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- [With Java](android/interoperability/java.md)
- [Exercises](exercises/day-4/android.md)
-# Async (temp until issue181 is closed)
+# Day 4: Afternoon (Async)
+- [Async Basics](async.md)
+ - [async/await](async/async-await.md)
+ - [Futures](async/futures.md)
+ - [Runtimes](async/runtimes.md)
+ - [Tokio](async/runtimes/tokio.md)
+ - [Tasks](async/tasks.md)
+ - [Async Channels](async/channels.md)
+- [Control Flow](async/control-flow.md)
+ - [Join](async/control-flow/join.md)
+ - [Select](async/control-flow/select.md)
+- [Pitfalls](async/pitfalls.md)
+ - [Blocking the Executor](async/pitfalls/blocking-executor.md)
+ - [Pin](async/pitfalls/pin.md)
+ - [Async Traits](async/pitfalls/async-traits.md)
- [Exercises](exercises/day-4/elevator.md)
# Final Words
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+# Async Rust
+"Async" is a concurrency model where multiple tasks are executed concurrently by
+executing each task until it would block, then switching to another task that is
+ready to make progress. The model allows running a larger number of tasks on a
+limited number of threads. This is because the per-task overhead is typically
+very low and operating systems provide primitives for efficiently identifying
+I/O that is able to proceed.
+Rust's asynchronous operation is based on "futures", which represent work that
+may be completed in the future. Futures are "polled" until they signal that
+they are complete.
+Futures are polled by an async runtime, and several different runtimes are
+## Comparisons
+ * Python has a similar model in its `asyncio`. However, its `Future` type is
+ callback-based, and not polled. Async Python programs require a "loop",
+ similar to a runtime in Rust.
+ * JavaScript's `Promise` is similar, but again callback-based. The language
+ runtime implements the event loop, so many of the details of Promise
+ resolution are hidden.
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+# `async`/`await`
+At a high level, async Rust code looks very much like "normal" sequential code:
+use futures::executor::block_on;
+async fn count_to(count: i32) {
+ for i in 1..=count {
+ println!("Count is: {i}!");
+ }
+async fn async_main(count: i32) {
+ count_to(count).await;
+fn main() {
+ block_on(async_main(10));
+Key points:
+* Note that this is a simplified example to show the syntax. There is no long
+ running operation or any real concurrency in it!
+* What is the return type of an async call?
+ * Use `let future: () = async_main(10);` in `main` to see the type.
+* The "async" keyword is syntactic sugar. The compiler replaces the return type
+ with a future.
+* You cannot make `main` async, without additional instructions to the compiler
+ on how to use the returned future.
+* You need an executor to run async code. `block_on` blocks the current thread
+ until the provided future has run to completion.
+* `.await` asynchronously waits for the completion of another operation. Unlike
+ `block_on`, `.await` doesn't block the current thread.
+* `.await` can only be used inside an `async` function (or block; these are
+ introduced later).
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+# Async Channels
+Several crates have support for `async`/`await`. For instance `tokio` channels:
+use tokio::sync::mpsc::{self, Receiver};
+async fn ping_handler(mut input: Receiver<()>) {
+ let mut count: usize = 0;
+ while let Some(_) = input.recv().await {
+ count += 1;
+ println!("Received {count} pings so far.");
+ }
+ println!("ping_handler complete");
+async fn main() {
+ let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(32);
+ let ping_handler_task = tokio::spawn(ping_handler(receiver));
+ for i in 0..10 {
+ sender.send(()).await.expect("Failed to send ping.");
+ println!("Sent {} pings so far.", i + 1);
+ }
+ std::mem::drop(sender);
+ ping_handler_task.await.expect("Something went wrong in ping handler task.");
+* Change the channel size to `3` and see how it affects the execution.
+* Overall, the interface is similar to the `sync` channels as seen in the
+ [morning class](concurrency/channels.md).
+* Try removing the `std::mem::drop` call. What happens? Why?
+* The [Flume](https://docs.rs/flume/latest/flume/) crate has channels that
+ implement both `sync` and `async` `send` and `recv`. This can be convenient
+ for complex applications with both IO and heavy CPU processing tasks.
