#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail # Usage: build.sh <book-lang> <dest-dir> # # Build the course as of the date specified specified in the # POT-Creation-Date header of po/$book_lang.po. The output can be # found in $dest_dir. # # The src/ and third_party/ directories are left in a dirty state so # you can run `mdbook test` and other commands afterwards. book_lang=${1:?"Usage: $0 <book-lang> <dest-dir>"} dest_dir=${2:?"Usage: $0 <book-lang> <dest-dir>"} if [ "$book_lang" = "en" ]; then echo "::group::Building English course" else pot_creation_date=$(grep --max-count 1 '^"POT-Creation-Date:' "po/$book_lang.po" | sed -E 's/".*: (.*)\\n"/\1/') pot_creation_date=${pot_creation_date:-now} echo "::group::Building $book_lang translation as of $pot_creation_date" # Back-date the sources to POT-Creation-Date. The content lives in two # directories: rm -r src/ third_party/ git restore --source "$(git rev-list -n 1 --before "$pot_creation_date" @)" src/ third_party/ # Set language and adjust site URL. Clear the redirects since they are # in sync with the source files, not the translation. export MDBOOK_BOOK__LANGUAGE=$book_lang export MDBOOK_OUTPUT__HTML__SITE_URL=/comprehensive-rust/$book_lang/ export MDBOOK_OUTPUT__HTML__REDIRECT='{}' # Include language-specific Pandoc configuration if [ -f ".github/pandoc/$book_lang.yaml" ]; then export MDBOOK_OUTPUT__PANDOC__PROFILE__PDF__DEFAULTS=".github/pandoc/$book_lang.yaml" fi fi # Enable mdbook-pandoc to build PDF version of the course export MDBOOK_OUTPUT__PANDOC__DISABLED=false mdbook build -d "$dest_dir" # Disable the redbox button in built versions of the course echo '// Disabled in published builds, see build.sh' > "${dest_dir}/html/theme/redbox.js" mv "$dest_dir/pandoc/pdf/comprehensive-rust.pdf" "$dest_dir/html/" (cd "$dest_dir/exerciser" && zip --recurse-paths ../html/comprehensive-rust-exercises.zip comprehensive-rust-exercises/) echo "::endgroup::"