{==============================================================================| | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 001.002.001 | |==============================================================================| | Content: SNMP traps | |==============================================================================| | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.0 | | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the | | License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ | | | | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, | | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for | | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. | |==============================================================================| | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Hernan Sanchez are Copyright (c) 2000. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | | Hernan Sanchez (hernan.sanchez@iname.com) | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.mlp.cz/space/gebauerl/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} unit SNMPTrap; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, BlckSock, SynaUtil, ASN1Util; const TRAP_PORT = 162; SNMP_VERSION = 0; PDU_GET = $A0; PDU_GETN = $A1; PDU_RESP = $A2; PDU_SET = $A3; PDU_TRAP = $A4; type TTrapPDU = class(TObject) private protected Buffer: string; public TrapPort: integer; Version: integer; PDUType: integer; Community: string; Enterprise: string; TrapHost: string; GenTrap: integer; SpecTrap: integer; TimeTicks: integer; MIBOID: TStringList; MIBValue: TStringList; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure MIBAdd(MIB, Value: string); procedure MIBDelete(Index: integer); function MIBGet(MIB: string): string; function EncodeTrap: integer; function DecodeTrap: integer; end; TTrapSNMP = class(TObject) private sock: TUDPBlockSocket; public Trap: TTrapPDU; SNMPHost: string; Timeout: integer; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Send: integer; function Recv: integer; end; function SendTrap(Dest, Source, Enterprise, Community: string; Generic, Specific, Seconds: integer; MIBName, MIBValue: TStringList): integer; function RecvTrap(var Dest, Source, Enterprise, Community: string; var Generic, Specific, Seconds: integer; var MIBName, MIBValue: TStringList): integer; implementation constructor TTrapPDU.Create; begin inherited Create; MIBOID := TStringList.Create; MIBValue := TStringList.Create; TrapPort := TRAP_PORT; Version := SNMP_VERSION; PDUType := PDU_TRAP; Community := 'public'; end; destructor TTrapPDU.Destroy; begin MIBValue.Free; MIBOID.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TTrapPDU.Clear; begin MIBOID.Clear; MIBValue.Clear; TrapPort := TRAP_PORT; Version := SNMP_VERSION; PDUType := PDU_TRAP; Community := 'public'; end; procedure TTrapPDU.MIBAdd(MIB, Value: string); begin MIBOID.Add(MIB); MIBValue.Add(Value); end; procedure TTrapPDU.MIBDelete(Index: integer); begin MIBOID.Delete(Index); MIBValue.Delete(Index); end; function TTrapPDU.MIBGet(MIB: string): string; var x: integer; begin x := MIBOID.IndexOf(MIB); if (x < 0) then Result := '' else Result := MIBValue[x]; end; function TTrapPDU.EncodeTrap: integer; var s: string; n: integer; begin Buffer := ''; for n:=0 to MIBOID.Count-1 do begin s := ASNObject(MibToID(MIBOID[n]), ASN1_OBJID) + ASNObject(MIBValue[n], ASN1_OCTSTR); Buffer := Buffer + ASNObject(s, ASN1_SEQ); end; Buffer := ASNObject(Buffer, ASN1_SEQ); Buffer := ASNObject(ASNEncInt(GenTrap), ASN1_INT) + ASNObject(ASNEncInt(SpecTrap), ASN1_INT) + ASNObject(ASNEncInt(TimeTicks), ASN1_TIMETICKS) + Buffer; Buffer := ASNObject(MibToID(Enterprise), ASN1_OBJID) + ASNObject(IPToID(TrapHost), ASN1_IPADDR) + Buffer; Buffer := ASNObject(Char(Version), ASN1_INT) + ASNObject(Community, ASN1_OCTSTR) + ASNObject(Buffer, Self.PDUType); Buffer := ASNObject(Buffer, ASN1_SEQ); Result := 1; end; function TTrapPDU.DecodeTrap: integer; var Pos, EndPos: integer; Sm, Sv: string; begin Pos := 2; EndPos := ASNDecLen(Pos, Buffer); Version := StrToIntDef(ASNItem(Pos, Buffer), 0); Community := ASNItem(Pos, Buffer); PDUType := StrToIntDef(ASNItem(Pos, Buffer), PDU_TRAP); Enterprise := IdToMIB(ASNItem(Pos, Buffer)); TrapHost := ASNItem(Pos, Buffer); GenTrap := StrToIntDef(ASNItem(Pos, Buffer), 0); Spectrap := StrToIntDef(ASNItem(Pos, Buffer), 0); TimeTicks := StrToIntDef(ASNItem(Pos, Buffer), 0); ASNItem(Pos, Buffer); while (Pos < EndPos) do begin ASNItem(Pos, Buffer); Sm := ASNItem(Pos, Buffer); Sv := ASNItem(Pos, Buffer); MIBAdd(Sm, Sv); end; Result := 1; end; constructor TTrapSNMP.Create; begin inherited Create; Sock := TUDPBlockSocket.Create; Trap := TTrapPDU.Create; Timeout := 5; SNMPHost := ''; Sock.CreateSocket; end; destructor TTrapSNMP.Destroy; begin Trap.Free; Sock.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TTrapSNMP.Send: integer; begin Trap.EncodeTrap; Sock.Connect(SNMPHost, IntToStr(Trap.TrapPort)); Sock.SendBuffer(PChar(Trap.Buffer), Length(Trap.Buffer)); Result := 1; end; function TTrapSNMP.Recv: integer; var x: integer; begin Result := 0; Sock.Bind('', IntToStr(Trap.TrapPort)); if Sock.CanRead(Timeout) then begin x := Sock.WaitingData; if (x > 0) then begin SetLength(Trap.Buffer, x); Sock.RecvBuffer(PChar(Trap.Buffer), x); Trap.DecodeTrap; Result := 1; end; end; end; function SendTrap(Dest, Source, Enterprise, Community: string; Generic, Specific, Seconds: integer; MIBName, MIBValue: TStringList): integer; var SNMP: TTrapSNMP; i: integer; begin SNMP := TTrapSNMP.Create; try SNMP.SNMPHost := Dest; SNMP.Trap.TrapHost := Source; SNMP.Trap.Enterprise := Enterprise; SNMP.Trap.Community := Community; SNMP.Trap.GenTrap := Generic; SNMP.Trap.SpecTrap := Specific; SNMP.Trap.TimeTicks := Seconds; for i:=0 to (MIBName.Count - 1) do SNMP.Trap.MIBAdd(MIBName[i], MIBValue[i]); Result := SNMP.Send; finally SNMP.Free; end; end; function RecvTrap(var Dest, Source, Enterprise, Community: string; var Generic, Specific, Seconds: integer; var MIBName, MIBValue: TStringList): integer; var SNMP: TTrapSNMP; i: integer; begin SNMP := TTrapSNMP.Create; try SNMP.SNMPHost := Dest; Result := SNMP.Recv; if (Result <> 0) then begin Dest := SNMP.SNMPHost; Source := SNMP.Trap.TrapHost; Enterprise := SNMP.Trap.Enterprise; Community := SNMP.Trap.Community; Generic := SNMP.Trap.GenTrap; Specific := SNMP.Trap.SpecTrap; Seconds := SNMP.Trap.TimeTicks; MIBName.Clear; MIBValue.Clear; for i:=0 to (SNMP.Trap.MIBOID.Count - 1) do begin MIBName.Add(SNMP.Trap.MIBOID[i]); MIBValue.Add(SNMP.Trap.MIBValue[i]); end; end; finally SNMP.Free; end; end; end.