+* What makes working with `async` channels preferable is the ability to combine
+ them with other `future`s to combine them and create complex control flow.
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+# Futures Control Flow
+Futures can be combined together to produce concurrent compute flow graphs. We
+have already seen tasks, that function as independent threads of execution.
+- [Join](control-flow/join.md)
+- [Select](control-flow/select.md)
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+# Join
+A join operation waits until all of a set of futures are ready, and
+returns a collection of their results. This is similar to `Promise.all` in
+JavaScript or `asyncio.gather` in Python.
+use anyhow::Result;
+use futures::future;
+use reqwest;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+async fn size_of_page(url: &str) -> Result {
+ let resp = reqwest::get(url).await?;
+ Ok(resp.text().await?.len())
+async fn main() {
+ let urls: [&str; 4] = [
+ "https://google.com",
+ "https://httpbin.org/ip",
+ "https://play.rust-lang.org/",
+ "BAD_URL",
+ ];
+ let futures_iter = urls.into_iter().map(size_of_page);
+ let results = future::join_all(futures_iter).await;
+ let page_sizes_dict: HashMap<&str, Result> =
+ urls.into_iter().zip(results.into_iter()).collect();
+ println!("{:?}", page_sizes_dict);
+Copy this example into your prepared `src/main.rs` and run it from there.
+* For multiple futures of disjoint types, you can use `std::future::join!` but
+ you must know how many futures you will have at compile time. This is
+ currently in the `futures` crate, soon to be stabilised in `std::future`.
+* The risk of `join` is that one of the futures may never resolve, this would
+ cause your program to stall.
+* You can also combine `join_all` with `join!` for instance to join all requests
+ to an http service as well as a database query.
+* Try adding a timeout to the future, using `futures::join!`.
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+# Select
+A select operation waits until any of a set of futures is ready, and responds to
+that future's result. In JavaScript, this is similar to `Promise.race`. In
+Python, it compares to `asyncio.wait(task_set,
+This is usually a macro, similar to match, with each arm of the form `pattern =
+future => statement`. When the future is ready, the statement is executed with the
+variable bound to the future's result.
+use tokio::sync::mpsc::{self, Receiver};
+use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+enum Animal {
+ Cat { name: String },
+ Dog { name: String },
+async fn first_animal_to_finish_race(
+ mut cat_rcv: Receiver,
+ mut dog_rcv: Receiver,
+) -> Option {
+ tokio::select! {
+ cat_name = cat_rcv.recv() => Some(Animal::Cat { name: cat_name? }),
+ dog_name = dog_rcv.recv() => Some(Animal::Dog { name: dog_name? })
+ }
+async fn main() {
+ let (cat_sender, cat_receiver) = mpsc::channel(32);
+ let (dog_sender, dog_receiver) = mpsc::channel(32);
+ tokio::spawn(async move {
+ sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)).await;
+ cat_sender
+ .send(String::from("Felix"))
+ .await
+ .expect("Failed to send cat.");
+ });
+ tokio::spawn(async move {
+ sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)).await;
+ dog_sender
+ .send(String::from("Rex"))
+ .await
+ .expect("Failed to send dog.");
+ });
+ let winner = first_animal_to_finish_race(cat_receiver, dog_receiver)
+ .await
+ .expect("Failed to receive winner");
+ println!("Winner is {winner:?}");
+* In this example, we have a race between a cat and a dog.
+ `first_animal_to_finish_race` listens to both channels and will pick whichever
+ arrives first. Since the dog takes 50ms, it wins against the cat that
+ take 500ms seconds.
+* You can use `oneshot` channels in this example as the channels are supposed to
+ receive only one `send`.
+* Try adding a deadline to the race, demonstrating selecting different sorts of
+ futures.
+* Note that `select!` consumes the futures it is given, and is easiest to use
+ when every execution of `select!` creates new futures.
