{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 003.012.006 | |==============================================================================| | Content: HTTP client | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2011, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c) 1999-2011. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@abstract(HTTP protocol client) Used RFC: RFC-1867, RFC-1947, RFC-2388, RFC-2616 } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$H+} //old Delphi does not have MSWINDOWS define. {$IFDEF WIN32} {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE MSWINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNICODE} {$WARN IMPLICIT_STRING_CAST OFF} {$WARN IMPLICIT_STRING_CAST_LOSS OFF} {$ENDIF} unit httpsend; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, blcksock, synautil, synaip, synacode, synsock; const cHttpProtocol = '80'; type {:These encoding types are used internally by the THTTPSend object to identify the transfer data types.} TTransferEncoding = (TE_UNKNOWN, TE_IDENTITY, TE_CHUNKED); {:abstract(Implementation of HTTP protocol.)} THTTPSend = class(TSynaClient) protected FSock: TTCPBlockSocket; FTransferEncoding: TTransferEncoding; FAliveHost: string; FAlivePort: string; FHeaders: TStringList; FDocument: TMemoryStream; FMimeType: string; FProtocol: string; FKeepAlive: Boolean; FKeepAliveTimeout: integer; FStatus100: Boolean; FProxyHost: string; FProxyPort: string; FProxyUser: string; FProxyPass: string; FResultCode: Integer; FResultString: string; FUserAgent: string; FCookies: TStringList; FDownloadSize: integer; FUploadSize: integer; FRangeStart: integer; FRangeEnd: integer; FAddPortNumberToHost: Boolean; function ReadUnknown: Boolean; function ReadIdentity(Size: Integer): Boolean; function ReadChunked: Boolean; procedure ParseCookies; function PrepareHeaders: AnsiString; function InternalDoConnect(needssl: Boolean): Boolean; function InternalConnect(needssl: Boolean): Boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; {:Reset headers and document and Mimetype.} procedure Clear; {:Decode ResultCode and ResultString from Value.} procedure DecodeStatus(const Value: string); {:Connects to host define in URL and access to resource defined in URL by method. If Document is not empty, send it to server as part of HTTP request. Server response is in Document and headers. Connection may be authorised by username and password in URL. If you define proxy properties, connection is made by this proxy. If all OK, result is @true, else result is @false. If you use in URL 'https:' instead only 'http:', then your request is made by SSL/TLS connection (if you not specify port, then port 443 is used instead standard port 80). If you use SSL/TLS request and you have defined HTTP proxy, then HTTP-tunnel mode is automaticly used .} function HTTPMethod(const Method, URL: string): Boolean; {:You can call this method from OnStatus event for break current data transfer. (or from another thread.)} procedure Abort; published {:Before HTTP operation you may define any non-standard headers for HTTP request, except of: 'Expect: 100-continue', 'Content-Length', 'Content-Type', 'Connection', 'Authorization', 'Proxy-Authorization' and 'Host' headers. After HTTP operation contains full headers of returned document.} property Headers: TStringList read FHeaders; {:This is stringlist with name-value stringlist pairs. Each this pair is one cookie. After HTTP request is returned cookies parsed to this stringlist. You can leave this cookies untouched for next HTTP request. You can also save this stringlist for later use.} property Cookies: TStringList read FCookies; {:Stream with document to send (before request, or with document received from HTTP server (after request).} property Document: TMemoryStream read FDocument; {:If you need download only part of requested document, here specify possition of subpart begin. If here 0, then is requested full document.} property RangeStart: integer read FRangeStart Write FRangeStart; {:If you need download only part of requested document, here specify possition of subpart end. If here 0, then is requested document from rangeStart to end of document. (for broken download restoration, for example.)} property RangeEnd: integer read FRangeEnd Write FRangeEnd; {:Mime type of sending data. Default is: 'text/html'.} property MimeType: string read FMimeType Write FMimeType; {:Define protocol version. Possible values are: '1.1', '1.0' (default) and '0.9'.