{==============================================================================| | Project : Ararat Synapse | 004.000.002 | |==============================================================================| | Content: PING sender | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (c)1999-2010, Lukas Gebauer | | All rights reserved. | | | | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | | | | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | | | | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | | | | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may | | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without | | specific prior written permission. | | | | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" | | AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE | | IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE | | ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR | | ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL | | DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR | | SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER | | CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT | | LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY | | OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | | DAMAGE. | |==============================================================================| | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).| | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000-2010. | | All Rights Reserved. | |==============================================================================| | Contributor(s): | |==============================================================================| | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package | | (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) | |==============================================================================} {:@abstract(ICMP PING implementation.) Allows create PING and TRACEROUTE. Or you can diagnose your network. This unit using IpHlpApi (on WinXP or higher) if available. Otherwise it trying to use RAW sockets. Warning: For use of RAW sockets you must have some special rights on some systems. So, it working allways when you have administator/root rights. Otherwise you can have problems! Note: This unit is NOT portable to .NET! Use native .NET classes for Ping instead. } {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$ENDIF} {$Q-} {$R-} {$H+} {$IFDEF CIL} Sorry, this unit is not for .NET! {$ENDIF} //old Delphi does not have MSWINDOWS define. {$IFDEF WIN32} {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE MSWINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} unit pingsend; interface uses SysUtils, synsock, blcksock, synautil, synafpc, synaip {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} , windows {$ENDIF} ; const ICMP_ECHO = 8; ICMP_ECHOREPLY = 0; ICMP_UNREACH = 3; ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED = 11; //rfc-2292 ICMP6_ECHO = 128; ICMP6_ECHOREPLY = 129; ICMP6_UNREACH = 1; ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED = 3; type {:List of possible ICMP reply packet types.} TICMPError = ( IE_NoError, IE_Other, IE_TTLExceed, IE_UnreachOther, IE_UnreachRoute, IE_UnreachAdmin, IE_UnreachAddr, IE_UnreachPort ); {:@abstract(Implementation of ICMP PING and ICMPv6 PING.)