{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 002.007.006 | |==============================================================================| | Content: DNS client | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2010, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000-2010. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {: @abstract(DNS client by UDP or TCP) Support for sending DNS queries by UDP or TCP protocol. It can retrieve zone transfers too! Used RFC: RFC-1035, RFC-1183, RFC1706, RFC1712, RFC2163, RFC2230 } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$Q-} {$H+} {$IFDEF UNICODE} {$WARN IMPLICIT_STRING_CAST OFF} {$WARN IMPLICIT_STRING_CAST_LOSS OFF} {$ENDIF} unit dnssend; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, blcksock, synautil, synaip, synsock; const cDnsProtocol = '53'; QTYPE_A = 1; QTYPE_NS = 2; QTYPE_MD = 3; QTYPE_MF = 4; QTYPE_CNAME = 5; QTYPE_SOA = 6; QTYPE_MB = 7; QTYPE_MG = 8; QTYPE_MR = 9; QTYPE_NULL = 10; QTYPE_WKS = 11; // QTYPE_PTR = 12; QTYPE_HINFO = 13; QTYPE_MINFO = 14; QTYPE_MX = 15; QTYPE_TXT = 16; QTYPE_RP = 17; QTYPE_AFSDB = 18; QTYPE_X25 = 19; QTYPE_ISDN = 20; QTYPE_RT = 21; QTYPE_NSAP = 22; QTYPE_NSAPPTR = 23; QTYPE_SIG = 24; // RFC-2065 QTYPE_KEY = 25; // RFC-2065 QTYPE_PX = 26; QTYPE_GPOS = 27; QTYPE_AAAA = 28; QTYPE_LOC = 29; // RFC-1876 QTYPE_NXT = 30; // RFC-2065 QTYPE_SRV = 33; QTYPE_NAPTR = 35; // RFC-2168 QTYPE_KX = 36; QTYPE_SPF = 99; QTYPE_AXFR = 252; QTYPE_MAILB = 253; // QTYPE_MAILA = 254; // QTYPE_ALL = 255; type {:@abstract(Implementation of DNS protocol by UDP or TCP protocol.) Note: Are you missing properties for specify server address and port? Look to parent @link(TSynaClient) too!} TDNSSend = class(TSynaClient) private FID: Word; FRCode: Integer; FBuffer: AnsiString; FSock: TUDPBlockSocket; FTCPSock: TTCPBlockSocket; FUseTCP: Boolean; FAnswerInfo: TStringList; FNameserverInfo: TStringList; FAdditionalInfo: TStringList; FAuthoritative: Boolean; FTruncated: Boolean; function CompressName(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; function CodeHeader: AnsiString; function CodeQuery(const Name: AnsiString; QType: Integer): AnsiString; function DecodeLabels(var From: Integer): AnsiString; function DecodeString(var From: Integer): AnsiString; function DecodeResource(var i: Integer; const Info: TStringList; QType: Integer): AnsiString; function RecvTCPResponse(const WorkSock: TBlockSocket): AnsiString; function DecodeResponse(const Buf: AnsiString; const Reply: TStrings; QType: Integer):boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; {:Query a DNSHost for QType resources correspond to a name. Supported QType values are: Qtype_A, Qtype_NS, Qtype_MD, Qtype_MF, Qtype_CNAME, Qtype_SOA, Qtype_MB, Qtype_MG, Qtype_MR, Qtype_NULL, Qtype_PTR, Qtype_HINFO, Qtype_MINFO, Qtype_MX, Qtype_TXT, Qtype_RP, Qtype_AFSDB, Qtype_X25, Qtype_ISDN, Qtype_RT, Qtype_NSAP, Qtype_NSAPPTR, Qtype_PX, Qtype_GPOS, Qtype_KX. Type for zone transfers QTYPE_AXFR is supported too, but only in TCP mode! "Name" is domain name or host name for queried resource. If "name" is IP address, automatically convert to reverse domain form (.in-addr.arpa). If result is @true, Reply contains resource records. One record on one line. If Resource record have multiple fields, they are stored on line divided by comma. (example: MX record contains value 'rs.cesnet.cz' with preference number 10, string in Reply is: '10,rs.cesnet.cz'). All numbers or IP address in resource are converted to string form.