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+# Futures
+is a trait, implemented by objects that represent an operation that may not be
+complete yet. A future can be polled, and `poll` returns a
+use std::pin::Pin;
+use std::task::Context;
+pub trait Future {
+ type Output;
+ fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll;
+pub enum Poll {
+ Ready(T),
+ Pending,
+An async function returns an `impl Future`. It's also possible (but uncommon) to
+implement `Future` for your own types. For example, the `JoinHandle` returned
+from `tokio::spawn` implements `Future` to allow joining to it.
+The `.await` keyword, applied to a Future, causes the current async function to
+pause until that Future is ready, and then evaluates to its output.
+* The `Future` and `Poll` types are implemented exactly as shown; click the
+ links to show the implementations in the docs.
+* We will not get to `Pin` and `Context`, as we will focus on writing async
+ code, rather than building new async primitives. Briefly:
+ * `Context` allows a Future to schedule itself to be polled again when an
+ event occurs.
+ * `Pin` ensures that the Future isn't moved in memory, so that pointers into
+ that future remain valid. This is required to allow references to remain
+ valid after an `.await`.
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+# Pitfalls of async/await
+Async / await provides convenient and efficient abstraction for concurrent asynchronous programming. However, the async/await model in Rust also comes with its share of pitfalls and footguns. We illustrate some of them in this chapter:
+- [Blocking the Executor](pitfalls/blocking-executor.md)
+- [Pin](pitfalls/pin.md)
+- [Async Traits](pitfall/async-traits.md)
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+# Async Traits
+Async methods in traits are not yet supported in the stable channel ([An experimental feature exists in nightly and should be stabilized in the mid term.](https://blog.rust-lang.org/inside-rust/2022/11/17/async-fn-in-trait-nightly.html))
+The crate [async_trait](https://docs.rs/async-trait/latest/async_trait/) provides a workaround through a macro:
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use std::time::Instant;
+use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
+trait Sleeper {
+ async fn sleep(&self);
+struct FixedSleeper {
+ sleep_ms: u64,
+impl Sleeper for FixedSleeper {
+ async fn sleep(&self) {
+ sleep(Duration::from_millis(self.sleep_ms)).await;
+ }
+async fn run_all_sleepers_multiple_times(sleepers: Vec>, n_times: usize) {
+ for _ in 0..n_times {
+ println!("running all sleepers..");
+ for sleeper in &sleepers {
+ let start = Instant::now();
+ sleeper.sleep().await;
+ println!("slept for {}ms", start.elapsed().as_millis());
+ }
+ }
+async fn main() {
+ let sleepers: Vec> = vec![
+ Box::new(FixedSleeper { sleep_ms: 50 }),
+ Box::new(FixedSleeper { sleep_ms: 100 }),
+ ];
+ run_all_sleepers_multiple_times(sleepers, 5).await;
+* The difficulty with `async trait` is in that the resulting `Future` does not
+ have a size known at compile time, because the size of the `Future` depends
+ on the implementation.
+* `async_trait` is easy to use, but note that it's using heap allocations to
+ achieve this, and solve the unknow size problem above. This heap allocation
+ has performance overhead.
+* Try creating a new sleeper struct that will sleep for a random amount of time
+ and adding it to the Vec.
+* Try making the `sleep` call take `&mut self`.
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+# Blocking the executor
+Most async runtimes only allow IO tasks to run concurrently.
+This means that CPU blocking tasks will block the executor and prevent other tasks from being executed.
+An easy workaround is to use async equivalent methods where possible.
+use futures::future::join_all;
+use std::time::Instant;
+async fn sleep_ms(start: &Instant, id: u64, duration_ms: u64) {
+ std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(duration_ms));
+ println!(
+ "future {id} slept for {duration_ms}ms, finished after {}ms",
+ start.elapsed().as_millis()
+ );
+#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
+async fn main() {
+ let start = Instant::now();
+ let sleep_futures = (1..=10).map(|t| sleep_ms(&start, t, t * 10));
+ join_all(sleep_futures).await;
+* Run the code and see that the sleeps happen consecutively rather than
+ concurrently.
+* The `"current_thread"` flavor puts all tasks on a single thread. This makes the
+ effect more obvious, but the bug is still present in the multi-threaded
+ flavor.
