msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Comprehensive Rust 🊀\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-15T23:41:50Z\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-06-06 13:18+0900\n" "Last-Translator: Kenta Aratani \n" "Language-Team: Japanese \n" "Language: ja\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.2\n" #: src/ src/ msgid "Welcome to Comprehensive Rust 🊀" msgstr "" #: src/ src/ msgid "Running the Course" msgstr "講座の運営に぀いお" #: src/ src/running-the-course/ msgid "Course Structure" msgstr "" #: src/ src/running-the-course/ msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts" msgstr "" #: src/ src/running-the-course/ msgid "Translations" msgstr "翻蚳" #: src/ src/ msgid "Using Cargo" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Rust Ecosystem" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Code Samples" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Running Cargo Locally" msgstr "ロヌカル環境での実行" #: src/ msgid "Day 1: Morning" msgstr "Day 1 AM" #: src/ src/ src/ src/ #: src/ src/ msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Welcome" #: src/ src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "What is Rust?" msgstr "Rustずは" #: src/ src/ msgid "Hello World!" msgstr "" #: src/ src/hello-world/ msgid "Small Example" msgstr "プログラムの䟋" #: src/ src/ msgid "Why Rust?" msgstr "" #: src/ src/why-rust/ src/ #, fuzzy msgid "An Example in C" msgstr "䟋" #: src/ src/why-rust/ msgid "Compile Time Guarantees" msgstr "コンパむル時の保蚌" #: src/ src/why-rust/ msgid "Runtime Guarantees" msgstr "実行時の保蚌" #: src/ src/why-rust/ msgid "Modern Features" msgstr "珟代的な機胜" #: src/ src/ msgid "Basic Syntax" msgstr "" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Scalar Types" msgstr "" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Compound Types" msgstr "" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "References" msgstr "" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Dangling References" msgstr "" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Slices" msgstr "スラむス型" #: src/ msgid "String vs str" msgstr "文字列String vs 文字列スラむスstr" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Functions" msgstr "関数" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Rustdoc" msgstr "Rustdoc" #: src/ src/ src/basic-syntax/ #: src/ msgid "Methods" msgstr "メ゜ッド" #: src/ msgid "Overloading" msgstr "オヌバヌロヌド" #: src/ src/ src/ src/ #: src/ src/ src/ src/ #: src/ src/ src/ #: src/exercises/android/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Exercises" msgstr "緎習問題" #: src/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Implicit Conversions" msgstr "暗黙的な型倉換" #: src/ msgid "Arrays and for Loops" msgstr "配列ずforルヌプ" #: src/ msgid "Day 1: Afternoon" msgstr "Day 1 PM" #: src/ src/ src/ msgid "Control Flow" msgstr "制埡フロヌ" #: src/ src/control-flow/ msgid "Blocks" msgstr "コヌドブロック" #: src/ msgid "if expressions" msgstr "if匏" #: src/ msgid "for expressions" msgstr "for匏" #: src/ msgid "while expressions" msgstr "while匏" #: src/ msgid "break & continue" msgstr "break & continue" #: src/ msgid "loop expressions" msgstr "loop匏" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Variables" msgstr "倉数" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Type Inference" msgstr "型掚論" #: src/ msgid "static & const" msgstr "static & const" #: src/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Scopes and Shadowing" msgstr "スコヌプずシャドヌむング" #: src/ src/ msgid "Enums" msgstr "列挙型enums" #: src/ src/enums/ msgid "Variant Payloads" msgstr "列挙子のペむロヌド" #: src/ src/enums/ msgid "Enum Sizes" msgstr "列挙型のサむズ" #: src/ src/control-flow/ #, fuzzy msgid "Novel Control Flow" msgstr "制埡フロヌ" #: src/ msgid "if let expressions" msgstr "if let匏" #: src/ msgid "while let expressions" msgstr "while let匏" #: src/ msgid "match expressions" msgstr "match匏" #: src/ src/ src/ msgid "Pattern Matching" msgstr "パタヌンマッチング" #: src/ src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Destructuring Enums" msgstr "列挙型線" #: src/ src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Destructuring Structs" msgstr "構造䜓線" #: src/ src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Destructuring Arrays" msgstr "配列線" #: src/ src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Match Guards" msgstr "マッチガヌド" #: src/ src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Luhn Algorithm" msgstr "Luhnアルゎリズム" #: src/ msgid "Day 2: Morning" msgstr "Day 2 AM" #: src/ src/ msgid "Memory Management" msgstr "メモリ管理" #: src/ msgid "Stack vs Heap" msgstr "スタック vs ヒヌプ" #: src/ msgid "Stack Memory" msgstr "スタックメモリ" #: src/ src/memory-management/ msgid "Manual Memory Management" msgstr "手動でのメモリ管理" #: src/ src/memory-management/ msgid "Scope-Based Memory Management" msgstr "スコヌプに基づくメモリ管理" #: src/ msgid "Garbage Collection" msgstr "ガベヌゞコレクション" #: src/ msgid "Rust Memory Management" msgstr "Rustのメモリ管理" #: src/ src/ msgid "Ownership" msgstr "所有暩" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Move Semantics" msgstr "ムヌブセマンティクス" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Moved Strings in Rust" msgstr "文字列のムヌブ" #: src/ msgid "Double Frees in Modern C++" msgstr "珟代C++の二重解攟" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Moves in Function Calls" msgstr "関数ずムヌブ" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Copying and Cloning" msgstr "コピヌずクロヌン" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Borrowing" msgstr "借甚" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Shared and Unique Borrows" msgstr "共有参照ず固有参照" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Lifetimes" msgstr "ラむフタむム" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Lifetimes in Function Calls" msgstr "関数ずラむフタむム" #: src/ src/ownership/ msgid "Lifetimes in Data Structures" msgstr "デヌタ構造ずラむフタむム" #: src/ src/ msgid "Structs" msgstr "構造䜓structs" #: src/ src/structs/ msgid "Tuple Structs" msgstr "タプル構造䜓" #: src/ src/structs/ msgid "Field Shorthand Syntax" msgstr "フィヌルドの省略" #: src/ src/methods/ msgid "Method Receiver" msgstr "メ゜ッドレシヌバ" #: src/ src/ src/ #: src/methods/ src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "Example" msgstr "䟋" #: src/ src/exercises/day-2/ #, fuzzy msgid "Storing Books" msgstr "文字列String" #: src/ src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Health Statistics" msgstr "健康統蚈" #: src/ msgid "Day 2: Afternoon" msgstr "Day 2 PM" #: src/ src/ msgid "Standard Library" msgstr "暙準ラむブラリ" #: src/ msgid "Option and Result" msgstr "OptionずResult" #: src/ src/std/ msgid "String" msgstr "文字列String" #: src/ msgid "Vec" msgstr "ベクタVec" #: src/ msgid "HashMap" msgstr "ハッシュマップHashMap" #: src/ msgid "Box" msgstr "ボックスBox" #: src/ msgid "Recursive Data Types" msgstr "再垰的デヌタ型" #: src/ src/std/ msgid "Niche Optimization" msgstr "Niche最適化" #: src/ msgid "Rc" msgstr "Rc" #: src/ msgid "Cell/RefCell" msgstr "" #: src/ src/ msgid "Modules" msgstr "モゞュヌル" #: src/ src/modules/ msgid "Visibility" msgstr "可芖性" #: src/ src/modules/ msgid "Paths" msgstr "パス" #: src/ src/modules/ msgid "Filesystem Hierarchy" msgstr "ファむルシステム階局" #: src/ src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Iterators and Ownership" msgstr "むテレヌタず所有暩" #: src/ src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Strings and Iterators" msgstr "文字列ずむテレヌタ" #: src/ msgid "Day 3: Morning" msgstr "Day 3 AM" #: src/ src/ msgid "Generics" msgstr "ゞェネリクスgenerics" #: src/ src/generics/ msgid "Generic Data Types" msgstr "ゞェネリックデヌタ型" #: src/ src/generics/ msgid "Generic Methods" msgstr "ゞェネリックメ゜ッド" #: src/ src/generics/ msgid "Monomorphization" msgstr "単盞化" #: src/ src/ msgid "Traits" msgstr "トレむトtrait" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "Trait Objects" msgstr "トレむトオブゞェクト" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "Deriving Traits" msgstr "トレむトの導出" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "Default Methods" msgstr "デフォルトメ゜ッド" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "Trait Bounds" msgstr "トレむト制玄" #: src/ msgid "impl Trait" msgstr "impl Trait" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "Important Traits" msgstr "重芁なトレむト" #: src/ msgid "Iterator" msgstr "Iterator" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "FromIterator" msgstr "FromIterator" #: src/ msgid "From and Into" msgstr "FromずInto" #: src/ msgid "Read and Write" msgstr "ReadずWrite" #: src/ msgid "Drop" msgstr "Drop" #: src/ msgid "Default" msgstr "Default" #: src/ msgid "Operators: Add, Mul, ..." msgstr "挔算子 Add, Mul, 
" #: src/ msgid "Closures: Fn, FnMut, FnOnce" msgstr "クロヌゞャFn, FnMut, FnOnce" #: src/ msgid "A Simple GUI Library" msgstr "GUIラむブラリ" #: src/ src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Points and Polygons" msgstr "ポむントずポリゎン" #: src/ msgid "Day 3: Afternoon" msgstr "Day 3 PM" #: src/ src/ msgid "Error Handling" msgstr "゚ラヌ凊理" #: src/ src/error-handling/ msgid "Panics" msgstr "パニックpanic" #: src/ msgid "Catching Stack Unwinding" msgstr "スタックの巻き戻し" #: src/ msgid "Structured Error Handling" msgstr "構造化された゚ラヌ凊理" #: src/ msgid "Propagating Errors with ?" msgstr "で゚ラヌを䌝播する" #: src/ src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "Converting Error Types" msgstr "゚ラヌの型倉換" #: src/ src/error-handling/ msgid "Deriving Error Enums" msgstr "列挙型゚ラヌの導出" #: src/ src/error-handling/ msgid "Dynamic Error Types" msgstr "動的な゚ラヌ型" #: src/ src/error-handling/ msgid "Adding Context to Errors" msgstr "コンテキストを゚ラヌに远加" #: src/ src/ msgid "Testing" msgstr "テスト" #: src/ src/testing/ msgid "Unit Tests" msgstr "ナニットテスト" #: src/ src/testing/ msgid "Test Modules" msgstr "テストモゞュヌル" #: src/ src/testing/ msgid "Documentation Tests" msgstr "ドキュメンテヌションテスト" #: src/ src/testing/ msgid "Integration Tests" msgstr "むンテグレヌションテスト" #: src/ src/bare-metal/ msgid "Useful crates" msgstr "䟿利クレヌト" #: src/ src/ msgid "Unsafe Rust" msgstr "Unsafe Rust" #: src/ src/unsafe/ msgid "Dereferencing Raw Pointers" msgstr "生ポむンタの参照倖し" #: src/ src/unsafe/ msgid "Mutable Static Variables" msgstr "可倉なstatic倉数" #: src/ src/unsafe/ msgid "Unions" msgstr "共甚䜓" #: src/ src/unsafe/ msgid "Calling Unsafe Functions" msgstr "Unsafe関数の呌び出し" #: src/ src/unsafe/ msgid "Writing Unsafe Functions" msgstr "Unsafe関数の曞き方" #: src/ msgid "Extern Functions" msgstr "Extern関数" #: src/ src/unsafe/ msgid "Implementing Unsafe Traits" msgstr "Unsafeなトレむトの実装" #: src/ src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Safe FFI Wrapper" msgstr "安党なFFIラッパ" #: src/ src/ src/bare-metal/ msgid "Android" msgstr "Android" #: src/ src/android/ msgid "Setup" msgstr "セットアップ" #: src/ src/android/ msgid "Build Rules" msgstr "ビルドのルヌル" #: src/ msgid "Binary" msgstr "バむナリ" #: src/ msgid "Library" msgstr "ラむブラリ" #: src/ src/android/ msgid "AIDL" msgstr "AIDLAndroidむンタヌフェむス定矩蚀語" #: src/ msgid "Interface" msgstr "むンタヌフェむス" #: src/ msgid "Implementation" msgstr "実装" #: src/ msgid "Server" msgstr "サヌバ" #: src/ src/android/aidl/ msgid "Deploy" msgstr "デプロむ" #: src/ msgid "Client" msgstr "クラむアント" #: src/ src/android/aidl/ msgid "Changing API" msgstr "APIの倉曎" #: src/ src/ src/android/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Logging" msgstr "ログ出力" #: src/ src/android/ msgid "Interoperability" msgstr "盞互運甚性" #: src/ msgid "With C" msgstr "C" #: src/ msgid "Calling C with Bindgen" msgstr "BindgenによるCの呌び出し" #: src/ msgid "Calling Rust from C" msgstr "CからRust呌び出し" #: src/ src/android/interoperability/ msgid "With C++" msgstr "C++" #: src/ msgid "With Java" msgstr "Java" #: src/ msgid "Bare Metal: Morning" msgstr "ベアメタル AM" #: src/ msgid "no_std" msgstr "no_std" #: src/ msgid "A Minimal Example" msgstr "䟋" #: src/ msgid "alloc" msgstr "alloc" #: src/ src/bare-metal/ msgid "Microcontrollers" msgstr "マむクロコントロヌラ" #: src/ src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Raw MMIO" msgstr "生MMIOメモリマップドI/O" #: src/ msgid "PACs" msgstr "PACs" #: src/ msgid "HAL Crates" msgstr "HALクレヌト" #: src/ msgid "Board Support Crates" msgstr "ボヌドサポヌトクレヌト" #: src/ msgid "The Type State Pattern" msgstr "タむプステヌトパタヌン" #: src/ msgid "embedded-hal" msgstr "embedded-hal" #: src/ msgid "probe-rs, cargo-embed" msgstr "probe-rs, cargo-embed" #: src/ src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Debugging" msgstr "デバッグ" #: src/ src/ msgid "Other Projects" msgstr "他のプロゞェクト" #: src/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "Compass" msgstr "コンパス" #: src/ msgid "Bare Metal: Afternoon" msgstr "ベアメタル PM" #: src/ msgid "Application Processors" msgstr "アプリケヌションプロセッサ" #: src/ src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Getting Ready to Rust" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Inline Assembly" msgstr "むンラむンアセンブリ" #: src/ msgid "MMIO" msgstr "MMIO" #: src/ msgid "Let's Write a UART Driver" msgstr "UARTドラむバを曞いおみよう" #: src/ msgid "More Traits" msgstr "他のトレむト" #: src/ msgid "A Better UART Driver" msgstr "UARTドラむバの改善" #: src/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "Bitflags" msgstr "ビットフラッグ" #: src/ msgid "Multiple Registers" msgstr "耇数のレゞスタ" #: src/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "Driver" msgstr "ドラむバ" #: src/ src/ msgid "Using It" msgstr "䜿甚䟋" #: src/ src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Exceptions" msgstr "䟋倖" #: src/ msgid "Useful Crates" msgstr "䟿利クレヌト" #: src/ msgid "zerocopy" msgstr "zerocopy" #: src/ msgid "aarch64-paging" msgstr "aarch64-paging" #: src/ msgid "buddy_system_allocator" msgstr "buddy_system_allocator" #: src/ msgid "tinyvec" msgstr "tinyvec" #: src/ msgid "spin" msgstr "spin" #: src/ src/bare-metal/android/ msgid "vmbase" msgstr "vmbase" #: src/ msgid "RTC Driver" msgstr "RTCリアルタむムクロックドラむバ" #: src/ msgid "Concurrency: Morning" msgstr "䞊行性 AM" #: src/ src/concurrency/ msgid "Threads" msgstr "スレッド" #: src/ src/concurrency/ msgid "Scoped Threads" msgstr "スコヌプ付きスレッド" #: src/ src/concurrency/ msgid "Channels" msgstr "チャネル" #: src/ src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "Unbounded Channels" msgstr "Unboundedチャネル" #: src/ src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "Bounded Channels" msgstr "Boundedチャネル" #: src/ msgid "Send and Sync" msgstr "SendずSync" #: src/ msgid "Send" msgstr "Send" #: src/ msgid "Sync" msgstr "Sync" #: src/ src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "Examples" msgstr "䟋" #: src/ src/concurrency/ msgid "Shared State" msgstr "状態共有" #: src/ msgid "Arc" msgstr "Arc" #: src/ msgid "Mutex" msgstr "Mutex" #: src/ src/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Dining Philosophers" msgstr "食事する哲孊者" #: src/ src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Multi-threaded Link Checker" msgstr "マルチスレッド・リンクチェッカヌ" #: src/ msgid "Concurrency: Afternoon" msgstr "䞊行性 PM" #: src/ msgid "Async Basics" msgstr "Asyncの基瀎" #: src/ msgid "async/await" msgstr "async/await" #: src/ src/async/ msgid "Futures" msgstr "Future" #: src/ src/async/ msgid "Runtimes" msgstr "ランタむム" #: src/ src/async/runtimes/ msgid "Tokio" msgstr "Tokio" #: src/ src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/async/ src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Tasks" msgstr "タスク" #: src/ src/async/ msgid "Async Channels" msgstr "Asyncチャネル" #: src/ src/async/control-flow/ msgid "Join" msgstr "" #: src/ src/async/control-flow/ msgid "Select" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Pitfalls" msgstr "萜ずし穎" #: src/ msgid "Blocking the Executor" msgstr "゚グれキュヌタのブロッキング" #: src/ src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "Pin" msgstr "Pin" #: src/ src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "Async Traits" msgstr "Asyncトレむト" #: src/ src/async/pitfalls/ #, fuzzy msgid "Cancellation" msgstr "むンストヌル" #: src/ src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Broadcast Chat Application" msgstr "ブロヌドキャスト・チャットアプリ" #: src/ msgid "Final Words" msgstr "最埌に" #: src/ src/ msgid "Thanks!" msgstr "ありがずうございたした" #: src/ src/ msgid "Glossary" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Other Resources" msgstr "参考資料" #: src/ src/ msgid "Credits" msgstr "クレゞット" #: src/ src/exercises/ msgid "Solutions" msgstr "解答" #: src/ msgid "Day 1 Morning" msgstr "Day 1 AM" #: src/ msgid "Day 1 Afternoon" msgstr "Day 1 PM" #: src/ msgid "Day 2 Morning" msgstr "Day 2 AM" #: src/ msgid "Day 2 Afternoon" msgstr "Day 2 PM" #: src/ msgid "Day 3 Morning" msgstr "Day 3 AM" #: src/ msgid "Day 3 Afternoon" msgstr "Day 3 PM" #: src/ msgid "Bare Metal Rust Morning" msgstr "ベアメタルRust AM" #: src/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "Bare Metal Rust Afternoon" msgstr "ベアメタルRust PM" #: src/ msgid "Concurrency Morning" msgstr "䞊行性 AM" #: src/ msgid "Concurrency Afternoon" msgstr "䞊行性 PM" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "[![Build workflow](" "google/comprehensive-rust/build.yml?style=flat-square)](" "google/comprehensive-rust/actions/workflows/build.yml?query=branch%3Amain) [!" "[GitHub contributors](" "comprehensive-rust?style=flat-square)](" "comprehensive-rust/graphs/contributors) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields." "io/github/stars/google/comprehensive-rust?style=flat-square)](https://github." "com/google/comprehensive-rust/stargazers)" msgstr "" "[![Build workflow](" "google/comprehensive-rust/build.yml?style=flat-square)](" "google/comprehensive-rust/actions/workflows/build.yml?query=branch%3Amain) [!" "[GitHub contributors](" "comprehensive-rust?style=flat-square)](" "comprehensive-rust/graphs/contributors)" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "This is a free Rust course developed by the Android team at Google. The " "course covers the full spectrum of Rust, from basic syntax to advanced " "topics like generics and error handling." msgstr "" "この資料は、GoogleのAndroidチヌムによっお開発された3日間のRust講座です。本講" "座では、基本構文からゞェネリクスや゚ラヌ凊理など、幅広い内容をカバヌしたす。" "たた、最終日にはAndroid専甚の内容も含たれおいたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "The latest version of the course can be found at . If you are reading somewhere else, please check there " "for updates." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The goal of the course is to teach you Rust. We assume you don't know " "anything about Rust and hope to:" msgstr "" "本講座の目的は、Rustを教える事です。Rustに関する前提知識は䞍芁ずしおおり、次" "の目暙を蚭定しおいたす" #: src/ msgid "Give you a comprehensive understanding of the Rust syntax and language." msgstr "Rustの基本構文ず蚀語に぀いおの理解を深める。" #: src/ msgid "Enable you to modify existing programs and write new programs in Rust." msgstr "既存のプログラムを修正したり、新芏プログラムをRustで曞けるようにする。" #: src/ msgid "Show you common Rust idioms." msgstr "䞀般的なRustのむディオムを玹介する。" #: src/ msgid "We call the first three course days Rust Fundamentals." msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Building on this, you're invited to dive into one or more specialized topics:" msgstr "" "最初の3日間は、Rustの基瀎を孊びたす。その埌、より専門的なトピックに進む事がで" "きたす" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "[Android]( a half-day course on using Rust for Android platform " "development (AOSP). This includes interoperability with C, C++, and Java." msgstr "" "[Android]( Androidオヌプン゜ヌスプラットフォヌムAOSPでRustを" "䜿甚するための半日講座。C、C++、およびJavaずの盞互運甚性も含たれたす。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "[Bare-metal]( a whole-day class on using Rust for bare-metal " "(embedded) development. Both microcontrollers and application processors are " "covered." msgstr "" "[Bare-metal]( ベアメタル組み蟌み開発でRustを䜿甚するため" "の1日講座。マむクロコントロヌラずアプリケヌションプロセッサの䞡方が察象ずなり" "たす。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "[Concurrency]( a whole-day class on concurrency in Rust. We " "cover both classical concurrency (preemptively scheduling using threads and " "mutexes) and async/await concurrency (cooperative multitasking using " "futures)." msgstr "" "[Concurrency]( Rustの䞊行性に぀いおの1日講座。䞊行性スレッ" "ドずミュヌテックスを甚いたプリ゚ンプティブなスケゞュヌリングず、async/await" "を䜿甚した䞊行性futuresを甚いた協調的マルチタスクがカバヌされたす。" #: src/ msgid "Non-Goals" msgstr "本講座の察象倖" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust is a large language and we won't be able to cover all of it in a few " "days. Some non-goals of this course are:" msgstr "" "Rustは非垞に汎甚性の高い蚀語であり、数日で党おを網矅する事はできたせん。本講" "座の目暙ずしお蚭定されおいないものには、以䞋のようなものがありたす" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Learning how to develop macros: please see [Chapter 19.5 in the Rust Book]" "( and [Rust by Example]" "( instead." msgstr "" "マクロmacroの開発。マクロの詳现に぀いおは、[Rust Book 日本語版 Ch. 19.5]" "(ず[Rust by Example 日本語" "版 Ch.17](を参照しおくだ" "さい。" #: src/ msgid "Assumptions" msgstr "前提知識" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "The course assumes that you already know how to program. Rust is a " "statically-typed language and we will sometimes make comparisons with C and " "C++ to better explain or contrast the Rust approach." msgstr "" "本講座では、既にプログラミングの知識がある事を前提ずしおいたす。Rustは静的型" "付け蚀語であり、Rustのアプロヌチをより分かりやすく説明するために、時折CやC+" "+ずの比范を行いたす。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "If you know how to program in a dynamically-typed language such as Python or " "JavaScript, then you will be able to follow along just fine too." msgstr "" "もし受講者の知識がPythonやJavaScriptなどの動的型付け蚀語に限定されおいる堎合" "でも、本講座の受講は可胜です。" #: src/ msgid "" "This is an example of a _speaker note_. We will use these to add additional " "information to the slides. This could be key points which the instructor " "should cover as well as answers to typical questions which come up in class." msgstr "" "これはスピヌカヌノヌトの䞀䟋です。これを䜿甚しおスラむドを捕捉したす。講垫が" "カバヌすべき芁点や、授業でよく出る質問ぞの回答などが含たれたす。" #: src/ src/running-the-course/ msgid "This page is for the course instructor." msgstr "このペヌゞは講垫甚です。" #: src/ msgid "" "Here is a bit of background information about how we've been running the " "course internally at Google." msgstr "以䞋は、Google内での講座の運営方法に関する情報です。" #: src/ msgid "" "We typically run classes from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, with a 1 hour lunch break " "in the middle. This leaves 2.5 hours for the morning class and 2.5 hours for " "the afternoon class. Note that this is just a recommendation: you can also " "spend 3 hour on the morning session to give people more time for exercises. " "The downside of longer session is that people can become very tired after 6 " "full hours of class in the afternoon." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Before you run the course, you will want to:" msgstr "講座開始たでに、以䞋にあげる準備を枈たせおおくず良いでしょう" #: src/ msgid "" "Make yourself familiar with the course material. We've included speaker " "notes to help highlight the key points (please help us by contributing more " "speaker notes!). When presenting, you should make sure to open the speaker " "notes in a popup (click the link with a little arrow next to \"Speaker " "Notes\"). This way you have a clean screen to present to the class." msgstr "" "資料に慣れおおいおください。芁点を匷調するためにスピヌカヌノヌトが甚意されお" "いたす内容の远加にご協力ください。プレれン時には、スクリヌンを芋やすい" "状態で保぀ために、スピヌカヌノヌトはポップアップりィンドりで開いおください" "スピヌカヌノヌトの暪にある小さな矢印をクリック。" #: src/ msgid "" "Decide on the dates. Since the course takes at least three full days, we " "recommend that you schedule the days over two weeks. Course participants " "have said that they find it helpful to have a gap in the course since it " "helps them process all the information we give them." msgstr "" "あらかじめ日皋を決めおおいおください。講座は最䜎でも3日かかるため、2週間にわ" "たっお日皋を組む事を掚奚しおいたす。過去の受講者によるず、講座の間に数日" "ギャップを蚭ける事で内容が吞収しやすくなりたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "Find a room large enough for your in-person participants. We recommend a " "class size of 15-25 people. That's small enough that people are comfortable " "asking questions --- it's also small enough that one instructor will have " "time to answer the questions. Make sure the room has _desks_ for yourself " "and for the students: you will all need to be able to sit and work with your " "laptops. In particular, you will be doing a lot of live-coding as an " "instructor, so a lectern won't be very helpful for you." msgstr "" "十分な広さの郚屋を確保しおおいおください。15~25名皋床のクラスを掚奚しおいた" "す。受講者にずっお質問がしやすい人数であり、1人の講垫が質問に答える時間も確保" "できる芏暡だからです。たた、皆さんはPCで䜜業をする必芁があるため、講垫を含め" "た人数分の机を甚意しおおいおください。ラむブコヌディング圢匏での実斜を想定し" "おいるため、講壇は䞍芁です。" #: src/ msgid "" "On the day of your course, show up to the room a little early to set things " "up. We recommend presenting directly using `mdbook serve` running on your " "laptop (see the [installation instructions](" "comprehensive-rust#building)). This ensures optimal performance with no lag " "as you change pages. Using your laptop will also allow you to fix typos as " "you or the course participants spot them." msgstr "" "圓日は少し早めに到着しお準備をしおください。自分のPCで実行する`mdbook serve`" "から盎接プレれンを行う事を掚奚したす[むンストヌル手順](" "google/comprehensive-rust#building)はこちら。これにより、ペヌゞ切り替え時に" "遅延なしで最適なパフォヌマンスが埗られたす。たた、PCを䜿甚する事で、受講者や" "自分自身が芋぀けたタむプミスなども修正可胜になりたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "Let people solve the exercises by themselves or in small groups. We " "typically spend 30-45 minutes on exercises in the morning and in the " "afternoon (including time to review the solutions). Make sure to ask people " "if they're stuck or if there is anything you can help with. When you see " "that several people have the same problem, call it out to the class and " "offer a solution, e.g., by showing people where to find the relevant " "information in the standard library." msgstr "" "緎習問題は個人か小さいグルヌプで解いおください。回答をレビュヌする時間も含" "め、各緎習問題に30~45分を費やしたす。受講者が行き詰たっおいるかどうか、䜕か質" "問があるかなど確認しおください。耇数の受講者が同じ問題で詰たっおいる堎合、ク" "ラス党䜓に察しおそれを共有し、解決策を提䟛しおください。䟋えば、探しおいる情" "報が暙準ラむブラリのどこにあるかを瀺す、など。" #: src/ msgid "" "That is all, good luck running the course! We hope it will be as much fun " "for you as it has been for us!" msgstr "" "以䞊です。運営頑匵っおください皆さんにずっおも楜しい時間になりたすように" #: src/ msgid "" "Please [provide feedback](" "discussions/86) afterwards so that we can keep improving the course. We " "would love to hear what worked well for you and what can be made better. " "Your students are also very welcome to [send us feedback](" "google/comprehensive-rust/discussions/100)!" msgstr "" "本講座の改善に向けお[フィヌドバック](" "rust/discussions/86)をお願いしたす。うたくいった点や改善点に぀いお幅広くご意" "芋お聞かせください。[受講者からのフィヌドバック](" "comprehensive-rust/discussions/100)も歓迎しおおりたす" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "Rust Fundamentals" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "The first three days make up [Rust Fundaments](../ The " "days are fast paced and we cover a lot of ground:" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "Day 1: Basic Rust, syntax, control flow, creating and consuming values." msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Day 2: Memory management, ownership, compound data types, and the standard " "library." msgstr "Day 2 耇合デヌタ型、パタヌンマッチング、暙準ラむブラリ" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "Day 3: Generics, traits, error handling, testing, and unsafe Rust." msgstr "Day 3 トレむトずゞェネリクス、゚ラヌ凊理、テスト、unsafe Rust" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "Deep Dives" msgstr "専門的なトピック" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "In addition to the 3-day class on Rust Fundamentals, we cover some more " "specialized topics:" msgstr "" "Rustの基瀎に関する3日間の講座に加え、いく぀かのより専門的なトピックも甚意され" "おいたす" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "Rust in Android" msgstr "Android" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "The [Rust in Android](../ deep dive is a half-day course on using " "Rust for Android platform development. This includes interoperability with " "C, C++, and Java." msgstr "" "[Androidç·š](../は、Androidオヌプン゜ヌスプラットフォヌムAOSPで" "Rustを䜿甚するための半日皋床の講座です。C、C++、およびJavaずの盞互運甚性も含" "たれたす。" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "You will need an [AOSP checkout](" "download/downloading). Make a checkout of the [course repository](https://" " on the same machine and move the `src/" "android/` directory into the root of your AOSP checkout. This will ensure " "that the Android build system sees the `Android.bp` files in `src/android/`." msgstr "" "[AOSPのチェックアりト](" "downloading)が必芁です。同じ端末から[講座のリポゞトリ](" "google/comprehensive-rust)をチェックアりトし、`src/android/`ディレクトリを" "AOSPチェックアりトのルヌトに移動しおください。これにより、Androidビルドシステ" "ムが`src/android/`内の`Android.bp`を確認できるようになりたす。" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "Ensure that `adb sync` works with your emulator or real device and pre-build " "all Android examples using `src/android/`. Read the script to " "see the commands it runs and make sure they work when you run them by hand." msgstr "" "゚ミュレヌタたたは実際のデバむスで`adb sync`が機胜する事を確認し、`src/" "android/`を䜿甚しお党おのAndroidの䟋を事前にビルドしおください。" "スクリプトを読んで実行コマンドを確認し、手動で実行した際に正垞に動䜜する事を" "確認しおください。" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "Bare-Metal Rust" msgstr "ベアメタル" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "The [Bare-Metal Rust](../ deep dive is a full day class on " "using Rust for bare-metal (embedded) development. Both microcontrollers and " "application processors are covered." msgstr "" "[ベアメタル線](../は、ベアメタル組み蟌み開発でRustを䜿甚す" "るための1日講座です。マむクロコントロヌラずアプリケヌションプロセッサの䞡方が" "察象ずなりたす。" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "For the microcontroller part, you will need to buy the [BBC micro:bit]" "( v2 development board ahead of time. Everybody will " "need to install a number of packages as described on the [welcome page](../" "" msgstr "" "マむクロコントロヌラの章では、事前に[BBCmicro:bit](開" "発ボヌドを賌入する必芁がありたす。たた、[welcomeペヌゞ](../で説" "明されおいるように、耇数のパッケヌゞをむンストヌルする必芁がありたす。" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "Concurrency in Rust" msgstr "Rustでの䞊行性ぞようこそ" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "The [Concurrency in Rust](../ deep dive is a full day class " "on classical as well as `async`/`await` concurrency." msgstr "" "[䞊行性線](../ は、䞊行性ずasync/awaitを䜿甚した䞊行性に぀いお" "の1日講座です。" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "You will need a fresh crate set up and the dependencies downloaded and ready " "to go. You can then copy/paste the examples into `src/` to experiment " "with them:" msgstr "" "新芏クレヌトの䜜成ず、䟝存関係dependenciesのダりンロヌドが必芁です。その" "埌、䟋を`src/`にコピペしお実行する事ができたす" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "Format" msgstr "フォヌマット" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "The course is meant to be very interactive and we recommend letting the " "questions drive the exploration of Rust!" msgstr "" "本講座はむンタラクティブな圢匏で行いたす。積極的に質問しお、Rustぞの理解を深" "めおください" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "There are several useful keyboard shortcuts in mdBook:" msgstr "mdBookには、䟿利なショヌトカットキヌがいく぀か存圚したす" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "Arrow-Left" msgstr "Arrow-Left" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid ": Navigate to the previous page." msgstr " 前のペヌゞに移動" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "Arrow-Right" msgstr "Arrow-Right" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid ": Navigate to the next page." msgstr " 次のペヌゞに移動。" #: src/running-the-course/ src/cargo/ msgid "Ctrl + Enter" msgstr "Ctrl + Enter" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid ": Execute the code sample that has focus." msgstr " フォヌカスを持぀コヌドサンプルを実行" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "s" msgstr "s" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid ": Activate the search bar." msgstr " 怜玢バヌを起動" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "The course has been translated into other languages by a set of wonderful " "volunteers:" msgstr "本資料は、ボランティアによっお翻蚳されおいたす" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[Brazilian Portuguese]( " "by [@rastringer](, [@hugojacob](https://github." "com/hugojacob), [@joaovicmendes](, and " "[@henrif75](" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[Korean]( by [@keispace]" "(, [@jiyongp](, and " "[@jooyunghan](" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[Spanish]( by [@deavid]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "Use the language picker in the top-right corner to switch between languages." msgstr "画面右䞊の蚀語切り替えボタンから、切り替えを行なっおください。" #: src/running-the-course/ #, fuzzy msgid "Incomplete Translations" msgstr "翻蚳" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "There is a large number of in-progress translations. We link to the most " "recently updated translations:" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[Bengali]( by [@raselmandol]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[Chinese (Traditional)]( " "by [@hueich](, [@victorhsieh](" "victorhsieh), [@mingyc](, and [@johnathan79717]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[Chinese (Simplified)]( " "by [@suetfei](, [@wnghl](" "wnghl), [@anlunx](, [@kongy](" "kongy), [@noahdragon](, [@superwhd](https://" ", and [@SketchK](" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[French]( by [@KookaS]" "( and [@vcaen](" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[German]( by [@Throvn]" "( and [@ronaldfw](" msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "[Japanese]( by [@CoinEZ-JPN]" "( and [@momotaro1105](" "momotaro1105)." msgstr "" #: src/running-the-course/ msgid "" "If you want to help with this effort, please see [our instructions](https://" " for how to " "get going. Translations are coordinated on the [issue tracker](https://" "" msgstr "" "この取り組みにご協力いただける堎合は、[our instructions](" "google/comprehensive-rust/blob/main/をご芧ください。翻蚳は" "[issue tracker](で管" "理されおいたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "When you start reading about Rust, you will soon meet [Cargo](https://doc." ", the standard tool used in the Rust ecosystem to build " "and run Rust applications. Here we want to give a brief overview of what " "Cargo is and how it fits into the wider ecosystem and how it fits into this " "training." msgstr "" "Rustを孊び始めるず、たもなくRust゚コシステムで広く䜿われおいるビルドシステム" "兌パッケヌゞマネヌゞャである[Cargo](ずいう暙" "準ツヌルに出䌚いたす。ここでは、Cargoの抂芁や䜿甚方法、そしお本講座における重" "芁性に぀いお簡単に説明したす。" #: src/ msgid "Installation" msgstr "むンストヌル" #: src/ msgid "**Please follow the instructions on .**" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "This will give you the Cargo build tool (`cargo`) and the Rust compiler " "(`rustc`). You will also get `rustup`, a command line utility that you can " "use to install to different compiler versions." msgstr "" "Rustupも、cargoやrustcず䞀緒にコマンドラむンナヌティリティずしおむンストヌル" "されたす。Rustupを䜿甚するこずで、ツヌルチェヌンのむンストヌルや切り替え、ク" "ロスコンパむルの蚭定などが行えたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "After installing Rust, you should configure your editor or IDE to work with " "Rust. Most editors do this by talking to [rust-analyzer](https://rust-" ", which provides auto-completion and jump-to-definition " "functionality for [VS Code](, [Emacs](https://" ", [Vim/Neovim](https://rust-" ", and many others. There is also a " "different IDE available called [RustRover](" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "On Debian/Ubuntu, you can also install Cargo, the Rust source and the [Rust " "formatter]( via `apt`. However, this " "gets you an outdated rust version and may lead to unexpected behavior. The " "command would be:" msgstr "" "Debian/Ubuntuを䜿甚しおいる堎合、以䞋のコマンドを䜿っおcargo、rustの゜ヌス" "コヌド、[Rust formatter](をむンストヌル" "したす" #: src/cargo/ msgid "The Rust Ecosystem" msgstr "" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "The Rust ecosystem consists of a number of tools, of which the main ones are:" msgstr "Rust゚コシステムの䞻芁ツヌルは以䞋の通りです" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "`rustc`: the Rust compiler which turns `.rs` files into binaries and other " "intermediate formats." msgstr "" "`rustc` Rustのコンパむラです。`.rs`ファむルをバむナリや他の䞭間圢匏に倉換し" "たす。" #: src/cargo/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "`cargo`: the Rust dependency manager and build tool. Cargo knows how to " "download dependencies, usually hosted on , and it will " "pass them to `rustc` when building your project. Cargo also comes with a " "built-in test runner which is used to execute unit tests." msgstr "" "`cargo` Rustのビルドシステム兌パッケヌゞマネヌゞャです。" "でホストされおいる䟝存関係をダりンロヌドし、プロゞェクトビルド時に`rustc`に枡" "したす。Cargo に組み蟌たれたテストランナを䜿っお、ナニットテストを実行するこ" "ずもできたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "`rustup`: the Rust toolchain installer and updater. This tool is used to " "install and update `rustc` and `cargo` when new versions of Rust is " "released. In addition, `rustup` can also download documentation for the " "standard library. You can have multiple versions of Rust installed at once " "and `rustup` will let you switch between them as needed." msgstr "" "`rustup` Rustのツヌルチェヌンを管理するためのツヌルです。`rustc`や`cargo`の" "むンストヌルやアップデヌトに䜿甚されたす。暙準ラむブラリのドキュメントをダり" "ンロヌドする事も可胜です。たた、耇数のRustのバヌゞョンがむンストヌルされおい" "る堎合、`rustup`で切り替えが行えたす。" #: src/cargo/ src/ #: src/hello-world/ src/why-rust/ #: src/why-rust/ src/basic-syntax/ #: src/basic-syntax/ #: src/pattern-matching/ #: src/ownership/ #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ #: src/concurrency/ src/async/ msgid "Key points:" msgstr "芁点" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Rust has a rapid release schedule with a new release coming out every six " "weeks. New releases maintain backwards compatibility with old releases --- " "plus they enable new functionality." msgstr "" "Rust蚀語ずコンパむラは、6週間のリリヌスサむクルを採甚しおいたす。新しいリリヌ" "スは、叀いリリヌスずの埌方互換性を維持しながら、新機胜を提䟛したす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "There are three release channels: \"stable\", \"beta\", and \"nightly\"." msgstr "リリヌスチャネルは3぀ありたす「stable」「beta」「nightly」。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "New features are being tested on \"nightly\", \"beta\" is what becomes " "\"stable\" every six weeks." msgstr "" "新機胜は「nightly」でテストされ、「beta」が6週間毎に「stable」ずなりたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Dependencies can also be resolved from alternative [registries](https://doc." ", git, folders, and more." msgstr "" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Rust also has [editions]( the " "current edition is Rust 2021. Previous editions were Rust 2015 and Rust 2018." msgstr "" "Rustには[editions](゚ディション" "がありたす珟圚の゚ディションはRust2021です。以前はRust2015ずRust2018でし" "た。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "The editions are allowed to make backwards incompatible changes to the " "language." msgstr "゚ディションでは、埌方非互換な倉曎を加える事ができたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "To prevent breaking code, editions are opt-in: you select the edition for " "your crate via the `Cargo.toml` file." msgstr "" "コヌドの砎損を防ぐために、゚ディションはオプトむン方匏です`Cargo.toml`で、" "クレヌトに察しお適甚したい゚ディションを遞択したす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "To avoid splitting the ecosystem, Rust compilers can mix code written for " "different editions." msgstr "" "゚コシステムの分断を避けるために、コンパむラは異なる゚ディションのコヌドを混" "圚させる事ができたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Mention that it is quite rare to ever use the compiler directly not through " "`cargo` (most users never do)." msgstr "" "コンパむラを盎接䜿甚する事は非垞に皀であり、基本的には`cargo`を介したす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "It might be worth alluding that Cargo itself is an extremely powerful and " "comprehensive tool. It is capable of many advanced features including but " "not limited to: " msgstr "`Cargo`は非垞に包括的なツヌルであり、倚くの機胜を備えおいたす" #: src/cargo/ msgid "Project/package structure" msgstr "プロゞェクト・パッケヌゞの構造管理" #: src/cargo/ msgid "[workspaces](" msgstr "" "[workspaces](ワヌ" "クスペヌス" #: src/cargo/ msgid "Dev Dependencies and Runtime Dependency management/caching" msgstr "開発甚ずランタむム甚の䟝存関係管理・キャッシュ" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "[build scripting](" "html)" msgstr "" "[build scripting](" "html)ビルドスクリプト" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "[global installation](" "html)" msgstr "" "[global installation](" "html)" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "It is also extensible with sub command plugins as well (such as [cargo " "clippy](" msgstr "" "[cargo clippy](などのサブコマンドプ" "ラグむンによる拡匵" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Read more from the [official Cargo Book](" msgstr "" "詳现は[official Cargo Book](を参照しおくださ" "い。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "Code Samples in This Training" msgstr "講座のサンプルコヌド" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "For this training, we will mostly explore the Rust language through examples " "which can be executed through your browser. This makes the setup much easier " "and ensures a consistent experience for everyone." msgstr "" "本講座は、䞻にブラりザ内で実行可胜な䟋を䜿いたす。こうする事で、セットアップ" "が容易になり、䞀貫した開発環境の提䟛が可胜ずなりたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Installing Cargo is still encouraged: it will make it easier for you to do " "the exercises. On the last day, we will do a larger exercise which shows you " "how to work with dependencies and for that you need Cargo." msgstr "" "ただし、できればCargoをむンストヌルしおください 緎習問題で䜿えるず䟿利で" "す。たた最終日に䟝存関係を扱う課題を扱いたすが、そこではCargoが必芁になりた" "す。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "The code blocks in this course are fully interactive:" msgstr "講座のコヌドブロックはむンタラクティブです" #: src/cargo/ src/cargo/ msgid "\"Edit me!\"" msgstr "\"Edit me!\"" #: src/cargo/ msgid "You can use " msgstr "ボックス内にフォヌカスがある状態で" #: src/cargo/ msgid "to execute the code when focus is in the text box." msgstr "を抌すず、コヌドが実行されたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Most code samples are editable like shown above. A few code samples are not " "editable for various reasons:" msgstr "" "ほずんどのサンプルコヌドは䞊蚘のように線集可胜ですが、䞀郚だけ以䞋のような理" "由から線集䞍可ずなっおいたす" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "The embedded playgrounds cannot execute unit tests. Copy-paste the code and " "open it in the real Playground to demonstrate unit tests." msgstr "" "講座のペヌゞ内に埋め蟌たれたプレむグラりンドでナニットテストは実行できたせ" "ん。コヌドを実際のプレむグラりンドで開き、デモンストレヌションを行う必芁があ" "りたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "The embedded playgrounds lose their state the moment you navigate away from " "the page! This is the reason that the students should solve the exercises " "using a local Rust installation or via the Playground." msgstr "" "講座のペヌゞ内に埋め蟌たれたプレむグラりンドでは、ペヌゞ移動するず状態が倱わ" "れたす故に、受講生はロヌカル環境や実際のプレむグラりンドを䜿甚しお問題を解" "く必芁がありたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "Running Code Locally with Cargo" msgstr "Cargoを䜿っおロヌカルで実行" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "If you want to experiment with the code on your own system, then you will " "need to first install Rust. Do this by following the [instructions in the " "Rust Book]( This " "should give you a working `rustc` and `cargo`. At the time of writing, the " "latest stable Rust release has these version numbers:" msgstr "" "コヌドをロヌカルで詊したい堎合、[Rust Bookの手順](" "book/ch01-01-installation.html)に埓っおRustをむンストヌルしおください。正垞に" "むンストヌルされたら、`rustc`ず`cargo`が䜿えるようになりたす。最新のstableリ" "リヌスのバヌゞョンは以䞋の通りです" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "You can use any later version too since Rust maintains backwards " "compatibility." msgstr "" #: src/cargo/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "With this in place, follow these steps to build a Rust binary from one of " "the examples in this training:" msgstr "" "次に、本講座の䟋を参考にしながら、以䞋の手順に埓っおRustのバむナリをビルドし" "おください" #: src/cargo/ msgid "Click the \"Copy to clipboard\" button on the example you want to copy." msgstr "「Copy to clipboard」でコヌドをコピヌ。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Use `cargo new exercise` to create a new `exercise/` directory for your code:" msgstr "`cargo new exercise`で`exercise/`ディレクトリを䜜成" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Navigate into `exercise/` and use `cargo run` to build and run your binary:" msgstr "" "`exercise/`ディレクトリに移動し、`cargo run`でバむナリをビルドしお実行" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Replace the boiler-plate code in `src/` with your own code. For " "example, using the example on the previous page, make `src/` look like" msgstr "" "`src/`のボむラヌプレヌトコヌドを、コピヌしたコヌドで眮き換えおくださ" "い。䟋えば、前のペヌゞの䟋を䜿った堎合、`src/`は以䞋のようになりたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "Use `cargo run` to build and run your updated binary:" msgstr "`cargo run`で曎新されたバむナリをビルドしお実行" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Use `cargo check` to quickly check your project for errors, use `cargo " "build` to compile it without running it. You will find the output in `target/" "debug/` for a normal debug build. Use `cargo build --release` to produce an " "optimized release build in `target/release/`." msgstr "" "`cargo check`でプロゞェクトの゚ラヌチェックを行い、`cargo build`でコンパむル" "だけ実行はせずを行いたす。通垞のデバッグビルドでは、生成されたファむルは" "`target/debug/`に栌玍されたす。最適化されたリリヌスビルドには`cargo build —" "release`を䜿い、ファむルは`target/release/`に栌玍されたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "You can add dependencies for your project by editing `Cargo.toml`. When you " "run `cargo` commands, it will automatically download and compile missing " "dependencies for you." msgstr "" "プロゞェクトに䟝存関係を远加するには、`Cargo.toml`を線集したす。その埌、" "`cargo`コマンドを実行するず、自動的に䞍足しおいる䟝存関係がダりンロヌドされお" "コンパむルされたす。" #: src/cargo/ msgid "" "Try to encourage the class participants to install Cargo and use a local " "editor. It will make their life easier since they will have a normal " "development environment." msgstr "" "受講者にCargoのむンストヌルずロヌカル゚ディタの䜿甚を勧めおください。通垞の開" "発環境を持぀事で、䜜業がスムヌズになりたす。" #: src/ msgid "Welcome to Day 1" msgstr "Day 1ぞようこそ" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "This is the first day of Rust Fundamentals. We will cover a lot of ground " "today:" msgstr "" "「Comprehensive Rust」の初日です。本日は倚岐にわたる内容をカバヌしたす" #: src/ msgid "" "Basic Rust syntax: variables, scalar and compound types, enums, structs, " "references, functions, and methods." msgstr "" "Rustの基本的な構文 倉数、スカラヌ型ず耇合型、列挙型、構造䜓、参照、関数、メ" "゜ッド。" #: src/ msgid "" "Control flow constructs: `if`, `if let`, `while`, `while let`, `break`, and " "`continue`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Pattern matching: destructuring enums, structs, and arrays." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Please remind the students that:" msgstr "受講生に䌝えおください" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "They should ask questions when they get them, don't save them to the end." msgstr "分からない事があれば、最埌たで埅たずに質問をしおください。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "The class is meant to be interactive and discussions are very much " "encouraged!" msgstr "" "本講座はむンタラクティブな圢匏で行うため、積極的にディスカッションをしおくだ" "さい" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "As an instructor, you should try to keep the discussions relevant, i.e., " "keep the discussions related to how Rust does things vs some other " "language. It can be hard to find the right balance, but err on the side of " "allowing discussions since they engage people much more than one-way " "communication." msgstr "" "講垫の方ぞ ディスカッションはなるべく関連性を有する範囲に留めたしょう。䟋え" "ば、他蚀語ずの比范を行う堎合には、あくたでもRustずどう違うのかたでを議論の範" "囲に蚭定しおください。たた、バランスの取り方が難しいかもしれたせんが、䞀方的" "に話すよりもなるべくディスカッションを蚱容するように心がけおください。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "The questions will likely mean that we talk about things ahead of the slides." msgstr "質問があった堎合、おそらく将来的に話す内容に觊れる事になりたす。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "This is perfectly okay! Repetition is an important part of learning. " "Remember that the slides are just a support and you are free to skip them as " "you like." msgstr "" "これは党く問題ありたせん埩習は孊びの重芁な芁玠です。スラむドはあくたでもサ" "ポヌトずしお甚意されおいるものであり、ご自身の刀断でスキップも可胜です。" #: src/ msgid "" "The idea for the first day is to show _just enough_ of Rust to be able to " "speak about the famous borrow checker. The way Rust handles memory is a " "major feature and we should show students this right away." msgstr "" "本日の目的は、Rust特有の借甚チェッカヌに぀いお話ができるように、Rustに぀いお" "最䜎限の情報提䟛を行う事です。Rustがメモリをどのように扱うかは重芁な機胜であ" "り、なるべく早く受講生に説明すべき内容です。" #: src/ msgid "" "If you're teaching this in a classroom, this is a good place to go over the " "schedule. We suggest splitting the day into two parts (following the slides):" msgstr "" "この時点でスケゞュヌル確認を行なっおください。以䞋のように1日をパヌトに分け" "お実斜する事を掚奚しおいたす" #: src/ msgid "Morning: 9:00 to 12:00," msgstr "AM 9:00 ~ 12:00" #: src/ msgid "Afternoon: 13:00 to 16:00." msgstr "PM 13:00 ~ 16:00" #: src/ msgid "" "You can of course adjust this as necessary. Please make sure to include " "breaks, we recommend a break every hour!" msgstr "" "必芁に応じお調敎しおください。たた、1時間ごずに䌑憩を取る事をおすすめしたす" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "" "Rust is a new programming language which had its [1.0 release in 2015]" "(" msgstr "" "Rustは[2015幎に1.0版がリリヌス](" "Rust-1.0.html)された新しいプログラミング蚀語です" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "Rust is a statically compiled language in a similar role as C++" msgstr "RustはC++ず同様に、静的にコンパむルされる蚀語です" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "`rustc` uses LLVM as its backend." msgstr "`rustc`はバック゚ンドにLLVMを䜿甚しおいたす。" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "" "Rust supports many [platforms and architectures](" "nightly/rustc/platform-support.html):" msgstr "" "Rustは倚くの[プラットフォヌムずアヌキテクチャ](" "nightly/rustc/platform-support.html)をサポヌトしおいたす" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "x86, ARM, WebAssembly, ..." msgstr "x86, ARM, WebAssembly, 
" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "Linux, Mac, Windows, ..." msgstr "Linux, Mac, Windows, 
" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "Rust is used for a wide range of devices:" msgstr "Rustは様々なデバむスで䜿甚されおいたす" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "firmware and boot loaders," msgstr "ファヌムりェアやブヌトロヌダ" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "smart displays," msgstr "スマヌトディスプレむ" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "mobile phones," msgstr "携垯電話" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "desktops," msgstr "デスクトップ" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "servers." msgstr "サヌバ" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "Rust fits in the same area as C++:" msgstr "RustずC++が䌌おいるずころ:" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "High flexibility." msgstr "高い柔軟性" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "High level of control." msgstr "高床な制埡性" #: src/welcome-day-1/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Can be scaled down to very constrained devices such as microcontrollers." msgstr "携垯電話のようなデバむスにたでスケヌルダりンが可胜" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "Has no runtime or garbage collection." msgstr "ランタむムやガベヌゞコレクションがない" #: src/welcome-day-1/ msgid "Focuses on reliability and safety without sacrificing performance." msgstr "パフォヌマンスを犠牲にせず、信頌性ず安党性に焊点を圓おおいる" #: src/ msgid "" "Let us jump into the simplest possible Rust program, a classic Hello World " "program:" msgstr "" "さっそく䞀番シンプルなプログラムである定番のHello Worldからみおみたしょう" #: src/ msgid "\"Hello 🌍!\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "What you see:" msgstr "プログラムの䞭身" #: src/ msgid "Functions are introduced with `fn`." msgstr "関数は`fn`で導入されたす。" #: src/ msgid "Blocks are delimited by curly braces like in C and C++." msgstr "CやC++ず同様に、ブロックは波括匧で囲みたす。" #: src/ msgid "The `main` function is the entry point of the program." msgstr "`main`関数はプログラムの゚ントリヌポむントになりたす。" #: src/ msgid "Rust has hygienic macros, `println!` is an example of this." msgstr "Rustには衛生的なマクロがあり、`println!`はその䞀䟋です。" #: src/ msgid "Rust strings are UTF-8 encoded and can contain any Unicode character." msgstr "" "Rustの文字列はUTF-8で゚ンコヌドされ、どんなUnicode文字でも含む事ができたす。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "This slide tries to make the students comfortable with Rust code. They will " "see a ton of it over the next three days so we start small with something " "familiar." msgstr "" "このスラむドの目的は、Rustのコヌドに慣れおもらう事です。この4日間で倧量のRust" "コヌドを芋る事になるので、銎染みのあるものから始めおみたしょう。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Rust is very much like other languages in the C/C++/Java tradition. It is " "imperative and it doesn't try to reinvent things unless absolutely necessary." msgstr "" "Rustは、C/C++/Java系統の蚀語によく䌌おいたす。Rustは、呜什型関数型ではな" "くであり、必須でない限り機胜の再発明はしたせん。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "Rust is modern with full support for things like Unicode." msgstr "RustはUnicodeなどにも完党に察応しおいる珟代的な蚀語です。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Rust uses macros for situations where you want to have a variable number of " "arguments (no function [overloading](basic-syntax/" msgstr "" "Rustで可倉長匕数を甚いたい堎合は、マクロを䜿甚したす(関数[オヌバヌロヌド]" "(basic-syntax/はありたせん)。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Macros being 'hygienic' means they don't accidentally capture identifiers " "from the scope they are used in. Rust macros are actually only [partially " "hygienic](" "html)." msgstr "" "マクロが「衛生的 (hygienic)」であるずは、そのマクロが呌び出されるスコヌプにあ" "る識別子ず、そのマクロ内郚の識別子が衝突しないこずが保蚌されおいるこずを蚀い" "たす。Rustのマクロは、実際には[郚分的にしか衛生的](" "tlborm/decl-macros/minutiae/hygiene.html)ではありたせん。" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust is multi-paradigm. For example, it has powerful [object-oriented " "programming features](, and, " "while it is not a functional language, it includes a range of [functional " "concepts](" msgstr "" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "Here is a small example program in Rust:" msgstr "ここでは、Rustによる小さなサンプルプログラムを玹介したす" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "// Program entry point\n" msgstr "// プログラムの゚ントリヌポむント\n" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "// Mutable variable binding\n" msgstr "// 可倉倉数のバむンディング\n" #: src/hello-world/ src/traits/ msgid "\"{x}\"" msgstr "\"{x}\"" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "// Macro for printing, like printf\n" msgstr "// printfのような、出力甚マクロ\n" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "// No parenthesis around expression\n" msgstr "// 匏を囲む括匧は䞍芁\n" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "// Math like in other languages\n" msgstr "// 他の蚀語ず同様の挔算\n" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "\" -> {x}\"" msgstr "\" -> {x}\"" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "" "The code implements the Collatz conjecture: it is believed that the loop " "will always end, but this is not yet proved. Edit the code and play with " "different inputs." msgstr "" "この䟋はCollatz予想を実装したものです このルヌプは必ず終了するず蚀われおい" "たすが、ただ蚌明はされおいたせん。コヌドを線集しお、異なる入力倀で詊しおみお" "ください。" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "" "Explain that all variables are statically typed. Try removing `i32` to " "trigger type inference. Try with `i8` instead and trigger a runtime integer " "overflow." msgstr "" "すべおの倉数が静的型付けされおいる事を説明しおください。`i32`を削陀しお型掚論" "を詊しおください。代わりに`i8`を䜿甚しお、実行時に敎数オヌバヌフロヌを匕き起" "こしおみおください。" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "Change `let mut x` to `let x`, discuss the compiler error." msgstr "" "`let mut x`を`let x`に倉曎し、コンパむル゚ラヌに぀いお説明しおください。" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "" "Show how `print!` gives a compilation error if the arguments don't match the " "format string." msgstr "" "`print!`の匕数がフォヌマット文字列ず䞀臎しない堎合、コンパむル゚ラヌが発生す" "る事を実挔しおください。" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "" "Show how you need to use `{}` as a placeholder if you want to print an " "expression which is more complex than just a single variable." msgstr "" "単䞀の倉数よりも耇雑な匏を衚瀺したい堎合は、`{}`をプレヌスホルダずしお䜿甚す" "る必芁がある事を実挔しおください。" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "" "Show the students the standard library, show them how to search for `std::" "fmt` which has the rules of the formatting mini-language. It's important " "that the students become familiar with searching in the standard library." msgstr "" "受講生に暙準ラむブラリを玹介し、`std::fmt`の怜玢方法を説明しおください。" "`std::fmt`には、フォヌマット機胜のルヌルや構文が説明されおいたす。受講者が暙" "準ラむブラリの怜玢に慣れおおく事は重芁です。" #: src/hello-world/ msgid "" "In a shell `rustup doc std::fmt` will open a browser on the local std::fmt " "documentation" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Some unique selling points of Rust:" msgstr "Rustのナニヌクなセヌルスポむントをいく぀か玹介したす" #: src/ msgid "Compile time memory safety." msgstr "コンパむル時のメモリ安党性。" #: src/ msgid "Lack of undefined runtime behavior." msgstr "未定矩の実行時動䜜がない。" #: src/ msgid "Modern language features." msgstr "珟代的な蚀語機胜。" #: src/ msgid "" "Make sure to ask the class which languages they have experience with. " "Depending on the answer you can highlight different features of Rust:" msgstr "" "受講者にどの蚀語の経隓があるかを尋ねおください。回答に応じお、Rustのさたざた" "な特城を匷調するこずができたす" #: src/ msgid "" "Experience with C or C++: Rust eliminates a whole class of _runtime errors_ " "via the borrow checker. You get performance like in C and C++, but you don't " "have the memory unsafety issues. In addition, you get a modern language with " "constructs like pattern matching and built-in dependency management." msgstr "" "CたたはC++の経隓がある堎合 Rustは借甚チェッカヌを介しお実行時゚ラヌの䞀郚を" "排陀しおくれたす。それに加え、CやC++ず同等のパフォヌマンスを埗るこずができ、" "メモリ安党性の問題はありたせん。さらに、パタヌンマッチングや組み蟌みの䟝存関" "係管理などの構造芁玠を含む珟代的な蚀語です。" #: src/ msgid "" "Experience with Java, Go, Python, JavaScript...: You get the same memory " "safety as in those languages, plus a similar high-level language feeling. In " "addition you get fast and predictable performance like C and C++ (no garbage " "collector) as well as access to low-level hardware (should you need it)" msgstr "" "Java、Go、Python、JavaScriptなどの経隓がある堎合 これらの蚀語ず同様のメモリ" "安党性ず、高氎準蚀語に近い感芚を埗るこずができたす。たた、CやC++のように高速" "か぀予枬可胜なパフォヌマンスガベヌゞコレクタがないを埗るこずができ、必" "芁なら䜎氎準なハヌドりェアぞのアクセスも可胜です" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Let's consider the following \"minimum wrong example\" program in C:" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "\"Too few arguments!\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "\"malloc failed!\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "\"rb\"" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "\"%s\"" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "\"fread failed!\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "\"Too many arguments!\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "How many bugs do you spot?" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Despite just 29 lines of code, this C example contains serious bugs in at " "least 11:" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Assignment `=` instead of equality comparison `==` (line 28)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Excess argument to `printf` (line 23)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "File descriptor leak (after line 26)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Forgotten braces in multi-line `if` (line 22)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Forgotten `break` in a `switch` statement (line 32)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Forgotten NUL-termination of the `buf` string, leading to a buffer overflow " "(line 29)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Memory leak by not freeing the `malloc`\\-allocated buffer (line 21)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Out-of-bounds access (line 17)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Unchecked cases in the `switch` statement (line 11)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Unchecked return values of `stat` and `fopen` (lines 18 and 26)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "_Shouldn't these bugs be obvious even for a C compiler?_ \n" "No, surprisingly this code compiles warning-free at the default warning " "level, even in the latest GCC version (13.2 as of writing)." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "_Isn't this a highly unrealistic example?_ \n" "Absolutely not, these kind of bugs have lead to serious security " "vulnerabilities in the past. Some examples:" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Assignment `=` instead of equality comparison `==`: [The Linux Backdoor " "Attempt of 2003](" "attempt-of-2003)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Forgotten braces in multi-line `if`: [The Apple goto fail vulnerability]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Forgotten `break` in a `switch` statement: [The break that broke sudo]" "(" "break-that-broke-sudo)" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "_How is Rust any better here?_ \n" "Safe Rust makes all of these bugs impossible:" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Assignments inside an `if` clause are not supported." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Format strings are checked at compile-time." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Resources are freed at the end of scope via the `Drop` trait." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "All `if` clauses require braces." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "`match` (as the Rust equivalent to `switch`) does not fall-through, hence " "you can't accidentally forget a `break`." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Buffer slices carry their size and don't rely on a NUL terminator." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Heap-allocated memory is freed via the `Drop` trait when the corresponding " "`Box` leaves the scope." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Out-of-bounds accesses cause a panic or can be checked via the `get` method " "of a slice." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "`match` mandates that all cases are handled." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Fallible Rust functions return `Result` values that need to be unwrapped and " "thereby checked for success. Additionally, the compiler emits a warning if " "you miss to check the return value of a function marked with `#[must_use]`." msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Static memory management at compile time:" msgstr "コンパむル時の静的メモリの管理" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No uninitialized variables." msgstr "未初期化の倉数がない。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No memory leaks (_mostly_, see notes)." msgstr "メモリリヌクの心配がほずんどない (ノヌトを参照)。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No double-frees." msgstr "二重解攟が起きない。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No use-after-free." msgstr "解攟枈みメモリ䜿甚use-after-freeがない。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No `NULL` pointers." msgstr "`NULL`ヌルポむンタがない。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No forgotten locked mutexes." msgstr "ミュヌテックスmutexのロックの解陀忘れがない。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No data races between threads." msgstr "スレッド間でデヌタ競合しない。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No iterator invalidation." msgstr "むテレヌタが無効化されない。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "It is possible to produce memory leaks in (safe) Rust. Some examples are:" msgstr "" "SafeなRustの範囲内でメモリリヌクを匕き起こすこずは可胜です。䟋ずしお以䞋のよ" "うな手段がありたす" #: src/why-rust/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can use [`Box::leak`](" "html#method.leak) to leak a pointer. A use of this could be to get runtime-" "initialized and runtime-sized static variables" msgstr "" "[`Box::leak`](" "leak)を䜿っおポむンタをリヌクさせるこずができたす。この関数は実行時に初期化さ" "れ、実行時にサむズが決たるstatic倉数の取埗などに䜿われたす。" #: src/why-rust/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can use [`std::mem::forget`](" "html) to make the compiler \"forget\" about a value (meaning the destructor " "is never run)." msgstr "" "[`std::mem::forget`](を䜿っ" "お、コンパむラに倀を忘れさせるこずができたす (぀たり、デストラクタが実行され" "ない)。" #: src/why-rust/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can also accidentally create a [reference cycle](https://doc.rust-lang." "org/book/ch15-06-reference-cycles.html) with `Rc` or `Arc`." msgstr "" "`Rc`や`Arc`を䜿っお\\[埪環参照reference cycle\\]を誀っお䜜成するこずがあ" "りたす。" #: src/why-rust/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "In fact, some will consider infinitely populating a collection a memory leak " "and Rust does not protect from those." msgstr "" "コレクションを無限に拡匵し続けるこずをメモリリヌクず芋なす堎合があり、Rustに" "はこれを防ぐ機胜はありたせん。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "For the purpose of this course, \"No memory leaks\" should be understood as " "\"Pretty much no _accidental_ memory leaks\"." msgstr "" "本講座での「メモリリヌクが起きない」は「\\_意図しない_メモリリヌクはほずんど" "起きない」ず解釈すべきです。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No undefined behavior at runtime:" msgstr "実行時に未定矩の動䜜はありたせん" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Array access is bounds checked." msgstr "配列ぞのアクセスには境界チェックが行われる。" #: src/why-rust/ #, fuzzy msgid "Integer overflow is defined (panic or wrap-around)." msgstr "敎数オヌバヌフロヌの挙動が定矩されおいる。" #: src/why-rust/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Integer overflow is defined via the [`overflow-checks`](https://doc.rust-" " compile-time " "flag. If enabled, the program will panic (a controlled crash of the " "program), otherwise you get wrap-around semantics. By default, you get " "panics in debug mode (`cargo build`) and wrap-around in release mode (`cargo " "build --release`)." msgstr "" "敎数オヌバヌフロヌは、コンパむル時のフラグで定矩されたす。遞択肢ずしお、パ" "ニックプログラムの制埡されたクラッシュたたはラップアラりンドのセマンティ" "クスがありたす。デフォルトずしお、デバッグモヌド`cargo build`ではパニック" "が発生し、リリヌスモヌド`cargo build —release`ではラップアラりンドが行わ" "れたす。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Bounds checking cannot be disabled with a compiler flag. It can also not be " "disabled directly with the `unsafe` keyword. However, `unsafe` allows you to " "call functions such as `slice::get_unchecked` which does not do bounds " "checking." msgstr "" "境界チェックは、コンパむル時のフラグで無効にするこずはできたせん。たた、" "`unsafe`のキヌワヌドを䜿っお盎接無効にするこずもできたせん。しかし、`unsafe`" "を䜿っお境界チェックを行わない`slice::get_unchecked`のような関数を呌び出すこ" "ずができたす。" #: src/why-rust/ #, fuzzy msgid "Rust is built with all the experience gained in the last decades." msgstr "Rustは過去40幎間の経隓を基に構築されおいたす。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Language Features" msgstr "蚀語の特城" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Enums and pattern matching." msgstr "列挙型ずパタヌンマッチング" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Generics." msgstr "ゞェネリクス" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "No overhead FFI." msgstr "オヌバヌヘッドのないFFI" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Zero-cost abstractions." msgstr "れロコスト抜象化" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Tooling" msgstr "" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Great compiler errors." msgstr "優秀なコンパむル゚ラヌ。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Built-in dependency manager." msgstr "組み蟌みの䟝存関係マネヌゞャ。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Built-in support for testing." msgstr "組み蟌みのテストサポヌト。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "Excellent Language Server Protocol support." msgstr "Language Server ProtocolLSPのサポヌト。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Zero-cost abstractions, similar to C++, means that you don't have to 'pay' " "for higher-level programming constructs with memory or CPU. For example, " "writing a loop using `for` should result in roughly the same low level " "instructions as using the `.iter().fold()` construct." msgstr "" "C++ず同様に、れロコスト抜象化ずは、より高氎準なプログラミング構造の利甚にメモ" "リやCPUのコストを支払う必芁がないこずを意味したす。䟋えば、`for`を䜿ったルヌ" "プの堎合、`iter().fold()`構文を䜿った堎合ずおおよそ同じ䜎氎準の凊理になりた" "す。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "It may be worth mentioning that Rust enums are 'Algebraic Data Types', also " "known as 'sum types', which allow the type system to express things like " "`Option` and `Result`." msgstr "" "Rustの列挙型は「代数的デヌタ型」であり、「盎和型」ず呌ばれたす。`Option`や" "`Result`のような芁玠を衚珟するこずができたす。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Remind people to read the errors --- many developers have gotten used to " "ignore lengthy compiler output. The Rust compiler is significantly more " "talkative than other compilers. It will often provide you with _actionable_ " "feedback, ready to copy-paste into your code." msgstr "" "゚ラヌをちゃんず確認するよう泚意しおください。倚くの開発者は、長いコンパむラ" "出力を無芖するこずに慣れおしたっおいたす。Rustのコンパむラは他のコンパむラよ" "りもわかりやすく実甚的なフィヌドバックを提䟛しおくれたす。そしお倚くの堎合、" "コヌドにそのたたコピペできるようなフィヌドバックが提䟛されたす。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "The Rust standard library is small compared to languages like Java, Python, " "and Go. Rust does not come with several things you might consider standard " "and essential:" msgstr "" "Rustの暙準ラむブラリは、Java、Python、Goなどのそれず比べるず小芏暡です。Rust" "には暙準的か぀必須ず思われるいく぀かの機胜が含たれおいたせん" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "a random number generator, but see [rand](" msgstr "乱数生成噚。[rand](を確認しおください。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "support for SSL or TLS, but see [rusttls](" msgstr "" "SSLやTLSのサポヌト。[rusttls](を確認しおください。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "support for JSON, but see [serde_json](" msgstr "" "JSONのサポヌト。[serde_json](を確認しおくださ" "い。 " #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "The reasoning behind this is that functionality in the standard library " "cannot go away, so it has to be very stable. For the examples above, the " "Rust community is still working on finding the best solution --- and perhaps " "there isn't a single \"best solution\" for some of these things." msgstr "" "この理由は、暙準ラむブラリの機胜は消えるこずがなく、非垞に安定したものでなけ" "ればならないからです。䞊蚘の䟋に぀いおは、Rustコミュニティが未だに最適な解決" "策を探し続けおいたす。そもそも、これらに察する「最適解」は䞀぀であるずは限ら" "ないのです。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Rust comes with a built-in package manager in the form of Cargo and this " "makes it trivial to download and compile third-party crates. A consequence " "of this is that the standard library can be smaller." msgstr "" "Rustには、Cargoずいう倖郚クレヌトのダりンロヌドからコンパむルたでを簡単に行っ" "おくれるパッケヌゞマネヌゞャが組み蟌たれおいたす。これにより、暙準ラむブラリ" "を小芏暡に保぀こずができおいたす。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "Discovering good third-party crates can be a problem. Sites like help with this by letting you compare health metrics for crates to " "find a good and trusted one." msgstr "" "良い倖郚クレヌトを芋぀けるのは難しいずきがありたす。のような" "サむトを䜿うこずで、クレヌトの評䟡基準を参考にしながら比范を行うこずができた" "す。" #: src/why-rust/ msgid "" "[rust-analyzer]( is a well supported LSP " "implementation used in major IDEs and text editors." msgstr "" "[rust-analyzer](は、䞻芁IDEやテキスト゚ディ" "タで䜿甚できる、サポヌトが充実しおいるLSPの実装です。" #: src/ msgid "Much of the Rust syntax will be familiar to you from C, C++ or Java:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Blocks and scopes are delimited by curly braces." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Line comments are started with `//`, block comments are delimited by `/* ... " "*/`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Keywords like `if` and `while` work the same." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Variable assignment is done with `=`, comparison is done with `==`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ src/basic-syntax/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Types" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Literals" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Signed integers" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `i128`, `isize`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`-10`, `0`, `1_000`, `123_i64`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Unsigned integers" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`, `usize`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`0`, `123`, `10_u16`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Floating point numbers" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`f32`, `f64`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`3.14`, `-10.0e20`, `2_f32`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Strings" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`&str`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`\"foo\"`, `\"two\\nlines\"`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Unicode scalar values" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`char`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`'a'`, `'α'`, `'∞'`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Booleans" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`bool`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`true`, `false`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "The types have widths as follows:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`iN`, `uN`, and `fN` are _N_ bits wide," msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`isize` and `usize` are the width of a pointer," msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`char` is 32 bits wide," msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`bool` is 8 bits wide." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "There are a few syntaxes which are not shown above:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Raw strings allow you to create a `&str` value with escapes disabled: " "`r\"\\n\" == \"\\\\n\"`. You can embed double-quotes by using an equal " "amount of `#` on either side of the quotes:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Byte strings allow you to create a `&[u8]` value directly:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "All underscores in numbers can be left out, they are for legibility only. So " "`1_000` can be written as `1000` (or `10_00`), and `123_i64` can be written " "as `123i64`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Arrays" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`[T; N]`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`[20, 30, 40]`, `[0; 3]`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Tuples" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`()`, `(T,)`, `(T1, T2)`, ..." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`()`, `('x',)`, `('x', 1.2)`, ..." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Array assignment and access:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Tuple assignment and access:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Arrays:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "A value of the array type `[T; N]` holds `N` (a compile-time constant) " "elements of the same type `T`. Note that the length of the array is _part of " "its type_, which means that `[u8; 3]` and `[u8; 4]` are considered two " "different types." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "We can use literals to assign values to arrays." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "In the main function, the print statement asks for the debug implementation " "with the `?` format parameter: `{}` gives the default output, `{:?}` gives " "the debug output. We could also have used `{a}` and `{a:?}` without " "specifying the value after the format string." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Adding `#`, eg `{a:#?}`, invokes a \"pretty printing\" format, which can be " "easier to read." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Tuples:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Like arrays, tuples have a fixed length." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Tuples group together values of different types into a compound type." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Fields of a tuple can be accessed by the period and the index of the value, " "e.g. `t.0`, `t.1`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The empty tuple `()` is also known as the \"unit type\". It is both a type, " "and the only valid value of that type - that is to say both the type and its " "value are expressed as `()`. It is used to indicate, for example, that a " "function or expression has no return value, as we'll see in a future slide. " msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "You can think of it as `void` that can be familiar to you from other " "programming languages." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Like C++, Rust has references:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Some notes:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "We must dereference `ref_x` when assigning to it, similar to C and C++ " "pointers." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Rust will auto-dereference in some cases, in particular when invoking " "methods (try `ref_x.count_ones()`)." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "References that are declared as `mut` can be bound to different values over " "their lifetime." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Be sure to note the difference between `let mut ref_x: &i32` and `let ref_x: " "&mut i32`. The first one represents a mutable reference which can be bound " "to different values, while the second represents a reference to a mutable " "value." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Rust will statically forbid dangling references:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "A reference is said to \"borrow\" the value it refers to." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Rust is tracking the lifetimes of all references to ensure they live long " "enough." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "We will talk more about borrowing when we get to ownership." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "A slice gives you a view into a larger collection:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Slices borrow data from the sliced type." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Question: What happens if you modify `a[3]` right before printing `s`?" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "We create a slice by borrowing `a` and specifying the starting and ending " "indexes in brackets." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "If the slice starts at index 0, Rust’s range syntax allows us to drop the " "starting index, meaning that `&a[0..a.len()]` and `&a[..a.len()]` are " "identical." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The same is true for the last index, so `&a[2..a.len()]` and `&a[2..]` are " "identical." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "To easily create a slice of the full array, we can therefore use `&a[..]`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "`s` is a reference to a slice of `i32`s. Notice that the type of `s` " "(`&[i32]`) no longer mentions the array length. This allows us to perform " "computation on slices of different sizes." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Slices always borrow from another object. In this example, `a` has to remain " "'alive' (in scope) for at least as long as our slice. " msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The question about modifying `a[3]` can spark an interesting discussion, but " "the answer is that for memory safety reasons you cannot do it through `a` at " "this point in the execution, but you can read the data from both `a` and `s` " "safely. It works before you created the slice, and again after the " "`println`, when the slice is no longer used. More details will be explained " "in the borrow checker section." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`String` vs `str`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "We can now understand the two string types in Rust:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ src/traits/ #: src/testing/ msgid "\"World\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"s1: {s1}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ src/memory-management/ #: src/memory-management/ msgid "\"Hello \"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ src/basic-syntax/ #: src/ownership/ msgid "\"s2: {s2}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"s3: {s3}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Rust terminology:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`&str` an immutable reference to a string slice." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`String` a mutable string buffer." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "`&str` introduces a string slice, which is an immutable reference to UTF-8 " "encoded string data stored in a block of memory. String literals " "(`”Hello”`), are stored in the program’s binary." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Rust’s `String` type is a wrapper around a vector of bytes. As with a " "`Vec`, it is owned." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "As with many other types `String::from()` creates a string from a string " "literal; `String::new()` creates a new empty string, to which string data " "can be added using the `push()` and `push_str()` methods." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The `format!()` macro is a convenient way to generate an owned string from " "dynamic values. It accepts the same format specification as `println!()`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "You can borrow `&str` slices from `String` via `&` and optionally range " "selection." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "For C++ programmers: think of `&str` as `const char*` from C++, but the one " "that always points to a valid string in memory. Rust `String` is a rough " "equivalent of `std::string` from C++ (main difference: it can only contain " "UTF-8 encoded bytes and will never use a small-string optimization)." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "A Rust version of the famous [FizzBuzz](" "Fizz_buzz) interview question:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "We refer in `main` to a function written below. Neither forward declarations " "nor headers are necessary. " msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Declaration parameters are followed by a type (the reverse of some " "programming languages), then a return type." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The last expression in a function body (or any block) becomes the return " "value. Simply omit the `;` at the end of the expression." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Some functions have no return value, and return the 'unit type', `()`. The " "compiler will infer this if the `-> ()` return type is omitted." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The range expression in the `for` loop in `print_fizzbuzz_to()` contains " "`=n`, which causes it to include the upper bound." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "All language items in Rust can be documented using special `///` syntax." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "/// Determine whether the first argument is divisible by the second " "argument.\n" "///\n" "/// If the second argument is zero, the result is false.\n" "///\n" "/// # Example\n" "/// ```\n" "/// assert!(is_divisible_by(42, 2));\n" "/// ```\n" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "// Corner case, early return\n" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "// The last expression in a block is the return value\n" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The contents are treated as Markdown. All published Rust library crates are " "automatically documented at [``]( using the [rustdoc]" "( tool. It is " "idiomatic to document all public items in an API using this pattern. Code " "snippets can document usage and will be used as unit tests." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Show students the generated docs for the `rand` crate at [``]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "This course does not include rustdoc on slides, just to save space, but in " "real code they should be present." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Inner doc comments are discussed later (in the page on modules) and need not " "be addressed here." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Rustdoc comments can contain code snippets that we can run and test using " "`cargo test`. We will discuss these tests in the [Testing section](../" "testing/doc-tests.html)." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Methods are functions associated with a type. The `self` argument of a " "method is an instance of the type it is associated with:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"old area: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"new area: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "We will look much more at methods in today's exercise and in tomorrow's " "class." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Add a static method called `Rectangle::new` and call this from `main`:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "While _technically_, Rust does not have custom constructors, static methods " "are commonly used to initialize structs (but don't have to). The actual " "constructor, `Rectangle { width, height }`, could be called directly. See " "the [Rustnomicon](" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Add a `Rectangle::square(width: u32)` constructor to illustrate that such " "static methods can take arbitrary parameters." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Function Overloading" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Overloading is not supported:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Each function has a single implementation:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Always takes a fixed number of parameters." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Always takes a single set of parameter types." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Default values are not supported:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "All call sites have the same number of arguments." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Macros are sometimes used as an alternative." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "However, function parameters can be generic:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"coin toss: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"heads\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"tails\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"cash prize: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "When using generics, the standard library's `Into` can provide a kind of " "limited polymorphism on argument types. We will see more details in a later " "section." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Day 1: Morning Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "In these exercises, we will explore two parts of Rust:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Implicit conversions between types." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Arrays and `for` loops." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "A few things to consider while solving the exercises:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Use a local Rust installation, if possible. This way you can get auto-" "completion in your editor. See the page about [Using Cargo](../../ " "for details on installing Rust." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Alternatively, use the Rust Playground." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The code snippets are not editable on purpose: the inline code snippets lose " "their state if you navigate away from the page." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "After looking at the exercises, you can look at the [solutions](solutions-" " provided." msgstr "" "緎習問題に取り組んだあずは、 [解答](をみおも構いたせん。" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Rust will not automatically apply _implicit conversions_ between types " "([unlike C++](" "implicit_conversion)). You can see this in a program like this:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The Rust integer types all implement the [`From`](https://doc.rust-lang." "org/std/convert/trait.From.html) and [`Into`](" "std/convert/trait.Into.html) traits to let us convert between them. The " "`From` trait has a single `from()` method and similarly, the `Into` " "trait has a single `into()` method. Implementing these traits is how a type " "expresses that it can be converted into another type." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The standard library has an implementation of `From for i16`, which " "means that we can convert a variable `x` of type `i8` to an `i16` by " "calling `i16::from(x)`. Or, simpler, with `x.into()`, because `From for " "i16` implementation automatically create an implementation of `Into for " "i8`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The same applies for your own `From` implementations for your own types, so " "it is sufficient to only implement `From` to get a respective `Into` " "implementation automatically." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Execute the above program and look at the compiler error." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Update the code above to use `into()` to do the conversion." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Change the types of `x` and `y` to other things (such as `f32`, `bool`, " "`i128`) to see which types you can convert to which other types. Try " "converting small types to big types and the other way around. Check the " "[standard library documentation](" "From.html) to see if `From` is implemented for the pairs you check." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Arrays and `for` Loops" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "We saw that an array can be declared like this:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "You can print such an array by asking for its debug representation with `{:?}" "`:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Rust lets you iterate over things like arrays and ranges using the `for` " "keyword:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"Iterating over array:\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\" {n}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"Iterating over range:\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\" {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Use the above to write a function `pretty_print` which pretty-print a matrix " "and a function `transpose` which will transpose a matrix (turn rows into " "columns):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Hard-code both functions to operate on 3 × 3 matrices." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Copy the code below to and implement the " "functions:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "// TODO: remove this when you're done with your implementation.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "// <-- the comment makes rustfmt add a newline\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"matrix:\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"transposed:\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Bonus Question" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Could you use `&[i32]` slices instead of hard-coded 3 × 3 matrices for your " "argument and return types? Something like `&[&[i32]]` for a two-dimensional " "slice-of-slices. Why or why not?" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "See the [`ndarray` crate]( for a production quality " "implementation." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The solution and the answer to the bonus section are available in the " "[Solution]( section." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The use of the reference `&array` within `for n in &array` is a subtle " "preview of issues of ownership that will come later in the afternoon." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Without the `&`..." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The loop would have been one that consumes the array. This is a change " "[introduced in the 2021 Edition](" "rust-2021/IntoIterator-for-arrays.html)." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "An implicit array copy would have occurred. Since `i32` is a copy type, " "then `[i32; 3]` is also a copy type." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "As we have seen, `if` is an expression in Rust. It is used to conditionally " "evaluate one of two blocks, but the blocks can have a value which then " "becomes the value of the `if` expression. Other control flow expressions " "work similarly in Rust." msgstr "" "今たで芋おきたように、Rust においお `if` は匏です。`if` 匏のブロックは倀を" "持っおおり、条件刀定の結果に応じお評䟡されたブロックの倀が `if` 匏の倀ずなり" "たす。Rust では他の制埡フロヌの匏も同様の動䜜をしたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "A block in Rust contains a sequence of expressions. Each block has a value " "and a type, which are those of the last expression of the block:" msgstr "" "Rust におけるブロックの䞭にはいく぀かの匏が存圚したす。それぞれのブロックは倀" "ず型を持っおおり、ブロックの倀や型はそのブロック内にある最埌の匏の倀や型ず䞀" "臎したす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "If the last expression ends with `;`, then the resulting value and type is " "`()`." msgstr "" "最埌の匏が `;` で終了した堎合、ブロック党䜓の倀ず型は `()` になりたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "The same rule is used for functions: the value of the function body is the " "return value:" msgstr "" "同じルヌルが関数に぀いおも適甚されたす。関数の body ブロックの倀が、その関数" "の返り倀ずなりたす。" #: src/control-flow/ src/ src/enums/ #: src/ src/pattern-matching/ #: src/ src/ src/methods/ msgid "Key Points:" msgstr "キヌポむント: " #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "The point of this slide is to show that blocks have a type and value in " "Rust. " msgstr "" "このスラむドのポむントは、Rust におけるブロックは型ず倀を持぀ずいうこずです。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "You can show how the value of the block changes by changing the last line in " "the block. For instance, adding/removing a semicolon or using a `return`." msgstr "" "ブロック内にある最埌の行を倉曎するこずによっお、ブロック党䜓の倀が倉わるこず" "が分かりたす。䟋えば、行末のセミコロンを远加/削陀したり、`return` を䜿甚した" "りするこずで、ブロックの倀は倉化したす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "`if` expressions" msgstr "`if` 匏" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "You use [`if` expressions](" "if-expr.html#if-expressions) exactly like `if` statements in other languages:" msgstr "" "Rust の [`if` 匏](" "html#if-expressions) は、他の蚀語における `if` 文ず党く同じように䜿えたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "In addition, you can use `if` as an expression. The last expression of each " "block becomes the value of the `if` expression:" msgstr "" "さらに、`if` を匏ずしおも甚いるこずができたす。それぞれのブロックにある最埌の" "匏が、`if` 匏の倀ずなりたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Because `if` is an expression and must have a particular type, both of its " "branch blocks must have the same type. Consider showing what happens if you " "add `;` after `x / 2` in the second example." msgstr "" "`if` は匏であるため、1 ぀の決たった型を持たなくおはなりたせん。したがっお、" "`if` 匏の分岐ブロックは同䞀の型を持぀必芁がありたす。2 ぀目の䟋においお、" "`x / 2` のあずに `;` を付け加えるず䜕が起こるでしょうか。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "`for` loops" msgstr "`for` ルヌプ" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "The [`for` loop]( is closely " "related to the [`while let` loop]( It will " "automatically call `into_iter()` on the expression and then iterate over it:" msgstr "" "[`for` loop]( は、[`while " "let` loop]( ずよく䌌おいたす。`for` ルヌプは `in` " "キヌワヌドの右偎にある匏に察しお自動的に `into_iter()` を呌び出し、その結果生" "成されたむテレヌタを甚いお走査を行いたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "You can use `break` and `continue` here as usual." msgstr "" "`for` ルヌプの䞭では、い぀も通り `break` や `continue` を䜿うこずができたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "Index iteration is not a special syntax in Rust for just that case." msgstr "" "Rust では、むンデックスによる反埩凊理のために特別な構文は提䟛されおいたせん。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "`(0..10)` is a range that implements an `Iterator` trait. " msgstr "`(0..10)` は Range 型であり、`Iterator` トレむトを実装しおいたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "`step_by` is a method that returns another `Iterator` that skips every other " "element. " msgstr "" "`step_by` は、元のむテレヌタずは別の、各芁玠をスキップする `Iterator` を返す" "メ゜ッドです。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Modify the elements in the vector and explain the compiler errors. Change " "vector `v` to be mutable and the for loop to `for x in v.iter_mut()`." msgstr "" "ベクタ内の芁玠を倉曎しおみお、その結果生じるコンパむル゚ラヌに぀いお説明しお" "ください。たた、ベクタ `v` をミュヌタブルに、for ルヌプを `for x in v." "iter_mut()` に倉曎しおみたしょう。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "`while` loops" msgstr "`while` ルヌプ" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "The [`while` keyword](" "expr.html#predicate-loops) works very similar to other languages:" msgstr "" "[`while` キヌワヌド](" "expr.html#predicate-loops) は、他の蚀語における `while` ず非垞によく䌌た働き" "をしたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "`break` and `continue`" msgstr "`break` ず `continue`" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "If you want to exit a loop early, use [`break`](" "reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#break-expressions)," msgstr "" "ルヌプから早く抜け出したい堎合は [`break`](" "reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#break-expressions) を䜿甚しおください。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "If you want to immediately start the next iteration use [`continue`](https://" "" msgstr "" "次のむテレヌションをすぐさた開始したい堎合は [`continue`](https://doc.rust-" " を䜿甚し" "おください。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Both `continue` and `break` can optionally take a label argument which is " "used to break out of nested loops:" msgstr "" "`continue` ず `break` はオプションでラベル匕数を取るこずができたす。ラベルは" "ネストしたルヌプから抜け出すために䜿われたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "In this case we break the outer loop after 3 iterations of the inner loop." msgstr "" "䞊の䟋では、内偎のルヌプを 3 回むテレヌションしたのちに倖偎のルヌプを抜けるこ" "ずになりたす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "`loop` expressions" msgstr "`loop` 匏" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Finally, there is a [`loop` keyword](" "expressions/loop-expr.html#infinite-loops) which creates an endless loop." msgstr "" "最埌に、無限ルヌプを䜜る [`loop` キヌワヌド](" "reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#infinite-loops) に぀いお説明したす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "Here you must either `break` or `return` to stop the loop:" msgstr "" "䞋の䟋で、ルヌプから抜けるためには `break` あるいは `return` を䜿う必芁があり" "たす。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "Break the `loop` with a value (e.g. `break 8`) and print it out." msgstr "" "䟋えば `break 8` のようにルヌプを倀ず共に抜け、それを print しおみたしょう。" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Note that `loop` is the only looping construct which returns a non-trivial " "value. This is because it's guaranteed to be entered at least once (unlike " "`while` and `for` loops)." msgstr "" "泚意が必芁なのは、`loop` が唯䞀、非自明な倀を返すこずができるルヌプ構造である" "ずいう点です。これは、`loop` が少なくずも䞀床は必ず実行されるこずが保蚌されお" "いるからですこれに察しお、while や for ルヌプは必ずしも実行されるわけではあ" "りたせん。" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Rust provides type safety via static typing. Variable bindings are immutable " "by default:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Due to type inference the `i32` is optional. We will gradually show the " "types less and less as the course progresses." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Rust will look at how the variable is _used_ to determine the type:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "This slide demonstrates how the Rust compiler infers types based on " "constraints given by variable declarations and usages." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "It is very important to emphasize that variables declared like this are not " "of some sort of dynamic \"any type\" that can hold any data. The machine " "code generated by such declaration is identical to the explicit declaration " "of a type. The compiler does the job for us and helps us write more concise " "code." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The following code tells the compiler to copy into a certain generic " "container without the code ever explicitly specifying the contained type, " "using `_` as a placeholder:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "[`collect`](" "html#method.collect) relies on [`FromIterator`](" "std/iter/trait.FromIterator.html), which [`HashSet`](https://doc.rust-lang." "org/std/collections/struct.HashSet.html#impl-FromIterator%3CT%3E-for-" "HashSet%3CT,+S%3E) implements." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Static and Constant Variables" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Static and constant variables are two different ways to create globally-" "scoped values that cannot be moved or reallocated during the execution of " "the program. " msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`const`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Constant variables are evaluated at compile time and their values are " "inlined wherever they are used:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "According to the [Rust RFC Book](" "vs-static.html) these are inlined upon use." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Only functions marked `const` can be called at compile time to generate " "`const` values. `const` functions can however be called at runtime." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`static`" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Static variables will live during the whole execution of the program, and " "therefore will not move:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"Welcome to RustOS 3.14\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"{BANNER}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "As noted in the [Rust RFC Book](" "vs-static.html), these are not inlined upon use and have an actual " "associated memory location. This is useful for unsafe and embedded code, " "and the variable lives through the entirety of the program execution. When a " "globally-scoped value does not have a reason to need object identity, " "`const` is generally preferred." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Because `static` variables are accessible from any thread, they must be " "`Sync`. Interior mutability is possible through a [`Mutex`](https://doc.rust-" ", atomic or similar. It is also possible " "to have mutable statics, but they require manual synchronisation so any " "access to them requires `unsafe` code. We will look at [mutable statics](../" "unsafe/ in the chapter on Unsafe Rust." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Mention that `const` behaves semantically similar to C++'s `constexpr`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "`static`, on the other hand, is much more similar to a `const` or mutable " "global variable in C++." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "`static` provides object identity: an address in memory and state as " "required by types with interior mutability such as `Mutex`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "It isn't super common that one would need a runtime evaluated constant, but " "it is helpful and safer than using a static." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "`thread_local` data can be created with the macro `std::thread_local`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Properties table:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Property" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Static" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Constant" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Has an address in memory" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ #: src/basic-syntax/ #: src/basic-syntax/ #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Yes" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "No (inlined)" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ #, fuzzy msgid "Lives for the entire duration of the program" msgstr "`main`関数はプログラムの゚ントリヌポむントになりたす。" #: src/basic-syntax/ #: src/basic-syntax/ #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "No" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Can be mutable" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Yes (unsafe)" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Evaluated at compile time" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Yes (initialised at compile time)" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "Inlined wherever it is used" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "You can shadow variables, both those from outer scopes and variables from " "the same scope:" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"before: {a}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ src/traits/ #: src/traits/ msgid "\"hello\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"inner scope: {a}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"shadowed in inner scope: {a}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "\"after: {a}\"" msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Definition: Shadowing is different from mutation, because after shadowing " "both variable's memory locations exist at the same time. Both are available " "under the same name, depending where you use it in the code. " msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "A shadowing variable can have a different type. " msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "Shadowing looks obscure at first, but is convenient for holding on to values " "after `.unwrap()`." msgstr "" #: src/basic-syntax/ msgid "" "The following code demonstrates why the compiler can't simply reuse memory " "locations when shadowing an immutable variable in a scope, even if the type " "does not change." