{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 003.000.003 | |==============================================================================| | Content: SNTP client | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2010, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000-2010. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | | Patrick Chevalley | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@abstract( NTP and SNTP client) Used RFC: RFC-1305, RFC-2030 } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$Q-} {$H+} {$IFDEF NEXTGEN} {$ZEROBASEDSTRINGS OFF} {$ENDIF} unit sntpsend; interface uses SysUtils, synsock, blcksock, synautil {$IFDEF NEXTGEN} ,synafpc {$ENDIF}; const cNtpProtocol = '123'; type {:@abstract(Record containing the NTP packet.)} TNtp = packed record mode: Byte; stratum: Byte; poll: Byte; Precision: Byte; RootDelay: Longint; RootDisperson: Longint; RefID: Longint; Ref1: Longint; Ref2: Longint; Org1: Longint; Org2: Longint; Rcv1: Longint; Rcv2: Longint; Xmit1: Longint; Xmit2: Longint; end; {:@abstract(Implementation of NTP and SNTP client protocol), include time synchronisation. It can send NTP or SNTP time queries, or it can receive NTP broadcasts too. Note: Are you missing properties for specify server address and port? Look to parent @link(TSynaClient) too!} TSNTPSend = class(TSynaClient) private FNTPReply: TNtp; FNTPTime: TDateTime; FNTPOffset: double; FNTPDelay: double; FMaxSyncDiff: double; FSyncTime: Boolean; FSock: TUDPBlockSocket; FBuffer: AnsiString; FLi, FVn, Fmode : byte; function StrToNTP(const Value: AnsiString): TNtp; function NTPtoStr(const Value: Tntp): AnsiString; procedure ClearNTP(var Value: Tntp); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; {:Decode 128 bit timestamp used in NTP packet to TDateTime type.} function DecodeTs(Nsec, Nfrac: Longint): TDateTime; {:Decode TDateTime type to 128 bit timestamp used in NTP packet.} procedure EncodeTs(dt: TDateTime; var Nsec, Nfrac: Longint); {:Send request to @link(TSynaClient.TargetHost) and wait for reply. If all is OK, then result is @true and @link(NTPReply) and @link(NTPTime) are valid.} function GetSNTP: Boolean; {:Send request to @link(TSynaClient.TargetHost) and wait for reply. If all is OK, then result is @true and @link(NTPReply) and @link(NTPTime) are valid. Result time is after all needed corrections.} function GetNTP: Boolean; {:Wait for broadcast NTP packet. If all OK, result is @true and @link(NTPReply) and @link(NTPTime) are valid.} function GetBroadcastNTP: Boolean; {:Holds last received NTP packet.} property NTPReply: TNtp read FNTPReply; published {:Date and time of remote NTP or SNTP server. (UTC time!!!)} property NTPTime: TDateTime read FNTPTime; {:Offset between your computer and remote NTP or SNTP server.} property NTPOffset: Double read FNTPOffset; {:Delay between your computer and remote NTP or SNTP server.} property NTPDelay: Double read FNTPDelay; {:Define allowed maximum difference between your time and remote time for synchronising time. If difference is bigger, your system time is not changed!} property MaxSyncDiff: double read FMaxSyncDiff write FMaxSyncDiff; {:If @true, after successfull getting time is local computer clock synchronised to given time. For synchronising time you must have proper rights! (Usually Administrator)} property SyncTime: Boolean read FSyncTime write FSyncTime; {:Socket object used for TCP/IP operation. Good for seting OnStatus hook, etc.} property Sock: TUDPBlockSocket read FSock; end; implementation constructor TSNTPSend.Create; begin inherited Create; FSock := TUDPBlockSocket.Create; FSock.Owner := self; FTimeout := 5000; FTargetPort := cNtpProtocol; FMaxSyncDiff := 3600; FSyncTime := False; end; destructor TSNTPSend.Destroy; begin FSock.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TSNTPSend.StrToNTP(const Value: AnsiString): TNtp; begin if length(FBuffer) >= SizeOf(Result) then begin Result.mode := ord(Value[1]); Result.stratum := ord(Value[2]); Result.poll := ord(Value[3]); Result.Precision := ord(Value[4]); Result.RootDelay := DecodeLongInt(value, 5); Result.RootDisperson := DecodeLongInt(value, 9); Result.RefID := DecodeLongInt(value, 13); Result.Ref1 := DecodeLongInt(value, 17); Result.Ref2 := DecodeLongInt(value, 21); Result.Org1 := DecodeLongInt(value, 25); Result.Org2 := DecodeLongInt(value, 29); Result.Rcv1 := DecodeLongInt(value, 33); Result.Rcv2 := DecodeLongInt(value, 37); Result.Xmit1 := DecodeLongInt(value, 41); Result.Xmit2 := DecodeLongInt(value, 45); end; end; function TSNTPSend.NTPtoStr(const Value: Tntp): AnsiString; begin SetLength(Result, 4); Result[1] := AnsiChar(Value.mode); Result[2] := AnsiChar(Value.stratum); Result[3] := AnsiChar(Value.poll); Result[4] := AnsiChar(Value.precision); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.RootDelay); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.RootDisperson); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.RefID); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.Ref1); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.Ref2); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.Org1); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.Org2); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.Rcv1); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.Rcv2); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.Xmit1); Result := Result + CodeLongInt(Value.Xmit2); end; procedure TSNTPSend.ClearNTP(var Value: Tntp); begin Value.mode := 0; Value.stratum := 0; Value.poll := 0; Value.Precision := 0; Value.RootDelay := 0; Value.RootDisperson := 0; Value.RefID := 0; Value.Ref1 := 0; Value.Ref2 := 0; Value.Org1 := 0; Value.Org2 := 0; Value.Rcv1 := 0; Value.Rcv2 := 0; Value.Xmit1 := 0; Value.Xmit2 := 0; end; function TSNTPSend.DecodeTs(Nsec, Nfrac: Longint): TDateTime; const maxi = 4294967295.0; var d, d1: Double; begin d := Nsec; if d < 0 then d := maxi + d + 1; d1 := Nfrac; if d1 < 0 then d1 := maxi + d1 + 1; d1 := d1 / maxi; d1 := Trunc(d1 * 10000) / 10000; Result := (d + d1) / 86400; Result := Result + 2; end; procedure TSNTPSend.EncodeTs(dt: TDateTime; var Nsec, Nfrac: Longint); const maxi = 4294967295.0; maxilongint = 2147483647; var d, d1: Double; begin d := (dt - 2) * 86400; d1 := frac(d); if d > maxilongint then d := d - maxi - 1; d := trunc(d); d1 := Trunc(d1 * 10000) / 10000; d1 := d1 * maxi; if d1 > maxilongint then d1 := d1 - maxi - 1; Nsec:=trunc(d); Nfrac:=trunc(d1); end; function TSNTPSend.GetBroadcastNTP: Boolean; var x: Integer; begin Result := False; FSock.Bind(FIPInterface, FTargetPort); FBuffer := FSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FSock.LastError = 0 then begin x := Length(FBuffer); if (FTargetHost = '') or (FSock.GetRemoteSinIP = FSock.ResolveName(FTargetHost)) then if x >= SizeOf(NTPReply) then begin FNTPReply := StrToNTP(FBuffer); FNTPTime := DecodeTs(NTPReply.Xmit1, NTPReply.Xmit2); if FSyncTime and ((abs(FNTPTime - GetUTTime) * 86400) <= FMaxSyncDiff) then SetUTTime(FNTPTime); Result := True; end; end; end; function TSNTPSend.GetSNTP: Boolean; var q: TNtp; x: Integer; begin Result := False; FSock.CloseSocket; FSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort); FSock.Connect(FTargetHost, FTargetPort); ClearNtp(q); q.mode := $1B; FBuffer := NTPtoStr(q); FSock.SendString(FBuffer); FBuffer := FSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FSock.LastError = 0 then begin x := Length(FBuffer); if x >= SizeOf(NTPReply) then begin FNTPReply := StrToNTP(FBuffer); FNTPTime := DecodeTs(NTPReply.Xmit1, NTPReply.Xmit2); if FSyncTime and ((abs(FNTPTime - GetUTTime) * 86400) <= FMaxSyncDiff) then SetUTTime(FNTPTime); Result := True; end; end; end; function TSNTPSend.GetNTP: Boolean; var q: TNtp; x: Integer; t1, t2, t3, t4 : TDateTime; begin Result := False; FSock.CloseSocket; FSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort); FSock.Connect(FTargetHost, FTargetPort); ClearNtp(q); q.mode := $1B; t1 := GetUTTime; EncodeTs(t1, q.org1, q.org2); FBuffer := NTPtoStr(q); FSock.SendString(FBuffer); FBuffer := FSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FSock.LastError = 0 then begin x := Length(FBuffer); t4 := GetUTTime; if x >= SizeOf(NTPReply) then begin FNTPReply := StrToNTP(FBuffer); FLi := (NTPReply.mode and $C0) shr 6; FVn := (NTPReply.mode and $38) shr 3; Fmode := NTPReply.mode and $07; if (Fli < 3) and (Fmode = 4) and (NTPReply.stratum >= 1) and (NTPReply.stratum <= 15) and (NTPReply.Rcv1 <> 0) and (NTPReply.Xmit1 <> 0) then begin t2 := DecodeTs(NTPReply.Rcv1, NTPReply.Rcv2); t3 := DecodeTs(NTPReply.Xmit1, NTPReply.Xmit2); FNTPDelay := (T4 - T1) - (T2 - T3); FNTPTime := t3 + FNTPDelay / 2; FNTPOffset := (((T2 - T1) + (T3 - T4)) / 2) * 86400; FNTPDelay := FNTPDelay * 86400; if FSyncTime and ((abs(FNTPTime - t1) * 86400) <= FMaxSyncDiff) then SetUTTime(FNTPTime); Result := True; end else result:=false; end; end; end; end.