} property Protocol: string read FProtocol Write FProtocol; {:If @true (default value), keepalives in HTTP protocol 1.1 is enabled.} property KeepAlive: Boolean read FKeepAlive Write FKeepAlive; {:Define timeout for keepalives in seconds!} property KeepAliveTimeout: integer read FKeepAliveTimeout Write FKeepAliveTimeout; {:if @true, then server is requested for 100status capability when uploading data. Default is @false (off).} property Status100: Boolean read FStatus100 Write FStatus100; {:Address of proxy server (IP address or domain name) where you want to connect in @link(HTTPMethod) method.} property ProxyHost: string read FProxyHost Write FProxyHost; {:Port number for proxy connection. Default value is 8080.} property ProxyPort: string read FProxyPort Write FProxyPort; {:Username for connect to proxy server where you want to connect in HTTPMethod method.} property ProxyUser: string read FProxyUser Write FProxyUser; {:Password for connect to proxy server where you want to connect in HTTPMethod method.} property ProxyPass: string read FProxyPass Write FProxyPass; {:Here you can specify custom User-Agent indentification. By default is used: 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Synapse)'} property UserAgent: string read FUserAgent Write FUserAgent; {:After successful @link(HTTPMethod) method contains result code of operation.} property ResultCode: Integer read FResultCode; {:After successful @link(HTTPMethod) method contains string after result code.} property ResultString: string read FResultString; {:if this value is not 0, then data download pending. In this case you have here total sice of downloaded data. It is good for draw download progressbar from OnStatus event.} property DownloadSize: integer read FDownloadSize; {:if this value is not 0, then data upload pending. In this case you have here total sice of uploaded data. It is good for draw upload progressbar from OnStatus event.} property UploadSize: integer read FUploadSize; {:Socket object used for TCP/IP operation. Good for seting OnStatus hook, etc.} property Sock: TTCPBlockSocket read FSock; {:To have possibility to switch off port number in 'Host:' HTTP header, by default @TRUE. Some buggy servers not like port informations in this header.} property AddPortNumberToHost: Boolean read FAddPortNumberToHost write FAddPortNumberToHost; end; {:A very usefull function, and example of use can be found in the THTTPSend object. It implements the GET method of the HTTP protocol. This function sends the GET method for URL document to an HTTP server. Returned document is in the "Response" stringlist (without any headers). Returns boolean TRUE if all went well.} function HttpGetText(const URL: string; const Response: TStrings): Boolean; {:A very usefull function, and example of use can be found in the THTTPSend object. It implements the GET method of the HTTP protocol. This function sends the GET method for URL document to an HTTP server. Returned document is in the "Response" stream. Returns boolean TRUE if all went well.} function HttpGetBinary(const URL: string; const Response: TStream): Boolean; {:A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the THTTPSend object. It implements the POST method of the HTTP protocol. This function sends the SEND method for a URL document to an HTTP server. The document to be sent is located in "Data" stream. The returned document is in the "Data" stream. Returns boolean TRUE if all went well.} function HttpPostBinary(const URL: string; const Data: TStream): Boolean; {:A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the THTTPSend object. It implements the POST method of the HTTP protocol. This function is good for POSTing form data. It sends the POST method for a URL document to an HTTP server. You must prepare the form data in the same manner as you would the URL data, and pass this prepared data to "URLdata". The following is a sample of how the data would appear: 'name=Lukas&field1=some%20data'. The information in the field must be encoded by EncodeURLElement function. The returned document is in the "Data" stream. Returns boolean TRUE if all went well.} function HttpPostURL(const URL, URLData: string; const Data: TStream): Boolean; {:A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the THTTPSend object. It implements the POST method of the HTTP protocol. This function sends the POST method for a URL document to an HTTP server. This function simulate posting of file by HTML form used method 'multipart/form-data'. Posting file is in DATA stream. Its name is Filename string. Fieldname is for name of formular field with file. (simulate HTML INPUT FILE) The returned document is in the ResultData Stringlist. Returns boolean TRUE if all went well.