{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 002.009.002 | |==============================================================================| | Content: MIME support procedures and functions | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2021 | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000-2021. | | Portions created by Petr Fejfar are Copyright (c)2011-2012. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@abstract(MIME part handling) Handling with MIME parts. Used RFC: RFC-2045 } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$H+} {$Q-} {$R-} {$M+} {$IFDEF UNICODE} {$WARN IMPLICIT_STRING_CAST OFF} {$WARN IMPLICIT_STRING_CAST_LOSS OFF} {$ENDIF} unit mimepart; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, synafpc, synachar, synacode, synautil, mimeinln; type TMimePart = class; {:@abstract(Procedural type for @link(TMimepart.Walkpart) hook). This hook is used for easy walking through MIME subparts.} THookWalkPart = procedure(const Sender: TMimePart) of object; {:The four types of MIME parts. (textual, multipart, message or any other binary data.)} TMimePrimary = (MP_TEXT, MP_MULTIPART, MP_MESSAGE, MP_BINARY); {:The various types of possible part encodings.} TMimeEncoding = (ME_7BIT, ME_8BIT, ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE, ME_BASE64, ME_UU, ME_XX); {:@abstract(Object for working with parts of MIME e-mail.) Each TMimePart object can handle any number of nested subparts as new TMimepart objects. It can handle any tree hierarchy structure of nested MIME subparts itself. Basic tasks are: Decoding of MIME message: - store message into Lines property - call DecomposeParts. Now you have decomposed MIME parts in all nested levels! - now you can explore all properties and subparts. (You can use WalkPart method) - if you need decode part, call DecodePart. Encoding of MIME message: - if you need multipart message, you must create subpart by AddSubPart. - set all properties of all parts. - set content of part into DecodedLines stream - encode this stream by EncodePart. - compose full message by ComposeParts. (it build full MIME message from all subparts. Do not call this method for each subpart! It is needed on root part!) - encoded MIME message is stored in Lines property. } TMimePart = class(TObject) private FPrimary: string; FPrimaryCode: TMimePrimary; FSecondary: string; FEncoding: string; FEncodingCode: TMimeEncoding; FDefaultCharset: string; FCharset: string; FCharsetCode: TMimeChar; FTargetCharset: TMimeChar; FDescription: string; FDisposition: string; FContentID: string; FBoundary: string; FFileName: string; FLines: TStringList; FPartBody: TStringList; FHeaders: TStringList; FPrePart: TStringList; FPostPart: TStringList; FDecodedLines: TMemoryStream; FSubParts: TList; FOnWalkPart: THookWalkPart; FMaxLineLength: integer; FSubLevel: integer; FMaxSubLevel: integer; FAttachInside: boolean; FConvertCharset: Boolean; FForcedHTMLConvert: Boolean; FBinaryDecomposer: boolean; procedure SetPrimary(Value: string); procedure SetEncoding(Value: string); procedure SetCharset(Value: string); function IsUUcode(Value: string): boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; {:Assign content of another object to this object. (Only this part, not subparts!)} procedure Assign(Value: TMimePart); {:Assign content of another object to this object. (With all subparts!)} procedure AssignSubParts(Value: TMimePart); {:Clear all data values to default values. It also call @link(ClearSubparts).} procedure Clear; {:Decode Mime part from @link(Lines) to @link(DecodedLines).} procedure DecodePart; {:Parse header lines from Headers property into another properties.