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The `enum` keyword allows the creation of a type which has a few different " "variants:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "// Implementation based on\n" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "// Chosen by fair dice roll. Guaranteed to be random.\n" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"You got: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Enumerations allow you to collect a set of values under one type" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "This page offers an enum type `CoinFlip` with two variants `Heads` and " "`Tails`. You might note the namespace when using variants." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "This might be a good time to compare Structs and Enums:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "In both, you can have a simple version without fields (unit struct) or one " "with different types of fields (variant payloads). " msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "In both, associated functions are defined within an `impl` block." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "You could even implement the different variants of an enum with separate " "structs but then they wouldn’t be the same type as they would if they were " "all defined in an enum. " msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "You can define richer enums where the variants carry data. You can then use " "the `match` statement to extract the data from each variant:" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "// Variant without payload\n" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "// Tuple struct variant\n" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "// Full struct variant\n" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "\"page loaded\"" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "\"pressed '{c}'\"" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "\"clicked at x={x}, y={y}\"" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ src/ msgid "'x'" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "The values in the enum variants can only be accessed after being pattern " "matched. The pattern binds references to the fields in the \"match arm\" " "after the `=>`." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "The expression is matched against the patterns from top to bottom. There is " "no fall-through like in C or C++." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "The match expression has a value. The value is the last expression in the " "match arm which was executed." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "Starting from the top we look for what pattern matches the value then run " "the code following the arrow. Once we find a match, we stop. " msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "Demonstrate what happens when the search is inexhaustive. Note the advantage " "the Rust compiler provides by confirming when all cases are handled. " msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "`match` inspects a hidden discriminant field in the `enum`." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "It is possible to retrieve the discriminant by calling `std::mem::" "discriminant()`" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "This is useful, for example, if implementing `PartialEq` for structs where " "comparing field values doesn't affect equality." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "`WebEvent::Click { ... }` is not exactly the same as `WebEvent::" "Click(Click)` with a top level `struct Click { ... }`. The inlined version " "cannot implement traits, for example." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "Rust enums are packed tightly, taking constraints due to alignment into " "account:" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "\"{}: size {} bytes, align: {} bytes\"" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "See the [Rust Reference](" "html)." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "Internally Rust is using a field (discriminant) to keep track of the enum " "variant." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "You can control the discriminant if needed (e.g., for compatibility with C):" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "Without `repr`, the discriminant type takes 2 bytes, because 10001 fits 2 " "bytes." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "Try out other types such as" msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "`dbg_size!(bool)`: size 1 bytes, align: 1 bytes," msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "`dbg_size!(Option)`: size 1 bytes, align: 1 bytes (niche optimization, " "see below)," msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "`dbg_size!(&i32)`: size 8 bytes, align: 8 bytes (on a 64-bit machine)," msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "`dbg_size!(Option<&i32>)`: size 8 bytes, align: 8 bytes (null pointer " "optimization, see below)." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "Niche optimization: Rust will merge unused bit patterns for the enum " "discriminant." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "Null pointer optimization: For [some types](" "option/#representation), Rust guarantees that `size_of::()` equals " "`size_of::>()`." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "Example code if you want to show how the bitwise representation _may_ look " "like in practice. It's important to note that the compiler provides no " "guarantees regarding this representation, therefore this is totally unsafe." msgstr "" #: src/enums/ msgid "" "More complex example if you want to discuss what happens when we chain more " "than 256 `Option`s together." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Rust has a few control flow constructs which differ from other languages. " "They are used for pattern matching:" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ src/control-flow/ msgid "`if let` expressions" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ #, fuzzy msgid "`while let` expressions" msgstr "while let匏" #: src/control-flow/ src/control-flow/ msgid "`match` expressions" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "The [`if let` expression](" "expr.html#if-let-expressions) lets you execute different code depending on " "whether a value matches a pattern:" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"Program name: {value}\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"Missing name?\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ #: src/control-flow/ #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "See [pattern matching](../ for more details on patterns " "in Rust." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Unlike `match`, `if let` does not have to cover all branches. This can make " "it more concise than `match`." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "A common usage is handling `Some` values when working with `Option`." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Unlike `match`, `if let` does not support guard clauses for pattern matching." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Since 1.65, a similar [let-else](" "flow_control/let_else.html) construct allows to do a destructuring " "assignment, or if it fails, execute a block which is required to abort " "normal control flow (with `panic`/`return`/`break`/`continue`):" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "`while let` loops" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Like with `if let`, there is a [`while let`](" "reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#predicate-pattern-loops) variant which " "repeatedly tests a value against a pattern:" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Here the iterator returned by `v.into_iter()` will return a `Option` on " "every call to `next()`. It returns `Some(x)` until it is done, after which " "it will return `None`. The `while let` lets us keep iterating through all " "items." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Point out that the `while let` loop will keep going as long as the value " "matches the pattern." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "You could rewrite the `while let` loop as an infinite loop with an if " "statement that breaks when there is no value to unwrap for ``. " "The `while let` provides syntactic sugar for the above scenario." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "The [`match` keyword](" "expr.html) is used to match a value against one or more patterns. In that " "sense, it works like a series of `if let` expressions:" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"cat\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"Will do cat things\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"ls\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"Will ls some files\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"mv\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"Let's move some files\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"rm\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"Uh, dangerous!\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"Hmm, no program name?\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "\"Unknown program name!\"" msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "Like `if let`, each match arm must have the same type. The type is the last " "expression of the block, if any. In the example above, the type is `()`." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "Save the match expression to a variable and print it out." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "Remove `.as_deref()` and explain the error." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "`std::env::args().next()` returns an `Option`, but we cannot match " "against `String`." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "`as_deref()` transforms an `Option` to `Option<&T::Target>`. In our case, " "this turns `Option` into `Option<&str>`." msgstr "" #: src/control-flow/ msgid "" "We can now use pattern matching to match against the `&str` inside `Option`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The `match` keyword let you match a value against one or more _patterns_. " "The comparisons are done from top to bottom and the first match wins." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "The patterns can be simple values, similarly to `switch` in C and C++:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "'q'" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"Quitting\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "'a'" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "'s'" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "'w'" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "'d'" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"Moving around\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "'0'" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "'9'" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"Number input\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"Something else\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "The `_` pattern is a wildcard pattern which matches any value." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "You might point out how some specific characters are being used when in a " "pattern" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "`|` as an `or`" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "`..` can expand as much as it needs to be" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "`1..=5` represents an inclusive range" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "`_` is a wild card" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "It can be useful to show how binding works, by for instance replacing a " "wildcard character with a variable, or removing the quotes around `q`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "You can demonstrate matching on a reference." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "This might be a good time to bring up the concept of irrefutable patterns, " "as the term can show up in error messages." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "Patterns can also be used to bind variables to parts of your values. This is " "how you inspect the structure of your types. Let us start with a simple " "`enum` type:" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"cannot divide {n} into two equal parts\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"{n} divided in two is {half}\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"sorry, an error happened: {msg}\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "Here we have used the arms to _destructure_ the `Result` value. In the first " "arm, `half` is bound to the value inside the `Ok` variant. In the second " "arm, `msg` is bound to the error message." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "The `if`/`else` expression is returning an enum that is later unpacked with " "a `match`." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "You can try adding a third variant to the enum definition and displaying the " "errors when running the code. Point out the places where your code is now " "inexhaustive and how the compiler tries to give you hints." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "You can also destructure `structs`:" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"x.0 = 1, b = {b}, y = {y}\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"y = 2, x = {i:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"y = {y}, other fields were ignored\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Change the literal values in `foo` to match with the other patterns." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Add a new field to `Foo` and make changes to the pattern as needed." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "The distinction between a capture and a constant expression can be hard to " "spot. Try changing the `2` in the second arm to a variable, and see that it " "subtly doesn't work. Change it to a `const` and see it working again." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "You can destructure arrays, tuples, and slices by matching on their elements:" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"Tell me about {triple:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"First is 0, y = {y}, and z = {z}\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"First is 1 and the rest were ignored\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"All elements were ignored\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "Destructuring of slices of unknown length also works with patterns of fixed " "length." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"Tell me about {slice:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Create a new pattern using `_` to represent an element. " msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Add more values to the array." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "Point out that how `..` will expand to account for different number of " "elements." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "Show matching against the tail with patterns `[.., b]` and `[a@..,b]`" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "When matching, you can add a _guard_ to a pattern. This is an arbitrary " "Boolean expression which will be executed if the pattern matches:" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"Tell me about {pair:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"These are twins\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"Antimatter, kaboom!\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"The first one is odd\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "\"No correlation...\"" msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "Match guards as a separate syntax feature are important and necessary when " "we wish to concisely express more complex ideas than patterns alone would " "allow." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "They are not the same as separate `if` expression inside of the match arm. " "An `if` expression inside of the branch block (after `=>`) happens after the " "match arm is selected. Failing the `if` condition inside of that block won't " "result in other arms of the original `match` expression being considered." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "You can use the variables defined in the pattern in your if expression." msgstr "" #: src/pattern-matching/ msgid "" "The condition defined in the guard applies to every expression in a pattern " "with an `|`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Day 1: Afternoon Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "We will look at two things:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #, fuzzy msgid "The Luhn algorithm," msgstr "Luhnアルゎリズム" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #, fuzzy msgid "An exercise on pattern matching." msgstr "列挙型ずパタヌンマッチング" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "After looking at the exercises, you can look at the [solutions](solutions-" " provided." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The [Luhn algorithm]( is used " "to validate credit card numbers. The algorithm takes a string as input and " "does the following to validate the credit card number:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Ignore all spaces. Reject number with less than two digits." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Moving from **right to left**, double every second digit: for the number " "`1234`, we double `3` and `1`. For the number `98765`, we double `6` and `8`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "After doubling a digit, sum the digits if the result is greater than 9. So " "doubling `7` becomes `14` which becomes `1 + 4 = 5`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Sum all the undoubled and doubled digits." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "The credit card number is valid if the sum ends with `0`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Copy the code below to and implement the " "function." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Try to solve the problem the \"simple\" way first, using `for` loops and " "integers. Then, revisit the solution and try to implement it with iterators." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/traits/ src/traits/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ src/testing/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"foo\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"foo 0 0\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/testing/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\" \"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\" \"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\" \"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"0\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\" 0 0 \"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"4263 9826 4026 9299\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"4539 3195 0343 6467\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"7992 7398 713\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"4223 9826 4026 9299\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"4539 3195 0343 6476\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"8273 1232 7352 0569\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Exercise: Expression Evaluation" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Let's write a simple recursive evaluator for arithmetic expressions. " msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "/// An operation to perform on two subexpressions.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "/// An expression, in tree form.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "/// An operation on two subexpressions.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "/// A literal value\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "/// The result of evaluating an expression.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "/// Evaluation was successful, with the given result.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "/// Evaluation failed, with the given error message.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "// Allow `Ok` and `Err` as shorthands for `Res::Ok` and `Res::Err`.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"division by zero\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "The `Box` type here is a smart pointer, and will be covered in detail later " "in the course. An expression can be \"boxed\" with `Box::new` as seen in the " "tests. To evaluate a boxed expression, use the deref operator to \"unbox\" " "it: `eval(*boxed_expr)`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Some expressions cannot be evaluated and will return an error. The `Res` " "type represents either a successful value or an error with a message. This " "is very similar to the standard-library `Result` which we will see later." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Copy and paste the code into the Rust playground, and begin implementing " "`eval`. The final product should pass the tests. It may be helpful to use " "`todo!()` and get the tests to pass one-by-one." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "If you finish early, try writing a test that results in an integer overflow. " "How could you handle this with `Res::Err` instead of a panic?" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Welcome to Day 2" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Now that we have seen a fair amount of Rust, we will continue with:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Memory management: stack vs heap, manual memory management, scope-based " "memory management, and garbage collection." msgstr "" "メモリ管理 スタック vs ヒヌプ、手動でのメモリ管理、スコヌプに基づくメモリ管" "理、ガベヌゞコレクション。" #: src/ msgid "" "Ownership: move semantics, copying and cloning, borrowing, and lifetimes." msgstr "所有暩 ムヌブセマンティクス、コピヌずクロヌン、借甚、ラむフタむム。" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "Structs and methods." msgstr "文字列ずむテレヌタ" #: src/ msgid "" "The Standard Library: `String`, `Option` and `Result`, `Vec`, `HashMap`, " "`Rc` and `Arc`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Modules: visibility, paths, and filesystem hierarchy." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Traditionally, languages have fallen into two broad categories:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Full control via manual memory management: C, C++, Pascal, ..." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Full safety via automatic memory management at runtime: Java, Python, Go, " "Haskell, ..." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Rust offers a new mix:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Full control _and_ safety via compile time enforcement of correct memory " "management." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "It does this with an explicit ownership concept." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "First, let's refresh how memory management works." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "The Stack vs The Heap" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Stack: Continuous area of memory for local variables." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Values have fixed sizes known at compile time." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Extremely fast: just move a stack pointer." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Easy to manage: follows function calls." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Great memory locality." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Heap: Storage of values outside of function calls." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Values have dynamic sizes determined at runtime." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Slightly slower than the stack: some book-keeping needed." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "No guarantee of memory locality." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ #, fuzzy msgid "Stack and Heap Example" msgstr "スタック vs ヒヌプ" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "Creating a `String` puts fixed-sized metadata on the stack and dynamically " "sized data, the actual string, on the heap:" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ src/memory-management/ #: src/std/ src/traits/ src/testing/ #: src/testing/ src/testing/ #: src/concurrency/ src/concurrency/ msgid "\"Hello\"" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "Mention that a `String` is backed by a `Vec`, so it has a capacity and " "length and can grow if mutable via reallocation on the heap." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "If students ask about it, you can mention that the underlying memory is heap " "allocated using the [System Allocator](" "struct.System.html) and custom allocators can be implemented using the " "[Allocator API](" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "We can inspect the memory layout with `unsafe` code. However, you should " "point out that this is rightfully unsafe!" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ src/testing/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "' '" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "\"world\"" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "// DON'T DO THIS AT HOME! For educational purposes only.\n" " // String provides no guarantees about its layout, so this could lead " "to\n" " // undefined behavior.\n" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "\"ptr = {ptr:#x}, len = {len}, capacity = {capacity}\"" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "You allocate and deallocate heap memory yourself." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "If not done with care, this can lead to crashes, bugs, security " "vulnerabilities, and memory leaks." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "C Example" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "You must call `free` on every pointer you allocate with `malloc`:" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "//\n" " // ... lots of code\n" " //\n" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "Memory is leaked if the function returns early between `malloc` and `free`: " "the pointer is lost and we cannot deallocate the memory. Worse, freeing the " "pointer twice, or accessing a freed pointer can lead to exploitable security " "vulnerabilities." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "Constructors and destructors let you hook into the lifetime of an object." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "By wrapping a pointer in an object, you can free memory when the object is " "destroyed. The compiler guarantees that this happens, even if an exception " "is raised." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "This is often called _resource acquisition is initialization_ (RAII) and " "gives you smart pointers." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "C++ Example" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "The `std::unique_ptr` object is allocated on the stack, and points to memory " "allocated on the heap." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "At the end of `say_hello`, the `std::unique_ptr` destructor will run." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "The destructor frees the `Person` object it points to." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "Special move constructors are used when passing ownership to a function:" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Automatic Memory Management" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "An alternative to manual and scope-based memory management is automatic " "memory management:" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "The programmer never allocates or deallocates memory explicitly." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "A garbage collector finds unused memory and deallocates it for the " "programmer." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Java Example" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "The `person` object is not deallocated after `sayHello` returns:" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Memory Management in Rust" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Memory management in Rust is a mix:" msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Safe and correct like Java, but without a garbage collector." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Scope-based like C++, but the compiler enforces full adherence." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "A Rust user can choose the right abstraction for the situation, some even " "have no cost at runtime like C." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "Rust achieves this by modeling _ownership_ explicitly." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "If asked how at this point, you can mention that in Rust this is usually " "handled by RAII wrapper types such as [Box](" "boxed/struct.Box.html), [Vec](" "html), [Rc](, or [Arc]" "( These encapsulate " "ownership and memory allocation via various means, and prevent the potential " "errors in C." msgstr "" #: src/memory-management/ msgid "" "You may be asked about destructors here, the [Drop](https://doc.rust-lang." "org/std/ops/trait.Drop.html) trait is the Rust equivalent." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "All variable bindings have a _scope_ where they are valid and it is an error " "to use a variable outside its scope:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "At the end of the scope, the variable is _dropped_ and the data is freed." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "A destructor can run here to free up resources." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "We say that the variable _owns_ the value." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "An assignment will transfer _ownership_ between variables:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "\"Hello!\"" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "// println!(\"s1: {s1}\");\n" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "The assignment of `s1` to `s2` transfers ownership." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "When `s1` goes out of scope, nothing happens: it does not own anything." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "When `s2` goes out of scope, the string data is freed." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "There is always _exactly_ one variable binding which owns a value." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Mention that this is the opposite of the defaults in C++, which copies by " "value unless you use `std::move` (and the move constructor is defined!)." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "It is only the ownership that moves. Whether any machine code is generated " "to manipulate the data itself is a matter of optimization, and such copies " "are aggressively optimized away." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Simple values (such as integers) can be marked `Copy` (see later slides)." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "In Rust, clones are explicit (by using `clone`)." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "The heap data from `s1` is reused for `s2`." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "When `s1` goes out of scope, nothing happens (it has been moved from)." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Before move to `s2`:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "After move to `s2`:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "```bob\n" " Stack Heap\n" ".- - - - - - - - - - - - - -. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.\n" ": : : :\n" ": s1 \"(inaccessible)\" : : :\n" ": +-----------+-------+ : : +----+----+----+----+ :\n" ": | ptr | o---+---+--+--+-->| R | u | s | t | :\n" ": | len | 4 | : | : +----+----+----+----+ :\n" ": | capacity | 4 | : | : :\n" ": +-----------+-------+ : | : :\n" ": : | `- - - - - - - - - - - - - -'\n" ": s2 : |\n" ": +-----------+-------+ : |\n" ": | ptr | o---+---+--'\n" ": | len | 4 | :\n" ": | capacity | 4 | :\n" ": +-----------+-------+ :\n" ": :\n" "`- - - - - - - - - - - - - -'\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ #, fuzzy msgid "Defensive Copies in Modern C++" msgstr "珟代C++の二重解攟" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Modern C++ solves this differently:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "\"Cpp\"" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "// Duplicate the data in s1.\n" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "The heap data from `s1` is duplicated and `s2` gets its own independent copy." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "When `s1` and `s2` go out of scope, they each free their own memory." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Before copy-assignment:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "After copy-assignment:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "C++ has made a slightly different choice than Rust. Because `=` copies data, " "the string data has to be cloned. Otherwise we would get a double-free when " "either string goes out of scope." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "C++ also has [`std::move`](, " "which is used to indicate when a value may be moved from. If the example had " "been `s2 = std::move(s1)`, no heap allocation would take place. After the " "move, `s1` would be in a valid but unspecified state. Unlike Rust, the " "programmer is allowed to keep using `s1`." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Unlike Rust, `=` in C++ can run arbitrary code as determined by the type " "which is being copied or moved." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "When you pass a value to a function, the value is assigned to the function " "parameter. This transfers ownership:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ src/traits/ msgid "\"Hello {name}\"" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"Alice\"" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "// say_hello(name);\n" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "With the first call to `say_hello`, `main` gives up ownership of `name`. " "Afterwards, `name` cannot be used anymore within `main`." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "The heap memory allocated for `name` will be freed at the end of the " "`say_hello` function." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "`main` can retain ownership if it passes `name` as a reference (`&name`) and " "if `say_hello` accepts a reference as a parameter." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Alternatively, `main` can pass a clone of `name` in the first call (`name." "clone()`)." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Rust makes it harder than C++ to inadvertently create copies by making move " "semantics the default, and by forcing programmers to make clones explicit." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "While move semantics are the default, certain types are copied by default:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "These types implement the `Copy` trait." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "You can opt-in your own types to use copy semantics:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "After the assignment, both `p1` and `p2` own their own data." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "We can also use `p1.clone()` to explicitly copy the data." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Copying and cloning are not the same thing:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Copying refers to bitwise copies of memory regions and does not work on " "arbitrary objects." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Copying does not allow for custom logic (unlike copy constructors in C++)." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Cloning is a more general operation and also allows for custom behavior by " "implementing the `Clone` trait." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Copying does not work on types that implement the `Drop` trait." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ src/ownership/ msgid "In the above example, try the following:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Add a `String` field to `struct Point`. It will not compile because `String` " "is not a `Copy` type." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Remove `Copy` from the `derive` attribute. The compiler error is now in the " "`println!` for `p1`." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Show that it works if you clone `p1` instead." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "If students ask about `derive`, it is sufficient to say that this is a way " "to generate code in Rust at compile time. In this case the default " "implementations of `Copy` and `Clone` traits are generated." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Instead of transferring ownership when calling a function, you can let a " "function _borrow_ the value:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "The `add` function _borrows_ two points and returns a new point." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "The caller retains ownership of the inputs." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Notes on stack returns:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Demonstrate that the return from `add` is cheap because the compiler can " "eliminate the copy operation. Change the above code to print stack addresses " "and run it on the [Playground]( or look at the " "assembly in [Godbolt]( In the \"DEBUG\" " "optimization level, the addresses should change, while they stay the same " "when changing to the \"RELEASE\" setting:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "The Rust compiler can do return value optimization (RVO)." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "In C++, copy elision has to be defined in the language specification because " "constructors can have side effects. In Rust, this is not an issue at all. If " "RVO did not happen, Rust will always perform a simple and efficient `memcpy` " "copy." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Rust puts constraints on the ways you can borrow values:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "You can have one or more `&T` values at any given time, _or_" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "You can have exactly one `&mut T` value." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "The above code does not compile because `a` is borrowed as mutable (through " "`c`) and as immutable (through `b`) at the same time." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Move the `println!` statement for `b` before the scope that introduces `c` " "to make the code compile." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "After that change, the compiler realizes that `b` is only ever used before " "the new mutable borrow of `a` through `c`. This is a feature of the borrow " "checker called \"non-lexical lifetimes\"." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "A borrowed value has a _lifetime_:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "The lifetime can be implicit: `add(p1: &Point, p2: &Point) -> Point`." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Lifetimes can also be explicit: `&'a Point`, `&'document str`." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ src/ownership/ msgid "" "Read `&'a Point` as \"a borrowed `Point` which is valid for at least the " "lifetime `a`\"." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Lifetimes are always inferred by the compiler: you cannot assign a lifetime " "yourself." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Lifetime annotations create constraints; the compiler verifies that there is " "a valid solution." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Lifetimes for function arguments and return values must be fully specified, " "but Rust allows lifetimes to be elided in most cases with [a few simple " "rules](" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "In addition to borrowing its arguments, a function can return a borrowed " "value:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "`'a` is a generic parameter, it is inferred by the compiler." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Lifetimes start with `'` and `'a` is a typical default name." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "The _at least_ part is important when parameters are in different scopes." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Move the declaration of `p2` and `p3` into a new scope (`{ ... }`), " "resulting in the following code:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Note how this does not compile since `p3` outlives `p2`." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Reset the workspace and change the function signature to `fn left_most<'a, " "'b>(p1: &'a Point, p2: &'a Point) -> &'b Point`. This will not compile " "because the relationship between the lifetimes `'a` and `'b` is unclear." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "Another way to explain it:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Two references to two values are borrowed by a function and the function " "returns another reference." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "It must have come from one of those two inputs (or from a global variable)." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Which one is it? The compiler needs to know, so at the call site the " "returned reference is not used for longer than a variable from where the " "reference came from." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "If a data type stores borrowed data, it must be annotated with a lifetime:" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "\"Bye {text}!\"" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "\"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\"" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "// erase(text);\n" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "\"{fox:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "\"{dog:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "In the above example, the annotation on `Highlight` enforces that the data " "underlying the contained `&str` lives at least as long as any instance of " "`Highlight` that uses that data." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "If `text` is consumed before the end of the lifetime of `fox` (or `dog`), " "the borrow checker throws an error." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Types with borrowed data force users to hold on to the original data. This " "can be useful for creating lightweight views, but it generally makes them " "somewhat harder to use." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "When possible, make data structures own their data directly." msgstr "" #: src/ownership/ msgid "" "Some structs with multiple references inside can have more than one lifetime " "annotation. This can be necessary if there is a need to describe lifetime " "relationships between the references themselves, in addition to the lifetime " "of the struct itself. Those are very advanced use cases." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Like C and C++, Rust has support for custom structs:" msgstr "" #: src/ src/structs/ src/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"Peter\"" msgstr "" #: src/ src/ src/ msgid "\"{} is {} years old\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"Jackie\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Structs work like in C or C++." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Like in C++, and unlike in C, no typedef is needed to define a type." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Unlike in C++, there is no inheritance between structs." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Methods are defined in an `impl` block, which we will see in following " "slides." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "This may be a good time to let people know there are different types of " "structs. " msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Zero-sized structs `e.g., struct Foo;` might be used when implementing a " "trait on some type but don’t have any data that you want to store in the " "value itself. " msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The next slide will introduce Tuple structs, used when the field names are " "not important." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The syntax `..peter` allows us to copy the majority of the fields from the " "old struct without having to explicitly type it all out. It must always be " "the last element." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "If the field names are unimportant, you can use a tuple struct:" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "\"({}, {})\"" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "This is often used for single-field wrappers (called newtypes):" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "\"Ask a rocket scientist at NASA\"" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "// ...\n" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "Newtypes are a great way to encode additional information about the value in " "a primitive type, for example:" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "The number is measured in some units: `Newtons` in the example above." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "The value passed some validation when it was created, so you no longer have " "to validate it again at every use: 'PhoneNumber(String)`or`OddNumber(u32)\\`." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "Demonstrate how to add a `f64` value to a `Newtons` type by accessing the " "single field in the newtype." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "Rust generally doesn’t like inexplicit things, like automatic unwrapping or " "for instance using booleans as integers." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "Operator overloading is discussed on Day 3 (generics)." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "The example is a subtle reference to the [Mars Climate Orbiter](https://en." " failure." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "If you already have variables with the right names, then you can create the " "struct using a shorthand:" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "\"{peter:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "The `new` function could be written using `Self` as a type, as it is " "interchangeable with the struct type name" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "Implement the `Default` trait for the struct. Define some fields and use the " "default values for the other fields." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "\"Bot\"" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "\"Sam\"" msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "Methods are defined in the `impl` block." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "Use struct update syntax to define a new structure using `peter`. Note that " "the variable `peter` will no longer be accessible afterwards." msgstr "" #: src/structs/ msgid "" "Use `{:#?}` when printing structs to request the `Debug` representation." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust allows you to associate functions with your new types. You do this with " "an `impl` block:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"Hello, my name is {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "It can be helpful to introduce methods by comparing them to functions." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Methods are called on an instance of a type (such as a struct or enum), the " "first parameter represents the instance as `self`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Developers may choose to use methods to take advantage of method receiver " "syntax and to help keep them more organized. By using methods we can keep " "all the implementation code in one predictable place." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Point out the use of the keyword `self`, a method receiver." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Show that it is an abbreviated term for `self: Self` and perhaps show how " "the struct name could also be used." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Explain that `Self` is a type alias for the type the `impl` block is in and " "can be used elsewhere in the block." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Note how `self` is used like other structs and dot notation can be used to " "refer to individual fields." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "This might be a good time to demonstrate how the `&self` differs from `self` " "by modifying the code and trying to run say_hello twice." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "We describe the distinction between method receivers next." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "The `&self` above indicates that the method borrows the object immutably. " "There are other possible receivers for a method:" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "`&self`: borrows the object from the caller using a shared and immutable " "reference. The object can be used again afterwards." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "`&mut self`: borrows the object from the caller using a unique and mutable " "reference. The object can be used again afterwards." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "`self`: takes ownership of the object and moves it away from the caller. The " "method becomes the owner of the object. The object will be dropped " "(deallocated) when the method returns, unless its ownership is explicitly " "transmitted. Complete ownership does not automatically mean mutability." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "`mut self`: same as above, but the method can mutate the object. " msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "No receiver: this becomes a static method on the struct. Typically used to " "create constructors which are called `new` by convention." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "Beyond variants on `self`, there are also [special wrapper types](https://" " allowed to be " "receiver types, such as `Box`." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "Consider emphasizing \"shared and immutable\" and \"unique and mutable\". " "These constraints always come together in Rust due to borrow checker rules, " "and `self` is no exception. It isn't possible to reference a struct from " "multiple locations and call a mutating (`&mut self`) method on it." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "// No receiver, a static method\n" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "// Exclusive borrowed read-write access to self\n" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "// Shared and read-only borrowed access to self\n" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "\"Recorded {} laps for {}:\"" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "\"Lap {idx}: {lap} sec\"" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "// Exclusive ownership of self\n" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "\"Race {} is finished, total lap time: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "\"Monaco Grand Prix\"" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "// race.add_lap(42);\n" msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "All four methods here use a different method receiver." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "You can point out how that changes what the function can do with the " "variable values and if/how it can be used again in `main`." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "You can showcase the error that appears when trying to call `finish` twice." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "Note that although the method receivers are different, the non-static " "functions are called the same way in the main body. Rust enables automatic " "referencing and dereferencing when calling methods. Rust automatically adds " "in the `&`, `*`, `muts` so that that object matches the method signature." msgstr "" #: src/methods/ msgid "" "You might point out that `print_laps` is using a vector that is iterated " "over. We describe vectors in more detail in the afternoon. " msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Day 2: Morning Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "We will look at implementing methods in two contexts:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Storing books and querying the collection" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Keeping track of health statistics for patients" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "We will learn much more about structs and the `Vec` type tomorrow. For " "now, you just need to know part of its API:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"middle value: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"item: {item}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "Use this to model a library's book collection. Copy the code below to " " and update the types to make it compile:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "// This is a constructor, used below.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "// Implement the methods below. Notice how the `self` parameter\n" "// changes type to indicate the method's required level of ownership\n" "// over the object:\n" "//\n" "// - `&self` for shared read-only access,\n" "// - `&mut self` for unique and mutable access,\n" "// - `self` for unique access by value.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Initialize and return a `Library` value\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Return the length of `self.books`\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Return `true` if `self.books` is empty\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Add a new book to `self.books`\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Iterate over `self.books` and print each book's title and year\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Return a reference to the oldest book (if any)\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"The library is empty: library.is_empty() -> {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Lord of the Rings\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"The library is no longer empty: library.is_empty() -> {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"The oldest book is {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"The library is empty!\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"The library has {} books\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "You're working on implementing a health-monitoring system. As part of that, " "you need to keep track of users' health statistics." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "You'll start with some stubbed functions in an `impl` block as well as a " "`User` struct definition. Your goal is to implement the stubbed out methods " "on the `User` `struct` defined in the `impl` block." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "Copy the code below to and fill in the missing " "methods:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Create a new User instance\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Return the user's name\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Return the user's age\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Return the user's height\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Return the number of time the user has visited the doctor\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Set the user's age\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Set the user's height\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "\"Update a user's statistics based on measurements from a visit to the " "doctor\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/aidl/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"Bob\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"I'm {} and my age is {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust comes with a standard library which helps establish a set of common " "types used by Rust library and programs. This way, two libraries can work " "together smoothly because they both use the same `String` type." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "The common vocabulary types include:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[`Option` and `Result`](std/ types: used for optional " "values and [error handling](" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "[`String`](std/ the default string type used for owned data." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "[`Vec`](std/ a standard extensible vector." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[`HashMap`](std/ a hash map type with a configurable hashing " "algorithm." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "[`Box`](std/ an owned pointer for heap-allocated data." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[`Rc`](std/ a shared reference-counted pointer for heap-allocated " "data." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "In fact, Rust contains several layers of the Standard Library: `core`, " "`alloc` and `std`. " msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "`core` includes the most basic types and functions that don't depend on " "`libc`, allocator or even the presence of an operating system. " msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "`alloc` includes types which require a global heap allocator, such as `Vec`, " "`Box` and `Arc`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Embedded Rust applications often only use `core`, and sometimes `alloc`." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "`Option` and `Result`" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "The types represent optional data:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"first: {first:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"arr: {arr:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "`Option` and `Result` are widely used not just in the standard library." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "`Option<&T>` has zero space overhead compared to `&T`." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Result` is the standard type to implement error handling as we will see on " "Day 3." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`try_into` attempts to convert the vector into a fixed-sized array. This can " "fail:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "If the vector has the right size, `Result::Ok` is returned with the array." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "Otherwise, `Result::Err` is returned with the original vector." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "[`String`]( is the " "standard heap-allocated growable UTF-8 string buffer:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"s1: len = {}, capacity = {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "'!'" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"s2: len = {}, capacity = {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"🇚🇭\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"s3: len = {}, number of chars = {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`String` implements [`Deref`](" "string/struct.String.html#deref-methods-str), which means that you can call " "all `str` methods on a `String`." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`String::new` returns a new empty string, use `String::with_capacity` when " "you know how much data you want to push to the string." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`String::len` returns the size of the `String` in bytes (which can be " "different from its length in characters)." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`String::chars` returns an iterator over the actual characters. Note that a " "`char` can be different from what a human will consider a \"character\" due " "to [grapheme clusters](" "unicode_segmentation/struct.Graphemes.html)." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "When people refer to strings they could either be talking about `&str` or " "`String`." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "When a type implements `Deref`, the compiler will let you " "transparently call methods from `T`." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`String` implements `Deref` which transparently gives it " "access to `str`'s methods." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "Write and compare `let s3 = s1.deref();` and `let s3 = &*s1;`." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`String` is implemented as a wrapper around a vector of bytes, many of the " "operations you see supported on vectors are also supported on `String`, but " "with some extra guarantees." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "Compare the different ways to index a `String`:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "To a character by using `s3.chars().nth(i).unwrap()` where `i` is in-bound, " "out-of-bounds." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "To a substring by using `s3[0..4]`, where that slice is on character " "boundaries or not." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "`Vec`" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "[`Vec`]( is the standard " "resizable heap-allocated buffer:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"v1: len = {}, capacity = {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"v2: len = {}, capacity = {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "// Canonical macro to initialize a vector with elements.\n" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "// Retain only the even elements.\n" msgstr "" #: src/std/ src/std/ msgid "\"{v3:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "// Remove consecutive duplicates.\n" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Vec` implements [`Deref`](" "struct.Vec.html#deref-methods-%5BT%5D), which means that you can call slice " "methods on a `Vec`." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Vec` is a type of collection, along with `String` and `HashMap`. The data " "it contains is stored on the heap. This means the amount of data doesn't " "need to be known at compile time. It can grow or shrink at runtime." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Notice how `Vec` is a generic type too, but you don't have to specify `T` " "explicitly. As always with Rust type inference, the `T` was established " "during the first `push` call." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`vec![...]` is a canonical macro to use instead of `Vec::new()` and it " "supports adding initial elements to the vector." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "To index the vector you use `[` `]`, but they will panic if out of bounds. " "Alternatively, using `get` will return an `Option`. The `pop` function will " "remove the last element." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Show iterating over a vector and mutating the value: `for e in &mut v { *e " "+= 50; }`" msgstr "" #: src/std/ src/bare-metal/ msgid "`HashMap`" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "Standard hash map with protection against HashDoS attacks:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"Grimms' Fairy Tales\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ src/std/ src/std/ msgid "\"Pride and Prejudice\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"Les Misérables\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"We know about {} books, but not Les Misérables.\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ src/std/ msgid "\"Alice's Adventure in Wonderland\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"{book}: {count} pages\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"{book} is unknown.\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "// Use the .entry() method to insert a value if nothing is found.\n" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"{page_counts:#?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`HashMap` is not defined in the prelude and needs to be brought into scope." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Try the following lines of code. The first line will see if a book is in the " "hashmap and if not return an alternative value. The second line will insert " "the alternative value in the hashmap if the book is not found." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone \"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ src/std/ msgid "\"The Hunger Games\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "Unlike `vec!`, there is unfortunately no standard `hashmap!` macro." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Although, since Rust 1.56, HashMap implements [`From<[(K, V); N]>`](https://" "" "From%3C%5B(K,+V);+N%5D%3E-for-HashMap%3CK,+V,+RandomState%3E), which allows " "us to easily initialize a hash map from a literal array:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Alternatively HashMap can be built from any `Iterator` which yields key-" "value tuples." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "We are showing `HashMap`, and avoid using `&str` as key to make " "examples easier. Using references in collections can, of course, be done, " "but it can lead into complications with the borrow checker." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Try removing `to_string()` from the example above and see if it still " "compiles. Where do you think we might run into issues?" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "This type has several \"method-specific\" return types, such as `std::" "collections::hash_map::Keys`. These types often appear in searches of the " "Rust docs. Show students the docs for this type, and the helpful link back " "to the `keys` method." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "`Box`" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "[`Box`]( is an owned " "pointer to data on the heap:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"five: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Box` implements `Deref`, which means that you can [call " "methods from `T` directly on a `Box`](" "trait.Deref.html#more-on-deref-coercion)." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Box` is like `std::unique_ptr` in C++, except that it's guaranteed to be " "not null. " msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "In the above example, you can even leave out the `*` in the `println!` " "statement thanks to `Deref`. " msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "A `Box` can be useful when you:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "have a type whose size that can't be known at compile time, but the Rust " "compiler wants to know an exact size." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "want to transfer ownership of a large amount of data. To avoid copying large " "amounts of data on the stack, instead store the data on the heap in a `Box` " "so only the pointer is moved." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "Box with Recursive Data Structures" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Recursive data types or data types with dynamic sizes need to use a `Box`:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ src/std/ msgid "\"{list:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "```bob\n" " Stack Heap\n" ".- - - - - - - - - - - - -. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " "- -.\n" ": : : :\n" ": " "list : : :\n" ": +------+----+----+ : : +------+----+----+ +------+----+----" "+ :\n" ": | Cons | 1 | o--+----+-----+--->| Cons | 2 | o--+--->| Nil | // | // " "| :\n" ": +------+----+----+ : : +------+----+----+ +------+----+----" "+ :\n" ": : : :\n" ": : : :\n" "'- - - - - - - - - - - - -' '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " "- -'\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "If `Box` was not used and we attempted to embed a `List` directly into the " "`List`, the compiler would not compute a fixed size of the struct in memory " "(`List` would be of infinite size)." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Box` solves this problem as it has the same size as a regular pointer and " "just points at the next element of the `List` in the heap." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Remove the `Box` in the List definition and show the compiler error. " "\"Recursive with indirection\" is a hint you might want to use a Box or " "reference of some kind, instead of storing a value directly." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "A `Box` cannot be empty, so the pointer is always valid and non-`null`. This " "allows the compiler to optimize the memory layout:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "```bob\n" " Stack Heap\n" ".- - - - - - - - - - - - -. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " "-.\n" ": : : :\n" ": " "list : : :\n" ": +----+----+ : : +----+----+ +----+------" "+ :\n" ": | 1 | o--+-----------+-----+--->| 2 | o--+--->| // | null " "| :\n" ": +----+----+ : : +----+----+ +----+------" "+ :\n" ": : : :\n" ": : : :\n" "`- - - - - - - - - - - - -' '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " "-'\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "`Rc`" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "[`Rc`]( is a reference-" "counted shared pointer. Use this when you need to refer to the same data " "from multiple places:" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"a: {a}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"b: {b}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "See [`Arc`](../concurrency/shared_state/ and [`Mutex`](https://doc." " if you are in a multi-threaded " "context." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "You can _downgrade_ a shared pointer into a [`Weak`](https://doc.rust-lang." "org/std/rc/struct.Weak.html) pointer to create cycles that will get dropped." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Rc`'s count ensures that its contained value is valid for as long as there " "are references." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "`Rc` in Rust is like `std::shared_ptr` in C++." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Rc::clone` is cheap: it creates a pointer to the same allocation and " "increases the reference count. Does not make a deep clone and can generally " "be ignored when looking for performance issues in code." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`make_mut` actually clones the inner value if necessary (\"clone-on-write\") " "and returns a mutable reference." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "Use `Rc::strong_count` to check the reference count." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Rc::downgrade` gives you a _weakly reference-counted_ object to create " "cycles that will be dropped properly (likely in combination with `RefCell`, " "on the next slide)." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "`Cell` and `RefCell`" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "[`Cell`]( and [`RefCell`]" "( implement what Rust " "calls _interior mutability:_ mutation of values in an immutable context." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "`Cell` is typically used for simple types, as it requires copying or moving " "values. More complex interior types typically use `RefCell`, which tracks " "shared and exclusive references at runtime and panics if they are misused." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"graph: {root:#?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "\"graph sum: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "If we were using `Cell` instead of `RefCell` in this example, we would have " "to move the `Node` out of the `Rc` to push children, then move it back in. " "This is safe because there's always one, un-referenced value in the cell, " "but it's not ergonomic." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "To do anything with a Node, you must call a `RefCell` method, usually " "`borrow` or `borrow_mut`." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "Demonstrate that reference loops can be created by adding `root` to `subtree." "children` (don't try to print it!)." msgstr "" #: src/std/ msgid "" "To demonstrate a runtime panic, add a `fn inc(&mut self)` that increments " "`self.value` and calls the same method on its children. This will panic in " "the presence of the reference loop, with `thread 'main' panicked at 'already " "borrowed: BorrowMutError'`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "We have seen how `impl` blocks let us namespace functions to a type." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Similarly, `mod` lets us namespace types and functions:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"In the foo module\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"In the bar module\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Packages provide functionality and include a `Cargo.toml` file that " "describes how to build a bundle of 1+ crates." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Crates are a tree of modules, where a binary crate creates an executable and " "a library crate compiles to a library." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Modules define organization, scope, and are the focus of this section." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "Modules are a privacy boundary:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "Module items are private by default (hides implementation details)." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "Parent and sibling items are always visible." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "In other words, if an item is visible in module `foo`, it's visible in all " "the descendants of `foo`." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "\"outer::private\"" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "\"outer::public\"" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "\"outer::inner::private\"" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "\"outer::inner::public\"" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "Use the `pub` keyword to make modules public." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "Additionally, there are advanced `pub(...)` specifiers to restrict the scope " "of public visibility." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "See the [Rust Reference](" "privacy.html#pubin-path-pubcrate-pubsuper-and-pubself)." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "Configuring `pub(crate)` visibility is a common pattern." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "Less commonly, you can give visibility to a specific path." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "In any case, visibility must be granted to an ancestor module (and all of " "its descendants)." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "Paths are resolved as follows:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "As a relative path:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "`foo` or `self::foo` refers to `foo` in the current module," msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "`super::foo` refers to `foo` in the parent module." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "As an absolute path:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "`crate::foo` refers to `foo` in the root of the current crate," msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "`bar::foo` refers to `foo` in the `bar` crate." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "A module can bring symbols from another module into scope with `use`. You " "will typically see something like this at the top of each module:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "Omitting the module content will tell Rust to look for it in another file:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "This tells rust that the `garden` module content is found at `src/garden." "rs`. Similarly, a `garden::vegetables` module can be found at `src/garden/" "`." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "The `crate` root is in:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "`src/` (for a library crate)" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "`src/` (for a binary crate)" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "Modules defined in files can be documented, too, using \"inner doc " "comments\". These document the item that contains them -- in this case, a " "module." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "//! This module implements the garden, including a highly performant " "germination\n" "//! implementation.\n" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "// Re-export types from this module.\n" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "/// Sow the given seed packets.\n" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "/// Harvest the produce in the garden that is ready.\n" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "Before Rust 2018, modules needed to be located at `module/` instead of " "``, and this is still a working alternative for editions after 2018." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "The main reason to introduce `` as alternative to `filename/mod." "rs` was because many files named `` can be hard to distinguish in IDEs." msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "Deeper nesting can use folders, even if the main module is a file:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "The place rust will look for modules can be changed with a compiler " "directive:" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "\"some/\"" msgstr "" #: src/modules/ msgid "" "This is useful, for example, if you would like to place tests for a module " "in a file named ``, similar to the convention in Go." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Day 2: Afternoon Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "The exercises for this afternoon will focus on strings and iterators." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "The ownership model of Rust affects many APIs. An example of this is the " "[`Iterator`]( and " "[`IntoIterator`]( " "traits." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Iterator`" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "Traits are like interfaces: they describe behavior (methods) for a type. The " "`Iterator` trait simply says that you can call `next` until you get `None` " "back:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "You use this trait like this:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"v[0]: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"v[1]: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"v[2]: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"No more items: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "What is the type returned by the iterator? Test your answer here:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"v0: {v0:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Why is this type used?" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "`IntoIterator`" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "The `Iterator` trait tells you how to _iterate_ once you have created an " "iterator. The related trait `IntoIterator` tells you how to create the " "iterator:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "The syntax here means that every implementation of `IntoIterator` must " "declare two types:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "`Item`: the type we iterate over, such as `i8`," msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "`IntoIter`: the `Iterator` type returned by the `into_iter` method." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "Note that `IntoIter` and `Item` are linked: the iterator must have the same " "`Item` type, which means that it returns `Option`" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Like before, what is the type returned by the iterator?" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/testing/ msgid "\"bar\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "`for` Loops" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "Now that we know both `Iterator` and `IntoIterator`, we can build `for` " "loops. They call `into_iter()` on an expression and iterates over the " "resulting iterator:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"word: {word}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "What is the type of `word` in each loop?" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "Experiment with the code above and then consult the documentation for [`impl " "IntoIterator for &Vec`](" "html#impl-IntoIterator-for-%26'a+Vec%3CT,+A%3E) and [`impl IntoIterator for " "Vec`](" "for-Vec%3CT,+A%3E) to check your answers." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "In this exercise, you are implementing a routing component of a web server. " "The server is configured with a number of _path prefixes_ which are matched " "against _request paths_. The path prefixes can contain a wildcard character " "which matches a full segment. See the unit tests below." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "Copy the following code to and make the tests " "pass. Try avoiding allocating a `Vec` for your intermediate results:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishers\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishers/abc-123\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishers/abc/books\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishersBooks\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/parent/publishers\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishers/*/books\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishers/foo/books\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishers/bar/books\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishers/foo/books/book1\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"/v1/publishers/foo/booksByAuthor\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Welcome to Day 3" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Today, we will cover some more advanced topics of Rust:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Traits: deriving traits, default methods, and important standard library " "traits." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Generics: generic data types, generic methods, monomorphization, and trait " "objects." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Error handling: panics, `Result`, and the try operator `?`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Testing: unit tests, documentation tests, and integration tests." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Unsafe Rust: raw pointers, static variables, unsafe functions, and extern " "functions." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust support generics, which lets you abstract algorithms or data structures " "(such as sorting or a binary tree) over the types used or stored." msgstr "" "Rustはゞェネリクスgenericsをサポヌトしたす。これにより、䜿甚たたは保存す" "る型に関しおアルゎリズムやデヌタ構造゜ヌトアルゎリズムや、二分朚などを抜" "象化するこずができたす。" #: src/generics/ msgid "You can use generics to abstract over the concrete field type:" msgstr "" "ゞェネリクスを䜿っお、具䜓的なフィヌルドの型を抜象化するこずができたす" #: src/generics/ msgid "\"{integer:?} and {float:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/generics/ msgid "Try declaring a new variable `let p = Point { x: 5, y: 10.0 };`." msgstr "" "次のような新しい倉数を宣蚀しおみおください `let p = Point { x: 5, y: 10.0 };" "`." #: src/generics/ msgid "Fix the code to allow points that have elements of different types." msgstr "異なる型の芁玠を持぀点を蚱容するように、コヌドを修正しおください。" #: src/generics/ msgid "You can declare a generic type on your `impl` block:" msgstr "`impl`に察しお、ゞェネリックな型を宣蚀するこずもできたす" #: src/generics/ msgid "// + 10\n" msgstr "" #: src/generics/ msgid "// fn set_x(&mut self, x: T)\n" msgstr "" #: src/generics/ msgid "\"p.x = {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/generics/ msgid "" "_Q:_ Why `T` is specified twice in `impl Point {}`? Isn't that " "redundant?" msgstr "" "_Q:_ なぜ`T`は回も `impl Point {}` においお指定されたのでしょうか冗" "長ではありたせんか" #: src/generics/ msgid "" "This is because it is a generic implementation section for generic type. " "They are independently generic." msgstr "" "なぜなら、これはゞェネリクスに察しおのゞェネリックな実装の箇所だからです。そ" "れらは独立しおゞェネリックです。" #: src/generics/ msgid "It means these methods are defined for any `T`." msgstr "" "぀たり、そのようなメ゜ッドは任意の`T`に察しお定矩されるずいうこずです。" #: src/generics/ msgid "It is possible to write `impl Point { .. }`. " msgstr "`impl Point { .. }`のように曞くこずも可胜です。 " #: src/generics/ msgid "" "`Point` is still generic and you can use `Point`, but methods in this " "block will only be available for `Point`." msgstr "" "`Point`はそれでもなおゞェネリックであり、 `Point`を䜿うこずができたす。" "しかし、このブロックでのメ゜ッドは`Point`に察しおのみ利甚可胜ずなりた" "す。" #: src/generics/ msgid "Generic code is turned into non-generic code based on the call sites:" msgstr "" "ゞェネリクスのコヌドは呌び出し箇所に基づいお、ゞェネリックでないコヌドに倉換" "されたす" #: src/generics/ msgid "behaves as if you wrote" msgstr "䞊のコヌドは、次のように曞いた時ず同じように動䜜したす" #: src/generics/ msgid "" "This is a zero-cost abstraction: you get exactly the same result as if you " "had hand-coded the data structures without the abstraction." msgstr "" "これはれロコスト抜象化です抜象化なしに手䜜業でデヌタ構造を曞いたずきず、党" "く同じ結果を埗るこずができたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust lets you abstract over types with traits. They're similar to interfaces:" msgstr "" "Rustでは、型に関しおの抜象化をトレむトを甚いお行うこずができたす。トレむトは" "むンタヌフェヌスに䌌おいたす" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "// No name needed, cats won't respond anyway.\n" msgstr "" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "\"Woof, my name is {}!\"" msgstr "" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "\"Miau!\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "\"Oh you're a cutie! What's your name? {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/ src/traits/ msgid "\"Fido\"" msgstr "" "```rust,editable\n" "struct Dog { name: String, age: i8 }\n" "struct Cat { lives: i8 } // 猫に名前は必芁ありたせん。どのみち猫は名前に反応" "しないからです。\n" "\n" "trait Pet {\n" " fn talk(&self) -> String;\n" "}\n" "\n" "impl Pet for Dog {\n" " fn talk(&self) -> String { format!(\"Woof, my name is {}!\", self." "name) }\n" "}\n" "\n" "impl Pet for Cat {\n" " fn talk(&self) -> String { String::from(\"Miau!\") }\n" "}\n" "\n" "fn greet(pet: &P) {\n" " println!(\"Oh you're a cutie! What's your name? {}\",;\n" "}\n" "\n" "fn main() {\n" " let captain_floof = Cat { lives: 9 };\n" " let fido = Dog { name: String::from(\"Fido\"), age: 5 };\n" "\n" " greet(&captain_floof);\n" " greet(&fido);\n" "}\n" "```" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Trait objects allow for values of different types, for instance in a " "collection:" msgstr "" "トレむトオブゞェクトは異なる型の倀をひず぀のコレクションにたずめるこずを可胜" "にしたす" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Hello, who are you? {}\"" msgstr "" "```rust,editable\n" "struct Dog { name: String, age: i8 }\n" "struct Cat { lives: i8 } // 猫に名前は必芁ありたせん。どのみち猫は名前に反応" "しないからです。\n" "\n" "trait Pet {\n" " fn talk(&self) -> String;\n" "}\n" "\n" "impl Pet for Dog {\n" " fn talk(&self) -> String { format!(\"Woof, my name is {}!\", self." "name) }\n" "}\n" "\n" "impl Pet for Cat {\n" " fn talk(&self) -> String { String::from(\"Miau!\") }\n" "}\n" "\n" "fn main() {\n" " let pets: Vec> = vec![\n" " Box::new(Cat { lives: 9 }),\n" " Box::new(Dog { name: String::from(\"Fido\"), age: 5 }),\n" " ];\n" " for pet in pets {\n" " println!(\"Hello, who are you? {}\",;\n" " }\n" "}\n" "```" #: src/traits/ msgid "Memory layout after allocating `pets`:" msgstr "`pets`を割り圓おた埌のメモリレむアりト" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "```bob\n" " Stack Heap\n" ".- - - - - - - - - - - - - -. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " "- -.\n" ": : : :\n" ": pets : : +----+----+----+----" "+ :\n" ": +-----------+-------+ : : +-----+-----+ .->| F | i | d | o " "| :\n" ": | ptr | o---+---+-----+-->| o o | o o | | +----+----+----+----" "+ :\n" ": | len | 2 | : : +-|-|-+-|-|-+ " "`---------. :\n" ": | capacity | 2 | : : | | | | data " "| :\n" ": +-----------+-------+ : : | | | | +-------+--|-------" "+ :\n" ": : : | | | '-->| name | o, 4, 4 " "| :\n" ": : : | | | | age | 5 " "| :\n" "`- - - - - - - - - - - - - -' : | | | +-------+----------" "+ :\n" " : | | " "| :\n" " : | | | " "vtable :\n" " : | | | +----------------------" "+ :\n" " : | | '---->| \"::talk\" " "| :\n" " : | | +----------------------" "+ :\n" " : | " "| :\n" " : | | " "data :\n" " : | | +-------+-------" "+ :\n" " : | '-->| lives | 9 " "| :\n" " : | +-------+-------" "+ :\n" " : " "| :\n" " : | " "vtable :\n" " : | +----------------------" "+ :\n" " : '---->| \"::talk\" " "| :\n" " : +----------------------" "+ :\n" " : :\n" " '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " "- -'\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Types that implement a given trait may be of different sizes. This makes it " "impossible to have things like `Vec` in the example above." msgstr "" "同じトレむトを実装する型であっおもそのサむズは異なるこずがありたす。そのた" "め、䞊の䟋でVecず曞くこずはできたせん。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "`dyn Pet` is a way to tell the compiler about a dynamically sized type that " "implements `Pet`." msgstr "" "`dyn Pet` はコンパむラに、この型が`Pet`トレむトを実装する動的なサむズの型であ" "るこずを䌝えたす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "In the example, `pets` is allocated on the stack and the vector data is on " "the heap. The two vector elements are _fat pointers_:" msgstr "" "䞊の䟋では `pets` はスタックに確保され、ベクタヌのデヌタはヒヌプ䞊にありた" "す。二぀のベクタヌの芁玠は _ファットポむンタ_ です" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "A fat pointer is a double-width pointer. It has two components: a pointer to " "the actual object and a pointer to the [virtual method table](https://en." " (vtable) for the `Pet` " "implementation of that particular object." msgstr "" "ファットポむンタはdouble-widthポむンタです。これは二぀の芁玠からなりたす実" "際のオブゞェクトぞのポむンタず、そのオブゞェクトの`Pet`の実装のための[仮想関" "数テヌブル](" "%E4%BB%AE%E6%83%B3%E9%96%A2%E6%95%B0%E3%83%86%E3%83%BC%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB) " "(vtable)です。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "The data for the `Dog` named Fido is the `name` and `age` fields. The `Cat` " "has a `lives` field." msgstr "" "\"Fido\"ず名付けられた`Dog`のデヌタは`name` ず `age` のフィヌルドに察応した" "す。蚳泚: \"Fido\"ずはよくある犬の愛称で、日本語でいう「ポチ」のような名前" "です。䟋の`Cat`には`lives` フィヌルドがありたす。蚳泚: ここで`Cat`が" "`lives`ずいうフィヌルドを持ち、9で初期化しおいるのは\"A cat has nine lives\" " "—猫は぀の呜を持぀—ずいうこずわざに由来したす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "Compare these outputs in the above example:" msgstr "䞊の䟋においお、䞋のコヌドによる出力結果を比べおみたしょう" #: src/traits/ src/traits/ #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{} {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/traits/ #: src/testing/ src/android/build-rules/ #: src/async/pitfalls/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"{}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Rust derive macros work by automatically generating code that implements the " "specified traits for a data structure." msgstr "" "Rustのderiveマクロは、デヌタ構造䜓に察しお、指定されたトレむトを実装するコヌ" "ドを自動的に生成したす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "You can let the compiler derive a number of traits as follows:" msgstr "コンパむラには、以䞋のような倚くのトレむトを導出させるこずができたす" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Is {:?}\\nequal to {:?}?\\nThe answer is {}!\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"yes\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"no\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "Traits can implement behavior in terms of other trait methods:" msgstr "" "トレむトでは、別のトレむトメ゜ッドを甚いお挙動を定矩するこずが可胜です" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{a:?} equals {b:?}: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{a:?} not_equals {b:?}: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Traits may specify pre-implemented (default) methods and methods that users " "are required to implement themselves. Methods with default implementations " "can rely on required methods." msgstr "" "トレむトは予め実装されたデフォルトのメ゜ッドず、ナヌザが自身で実装する必" "芁のあるメ゜ッドを指定するこずができたす。デフォルトの実装のあるメ゜ッドは、" "その定矩を実装必須のメ゜ットに䟝存するこずができたす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "Move method `not_equals` to a new trait `NotEquals`." msgstr "" "メ゜ッド `not_equals` を新しいトレむト `NotEquals` に移しおみたしょう。" #: src/traits/ msgid "Make `Equals` a super trait for `NotEquals`." msgstr "`Equals` を `NotEquals` のスヌパヌトレむトにしおみたしょう。" #: src/traits/ msgid "Provide a blanket implementation of `NotEquals` for `Equals`." msgstr "`Equals`に察する`NotEquals`のブランケット実装を瀺しおみたしょう。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "With the blanket implementation, you no longer need `Equals` as a super " "trait for `NotEqual`." msgstr "" "ブランケット実装を甚いれば、`Equals` を`NotEqual`のスヌパヌトレむトずする必芁" "はなくなりたす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "When working with generics, you often want to require the types to implement " "some trait, so that you can call this trait's methods." msgstr "" "ゞェネリクスを甚いるずき、あるトレむトのメ゜ッドを呌び出せるように、型がその" "トレむトを実装しおいるこずを芁求したいこずがよくありたす。脚泚本教材では" "\"Trait bounds\"を「トレむト制玄」ず翻蚳したしたが、Rustの日本語翻蚳コミュニ" "ティでは「トレむト境界」ず呌ぶ流掟もあり、どちらの翻蚳を採甚するかに぀いおは" "[議論がなされおいたす](" "issues/172)。" #: src/traits/ msgid "You can do this with `T: Trait` or `impl Trait`:" msgstr "そうしたこずは`T: Trait` や `impl Trait`を甚いお行えたす" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "// Syntactic sugar for:\n" "// fn add_42_millions>(x: T) -> i32 {\n" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "// struct NotClonable;\n" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{pair:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{many}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{many_more}\"" msgstr "" "```rust,editable\n" "fn duplicate(a: T) -> (T, T) {\n" " (a.clone(), a.clone())\n" "}\n" "\n" "// 以䞋の糖衣構文です\n" "// fn add_42_millions>(x: T) -> i32 {\n" "fn add_42_millions(x: impl Into) -> i32 {\n" " x.into() + 42_000_000\n" "}\n" "\n" "// struct NotClonable;\n" "\n" "fn main() {\n" " let foo = String::from(\"foo\");\n" " let pair = duplicate(foo);\n" " println!(\"{pair:?}\");\n" "\n" " let many = add_42_millions(42_i8);\n" " println!(\"{many}\");\n" " let many_more = add_42_millions(10_000_000);\n" " println!(\"{many_more}\");\n" "}\n" "```" #: src/traits/ msgid "Show a `where` clause, students will encounter it when reading code." msgstr "" "`where` 節の䜿い方を瀺したしょう。受講生はコヌドを読んでいるずきに、この" "`where`節に遭遇したす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "It declutters the function signature if you have many parameters." msgstr "" "たくさんのパラメタがある堎合に、`where`節は関数のシグネチャを敎理敎頓しおくれ" "たす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "It has additional features making it more powerful." msgstr "`where`節には曎に匷力な機胜がありたす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "If someone asks, the extra feature is that the type on the left of \":\" can " "be arbitrary, like `Option`." msgstr "" "誰かに聞かれた堎合で良いですが、その機胜ずいうのは、\":\" の巊偎には " "`Option` のように任意の型を衚珟できるずいうものです。" #: src/traits/ msgid "`impl Trait`" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Similar to trait bounds, an `impl Trait` syntax can be used in function " "arguments and return values:" msgstr "" "トレむト境界ず䌌たように、構文 `impl Trait`は関数の匕数ず返り倀においおのみ利" "甚可胜です" #: src/traits/ msgid "`impl Trait` allows you to work with types which you cannot name." msgstr "`impl Trait`を甚いれば、型名を明瀺せずに型を限定するこずができたす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "The meaning of `impl Trait` is a bit different in the different positions." msgstr "`impl Trait`の意味は、䜍眮によっお少し異なりたす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "For a parameter, `impl Trait` is like an anonymous generic parameter with a " "trait bound." msgstr "" "パラメタに察しおは、`impl Trait`は、トレむト境界を持぀匿名のゞェネリックパラ" "メタのようなものです。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "For a return type, it means that the return type is some concrete type that " "implements the trait, without naming the type. This can be useful when you " "don't want to expose the concrete type in a public API." msgstr "" "返り倀の型に甚いる堎合は、特定のトレむトを実装する䜕らかの具象型を返すが、具" "䜓的な型名は明瀺しないずいうこずを意味したす。このこずは公開されるAPIに具象型" "を晒したくない堎合に䟿利です。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Inference is hard in return position. A function returning `impl Foo` picks " "the concrete type it returns, without writing it out in the source. A " "function returning a generic type like `collect() -> B` can return any " "type satisfying `B`, and the caller may need to choose one, such as with " "`let x: Vec<_> = foo.collect()` or with the turbofish, `foo.collect::" ">()`." msgstr "" "返り倀の䜍眮における型掚論は困難です。`impl Foo`を返す関数は、それが返す具象" "型は゜ヌスコヌドに曞かれるこずないたた、具象型を遞びたす。`collect() -> B`" "のようなゞェネリック型を返す関数は、`B`を満たすどのような型でも返すこずがあり" "たす。 たた、関数の呌び出し元はそのような型を䞀぀を遞ぶ必芁があるかもしれたせ" "ん。 それは、 `let x: Vec<_> = foo.collect()`ずしたり、turbofishを甚いお`foo." "collect::>()`ずするこずで行えたす。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "This example is great, because it uses `impl Display` twice. It helps to " "explain that nothing here enforces that it is _the same_ `impl Display` " "type. If we used a single `T: Display`, it would enforce the constraint " "that input `T` and return `T` type are the same type. It would not work for " "this particular function, as the type we expect as input is likely not what " "`format!` returns. If we wanted to do the same via `: Display` syntax, we'd " "need two independent generic parameters." msgstr "" "この䟋は玠晎らしい䟋です。なぜなら、 `impl Display`を回甚いおいるからで" "す。 ここでは `impl Display` の型が同䞀になるこずを匷制するものはない、ずいう" "説明をするのに圹立ちたす。もし単䞀の`T: Display`を甚いた堎合、入力の`T`ず返り" "倀の`T`が同䞀の型であるこずが匷制されおしたいたす。䟋で瀺した関数ではうたくい" "かないでしょう。なぜなら、我々が期埅する入力の型は、`format!`が返すものではお" "そらくないからです。もしも同じこずを`: Display`の構文で行いたい堎合、぀の独" "立したゞェネリックなパラメタが必芁ずなるでしょう。" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "We will now look at some of the most common traits of the Rust standard " "library:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`Iterator`]( and " "[`IntoIterator`]( " "used in `for` loops," msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`From`]( and [`Into`]" "( used to convert " "values," msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`Read`]( and [`Write`]" "( used for IO," msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`Add`](, [`Mul`](https://" ", ... used for operator " "overloading, and" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`Drop`]( used for " "defining destructors." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`Default`]( used " "to construct a default instance of a type." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "Iterators" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "You can implement the [`Iterator`](" "Iterator.html) trait on your own types:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"fib({i}): {n}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "The `Iterator` trait implements many common functional programming " "operations over collections (e.g. `map`, `filter`, `reduce`, etc). This is " "the trait where you can find all the documentation about them. In Rust these " "functions should produce the code as efficient as equivalent imperative " "implementations." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "`IntoIterator` is the trait that makes for loops work. It is implemented by " "collection types such as `Vec` and references to them such as `&Vec` " "and `&[T]`. Ranges also implement it. This is why you can iterate over a " "vector with `for i in some_vec { .. }` but `` doesn't exist." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`FromIterator`]( " "lets you build a collection from an [`Iterator`](" "std/iter/trait.Iterator.html)." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"prime_squares: {prime_squares:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "`Iterator` implements `fn collect(self) -> B where B: FromIterator, Self: Sized`" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "There are also implementations which let you do cool things like convert an " "`Iterator>` into a `Result, E>`." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "`From` and `Into`" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Types implement [`From`](" "html) and [`Into`]( to " "facilitate type conversions:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/traits/ msgid "\"{s}, {addr}, {one}, {bigger}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`Into`]( is " "automatically implemented when [`From`](" "convert/trait.From.html) is implemented:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "That's why it is common to only implement `From`, as your type will get " "`Into` implementation too." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "When declaring a function argument input type like \"anything that can be " "converted into a `String`\", the rule is opposite, you should use `Into`. " "Your function will accept types that implement `From` and those that _only_ " "implement `Into`." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "`Read` and `Write`" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Using [`Read`]( and " "[`BufRead`](, you can " "abstract over `u8` sources:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "b\"foo\\nbar\\nbaz\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"lines in slice: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"lines in file: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Similarly, [`Write`]( lets " "you abstract over `u8` sinks:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Logged: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "The `Drop` Trait" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Values which implement [`Drop`](" "html) can specify code to run when they go out of scope:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Dropping {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"a\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"b\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"c\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"d\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Exiting block B\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Exiting block A\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Exiting main\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "Note that `std::mem::drop` is not the same as `std::ops::Drop::drop`." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "Values are automatically dropped when they go out of scope." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "When a value is dropped, if it implements `std::ops::Drop` then its `Drop::" "drop` implementation will be called." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "All its fields will then be dropped too, whether or not it implements `Drop`." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "`std::mem::drop` is just an empty function that takes any value. The " "significance is that it takes ownership of the value, so at the end of its " "scope it gets dropped. This makes it a convenient way to explicitly drop " "values earlier than they would otherwise go out of scope." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "This can be useful for objects that do some work on `drop`: releasing locks, " "closing files, etc." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/traits/ msgid "Discussion points:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "Why doesn't `Drop::drop` take `self`?" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Short-answer: If it did, `std::mem::drop` would be called at the end of the " "block, resulting in another call to `Drop::drop`, and a stack overflow!" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "Try replacing `drop(a)` with `a.drop()`." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "The `Default` Trait" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "[`Default`]( trait " "produces a default value for a type." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"John Smith\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{default_struct:#?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Y is set!\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{almost_default_struct:#?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{:#?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "It can be implemented directly or it can be derived via `#[derive(Default)]`." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "A derived implementation will produce a value where all fields are set to " "their default values." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "This means all types in the struct must implement `Default` too." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Standard Rust types often implement `Default` with reasonable values (e.g. " "`0`, `\"\"`, etc)." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "The partial struct copy works nicely with default." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Rust standard library is aware that types can implement `Default` and " "provides convenience methods that use it." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "the `..` syntax is called [struct update syntax](" "book/ch05-01-defining-structs.html#creating-instances-from-other-instances-" "with-struct-update-syntax)" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "`Add`, `Mul`, ..." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Operator overloading is implemented via traits in [`std::ops`](https://doc." "" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"{:?} + {:?} = {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "You could implement `Add` for `&Point`. In which situations is that useful? " msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Answer: `Add:add` consumes `self`. If type `T` for which you are overloading " "the operator is not `Copy`, you should consider overloading the operator for " "`&T` as well. This avoids unnecessary cloning on the call site." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Why is `Output` an associated type? Could it be made a type parameter of the " "method?" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Short answer: Function type parameters are controlled by the caller, but " "associated types (like `Output`) are controlled by the implementor of a " "trait." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "You could implement `Add` for two different types, e.g. `impl Add<(i32, " "i32)> for Point` would add a tuple to a `Point`." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "Closures" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "Closures or lambda expressions have types which cannot be named. However, " "they implement special [`Fn`](" "html), [`FnMut`](, and " "[`FnOnce`]( traits:" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Calling function on {input}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/traits/ msgid "\"add_3: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ src/traits/ msgid "\"accumulate: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"multiply_sum: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "An `Fn` (e.g. `add_3`) neither consumes nor mutates captured values, or " "perhaps captures nothing at all. It can be called multiple times " "concurrently." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "An `FnMut` (e.g. `accumulate`) might mutate captured values. You can call it " "multiple times, but not concurrently." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "If you have an `FnOnce` (e.g. `multiply_sum`), you may only call it once. It " "might consume captured values." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "`FnMut` is a subtype of `FnOnce`. `Fn` is a subtype of `FnMut` and `FnOnce`. " "I.e. you can use an `FnMut` wherever an `FnOnce` is called for, and you can " "use an `Fn` wherever an `FnMut` or `FnOnce` is called for." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "The compiler also infers `Copy` (e.g. for `add_3`) and `Clone` (e.g. " "`multiply_sum`), depending on what the closure captures." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "" "By default, closures will capture by reference if they can. The `move` " "keyword makes them capture by value." msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"Hi\"" msgstr "" #: src/traits/ msgid "\"there\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Day 3: Morning Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "We will design a classical GUI library using traits and trait objects." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "We will also look at enum dispatch with an exercise involving points and " "polygons." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #, fuzzy msgid "Drawing A Simple GUI" msgstr "GUIラむブラリ" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "Let us design a classical GUI library using our new knowledge of traits and " "trait objects. We'll only implement the drawing of it (as text) for " "simplicity." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "We will have a number of widgets in our library:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "`Window`: has a `title` and contains other widgets." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "`Button`: has a `label`. In reality, it would also take a callback function " "to allow the program to do something when the button is clicked but we won't " "include that since we're only drawing the GUI." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "`Label`: has a `label`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "The widgets will implement a `Widget` trait, see below." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "Copy the code below to , fill in the missing " "`draw_into` methods so that you implement the `Widget` trait:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "/// Natural width of `self`.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "/// Draw the widget into a buffer.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "/// Draw the widget on standard output.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"{buffer}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"Rust GUI Demo 1.23\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"This is a small text GUI demo.\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"Click me!\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "The output of the above program can be something simple like this:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "If you want to draw aligned text, you can use the [fill/alignment](https://" " formatting operators. In " "particular, notice how you can pad with different characters (here a `'/'`) " "and how you can control alignment:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"left aligned: |{:/width$}|\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "Using such alignment tricks, you can for example produce output like this:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Polygon Struct" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "We will create a `Polygon` struct which contain some points. Copy the code " "below to and fill in the missing methods to " "make the tests pass:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "// add fields\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "// add methods\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "Since the method signatures are missing from the problem statements, the key " "part of the exercise is to specify those correctly. You don't have to modify " "the tests." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Other interesting parts of the exercise:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "Derive a `Copy` trait for some structs, as in tests the methods sometimes " "don't borrow their arguments." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "Discover that `Add` trait must be implemented for two objects to be addable " "via \"+\". Note that we do not discuss generics until Day 3." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Error handling in Rust is done using explicit control flow:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Functions that can have errors list this in their return type," msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "There are no exceptions." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "Rust will trigger a panic if a fatal error happens at runtime:" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"v[100]: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "Panics are for unrecoverable and unexpected errors." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "Panics are symptoms of bugs in the program." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "Use non-panicking APIs (such as `Vec::get`) if crashing is not acceptable." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "Catching the Stack Unwinding" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "By default, a panic will cause the stack to unwind. The unwinding can be " "caught:" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"No problem here!\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ src/error-handling/ msgid "\"{result:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"oh no!\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "This can be useful in servers which should keep running even if a single " "request crashes." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "This does not work if `panic = 'abort'` is set in your `Cargo.toml`." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "Structured Error Handling with `Result`" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "We have already seen the `Result` enum. This is used pervasively when errors " "are expected as part of normal operation:" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"diary.txt\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Dear diary: {contents}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"The diary could not be opened: {err}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "As with `Option`, the successful value sits inside of `Result`, forcing the " "developer to explicitly extract it. This encourages error checking. In the " "case where an error should never happen, `unwrap()` or `expect()` can be " "called, and this is a signal of the developer intent too." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "`Result` documentation is a recommended read. Not during the course, but it " "is worth mentioning. It contains a lot of convenience methods and functions " "that help functional-style programming. " msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "Propagating Errors with `?`" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "The try-operator `?` is used to return errors to the caller. It lets you " "turn the common" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "into the much simpler" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "We can use this to simplify our error handling code:" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "//fs::write(\"config.dat\", \"alice\").unwrap();\n" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"config.dat\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"username or error: {username:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "The `username` variable can be either `Ok(string)` or `Err(error)`." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "Use the `fs::write` call to test out the different scenarios: no file, empty " "file, file with username." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "The return type of the function has to be compatible with the nested " "functions it calls. For instance, a function returning a `Result` " "can only apply the `?` operator on a function returning a `Result`. It cannot apply the `?` operator on a function returning an " "`Option` or `Result` unless `OtherErr` implements " "`From`. Reciprocally, a function returning an `Option` can only " "apply the `?` operator on a function returning an `Option`." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "You can convert incompatible types into one another with the different " "`Option` and `Result` methods such as `Option::ok_or`, `Result::ok`, " "`Result::err`." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "The effective expansion of `?` is a little more complicated than previously " "indicated:" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "works the same as" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "The `From::from` call here means we attempt to convert the error type to the " "type returned by the function:" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"IO error: {e}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Found no username in {filename}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "//fs::write(\"config.dat\", \"\").unwrap();\n" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "It is good practice for all error types that don't need to be `no_std` to " "implement `std::error::Error`, which requires `Debug` and `Display`. The " "`Error` crate for `core` is only available in [nightly](" "rust-lang/rust/issues/103765), so not fully `no_std` compatible yet." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "It's generally helpful for them to implement `Clone` and `Eq` too where " "possible, to make life easier for tests and consumers of your library. In " "this case we can't easily do so, because `io::Error` doesn't implement them." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "The [thiserror]( crate is a popular way to create " "an error enum like we did on the previous page:" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Could not read: {0}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Found no username in {0}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Username: {username}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Error: {err}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "`thiserror`'s derive macro automatically implements `std::error::Error`, and " "optionally `Display` (if the `#[error(...)]` attributes are provided) and " "`From` (if the `#[from]` attribute is added). It also works for structs." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "It doesn't affect your public API, which makes it good for libraries." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "Sometimes we want to allow any type of error to be returned without writing " "our own enum covering all the different possibilities. `std::error::Error` " "makes this easy." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "This saves on code, but gives up the ability to cleanly handle different " "error cases differently in the program. As such it's generally not a good " "idea to use `Box` in the public API of a library, but it can be a " "good option in a program where you just want to display the error message " "somewhere." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "The widely used [anyhow]( crate can help you add " "contextual information to your errors and allows you to have fewer custom " "error types:" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Failed to open {path}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Failed to read\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Found no username in {path}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "\"Error: {err:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "`anyhow::Result` is a type alias for `Result`." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "`anyhow::Error` is essentially a wrapper around `Box`. As such " "it's again generally not a good choice for the public API of a library, but " "is widely used in applications." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "Actual error type inside of it can be extracted for examination if necessary." msgstr "" #: src/error-handling/ msgid "" "Functionality provided by `anyhow::Result` may be familiar to Go " "developers, as it provides similar usage patterns and ergonomics to `(T, " "error)` from Go." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Rust and Cargo come with a simple unit test framework:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Unit tests are supported throughout your code." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Integration tests are supported via the `tests/` directory." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "Mark unit tests with `#[test]`:" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "\"Hello World\"" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "Use `cargo test` to find and run the unit tests." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "" "Unit tests are often put in a nested module (run tests on the [Playground]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "\"{a} {b}\"" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "\"foo bar\"" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "This lets you unit test private helpers." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "The `#[cfg(test)]` attribute is only active when you run `cargo test`." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "Rust has built-in support for documentation tests:" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "" "/// Shortens a string to the given length.\n" "///\n" "/// ```\n" "/// # use playground::shorten_string;\n" "/// assert_eq!(shorten_string(\"Hello World\", 5), \"Hello\");\n" "/// assert_eq!(shorten_string(\"Hello World\", 20), \"Hello World\");\n" "/// ```\n" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "Code blocks in `///` comments are automatically seen as Rust code." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "The code will be compiled and executed as part of `cargo test`." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "" "Adding `# ` in the code will hide it from the docs, but will still compile/" "run it." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "" "Test the above code on the [Rust Playground](" "version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=3ce2ad13ea1302f6572cb15cd96becf0)." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "If you want to test your library as a client, use an integration test." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "Create a `.rs` file under `tests/`:" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "These tests only have access to the public API of your crate." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "Useful crates for writing tests" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "Rust comes with only basic support for writing tests." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "Here are some additional crates which we recommend for writing tests:" msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "" "[googletest]( Comprehensive test assertion " "library in the tradition of GoogleTest for C++." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "[proptest]( Property-based testing for Rust." msgstr "" #: src/testing/ msgid "" "[rstest]( Support for fixtures and parameterised " "tests." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "The Rust language has two parts:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "**Safe Rust:** memory safe, no undefined behavior possible." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "**Unsafe Rust:** can trigger undefined behavior if preconditions are " "violated." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "We will be seeing mostly safe Rust in this course, but it's important to " "know what Unsafe Rust is." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Unsafe code is usually small and isolated, and its correctness should be " "carefully documented. It is usually wrapped in a safe abstraction layer." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Unsafe Rust gives you access to five new capabilities:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Dereference raw pointers." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Access or modify mutable static variables." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Access `union` fields." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Call `unsafe` functions, including `extern` functions." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Implement `unsafe` traits." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "We will briefly cover unsafe capabilities next. For full details, please see " "[Chapter 19.1 in the Rust Book](" "unsafe-rust.html) and the [Rustonomicon](" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Unsafe Rust does not mean the code is incorrect. It means that developers " "have turned off the compiler safety features and have to write correct code " "by themselves. It means the compiler no longer enforces Rust's memory-safety " "rules." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "Creating pointers is safe, but dereferencing them requires `unsafe`:" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "// Safe because r1 and r2 were obtained from references and so are\n" " // guaranteed to be non-null and properly aligned, the objects " "underlying\n" " // the references from which they were obtained are live throughout the\n" " // whole unsafe block, and they are not accessed either through the\n" " // references or concurrently through any other pointers.\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"r1 is: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"r2 is: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "It is good practice (and required by the Android Rust style guide) to write " "a comment for each `unsafe` block explaining how the code inside it " "satisfies the safety requirements of the unsafe operations it is doing." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "In the case of pointer dereferences, this means that the pointers must be " "[_valid_](, i.e.:" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "The pointer must be non-null." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "The pointer must be _dereferenceable_ (within the bounds of a single " "allocated object)." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "The object must not have been deallocated." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "There must not be concurrent accesses to the same location." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "If the pointer was obtained by casting a reference, the underlying object " "must be live and no reference may be used to access the memory." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "In most cases the pointer must also be properly aligned." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "It is safe to read an immutable static variable:" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"Hello, world!\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"HELLO_WORLD: {HELLO_WORLD}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "However, since data races can occur, it is unsafe to read and write mutable " "static variables:" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ #: src/unsafe/ msgid "// Potential data race!\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"COUNTER: {COUNTER}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "The program here is safe because it is single-threaded. However, the Rust " "compiler is conservative and will assume the worst. Try removing the " "`unsafe` and see how the compiler explains that it is undefined behavior to " "mutate a static from multiple threads." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "Using a mutable static is generally a bad idea, but there are some cases " "where it might make sense in low-level `no_std` code, such as implementing a " "heap allocator or working with some C APIs." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "Unions are like enums, but you need to track the active field yourself:" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"int: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"bool: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "// Undefined behavior!\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "Unions are very rarely needed in Rust as you can usually use an enum. They " "are occasionally needed for interacting with C library APIs." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "If you just want to reinterpret bytes as a different type, you probably want " "[`std::mem::transmute`](" "transmute.html) or a safe wrapper such as the [`zerocopy`](" "crates/zerocopy) crate." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "A function or method can be marked `unsafe` if it has extra preconditions " "you must uphold to avoid undefined behaviour:" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"🗻∈🌏\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "// Safe because the indices are in the correct order, within the bounds of\n" " // the string slice, and lie on UTF-8 sequence boundaries.\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ #: src/unsafe/ #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"emoji: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"char count: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "// Not upholding the UTF-8 encoding requirement breaks memory safety!\n" " // println!(\"emoji: {}\", unsafe { emojis.get_unchecked(0..3) });\n" " // println!(\"char count: {}\", count_chars(unsafe { emojis." "get_unchecked(0..3) }));\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "You can mark your own functions as `unsafe` if they require particular " "conditions to avoid undefined behaviour." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "/// Swaps the values pointed to by the given pointers.\n" "///\n" "/// # Safety\n" "///\n" "/// The pointers must be valid and properly aligned.\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "// Safe because ...\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"a = {}, b = {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "We wouldn't actually use pointers for this because it can be done safely " "with references." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "Note that unsafe code is allowed within an unsafe function without an " "`unsafe` block. We can prohibit this with `#[deny(unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn)]`. " "Try adding it and see what happens." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "Calling External Code" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "Functions from other languages might violate the guarantees of Rust. Calling " "them is thus unsafe:" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/android/interoperability/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"C\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "// Undefined behavior if abs misbehaves.\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "\"Absolute value of -3 according to C: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "This is usually only a problem for extern functions which do things with " "pointers which might violate Rust's memory model, but in general any C " "function might have undefined behaviour under any arbitrary circumstances." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "The `\"C\"` in this example is the ABI; [other ABIs are available too]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "Like with functions, you can mark a trait as `unsafe` if the implementation " "must guarantee particular conditions to avoid undefined behaviour." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "For example, the `zerocopy` crate has an unsafe trait that looks [something " "like this](" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "/// ...\n" "/// # Safety\n" "/// The type must have a defined representation and no padding.\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "// Safe because u32 has a defined representation and no padding.\n" msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "There should be a `# Safety` section on the Rustdoc for the trait explaining " "the requirements for the trait to be safely implemented." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "" "The actual safety section for `AsBytes` is rather longer and more " "complicated." msgstr "" #: src/unsafe/ msgid "The built-in `Send` and `Sync` traits are unsafe." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Day 3: Afternoon Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Let us build a safe wrapper for reading directory content!" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "For this exercise, we suggest using a local dev environment instead of the " "Playground. This will allow you to run your binary on your own machine." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "To get started, follow the [running locally](../../cargo/ " "instructions." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "After looking at the exercise, you can look at the [solution](solutions-" " provided." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "Rust has great support for calling functions through a _foreign function " "interface_ (FFI). We will use this to build a safe wrapper for the `libc` " "functions you would use from C to read the names of files in a directory." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "You will want to consult the manual pages:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "[`opendir(3)`](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "[`readdir(3)`](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "[`closedir(3)`](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "You will also want to browse the [`std::ffi`](" "ffi/) module. There you find a number of string types which you need for the " "exercise:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Encoding" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Use" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "[`str`]( and [`String`]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "UTF-8" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Text processing in Rust" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "[`CStr`]( and [`CString`]" "(" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "NUL-terminated" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Communicating with C functions" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "[`OsStr`]( and " "[`OsString`](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "OS-specific" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Communicating with the OS" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "You will convert between all these types:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "`&str` to `CString`: you need to allocate space for a trailing `\\0` " "character," msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "`CString` to `*const i8`: you need a pointer to call C functions," msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "`*const i8` to `&CStr`: you need something which can find the trailing `\\0` " "character," msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "`&CStr` to `&[u8]`: a slice of bytes is the universal interface for \"some " "unknown data\"," msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "`&[u8]` to `&OsStr`: `&OsStr` is a step towards `OsString`, use [`OsStrExt`]" "( to create it," msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "`&OsStr` to `OsString`: you need to clone the data in `&OsStr` to be able to " "return it and call `readdir` again." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "The [Nomicon]( also has a very " "useful chapter about FFI." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "Copy the code below to and fill in the missing " "functions and methods:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"macos\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "// Opaque type. See\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "// Layout according to the Linux man page for readdir(3), where ino_t and\n" " // off_t are resolved according to the definitions in\n" " // /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/{sys/types.h, bits/typesizes.h}.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "// Layout according to the macOS man page for dir(5).\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"x86_64\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "// See and the section on\n" " // _DARWIN_FEATURE_64_BIT_INODE in the macOS man page for stat(2).\n" " //\n" " // \"Platforms that existed before these updates were available\" " "refers\n" " // to macOS (as opposed to iOS / wearOS / etc.) on Intel and " "PowerPC.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"readdir$INODE64\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "// Call opendir and return a Ok value if that worked,\n" " // otherwise return Err with a message.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "// Keep calling readdir until we get a NULL pointer back.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "// Call closedir as needed.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\".\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"files: {:#?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Welcome to Rust in Android" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust is supported for native platform development on Android. This means " "that you can write new operating system services in Rust, as well as " "extending existing services." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "We will attempt to call Rust from one of your own projects today. So try to " "find a little corner of your code base where we can move some lines of code " "to Rust. The fewer dependencies and \"exotic\" types the better. Something " "that parses some raw bytes would be ideal." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "We will be using an Android Virtual Device to test our code. Make sure you " "have access to one or create a new one with:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "Please see the [Android Developer Codelab](" "setup/start) for details." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "The Android build system (Soong) supports Rust via a number of modules:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Module Type" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Description" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "`rust_binary`" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Produces a Rust binary." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "`rust_library`" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Produces a Rust library, and provides both `rlib` and `dylib` variants." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "`rust_ffi`" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "Produces a Rust C library usable by `cc` modules, and provides both static " "and shared variants." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "`rust_proc_macro`" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "Produces a `proc-macro` Rust library. These are analogous to compiler " "plugins." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "`rust_test`" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Produces a Rust test binary that uses the standard Rust test harness." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "`rust_fuzz`" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Produces a Rust fuzz binary leveraging `libfuzzer`." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "`rust_protobuf`" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "Generates source and produces a Rust library that provides an interface for " "a particular protobuf." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "`rust_bindgen`" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "Generates source and produces a Rust library containing Rust bindings to C " "libraries." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "We will look at `rust_binary` and `rust_library` next." msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "Rust Binaries" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "" "Let us start with a simple application. At the root of an AOSP checkout, " "create the following files:" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/build-rules/ msgid "_hello_rust/Android.bp_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/build-rules/ msgid "\"hello_rust\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/build-rules/ #: src/android/ msgid "\"src/\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/build-rules/ msgid "_hello_rust/src/main.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/build-rules/ msgid "//! Rust demo.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/build-rules/ msgid "/// Prints a greeting to standard output.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "\"Hello from Rust!\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "You can now build, push, and run the binary:" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "" "```shell\n" "m hello_rust\n" "adb push \"$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/hello_rust /data/local/tmp\"\n" "adb shell /data/local/tmp/hello_rust\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "Rust Libraries" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "You use `rust_library` to create a new Rust library for Android." msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "Here we declare a dependency on two libraries:" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "`libgreeting`, which we define below," msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "" "`libtextwrap`, which is a crate already vendored in [`external/rust/crates/`]" "(" "crates/)." msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/build-rules/ msgid "\"hello_rust_with_dep\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/build-rules/ msgid "\"libgreetings\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "\"libtextwrap\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "\"greetings\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ src/android/aidl/ #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"src/\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "_hello_rust/src/lib.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "//! Greeting library.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "/// Greet `name`.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "\"Hello {name}, it is very nice to meet you!\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "You build, push, and run the binary like before:" msgstr "" #: src/android/build-rules/ msgid "" "```shell\n" "m hello_rust_with_dep\n" "adb push \"$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/hello_rust_with_dep /data/local/" "tmp\"\n" "adb shell /data/local/tmp/hello_rust_with_dep\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "The [Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)](" "com/guide/components/aidl) is supported in Rust:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Rust code can call existing AIDL servers," msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "You can create new AIDL servers in Rust." msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "AIDL Interfaces" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "You declare the API of your service using an AIDL interface:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "" "_birthday_service/aidl/com/example/birthdayservice/IBirthdayService.aidl_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "_birthday_service/aidl/Android.bp_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"com.example.birthdayservice\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"com/example/birthdayservice/*.aidl\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "// Rust is not enabled by default\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "" "Add `vendor_available: true` if your AIDL file is used by a binary in the " "vendor partition." msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "Service Implementation" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "We can now implement the AIDL service:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "_birthday_service/src/lib.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "//! Implementation of the `IBirthdayService` AIDL interface.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "/// The `IBirthdayService` implementation.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"Happy Birthday {name}, congratulations with the {years} years!\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ src/android/aidl/ #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "_birthday_service/Android.bp_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"libbirthdayservice\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ src/android/aidl/ #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"birthdayservice\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ src/android/aidl/ #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"com.example.birthdayservice-rust\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ src/android/aidl/ #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"libbinder_rs\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "AIDL Server" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "Finally, we can create a server which exposes the service:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "_birthday_service/src/server.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ src/android/aidl/ msgid "//! Birthday service.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "/// Entry point for birthday service.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"Failed to register service\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"birthday_server\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"src/\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "We can now build, push, and start the service:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "" "```shell\n" "m birthday_server\n" "adb push \"$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/birthday_server /data/local/" "tmp\"\n" "adb shell /data/local/tmp/birthday_server\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "In another terminal, check that the service runs:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "You can also call the service with `service call`:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "AIDL Client" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "Finally, we can create a Rust client for our new service." msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "_birthday_service/src/client.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "/// Connect to the BirthdayService.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "/// Call the birthday service.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"Failed to connect to BirthdayService\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"{msg}\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"birthday_client\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "\"src/\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "Notice that the client does not depend on `libbirthdayservice`." msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "Build, push, and run the client on your device:" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "" "```shell\n" "m birthday_client\n" "adb push \"$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/birthday_client /data/local/" "tmp\"\n" "adb shell /data/local/tmp/birthday_client Charlie 60\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/android/aidl/ msgid "" "Let us extend the API with more functionality: we want to let clients " "specify a list of lines for the birthday card:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "You should use the `log` crate to automatically log to `logcat` (on-device) " "or `stdout` (on-host):" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "_hello_rust_logs/Android.bp_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ src/android/ msgid "\"hello_rust_logs\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "\"liblog_rust\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "\"liblogger\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "_hello_rust_logs/src/main.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "//! Rust logging demo.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "/// Logs a greeting.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "\"rust\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "\"Starting program.\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "\"Things are going fine.\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "\"Something went wrong!\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/ src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "Build, push, and run the binary on your device:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "```shell\n" "m hello_rust_logs\n" "adb push \"$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/hello_rust_logs /data/local/" "tmp\"\n" "adb shell /data/local/tmp/hello_rust_logs\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "The logs show up in `adb logcat`:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "Rust has excellent support for interoperability with other languages. This " "means that you can:" msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Call Rust functions from other languages." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "Call functions written in other languages from Rust." msgstr "" #: src/android/ msgid "" "When you call functions in a foreign language we say that you're using a " "_foreign function interface_, also known as FFI." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "Interoperability with C" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "Rust has full support for linking object files with a C calling convention. " "Similarly, you can export Rust functions and call them from C." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "You can do it by hand if you want:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"{x}, {abs_x}\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "We already saw this in the [Safe FFI Wrapper exercise](../../exercises/day-3/" "" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "This assumes full knowledge of the target platform. Not recommended for " "production." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "We will look at better options next." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "Using Bindgen" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "" "The [bindgen]( " "tool can auto-generate bindings from a C header file." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "First create a small C library:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/bindgen/libbirthday.h_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/bindgen/libbirthday.c_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"libbirthday.h\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"+--------------\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"| Happy Birthday %s!\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"| Congratulations with the %i years!\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "Add this to your `Android.bp` file:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/bindgen/Android.bp_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"libbirthday\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"libbirthday.c\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "" "Create a wrapper header file for the library (not strictly needed in this " "example):" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/bindgen/libbirthday_wrapper.h_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "You can now auto-generate the bindings:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"libbirthday_bindgen\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"birthday_bindgen\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"libbirthday_wrapper.h\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"bindings\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "Finally, we can use the bindings in our Rust program:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"print_birthday_card\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/bindgen/main.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "//! Bindgen demo.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "" "```shell\n" "m print_birthday_card\n" "adb push \"$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/print_birthday_card /data/local/" "tmp\"\n" "adb shell /data/local/tmp/print_birthday_card\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "Finally, we can run auto-generated tests to ensure the bindings work:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"libbirthday_bindgen_test\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\":libbirthday_bindgen\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"general-tests\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"none\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "// Generated file, skip linting\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "Calling Rust" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "Exporting Rust functions and types to C is easy:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/rust/libanalyze/analyze.rs_" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "//! Rust FFI demo.