} function HttpPostFile(const URL, FieldName, FileName: string; const Data: TStream; const ResultData: TStrings): Boolean; implementation constructor THTTPSend.Create; begin inherited Create; FHeaders := TStringList.Create; FCookies := TStringList.Create; FDocument := TMemoryStream.Create; FSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; FSock.Owner := self; FSock.ConvertLineEnd := True; FSock.SizeRecvBuffer := c64k; FSock.SizeSendBuffer := c64k; FTimeout := 90000; FTargetPort := cHttpProtocol; FProxyHost := ''; FProxyPort := '8080'; FProxyUser := ''; FProxyPass := ''; FAliveHost := ''; FAlivePort := ''; FProtocol := '1.0'; FKeepAlive := True; FStatus100 := False; FUserAgent := 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Synapse)'; FDownloadSize := 0; FUploadSize := 0; FAddPortNumberToHost := true; FKeepAliveTimeout := 300; Clear; end; destructor THTTPSend.Destroy; begin FSock.Free; FDocument.Free; FCookies.Free; FHeaders.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure THTTPSend.Clear; begin FRangeStart := 0; FRangeEnd := 0; FDocument.Clear; FHeaders.Clear; FMimeType := 'text/html'; end; procedure THTTPSend.DecodeStatus(const Value: string); var s, su: string; begin s := Trim(SeparateRight(Value, ' ')); su := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ' ')); FResultCode := StrToIntDef(su, 0); FResultString := Trim(SeparateRight(s, ' ')); if FResultString = s then FResultString := ''; end; function THTTPSend.PrepareHeaders: AnsiString; begin if FProtocol = '0.9' then Result := FHeaders[0] + CRLF else {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := {$IFDEF UNICODE}AnsiString{$ENDIF}(AdjustLineBreaks(FHeaders.Text, tlbsCRLF)); {$ELSE} Result := FHeaders.Text; {$ENDIF} end; function THTTPSend.InternalDoConnect(needssl: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; FSock.CloseSocket; FSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort); if FSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; FSock.Connect(FTargetHost, FTargetPort); if FSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; if needssl then begin FSock.SSLDoConnect; if FSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; end; FAliveHost := FTargetHost; FAlivePort := FTargetPort; Result := True; end; function THTTPSend.InternalConnect(needssl: Boolean): Boolean; begin if FSock.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET then Result := InternalDoConnect(needssl) else if (FAliveHost <> FTargetHost) or (FAlivePort <> FTargetPort) or FSock.CanRead(0) then Result := InternalDoConnect(needssl) else Result := True; end; function THTTPSend.HTTPMethod(const Method, URL: string): Boolean; var Sending, Receiving: Boolean; status100: Boolean; status100error: string; ToClose: Boolean; Size: Integer; Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path, Para, URI: string; s, su: AnsiString; HttpTunnel: Boolean; n: integer; pp: string; UsingProxy: boolean; l: TStringList; x: integer; begin {initial values} Result := False; FResultCode := 500; FResultString := ''; FDownloadSize := 0; FUploadSize := 0; URI := ParseURL(URL, Prot, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path, Para); User := DecodeURL(user); Pass := DecodeURL(pass); if User = '' then begin User := FUsername; Pass := FPassword; end; if UpperCase(Prot) = 'HTTPS' then begin HttpTunnel := FProxyHost <> ''; FSock.HTTPTunnelIP := FProxyHost; FSock.HTTPTunnelPort := FProxyPort; FSock.HTTPTunnelUser := FProxyUser; FSock.HTTPTunnelPass := FProxyPass; end else begin HttpTunnel := False; FSock.HTTPTunnelIP := ''; FSock.HTTPTunnelPort := ''; FSock.HTTPTunnelUser := ''; FSock.HTTPTunnelPass := ''; end; UsingProxy := (FProxyHost <> '') and not(HttpTunnel); Sending := FDocument.Size > 0; {Headers for Sending data} status100 := FStatus100 and Sending and (FProtocol = '1.1'); if status100 then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Expect: 100-continue'); if Sending then begin FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Content-Length: ' + IntToStr(FDocument.Size)); if FMimeType <> '' then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Content-Type: ' + FMimeType); end; { setting User-agent } if FUserAgent <> '' then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'User-Agent: ' + FUserAgent); { setting