} procedure DecodePartHeader; {:Encode mime part from @link(DecodedLines) to @link(Lines) and build mime headers.} procedure EncodePart; {:Build header lines in Headers property from another properties.} procedure EncodePartHeader; {:generate primary and secondary mime type from filename extension in value. If type not recognised, it return 'Application/octet-string' type.} procedure MimeTypeFromExt(Value: string); {:Return number of decomposed subparts. (On this level! Each of this subparts can hold any number of their own nested subparts!)} function GetSubPartCount: integer; {:Get nested subpart object as new TMimePart. For getting maximum possible index you can use @link(GetSubPartCount) method.} function GetSubPart(index: integer): TMimePart; {:delete subpart on given index.} procedure DeleteSubPart(index: integer); {:Clear and destroy all subpart TMimePart objects.} procedure ClearSubParts; {:Add and create new subpart.} function AddSubPart: TMimePart; {:E-mail message in @link(Lines) property is parsed into this object. E-mail headers are stored in @link(Headers) property and is parsed into another properties automaticly. Not need call @link(DecodePartHeader)! Content of message (part) is stored into @link(PartBody) property. This part is in undecoded form! If you need decode it, then you must call @link(DecodePart) method by your hands. Lot of another properties is filled also. Decoding of parts you must call separately due performance reasons. (Not needed to decode all parts in all reasons.) For each MIME subpart is created new TMimepart object (accessible via method @link(GetSubPart)).} procedure DecomposeParts; {pf} {: HTTP message is received by @link(THTTPSend) component in two parts: headers are stored in @link(THTTPSend.Headers) and a body in memory stream @link(THTTPSend.Document). On the top of it, HTTP connections are always 8-bit, hence data are transferred in native format i.e. no transfer encoding is applied. This method operates the similiar way and produces the same result as @link(DecomposeParts). } procedure DecomposePartsBinary(AHeader:TStrings; AStx,AEtx:PANSIChar); {/pf} {:This part and all subparts is composed into one MIME message stored in @link(Lines) property.} procedure ComposeParts; {:By calling this method is called @link(OnWalkPart) event for each part and their subparts. It is very good for calling some code for each part in MIME message} procedure WalkPart; {:Return @true when is possible create next subpart. (@link(maxSublevel) is still not reached)} function CanSubPart: boolean; published {:Primary Mime type of part. (i.e. 'application') Writing to this property automaticly generate value of @link(PrimaryCode).} property Primary: string read FPrimary write SetPrimary; {:String representation of used Mime encoding in part. (i.e. 'base64') Writing to this property automaticly generate value of @link(EncodingCode).} property Encoding: string read FEncoding write SetEncoding; {:String representation of used Mime charset in part. (i.e. 'iso-8859-1') Writing to this property automaticly generate value of @link(CharsetCode). Charset is used only for text parts.} property Charset: string read FCharset write SetCharset; {:Define default charset for decoding text MIME parts without charset specification. Default value is 'ISO-8859-1' by RCF documents. But Microsoft Outlook use windows codings as default. This property allows properly decode textual parts from some broken versions of Microsoft Outlook. (this is bad software!)} property DefaultCharset: string read FDefaultCharset write FDefaultCharset; {:Decoded primary type. Possible values are: MP_TEXT, MP_MULTIPART, MP_MESSAGE and MP_BINARY. If type not recognised, result is MP_BINARY.