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "/// Analyze the numbers.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"x ({x}) is smallest!\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"y ({y}) is probably larger than x ({x})\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/rust/libanalyze/analyze.h_" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/rust/libanalyze/Android.bp_" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"libanalyze_ffi\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"analyze_ffi\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "We can now call this from a C binary:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/rust/analyze/main.c_" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"analyze.h\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "_interoperability/rust/analyze/Android.bp_" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"analyze_numbers\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "\"main.c\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "" "```shell\n" "m analyze_numbers\n" "adb push \"$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/analyze_numbers /data/local/" "tmp\"\n" "adb shell /data/local/tmp/analyze_numbers\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/with-c/ msgid "" "`#[no_mangle]` disables Rust's usual name mangling, so the exported symbol " "will just be the name of the function. You can also use `#[export_name = " "\"some_name\"]` to specify whatever name you want." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "The [CXX crate]( makes it possible to do safe " "interoperability between Rust and C++." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "The overall approach looks like this:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "See the [CXX tutorial]( for an full example of " "using this." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "At this point, the instructor should switch to the [CXX tutorial](https://" "" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "Walk the students through the tutorial step by step." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "Highlight how CXX presents a clean interface without unsafe code in _both " "languages_." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "Show the correspondence between [Rust and C++ types](" "html):" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "Explain how a Rust `String` cannot map to a C++ `std::string` (the latter " "does not uphold the UTF-8 invariant). Show that despite being different " "types, `rust::String` in C++ can be easily constructed from a C++ `std::" "string`, making it very ergonomic to use." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "Explain that a Rust function returning `Result` becomes a function " "which throws a `E` exception in C++ (and vice versa)." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "Interoperability with Java" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "" "Java can load shared objects via [Java Native Interface (JNI)](https://en." " The [`jni` crate](" "jni/) allows you to create a compatible library." msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "First, we create a Rust function to export to Java:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "_interoperability/java/src/lib.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "//! Rust <-> Java FFI demo.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "/// HelloWorld::hello method implementation.\n" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"system\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"Hello, {input}!\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "_interoperability/java/Android.bp_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"libhello_jni\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"hello_jni\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"libjni\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "Finally, we can call this function from Java:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "_interoperability/java/HelloWorld.java_:" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"helloworld_jni\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "\"HelloWorld\"" msgstr "" #: src/android/interoperability/ msgid "Finally, you can build, sync, and run the binary:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/android/ msgid "" "This is a group exercise: We will look at one of the projects you work with " "and try to integrate some Rust into it. Some suggestions:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/android/ msgid "Call your AIDL service with a client written in Rust." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/android/ msgid "Move a function from your project to Rust and call it." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/android/ msgid "" "No solution is provided here since this is open-ended: it relies on someone " "in the class having a piece of code which you can turn in to Rust on the fly." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Welcome to Bare Metal Rust" msgstr "ベアメタルRustぞようこそ" #: src/ msgid "" "This is a standalone one-day course about bare-metal Rust, aimed at people " "who are familiar with the basics of Rust (perhaps from completing the " "Comprehensive Rust course), and ideally also have some experience with bare-" "metal programming in some other language such as C." msgstr "" "こちらはベアメタルRustに関する独立した日コヌスです。察象ずしおいるのは、" "Rustの基本的な郚分に関しおは習埗枈みな人で䟋えば、本講座で、Cなどの他の蚀" "語でベアメタル開発の経隓があるず理想的です。" #: src/ msgid "" "Today we will talk about 'bare-metal' Rust: running Rust code without an OS " "underneath us. This will be divided into several parts:" msgstr "" "今日、取り扱うのは、ベアメタルRustです。すなわち、OSなしでRustのコヌドを実行" "したす。この章は以䞋のような構成になりたす:" #: src/ msgid "What is `no_std` Rust?" msgstr "`no_std` Rustずは?" #: src/ msgid "Writing firmware for microcontrollers." msgstr "マむクロコントロヌラ向けのファヌムりェア開発。" #: src/ msgid "Writing bootloader / kernel code for application processors." msgstr "アプリケヌションプロセッサ向けのブヌトロヌダカヌネル開発。" #: src/ msgid "Some useful crates for bare-metal Rust development." msgstr "ベアメタルRust開発に圹立぀クレヌトの玹介。" #: src/ msgid "" "For the microcontroller part of the course we will use the [BBC micro:bit]" "( v2 as an example. It's a [development board](https://" " based on the Nordic nRF51822 microcontroller " "with some LEDs and buttons, an I2C-connected accelerometer and compass, and " "an on-board SWD debugger." msgstr "" "マむクロコントロヌラ向けの孊習では[BBC micro:bit]( v2を" "題材ずしお䜿いたす。これは、Nordic nRF51822マむコンベヌスの[開発ボヌド]" "( で、いく぀かのLEDやボタンスむッチ、I2C" "接続の加速床センサやコンパス、そしおオンボヌドSWDデバッガを搭茉しおいたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "To get started, install some tools we'll need later. On gLinux or Debian:" msgstr "" "たずはじめに、埌ほど必芁ずなるいく぀かのツヌルをむンストヌルしたす。gLinuxた" "たはDebianの堎合は以䞋のようになりたす:" #: src/ msgid "" "And give users in the `plugdev` group access to the micro:bit programmer:" msgstr "" "さらに、`plugdev`グルヌプにmicro:bitプログラム甚デバむスぞのアクセスを付䞎し" "たす:" #: src/ src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "On MacOS:" msgstr "MacOSの堎合は以䞋のようになりたす:" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`no_std`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`core`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ src/bare-metal/ msgid "`alloc`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`std`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "Slices, `&str`, `CStr`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`NonZeroU8`..." msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Option`, `Result`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Display`, `Debug`, `write!`..." msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`panic!`, `assert_eq!`..." msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`NonNull` and all the usual pointer-related functions" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Future` and `async`/`await`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`fence`, `AtomicBool`, `AtomicPtr`, `AtomicU32`..." msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Duration`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Box`, `Cow`, `Arc`, `Rc`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Vec`, `BinaryHeap`, `BtreeMap`, `LinkedList`, `VecDeque`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`String`, `CString`, `format!`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Error`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Mutex`, `Condvar`, `Barrier`, `Once`, `RwLock`, `mpsc`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`File` and the rest of `fs`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`println!`, `Read`, `Write`, `Stdin`, `Stdout` and the rest of `io`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Path`, `OsString`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`net`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`Command`, `Child`, `ExitCode`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`spawn`, `sleep` and the rest of `thread`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`SystemTime`, `Instant`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`HashMap` depends on RNG." msgstr "`HashMap`はRNGに䟝存したす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`std` re-exports the contents of both `core` and `alloc`." msgstr "`std`は`core`ず`alloc`の䞡方を再゚クスポヌトしたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "A minimal `no_std` program" msgstr "最小限の`no_std`プログラム" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "This will compile to an empty binary." msgstr "このコヌドは空のバむナリにコンパむルされたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "`std` provides a panic handler; without it we must provide our own." msgstr "" "パニックハンドラは`std`が提䟛するので、それを䜿わない堎合は自分で提䟛する必芁" "がありたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "It can also be provided by another crate, such as `panic-halt`." msgstr "" "あるいは、`panic-halt`のような別のクレヌトが提䟛するパニックハンドラを利甚す" "るこずもできたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Depending on the target, you may need to compile with `panic = \"abort\"` to " "avoid an error about `eh_personality`." msgstr "" "タヌゲットによっおは、`eh_personality`に関する゚ラヌを回避するために`panic = " "\"abort\"`を指定しおコンパむルする必芁がありたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Note that there is no `main` or any other entry point; it's up to you to " "define your own entry point. This will typically involve a linker script and " "some assembly code to set things up ready for Rust code to run." msgstr "" "なお、`main`のようなプログラムの芏定゚ントリポむントはないので、自分で゚ント" "リポむントを定矩する必芁がありたす。通垞、Rustコヌドを実行できるようにするた" "めには、リンカスクリプトずある皋床のアセンブリコヌドを必芁ずしたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "To use `alloc` you must implement a [global (heap) allocator](https://doc." "" msgstr "" "`alloc`を䜿うためには、[グロヌバルヒヌプアロケヌタ](https://doc.rust-" "を実装しなければなりたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Safe because `HEAP` is only used here and `entry` is only called once.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "// Give the allocator some memory to allocate.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "// Now we can do things that require heap allocation.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "\"A string\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "`buddy_system_allocator` is a third-party crate implementing a basic buddy " "system allocator. Other crates are available, or you can write your own or " "hook into your existing allocator." msgstr "" "`buddy_system_allocator`はサヌドパヌティのクレヌトで、単玔なバディシステムア" "ロケヌタです。その他にも利甚できるクレヌトはありたすし、自前で実装したり、別" "のアロケヌタに自分のコヌドをフックするこずも可胜です。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "The const parameter of `LockedHeap` is the max order of the allocator; i.e. " "in this case it can allocate regions of up to 2\\*\\*32 bytes." msgstr "" "パラメヌタ定数`LockedHeap`はアロケヌタの最倧オヌダを瀺したす。この堎合、" "2\\*\\*32バむトの領域を確保するこずが可胜です。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "If any crate in your dependency tree depends on `alloc` then you must have " "exactly one global allocator defined in your binary. Usually this is done in " "the top-level binary crate." msgstr "" "もし䟝存関係にあるクレヌトが`alloc`に䟝存する堎合、必ずバむナリファむルあたり" "䞀぀だけのグロヌバルなアロケヌタが存圚するようにしなければなりたせん。通垞、" "これはトップレベルのバむナリを生成するクレヌトにより制埡されたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "`extern crate panic_halt as _` is necessary to ensure that the `panic_halt` " "crate is linked in so we get its panic handler." msgstr "" "`extern crate panic_halt as _` ずいう郚分は、`panic_halt`クレヌトを確実にリン" "クし、パニックハンドラを利甚可胜にするために必芁です。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "This example will build but not run, as it doesn't have an entry point." msgstr "" "この䟋で瀺したコヌドはビルドできたすが、゚ントリポむントがないので実行するこ" "ずはできたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "The `cortex_m_rt` crate provides (among other things) a reset handler for " "Cortex M microcontrollers." msgstr "" "`cortex_m_rt`クレヌトはCortex Mマむクロコントロヌラ向けのリセットハンドラず" "その他もろもろを提䟛したす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Next we'll look at how to access peripherals, with increasing levels of " "abstraction." msgstr "" "次は、抜象床の䜎いレベルから順に呚蟺I/Oにアクセスする方法に぀いお芋おいきた" "す。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "The `cortex_m_rt::entry` macro requires that the function have type `fn() -" "> !`, because returning to the reset handler doesn't make sense." msgstr "" "リセットハンドラはリタヌンしないので、`cortex_m_rt::entry`マクロは察象関数が" "`fn() -> !`ずいう型であるこずを芁求したす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "Run the example with `cargo embed --bin minimal`" msgstr "この䟋は`cargo embed --bin minimal`により実行したす" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Most microcontrollers access peripherals via memory-mapped IO. Let's try " "turning on an LED on our micro:bit:" msgstr "" "倧半のマむクロコントロヌラはメモリマップドRIO空間を通しお呚蟺I/Oにアクセスし" "たす。micro:bitのLEDを光らせおみたしょう:" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "/// GPIO port 0 peripheral address\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "// GPIO peripheral offsets\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "// PIN_CNF fields\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "// Configure GPIO 0 pins 21 and 28 as push-pull outputs.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "// Safe because the pointers are to valid peripheral control registers, and\n" " // no aliases exist.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "// Set pin 28 low and pin 21 high to turn the LED on.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "GPIO 0 pin 21 is connected to the first column of the LED matrix, and pin 28 " "to the first row." msgstr "" "GPIO 0のピン21はマトリクスLEDの䞀番目の列に、ピン28は最初の行に接続されおいた" "す。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Run the example with:" msgstr "䟋の実行方法:" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Peripheral Access Crates" msgstr "呚蟺I/OぞアクセスするためのクレヌトPACs" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "[`svd2rust`]( generates mostly-safe Rust " "wrappers for memory-mapped peripherals from [CMSIS-SVD](" "pack/doc/CMSIS/SVD/html/index.html) files." msgstr "" "[`svd2rust`]( は[CMSIS-SVD](https://www." " ファむルから、メモリマップされた" "呚蟺I/Oに察するほが安党mostly-safeなRustラッパヌを生成したす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "SVD (System View Description) files are XML files typically provided by " "silicon vendors which describe the memory map of the device." msgstr "" "SVD (System View Description)ファむルはXMLファむルでデバむスのメモリマップを" "蚘述したものであり、通垞シリコンベンダにより提䟛されたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "They are organised by peripheral, register, field and value, with names, " "descriptions, addresses and so on." msgstr "" "呚蟺I/Oごずに、レゞスタ、フィヌルドず倀、名前、説明、アドレスなどにより構成さ" "れおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "SVD files are often buggy and incomplete, so there are various projects " "which patch the mistakes, add missing details, and publish the generated " "crates." msgstr "" "SVDファむルにはよく誀りがあり、たた情報が䞍足しおいるこずも倚いので、様々なプ" "ロゞェクトがそれを修正・远加し、クレヌトずしお公開しおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "`cortex-m-rt` provides the vector table, among other things." msgstr "`cortex-m-rt`はベクタテヌブルも提䟛したす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "If you `cargo install cargo-binutils` then you can run `cargo objdump --bin " "pac -- -d --no-show-raw-insn` to see the resulting binary." msgstr "" "もし`cargo install cargo-binutils`を実行しおいれば、`cargo objdump --bin pac " "-- -d --no-show-raw-insn`を実行するこずにより生成されたバむナリの䞭身を芋るこ" "ずができたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "HAL crates" msgstr "HALクレヌト" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "[HAL crates](" "implementation-crates) for many microcontrollers provide wrappers around " "various peripherals. These generally implement traits from [`embedded-hal`]" "(" msgstr "" "倚くのマむクロコントロヌラに察する[HALクレヌト](" "embedded/awesome-embedded-rust#hal-implementation-crates)が様々な呚蟺I/Oに察" "するラッパヌを提䟛しおいたす。これらのクレヌトの倚くは[`embedded-hal`]" "(が定矩するトレむトを実装しおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "// Create HAL wrapper for GPIO port 0.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "`set_low` and `set_high` are methods on the `embedded_hal` `OutputPin` trait." msgstr "" "`set_low`ず`set_high`は`embedded_hal`の`OutputPin`トレむトの定矩するメ゜ッド" "です。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "HAL crates exist for many Cortex-M and RISC-V devices, including various " "STM32, GD32, nRF, NXP, MSP430, AVR and PIC microcontrollers." msgstr "" "Cortex-MやRISC-Vの倚くのデバむスに察しおHALクレヌトが存圚し、これらには" "STM32、GD32、nRF、NXP、MSP430、AVR、PICマむクロコントロヌラなどが含たれたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Board support crates" msgstr "ボヌドサポヌトクレヌト" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Board support crates provide a further level of wrapping for a specific " "board for convenience." msgstr "" "ボヌドサポヌトクレヌドは特定のボヌドに察しお曎に利䟿性を向䞊させるラッパヌを" "提䟛したす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "In this case the board support crate is just providing more useful names, " "and a bit of initialisation." msgstr "" "この䟋では、ボヌドサポヌトクレヌトは単に分かりやすい名前を提䟛し、少しの初期" "化を実斜しおいるだけです。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "The crate may also include drivers for some on-board devices outside of the " "microcontroller itself." msgstr "" "マむクロコントロヌラの倖に実装されたオンボヌドデバむスに察するドラむバも提䟛" "されおいるこずがありたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "`microbit-v2` includes a simple driver for the LED matrix." msgstr "`microbit-v2`はマトリクスLEDに察する簡単なドラむバを含んでいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "The type state pattern" msgstr "タむプステヌトパタヌン" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "// let gpio0_01_again = gpio0.p0_01; // Error, moved.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "// pin_input.is_high(); // Error, moved.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Pins don't implement `Copy` or `Clone`, so only one instance of each can " "exist. Once a pin is moved out of the port struct nobody else can take it." msgstr "" "この䟋では、ピンを衚すタむプは`Copy`も`Clone`も実装しおいたせん。そのため、た" "だ䞀぀のむンスタンスだけが存圚可胜です。ピンがポヌト構造䜓からムヌブされる" "ず、他の誰もそのピンにアクセスするこずはできなくなりたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Changing the configuration of a pin consumes the old pin instance, so you " "can’t keep use the old instance afterwards." msgstr "" "ピンの蚭定を倉曎するこずは叀いピンのむンスタンスを消費するこずになりたす。そ" "のため、それ以降は叀いむンスタンスを䜿い続けるこずはできなくなりたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "The type of a value indicates the state that it is in: e.g. in this case, " "the configuration state of a GPIO pin. This encodes the state machine into " "the type system, and ensures that you don't try to use a pin in a certain " "way without properly configuring it first. Illegal state transitions are " "caught at compile time." msgstr "" "倉数の型はその状態を衚すようになっおいたす。䟋えば、この䟋では型がGPIOピンの" "状態を衚しおいたす。このようにステヌトマシンをタむプシステムに織り蟌むこず" "で、正しい蚭定をせずにピンを䜿っおしたうこずがなくなりたす。䞍正な状態遷移に" "関しおはコンパむル時に発芋されるようになりたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "You can call `is_high` on an input pin and `set_high` on an output pin, but " "not vice-versa." msgstr "" "むンプットピンに察しお`is_high`を呌び出すこずは可胜で、アりトプットピンに察し" "お`set_high`を呌び出すこずも可胜です。しかし、その逆の組み合わせは䞍可胜で" "す。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Many HAL crates follow this pattern." msgstr "倚くのHALクレヌトがこのパタヌンを甚いおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "`embedded-hal`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "The [`embedded-hal`]( crate provides a " "number of traits covering common microcontroller peripherals." msgstr "" "[`embedded-hal`](クレヌトはマむクロコン" "トロヌラの呚蟺I/Oに関しお共通に必芁ずされる倚くのトレむトを提䟛したす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "GPIO" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "ADC" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "I2C, SPI, UART, CAN" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "RNG" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Timers" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Watchdogs" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Other crates then implement [drivers](" "awesome-embedded-rust#driver-crates) in terms of these traits, e.g. an " "accelerometer driver might need an I2C or SPI bus implementation." msgstr "" "倚くのクレヌトはこれらのトレむトに察応するこずで[ドラむバ](https://github." "com/rust-embedded/awesome-embedded-rust#driver-crates)を実装したす。䟋えば、" "加速床センサのドラむバにはI2CやSPIバスの実装が必芁かもしれたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "There are implementations for many microcontrollers, as well as other " "platforms such as Linux on Raspberry Pi." msgstr "" "倚くのマむクロコントロヌラに察する実装に加えお、Raspberry Pi䞊のLinux向けの実" "装も存圚したす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "There is work in progress on an `async` version of `embedded-hal`, but it " "isn't stable yet." msgstr "" "`embedded-hal`の`async`バヌゞョンも開発䞭ですが、ただ安定しおはいたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "`probe-rs`, `cargo-embed`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "[probe-rs]( is a handy toolset for embedded debugging, " "like OpenOCD but better integrated." msgstr "" "[probe-rs](は組み蟌み向けデバッグに有甚なツヌルセットです。" "これはOpenOCDのようなものですが、より高床に統合されおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "SWD (Serial Wire Debug) and JTAG via CMSIS-DAP, ST-Link and J-Link probes" msgstr "" "SWD (Serial Wire Debug) やCMSIS-DAP経由のJTAG、 ST-LinkやJ-Linkプロヌブ" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "GDB stub and Microsoft DAP (Debug Adapter Protocol) server" msgstr "GDBスタブやMicrosoft DAP (Debug Adapter Protocol)サヌバ" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Cargo integration" msgstr "Cargoずのむンテグレヌション" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "`cargo-embed` is a cargo subcommand to build and flash binaries, log RTT " "(Real Time Transfers) output and connect GDB. It's configured by an `Embed." "toml` file in your project directory." msgstr "" "`cargo-embed`はcargoのサブコマンドであり、バむナリをビルドしたり、フラッシュ" "したり、RTTReal Time Transfersの出力ログを取埗したり、GDBに接続するための" "ものです。蚭定は察象ずするプロゞェクトディレクトリにおける`Embed.toml`ファむ" "ルにより行いたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "[CMSIS-DAP]( is " "an Arm standard protocol over USB for an in-circuit debugger to access the " "CoreSight Debug Access Port of various Arm Cortex processors. It's what the " "on-board debugger on the BBC micro:bit uses." msgstr "" "[CMSIS-DAP]( はUSB" "䞊のARM暙準プロトコルで、むンサヌキット・デバッガが様々なArm Cortexプロセッサ" "のコアサむト・デバッグ・アクセスポヌトにアクセスするためのものです。BBC " "micro:bit のオンボヌド・デバッガもこれを利甚しおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "ST-Link is a range of in-circuit debuggers from ST Microelectronics, J-Link " "is a range from SEGGER." msgstr "" "ST-Link はST Microelectronicsによるむンサヌキット・デバッガの総称で、 J-Link" "はSEGGERによるむンサヌキット・デバッガの総称です。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "The Debug Access Port is usually either a 5-pin JTAG interface or 2-pin " "Serial Wire Debug." msgstr "" "デバッグ・アクセスポヌトは通垞ピンのJTAGむンタフェヌスか、2ピンのシリアルワ" "むダデバッグです。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "probe-rs is a library which you can integrate into your own tools if you " "want to." msgstr "" "probe-rsは自分で独自のツヌルを統合したい堎合に利甚できるラむブラリです。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "The [Microsoft Debug Adapter Protocol](" "adapter-protocol/) lets VSCode and other IDEs debug code running on any " "supported microcontroller." msgstr "" "[Microsoft Debug Adapter Protocol](" "protocol/) はVSCodeや他のIDEから、サポヌトされたマむクロコントロヌラ䞊で実行" "されおいるコヌドをデバッグするこずを可胜にしたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "cargo-embed is a binary built using the probe-rs library." msgstr "cargo-embedはprobe-rsラむブラリを利甚しお生成されたバむナリです。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "RTT (Real Time Transfers) is a mechanism to transfer data between the debug " "host and the target through a number of ringbuffers." msgstr "" "RTT (Real Time Transfers)はデバッグホストずタヌゲット間のデヌタを倚くのリング" "バッファを介しおやりずりするためのメカニズムです。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "_Embed.toml_:" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "In one terminal under `src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/examples/`:" msgstr "" "ひず぀のタヌミナルで、`src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/examples/`においお䞋蚘" "を実行:" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "In another terminal in the same directory:" msgstr "別のタヌミナルで、同じディレクトリで䞋蚘を実行:" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "On gLinux or Debian:" msgstr "gLinuxたたはDebianの堎合:" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "In GDB, try running:" msgstr "GDBで䞋蚘を実行しおみおください:" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Other projects" msgstr "他のプロゞェクト" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "[RTIC](" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "\"Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency\"" msgstr "\"Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency\"の略" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Shared resource management, message passing, task scheduling, timer queue" msgstr "" "共有リ゜ヌス管理、メッセヌゞパッシング、タスクスケゞュヌリング、タむマキュヌ" "を提䟛" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "[Embassy](" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "`async` executors with priorities, timers, networking, USB" msgstr "優先床付き`async` ゚グれキュヌタ、タむマ、ネットワヌク、USB" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "[TockOS](" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Security-focused RTOS with preemptive scheduling and Memory Protection Unit " "support" msgstr "" "セキュリティに焊点をあおたRTOSで、プリ゚ンプティブ・スケゞュヌリングずMemory " "Protection Unitをサポヌト" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "[Hubris](" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Microkernel RTOS from Oxide Computer Company with memory protection, " "unprivileged drivers, IPC" msgstr "" "Oxide Computer CompanyによるマむクロカヌネルのRTOSでメモリ保護、非特暩ドラむ" "バ、IPCを提䟛" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "[Bindings for FreeRTOS](" msgstr "" "[FreeRTOSに察するRustバむンディング](" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Some platforms have `std` implementations, e.g. [esp-idf](https://esp-rs." "" msgstr "" "いく぀かのプラットフォヌムでは `std`の実装あり、䟋えば [esp-idf](https://esp-" "。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "RTIC can be considered either an RTOS or a concurrency framework." msgstr "" "RTICはRTOSずしお捉えるこずもできたすし、䞊行実行のフレヌムワヌクずしお捉える" "こずもできたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "It doesn't include any HALs." msgstr "他のHALを党く含んでいたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "It uses the Cortex-M NVIC (Nested Virtual Interrupt Controller) for " "scheduling rather than a proper kernel." msgstr "" "スケゞュヌリングはカヌネルではなく、Cortex-M NVIC (Nested Virtual Interrupt " "Controller)を利甚しお行いたす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "Cortex-M only." msgstr "Cortex-Mのみの察応です。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "Google uses TockOS on the Haven microcontroller for Titan security keys." msgstr "" "GoogleはTockOSをTitanセキュリティキヌのHavenマむクロコントロヌラで利甚しおい" "たす。" #: src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/ msgid "" "FreeRTOS is mostly written in C, but there are Rust bindings for writing " "applications." msgstr "" "FreeRTOS はほずんどCで曞かれおいたすが、アプリケヌションを開発するためのRust" "バむンディングが存圚したす。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "We will read the direction from an I2C compass, and log the readings to a " "serial port." msgstr "" "I2C接続のコンパスから方䜍を読み取り、その結果をシリアルポヌトに出力したす。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "We will read the direction from an I2C compass, and log the readings to a " "serial port. If you have time, try displaying it on the LEDs somehow too, or " "use the buttons somehow." msgstr "" "I2C接続のコンパスから方䜍を読み取り、その結果をシリアルポヌトに出力したす。も" "し時間があれば、LEDやボタンをなんずか利甚しお方䜍を出力しおみおください。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "Hints:" msgstr "ヒント:" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Check the documentation for the [`lsm303agr`](" "latest/lsm303agr/) and [`microbit-v2`](" "microbit/) crates, as well as the [micro:bit hardware](https://tech.microbit." "org/hardware/)." msgstr "" "[`lsm303agr`]( クレヌトず " "[`microbit-v2`](クレヌトのドキュ" "メント、ならびに[micro:bitハヌドりェア仕様](" "hardware/)を確認しおみおください。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "The LSM303AGR Inertial Measurement Unit is connected to the internal I2C bus." msgstr "LSM303AGR慣性蚈枬噚は内郚のI2Cバスに接続されおいたす。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "TWI is another name for I2C, so the I2C master peripheral is called TWIM." msgstr "TWIはI2Cの別名なので、I2CマスタはTWIMずいう名前になっおいたす。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "The LSM303AGR driver needs something implementing the `embedded_hal::" "blocking::i2c::WriteRead` trait. The [`microbit::hal::Twim`](" "microbit-v2/latest/microbit/hal/struct.Twim.html) struct implements this." msgstr "" "LSM303AGRドラむバは`embedded_hal::blocking::i2c::WriteRead`を実装するものを必" "芁ずしたす。 [`microbit::hal::Twim`](" "microbit/hal/struct.Twim.html)構造䜓がこれを実装しおいたす。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "You have a [`microbit::Board`](" "struct.Board.html) struct with fields for the various pins and peripherals." msgstr "" "様々なピンや呚蟺I/Oのための [`microbit::Board`](" "latest/microbit/struct.Board.html)ずいう構造䜓がありたす。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "You can also look at the [nRF52833 datasheet](https://infocenter.nordicsemi." "com/pdf/nRF52833_PS_v1.5.pdf) if you want, but it shouldn't be necessary for " "this exercise." msgstr "" "[nRF52833デヌタシヌト](" "nRF52833_PS_v1.5.pdf)を芋るこずもできたすが、この緎習問題のためには必芁ないは" "ずです。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Download the [exercise template](../../ and " "look in the `compass` directory for the following files." msgstr "" "[緎習問題のテンプレヌト](../../ をダりンロヌ" "ドしお、`compass`ずいうディレクトリの䞭にある䞋蚘のファむルを芋おください。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_src/main.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Configure serial port.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Set up the I2C controller and Inertial Measurement Unit.\n" " // TODO\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"Ready.\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Read compass data and log it to the serial port.\n" " // TODO\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_Cargo.toml_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "_Cargo.toml_ (倉曎は䞍芁なはずです):" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_Embed.toml_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "_Embed.toml_ (倉曎は䞍芁なはずです):" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_.cargo/config.toml_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "_.cargo/config.toml_ (倉曎は䞍芁なはずです):" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "See the serial output on Linux with:" msgstr "Linuxではシリアルポヌト出力を䞋蚘のコマンドで確認したす:" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Or on Mac OS something like (the device name may be slightly different):" msgstr "Mac OSではこんな感じになりたすデバむス名が少し違うかもしれたせん:" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "Use Ctrl+A Ctrl+Q to quit picocom." msgstr "Ctrl+A Ctrl+Q でpicocomを終了したす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "Application processors" msgstr "アプリケヌションプロセッサ" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "So far we've talked about microcontrollers, such as the Arm Cortex-M series. " "Now let's try writing something for Cortex-A. For simplicity we'll just work " "with QEMU's aarch64 ['virt'](" "virt.html) board." msgstr "" "ここたではArm Cortex-Mシリヌズのようなマむクロコントロヌラに぀いお芋おきたし" "た。今床はCortex-Aを察象ずしお䜕かを曞いおみたしょう。簡単化のために、ここで" "は本物のハヌドりェアではなくQEMUのaarch64 ['virt'](https://qemu-project." "ボヌドを利甚したす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Broadly speaking, microcontrollers don't have an MMU or multiple levels of " "privilege (exception levels on Arm CPUs, rings on x86), while application " "processors do." msgstr "" "倧たかに蚀っお、マむクロコントロヌラがMMUや耇数の特暩レベルArm CPUにおける" "䟋倖レベル、x86におけるリングを持たないのに察し、アプリケヌションプロセッサ" "はこれらを持っおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "QEMU supports emulating various different machines or board models for each " "architecture. The 'virt' board doesn't correspond to any particular real " "hardware, but is designed purely for virtual machines." msgstr "" "QEMU は個々のアヌキテクチャに察しお様々な異なるマシンやボヌドモデルをサポヌト" "しおいたす。今回䜿う 'virt' ボヌドは特定の本物のハヌドりェアに察応したもので" "はなく、玔粋に仮想マシンずしお蚭蚈されたものです。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Before we can start running Rust code, we need to do some initialisation." msgstr "Rustのコヌドを実行できるようになる前にいく぀かの初期化が必芁です。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "```armasm\n" ".section .init.entry, \"ax\"\n" ".global entry\n" "entry:\n" " /*\n" " * Load and apply the memory management configuration, ready to enable " "MMU and\n" " * caches.\n" " */\n" " adrp x30, idmap\n" " msr ttbr0_el1, x30\n" "\n" " mov_i x30, .Lmairval\n" " msr mair_el1, x30\n" "\n" " mov_i x30, .Ltcrval\n" " /* Copy the supported PA range into TCR_EL1.IPS. */\n" " mrs x29, id_aa64mmfr0_el1\n" " bfi x30, x29, #32, #4\n" "\n" " msr tcr_el1, x30\n" "\n" " mov_i x30, .Lsctlrval\n" "\n" " /*\n" " * Ensure everything before this point has completed, then invalidate " "any\n" " * potentially stale local TLB entries before they start being used.\n" " */\n" " isb\n" " tlbi vmalle1\n" " ic iallu\n" " dsb nsh\n" " isb\n" "\n" " /*\n" " * Configure sctlr_el1 to enable MMU and cache and don't proceed until " "this\n" " * has completed.\n" " */\n" " msr sctlr_el1, x30\n" " isb\n" "\n" " /* Disable trapping floating point access in EL1. */\n" " mrs x30, cpacr_el1\n" " orr x30, x30, #(0x3 << 20)\n" " msr cpacr_el1, x30\n" " isb\n" "\n" " /* Zero out the bss section. */\n" " adr_l x29, bss_begin\n" " adr_l x30, bss_end\n" "0: cmp x29, x30\n" " b.hs 1f\n" " stp xzr, xzr, [x29], #16\n" " b 0b\n" "\n" "1: /* Prepare the stack. */\n" " adr_l x30, boot_stack_end\n" " mov sp, x30\n" "\n" " /* Set up exception vector. */\n" " adr x30, vector_table_el1\n" " msr vbar_el1, x30\n" "\n" " /* Call into Rust code. */\n" " bl main\n" "\n" " /* Loop forever waiting for interrupts. */\n" "2: wfi\n" " b 2b\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "This is the same as it would be for C: initialising the processor state, " "zeroing the BSS, and setting up the stack pointer." msgstr "" "この初期化内容はCの堎合ず同じになりたす。プロセッサ状態を初期化しお、BSSã‚’ã‚Œ" "ロ埋めしお、スタックポむンタを蚭定したす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "The BSS (block starting symbol, for historical reasons) is the part of the " "object file which containing statically allocated variables which are " "initialised to zero. They are omitted from the image, to avoid wasting space " "on zeroes. The compiler assumes that the loader will take care of zeroing " "them." msgstr "" "BSS歎史的な理由によりblock starting symbolず呌ばれおいるものはオブゞェク" "トファむルにおいおれロ初期化される静的な倉数を含む郚分です。この郚分はれロに" "よる領域の浪費を避けるためにむメヌゞからは陀倖されおいたす。コンパむラはロヌ" "ダがこの領域をれロ初期化するこずを想定しおいるのです。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "The BSS may already be zeroed, depending on how memory is initialised and " "the image is loaded, but we zero it to be sure." msgstr "" "メモリの初期化方法やむメヌゞのロヌド方法によっおはBSSはすでにれロ埋めされおい" "るこずがありたすが、ここでは念の為にれロ埋めしおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "We need to enable the MMU and cache before reading or writing any memory. If " "we don't:" msgstr "" "いかなるメモリのreadやwriteよりも前にMMUずキャッシュを有効化する必芁がありた" "す。それをしないず" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Unaligned accesses will fault. We build the Rust code for the `aarch64-" "unknown-none` target which sets `+strict-align` to prevent the compiler " "generating unaligned accesses, so it should be fine in this case, but this " "is not necessarily the case in general." msgstr "" "アラむンされおいないアクセスがフォヌルトになりたす。我々はコンパむラがアラむ" "ンされおいないアクセスを生成しないように`+strict-align`オプション を蚭定する" "`aarch64-unknown-none` タヌゲット向けにRustコヌドをビルドしたす。そのためここ" "では問題にはなりたせんが、䞀般的にはそうずは蚀えたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "If it were running in a VM, this can lead to cache coherency issues. The " "problem is that the VM is accessing memory directly with the cache disabled, " "while the host has cacheable aliases to the same memory. Even if the host " "doesn't explicitly access the memory, speculative accesses can lead to cache " "fills, and then changes from one or the other will get lost when the cache " "is cleaned or the VM enables the cache. (Cache is keyed by physical address, " "not VA or IPA.)" msgstr "" "もしVM䞊で実行しおいたずするず、キャッシュコヒヌレンシヌの問題を起こすこずが" "ありたす。問題なのはVMがキャッシュを無効化したたた盎接メモリにアクセスしおい" "るのに察し、ホストは同じメモリに察しおキャッシュ可胜な゚むリアスを持っおした" "うずいうこずです。ホストが仮に明瀺的にメモリにアクセスしないずしおも、投機的" "なアクセスによりキャッシュフィルが起きるこずがありたす。そうなるず、ホストが" "キャッシュをフラッシュするかVMがキャッシュを有効化したずきに、VMかホストのど" "ちらかによる倉曎が倱われおしたいたす。キャッシュは仮想アドレスやIPAではなく" "物理アドレスをキヌずしおアクセスされたす" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "For simplicity, we just use a hardcoded pagetable (see `idmap.S`) which " "identity maps the first 1 GiB of address space for devices, the next 1 GiB " "for DRAM, and another 1 GiB higher up for more devices. This matches the " "memory layout that QEMU uses." msgstr "" "単玔化のために、ハヌドコヌドしたペヌゞテヌブル`idmap.S`参照を利甚したす。" "このペヌゞテヌブルは最初の1GiBをデバむス甚に、次の1GiBをDRAM甚に、次の1GiBを" "さらなるデバむス甚に透過的にマップしたす。これはQEMUのメモリレむアりトに合臎" "したす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "We also set up the exception vector (`vbar_el1`), which we'll see more about " "later." msgstr "" "䟋倖ベクタ`vbar_el1`も蚭定したす。これに関しおは埌ほど詳しく芋たす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "All examples this afternoon assume we will be running at exception level 1 " "(EL1). If you need to run at a different exception level you'll need to " "modify `entry.S` accordingly." msgstr "" "今日の午埌に扱うすべおの䟋は䟋倖レベルEL1で実行されるこずを想定しおいた" "す。もし、別の䟋倖レベルで実行する必芁がある堎合には、`entry.S`をそれに合わせ" "お倉曎する必芁がありたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Inline assembly" msgstr "むンラむンアセンブリ" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Sometimes we need to use assembly to do things that aren't possible with " "Rust code. For example, to make an HVC (hypervisor call) to tell the " "firmware to power off the system:" msgstr "" "時折Rustコヌドでは曞けないこずを行うためにアセンブリ蚀語を䜿う必芁がありた" "す。䟋えば、電源を萜ずすためにファヌムりェアに察しおHVCハむパヌバむザコヌ" "ルを発行する堎合です" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "// Safe because this only uses the declared registers and doesn't do\n" " // anything with memory.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"hvc #0\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"w0\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"w1\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"w2\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"w3\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"w4\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"w5\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"w6\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"w7\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "(If you actually want to do this, use the [`smccc`](" "smccc) crate which has wrappers for all these functions.)" msgstr "" "もし実際に電源を萜ずすプログラムを曞きたい堎合は、これらのすべおの機胜に察" "するラッパヌを提䟛しおいる[`smccc`](を䜿うず良" "いでしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "PSCI is the Arm Power State Coordination Interface, a standard set of " "functions to manage system and CPU power states, among other things. It is " "implemented by EL3 firmware and hypervisors on many systems." msgstr "" "PSCI はArmのPower State Coordination Interfaceのこずであり、これはシステムや" "CPU電力状態管理の機胜を含む暙準的なセットです。これは倚くのシステムでEL3" "ファヌムりェアずハむパヌバむザにより実装されおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "The `0 => _` syntax means initialise the register to 0 before running the " "inline assembly code, and ignore its contents afterwards. We need to use " "`inout` rather than `in` because the call could potentially clobber the " "contents of the registers." msgstr "" "`0 => _` ずいうシンタックスは、むンラむンアセンブリを実行する前にレゞスタをれ" "ロで初期化し、実行埌はその倀は気にしないずいうこずを瀺しおいたす。`in`ではな" "く`inout`を䜿う必芁があるのは、この実行でレゞスタの倀を䞊曞きしおしたう可胜性" "があるからです。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "This `main` function needs to be `#[no_mangle]` and `extern \"C\"` because " "it is called from our entry point in `entry.S`." msgstr "" "この `main` 関数は`entry.S`にある゚ントリポむントから呌ばれるため、" "`#[no_mangle]`ず`extern \"C\"`を必芁ずしたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "`_x0`–`_x3` are the values of registers `x0`–`x3`, which are conventionally " "used by the bootloader to pass things like a pointer to the device tree. " "According to the standard aarch64 calling convention (which is what `extern " "\"C\"` specifies to use), registers `x0`–`x7` are used for the first 8 " "arguments passed to a function, so `entry.S` doesn't need to do anything " "special except make sure it doesn't change these registers." msgstr "" "`_x0`–`_x3`はレゞスタ`x0`–`x3`の倀であり、慣習的にブヌトロヌドがデバむスツ" "リヌなどぞのポむンタを枡すのに利甚されおいたす。`extern \"C\"`により指定さ" "れたaarch64 の関数コヌル芏玄ではレゞスタ`x0`–`x7`は最初の個の匕数を関数に" "枡すのに利甚されるこずになっおいるため、`entry.S` はこれらの倀を倉曎しないよ" "うにする以倖の特別なこずをする必芁はありたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Run the example in QEMU with `make qemu_psci` under `src/bare-metal/aps/" "examples`." msgstr "" "この䟋を`src/bare-metal/aps/examples`においお`make qemu_psci`ずするこずでQEMU" "により実行しおみたしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Volatile memory access for MMIO" msgstr "MMIOに察するvolatileアクセス" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Use `pointer::read_volatile` and `pointer::write_volatile`." msgstr "`pointer::read_volatile`ず`pointer::write_volatile`を䜿いたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Never hold a reference." msgstr "絶察に参照を保持しおはいけたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "`addr_of!` lets you get fields of structs without creating an intermediate " "reference." msgstr "" "`addr_of!`を甚いるず、䞭間的な参照を䜜らずに構造䜓のフィヌルドにアクセスする" "こずができたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Volatile access: read or write operations may have side-effects, so prevent " "the compiler or hardware from reordering, duplicating or eliding them." msgstr "" "VolatileアクセスMMIO領域に察するreadやwriteは副䜜甚があるこずがあるので、コ" "ンパむラやハヌドりェアが実行順序を倉曎したり、耇補したり、省略したりできない" "ようにするためのものです。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Usually if you write and then read, e.g. via a mutable reference, the " "compiler may assume that the value read is the same as the value just " "written, and not bother actually reading memory." msgstr "" "通垞は、䟋えばある可倉参照に察しおラむトしリヌドするず、コンパむラはラむトし" "たのず同じ倀がリヌドで読み出されるず想定し、実際にメモリをリヌドする必芁はな" "いず刀断したす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Some existing crates for volatile access to hardware do hold references, but " "this is unsound. Whenever a reference exist, the compiler may choose to " "dereference it." msgstr "" "ハヌドりェアぞのvolatileアクセスを行うための既存のクレヌトには参照を保持する" "ものがありたすが、これは健党ではありたせん。参照が存圚する間はい぀でもコンパ" "むラがその参照を倖しおMMIO領域にアクセスしおしたう可胜性がありたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Use the `addr_of!` macro to get struct field pointers from a pointer to the " "struct." msgstr "" "構造䜓のポむンタからそのフィヌルドぞのポむンタを埗るには`addr_of!` マクロを" "䜿っおください。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Let's write a UART driver" msgstr "UARTドラむバを曞いおみたしょう" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "The QEMU 'virt' machine has a [PL011](" "documentation/ddi0183/g) UART, so let's write a driver for that." msgstr "" "QEMUの'virt' マシンには[PL011](" "ddi0183/g)ずいうUARTがあるので、それに察するドラむバを曞いおみたしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "/// Minimal driver for a PL011 UART.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "/// Constructs a new instance of the UART driver for a PL011 device at the\n" " /// given base address.\n" " ///\n" " /// # Safety\n" " ///\n" " /// The given base address must point to the 8 MMIO control registers of " "a\n" " /// PL011 device, which must be mapped into the address space of the " "process\n" " /// as device memory and not have any other aliases.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Writes a single byte to the UART.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Wait until there is room in the TX buffer.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "// Safe because we know that the base address points to the control\n" " // registers of a PL011 device which is appropriately mapped.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Write to the TX buffer.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Wait until the UART is no longer busy.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Note that `Uart::new` is unsafe while the other methods are safe. This is " "because as long as the caller of `Uart::new` guarantees that its safety " "requirements are met (i.e. that there is only ever one instance of the " "driver for a given UART, and nothing else aliasing its address space), then " "it is always safe to call `write_byte` later because we can assume the " "necessary preconditions." msgstr "" "`Uart::new`がアンセヌフでその他のメ゜ッドがセヌフであるずいうこずに泚目しおく" "ださい。これは、`Uart::new`の安党性芁求が満たされおいるすなわち特定のUARTに" "察しお䞀぀しかドラむバのむンスタンスが存圚せず、そのアドレス空間に察しお゚む" "リアスが党く存圚しないこずをその呌び出し元が保蚌する限り、それ以降は必芁な" "事前条件が満たされおいるず想定するこずができ`write_byte`を垞に安党に呌び出す" "こずができるようになるこずが理由です。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "We could have done it the other way around (making `new` safe but " "`write_byte` unsafe), but that would be much less convenient to use as every " "place that calls `write_byte` would need to reason about the safety" msgstr "" "逆に`new`をセヌフにしお、`write_byte` をアンセヌフにするこずもできたした" "が、そうするず`write_byte`の党呌び出し箇所においお安党性を考慮しなければなら" "なくなり、利䟿性が䜎䞋したす" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "This is a common pattern for writing safe wrappers of unsafe code: moving " "the burden of proof for soundness from a large number of places to a smaller " "number of places." msgstr "" "これはアンセヌフなコヌドに察しおセヌフなラッパヌを構築する堎合の共通パタヌン" "です健党性に関する蚌明に関する劎力を倚数の堎所から少数の堎所に集玄したす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/uart/ msgid "More traits" msgstr "他のトレむト" #: src/bare-metal/aps/uart/ msgid "" "We derived the `Debug` trait. It would be useful to implement a few more " "traits too." msgstr "" "ここでは`Debug`トレむトを導出したした。この他にもいく぀かのトレむトを実装する" "ず良いでしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/uart/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Safe because it just contains a pointer to device memory, which can be\n" "// accessed from any context.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/uart/ msgid "" "Implementing `Write` lets us use the `write!` and `writeln!` macros with our " "`Uart` type." msgstr "" "`Write`を実装するず、`Uart` タむプに察しお `write!`ず`writeln!`マクロが利甚で" "きるようになりたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/uart/ msgid "" "Run the example in QEMU with `make qemu_minimal` under `src/bare-metal/aps/" "examples`." msgstr "" "この䟋を`src/bare-metal/aps/examples`においお`make qemu_minimal`ずするこず" "で、QEMUにより実行しおみたしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "A better UART driver" msgstr "UARTドラむバの改善" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "The PL011 actually has [a bunch more registers](" "documentation/ddi0183/g/programmers-model/summary-of-registers), and adding " "offsets to construct pointers to access them is error-prone and hard to " "read. Plus, some of them are bit fields which would be nice to access in a " "structured way." msgstr "" "実際のずころPL011には[もっず倚くのレゞスタ](" "documentation/ddi0183/g/programmers-model/summary-of-registers)があり、それら" "にアクセスするためにオフセットを足しおポむンタを埗るこずは間違えになりやす" "く、可読性を䜎䞋させたす。さらに、いく぀かはビットフィヌルドなので、構造化さ" "れた方法でアクセスできたほうが良いでしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Offset" msgstr "オフセット" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Register name" msgstr "レゞスタ名" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Width" msgstr "幅" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x00" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "DR" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "12" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x04" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "RSR" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "4" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x18" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "FR" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "9" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x20" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "ILPR" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "8" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x24" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "IBRD" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "16" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x28" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "FBRD" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "6" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x2c" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "LCR_H" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x30" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "CR" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x34" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "IFLS" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x38" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "IMSC" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "11" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x3c" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "RIS" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x40" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "MIS" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x44" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "ICR" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "0x48" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "DMACR" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "3" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "There are also some ID registers which have been omitted for brevity." msgstr "いく぀かのIDレゞスタは簡単化のための省略しおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "The [`bitflags`]( crate is useful for " "working with bitflags." msgstr "" "[`bitflags`]( クレヌトはビットフラグを扱う" "のに䟿利です。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Flags from the UART flag register.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Clear to send.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Data set ready.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Data carrier detect.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// UART busy transmitting data.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Receive FIFO is empty.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Transmit FIFO is full.