Ranges } if (FRangeStart > 0) or (FRangeEnd > 0) then begin if FRangeEnd >= FRangeStart then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Range: bytes=' + IntToStr(FRangeStart) + '-' + IntToStr(FRangeEnd)) else FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Range: bytes=' + IntToStr(FRangeStart) + '-'); end; { setting Cookies } s := ''; for n := 0 to FCookies.Count - 1 do begin if s <> '' then s := s + '; '; s := s + FCookies[n]; end; if s <> '' then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Cookie: ' + s); { setting KeepAlives } pp := ''; if UsingProxy then pp := 'Proxy-'; if FKeepAlive then begin FHeaders.Insert(0, pp + 'Connection: keep-alive'); FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Keep-Alive: ' + IntToStr(FKeepAliveTimeout)); end else FHeaders.Insert(0, pp + 'Connection: close'); { set target servers/proxy, authorizations, etc... } if User <> '' then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Authorization: Basic ' + EncodeBase64(User + ':' + Pass)); if UsingProxy and (FProxyUser <> '') then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' + EncodeBase64(FProxyUser + ':' + FProxyPass)); if isIP6(Host) then s := '[' + Host + ']' else s := Host; if FAddPortNumberToHost and (Port <> '80') then FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Host: ' + s + ':' + Port) else FHeaders.Insert(0, 'Host: ' + s); if UsingProxy then URI := Prot + '://' + s + ':' + Port + URI; if URI = '/*' then URI := '*'; if FProtocol = '0.9' then FHeaders.Insert(0, UpperCase(Method) + ' ' + URI) else FHeaders.Insert(0, UpperCase(Method) + ' ' + URI + ' HTTP/' + FProtocol); if UsingProxy then begin FTargetHost := FProxyHost; FTargetPort := FProxyPort; end else begin FTargetHost := Host; FTargetPort := Port; end; if FHeaders[FHeaders.Count - 1] <> '' then FHeaders.Add(''); { connect } if not InternalConnect(UpperCase(Prot) = 'HTTPS') then begin FAliveHost := ''; FAlivePort := ''; Exit; end; { reading Status } FDocument.Position := 0; Status100Error := ''; if status100 then begin { send Headers } FSock.SendString(PrepareHeaders); if FSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; repeat s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout); if s <> '' then Break; until FSock.LastError <> 0; DecodeStatus(s); Status100Error := s; repeat s := FSock.recvstring(FTimeout); if s = '' then Break; until FSock.LastError <> 0; if (FResultCode >= 100) and (FResultCode < 200) then begin { we can upload content } Status100Error := ''; FUploadSize := FDocument.Size; FSock.SendBuffer(FDocument.Memory, FDocument.Size); end; end else { upload content } if sending then begin if FDocument.Size >= c64k then begin FSock.SendString(PrepareHeaders); FUploadSize := FDocument.Size; FSock.SendBuffer(FDocument.Memory, FDocument.Size); end else begin s := PrepareHeaders + ReadStrFromStream(FDocument, FDocument.Size); FUploadSize := Length(s); FSock.SendString(s); end; end else begin { we not need to upload document, send headers only } FSock.SendString(PrepareHeaders); end; if FSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; Clear; Size := -1; FTransferEncoding := TE_UNKNOWN; { read status } if Status100Error = '' then begin repeat repeat s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout); if s <> '' then Break; until FSock.LastError <> 0; if Pos('HTTP/', UpperCase(s)) = 1 then begin FHeaders.Add(s); DecodeStatus(s); end else begin { old HTTP 0.9 and some buggy servers not send result } s := s + CRLF; WriteStrToStream(FDocument, s); FResultCode := 0; end; until (FSock.LastError <> 0) or (FResultCode <> 100); end else FHeaders.Add(Status100Error); { if need receive headers, receive and parse it } ToClose := FProtocol <> '1.1'; if FHeaders.Count > 0 then begin l := TStringList.Create; try repeat s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout); l.Add(s); if s = '' then Break; until FSock.LastError <> 0; x := 0; while l.Count > x do begin s := NormalizeHeader(l, x); FHeaders.Add(s); su := UpperCase(s); if Pos('CONTENT-LENGTH:', su) = 1 then begin Size := StrToIntDef(Trim(SeparateRight(s, ' ')), -1); if (Size <> -1) and (FTransferEncoding = TE_UNKNOWN) then FTransferEncoding := TE_IDENTITY; end; if Pos('CONTENT-TYPE:', su) = 1 then FMimeType := Trim(SeparateRight(s, ' ')); if Pos('TRANSFER-ENCODING:', su) = 1 then begin s := Trim(SeparateRight(su, ' ')); if Pos('CHUNKED', s) > 0 then FTransferEncoding := TE_CHUNKED; end; if UsingProxy then begin if Pos('PROXY-CONNECTION:', su) = 1 then if Pos('CLOSE', su) > 0 then ToClose := True; end else begin if Pos('CONNECTION:', su) = 1 then if Pos('CLOSE', su) > 0 then ToClose := True; end; end; finally l.free; end; end; Result := FSock.LastError = 0; if not Result then Exit; {if need receive response body, read it} Receiving := Method <> 'HEAD'; Receiving := Receiving and (FResultCode <> 204); Receiving := Receiving and (FResultCode <> 304); if Receiving then case FTransferEncoding of TE_UNKNOWN: Result := ReadUnknown; TE_IDENTITY: Result := ReadIdentity(Size); TE_CHUNKED: Result := ReadChunked; end; FDocument.