} property PrimaryCode: TMimePrimary read FPrimaryCode Write FPrimaryCode; {:Decoded encoding type. Possible values are: ME_7BIT, ME_8BIT, ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE and ME_BASE64. If type not recognised, result is ME_7BIT.} property EncodingCode: TMimeEncoding read FEncodingCode Write FEncodingCode; {:Decoded charset type. Possible values are defined in @link(SynaChar) unit.} property CharsetCode: TMimeChar read FCharsetCode Write FCharsetCode; {:System charset type. Default value is charset used by default in your operating system.} property TargetCharset: TMimeChar read FTargetCharset Write FTargetCharset; {:If @true, then do internal charset translation of part content between @link(CharsetCode) and @link(TargetCharset)} property ConvertCharset: Boolean read FConvertCharset Write FConvertCharset; {:If @true, then allways do internal charset translation of HTML parts by MIME even it have their own charset in META tag. Default is @false.} property ForcedHTMLConvert: Boolean read FForcedHTMLConvert Write FForcedHTMLConvert; {:Secondary Mime type of part. (i.e. 'mixed')} property Secondary: string read FSecondary Write FSecondary; {:Description of Mime part.} property Description: string read FDescription Write FDescription; {:Value of content disposition field. (i.e. 'inline' or 'attachment')} property Disposition: string read FDisposition Write FDisposition; {:Content ID.} property ContentID: string read FContentID Write FContentID; {:Boundary delimiter of multipart Mime part. Used only in multipart part.} property Boundary: string read FBoundary Write FBoundary; {:Filename of file in binary part.} property FileName: string read FFileName Write FFileName; {:String list with lines contains mime part (It can be a full message).} property Lines: TStringList read FLines; {:Encoded form of MIME part data.} property PartBody: TStringList read FPartBody; {:All header lines of MIME part.} property Headers: TStringList read FHeaders; {:On multipart this contains part of message between first line of message and first boundary.} property PrePart: TStringList read FPrePart; {:On multipart this contains part of message between last boundary and end of message.} property PostPart: TStringList read FPostPart; {:Stream with decoded form of budy part.} property DecodedLines: TMemoryStream read FDecodedLines; {:Show nested level in subpart tree. Value 0 means root part. 1 means subpart from this root. etc.} property SubLevel: integer read FSubLevel write FSubLevel; {:Specify maximum sublevel value for decomposing.} property MaxSubLevel: integer read FMaxSubLevel write FMaxSubLevel; {:When is @true, then this part maybe(!) have included some uuencoded binary data.} property AttachInside: boolean read FAttachInside; {:Here you can assign hook procedure for walking through all part and their subparts.} property OnWalkPart: THookWalkPart read FOnWalkPart write FOnWalkPart; {:Here you can specify maximum line length for encoding of MIME part. If line is longer, then is splitted by standard of MIME. Correct MIME mailers can de-split this line into original length.} property MaxLineLength: integer read FMaxLineLength Write FMaxLineLength; end; const MaxMimeType = 25; MimeType: array[0..MaxMimeType, 0..2] of string = ( ('AU', 'audio', 'basic'), ('AVI', 'video', 'x-msvideo'), ('BMP', 'image', 'BMP'), ('DOC', 'application', 'MSWord'), ('EPS', 'application', 'Postscript'), ('GIF', 'image', 'GIF'), ('JPEG', 'image', 'JPEG'), ('JPG', 'image', 'JPEG'), ('MID', 'audio', 'midi'), ('MOV', 'video', 'quicktime'), ('MPEG', 'video', 'MPEG'), ('MPG', 'video', 'MPEG'), ('MP2', 'audio', 'mpeg'), ('MP3', 'audio', 'mpeg'), ('PDF', 'application', 'PDF'), ('PNG', 'image', 'PNG'), ('PS', 'application', 'Postscript'), ('QT', 'video', 'quicktime'), ('RA', 'audio', 'x-realaudio'), ('RTF', 'application', 'RTF'), ('SND', 'audio', 'basic'), ('TIF', 'image', 'TIFF'), ('TIFF', 'image', 'TIFF'), ('WAV', 'audio', 'x-wav'), ('WPD', 'application', 'Wordperfect5.1'), ('ZIP', 'application', 'ZIP') ); {:Generates a unique boundary string.