{==============================================================================| | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 001.001.000 | |==============================================================================| | Content: DNS client | |==============================================================================| | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.0 | | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the | | License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ | | | | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, | | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for | | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. | |==============================================================================| | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.mlp.cz/space/gebauerl/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} //RFC-1035, RFC-1183, RFC1706, RFC1712, RFC2163, RFC2230 unit DNSsend; interface uses Blcksock, sysutils, classes, SynaUtil, dialogs; const Qtype_A =1; Qtype_NS =2; Qtype_MD =3; Qtype_MF =4; Qtype_CNAME =5; Qtype_SOA =6; Qtype_MB =7; Qtype_MG =8; Qtype_MR =9; Qtype_NULL =10; Qtype_WKS =11; // Qtype_PTR =12; Qtype_HINFO =13; Qtype_MINFO =14; Qtype_MX =15; Qtype_TXT =16; Qtype_RP =17; Qtype_AFSDB =18; Qtype_X25 =19; Qtype_ISDN =20; Qtype_RT =21; Qtype_NSAP =22; Qtype_NSAPPTR=23; Qtype_SIG =24; //RFC-2065 Qtype_KEY =25; //RFC-2065 Qtype_PX =26; Qtype_GPOS =27; Qtype_AAAA =28; //IP6 Address [Susan Thomson] Qtype_LOC =29; //RFC-1876 Qtype_NXT =30; //RFC-2065 Qtype_SRV =33; //RFC-2052 Qtype_NAPTR =35; //RFC-2168 Qtype_KX =36; Qtype_AXFR =252; // Qtype_MAILB =253; // Qtype_MAILA =254; // Qtype_ALL =255; // type TDNSSend = class private Buffer:string; Sock:TUDPBlockSocket; function CompressName(Value:string):string; function CodeHeader:string; function CodeQuery(Name:string; Qtype:integer):string; function DecodeLabels(var From:integer):string; function DecodeResource(var i:integer; Name:string; Qtype:integer):string; public timeout:integer; DNSHost:string; RCode:integer; Constructor Create; Destructor Destroy; override; Function DNSQuery(Name:string;Qtype:integer;Reply:TStrings):Boolean; end; function GetMailServers (DNSHost, domain:string; servers:TStringList):Boolean; implementation {TDNSSend.Create} Constructor TDNSSend.Create; begin inherited Create; sock:=TUDPBlockSocket.create; sock.CreateSocket; timeout:=5000; DNShost:='localhost'; end; {TDNSSend.Destroy} Destructor TDNSSend.Destroy; begin Sock.free; inherited destroy; end; {TDNSSend.ComressName} function TDNSSend.CompressName(Value:string):string; var n:integer; s:String; begin Result:=''; if Value='' then Result:=char(0) else begin s:=''; for n:=1 to Length(Value) do if Value[n]='.' then begin Result:=Result+char(Length(s))+s; s:=''; end else s:=s+Value[n]; if s<>'' then Result:=Result+char(Length(s))+s; Result:=Result+char(0); end; end; {TDNSSend.CodeHeader} function TDNSSend.CodeHeader:string; begin Randomize; Result:=Codeint(Random(32767)); //ID Result:=Result+Codeint($0100); //flags Result:=Result+Codeint(1); //QDCount Result:=Result+Codeint(0); //ANCount Result:=Result+Codeint(0); //NSCount Result:=Result+Codeint(0); //ARCount end; {TDNSSend.CodeQuery} function TDNSSend.CodeQuery(Name:string; Qtype:integer):string; begin Result:=Compressname(Name); Result:=Result+Codeint(Qtype); Result:=Result+Codeint(1); //Type INTERNET end; {TDNSSend.DecodeLabels} function TDNSSend.DecodeLabels(var From:integer):string; var l,f:integer; begin Result:=''; while True do begin l:=Ord(Buffer[From]); Inc(From); if l=0 then break; if Result<>'' then Result:=Result+'.'; if (l and $C0)=$C0 then begin f:=l and $3F; f:=f*256+Ord(Buffer[From])+1; Inc(From); Result:=Result+Self.decodelabels(f); break; end else begin Result:=Result+Copy(Buffer,From,l); Inc(From,l); end; end; end; {TDNSSend.DecodeResource} function TDNSSend.DecodeResource(var i:integer; Name:string; Qtype:integer):string; var Rname:string; RType,Len,j,x,n:integer; begin Result:=''; Rname:=decodelabels(i); Rtype:=DeCodeint(Buffer,i); Inc(i,8); Len:=DeCodeint(Buffer,i); Inc(i,2); //i point to begin of data j:=i; i:=i+len; //i point to next record if (Name=Rname) and (Qtype=RType) then begin case Rtype of Qtype_A : begin Result:=IntToStr(Ord(Buffer[j])); Inc(j); Result:=Result+'.'+IntToStr(Ord(Buffer[j])); Inc(j); Result:=Result+'.'+IntToStr(Ord(Buffer[j])); Inc(j); Result:=Result+'.'+IntToStr(Ord(Buffer[j])); end; Qtype_NS, Qtype_MD, Qtype_MF, Qtype_CNAME, Qtype_MB, Qtype_MG, Qtype_MR, Qtype_PTR, Qtype_X25, Qtype_NSAP, Qtype_NSAPPTR: begin Result:=Decodelabels(j); end; Qtype_SOA : begin Result:=Decodelabels(j); Result:=Result+','+Decodelabels(j); for n:=1 to 5 do begin x:=DecodeInt(Buffer,j)*65536+DecodeInt(Buffer,j+2); Inc(j,4); Result:=Result+','+IntToStr(x); end; end; Qtype_NULL : begin end; Qtype_WKS : begin end; Qtype_HINFO, Qtype_MINFO, Qtype_RP, Qtype_ISDN : begin Result:=Decodelabels(j); Result:=Result+','+Decodelabels(j); end; Qtype_MX, Qtype_AFSDB, Qtype_RT, Qtype_KX : begin x:=DecodeInt(Buffer,j); Inc(j,2); Result:=IntToStr(x); Result:=Result+','+Decodelabels(j); end; Qtype_TXT : begin Result:=Decodelabels(j); end; Qtype_GPOS : begin Result:=Decodelabels(j); Result:=Result+','+Decodelabels(j); Result:=Result+','+Decodelabels(j); end; Qtype_PX : begin x:=DecodeInt(Buffer,j); Inc(j,2); Result:=IntToStr(x); Result:=Result+','+Decodelabels(j); Result:=Result+','+Decodelabels(j); end; end; end; end; {TDNSSend.DNSQuery} Function TDNSSend.DNSQuery(Name:string;Qtype:integer;Reply:TStrings):Boolean; var x,n,i:integer; flag,qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount:integer; s:string; begin Result:=False; Reply.Clear; if IsIP(Name) then Name:=ReverseIP(Name)+'.in-addr.arpa'; Buffer:=Codeheader+CodeQuery(Name,QType); sock.connect(DNSHost,'domain'); // dump(Buffer,'c:\dnslog.Txt'); sock.sendstring(Buffer); if sock.canread(timeout) then begin x:=sock.waitingdata; setlength(Buffer,x); sock.recvbuffer(Pointer(Buffer),x); // dump(Buffer,'c:\dnslogr.Txt'); flag:=DeCodeint(Buffer,3); RCode:=Flag and $000F; if RCode=0 then begin qdcount:=DeCodeint(Buffer,5); ancount:=DeCodeint(Buffer,7); nscount:=DeCodeint(Buffer,9); arcount:=DeCodeint(Buffer,11); i:=13; //begin of body if qdcount>0 then //skip questions for n:=1 to qdcount do begin while (Buffer[i]<>#0) and ((Ord(Buffer[i]) and $C0)<>$C0) do Inc(i); Inc(i,5); end; if ancount>0 then for n:=1 to ancount do begin s:=DecodeResource(i, Name, Qtype); if s<>'' then Reply.Add(s); end; Result:=True; end; end; end; {==============================================================================} function GetMailServers (DNSHost, domain:string; servers:TStringList):Boolean; var DNS:TDNSSend; t:TStringList; n,m,x:integer; begin Result:=False; servers.Clear; t:=TStringList.Create; DNS:=TDNSSend.Create; try DNS.DNSHost:=DNSHost; if DNS.DNSQuery(domain,QType_MX,t) then begin {normalize preference number to 5 digits} for n:=0 to t.Count-1 do begin x:=Pos(',',t[n]); if x>0 then for m:=1 to 6-x do t[n]:='0'+t[n]; end; {sort server list} t.Sorted:=True; {result is sorted list without preference numbers} for n:=0 to t.Count-1 do begin x:=Pos(',',t[n]); servers.Add(Copy(t[n],x+1,Length(t[n])-x)); end; Result:=True; end; finally DNS.Free; t.Free; end; end; end.