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); if ToClose then begin FSock.CloseSocket; FAliveHost := ''; FAlivePort := ''; end; ParseCookies; end; function THTTPSend.ReadUnknown: Boolean; var s: ansistring; begin Result := false; repeat s := FSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FSock.LastError = 0 then WriteStrToStream(FDocument, s); until FSock.LastError <> 0; if FSock.LastError = WSAECONNRESET then begin Result := true; FSock.ResetLastError; end; end; function THTTPSend.ReadIdentity(Size: Integer): Boolean; begin if Size > 0 then begin FDownloadSize := Size; FSock.RecvStreamSize(FDocument, FTimeout, Size); FDocument.Position := FDocument.Size; Result := FSock.LastError = 0; end else Result := true; end; function THTTPSend.ReadChunked: Boolean; var s: ansistring; Size: Integer; begin repeat repeat s := FSock.RecvString(FTimeout); until (s <> '') or (FSock.LastError <> 0); if FSock.LastError <> 0 then Break; s := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ' ')); s := Trim(SeparateLeft(s, ';')); Size := StrToIntDef('$' + s, 0); if Size = 0 then Break; if not ReadIdentity(Size) then break; until False; Result := FSock.LastError = 0; end; procedure THTTPSend.ParseCookies; var n: integer; s: string; sn, sv: string; begin for n := 0 to FHeaders.Count - 1 do if Pos('set-cookie:', lowercase(FHeaders[n])) = 1 then begin s := SeparateRight(FHeaders[n], ':'); s := trim(SeparateLeft(s, ';')); sn := trim(SeparateLeft(s, '=')); sv := trim(SeparateRight(s, '=')); FCookies.Values[sn] := sv; end; end; procedure THTTPSend.Abort; begin FSock.StopFlag := True; end; {==============================================================================} function HttpGetText(const URL: string; const Response: TStrings): Boolean; var HTTP: THTTPSend; begin HTTP := THTTPSend.Create; try Result := HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', URL); if Result then Response.LoadFromStream(HTTP.Document); finally HTTP.Free; end; end; function HttpGetBinary(const URL: string; const Response: TStream): Boolean; var HTTP: THTTPSend; begin HTTP := THTTPSend.Create; try Result := HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', URL); if Result then begin Response.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); Response.CopyFrom(HTTP.Document, 0); end; finally HTTP.Free; end; end; function HttpPostBinary(const URL: string; const Data: TStream): Boolean; var HTTP: THTTPSend; begin HTTP := THTTPSend.Create; try HTTP.Document.CopyFrom(Data, 0); HTTP.MimeType := 'Application/octet-stream'; Result := HTTP.HTTPMethod('POST', URL); Data.Size := 0; if Result then begin Data.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); Data.CopyFrom(HTTP.Document, 0); end; finally HTTP.Free; end; end; function HttpPostURL(const URL, URLData: string; const Data: TStream): Boolean; var HTTP: THTTPSend; begin HTTP := THTTPSend.Create; try WriteStrToStream(HTTP.Document, URLData); HTTP.MimeType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; Result := HTTP.HTTPMethod('POST', URL); if Result then Data.CopyFrom(HTTP.Document, 0); finally HTTP.Free; end; end; function HttpPostFile(const URL, FieldName, FileName: string; const Data: TStream; const ResultData: TStrings): Boolean; var HTTP: THTTPSend; Bound, s: string; begin Bound := IntToHex(Random(MaxInt), 8) + '_Synapse_boundary'; HTTP := THTTPSend.Create; try s := '--' + Bound + CRLF; s := s + 'content-disposition: form-data; name="' + FieldName + '";'; s := s + ' filename="' + FileName +'"' + CRLF; s := s + 'Content-Type: Application/octet-string' + CRLF + CRLF; WriteStrToStream(HTTP.Document, s); HTTP.Document.CopyFrom(Data, 0); s := CRLF + '--' + Bound + '--' + CRLF; WriteStrToStream(HTTP.Document, s); HTTP.MimeType := 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + Bound; Result := HTTP.HTTPMethod('POST', URL); if Result then ResultData.LoadFromStream(HTTP.Document); finally HTTP.Free; end; end; end.