} function GenerateBoundary: string; {:Generates a stringlist that does not write a BOM character.} Function CreateStringList : TStringList; implementation {==============================================================================} constructor TMIMEPart.Create; begin inherited Create; FOnWalkPart := nil; FLines := CreateStringList; FPartBody := CreateStringList; FHeaders := CreateStringList; FPrePart := CreateStringList; FPostPart := CreateStringList; FDecodedLines := TMemoryStream.Create; FSubParts := TList.Create; FTargetCharset := GetCurCP; //was 'US-ASCII' before, but RFC-ignorant Outlook sometimes using default //system charset instead. FDefaultCharset := GetIDFromCP(GetCurCP); FMaxLineLength := 78; FSubLevel := 0; FMaxSubLevel := -1; FAttachInside := false; FConvertCharset := true; FForcedHTMLConvert := false; end; destructor TMIMEPart.Destroy; begin ClearSubParts; FSubParts.Free; FDecodedLines.Free; FPartBody.Free; FLines.Free; FHeaders.Free; FPrePart.Free; FPostPart.Free; inherited Destroy; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.Clear; begin FPrimary := ''; FEncoding := ''; FCharset := ''; FPrimaryCode := MP_TEXT; FEncodingCode := ME_7BIT; FCharsetCode := ISO_8859_1; FTargetCharset := GetCurCP; FSecondary := ''; FDisposition := ''; FContentID := ''; FDescription := ''; FBoundary := ''; FFileName := ''; FAttachInside := False; FPartBody.Clear; FHeaders.Clear; FPrePart.Clear; FPostPart.Clear; FDecodedLines.Clear; FConvertCharset := true; FForcedHTMLConvert := false; ClearSubParts; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.Assign(Value: TMimePart); begin Primary := Value.Primary; Encoding := Value.Encoding; Charset := Value.Charset; DefaultCharset := Value.DefaultCharset; PrimaryCode := Value.PrimaryCode; EncodingCode := Value.EncodingCode; CharsetCode := Value.CharsetCode; TargetCharset := Value.TargetCharset; Secondary := Value.Secondary; Description := Value.Description; Disposition := Value.Disposition; ContentID := Value.ContentID; Boundary := Value.Boundary; FileName := Value.FileName; Lines.Assign(Value.Lines); PartBody.Assign(Value.PartBody); Headers.Assign(Value.Headers); PrePart.Assign(Value.PrePart); PostPart.Assign(Value.PostPart); MaxLineLength := Value.MaxLineLength; FAttachInside := Value.AttachInside; FConvertCharset := Value.ConvertCharset; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.AssignSubParts(Value: TMimePart); var n: integer; p: TMimePart; begin Assign(Value); for n := 0 to Value.GetSubPartCount - 1 do begin p := AddSubPart; p.AssignSubParts(Value.GetSubPart(n)); end; end; {==============================================================================} function TMIMEPart.GetSubPartCount: integer; begin Result := FSubParts.Count; end; {==============================================================================} function TMIMEPart.GetSubPart(index: integer): TMimePart; begin Result := nil; if Index < GetSubPartCount then Result := TMimePart(FSubParts[Index]); end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.DeleteSubPart(index: integer); begin if Index < GetSubPartCount then begin GetSubPart(Index).Free; FSubParts.Delete(Index); end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.ClearSubParts; var n: integer; begin for n := 0 to GetSubPartCount - 1 do