2016-01-02 14:07:00 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
VERSION=$(shell grep __version__ httpie/__init__.py)
TAG="\n\n\033[0;32m\#\#\# "
END=" \#\#\# \033[0m\n"
2016-01-02 14:28:46 -03:00
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
all: test
2016-01-02 14:28:46 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
2016-02-29 16:43:18 +08:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
@echo $(TAG)Installing dev requirements$(END)
pip install --upgrade -r $(REQUIREMENTS)
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
@echo $(TAG)Installing HTTPie$(END)
pip install --upgrade --editable .
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
test: init
2016-01-02 14:07:00 -03:00
@echo $(TAG)Running tests on the current Python interpreter with coverage $(END)
2014-09-08 07:44:25 +02:00
py.test --cov ./httpie --cov ./tests --doctest-modules --verbose ./httpie ./tests
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
test-tox: init
@echo $(TAG)Running tests on all Pythons via Tox$(END)
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
test-dist: test-sdist test-bdist-wheel
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
test-sdist: clean uninstall-httpie
@echo $(TAG)Testing sdist build an installation$(END)
python setup.py sdist
pip install --force-reinstall --upgrade dist/*.gz
which http
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
test-bdist-wheel: clean uninstall-httpie
@echo $(TAG)Testing wheel build an installation$(END)
python setup.py bdist_wheel
pip install --force-reinstall --upgrade dist/*.whl
which http
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
# This tests everything, even this Makefile.
test-all: uninstall-all clean init test test-tox test-dist
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
publish: test-all
@echo $(TAG)Testing wheel build an installation$(END)
@echo "$(VERSION)"
@echo "$(VERSION)" | grep -q "dev" && echo "!!!Not publishing dev version!!!" && exit 1
python setup.py register
python setup.py sdist upload
python setup.py bdist_wheel upload
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
2014-04-28 13:25:45 +02:00
@echo $(TAG)Cleaning up$(END)
rm -rf .tox *.egg dist build .coverage
find . -name '__pycache__' -delete -print -o -name '*.pyc' -delete -print
2016-01-02 14:33:48 -03:00
@echo $(TAG)Uninstalling httpie$(END)
- pip uninstall --yes httpie &2>/dev/null
@echo "Verifying…"
cd .. && ! python -m httpie --version &2>/dev/null
@echo "Done"
uninstall-all: uninstall-httpie
@echo $(TAG)Uninstalling httpie requirements$(END)
- pip uninstall --yes pygments requests
@echo $(TAG)Uninstalling development requirements$(END)
- pip uninstall --yes -r $(REQUIREMENTS)