} function DNSQuery(Name: AnsiString; QType: Integer; const Reply: TStrings): Boolean; published {:Socket object used for UDP operation. Good for seting OnStatus hook, etc.} property Sock: TUDPBlockSocket read FSock; {:Socket object used for TCP operation. Good for seting OnStatus hook, etc.} property TCPSock: TTCPBlockSocket read FTCPSock; {:if @true, then is used TCP protocol instead UDP. It is needed for zone transfers, etc.} property UseTCP: Boolean read FUseTCP Write FUseTCP; {:After DNS operation contains ResultCode of DNS operation. Values are: 0-no error, 1-format error, 2-server failure, 3-name error, 4-not implemented, 5-refused.} property RCode: Integer read FRCode; {:@True, if answer is authoritative.} property Authoritative: Boolean read FAuthoritative; {:@True, if answer is truncated to 512 bytes.} property Truncated: Boolean read FTRuncated; {:Detailed informations from name server reply. One record per line. Record have comma delimited entries with type number, TTL and data filelds. This information contains detailed information about query reply.} property AnswerInfo: TStringList read FAnswerInfo; {:Detailed informations from name server reply. One record per line. Record have comma delimited entries with type number, TTL and data filelds. This information contains detailed information about nameserver.} property NameserverInfo: TStringList read FNameserverInfo; {:Detailed informations from name server reply. One record per line. Record have comma delimited entries with type number, TTL and data filelds. This information contains detailed additional information.} property AdditionalInfo: TStringList read FAdditionalInfo; end; {:A very useful function, and example of it's use is found in the TDNSSend object. This function is used to get mail servers for a domain and sort them by preference numbers. "Servers" contains only the domain names of the mail servers in the right order (without preference number!). The first domain name will always be the highest preferenced mail server. Returns boolean @TRUE if all went well.} function GetMailServers(const DNSHost, Domain: AnsiString; const Servers: TStrings): Boolean; implementation constructor TDNSSend.Create; begin inherited Create; FSock := TUDPBlockSocket.Create; FSock.Owner := self; FTCPSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; FTCPSock.Owner := self; FUseTCP := False; FTimeout := 10000; FTargetPort := cDnsProtocol; FAnswerInfo := TStringList.Create; FNameserverInfo := TStringList.Create; FAdditionalInfo := TStringList.Create; Randomize; end; destructor TDNSSend.Destroy; begin FAnswerInfo.Free; FNameserverInfo.Free; FAdditionalInfo.Free; FTCPSock.Free; FSock.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TDNSSend.CompressName(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; var n: Integer; s: AnsiString; begin Result := ''; if Value = '' then Result := #0 else begin s := ''; for n := 1 to Length(Value) do if Value[n] = '.' then begin Result := Result + AnsiChar(Length(s)) + s; s := ''; end else s := s + Value[n]; if s <> '' then Result := Result + AnsiChar(Length(s)) + s; Result := Result + #0; end; end; function TDNSSend.CodeHeader: AnsiString; begin FID := Random(32767); Result := CodeInt(FID); // ID Result := Result + CodeInt($0100); // flags Result := Result + CodeInt(1); // QDCount Result := Result + CodeInt(0); // ANCount Result := Result + CodeInt(0); // NSCount Result := Result + CodeInt(0); // ARCount end; function