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Receive FIFO is full.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Transmit FIFO is empty.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Ring indicator.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "The `bitflags!` macro creates a newtype something like `Flags(u16)`, along " "with a bunch of method implementations to get and set flags." msgstr "" "`bitflags!`マクロは`Flags(u16)`のような新しいタむプを生成し、フラグを読み曞き" "するための倚くのメ゜ッド実装を䞀緒に提䟛したす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "Multiple registers" msgstr "耇数のレゞスタ" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "We can use a struct to represent the memory layout of the UART's registers." msgstr "" "構造䜓を䜿っおUARTのレゞスタのメモリレむアりトを衚珟するこずができたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "[`#[repr(C)]`](" "representation) tells the compiler to lay the struct fields out in order, " "following the same rules as C. This is necessary for our struct to have a " "predictable layout, as default Rust representation allows the compiler to " "(among other things) reorder fields however it sees fit." msgstr "" "[`#[repr(C)]`](" "representation) はコンパむラに察しお、Cず同じ芏則に埓っお構造䜓のフィヌルドを" "定矩されおいる順番で配眮するこずを指瀺したす。これは構造䜓のレむアりトを予枬" "可胜にするために必芁です。なぜならば、Rust暙準の衚珟はコンパむラがフィヌルド" "を奜きなように䞊び替えるこず他にも色々ずありたすがを蚱しおいるからです。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "Now let's use the new `Registers` struct in our driver." msgstr "新しく定矩した`Registers` 構造䜓を我々のドラむバで䜿っおみたしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "/// Driver for a PL011 UART.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Safe because we know that self.registers points to the control\n" " // registers of a PL011 device which is appropriately mapped.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "/// Reads and returns a pending byte, or `None` if nothing has been " "received.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// TODO: Check for error conditions in bits 8-11.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "Note the use of `addr_of!` / `addr_of_mut!` to get pointers to individual " "fields without creating an intermediate reference, which would be unsound." msgstr "" "`addr_of!`ず`addr_of_mut!` を䜿甚しお個々のフィヌルドに察するポむンタを取埗す" "るこずで、䞍健党ずなっおしたう䞭間的な参照を䜜らずに枈んでいるこずに泚目しお" "ください。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ msgid "Using it" msgstr "䜿甚䟋" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "Let's write a small program using our driver to write to the serial console, " "and echo incoming bytes." msgstr "" "我々のドラむバを䜿っお、シリアルコン゜ヌルにラむトし、そしお入力されたバむト" "を゚コヌする小さなプログラムを曞いおみたしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Base address of the primary PL011 UART.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Safe because `PL011_BASE_ADDRESS` is the base address of a PL011 device,\n" " // and nothing else accesses that address range.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ msgid "\"main({x0:#x}, {x1:#x}, {x2:#x}, {x3:#x})\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "b'\\r'" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "b'\\n'" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "b'q'" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "\"Bye!\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "As in the [inline assembly](../ example, this `main` " "function is called from our entry point code in `entry.S`. See the speaker " "notes there for details." msgstr "" "[むンラむンアセンブリ](../ の䟋ず同じように、この`main`関" "数は`entry.S`における゚ントリポむントから呌び出されたす。詳现はそちらの" "speaker notesを参照しおください。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/ msgid "" "Run the example in QEMU with `make qemu` under `src/bare-metal/aps/examples`." msgstr "" "この䟋を`src/bare-metal/aps/examples`においお`make qemu`ずするこずでQEMUによ" "り実行しおみたしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "It would be nice to be able to use the logging macros from the [`log`]" "( crate. We can do this by implementing the " "`Log` trait." msgstr "" "[`log`]( クレヌトが提䟛するログ甚マクロを䜿える" "ず良いでしょう。これは`Log`トレむトを実装するこずで可胜になりたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"[{}] {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Initialises UART logger.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "The unwrap in `log` is safe because we initialise `LOGGER` before calling " "`set_logger`." msgstr "" "`LOGGER` を`set_logger`を呌び出す前に初期化しおいるので、log` におけるunwrap" "はセヌフです。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ msgid "We need to initialise the logger before we use it." msgstr "䜿甚前にloggerを初期化する必芁がありたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"{info}\"" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ msgid "Note that our panic handler can now log details of panics." msgstr "" "我々のパニックハンドラがパニックの詳现に぀いおログ出力できるようになったこず" "に泚目しおください。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/logging/ msgid "" "Run the example in QEMU with `make qemu_logger` under `src/bare-metal/aps/" "examples`." msgstr "" "この䟋を`src/bare-metal/aps/examples`においお`make qemu_logger`ずするこずで" "QEMUにより実行しおみたしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "AArch64 defines an exception vector table with 16 entries, for 4 types of " "exceptions (synchronous, IRQ, FIQ, SError) from 4 states (current EL with " "SP0, current EL with SPx, lower EL using AArch64, lower EL using AArch32). " "We implement this in assembly to save volatile registers to the stack before " "calling into Rust code:" msgstr "" "AArch64は16゚ントリを持぀䟋倖ベクタヌテヌブルを定矩しおおり、これらは぀のス" "テヌト珟圚のELでSP0利甚、珟圚のELでSPx利甚、䜎䜍のELでAArch64、䜎䜍のELで" "AArch32における぀のタむプの䟋倖同期、IRQ、FIQ、SErrorに察応したす。こ" "こではRustコヌドの呌び出し前に揮発レゞスタの倀をスタックに退避するためにベク" "タヌテヌブルをアセンブリ蚀語で実装しおいたす" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "EL is exception level; all our examples this afternoon run in EL1." msgstr "" "ELは䟋倖レベルです。本日の午埌に扱ったすべおの䟋はEL1で実行されおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "For simplicity we aren't distinguishing between SP0 and SPx for the current " "EL exceptions, or between AArch32 and AArch64 for the lower EL exceptions." msgstr "" "簡単化のために、ここでは珟圚のEL䟋倖におけるSP0ずSPの違い、䜎䜍のELレベルに" "おけるAArch32ずAArch64の違いを区別しおいたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "For this example we just log the exception and power down, as we don't " "expect any of them to actually happen." msgstr "" "ここではこれらの䟋倖が発生しないはずなので、ただ䟋倖に関するログを出力し、電" "源を萜ずしおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "We can think of exception handlers and our main execution context more or " "less like different threads. [`Send` and `Sync`](../../concurrency/send-sync." "md) will control what we can share between them, just like with threads. For " "example, if we want to share some value between exception handlers and the " "rest of the program, and it's `Send` but not `Sync`, then we'll need to wrap " "it in something like a `Mutex` and put it in a static." msgstr "" "䟋倖ハンドラずメむンの実行コンテキストは異なるスレッドのようなものだず考える" "こずができたす。ちょうどスレッド間の共有ず同じように、[`Send`ず`Sync`](../../" "concurrency/により䜕を共有するかを制埡するこずができたす。䟋え" "ば、䟋倖ハンドラずプログラムの他のコンテキストでずある倀を共有したい堎合に、" "もしそれが `Send`であり`Sync`でなければ、`Mutex` のようなものでラップしお、" "staticに定矩しなければなりたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "[oreboot](" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "\"coreboot without the C\"" msgstr "\"Cのない぀たり、C蚀語を䜿わないcoreboot\"" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Supports x86, aarch64 and RISC-V." msgstr "アヌキテクチャはx86、aarch64ならびにRISC-Vをサポヌト。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Relies on LinuxBoot rather than having many drivers itself." msgstr "自身で倚くのドラむバを抱えずにLinuxBootに䟝存。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "[Rust RaspberryPi OS tutorial](" "raspberrypi-OS-tutorials)" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Initialisation, UART driver, simple bootloader, JTAG, exception levels, " "exception handling, page tables" msgstr "" "初期化、UARTドラむバ、単玔なブヌトロヌダ、JTAG、䟋倖レベル、䟋倖ハンドラ、" "ペヌゞテヌブル" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Some dodginess around cache maintenance and initialisation in Rust, not " "necessarily a good example to copy for production code." msgstr "" "キャッシュメンテナンスずRustの初期化に関しおちょっず疑わしいずころがあるの" "で、補品コヌドで真䌌するには必ずしも良い䟋ではありたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "[`cargo-call-stack`](" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "Static analysis to determine maximum stack usage." msgstr "スタックの最倧䜿甚量に関する静的解析。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "The RaspberryPi OS tutorial runs Rust code before the MMU and caches are " "enabled. This will read and write memory (e.g. the stack). However:" msgstr "" "RaspberryPi OS チュヌトリアルはMMUやキャッシュを有効化する前にRustコヌドを実" "行しおいたす。これにより、䟋えばスタックメモリをreadしたりwriteしたりするこず" "になりたす。しかし" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "Without the MMU and cache, unaligned accesses will fault. It builds with " "`aarch64-unknown-none` which sets `+strict-align` to prevent the compiler " "generating unaligned accesses so it should be alright, but this is not " "necessarily the case in general." msgstr "" "MMUずキャッシュを有効化しおいないず、アラむンされおいないアクセスはフォヌルト" "を匕き起こしたす。そのチュヌトリアルでは、コンパむラがアラむンされおいないア" "クセスを生成しない`+strict-align`オプションをセットする`aarch64-unknown-none`" "をタヌゲットずしおビルドしおいるので倧䞈倫なはずですが、䞀般的には倧䞈倫ずは" "限りたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/aps/ msgid "" "If it were running in a VM, this can lead to cache coherency issues. The " "problem is that the VM is accessing memory directly with the cache disabled, " "while the host has cacheable aliases to the same memory. Even if the host " "doesn't explicitly access the memory, speculative accesses can lead to cache " "fills, and then changes from one or the other will get lost. Again this is " "alright in this particular case (running directly on the hardware with no " "hypervisor), but isn't a good pattern in general." msgstr "" "もしVM䞊で実行しおいたずするず、キャッシュコヒヌレンシヌの問題を起こすこずが" "ありたす。問題なのはVMがキャッシュを無効化したたた盎接メモリにアクセスしおい" "るのに察し、ホストは同じメモリに察しおキャッシュ可胜な゚むリアスを持っおした" "うずいうこずです。ホストが仮に明瀺的にメモリにアクセスしないずしおも、投機的" "なアクセスによりキャッシュフィルが起きるこずがあり、そうなるずVMかホストのど" "ちらかによる倉曎が倱われおしたいたす。このハむパヌバむザなしで盎接ハヌド" "りェアで実行する堎合には問題にはなりたせんが、䞀般的には良くないパタヌンで" "す。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "We'll go over a few crates which solve some common problems in bare-metal " "programming." msgstr "" "ベアメタルプログラミングにおいお共通に発生する問題に察する解を䞎えるクレヌト" "に぀いおいく぀か玹介したす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "`zerocopy`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "The [`zerocopy`]( crate (from Fuchsia) provides " "traits and macros for safely converting between byte sequences and other " "types." msgstr "" "Fuchsiaの[`zerocopy`](クレヌトはバむトシヌケン" "スずその他の型の倉換を安党に行うためのトレむトやマクロを提䟛したす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "This is not suitable for MMIO (as it doesn't use volatile reads and writes), " "but can be useful for working with structures shared with hardware e.g. by " "DMA, or sent over some external interface." msgstr "" "これはvolatile read、writeを䜿甚しおいないためMMIOには適しおたせんが、䟋" "えばDMAのようなハヌドりェアず共有するデヌタ構造あるいは倖郚むンタフェヌスを通" "しお送信するデヌタ構造を扱うに堎合には有甚です。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "`FromBytes` can be implemented for types for which any byte pattern is " "valid, and so can safely be converted from an untrusted sequence of bytes." msgstr "" "`FromBytes`はいかなるバむトパタヌンも有効な倀ずなる型に察しお実装するこずがで" "き、信甚できないバむトシヌケンスからの安党な倉換を可胜にしたす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "Attempting to derive `FromBytes` for these types would fail, because " "`RequestType` doesn't use all possible u32 values as discriminants, so not " "all byte patterns are valid." msgstr "" "`RequestType`はu32型のすべおの倀を有効なenum倀ずしお定矩しおいないので、すべ" "おのバむトパタヌンが有効ずはならず、これらに察する`FromBytes`の導出はフェヌル" "するでしょう。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "`zerocopy::byteorder` has types for byte-order aware numeric primitives." msgstr "" "`zerocopy::byteorder`はバむトオヌダを気にする数倀プリミティブに関する型を提䟛" "したす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "Run the example with `cargo run` under `src/bare-metal/useful-crates/" "zerocopy-example/`. (It won't run in the Playground because of the crate " "dependency.)" msgstr "" "この䟋を`src/bare-metal/useful-crates/zerocopy-example/`においお`cargo run`ず" "ずするこずで実行しおみたしょう。Playgroundではこの䟋が䟝存するクレヌトを利" "甚できないため実行できたせん" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "`aarch64-paging`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "The [`aarch64-paging`]( crate lets " "you create page tables according to the AArch64 Virtual Memory System " "Architecture." msgstr "" "[`aarch64-paging`](クレヌトはAArch64" "仮想メモリシステムアヌキテクチャに則ったペヌゞテヌブルの生成を可胜にしたす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "// Create a new page table with identity mapping.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "// Map a 2 MiB region of memory as read-only.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "// Set `TTBR0_EL1` to activate the page table.\n" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "For now it only supports EL1, but support for other exception levels should " "be straightforward to add." msgstr "" "珟時点ではEL1しかサポヌトされおいたせんが、他の䟋倖レベルのサポヌトも簡単に远" "加できるはずです。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "This is used in Android for the [Protected VM Firmware](" "com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:packages/modules/Virtualization/" "pvmfw/)." msgstr "" "これはAndroidで[Protected VM Firmware](" "platform/superproject/+/master:packages/modules/Virtualization/pvmfw/)のため" "に利甚されおいたす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "There's no easy way to run this example, as it needs to run on real hardware " "or under QEMU." msgstr "" "この䟋は本物のハヌドりェアかQEMUを必芁ずするので、簡単には実行できたせん。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "`buddy_system_allocator`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "[`buddy_system_allocator`]( " "is a third-party crate implementing a basic buddy system allocator. It can " "be used both for [`LockedHeap`](" "buddy_system_allocator/struct.LockedHeap.html) implementing [`GlobalAlloc`]" "( so you can use " "the standard `alloc` crate (as we saw [before](../, or for " "allocating other address space. For example, we might want to allocate MMIO " "space for PCI BARs:" msgstr "" "[`buddy_system_allocator`]( " "はサヌドパヌティのクレヌトで、基本的なバディシステムアロヌケヌタを実装しおい" "たす。このクレヌトは[`GlobalAlloc`](" "trait.GlobalAlloc.html) を実装する [`LockedHeap`](" "buddy_system_allocator/0.9.0/buddy_system_allocator/struct.LockedHeap.html) " "により [以前](../芋たように暙準の`alloc` クレヌトを利甚可胜にす" "るために䜿えたすし、別のアドレス空間をアロケヌトするためにも䜿えたす。䟋え" "ば、PCI BARに察するMMIO領域をアロケヌトしたい堎合には以䞋のようにできたす" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "PCI BARs always have alignment equal to their size." msgstr "PCI BARは垞にサむズず同じアラむンになりたす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "Run the example with `cargo run` under `src/bare-metal/useful-crates/" "allocator-example/`. (It won't run in the Playground because of the crate " "dependency.)" msgstr "" "この䟋を`src/bare-metal/useful-crates/allocator-example/`においお `cargo run`" "ずするこずで実行しおみたしょう。Playgroundではこの䟋が䟝存するクレヌトを利" "甚できないため実行できたせん" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "`tinyvec`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "Sometimes you want something which can be resized like a `Vec`, but without " "heap allocation. [`tinyvec`]( provides " "this: a vector backed by an array or slice, which could be statically " "allocated or on the stack, which keeps track of how many elements are used " "and panics if you try to use more than are allocated." msgstr "" "時には`Vec`のようにリサむズできる領域をヒヌプを䜿わずに確保したいず思うこずが" "ありたす。[`tinyvec`](は静的に確保、たたはス" "タック䞊に確保した配列たたはスラむスを割圓領域ずするベクタを提䟛したす。この" "実装では、いく぀の芁玠が䜿われおいるかが管理され、確保された以䞊に䜿おうずす" "るずパニックしたす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "`tinyvec` requires that the element type implement `Default` for " "initialisation." msgstr "" "`tinyvec` は初期化のために芁玠ずなるタむプが`Default`を実装するこずを必芁ずし" "たす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "The Rust Playground includes `tinyvec`, so this example will run fine inline." msgstr "" "Rust Playgroundは`tinyvec`を内包しおいるので、オンラむンでこの䟋を実行するこ" "ずができたす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "`spin`" msgstr "" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "`std::sync::Mutex` and the other synchronisation primitives from `std::sync` " "are not available in `core` or `alloc`. How can we manage synchronisation or " "interior mutability, such as for sharing state between different CPUs?" msgstr "" "`std::sync`が提䟛する`std::sync::Mutex` ずその他の同期プリミティブは`core`た" "たは`alloc`では利甚できたせん。ずなるず、䟋えば異なるCPU間での状態共有のため" "の、同期や内郚可倉性はどのように実珟したら良いのでしょうか" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "The [`spin`]( crate provides spinlock-based " "equivalents of many of these primitives." msgstr "" "[`spin`]( クレヌトはこれらの倚くのプリミティブ" "ず等䟡なスピンロックベヌスのものを提䟛したす。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "Be careful to avoid deadlock if you take locks in interrupt handlers." msgstr "" "割り蟌みハンドラでロックを取埗する堎合にはデッドロックを匕き起こさないように" "気を぀けおください。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "`spin` also has a ticket lock mutex implementation; equivalents of `RwLock`, " "`Barrier` and `Once` from `std::sync`; and `Lazy` for lazy initialisation." msgstr "" "`spin` はチケットロックのミュヌテックス実装も持っおいたす。これは`std::sync`" "における`RwLock`, `Barrier`、`Once` ず等䟡であり、たたレむゞヌ初期化の芳点で" "は`Lazy`ず等䟡なものです。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "The [`once_cell`]( crate also has some " "useful types for late initialisation with a slightly different approach to " "`spin::once::Once`." msgstr "" "[`once_cell`]( クレヌトも`spin::once::" "Once`ずは少し異なるアプロヌチの遅延初期化のための有甚な型をいく぀か持っおいた" "す。" #: src/bare-metal/useful-crates/ msgid "" "The Rust Playground includes `spin`, so this example will run fine inline." msgstr "" "Rust Playgroundは`spin`を内包しおいるので、この䟋はオンラむンで実行できたす。" #: src/bare-metal/ msgid "" "To build a bare-metal Rust binary in AOSP, you need to use a " "`rust_ffi_static` Soong rule to build your Rust code, then a `cc_binary` " "with a linker script to produce the binary itself, and then a `raw_binary` " "to convert the ELF to a raw binary ready to be run." msgstr "" "AOSPにおいおベアメタルRustバむナリをビルドするためには、Rustコヌドをビルドす" "るための`rust_ffi_static`ずいうSoongルヌル、リンカスクリプトずそれを䜿っおバ" "むナリを生成するための`cc_binary`ずいうルヌル、さらにELFを実行可胜な圢匏の生" "バむナリに倉換する`raw_binary`ずいうルヌルが必芁です。" #: src/bare-metal/android/ msgid "" "For VMs running under crosvm on aarch64, the [vmbase](https://android." "" "master/vmbase/) library provides a linker script and useful defaults for the " "build rules, along with an entry point, UART console logging and more." msgstr "" "[vmbase](" "Virtualization/+/refs/heads/master/vmbase/)ずいうラむブラリは、aarch64䞊の" "crosvm䞋で実行されるVMに察しお、゚ントリポむント、UARTコン゜ヌルロギングなど" "に加えお、リンカスクリプトず有甚なデフォルトビルドルヌルを提䟛しおくれたす。" #: src/bare-metal/android/ msgid "" "The `main!` macro marks your main function, to be called from the `vmbase` " "entry point." msgstr "" "`main!`ずいうマクロはメむン関数を指定するもので、指定された関数は`vmbase`の゚" "ントリポむントから呌び出されるこずになりたす。" #: src/bare-metal/android/ msgid "" "The `vmbase` entry point handles console initialisation, and issues a " "PSCI_SYSTEM_OFF to shutdown the VM if your main function returns." msgstr "" "`vmbase`の゚ントリポむントはコン゜ヌルの初期化を行い、メむン関数がリタヌンし" "た堎合にはPSCI_SYSTEM_OFF を発行しVMをシャットダりンしたす。" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "We will write a driver for the PL031 real-time clock device." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "RTC driver" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "The QEMU aarch64 virt machine has a [PL031](" "documentation/ddi0224/c) real-time clock at 0x9010000. For this exercise, " "you should write a driver for it." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Use it to print the current time to the serial console. You can use the " "[`chrono`]( crate for date/time formatting." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Use the match register and raw interrupt status to busy-wait until a given " "time, e.g. 3 seconds in the future. (Call [`core::hint::spin_loop`](https://" " inside the loop.)" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "_Extension if you have time:_ Enable and handle the interrupt generated by " "the RTC match. You can use the driver provided in the [`arm-gic`](https://" " crate to configure the Arm Generic Interrupt Controller." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "Use the RTC interrupt, which is wired to the GIC as `IntId::spi(2)`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Once the interrupt is enabled, you can put the core to sleep via `arm_gic::" "wfi()`, which will cause the core to sleep until it receives an interrupt." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "Download the [exercise template](../../ and " "look in the `rtc` directory for the following files." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Base addresses of the GICv3.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"main({:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x}, {:#x})\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Safe because `GICD_BASE_ADDRESS` and `GICR_BASE_ADDRESS` are the base\n" " // addresses of a GICv3 distributor and redistributor respectively, and\n" " // nothing else accesses those address ranges.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// TODO: Create instance of RTC driver and print current time.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// TODO: Wait for 3 seconds.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "_src/exceptions.rs_ (you should only need to change this for the 3rd part of " "the exercise):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Copyright 2023 Google LLC\n" "//\n" "// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n" "// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n" "// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n" "//\n" "//\n" "//\n" "// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n" "// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n" "// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n" "// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n" "// limitations under the License.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"sync_exception_current\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"irq_current\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"No pending interrupt\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"IRQ {intid:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"fiq_current\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"serr_current\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"sync_lower\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"irq_lower\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"fiq_lower\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"serr_lower\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_src/logger.rs_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// ANCHOR: main\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_src/pl011.rs_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// ANCHOR: Flags\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// ANCHOR_END: Flags\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "/// Flags from the UART Receive Status Register / Error Clear Register.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Framing error.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Parity error.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Break error.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Overrun error.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// ANCHOR: Registers\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// ANCHOR_END: Registers\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// ANCHOR: Uart\n" "/// Driver for a PL011 UART.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "/// Constructs a new instance of the UART driver for a PL011 device at the\n" " /// given base address.\n" " ///\n" " /// # Safety\n" " ///\n" " /// The given base address must point to the MMIO control registers of " "a\n" " /// PL011 device, which must be mapped into the address space of the " "process\n" " /// as device memory and not have any other aliases.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// ANCHOR_END: Uart\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_build.rs_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"linux\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"CROSS_COMPILE\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"aarch64-none-elf\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"entry.S\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"exceptions.S\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"idmap.S\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"empty\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_entry.S_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "```armasm\n" "/*\n" " * Copyright 2023 Google LLC\n" " *\n" " * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n" " * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n" " * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n" " *\n" " *\n" " *\n" " * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n" " * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n" " * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n" " * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n" " * limitations under the License.\n" " */\n" "\n" ".macro adr_l, reg:req, sym:req\n" "\tadrp \\reg, \\sym\n" "\tadd \\reg, \\reg, :lo12:\\sym\n" ".endm\n" "\n" ".macro mov_i, reg:req, imm:req\n" "\tmovz \\reg, :abs_g3:\\imm\n" "\tmovk \\reg, :abs_g2_nc:\\imm\n" "\tmovk \\reg, :abs_g1_nc:\\imm\n" "\tmovk \\reg, :abs_g0_nc:\\imm\n" ".endm\n" "\n" ".set .L_MAIR_DEV_nGnRE,\t0x04\n" ".set .L_MAIR_MEM_WBWA,\t0xff\n" ".set .Lmairval, .L_MAIR_DEV_nGnRE | (.L_MAIR_MEM_WBWA << 8)\n" "\n" "/* 4 KiB granule size for TTBR0_EL1. */\n" ".set .L_TCR_TG0_4KB, 0x0 << 14\n" "/* 4 KiB granule size for TTBR1_EL1. */\n" ".set .L_TCR_TG1_4KB, 0x2 << 30\n" "/* Disable translation table walk for TTBR1_EL1, generating a translation " "fault instead. */\n" ".set .L_TCR_EPD1, 0x1 << 23\n" "/* Translation table walks for TTBR0_EL1 are inner sharable. */\n" ".set .L_TCR_SH_INNER, 0x3 << 12\n" "/*\n" " * Translation table walks for TTBR0_EL1 are outer write-back read-allocate " "write-allocate\n" " * cacheable.\n" " */\n" ".set .L_TCR_RGN_OWB, 0x1 << 10\n" "/*\n" " * Translation table walks for TTBR0_EL1 are inner write-back read-allocate " "write-allocate\n" " * cacheable.\n" " */\n" ".set .L_TCR_RGN_IWB, 0x1 << 8\n" "/* Size offset for TTBR0_EL1 is 2**39 bytes (512 GiB). */\n" ".set .L_TCR_T0SZ_512, 64 - 39\n" ".set .Ltcrval, .L_TCR_TG0_4KB | .L_TCR_TG1_4KB | .L_TCR_EPD1 | ." "L_TCR_RGN_OWB\n" ".set .Ltcrval, .Ltcrval | .L_TCR_RGN_IWB | .L_TCR_SH_INNER | ." "L_TCR_T0SZ_512\n" "\n" "/* Stage 1 instruction access cacheability is unaffected. */\n" ".set .L_SCTLR_ELx_I, 0x1 << 12\n" "/* SP alignment fault if SP is not aligned to a 16 byte boundary. */\n" ".set .L_SCTLR_ELx_SA, 0x1 << 3\n" "/* Stage 1 data access cacheability is unaffected. */\n" ".set .L_SCTLR_ELx_C, 0x1 << 2\n" "/* EL0 and EL1 stage 1 MMU enabled. */\n" ".set .L_SCTLR_ELx_M, 0x1 << 0\n" "/* Privileged Access Never is unchanged on taking an exception to EL1. */\n" ".set .L_SCTLR_EL1_SPAN, 0x1 << 23\n" "/* SETEND instruction disabled at EL0 in aarch32 mode. */\n" ".set .L_SCTLR_EL1_SED, 0x1 << 8\n" "/* Various IT instructions are disabled at EL0 in aarch32 mode. */\n" ".set .L_SCTLR_EL1_ITD, 0x1 << 7\n" ".set .L_SCTLR_EL1_RES1, (0x1 << 11) | (0x1 << 20) | (0x1 << 22) | (0x1 << " "28) | (0x1 << 29)\n" ".set .Lsctlrval, .L_SCTLR_ELx_M | .L_SCTLR_ELx_C | .L_SCTLR_ELx_SA | ." "L_SCTLR_EL1_ITD | .L_SCTLR_EL1_SED\n" ".set .Lsctlrval, .Lsctlrval | .L_SCTLR_ELx_I | .L_SCTLR_EL1_SPAN | ." "L_SCTLR_EL1_RES1\n" "\n" "/**\n" " * This is a generic entry point for an image. It carries out the operations " "required to prepare the\n" " * loaded image to be run. Specifically, it zeroes the bss section using " "registers x25 and above,\n" " * prepares the stack, enables floating point, and sets up the exception " "vector. It preserves x0-x3\n" " * for the Rust entry point, as these may contain boot parameters.\n" " */\n" ".section .init.entry, \"ax\"\n" ".global entry\n" "entry:\n" "\t/* Load and apply the memory management configuration, ready to enable MMU " "and caches. */\n" "\tadrp x30, idmap\n" "\tmsr ttbr0_el1, x30\n" "\n" "\tmov_i x30, .Lmairval\n" "\tmsr mair_el1, x30\n" "\n" "\tmov_i x30, .Ltcrval\n" "\t/* Copy the supported PA range into TCR_EL1.IPS. */\n" "\tmrs x29, id_aa64mmfr0_el1\n" "\tbfi x30, x29, #32, #4\n" "\n" "\tmsr tcr_el1, x30\n" "\n" "\tmov_i x30, .Lsctlrval\n" "\n" "\t/*\n" "\t * Ensure everything before this point has completed, then invalidate any " "potentially stale\n" "\t * local TLB entries before they start being used.\n" "\t */\n" "\tisb\n" "\ttlbi vmalle1\n" "\tic iallu\n" "\tdsb nsh\n" "\tisb\n" "\n" "\t/*\n" "\t * Configure sctlr_el1 to enable MMU and cache and don't proceed until " "this has completed.\n" "\t */\n" "\tmsr sctlr_el1, x30\n" "\tisb\n" "\n" "\t/* Disable trapping floating point access in EL1. */\n" "\tmrs x30, cpacr_el1\n" "\torr x30, x30, #(0x3 << 20)\n" "\tmsr cpacr_el1, x30\n" "\tisb\n" "\n" "\t/* Zero out the bss section. */\n" "\tadr_l x29, bss_begin\n" "\tadr_l x30, bss_end\n" "0:\tcmp x29, x30\n" "\tb.hs 1f\n" "\tstp xzr, xzr, [x29], #16\n" "\tb 0b\n" "\n" "1:\t/* Prepare the stack. */\n" "\tadr_l x30, boot_stack_end\n" "\tmov sp, x30\n" "\n" "\t/* Set up exception vector. */\n" "\tadr x30, vector_table_el1\n" "\tmsr vbar_el1, x30\n" "\n" "\t/* Call into Rust code. */\n" "\tbl main\n" "\n" "\t/* Loop forever waiting for interrupts. */\n" "2:\twfi\n" "\tb 2b\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_exceptions.S_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "```armasm\n" "/*\n" " * Copyright 2023 Google LLC\n" " *\n" " * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n" " * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n" " * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n" " *\n" " *\n" " *\n" " * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n" " * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n" " * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n" " * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n" " * limitations under the License.\n" " */\n" "\n" "/**\n" " * Saves the volatile registers onto the stack. This currently takes 14\n" " * instructions, so it can be used in exception handlers with 18 " "instructions\n" " * left.\n" " *\n" " * On return, x0 and x1 are initialised to elr_el2 and spsr_el2 " "respectively,\n" " * which can be used as the first and second arguments of a subsequent " "call.\n" " */\n" ".macro save_volatile_to_stack\n" "\t/* Reserve stack space and save registers x0-x18, x29 & x30. */\n" "\tstp x0, x1, [sp, #-(8 * 24)]!\n" "\tstp x2, x3, [sp, #8 * 2]\n" "\tstp x4, x5, [sp, #8 * 4]\n" "\tstp x6, x7, [sp, #8 * 6]\n" "\tstp x8, x9, [sp, #8 * 8]\n" "\tstp x10, x11, [sp, #8 * 10]\n" "\tstp x12, x13, [sp, #8 * 12]\n" "\tstp x14, x15, [sp, #8 * 14]\n" "\tstp x16, x17, [sp, #8 * 16]\n" "\tstr x18, [sp, #8 * 18]\n" "\tstp x29, x30, [sp, #8 * 20]\n" "\n" "\t/*\n" "\t * Save elr_el1 & spsr_el1. This such that we can take nested exception\n" "\t * and still be able to unwind.\n" "\t */\n" "\tmrs x0, elr_el1\n" "\tmrs x1, spsr_el1\n" "\tstp x0, x1, [sp, #8 * 22]\n" ".endm\n" "\n" "/**\n" " * Restores the volatile registers from the stack. This currently takes 14\n" " * instructions, so it can be used in exception handlers while still leaving " "18\n" " * instructions left; if paired with save_volatile_to_stack, there are 4\n" " * instructions to spare.\n" " */\n" ".macro restore_volatile_from_stack\n" "\t/* Restore registers x2-x18, x29 & x30. */\n" "\tldp x2, x3, [sp, #8 * 2]\n" "\tldp x4, x5, [sp, #8 * 4]\n" "\tldp x6, x7, [sp, #8 * 6]\n" "\tldp x8, x9, [sp, #8 * 8]\n" "\tldp x10, x11, [sp, #8 * 10]\n" "\tldp x12, x13, [sp, #8 * 12]\n" "\tldp x14, x15, [sp, #8 * 14]\n" "\tldp x16, x17, [sp, #8 * 16]\n" "\tldr x18, [sp, #8 * 18]\n" "\tldp x29, x30, [sp, #8 * 20]\n" "\n" "\t/* Restore registers elr_el1 & spsr_el1, using x0 & x1 as scratch. */\n" "\tldp x0, x1, [sp, #8 * 22]\n" "\tmsr elr_el1, x0\n" "\tmsr spsr_el1, x1\n" "\n" "\t/* Restore x0 & x1, and release stack space. */\n" "\tldp x0, x1, [sp], #8 * 24\n" ".endm\n" "\n" "/**\n" " * This is a generic handler for exceptions taken at the current EL while " "using\n" " * SP0. It behaves similarly to the SPx case by first switching to SPx, " "doing\n" " * the work, then switching back to SP0 before returning.\n" " *\n" " * Switching to SPx and calling the Rust handler takes 16 instructions. To\n" " * restore and return we need an additional 16 instructions, so we can " "implement\n" " * the whole handler within the allotted 32 instructions.\n" " */\n" ".macro current_exception_sp0 handler:req\n" "\tmsr spsel, #1\n" "\tsave_volatile_to_stack\n" "\tbl \\handler\n" "\trestore_volatile_from_stack\n" "\tmsr spsel, #0\n" "\teret\n" ".endm\n" "\n" "/**\n" " * This is a generic handler for exceptions taken at the current EL while " "using\n" " * SPx. It saves volatile registers, calls the Rust handler, restores " "volatile\n" " * registers, then returns.\n" " *\n" " * This also works for exceptions taken from EL0, if we don't care about\n" " * non-volatile registers.\n" " *\n" " * Saving state and jumping to the Rust handler takes 15 instructions, and\n" " * restoring and returning also takes 15 instructions, so we can fit the " "whole\n" " * handler in 30 instructions, under the limit of 32.\n" " */\n" ".macro current_exception_spx handler:req\n" "\tsave_volatile_to_stack\n" "\tbl \\handler\n" "\trestore_volatile_from_stack\n" "\teret\n" ".endm\n" "\n" ".section .text.vector_table_el1, \"ax\"\n" ".global vector_table_el1\n" ".balign 0x800\n" "vector_table_el1:\n" "sync_cur_sp0:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_sp0 sync_exception_current\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "irq_cur_sp0:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_sp0 irq_current\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "fiq_cur_sp0:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_sp0 fiq_current\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "serr_cur_sp0:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_sp0 serr_current\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "sync_cur_spx:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx sync_exception_current\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "irq_cur_spx:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx irq_current\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "fiq_cur_spx:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx fiq_current\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "serr_cur_spx:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx serr_current\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "sync_lower_64:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx sync_lower\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "irq_lower_64:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx irq_lower\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "fiq_lower_64:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx fiq_lower\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "serr_lower_64:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx serr_lower\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "sync_lower_32:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx sync_lower\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "irq_lower_32:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx irq_lower\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "fiq_lower_32:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx fiq_lower\n" "\n" ".balign 0x80\n" "serr_lower_32:\n" "\tcurrent_exception_spx serr_lower\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_idmap.S_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "```armasm\n" "/*\n" " * Copyright 2023 Google LLC\n" " *\n" " * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n" " * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n" " * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n" " *\n" " *\n" " *\n" " * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n" " * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n" " * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n" " * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n" " * limitations under the License.\n" " */\n" "\n" ".set .L_TT_TYPE_BLOCK, 0x1\n" ".set .L_TT_TYPE_PAGE, 0x3\n" ".set .L_TT_TYPE_TABLE, 0x3\n" "\n" "/* Access flag. */\n" ".set .L_TT_AF, 0x1 << 10\n" "/* Not global. */\n" ".set .L_TT_NG, 0x1 << 11\n" ".set .L_TT_XN, 0x3 << 53\n" "\n" ".set .L_TT_MT_DEV, 0x0 << 2\t\t\t// MAIR #0 (DEV_nGnRE)\n" ".set .L_TT_MT_MEM, (0x1 << 2) | (0x3 << 8)\t// MAIR #1 (MEM_WBWA), inner " "shareable\n" "\n" ".set .L_BLOCK_DEV, .L_TT_TYPE_BLOCK | .L_TT_MT_DEV | .L_TT_AF | .L_TT_XN\n" ".set .L_BLOCK_MEM, .L_TT_TYPE_BLOCK | .L_TT_MT_MEM | .L_TT_AF | .L_TT_NG\n" "\n" ".section \".rodata.idmap\", \"a\", %progbits\n" ".global idmap\n" ".align 12\n" "idmap:\n" "\t/* level 1 */\n" "\t.quad\t\t.L_BLOCK_DEV | 0x0\t\t // 1 GiB of device mappings\n" "\t.quad\t\t.L_BLOCK_MEM | 0x40000000\t// 1 GiB of DRAM\n" "\t.fill\t\t254, 8, 0x0\t\t\t// 254 GiB of unmapped VA space\n" "\t.quad\t\t.L_BLOCK_DEV | 0x4000000000 // 1 GiB of device mappings\n" "\t.fill\t\t255, 8, 0x0\t\t\t// 255 GiB of remaining VA space\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_image.ld_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "```ld\n" "/*\n" " * Copyright 2023 Google LLC\n" " *\n" " * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n" " * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n" " * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n" " *\n" " *\n" " *\n" " * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n" " * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n" " * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n" " * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n" " * limitations under the License.\n" " */\n" "\n" "/*\n" " * Code will start running at this symbol which is placed at the start of " "the\n" " * image.\n" " */\n" "ENTRY(entry)\n" "\n" "MEMORY\n" "{\n" "\timage : ORIGIN = 0x40080000, LENGTH = 2M\n" "}\n" "\n" "SECTIONS\n" "{\n" "\t/*\n" "\t * Collect together the code.\n" "\t */\n" "\t.init : ALIGN(4096) {\n" "\t\ttext_begin = .;\n" "\t\t*(.init.entry)\n" "\t\t*(.init.*)\n" "\t} >image\n" "\t.text : {\n" "\t\t*(.text.*)\n" "\t} >image\n" "\ttext_end = .;\n" "\n" "\t/*\n" "\t * Collect together read-only data.\n" "\t */\n" "\t.rodata : ALIGN(4096) {\n" "\t\trodata_begin = .;\n" "\t\t*(.rodata.*)\n" "\t} >image\n" "\ : {\n" "\t\t*(.got)\n" "\t} >image\n" "\trodata_end = .;\n" "\n" "\t/*\n" "\t * Collect together the read-write data including .bss at the end which\n" "\t * will be zero'd by the entry code.\n" "\t */\n" "\ : ALIGN(4096) {\n" "\t\tdata_begin = .;\n" "\t\t*(.data.*)\n" "\t\t/*\n" "\t\t * The entry point code assumes that .data is a multiple of 32\n" "\t\t * bytes long.\n" "\t\t */\n" "\t\t. = ALIGN(32);\n" "\t\tdata_end = .;\n" "\t} >image\n" "\n" "\t/* Everything beyond this point will not be included in the binary. */\n" "\tbin_end = .;\n" "\n" "\t/* The entry point code assumes that .bss is 16-byte aligned. */\n" "\t.bss : ALIGN(16) {\n" "\t\tbss_begin = .;\n" "\t\t*(.bss.*)\n" "\t\t*(COMMON)\n" "\t\t. = ALIGN(16);\n" "\t\tbss_end = .;\n" "\t} >image\n" "\n" "\t.stack (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4096) {\n" "\t\tboot_stack_begin = .;\n" "\t\t. += 40 * 4096;\n" "\t\t. = ALIGN(4096);\n" "\t\tboot_stack_end = .;\n" "\t} >image\n" "\n" "\t. = ALIGN(4K);\n" "\tPROVIDE(dma_region = .);\n" "\n" "\t/*\n" "\t * Remove unused sections from the image.\n" "\t */\n" "\t/DISCARD/ : {\n" "\t\t/* The image loads itself so doesn't need these sections. */\n" "\t\t*(.gnu.hash)\n" "\t\t*(.hash)\n" "\t\t*(.interp)\n" "\t\t*(.eh_frame_hdr)\n" "\t\t*(.eh_frame)\n" "\t\t*(\n" "\t}\n" "}\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_Makefile_ (you shouldn't need to change this):" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "# Copyright 2023 Google LLC" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "$(shell uname -s)" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "aarch64-linux-gnu" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "stdio -display none -kernel $< -s" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "cargo clean" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "Run the code in QEMU with `make qemu`." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Welcome to Concurrency in Rust" msgstr "Rustでの䞊行性ぞようこそ" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust has full support for concurrency using OS threads with mutexes and " "channels." msgstr "" "Rustはミュヌテックスずチャネルを甚いおOSスレッドを扱う䞊行性を十分にサポヌト" "しおいたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "The Rust type system plays an important role in making many concurrency bugs " "compile time bugs. This is often referred to as _fearless concurrency_ since " "you can rely on the compiler to ensure correctness at runtime." msgstr "" "Rustの型システムは倚くの䞊行性にた぀わるバグをコンパむル時のバグにずどめるず" "いう点で、重芁な圹割を果たしたす。これは時に _fearless concurrency_ 「怖く" "ない䞊行性」 ず呌ばれたす。なぜなら、コンパむラに実行時での正しさを保蚌する" "こずをたかせおよいためです。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "Rust threads work similarly to threads in other languages:" msgstr "Rustのスレッドは他の蚀語のスレッドず䌌た挙動をしたす:" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "\"Count in thread: {i}!\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "\"Main thread: {i}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "Threads are all daemon threads, the main thread does not wait for them." msgstr "" "スレッドはすべおデヌモンスレッドで、メむンスレッドはそれらを埅ちたせん。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "Thread panics are independent of each other." msgstr "スレッドパニックは互いに独立です。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "Panics can carry a payload, which can be unpacked with `downcast_ref`." msgstr "" "パニックはペむロヌドを保持しおいるこずがあり、それは`downcast_ref`で展開可胜" "です。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "Notice that the thread is stopped before it reaches 10 — the main thread is " "not waiting." msgstr "" "スレッドはカりントが10に到達するたでに止められたす。メむンのスレッドは埅機し" "たせん。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "Use `let handle = thread::spawn(...)` and later `handle.join()` to wait for " "the thread to finish." msgstr "" "`let handle = thread::spawn(
)`ず埌に`handle.join()`を䜿っお、スレッドが完了" "するのを埅っおみおください。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "Trigger a panic in the thread, notice how this doesn't affect `main`." msgstr "" "スレッド内でパニックを匕き起こしおみお、それがどのように`main`に圱響しないか" "を芳察しおみおください。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "Use the `Result` return value from `handle.join()` to get access to the " "panic payload. This is a good time to talk about [`Any`](https://doc.rust-" "" msgstr "" "`handle.join()`の返り倀の`Result`を䜿っお、パニックペむロヌドぞのアクセスを埗" "おみおください。 これは[`Any`](" "に぀いお話すのに良いタむミングです。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "Normal threads cannot borrow from their environment:" msgstr "通垞のスレッドはそれらの環境から借甚するこずはできたせん:" #: src/concurrency/ src/concurrency/ msgid "\"Length: {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "However, you can use a [scoped thread](" "fn.scope.html) for this:" msgstr "" "しかし、そのために[スコヌプ付きスレッド](" "thread/fn.scope.html)を䜿うこずができたす:" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "The reason for that is that when the `thread::scope` function completes, all " "the threads are guaranteed to be joined, so they can return borrowed data." msgstr "" "この理由は、関数`thread::scope`が完了するずき、党おのスレッドはjoinされるこず" "が保蚌されおいるので、スレッドが借甚したデヌタを返すこずができるためです。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "Normal Rust borrowing rules apply: you can either borrow mutably by one " "thread, or immutably by any number of threads." msgstr "" "通垞のRustの借甚のルヌルが適甚されたす: 䞀぀のスレッドがミュヌタブルで借甚す" "るこず、たたは任意の数のスレッドからむミュヌタブルで借甚するこず。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "Rust channels have two parts: a `Sender` and a `Receiver`. The two " "parts are connected via the channel, but you only see the end-points." msgstr "" "Rustのチャネルには二぀の郚品がありたす `Sender` ず`Receiver`です。こ" "の぀の郚品はチャネルによっお繋がっおいたすが、芋るこずができるのぱンドポ" "むントだけです。" #: src/concurrency/ src/concurrency/ #: src/concurrency/ msgid "\"Received: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "`mpsc` stands for Multi-Producer, Single-Consumer. `Sender` and `SyncSender` " "implement `Clone` (so you can make multiple producers) but `Receiver` does " "not." msgstr "" "`mpsc` は Multi-Producer, Single-Consumerの略称です。 `Sender`ず`SyncSender`" "は`Clone`を実装しおいるよっお耇数のproducerが䜜成可胜のですが、`Receiver`" "に぀いおはそうではありたせん。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "`send()` and `recv()` return `Result`. If they return `Err`, it means the " "counterpart `Sender` or `Receiver` is dropped and the channel is closed." msgstr "" "`send()`ず`recv()`は`Result`を返したす。もし`Err`が返された堎合、これは、察応" "する`Sender`か`Receiver`のいずれかがドロップされ、チャンネルが閉じられたこず" "を意味したす。" #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "You get an unbounded and asynchronous channel with `mpsc::channel()`:" msgstr "Unboundedで非同期的なチャネルは`mpsc::channel()`によっお埗られたす" #: src/concurrency/channels/ #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "\"Message {i}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/channels/ #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "\"{thread_id:?}: sent Message {i}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/channels/ #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "\"{thread_id:?}: done\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/channels/ #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "\"Main: got {msg}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "" "With bounded (synchronous) channels, `send` can block the current thread:" msgstr "" "Boundedか぀同期的なチャネルを甚いたずき、`send`は珟圚のスレッドをブロック" "するこずがありたす" #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "" "Calling `send` will block the current thread until there is space in the " "channel for the new message. The thread can be blocked indefinitely if there " "is nobody who reads from the channel." msgstr "" "`send`を呌んだずきにチャネルに空きがなければ、珟圚のスレッドはブロックされた" "す。もし誰もチャネルから倀を読み取らない堎合は、このスレッドは無期限にブロッ" "クされるこずがありたす。" #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "" "A call to `send` will abort with an error (that is why it returns `Result`) " "if the channel is closed. A channel is closed when the receiver is dropped." msgstr "" "もしもチャネルが閉じられた堎合、`send`の呌び出しぱラヌずずもに䞭断したす。" "`send`が`Result`を返すのはこのためです。受け取り偎がドロップされたずき" "に、チャネルは閉じられたす。" #: src/concurrency/channels/ msgid "" "A bounded channel with a size of zero is called a \"rendezvous channel\". " "Every send will block the current thread until another thread calls `read`." msgstr "" "サむズがのBoundedチャネルは「ランデブヌチャネル」ず呌ばれたす。別のスレッド" "が`read`を呌ぶたでは、それぞれのsendは珟圚のスレッドをブロックしたす。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "`Send` and `Sync`" msgstr "`Send`ず`Sync`" #: src/concurrency/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "How does Rust know to forbid shared access across threads? The answer is in " "two traits:" msgstr "" "Rustはどのようにスレッド間での倀の共有アクセスを犁止するのでしょうかその答" "えずなるのが、以䞋の぀のトレむトです" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "[`Send`]( a type `T` " "is `Send` if it is safe to move a `T` across a thread boundary." msgstr "" "[`Send`]( スレッド境界" "をたたいでの型`T`のムヌブが安党に行える堎合、型`T`は`Send`である。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "[`Sync`]( a type `T` " "is `Sync` if it is safe to move a `&T` across a thread boundary." msgstr "" "[`Sync`]( スレッド境界" "をたたいで`&T`のムヌブが安党に行える堎合、型`T`は`Sync`である。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "`Send` and `Sync` are [unsafe traits](../unsafe/ The " "compiler will automatically derive them for your types as long as they only " "contain `Send` and `Sync` types. You can also implement them manually when " "you know it is valid." msgstr "" "`Send`ず`Sync`は[unsafeなトレむト](../unsafe/です。 あなたが" "新たに定矩する型が`Send`ず`Sync`の型のみを含む堎合、コンパむラはその新しい型" "に察しお`Send`ず`Sync`を自動的に導出したす。そうでなくおも劥圓であるならば" "`Send`ず`Sync`を自分自身で実装するこずもできたす。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "One can think of these traits as markers that the type has certain thread-" "safety properties." msgstr "" "これらのトレむトは、ある型が特定のスレッドセヌフの特性を持っおいるこずを瀺す" "マヌカヌず考えるこずもできたす。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "They can be used in the generic constraints as normal traits." msgstr "" "これらは通垞のトレむトず同じように、ゞェネリック境界の䞭で利甚するこずができ" "たす。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`Send`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "A type `T` is [`Send`]( " "if it is safe to move a `T` value to another thread." msgstr "" "型`T`の倀を安党に別のスレッドにムヌブできる堎合、型`T`は[`Send`](https://doc." "である。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "The effect of moving ownership to another thread is that _destructors_ will " "run in that thread. So the question is when you can allocate a value in one " "thread and deallocate it in another." msgstr "" "所有暩を別のスレットにムヌブするずいうこずは、_デストラクタ_ がそのスレッドで" "実行されるずいうこずです。぀たり、あるスレッドでアロケヌトされた倀を別のス" "レッドで解攟しおも良いかずいうのが刀断基準になりたす。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "As an example, a connection to the SQLite library must only be accessed from " "a single thread." msgstr "" "䟋を挙げるず、SQLiteラむブラリぞのコネクションは、䞀぀のスレッドからのみアク" "セスされる必芁がありたす。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`Sync`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "A type `T` is [`Sync`]( " "if it is safe to access a `T` value from multiple threads at the same time." msgstr "" "型`T`の倀を耇数のスレッドから同時にアクセスしおも安党な堎合、型`T`は [`Sync`]" "( である。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "More precisely, the definition is:" msgstr "より正確には、以䞋のような定矩です" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`T` is `Sync` if and only if `&T` is `Send`" msgstr "`&T`が`Send`である堎合、か぀その堎合に限り、`T`は`Sync`である" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "This statement is essentially a shorthand way of saying that if a type is " "thread-safe for shared use, it is also thread-safe to pass references of it " "across threads." msgstr "" "これは぀たり、「ある型の共有がスレッドセヌフであれば、その参照をスレッド間で" "受け枡すこずもスレッドセヌフである」ずいうこずを手短に衚したものです。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "This is because if a type is Sync it means that it can be shared across " "multiple threads without the risk of data races or other synchronization " "issues, so it is safe to move it to another thread. A reference to the type " "is also safe to move to another thread, because the data it references can " "be accessed from any thread safely." msgstr "" "なぜなら、ある型がSyncである堎合、デヌタ競合や他の同期の問題などのリスクなし" "にその型を耇数のスレッド間で共有でき、その型を別のスレッドにムヌブしおも安党" "だからです。たた、型ぞの参照は別のスレッドにムヌブしおも安党です。それは、そ" "れが参照するデヌタは任意のスレッドから安党にアクセスするこずができるからで" "す。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`Send + Sync`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "Most types you come across are `Send + Sync`:" msgstr "芋かけるほずんどの型は`Send + Sync`です" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`i8`, `f32`, `bool`, `char`, `&str`, ..." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`(T1, T2)`, `[T; N]`, `&[T]`, `struct { x: T }`, ..." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`String`, `Option`, `Vec`, `Box`, ..." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`Arc`: Explicitly thread-safe via atomic reference count." msgstr "`Arc`: アトミック参照カりントにより、明瀺的にスレッドセヌフ。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`Mutex`: Explicitly thread-safe via internal locking." msgstr "`Mutex`: 内郚ロックにより明瀺的にスレッドセヌフ。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`AtomicBool`, `AtomicU8`, ...: Uses special atomic instructions." msgstr "`AtomicBool`, `AtomicU8`, 