} TPINGSend = class(TSynaClient) private FSock: TICMPBlockSocket; FBuffer: string; FSeq: Integer; FId: Integer; FPacketSize: Integer; FPingTime: Integer; FIcmpEcho: Byte; FIcmpEchoReply: Byte; FIcmpUnreach: Byte; FReplyFrom: string; FReplyType: byte; FReplyCode: byte; FReplyError: TICMPError; FReplyErrorDesc: string; FTTL: Byte; Fsin: TVarSin; function Checksum(Value: string): Word; function Checksum6(Value: string): Word; function ReadPacket: Boolean; procedure TranslateError; procedure TranslateErrorIpHlp(value: integer); function InternalPing(const Host: string): Boolean; function InternalPingIpHlp(const Host: string): Boolean; function IsHostIP6(const Host: string): Boolean; procedure GenErrorDesc; public {:Send ICMP ping to host and count @link(pingtime). If ping OK, result is @true.} function Ping(const Host: string): Boolean; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; published {:Size of PING packet. Default size is 32 bytes.} property PacketSize: Integer read FPacketSize Write FPacketSize; {:Time between request and reply.} property PingTime: Integer read FPingTime; {:From this address is sended reply for your PING request. It maybe not your requested destination, when some error occured!} property ReplyFrom: string read FReplyFrom; {:ICMP type of PING reply. Each protocol using another values! For IPv4 and IPv6 are used different values!} property ReplyType: byte read FReplyType; {:ICMP code of PING reply. Each protocol using another values! For IPv4 and IPv6 are used different values! For protocol independent value look to @link(ReplyError)} property ReplyCode: byte read FReplyCode; {:Return type of returned ICMP message. This value is independent on used protocol!} property ReplyError: TICMPError read FReplyError; {:Return human readable description of returned packet type.} property ReplyErrorDesc: string read FReplyErrorDesc; {:Socket object used for TCP/IP operation. Good for seting OnStatus hook, etc.} property Sock: TICMPBlockSocket read FSock; {:TTL value for ICMP query} property TTL: byte read FTTL write FTTL; end; {:A very useful function and example of its use would be found in the TPINGSend object. Use it to ping to any host. If successful, returns the ping time in milliseconds. Returns -1 if an error occurred.} function PingHost(const Host: string): Integer; {:A very useful function and example of its use would be found in the TPINGSend object. Use it to TraceRoute to any host.} function TraceRouteHost(const Host: string): string; implementation type {:Record for ICMP ECHO packet header.} TIcmpEchoHeader = packed record i_type: Byte; i_code: Byte; i_checkSum: Word; i_Id: Word; i_seq: Word; TimeStamp: integer; end; {:record used internally by TPingSend for compute checksum of ICMPv6 packet pseudoheader.} TICMP6Packet = packed record in_source: TInAddr6; in_dest: TInAddr6; Length: integer; free0: Byte; free1: Byte; free2: Byte; proto: Byte; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} const DLLIcmpName = 'iphlpapi.dll'; type TIP_OPTION_INFORMATION = record TTL: Byte; TOS: Byte; Flags: Byte; OptionsSize: Byte; OptionsData: PChar; end; PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION = ^TIP_OPTION_INFORMATION; TICMP_ECHO_REPLY = record Address: TInAddr; Status: integer; RoundTripTime: integer; DataSize: Word; Reserved: Word; Data: pointer; Options: TIP_OPTION_INFORMATION; end; PICMP_ECHO_REPLY = ^TICMP_ECHO_REPLY; TICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY = record Address: TSockAddrIn6; Status: integer; RoundTripTime: integer; end; PICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY = ^TICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY; TIcmpCreateFile = function: integer; stdcall; TIcmpCloseHandle = function(handle: integer): boolean; stdcall; TIcmpSendEcho2 = function(handle: integer; Event: pointer; ApcRoutine: pointer; ApcContext: pointer; DestinationAddress: TInAddr; RequestData: pointer; RequestSize: integer; RequestOptions: PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION; ReplyBuffer: pointer; ReplySize: integer; Timeout: Integer): integer; stdcall; TIcmp6CreateFile = function: integer; stdcall; TIcmp6SendEcho2 = function(handle: integer; Event: pointer; ApcRoutine: pointer; ApcContext: pointer; SourceAddress: PSockAddrIn6; DestinationAddress: PSockAddrIn6; RequestData: pointer; RequestSize: integer; RequestOptions: PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION; ReplyBuffer: pointer; ReplySize: integer; Timeout: Integer): integer; stdcall; var IcmpDllHandle: TLibHandle = 0; IcmpHelper4: boolean = false; IcmpHelper6: boolean = false; IcmpCreateFile: TIcmpCreateFile = nil; IcmpCloseHandle: TIcmpCloseHandle = nil; IcmpSendEcho2: TIcmpSendEcho2 = nil; Icmp6CreateFile: TIcmp6CreateFile = nil; Icmp6SendEcho2: TIcmp6SendEcho2 = nil; {$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} constructor TPINGSend.Create; begin inherited Create; FSock := TICMPBlockSocket.Create; FSock.Owner := self; FTimeout := 5000; FPacketSize := 32; FSeq := 0; Randomize; FTTL := 128; end; destructor TPINGSend.Destroy; begin FSock.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TPINGSend.ReadPacket: Boolean; begin FBuffer := FSock.RecvPacket(Ftimeout); Result := FSock.LastError = 0; end; procedure TPINGSend.GenErrorDesc; begin case FReplyError of IE_NoError: FReplyErrorDesc := ''; IE_Other: FReplyErrorDesc := 'Unknown error'; IE_TTLExceed: FReplyErrorDesc := 'TTL Exceeded'; IE_UnreachOther: FReplyErrorDesc := 'Unknown unreachable'; IE_UnreachRoute: FReplyErrorDesc := 'No route to destination'; IE_UnreachAdmin: FReplyErrorDesc := 'Administratively prohibited'; IE_UnreachAddr: FReplyErrorDesc := 'Address unreachable'; IE_UnreachPort: FReplyErrorDesc := 'Port unreachable'; end; end; function TPINGSend.IsHostIP6(const Host: string): Boolean; var f: integer; begin f := AF_UNSPEC; if IsIp(Host) then f := AF_INET else if IsIp6(Host) then f := AF_INET6; synsock.SetVarSin(Fsin, host, '0', f, IPPROTO_UDP, SOCK_DGRAM, Fsock.PreferIP4); result := Fsin.sin_family = AF_INET6; end; function TPINGSend.Ping(const Host: string): Boolean; var b: boolean; begin FPingTime := -1; FReplyFrom := ''; FReplyType := 0; FReplyCode := 0; FReplyError := IE_Other; GenErrorDesc; FBuffer := StringOfChar(#55, SizeOf(TICMPEchoHeader) + FPacketSize); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} b := IsHostIP6(host); if not(b) and IcmpHelper4 then result := InternalPingIpHlp(host) else if b and IcmpHelper6 then result := InternalPingIpHlp(host) else result := InternalPing(host); {$ELSE} result := InternalPing(host); {$ENDIF} end; function TPINGSend.InternalPing(const Host: string): Boolean; var IPHeadPtr: ^TIPHeader; IpHdrLen: Integer; IcmpEchoHeaderPtr: ^TICMPEchoHeader; t: Boolean; x: cardinal; IcmpReqHead: string; begin Result := False; FSock.TTL := FTTL; FSock.Bind(FIPInterface, cAnyPort); FSock.Connect(Host, '0'); if FSock.LastError <> 0 then Exit; FSock.SizeRecvBuffer := 60 * 1024; if FSock.IP6used then begin FIcmpEcho := ICMP6_ECHO; FIcmpEchoReply := ICMP6_ECHOREPLY; FIcmpUnreach := ICMP6_UNREACH; end else begin FIcmpEcho := ICMP_ECHO; FIcmpEchoReply := ICMP_ECHOREPLY; FIcmpUnreach := ICMP_UNREACH; end; IcmpEchoHeaderPtr := Pointer(FBuffer); with IcmpEchoHeaderPtr^ do begin i_type := FIcmpEcho; i_code := 0; i_CheckSum := 0; FId := System.Random(32767); i_Id := FId; TimeStamp := GetTick; Inc(FSeq); i_Seq := FSeq; if fSock.IP6used then i_CheckSum := CheckSum6(FBuffer) else i_CheckSum := CheckSum(FBuffer); end; FSock.SendString(FBuffer); // remember first 8 bytes of ICMP packet IcmpReqHead := Copy(FBuffer, 1, 8); x := GetTick; repeat t := ReadPacket; if not t then break; if fSock.IP6used then begin {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS} IcmpEchoHeaderPtr := Pointer(FBuffer); {$ELSE} //WinXP SP1 with networking update doing this think by another way ;-O // FBuffer := StringOfChar(#0, 4) + FBuffer; IcmpEchoHeaderPtr := Pointer(FBuffer); // IcmpEchoHeaderPtr^.i_type := FIcmpEchoReply; {$ENDIF} end else begin IPHeadPtr := Pointer(FBuffer); IpHdrLen := (IPHeadPtr^.VerLen and $0F) * 4; IcmpEchoHeaderPtr := @FBuffer[IpHdrLen + 1]; end; //check for timeout if TickDelta(x, GetTick) > FTimeout then begin t := false; Break; end; //it discard sometimes possible 'echoes' of previosly sended packet //or other unwanted ICMP packets... until (IcmpEchoHeaderPtr^.i_type <> FIcmpEcho) and ((IcmpEchoHeaderPtr^.i_id = FId) or (Pos(IcmpReqHead, FBuffer) > 0)); if t then begin FPingTime := TickDelta(x, GetTick); FReplyFrom := FSock.GetRemoteSinIP; FReplyType := IcmpEchoHeaderPtr^.i_type; FReplyCode := IcmpEchoHeaderPtr^.i_code; TranslateError; Result := True; end; end; function TPINGSend.Checksum(Value: string): Word; var CkSum: integer; Num, Remain: Integer; n, i: Integer; begin Num := Length(Value) div 2; Remain := Length(Value) mod 2; CkSum := 0; i := 1; for n := 0 to Num - 1 do begin CkSum := CkSum + Synsock.HtoNs(DecodeInt(Value, i)); inc(i, 2); end; if Remain <> 0 then CkSum := CkSum + Ord(Value[Length(Value)]); CkSum := (CkSum shr 16) + (CkSum and $FFFF); CkSum := CkSum + (CkSum shr 16); Result := Word(not CkSum); end; function TPINGSend.Checksum6(Value: string): Word; const IOC_OUT = $40000000; IOC_IN = $80000000; IOC_INOUT = (IOC_IN or IOC_OUT); IOC_WS2 = $08000000; SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_QUERY = 20 or IOC_WS2 or IOC_INOUT; var ICMP6Ptr: ^TICMP6Packet; s: string; b: integer; ip6: TSockAddrIn6; x: integer; begin Result := 0; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} s := StringOfChar(#0, SizeOf(TICMP6Packet)) + Value; ICMP6Ptr := Pointer(s); x := synsock.WSAIoctl(FSock.Socket, SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_QUERY, @FSock.RemoteSin, SizeOf(FSock.RemoteSin), @ip6, SizeOf(ip6), @b, nil, nil); if x <> -1 then ICMP6Ptr^.in_dest := ip6.sin6_addr else ICMP6Ptr^.in_dest := FSock.LocalSin.sin6_addr; ICMP6Ptr^.in_source := FSock.RemoteSin.sin6_addr; ICMP6Ptr^.Length := synsock.htonl(Length(Value)); ICMP6Ptr^.proto := IPPROTO_ICMPV6; Result := Checksum(s); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TPINGSend.TranslateError; begin if fSock.IP6used then begin case FReplyType of ICMP6_ECHOREPLY: FReplyError := IE_NoError; ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED: FReplyError := IE_TTLExceed; ICMP6_UNREACH: case FReplyCode of 0: FReplyError := IE_UnreachRoute; 3: FReplyError := IE_UnreachAddr; 4: FReplyError := IE_UnreachPort; 1: FReplyError := IE_UnreachAdmin; else FReplyError := IE_UnreachOther; end; else FReplyError := IE_Other; end; end else begin case FReplyType of ICMP_ECHOREPLY: FReplyError := IE_NoError; ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED: FReplyError := IE_TTLExceed; ICMP_UNREACH: case FReplyCode of 0: FReplyError := IE_UnreachRoute; 1: FReplyError := IE_UnreachAddr; 3: FReplyError := IE_UnreachPort; 13: FReplyError := IE_UnreachAdmin; else FReplyError := IE_UnreachOther; end; else FReplyError := IE_Other; end; end; GenErrorDesc; end; procedure TPINGSend.TranslateErrorIpHlp(value: integer); begin case value of 11000, 0: FReplyError := IE_NoError; 11013: FReplyError := IE_TTLExceed; 11002: FReplyError := IE_UnreachRoute; 11003: FReplyError := IE_UnreachAddr; 11005: FReplyError := IE_UnreachPort; 11004: FReplyError := IE_UnreachAdmin; else FReplyError := IE_Other; end; GenErrorDesc; end; function TPINGSend.InternalPingIpHlp(const Host: string): Boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var PingIp6: boolean; PingHandle: integer; r: integer; ipo: TIP_OPTION_INFORMATION; RBuff: string; ip4reply: PICMP_ECHO_REPLY; ip6reply: PICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY; ip6: TSockAddrIn6; begin Result := False; PingIp6 := Fsin.sin_family = AF_INET6; if pingIp6 then PingHandle := Icmp6CreateFile else PingHandle := IcmpCreateFile; if PingHandle <> -1 then begin try ipo.TTL := FTTL; ipo.TOS := 0; ipo.Flags := 0; ipo.OptionsSize := 0; ipo.OptionsData := nil; setlength(RBuff, 4096); if pingIp6 then begin FillChar(ip6, sizeof(ip6), 0); r := Icmp6SendEcho2(PingHandle, nil, nil, nil, @ip6, @Fsin, Pchar(FBuffer), length(FBuffer), @ipo, pchar(RBuff), length(RBuff), FTimeout); if r > 0 then begin RBuff := #0 + #0 + RBuff; ip6reply := PICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY(pointer(RBuff)); FPingTime := ip6reply^.RoundTripTime; ip6reply^.Address.sin6_family := AF_INET6; FReplyFrom := GetSinIp(TVarSin(ip6reply^.Address)); TranslateErrorIpHlp(ip6reply^.Status); Result := True; end; end else begin r := IcmpSendEcho2(PingHandle, nil, nil, nil, Fsin.sin_addr, Pchar(FBuffer), length(FBuffer), @ipo, pchar(RBuff), length(RBuff), FTimeout); if r > 0 then begin ip4reply := PICMP_ECHO_REPLY(pointer(RBuff)); FPingTime := ip4reply^.RoundTripTime; FReplyFrom := IpToStr(swapbytes(ip4reply^.Address.S_addr)); TranslateErrorIpHlp(ip4reply^.Status); Result := True; end; end finally IcmpCloseHandle(PingHandle); end; end; end; {$ELSE} begin result := false; end; {$ENDIF} {==============================================================================} function PingHost(const Host: string): Integer; begin with TPINGSend.Create do try Result := -1; if Ping(Host) then if ReplyError = IE_NoError then Result := PingTime; finally Free; end; end; function TraceRouteHost(const Host: string): string; var Ping: TPingSend; ttl : byte; begin Result := ''; Ping := TPINGSend.Create; try ttl := 1; repeat ping.TTL := ttl; inc(ttl); if ttl > 30 then Break; if not ping.Ping(Host) then begin Result := Result + cAnyHost+ ' Timeout' + CRLF; continue; end; if (ping.ReplyError <> IE_NoError) and (ping.ReplyError <> IE_TTLExceed) then begin Result := Result + Ping.ReplyFrom + ' ' + Ping.ReplyErrorDesc + CRLF; break; end; Result := Result + Ping.ReplyFrom + ' ' + IntToStr(Ping.PingTime) + CRLF; until ping.ReplyError = IE_NoError; finally Ping.Free; end; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} initialization begin IcmpHelper4 := false; IcmpHelper6 := false; IcmpDllHandle := LoadLibrary(DLLIcmpName); if IcmpDllHandle <> 0 then begin IcmpCreateFile := GetProcAddress(IcmpDLLHandle, 'IcmpCreateFile'); IcmpCloseHandle := GetProcAddress(IcmpDLLHandle, 'IcmpCloseHandle'); IcmpSendEcho2 := GetProcAddress(IcmpDLLHandle, 'IcmpSendEcho2'); Icmp6CreateFile := GetProcAddress(IcmpDLLHandle, 'Icmp6CreateFile'); Icmp6SendEcho2 := GetProcAddress(IcmpDLLHandle, 'Icmp6SendEcho2'); IcmpHelper4 := assigned(IcmpCreateFile) and assigned(IcmpCloseHandle) and assigned(IcmpSendEcho2); IcmpHelper6 := assigned(Icmp6CreateFile) and assigned(Icmp6SendEcho2); end; end; finalization begin FreeLibrary(IcmpDllHandle); end; {$ENDIF} end.