+* Switch the `std::thread::sleep` to `tokio::time::sleep` and await its result.
+* Another fix would be to `tokio::task::spawn_blocking` which spawns an actual
+ thread and transforms its handle into a future without blocking the executor.
+* You should not think of tasks as OS threads. They do not map 1 to 1 and most
+ executors will allow many tasks to run on a single OS thread. This is
+ particularly problematic when interacting with other libraries via FFI, where
+ that library might depend on thread-local storage or map to specific OS
+ threads (e.g., CUDA). Prefer `tokio::task::spawn_blocking` in such situations.
+* Use sync mutexes with care. Holding a mutex over an `.await` may cause another
+ task to block, and that task may be running on the same thread.
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+# Pin
+When you await a future, all local variables (that would ordinarily be stored on
+a stack frame) are instead stored in the Future for the current async block. If your
+future has pointers to data on the stack, those pointers might get invalidated.
+This is unsafe.
+Therefore, you must guarantee that the addresses your future points to don't
+change. That is why we need to `pin` futures. Using the same future repeatedly
+in a `select!` often leads to issues with pinned values.
+use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot};
+use tokio::task::spawn;
+use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
+// A work item. In this case, just sleep for the given time and respond
+// with a message on the `respond_on` channel.
+struct Work {
+ input: u32,
+ respond_on: oneshot::Sender,
+// A worker which listens for work on a queue and performs it.
+async fn worker(mut work_queue: mpsc::Receiver) {
+ let mut iterations = 0;
+ loop {
+ tokio::select! {
+ Some(work) = work_queue.recv() => {
+ sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; // Pretend to work.
+ work.respond_on
+ .send(work.input * 1000)
+ .expect("failed to send response");
+ iterations += 1;
+ }
+ // TODO: report number of iterations every 100ms
+ }
+ }
+// A requester which requests work and waits for it to complete.
+async fn do_work(work_queue: &mpsc::Sender, input: u32) -> u32 {
+ let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
+ work_queue
+ .send(Work {
+ input,
+ respond_on: tx,
+ })
+ .await
+ .expect("failed to send on work queue");
+ rx.await.expect("failed waiting for response")
+async fn main() {
+ let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(10);
+ spawn(worker(rx));
+ for i in 0..100 {
+ let resp = do_work(&tx, i).await;
+ println!("work result for iteration {i}: {resp}");
+ }
+* You may recognize this as an example of the actor pattern. Actors
+ typically call `select!` in a loop.
+* This serves as a summation of a few of the previous lessons, so take your time
+ with it.
+ * Naively add a `_ = sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)) => { println!(..) }`
+ to the `select!`. This will never execute. Why?
+ * Instead, add a `timeout_fut` containing that future outside of the `loop`:
+ ```rust,compile_fail
+ let mut timeout_fut = sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
+ loop {
+ select! {
+ ..,
+ _ = timeout_fut => { println!(..); },
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ * This still doesn't work. Follow the compiler errors, adding `&mut` to the
+ `timeout_fut` in the `select!` to work around the move, then using
+ `Box::pin`:
+ ```rust,compile_fail
+ let mut timeout_fut = Box::pin(sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)));
+ loop {
+ select! {
+ ..,
+ _ = &mut timeout_fut => { println!(..); },
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ * This compiles, but once the timeout expires it is `Poll::Ready` on every
+ iteration (a fused future would help with this). Update to reset
+ `timeout_fut` every time it expires.
+* Box allocates on the heap. In some cases, `tokio::pin!` is also an option, but
+ that is difficult to use for a future that is reassigned.
+* Another alternative is to not use `pin` at all but spawn another task that will send to a `oneshot` channel every 100ms.
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+# Runtimes and Tasks
+A *runtime* provides support for performing operations asynchronously (a
+*reactor*) and is responsible for executing futures (an *executor*). Rust does not have a
+"built-in" runtime, but several options are available:
+ * [Tokio](https://tokio.rs/) - performant, with a well-developed ecosystem of
+ functionality like [Hyper](https://hyper.rs/) for HTTP or
+ [Tonic](https://github.com/hyperium/tonic) for gRPC.