TMimePart(FSubParts[n]).Free; FSubParts.Clear; end; {==============================================================================} function TMIMEPart.AddSubPart: TMimePart; begin Result := TMimePart.Create; Result.DefaultCharset := FDefaultCharset; FSubParts.Add(Result); Result.SubLevel := FSubLevel + 1; Result.MaxSubLevel := FMaxSubLevel; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.DecomposeParts; var x: integer; s: string; Mime: TMimePart; procedure SkipEmpty; begin while FLines.Count > x do begin s := TrimRight(FLines[x]); if s <> '' then Break; Inc(x); end; end; begin FBinaryDecomposer := false; x := 0; Clear; //extract headers while FLines.Count > x do begin s := NormalizeHeader(FLines, x); if s = '' then Break; FHeaders.Add(s); end; DecodePartHeader; //extract prepart if FPrimaryCode = MP_MULTIPART then begin while FLines.Count > x do begin s := FLines[x]; Inc(x); if TrimRight(s) = '--' + FBoundary then Break; FPrePart.Add(s); if not FAttachInside then FAttachInside := IsUUcode(s); end; end; //extract body part if FPrimaryCode = MP_MULTIPART then begin repeat if CanSubPart then begin Mime := AddSubPart; while FLines.Count > x do begin s := FLines[x]; Inc(x); if Pos('--' + FBoundary, s) = 1 then Break; Mime.Lines.Add(s); end; Mime.DecomposeParts; end else begin s := FLines[x]; Inc(x); FPartBody.Add(s); end; if x >= FLines.Count then break; until s = '--' + FBoundary + '--'; end; if (FPrimaryCode = MP_MESSAGE) and CanSubPart then begin Mime := AddSubPart; SkipEmpty; while FLines.Count > x do begin s := TrimRight(FLines[x]); Inc(x); Mime.Lines.Add(s); end; Mime.DecomposeParts; end else begin while FLines.Count > x do begin s := FLines[x]; Inc(x); FPartBody.Add(s); if not FAttachInside then FAttachInside := IsUUcode(s); end; end; //extract postpart if FPrimaryCode = MP_MULTIPART then begin while FLines.Count > x do begin s := TrimRight(FLines[x]); Inc(x); FPostPart.Add(s); if not FAttachInside then FAttachInside := IsUUcode(s); end; end; end; procedure TMIMEPart.DecomposePartsBinary(AHeader:TStrings; AStx,AEtx:PANSIChar); var x: integer; s: ANSIString; Mime: TMimePart; BOP: PANSIChar; // Beginning of Part EOP: PANSIChar; // End of Part function ___HasUUCode(ALines:TStrings): boolean; var x: integer; begin Result := FALSE; for x:=0 to ALines.Count-1 do if IsUUcode(ALInes[x]) then begin Result := TRUE; exit; end; end; begin FBinaryDecomposer := true; Clear; // Parse passed headers (THTTPSend returns HTTP headers and body separately) x := 0; while x<AHeader.Count do begin s := NormalizeHeader(AHeader,x); if s = '' then Break; FHeaders.Add(s); end; DecodePartHeader; // Extract prepart if FPrimaryCode=MP_MULTIPART then begin CopyLinesFromStreamUntilBoundary(AStx,AEtx,FPrePart,FBoundary); FAttachInside := FAttachInside or ___HasUUCode(FPrePart); end; // Extract body part if FPrimaryCode=MP_MULTIPART then begin repeat if CanSubPart then begin Mime := AddSubPart; BOP := AStx; EOP := SearchForBoundary(AStx,AEtx,FBoundary); CopyLinesFromStreamUntilNullLine(BOP,EOP,Mime.Lines); Mime.DecomposePartsBinary(Mime.Lines,BOP,EOP); end else begin EOP := SearchForBoundary(AStx,AEtx,FBoundary); FPartBody.Add(BuildStringFromBuffer(AStx,EOP)); end; // BOP := MatchLastBoundary(EOP,AEtx,FBoundary); if Assigned(BOP) then begin AStx := BOP; Break; end; until FALSE; end; // Extract nested MIME message if (FPrimaryCode=MP_MESSAGE) and CanSubPart then begin Mime := AddSubPart; SkipNullLines(AStx,AEtx); CopyLinesFromStreamUntilNullLine(AStx,AEtx,Mime.Lines); Mime.DecomposePartsBinary(Mime.Lines,AStx,AEtx); end // Extract body of single part else begin FPartBody.Add(BuildStringFromBuffer(AStx,AEtx)); FAttachInside := FAttachInside or ___HasUUCode(FPartBody); end; // Extract postpart if FPrimaryCode=MP_MULTIPART