TDNSSend.CodeQuery(const Name: AnsiString; QType: Integer): AnsiString; begin Result := CompressName(Name); Result := Result + CodeInt(QType); Result := Result + CodeInt(1); // Type INTERNET end; function TDNSSend.DecodeString(var From: Integer): AnsiString; var Len: integer; begin Len := Ord(FBuffer[From]); Inc(From); Result := Copy(FBuffer, From, Len); Inc(From, Len); end; function TDNSSend.DecodeLabels(var From: Integer): AnsiString; var l, f: Integer; begin Result := ''; while True do begin if From >= Length(FBuffer) then Break; l := Ord(FBuffer[From]); Inc(From); if l = 0 then Break; if Result <> '' then Result := Result + '.'; if (l and $C0) = $C0 then begin f := l and $3F; f := f * 256 + Ord(FBuffer[From]) + 1; Inc(From); Result := Result + DecodeLabels(f); Break; end else begin Result := Result + Copy(FBuffer, From, l); Inc(From, l); end; end; end; function TDNSSend.DecodeResource(var i: Integer; const Info: TStringList; QType: Integer): AnsiString; var Rname: AnsiString; RType, Len, j, x, y, z, n: Integer; R: AnsiString; t1, t2, ttl: integer; ip6: TIp6bytes; begin Result := ''; R := ''; Rname := DecodeLabels(i); RType := DecodeInt(FBuffer, i); Inc(i, 4); t1 := DecodeInt(FBuffer, i); Inc(i, 2); t2 := DecodeInt(FBuffer, i); Inc(i, 2); ttl := t1 * 65536 + t2; Len := DecodeInt(FBuffer, i); Inc(i, 2); // i point to begin of data j := i; i := i + len; // i point to next record if Length(FBuffer) >= (i - 1) then case RType of QTYPE_A: begin R := IntToStr(Ord(FBuffer[j])); Inc(j); R := R + '.' + IntToStr(Ord(FBuffer[j])); Inc(j); R := R + '.' + IntToStr(Ord(FBuffer[j])); Inc(j); R := R + '.' + IntToStr(Ord(FBuffer[j])); end; QTYPE_AAAA: begin for n := 0 to 15 do ip6[n] := ord(FBuffer[j + n]); R := IP6ToStr(ip6); end; QTYPE_NS, QTYPE_MD, QTYPE_MF, QTYPE_CNAME, QTYPE_MB, QTYPE_MG, QTYPE_MR, QTYPE_PTR, QTYPE_X25, QTYPE_NSAP, QTYPE_NSAPPTR: R := DecodeLabels(j); QTYPE_SOA: begin R := DecodeLabels(j); R := R + ',' + DecodeLabels(j); for n := 1 to 5 do begin x := DecodeInt(FBuffer, j) * 65536 + DecodeInt(FBuffer, j + 2); Inc(j, 4); R := R + ',' + IntToStr(x); end; end; QTYPE_NULL: begin end; QTYPE_WKS: begin end; QTYPE_HINFO: begin R := DecodeString(j); R := R + ',' + DecodeString(j); end; QTYPE_MINFO, QTYPE_RP, QTYPE_ISDN: begin R := DecodeLabels(j); R := R + ',' + DecodeLabels(j); end; QTYPE_MX, QTYPE_AFSDB, QTYPE_RT, QTYPE_KX: begin x := DecodeInt(FBuffer, j); Inc(j, 2); R := IntToStr(x); R := R + ',' + DecodeLabels(j); end; QTYPE_TXT, QTYPE_SPF: begin R := ''; while j < i do R := R + DecodeString(j); end; QTYPE_GPOS: begin R := DecodeLabels(j); R := R + ',' + DecodeLabels(j); R := R + ',' + DecodeLabels(j); end; QTYPE_PX: begin x := DecodeInt(FBuffer, j); Inc(j, 2); R := IntToStr(x); R := R + ',' + DecodeLabels(j); R := R + ',' + DecodeLabels(j); end; QTYPE_SRV: // Author: Dan <ml@mutox.org> begin x := DecodeInt(FBuffer, j); Inc(j, 2); y := DecodeInt(FBuffer, j); Inc(j, 2); z := DecodeInt(FBuffer, j); Inc(j, 2); R := IntToStr(x); // Priority R := R + ',' + IntToStr(y); // Weight R := R + ',' + IntToStr(z); // Port R := R + ',' + DecodeLabels(j); // Server DNS Name end; end; if R <> '' then Info.Add(RName + ',' + IntToStr(RType) + ',' + IntToStr(ttl) + ',' + R); if QType = RType then Result := R; end; function TDNSSend.RecvTCPResponse(const WorkSock: TBlockSocket): AnsiString; var l: integer; begin Result := ''; l := WorkSock.recvbyte(FTimeout) * 256 + WorkSock.recvbyte(FTimeout); if l > 0 then Result := WorkSock.RecvBufferStr(l, FTimeout); end; function TDNSSend.DecodeResponse(const Buf: AnsiString; const Reply: TStrings; QType: Integer):boolean; var n, i: Integer; flag, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount: Integer; s: AnsiString; begin Result := False; Reply.Clear; FAnswerInfo.Clear; FNameserverInfo.Clear; FAdditionalInfo.Clear; FAuthoritative := False; if (Length(Buf) > 13) and (FID = DecodeInt(Buf, 1)) then begin Result := True; flag := DecodeInt(Buf, 3); FRCode := Flag and $000F; FAuthoritative := (Flag and $0400) > 0; FTruncated := (Flag and $0200) > 0; if FRCode = 0 then begin qdcount := DecodeInt(Buf, 5); ancount := DecodeInt(Buf, 7); nscount := DecodeInt(Buf, 9); arcount := DecodeInt(Buf, 11); i := 13; //begin of body if (qdcount > 0) and (Length(Buf) > i) then //skip questions for n := 1 to qdcount do begin while (Buf[i] <> #0) and ((Ord(Buf[i]) and $C0) <> $C0) do Inc(i); Inc(i, 5); end; if (ancount > 0) and (Length(Buf) > i) then // decode reply for n := 1 to ancount do begin s := DecodeResource(i, FAnswerInfo, QType); if s <> '' then Reply.Add(s); end; if (nscount > 0) and (Length(Buf) > i) then // decode nameserver info for n := 1 to nscount do DecodeResource(i, FNameserverInfo, QType); if (arcount > 0) and (Length(Buf) > i) then // decode additional info for n := 1 to arcount do DecodeResource(i, FAdditionalInfo, QType); end; end; end; function TDNSSend.DNSQuery(Name: AnsiString; QType: Integer; const Reply: TStrings): Boolean; var WorkSock: TBlockSocket; t: TStringList; b: boolean; begin Result := False; if IsIP(Name) then Name := ReverseIP(Name) + '.in-addr.arpa'; if IsIP6(Name) then Name := ReverseIP6(Name) + '.ip6.arpa'; FBuffer := CodeHeader + CodeQuery(Name, QType); if FUseTCP then WorkSock := FTCPSock else WorkSock := FSock; WorkSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort); WorkSock.Connect(FTargetHost, FTargetPort); if FUseTCP then FBuffer := Codeint(length(FBuffer)) + FBuffer; WorkSock.SendString(FBuffer); if FUseTCP then FBuffer := RecvTCPResponse(WorkSock) else FBuffer := WorkSock.RecvPacket(FTimeout); if FUseTCP and (QType = QTYPE_AXFR) then //zone transfer begin t := TStringList.Create; try repeat b := DecodeResponse(FBuffer, Reply, QType); if (t.Count > 1) and (AnswerInfo.Count > 0) then //find end of transfer b := b and (t[0] <> AnswerInfo[AnswerInfo.count - 1]); if b then begin t.AddStrings(AnswerInfo); FBuffer := RecvTCPResponse(WorkSock); if FBuffer = '' then Break; if WorkSock.LastError <> 0 then Break; end; until not b; Reply.Assign(t); Result := True; finally t.free; end; end else //normal query if WorkSock.LastError = 0 then Result := DecodeResponse(FBuffer, Reply, QType); end; {==============================================================================} function GetMailServers(const DNSHost, Domain: AnsiString; const Servers: TStrings): Boolean; var DNS: TDNSSend; t: TStringList; n, m, x: Integer; begin Result := False; Servers.Clear; t := TStringList.Create; DNS := TDNSSend.Create; try DNS.TargetHost := DNSHost; if DNS.DNSQuery(Domain, QType_MX, t) then begin { normalize preference number to 5 digits } for n := 0 to t.Count - 1 do begin x := Pos(',', t[n]); if x > 0 then for m := 1 to 6 - x do t[n] := '0' + t[n]; end; { sort server list } t.Sorted := True; { result is sorted list without preference numbers } for n := 0 to t.Count - 1 do begin x := Pos(',', t[n]); Servers.Add(Copy(t[n], x + 1, Length(t[n]) - x)); end; Result := True; end; finally DNS.Free; t.Free; end; end; end.