+ * [async-std](https://async.rs/) - aims to be a "std for async", and includes a
+ basic runtime in `async::task`.
+ * [smol](https://docs.rs/smol/latest/smol/) - simple and lightweight
+Several larger applications have their own runtimes. For example,
+already has one.
+* Note that of the listed runtimes, only Tokio is supported in the Rust
+ playground. The playground also does not permit any I/O, so most interesting
+ async things can't run in the playground.
+* Futures are "inert" in that they do not do anything (not even start an I/O
+ operation) unless there is an executor polling them. This differs from JS
+ Promises, for example, which will run to completion even if they are never
+ used.
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+# Tokio
+Tokio provides:
+* A multi-threaded runtime for executing asynchronous code.
+* An asynchronous version of the standard library.
+* A large ecosystem of libraries.
+use tokio::time;
+async fn count_to(count: i32) {
+ for i in 1..=count {
+ println!("Count in task: {i}!");
+ time::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(5)).await;
+ }
+async fn main() {
+ tokio::spawn(count_to(10));
+ for i in 1..5 {
+ println!("Main task: {i}");
+ time::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(5)).await;
+ }
+* With the `tokio::main` macro we can now make `main` async.
+* The `spawn` function creates a new, concurrent "task".
+* Note: `spawn` takes a `Future`, you don't call `.await` on `count_to`.
+**Further exploration:**
+* Why does `count_to` not (usually) get to 10? This is an example of async
+ cancellation. `tokio::spawn` returns a handle which can be awaited to wait
+ until it finishes.
+* Try `count_to(10).await` instead of spawning.
+* Try awaiting the task returned from `tokio::spawn`.
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+# Tasks
+Runtimes have the concept of a "Task", similar to a thread but much
+less resource-intensive.
+A Task has a single top-level Future which the executor polls to make progress.
+That future may have one or more nested futures that its `poll` method polls,
+corresponding loosely to a call stack. Concurrency within a task is possible by
+polling multiple child futures, such as racing a timer and an I/O operation.
+use tokio::io::{self, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
+use tokio::net::TcpListener;
+async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
+ let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await?;
+ println!("listening on port 6142");
+ loop {
+ let (mut socket, addr) = listener.accept().await?;
+ println!("connection from {addr:?}");
+ tokio::spawn(async move {
+ if let Err(e) = socket.write_all(b"Who are you?\n").await {
+ println!("socket error: {e:?}");
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut buf = vec![0; 1024];
+ let reply = match socket.read(&mut buf).await {
+ Ok(n) => {
+ let name = std::str::from_utf8(&buf[..n]).unwrap().trim();
+ format!("Thanks for dialing in, {name}!\n")
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ println!("socket error: {e:?}");
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ if let Err(e) = socket.write_all(reply.as_bytes()).await {
+ println!("socket error: {e:?}");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+Copy this example into your prepared `src/main.rs` and run it from there.
+* Ask students to visualize what the state of the example server would be with a
+ few connected clients. What tasks exist? What are their Futures?
+* This is the first time we've seen an `async` block. This is similar to a
+ closure, but does not take any arguments. Its return value is a Future,
+ similar to an `async fn`.
+* Refactor the async block into a function, and improve the error handling using `?`.
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+# Exercises
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+++ b/src/running-the-course/day-4.md
@@ -23,5 +23,18 @@ Ensure that `adb sync` works with your emulator or real device and pre-build
all Android examples using `src/android/build_all.sh`. Read the script to see
the commands it runs and make sure they work when you run them by hand.
+## Async
+If you chose Async for Day 4 afternoon, you will need a fresh crate set up and
+the dependencies downloaded and ready to go. You can then copy/paste the
+examples into `src/main.rs` to experiment with them.
+cargo init day4
+cd day4
+cargo add tokio --features full
+cargo run
[1]: https://source.android.com/docs/setup/download/downloading
[2]: https://github.com/google/comprehensive-rust