then begin CopyLinesFromStreamUntilBoundary(AStx,AEtx,FPostPart,''); FAttachInside := FAttachInside or ___HasUUCode(FPostPart); end; end; {/pf} {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.ComposeParts; var n: integer; mime: TMimePart; s, t: string; d1, d2, d3: integer; x: integer; begin FLines.Clear; //add headers for n := 0 to FHeaders.Count -1 do begin s := FHeaders[n]; repeat if Length(s) < FMaxLineLength then begin t := s; s := ''; end else begin d1 := RPosEx('; ', s, FMaxLineLength); d2 := RPosEx(' ', s, FMaxLineLength); d3 := RPosEx(', ', s, FMaxLineLength); if (d1 <= 1) and (d2 <= 1) and (d3 <= 1) then begin x := Pos(' ', Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1)); if x < 1 then x := Length(s); end else if d1 > 0 then x := d1 else if d3 > 0 then x := d3 else x := d2 - 1; t := Copy(s, 1, x); Delete(s, 1, x); end; Flines.Add(t); until s = ''; end; Flines.Add(''); //add body //if multipart if FPrimaryCode = MP_MULTIPART then begin Flines.AddStrings(FPrePart); for n := 0 to GetSubPartCount - 1 do begin Flines.Add('--' + FBoundary); mime := GetSubPart(n); mime.ComposeParts; FLines.AddStrings(mime.Lines); end; Flines.Add('--' + FBoundary + '--'); Flines.AddStrings(FPostPart); end; //if message if FPrimaryCode = MP_MESSAGE then begin if GetSubPartCount > 0 then begin mime := GetSubPart(0); mime.ComposeParts; FLines.AddStrings(mime.Lines); end; end else //if normal part begin FLines.AddStrings(FPartBody); end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.DecodePart; var n: Integer; s, t, t2: string; b: Boolean; begin FDecodedLines.Clear; {pf} // The part decomposer passes data via TStringList which appends trailing line // break inherently. But in a case of native 8-bit data transferred withouth // encoding (default e.g. for HTTP protocol), the redundant line terminators // has to be removed if FBinaryDecomposer and (FPartBody.Count=1) then begin case FEncodingCode of ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE: s := DecodeQuotedPrintable(FPartBody[0]); ME_BASE64: s := DecodeBase64(FPartBody[0]); ME_UU, ME_XX: begin s := ''; for n := 0 to FPartBody.Count - 1 do if FEncodingCode = ME_UU then s := s + DecodeUU(FPartBody[n]) else s := s + DecodeXX(FPartBody[n]); end; else s := FPartBody[0]; end; end else {/pf} case FEncodingCode of ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE: s := DecodeQuotedPrintable(FPartBody.Text); ME_BASE64: s := DecodeBase64(FPartBody.Text); ME_UU, ME_XX: begin s := ''; for n := 0 to FPartBody.Count - 1 do if FEncodingCode = ME_UU then s := s + DecodeUU(FPartBody[n]) else s := s + DecodeXX(FPartBody[n]); end; else s := FPartBody.Text; end; if FConvertCharset and (FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT) then if (not FForcedHTMLConvert) and (uppercase(FSecondary) = 'HTML') then begin b := false; t2 := uppercase(s); t := SeparateLeft(t2, '</HEAD>'); if length(t) <> length(s) then begin t := SeparateRight(t, '<HEAD>'); t := ReplaceString(t, '"', ''); t := ReplaceString(t, ' ', ''); b := Pos('HTTP-EQUIV=CONTENT-TYPE', t) > 0; end; //workaround for shitty M$ Outlook 11 which is placing this information //outside <head> section if not b then begin t := Copy(t2, 1, 2048); t := ReplaceString(t, '"', ''); t := ReplaceString(t, ' ', ''); b := Pos('HTTP-EQUIV=CONTENT-TYPE', t) > 0; end; if not b then s := CharsetConversion(s, FCharsetCode, FTargetCharset); end else s := CharsetConversion(s, FCharsetCode, FTargetCharset); WriteStrToStream(FDecodedLines, s); FDecodedLines.Position := 0; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.DecodePartHeader; var n: integer; s, su, fn: string; st, st2: string; begin Primary := 'text'; FSecondary := 'plain'; FDescription := ''; Charset := FDefaultCharset; FFileName := ''; //was 7bit before, but this is more compatible with RFC-ignorant outlook Encoding := '8BIT'; FDisposition := ''; FContentID := ''; fn := ''; for n := 0 to FHeaders.Count - 1 do if FHeaders[n] <> '' then begin s := FHeaders[n]; su := UpperCase(s); if Pos('CONTENT-TYPE:', su) = 1 then begin st := Trim(SeparateRight(su, ':')); st2 := Trim(SeparateLeft(st, ';')); Primary := Trim(SeparateLeft(st2, '/')); FSecondary := Trim(SeparateRight(st2, '/')); if (FSecondary = Primary) and (Pos('/', st2) < 1) then FSecondary := ''; case FPrimaryCode of MP_TEXT: begin Charset := UpperCase(GetParameter(s, 'charset')); FFileName := GetParameter(s, 'name'); end; MP_MULTIPART: FBoundary := GetParameter(s, 'Boundary'); MP_MESSAGE: begin end; MP_BINARY: FFileName := GetParameter(s, 'name'); end; end; if Pos('CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING:', su) = 1 then Encoding := Trim(SeparateRight(su, ':')); if Pos('CONTENT-DESCRIPTION:', su) = 1 then FDescription := Trim(SeparateRight(s, ':')); if Pos('CONTENT-DISPOSITION:', su) = 1 then begin FDisposition := SeparateRight(su, ':'); FDisposition := Trim(SeparateLeft(FDisposition, ';')); fn := GetParameter(s, 'FileName'); end; if Pos('CONTENT-ID:', su) = 1 then FContentID := Trim(SeparateRight(s, ':')); end; if fn <> '' then FFileName := fn; FFileName := InlineDecode(FFileName, FTargetCharset); FFileName := ExtractFileName(FFileName); end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.EncodePart; var l: TStringList; {$IFDEF UNICODE} s, t: RawByteString; {$ELSE} s, t: string; {$ENDIF} n, x: Integer; d1, d2: integer; begin if (FEncodingCode = ME_UU) or (FEncodingCode = ME_XX) then Encoding := 'base64'; l := CreateStringList; FPartBody.Clear; FDecodedLines.Position := 0; try case FPrimaryCode of MP_MULTIPART, MP_MESSAGE: FPartBody.LoadFromStream(FDecodedLines); MP_TEXT, MP_BINARY: begin s := ReadStrFromStream(FDecodedLines, FDecodedLines.Size); if FConvertCharset and (FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT) and (FEncodingCode <> ME_7BIT) then s := GetBOM(FCharSetCode) + CharsetConversion(s, FTargetCharset, FCharsetCode); if FEncodingCode = ME_BASE64 then begin x := 1; while x <= length(s) do begin t := copy(s, x, 54); x := x + length(t); t := EncodeBase64(t); FPartBody.Add(t); end; end else begin if FPrimaryCode = MP_BINARY then l.Add(s) else l.Text := s; for n := 0 to l.Count - 1 do begin s := l[n]; if FEncodingCode = ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE then begin s := EncodeQuotedPrintable(s); repeat if Length(s) < FMaxLineLength then begin t := s; s := ''; end else begin d1 := RPosEx('=', s, FMaxLineLength); d2 := RPosEx(' ', s, FMaxLineLength); if (d1 = 0) and (d2 = 0) then x := FMaxLineLength else if d1 > d2 then x := d1 - 1 else x := d2 - 1; if x = 0 then x := FMaxLineLength; t := Copy(s, 1, x); Delete(s, 1, x); if s <> '' then t := t + '='; end; FPartBody.Add(t); until s = ''; end else FPartBody.Add(s); end; if (FPrimaryCode = MP_BINARY) and (FEncodingCode = ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE) then FPartBody[FPartBody.Count - 1] := FPartBody[FPartBody.Count - 1] + '='; end; end; end; finally l.Free; end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.EncodePartHeader; var s: string; begin FHeaders.Clear; if FSecondary = '' then case FPrimaryCode of MP_TEXT: FSecondary := 'plain'; MP_MULTIPART: FSecondary := 'mixed'; MP_MESSAGE: FSecondary := 'rfc822'; MP_BINARY: FSecondary := 'octet-stream'; end; if FDescription <> '' then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Content-Description: ' + FDescription); if FDisposition <> '' then begin s := ''; if FFileName <> '' then