint($5a827999), 3); D:= LRot32(D + ((A and B) or (A and C) or (B and C)) + Data[ 5] + longint($5a827999), 5); C:= LRot32(C + ((D and A) or (D and B) or (A and B)) + Data[ 9] + longint($5a827999), 9); B:= LRot32(B + ((C and D) or (C and A) or (D and A)) + Data[13] + longint($5a827999), 13); A:= LRot32(A + ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + Data[ 2] + longint($5a827999), 3); D:= LRot32(D + ((A and B) or (A and C) or (B and C)) + Data[ 6] + longint($5a827999), 5); C:= LRot32(C + ((D and A) or (D and B) or (A and B)) + Data[10] + longint($5a827999), 9); B:= LRot32(B + ((C and D) or (C and A) or (D and A)) + Data[14] + longint($5a827999), 13); A:= LRot32(A + ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + Data[ 3] + longint($5a827999), 3); D:= LRot32(D + ((A and B) or (A and C) or (B and C)) + Data[ 7] + longint($5a827999), 5); C:= LRot32(C + ((D and A) or (D and B) or (A and B)) + Data[11] + longint($5a827999), 9); B:= LRot32(B + ((C and D) or (C and A) or (D and A)) + Data[15] + longint($5a827999), 13); A:= LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 0] + longint($6ed9eba1), 3); D:= LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[ 8] + longint($6ed9eba1), 9); C:= LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 4] + longint($6ed9eba1), 11); B:= LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[12] + longint($6ed9eba1), 15); A:= LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 2] + longint($6ed9eba1), 3); D:= LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[10] + longint($6ed9eba1), 9); C:= LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 6] + longint($6ed9eba1), 11); B:= LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[14] + longint($6ed9eba1), 15); A:= LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 1] + longint($6ed9eba1), 3); D:= LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[ 9] + longint($6ed9eba1), 9); C:= LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 5] + longint($6ed9eba1), 11); B:= LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[13] + longint($6ed9eba1), 15); A:= LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 3] + longint($6ed9eba1), 3); D:= LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[11] + longint($6ed9eba1), 9); C:= LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 7] + longint($6ed9eba1), 11); B:= LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[15] + longint($6ed9eba1), 15); Inc(Buf[0], A); Inc(Buf[1], B); Inc(Buf[2], C); Inc(Buf[3], D); end; {==============================================================================} function MD4(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; var MDContext: TMDCtx; begin MDInit(MDContext); MDUpdate(MDContext, Value, @MD4Transform); Result := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD4Transform); end; {==============================================================================} end.