s := '; FileName=' + QuoteStr(InlineCodeEx(FileName, FTargetCharset), '"'); FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Content-Disposition: ' + LowerCase(FDisposition) + s); end; if FContentID <> '' then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Content-ID: <' + FContentID + '>'); case FEncodingCode of ME_7BIT: s := '7bit'; ME_8BIT: s := '8bit'; ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE: s := 'Quoted-printable'; ME_BASE64: s := 'Base64'; end; case FPrimaryCode of MP_TEXT, MP_BINARY: FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' + s); end; case FPrimaryCode of MP_TEXT: s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '; charset=' + GetIDfromCP(FCharsetCode); MP_MULTIPART: s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '; boundary="' + FBoundary + '"'; MP_MESSAGE, MP_BINARY: s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary; end; if FFileName <> '' then s := s + '; name=' + QuoteStr(InlineCodeEx(FileName, FTargetCharset), '"'); FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Content-type: ' + s); end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.MimeTypeFromExt(Value: string); var s: string; n: Integer; begin Primary := ''; FSecondary := ''; s := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Value)); if s = '' then s := UpperCase(Value); s := SeparateRight(s, '.'); for n := 0 to MaxMimeType do if MimeType[n, 0] = s then begin Primary := MimeType[n, 1]; FSecondary := MimeType[n, 2]; Break; end; if Primary = '' then Primary := 'application'; if FSecondary = '' then FSecondary := 'octet-stream'; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.WalkPart; var n: integer; m: TMimepart; begin if assigned(OnWalkPart) then begin OnWalkPart(self); for n := 0 to GetSubPartCount - 1 do begin m := GetSubPart(n); m.OnWalkPart := OnWalkPart; m.WalkPart; end; end; end; {==============================================================================} procedure TMIMEPart.SetPrimary(Value: string); var s: string; begin FPrimary := Value; s := UpperCase(Value); FPrimaryCode := MP_BINARY; if Pos('TEXT', s) = 1 then FPrimaryCode := MP_TEXT; if Pos('MULTIPART', s) = 1 then FPrimaryCode := MP_MULTIPART; if Pos('MESSAGE', s) = 1 then FPrimaryCode := MP_MESSAGE; end; procedure TMIMEPart.SetEncoding(Value: string); var s: string; begin FEncoding := Value; s := UpperCase(Value); FEncodingCode := ME_7BIT; if Pos('8BIT', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_8BIT; if Pos('QUOTED-PRINTABLE', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; if Pos('BASE64', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_BASE64; if Pos('X-UU', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_UU; if Pos('X-XX', s) = 1 then FEncodingCode := ME_XX; end; procedure TMIMEPart.SetCharset(Value: string); begin if value <> '' then begin FCharset := Value; FCharsetCode := GetCPFromID(Value); end; end; function TMIMEPart.CanSubPart: boolean; begin Result := True; if FMaxSubLevel <> -1 then Result := FMaxSubLevel > FSubLevel; end; function TMIMEPart.IsUUcode(Value: string): boolean; begin Value := UpperCase(Value); Result := (pos('BEGIN ', Value) = 1) and (Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ' ')) <> ''); end; {==============================================================================} function GenerateBoundary: string; var x, y: Integer; begin y := GetTick; x := y; while TickDelta(y, x) = 0 do begin Sleep(1); x := GetTick; end; Randomize; y := Random(MaxInt); Result := IntToHex(x, 8) + '_' + IntToHex(y, 8) + '_Synapse_boundary'; end; function CreateStringList: TStringList; begin Result := TStringList.Create; {$IFDEF UNICODE} Result.WriteBOM := False; {$ENDIF} end; end.