: 特別なアトミック呜什を利甚。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "The generic types are typically `Send + Sync` when the type parameters are " "`Send + Sync`." msgstr "" "ゞェネリクスは、型パラメタが`Send + Sync`であるずき、通垞は`Send + Sync`で" "す。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`Send + !Sync`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "These types can be moved to other threads, but they're not thread-safe. " "Typically because of interior mutability:" msgstr "" "これらの型は別のスレッドにムヌブするこずができたすが、このようなムヌブはス" "レッドセヌフではありたせん。通垞は内郚可倉性がその原因です" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`mpsc::Sender`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`mpsc::Receiver`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`Cell`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`RefCell`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`!Send + Sync`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "These types are thread-safe, but they cannot be moved to another thread:" msgstr "" "このような型はスレッドセヌフですが、別のスレッドにムヌブするこずはできたせ" "ん" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "`MutexGuard`: Uses OS level primitives which must be deallocated on " "the thread which created them." msgstr "" "`MutexGuard`: プリミティブを䜜成したスレッド自身により、割り圓おを解陀され" "るべきであるようなOSレベルのプリミティブを利甚。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "`!Send + !Sync`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "These types are not thread-safe and cannot be moved to other threads:" msgstr "" "このような型はスレッドセヌフではないため、別のスレッドにムヌブするこずはでき" "たせん" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "`Rc`: each `Rc` has a reference to an `RcBox`, which contains a non-" "atomic reference count." msgstr "" "`Rc`: それぞれの `Rc` は`RcBox`ぞの参照を持っおいたす。これは、アト" "ミックでない参照カりントを持っおいたす。" #: src/concurrency/send-sync/ msgid "" "`*const T`, `*mut T`: Rust assumes raw pointers may have special concurrency " "considerations." msgstr "" "`*const T`, `*mut T`: Rust は、生ポむンタヌは同時実行性に関する特別な考慮事項" "がある可胜性があるこずを仮定しおいたす。" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "Rust uses the type system to enforce synchronization of shared data. This is " "primarily done via two types:" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "[`Arc`](, atomic " "reference counted `T`: handles sharing between threads and takes care to " "deallocate `T` when the last reference is dropped," msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/ msgid "" "[`Mutex`]( ensures " "mutually exclusive access to the `T` value." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "`Arc`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "[`Arc`]( allows shared " "read-only access via `Arc::clone`:" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "\"{thread_id:?}: {v:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "\"v: {v:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "`Arc` stands for \"Atomic Reference Counted\", a thread safe version of `Rc` " "that uses atomic operations." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "`Arc` implements `Clone` whether or not `T` does. It implements `Send` " "and `Sync` if and only if `T` implements them both." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "`Arc::clone()` has the cost of atomic operations that get executed, but " "after that the use of the `T` is free." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "Beware of reference cycles, `Arc` does not use a garbage collector to detect " "them." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "`std::sync::Weak` can help." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "`Mutex`" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "[`Mutex`]( ensures " "mutual exclusion _and_ allows mutable access to `T` behind a read-only " "interface:" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "\"v: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "Notice how we have a [`impl Sync for Mutex`](https://doc.rust-" " blanket " "implementation." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "`Mutex` in Rust looks like a collection with just one element - the " "protected data." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "It is not possible to forget to acquire the mutex before accessing the " "protected data." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "You can get an `&mut T` from an `&Mutex` by taking the lock. The " "`MutexGuard` ensures that the `&mut T` doesn't outlive the lock being held." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "`Mutex` implements both `Send` and `Sync` iff (if and only if) `T` " "implements `Send`." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "A read-write lock counterpart - `RwLock`." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "Why does `lock()` return a `Result`? " msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "If the thread that held the `Mutex` panicked, the `Mutex` becomes " "\"poisoned\" to signal that the data it protected might be in an " "inconsistent state. Calling `lock()` on a poisoned mutex fails with a " "[`PoisonError`]( " "You can call `into_inner()` on the error to recover the data regardless." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "Let us see `Arc` and `Mutex` in action:" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "// use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};\n" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "Possible solution:" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "Notable parts:" msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "`v` is wrapped in both `Arc` and `Mutex`, because their concerns are " "orthogonal." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "Wrapping a `Mutex` in an `Arc` is a common pattern to share mutable state " "between threads." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "`v: Arc<_>` needs to be cloned as `v2` before it can be moved into another " "thread. Note `move` was added to the lambda signature." msgstr "" #: src/concurrency/shared_state/ msgid "" "Blocks are introduced to narrow the scope of the `LockGuard` as much as " "possible." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Let us practice our new concurrency skills with" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Dining philosophers: a classic problem in concurrency." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Multi-threaded link checker: a larger project where you'll use Cargo to " "download dependencies and then check links in parallel." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "The dining philosophers problem is a classic problem in concurrency:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Five philosophers dine together at the same table. Each philosopher has " "their own place at the table. There is a fork between each plate. The dish " "served is a kind of spaghetti which has to be eaten with two forks. Each " "philosopher can only alternately think and eat. Moreover, a philosopher can " "only eat their spaghetti when they have both a left and right fork. Thus two " "forks will only be available when their two nearest neighbors are thinking, " "not eating. After an individual philosopher finishes eating, they will put " "down both forks." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "You will need a local [Cargo installation](../../cargo/ " "for this exercise. Copy the code below to a file called `src/`, fill " "out the blanks, and test that `cargo run` does not deadlock:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "// left_fork: ...\n" " // right_fork: ...\n" " // thoughts: ...\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Eureka! {} has a new idea!\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// Pick up forks...\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"{} is eating...\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Socrates\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Hypatia\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Plato\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Aristotle\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Pythagoras\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// Create forks\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// Create philosophers\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// Make each of them think and eat 100 times\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// Output their thoughts\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "You can use the following `Cargo.toml`:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "```toml\n" "[package]\n" "name = \"dining-philosophers\"\n" "version = \"0.1.0\"\n" "edition = \"2021\"\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Let us use our new knowledge to create a multi-threaded link checker. It " "should start at a webpage and check that links on the page are valid. It " "should recursively check other pages on the same domain and keep doing this " "until all pages have been validated." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "For this, you will need an HTTP client such as [`reqwest`](" "reqwest/). Create a new Cargo project and `reqwest` it as a dependency with:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "If `cargo add` fails with `error: no such subcommand`, then please edit the " "`Cargo.toml` file by hand. Add the dependencies listed below." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "You will also need a way to find links. We can use [`scraper`](https://docs." "rs/scraper/) for that:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Finally, we'll need some way of handling errors. We use [`thiserror`]" "( for that:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "The `cargo add` calls will update the `Cargo.toml` file to look like this:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "```toml\n" "[package]\n" "name = \"link-checker\"\n" "version = \"0.1.0\"\n" "edition = \"2021\"\n" "publish = false\n" "\n" "[dependencies]\n" "reqwest = { version = \"0.11.12\", features = [\"blocking\", \"rustls-" "tls\"] }\n" "scraper = \"0.13.0\"\n" "thiserror = \"1.0.37\"\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "You can now download the start page. Try with a small site such as `https://" "`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Your `src/` file should look something like this:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"request error: {0}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"bad http response: {0}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Checking {:#}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"href\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"On {base_url:#}: ignored unparsable {href:?}: {err}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Links: {links:#?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Could not extract links: {err:#}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Run the code in `src/` with" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Use threads to check the links in parallel: send the URLs to be checked to a " "channel and let a few threads check the URLs in parallel." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Extend this to recursively extract links from all pages on the `" "org` domain. Put an upper limit of 100 pages or so so that you don't end up " "being blocked by the site." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Async Rust" msgstr "Asyncの基瀎" #: src/ msgid "" "\"Async\" is a concurrency model where multiple tasks are executed " "concurrently by executing each task until it would block, then switching to " "another task that is ready to make progress. The model allows running a " "larger number of tasks on a limited number of threads. This is because the " "per-task overhead is typically very low and operating systems provide " "primitives for efficiently identifying I/O that is able to proceed." msgstr "" "「Async」は耇数のタスクが䞊行凊理される䞊行性モデルです。それぞれのタスクはブ" "ロックされるたで実行され、そしお次に進むこずのできる他のタスクに切り替えるこ" "ずにより実珟されたす。このモデルは限られた数のスレッド䞊でより倚くのタスクを" "実行するこずを可胜にしたす。なぜなら、タスクごずのオヌバヌヘッドは通垞はずお" "も䜎く、効率的に実行可胜なI/Oを特定するために必芁なプリミティブをOSが提䟛しお" "くれるからです。" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust's asynchronous operation is based on \"futures\", which represent work " "that may be completed in the future. Futures are \"polled\" until they " "signal that they are complete." msgstr "" "Rustの非同期的な操䜜は「future」に基づいおいお、これは将来に完了するかもしれ" "ない䜜業を衚しおいたす。Futureは、タスクが完了したこずを知らせるシグナルが埗" "られるたでポヌリングされたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "Futures are polled by an async runtime, and several different runtimes are " "available." msgstr "" "Futureは非同期的なランタむムによりポヌリングされたす。ランタむムにはいく぀か" "の遞択肢がありたす。" #: src/ msgid "Comparisons" msgstr "他の蚀語ずの比范" #: src/ msgid "" "Python has a similar model in its `asyncio`. However, its `Future` type is " "callback-based, and not polled. Async Python programs require a \"loop\", " "similar to a runtime in Rust." msgstr "" "Pythonには䌌たようなモデルが`asyncio`ずしお搭茉されおいたす。しかし、ここでの" "`Future`型はコヌルバックに基づくものであっお、ポヌリングによるものではありた" "せん。Pythonの非同期プログラムは「ルヌプ」を必芁ずし、Rustのランタむムに䌌お" "いたす。" #: src/ msgid "" "JavaScript's `Promise` is similar, but again callback-based. The language " "runtime implements the event loop, so many of the details of Promise " "resolution are hidden." msgstr "" "JavaScriptの`Promise`は䌌おいるものの、これもたたもやコヌルバックに基づきた" "す。 この蚀語のランタむムはむベントルヌプにより実装されおいるため、倚くの" "Promise解決の詳现は隠されおいたす。" #: src/async/ msgid "`async`/`await`" msgstr "`async`/`await`" #: src/async/ msgid "" "At a high level, async Rust code looks very much like \"normal\" sequential " "code:" msgstr "" "おおたかには、Rustの非同期コヌドはほずんど「通垞の」逐次的なコヌドのように芋" "えたす:" #: src/async/ msgid "\"Count is: {i}!\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Note that this is a simplified example to show the syntax. There is no long " "running operation or any real concurrency in it!" msgstr "" "これは構文を瀺すための単玔化された䟋であるこずに泚意しおください。長く実行さ" "れうる操䜜や本物の䞊行凊理はここには含たれたせん。" #: src/async/ msgid "What is the return type of an async call?" msgstr "非同期の呌び出しの返り倀の型は" #: src/async/ msgid "Use `let future: () = async_main(10);` in `main` to see the type." msgstr "" "型を知るために`main`で`let future: () = async_main(10);`を䜿っおみおくださ" "い。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "The \"async\" keyword is syntactic sugar. The compiler replaces the return " "type with a future. " msgstr "" "「async」キヌワヌドは糖衣構文です。コンパむラは返り倀をfutureに眮き換えたす。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "You cannot make `main` async, without additional instructions to the " "compiler on how to use the returned future." msgstr "" "コンパむラに察しお、返されたfutureの倀をその埌どう扱うべきかずいう、远加の指" "瀺を含めない限り、`main`をasyncにするこずはできたせん。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "You need an executor to run async code. `block_on` blocks the current thread " "until the provided future has run to completion. " msgstr "" "非同期のコヌドを実行するためには、゚グれキュヌタが必芁です。`block_on`は、䞎" "えられたfutureが最埌たで実行されるたで、珟圚のスレッドをブロックしたす。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "`.await` asynchronously waits for the completion of another operation. " "Unlike `block_on`, `.await` doesn't block the current thread." msgstr "" "`.await`は非同期的に他の操䜜の完了を埅ちたす。`block_on`ずは異なり、`.await`" "は珟圚のスレッドをブロックしたせん。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "`.await` can only be used inside an `async` function (or block; these are " "introduced later). " msgstr "" "`.await`はasync関数(たたはasync ブロック)の䞭でのみ利甚できたす。(async関数・" "ブロックに぀いおは埌ほど玹介したす。)" #: src/async/ msgid "" "[`Future`]( is a " "trait, implemented by objects that represent an operation that may not be " "complete yet. A future can be polled, and `poll` returns a [`Poll`](https://" "" msgstr "" "[`Future`](はトレむト" "であり、ただ完了しおないかもしれない操䜜を衚珟するオブゞェクトにより実装され" "たす。Futureはポヌリングされるこずがあり、`poll`は[`Poll`](https://doc.rust-" "を返したす。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "An async function returns an `impl Future`. It's also possible (but " "uncommon) to implement `Future` for your own types. For example, the " "`JoinHandle` returned from `tokio::spawn` implements `Future` to allow " "joining to it." msgstr "" "非同期の関数は`impl Future`を返したす。自分で定矩した型に察しお`Future`を実装" "するこずもあたりないこずですが可胜です。䟋えば、`tokio::spawn`から返され" "る`JoinHandle`は`Future`を実装するこずにより、joinするこずを可胜にしおいた" "す。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "The `.await` keyword, applied to a Future, causes the current async function " "to pause until that Future is ready, and then evaluates to its output." msgstr "" "Futureに適甚される`.await`キヌワヌドは、そのFutureの準備ができるたで、珟圚の" "非同期の関数の䞀時停止を起こし、そしおその出力を評䟡したす。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "The `Future` and `Poll` types are implemented exactly as shown; click the " "links to show the implementations in the docs." msgstr "" "`Future`ず`Poll`の型はたさに瀺されたように実装されたす; ドキュメントの具䜓的" "な実装を芋るにはリンクをクリックしおください。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "We will not get to `Pin` and `Context`, as we will focus on writing async " "code, rather than building new async primitives. Briefly:" msgstr "" "`Pin`ず`Context`に぀いおは詳しくは扱いたせん。なぜなら、新しく非同期のプリミ" "ティブを䜜るよりも、非同期のコヌドを曞くこずに我々は重点を眮く぀もりだからで" "す。簡朔には以䞋で説明されたす" #: src/async/ msgid "" "`Context` allows a Future to schedule itself to be polled again when an " "event occurs." msgstr "" "`Context`は、特定のむベントが発生した時に、Futureが自分自身を再びポヌリングさ" "れるようにスケゞュヌルするこずを可胜にしたす。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "`Pin` ensures that the Future isn't moved in memory, so that pointers into " "that future remain valid. This is required to allow references to remain " "valid after an `.await`." msgstr "" "`Pin`はfutureぞのポむンタが有効であり続けるために、Futureがメモリの䞭で移動さ" "れないこずを確実にしたす。これは、参照が`.await`の埌に有効であり続けるために" "必芁です。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "A _runtime_ provides support for performing operations asynchronously (a " "_reactor_) and is responsible for executing futures (an _executor_). Rust " "does not have a \"built-in\" runtime, but several options are available:" msgstr "" "\\_runtime_は非同期な挔算_reactor_のサポヌトを提䟛し、たた、futureを実行" "するこず_executor_を担圓しおいたす。Rustには「ビルトむン」のランタむムは" "ありたせんが、いく぀かのランタむムの遞択肢がありたす: " #: src/async/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "[Tokio]( performant, with a well-developed ecosystem of " "functionality like [Hyper]( for HTTP or [Tonic](https://" " for gRPC." msgstr "" "[Tokio]( - パフォヌマンスが高い。HTTP向けの[Hyper](https://" "やgRPC向けの[Tonic](のような発達" "した゚コシステムも持っおいる" #: src/async/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "[async-std]( aims to be a \"std for async\", and includes " "a basic runtime in `async::task`." msgstr "" "[async-std]( - 「async」のための「std」であるこずを目指した" "もの。たた、`async::task`に基本的なランタむムを含む。" #: src/async/ #, fuzzy msgid "[smol]( simple and lightweight" msgstr "[smol]( - シンプルで軜量" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Several larger applications have their own runtimes. For example, [Fuchsia]" "(" "async/src/ already has one." msgstr "" "いく぀かのより巚倧なアプリケヌションは、独自のランタむムを備えおいたす。䟋え" "ば[Fuchsia](" "lib/fuchsia-async/src/はそのようなものをすでに備えおいたす。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Note that of the listed runtimes, only Tokio is supported in the Rust " "playground. The playground also does not permit any I/O, so most interesting " "async things can't run in the playground." msgstr "" "䞊で挙げられたランタむムのうち、TokioのみがRustプレむグラりンドでサポヌトされ" "おいたす。このプレむグラりンドではいかなる入出力操䜜も蚱可されおいないため、" "倧抵の興味深い非同期のあれこれは、プレむグラりンドで実行するこずはできたせ" "ん。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Futures are \"inert\" in that they do not do anything (not even start an I/O " "operation) unless there is an executor polling them. This differs from JS " "Promises, for example, which will run to completion even if they are never " "used." msgstr "" "Futureは、ポヌリングを行う゚グれキュヌタの存圚なしには䜕も行わない入出力操" "䜜さえ始めないずいう点で「怠惰」です。䟋えば、これは、゚グれキュヌタがなく" "ずも最埌たで実行されるJavaScriptのPromiseずは異なりたす。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "Tokio provides: " msgstr "Tokioは以䞋を提䟛したす: " #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "A multi-threaded runtime for executing asynchronous code." msgstr "非同期のコヌドを実行するためのマルチスレッドのランタむム。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "An asynchronous version of the standard library." msgstr "暙準ラむブラリの非同期バヌゞョン。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "A large ecosystem of libraries." msgstr "倧きなラむブラリの゚コシステム。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "\"Count in task: {i}!\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "\"Main task: {i}\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "With the `tokio::main` macro we can now make `main` async." msgstr "`tokio::main`のマクロにより、`main`の非同期凊理を䜜るこずができたす。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "The `spawn` function creates a new, concurrent \"task\"." msgstr "`spawn`関数は新しい䞊行の「タスク」を䜜成したす。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "Note: `spawn` takes a `Future`, you don't call `.await` on `count_to`." msgstr "" "泚意`spawn`は`Future`を匕数に取るため、`count_to`に察しお`.await`を呌ぶこず" "はありたせん。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "**Further exploration:**" msgstr "**さらなる探求:**" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "" "Why does `count_to` not (usually) get to 10? This is an example of async " "cancellation. `tokio::spawn` returns a handle which can be awaited to wait " "until it finishes." msgstr "" "どうしお`count_to`は通垞は10に蟿り着かないのでしょうかこれは非同期凊理" "のキャンセルの䟋です。 `tokio::spawn`は完了たで埅機するためのハンドラを返した" "す。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "Try `count_to(10).await` instead of spawning." msgstr "" "プロセスを新しく䜜る代わりに、`count_to(10).await`を詊しおみおください。" #: src/async/runtimes/ msgid "Try awaiting the task returned from `tokio::spawn`." msgstr "`tokio::spawn`から返されたタスクを埅機しおみおください。" #: src/async/ msgid "Rust has a task system, which is a form of lightweight threading." msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "" "A task has a single top-level future which the executor polls to make " "progress. That future may have one or more nested futures that its `poll` " "method polls, corresponding loosely to a call stack. Concurrency within a " "task is possible by polling multiple child futures, such as racing a timer " "and an I/O operation." msgstr "" "タスクには、単䞀のトップレベルのfutureがあり、これぱグれキュヌタが先に進む" "ためにポヌリングする察象ずなりたす。そのfutureには䞀぀たたは耇数のfutureがネ" "ストされおいるこずもあり、トップレベルのfutureの`poll`メ゜ッドがポヌリングす" "るこずになり、倧たかにはコヌルスタックに察応するず蚀えたす。タスクにおける䞊" "行凊理は、䟋えば競合タむマヌや入出力操䜜など、耇数の子のfutureをポヌリングす" "るこずにより可胜になりたす。" #: src/async/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "\"listening on port 6142\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "\"connection from {addr:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "b\"Who are you?\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ src/async/ src/async/ msgid "\"socket error: {e:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "\"Thanks for dialing in, {name}!\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "Copy this example into your prepared `src/` and run it from there." msgstr "" "この䟋を準備した`src/`にコピヌしお、そこから実行しおみたしょう。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Ask students to visualize what the state of the example server would be with " "a few connected clients. What tasks exist? What are their Futures?" msgstr "" "䟋のサヌバヌがどのような状態の時に、いく぀かのクラむアントず接続された状態に" "あるのかを、可芖化するように受講者に指瀺しおください。どんなタスクが存圚しお" "いたすかそれらのfutureは䜕ですか" #: src/async/ msgid "" "This is the first time we've seen an `async` block. This is similar to a " "closure, but does not take any arguments. Its return value is a Future, " "similar to an `async fn`. " msgstr "" "私たちが`async`ブロックを芋かけるのは初めおですね。これはクロヌゞャず䌌おいた" "すが、䜕も匕数は取りたせん。この返り倀はFutureであり、`async fn`ず䌌おいた" "す。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Refactor the async block into a function, and improve the error handling " "using `?`." msgstr "" "mainのasyncブロックを関数にリファクタしお、`?`を䜿った゚ラヌハンドリングを改" "善しおみたしょう。" #: src/async/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "Several crates have support for asynchronous channels. For instance `tokio`:" msgstr "" "いく぀かのクレヌトは`async`/`await`をサポヌトしおいたす。䟋えば、`tokio`チャ" "ネルは:" #: src/async/ msgid "\"Received {count} pings so far.\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "\"ping_handler complete\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "\"Failed to send ping.\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "\"Sent {} pings so far.\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "\"Something went wrong in ping handler task.\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "Change the channel size to `3` and see how it affects the execution." msgstr "" "チャネルサむズを `3`に倉えおみお、これがどのように凊理に圱響するか確認しおみ" "たしょう。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Overall, the interface is similar to the `sync` channels as seen in the " "[morning class](concurrency/" msgstr "" "䞀般的に、このむンタヌフェヌスは、[朝の講座](concurrency/で芋られ" "たような`sync`チャネルに䌌おいたす。" #: src/async/ msgid "Try removing the `std::mem::drop` call. What happens? Why?" msgstr "" "`std::mem::drop`の呌び出しを陀いおみたしょう。䜕か起こるでしょうかそれはな" "ぜでしょうか" #: src/async/ msgid "" "The [Flume]( crate has channels that " "implement both `sync` and `async` `send` and `recv`. This can be convenient " "for complex applications with both IO and heavy CPU processing tasks." msgstr "" "[Flume](クレヌトには`sync`ず`async`や" "`send`ず`recv`の䞡方を実装するチャネルがありたす。 これは入出力ず重いCPUの凊" "理のタスクの䞡方を含む、耇雑なアプリケヌションで䟿利です。" #: src/async/ msgid "" "What makes working with `async` channels preferable is the ability to " "combine them with other `future`s to combine them and create complex control " "flow." msgstr "" "`async`チャネルを扱うこずを奜たしくするのは、チャネルず繋げるためにや、耇雑な" "コントロヌルフロヌを䜜るために、チャネルを他の`future`ず繋げられるこずです。" #: src/async/ msgid "Futures Control Flow" msgstr "Futureの制埡フロヌ" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Futures can be combined together to produce concurrent compute flow graphs. " "We have already seen tasks, that function as independent threads of " "execution." msgstr "" "䞊行蚈算フロヌグラフを生成するために、futureを組み合わせるこずができたす。す" "でに独立したスレッドずしお機胜するタスクを芋おきたした。" #: src/async/ msgid "[Join](control-flow/" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "[Select](control-flow/" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "A join operation waits until all of a set of futures are ready, and returns " "a collection of their results. This is similar to `Promise.all` in " "JavaScript or `asyncio.gather` in Python." msgstr "" "Joinずいう操䜜では、futureの集合の準備が敎うたで埅機し、その埌に結果をたずめ" "お返したす。これはJavaScriptにおける `Promise.all` やPythonにおける`asyncio." "gather`に䌌おいたす。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"BAD_URL\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"{:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "For multiple futures of disjoint types, you can use `std::future::join!` but " "you must know how many futures you will have at compile time. This is " "currently in the `futures` crate, soon to be stabilised in `std::future`." msgstr "" "耇数の互いに玠な型のfutureに察しおは、`std::future::join!`を利甚できたす。し" "かし、いく぀のfutureがコンパむル時に存圚しおいるのかを把握しおおく必芁があり" "たす。これは珟圚`futures`クレヌトにありたすが、近いうちに`std::future`に統合" "される予定です。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "The risk of `join` is that one of the futures may never resolve, this would " "cause your program to stall. " msgstr "" "`join`のリスクは、耇数のfutureのうちの぀でも解決されないずプログラムがス" "トヌルしおしたうずいうこずです。 " #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "You can also combine `join_all` with `join!` for instance to join all " "requests to an http service as well as a database query. Try adding a " "`tokio::time::sleep` to the future, using `futures::join!`. This is not a " "timeout (that requires `select!`, explained in the next chapter), but " "demonstrates `join!`." msgstr "" "たた、`join_all`ず`join!`を組み合わせるこずもできたす。それは、䟋えばデヌタ" "ベヌスのク゚リず䞀緒にhttpサヌビスぞの党おのリク゚ストをjoinする堎合です。" "futureに`futures::join!`を甚いお、`tokio::time::sleep`を远加しおみおくださ" "い。これは次のチャプタヌで説明する、`select!`を必芁ずするタむムアりトでは" "ありたせんが、`join!`の良い実挔ずなっおいたす。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "A select operation waits until any of a set of futures is ready, and " "responds to that future's result. In JavaScript, this is similar to `Promise." "race`. In Python, it compares to `asyncio.wait(task_set, return_when=asyncio." "FIRST_COMPLETED)`." msgstr "" "Selectずいう操䜜では、futureの集合のうち、いずれか぀の準備が敎うたで埅機" "し、そのfutureが提䟛する結果に察しお応答したす。これはJavaScriptにおける" "`Promise.race`に䌌おいたす。たた、Pythonにおける `asyncio.wait(task_set, " "return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)`ず比べるこずができたす。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "Similar to a match statement, the body of `select!` has a number of arms, " "each of the form `pattern = future => statement`. When the `future` is " "ready, the `statement` is executed with the variables in `pattern` bound to " "the `future`'s result." msgstr "" "Matchステヌトメントのように、`select!`の本䜓にはいく぀かの 「腕」があり、それ" "ぞれは`pattern = future => statement`の圢をずっおいたす。 `future`の準備が" "敎った時、その`statement`は`future`の結果に玐づく`pattern`の倉数を甚いお実行" "されたす。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"Felix\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"Failed to send cat.\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"Rex\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"Failed to send dog.\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"Failed to receive winner\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "\"Winner is {winner:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/control-flow/ #, fuzzy msgid "" "In this example, we have a race between a cat and a dog. " "`first_animal_to_finish_race` listens to both channels and will pick " "whichever arrives first. Since the dog takes 50ms, it wins against the cat " "that take 500ms." msgstr "" "この䟋では、猫ず犬のレヌスを扱っおいたす。`first_animal_to_finish_race`は䞡方" "のチャネルをリッスンし、先に到着した方を遞びたす。犬は到着たで50msかかるの" "で、500msかかる猫に勝ちたす。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "You can use `oneshot` channels in this example as the channels are supposed " "to receive only one `send`." msgstr "" "この䟋では`oneshot`チャネルを䜿うこずもできたす。なぜなら、チャネルは䞀回きり" "の`send`を受け取るこずになっおいるからです。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "Try adding a deadline to the race, demonstrating selecting different sorts " "of futures." msgstr "" "レヌスに制限時間を远加するこずによっお、違う皮類のfutureをselectするこずを実" "挔しおみおください。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "Note that `select!` drops unmatched branches, which cancels their futures. " "It is easiest to use when every execution of `select!` creates new futures." msgstr "" "`select!`はマッチしなかったブランチをドロップするこずに泚意しおください。これ" "は、そうしたブランチのfutureがキャンセルされるこずに぀ながりたす。`select!`を" "毎回実行する際に新たなfutureが䜜成されるずきに、`select!`を䜿うのが最も簡単で" "す。" #: src/async/control-flow/ msgid "" "An alternative is to pass `&mut future` instead of the future itself, but " "this can lead to issues, further discussed in the pinning slide." msgstr "" "Futureそのものでなく、`&mut future`を枡すずいう代替案もありたす。しかし、これ" "は問題に぀ながるこずもありたす。このこずはPinに関するスラむドで詳现に議論した" "す。" #: src/async/ msgid "Pitfalls of async/await" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "" "Async / await provides convenient and efficient abstraction for concurrent " "asynchronous programming. However, the async/await model in Rust also comes " "with its share of pitfalls and footguns. We illustrate some of them in this " "chapter:" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "[Blocking the Executor](pitfalls/" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "[Pin](pitfalls/" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "[Async Traits](pitfalls/" msgstr "" #: src/async/ msgid "[Cancellation](pitfalls/" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "Blocking the executor" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Most async runtimes only allow IO tasks to run concurrently. This means that " "CPU blocking tasks will block the executor and prevent other tasks from " "being executed. An easy workaround is to use async equivalent methods where " "possible." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"future {id} slept for {duration_ms}ms, finished after {}ms\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"current_thread\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Run the code and see that the sleeps happen consecutively rather than " "concurrently." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "The `\"current_thread\"` flavor puts all tasks on a single thread. This " "makes the effect more obvious, but the bug is still present in the multi-" "threaded flavor." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Switch the `std::thread::sleep` to `tokio::time::sleep` and await its result." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Another fix would be to `tokio::task::spawn_blocking` which spawns an actual " "thread and transforms its handle into a future without blocking the executor." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "You should not think of tasks as OS threads. They do not map 1 to 1 and most " "executors will allow many tasks to run on a single OS thread. This is " "particularly problematic when interacting with other libraries via FFI, " "where that library might depend on thread-local storage or map to specific " "OS threads (e.g., CUDA). Prefer `tokio::task::spawn_blocking` in such " "situations." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Use sync mutexes with care. Holding a mutex over an `.await` may cause " "another task to block, and that task may be running on the same thread." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "When you await a future, all local variables (that would ordinarily be " "stored on a stack frame) are instead stored in the Future for the current " "async block. If your future has pointers to data on the stack, those " "pointers might get invalidated. This is unsafe." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Therefore, you must guarantee that the addresses your future points to don't " "change. That is why we need to `pin` futures. Using the same future " "repeatedly in a `select!` often leads to issues with pinned values." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "// A work item. In this case, just sleep for the given time and respond\n" "// with a message on the `respond_on` channel.\n" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "// A worker which listens for work on a queue and performs it.\n" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "// Pretend to work.\n" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"failed to send response\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "// TODO: report number of iterations every 100ms\n" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "// A requester which requests work and waits for it to complete.\n" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"failed to send on work queue\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"failed waiting for response\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"work result for iteration {i}: {resp}\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "You may recognize this as an example of the actor pattern. Actors typically " "call `select!` in a loop." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "This serves as a summation of a few of the previous lessons, so take your " "time with it." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Naively add a `_ = sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)) => { println!(..) }` to " "the `select!`. This will never execute. Why?" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Instead, add a `timeout_fut` containing that future outside of the `loop`:" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "This still doesn't work. Follow the compiler errors, adding `&mut` to the " "`timeout_fut` in the `select!` to work around the move, then using `Box::" "pin`:" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "This compiles, but once the timeout expires it is `Poll::Ready` on every " "iteration (a fused future would help with this). Update to reset " "`timeout_fut` every time it expires." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Box allocates on the heap. In some cases, `std::pin::pin!` (only recently " "stabilized, with older code often using `tokio::pin!`) is also an option, " "but that is difficult to use for a future that is reassigned." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Another alternative is to not use `pin` at all but spawn another task that " "will send to a `oneshot` channel every 100ms." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Async methods in traits are not yet supported in the stable channel ([An " "experimental feature exists in nightly and should be stabilized in the mid " "term.](" "nightly.html))" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "The crate [async_trait]( " "provides a workaround through a macro:" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"running all sleepers..\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"slept for {}ms\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "`async_trait` is easy to use, but note that it's using heap allocations to " "achieve this. This heap allocation has performance overhead." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "The challenges in language support for `async trait` are deep Rust and " "probably not worth describing in-depth. Niko Matsakis did a good job of " "explaining them in [this post](" "blog/2019/10/26/async-fn-in-traits-are-hard/) if you are interested in " "digging deeper." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Try creating a new sleeper struct that will sleep for a random amount of " "time and adding it to the Vec." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Dropping a future implies it can never be polled again. This is called " "_cancellation_ and it can occur at any `await` point. Care is needed to " "ensure the system works correctly even when futures are cancelled. For " "example, it shouldn't deadlock or lose data." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"not UTF-8\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"hi\\nthere\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "\"tick!\"" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "The compiler doesn't help with cancellation-safety. You need to read API " "documentation and consider what state your `async fn` holds." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Unlike `panic` and `?`, cancellation is part of normal control flow (vs " "error-handling)." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "The example loses parts of the string." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "Whenever the `tick()` branch finishes first, `next()` and its `buf` are " "dropped." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "`LinesReader` can be made cancellation-safe by making `buf` part of the " "struct:" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "// prefix buf and bytes with self.\n" " // ...\n" msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "[`Interval::tick`](" "html#method.tick) is cancellation-safe because it keeps track of whether a " "tick has been 'delivered'." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "[`AsyncReadExt::read`](" " is cancellation-safe because it either " "returns or doesn't read data." msgstr "" #: src/async/pitfalls/ msgid "" "[`AsyncBufReadExt::read_line`](" "AsyncBufReadExt.html#method.read_line) is similar to the example and _isn't_ " "cancellation-safe. See its documentation for details and alternatives." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "To practice your Async Rust skills, we have again two exercises for you:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Dining philosophers: we already saw this problem in the morning. This time " "you are going to implement it with Async Rust." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "A Broadcast Chat Application: this is a larger project that allows you " "experiment with more advanced Async Rust features." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Dining Philosophers - Async" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "See [dining philosophers]( for a description of the " "problem." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "As before, you will need a local [Cargo installation](../../cargo/running-" " for this exercise. Copy the code below to a file called `src/" "`, fill out the blanks, and test that `cargo run` does not deadlock:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// Make them think and eat\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Since this time you are using Async Rust, you'll need a `tokio` dependency. " "You can use the following `Cargo.toml`:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "```toml\n" "[package]\n" "name = \"dining-philosophers-async-dine\"\n" "version = \"0.1.0\"\n" "edition = \"2021\"\n" "\n" "[dependencies]\n" "tokio = {version = \"1.26.0\", features = [\"sync\", \"time\", \"macros\", " "\"rt-multi-thread\"]}\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Also note that this time you have to use the `Mutex` and the `mpsc` module " "from the `tokio` crate." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Can you make your implementation single-threaded? " msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "In this exercise, we want to use our new knowledge to implement a broadcast " "chat application. We have a chat server that the clients connect to and " "publish their messages. The client reads user messages from the standard " "input, and sends them to the server. The chat server broadcasts each message " "that it receives to all the clients." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "For this, we use [a broadcast channel](" "sync/broadcast/ on the server, and [`tokio_websockets`]" "( for the " "communication between the client and the server." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Create a new Cargo project and add the following dependencies:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "_Cargo.toml_:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "```toml\n" "[package]\n" "name = \"chat-async\"\n" "version = \"0.1.0\"\n" "edition = \"2021\"\n" "\n" "[dependencies]\n" "futures-util = { version = \"0.3.28\", features = [\"sink\"] }\n" "http = \"0.2.9\"\n" "tokio = { version = \"1.28.1\", features = [\"full\"] }\n" "tokio-websockets = { version = \"0.4.0\", features = [\"client\", " "\"fastrand\", \"server\", \"sha1_smol\"] }\n" "```" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "The required APIs" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "You are going to need the following functions from `tokio` and " "[`tokio_websockets`](" "tokio_websockets/). Spend a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the " "API. " msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "[StreamExt::next()](" " implemented by `WebsocketStream`: for " "asynchronously reading messages from a Websocket Stream." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "[SinkExt::send()](" "trait.SinkExt.html#method.send) implemented by `WebsocketStream`: for " "asynchronously sending messages on a Websocket Stream." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "[Lines::next_line()](" "html#method.next_line): for asynchronously reading user messages from the " "standard input." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "[Sender::subscribe()](" "struct.Sender.html#method.subscribe): for subscribing to a broadcast channel." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Two binaries" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Normally in a Cargo project, you can have only one binary, and one `src/main." "rs` file. In this project, we need two binaries. One for the client, and one " "for the server. You could potentially make them two separate Cargo projects, " "but we are going to put them in a single Cargo project with two binaries. " "For this to work, the client and the server code should go under `src/bin` " "(see the [documentation](" "targets.html#binaries)). " msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Copy the following server and client code into `src/bin/` and `src/" "bin/`, respectively. Your task is to complete these files as " "described below. " msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "_src/bin/server.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// TODO: For a hint, see the description of the task below.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"listening on port 2000\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"New connection from {addr:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// Wrap the raw TCP stream into a websocket.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "_src/bin/client.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"ws://\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Running the binaries" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Run the server with:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "and the client with:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Implement the `handle_connection` function in `src/bin/`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Hint: Use `tokio::select!` for concurrently performing two tasks in a " "continuous loop. One task receives messages from the client and broadcasts " "them. The other sends messages received by the server to the client." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Complete the main function in `src/bin/`." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Hint: As before, use `tokio::select!` in a continuous loop for concurrently " "performing two tasks: (1) reading user messages from standard input and " "sending them to the server, and (2) receiving messages from the server, and " "displaying them for the user." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "Optional: Once you are done, change the code to broadcast messages to all " "clients, but the sender of the message." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "_Thank you for taking Comprehensive Rust 🊀!_ We hope you enjoyed it and " "that it was useful." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "We've had a lot of fun putting the course together. The course is not " "perfect, so if you spotted any mistakes or have ideas for improvements, " "please get in [contact with us on GitHub](" "comprehensive-rust/discussions). We would love to hear from you." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The following is a glossary which aims to give a short definition of many " "Rust terms. For translations, this also serves to connect the term back to " "the English original." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "allocate: \n" "Dynamic memory allocation on [the heap](memory-management/" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "argument:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Bare-metal Rust: \n" "Low-level Rust development, often deployed to a system without an operating " "system. See [Bare-metal Rust](" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "block: \n" "See [Blocks](control-flow/ and _scope_." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "borrow: \n" "See [Borrowing](ownership/" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "borrow checker: \n" "The part of the Rust compiler which checks that all borrows are valid." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "brace: \n" "`{` and `}`. Also called _curly brace_, they delimit _blocks_." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "build:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "call:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "channel: \n" "Used to safely pass messages [between threads](concurrency/" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Comprehensive Rust 🊀: \n" "The courses here are jointly called Comprehensive Rust 🊀." msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "concurrency:" msgstr "䞊行性" #: src/ msgid "" "Concurrency in Rust: \n" "See [Concurrency in Rust](" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "constant:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "control flow:" msgstr "制埡フロヌ" #: src/ msgid "crash:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "enumeration:" msgstr "実装" #: src/ msgid "error:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "error handling:" msgstr "゚ラヌ凊理" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "exercise:" msgstr "緎習問題" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "function:" msgstr "関数" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "garbage collector:" msgstr "ガベヌゞコレクション" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "generics:" msgstr "ゞェネリクスgenerics" #: src/ msgid "immutable:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "integration test:" msgstr "むンテグレヌションテスト" #: src/ msgid "keyword:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "library:" msgstr "ラむブラリ" #: src/ msgid "macro:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "main function:" msgstr "Unsafe関数の呌び出し" #: src/ msgid "match:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "memory leak:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "method:" msgstr "メ゜ッド" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "module:" msgstr "モゞュヌル" #: src/ msgid "move:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "mutable:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "ownership:" msgstr "所有暩" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "panic:" msgstr "パニックpanic" #: src/ msgid "parameter:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "pattern:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "payload:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "program:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "programming language:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "receiver:" msgstr "ドラむバ" #: src/ msgid "reference counting:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "return:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "Rust:" msgstr "Rustdoc" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust Fundamentals: \n" "Days 1 to 3 of this course." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Rust in Android: \n" "See [Rust in Android](" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "safe:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "scope:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "standard library:" msgstr "暙準ラむブラリ" #: src/ msgid "static:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "string:" msgstr "文字列String" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "struct:" msgstr "構造䜓structs" #: src/ msgid "test:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "thread:" msgstr "スレッド" #: src/ msgid "thread safety:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "trait:" msgstr "トレむトtrait" #: src/ msgid "type:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "type inference:" msgstr "型掚論" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "undefined behavior:" msgstr "実行時に未定矩の動䜜はありたせん" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "union:" msgstr "共甚䜓" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "unit test:" msgstr "ナニットテスト" #: src/ msgid "unsafe:" msgstr "" #: src/ #, fuzzy msgid "variable:\\" msgstr "倉数" #: src/ msgid "Other Rust Resources" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The Rust community has created a wealth of high-quality and free resources " "online." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Official Documentation" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "The Rust project hosts many resources. These cover Rust in general:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[The Rust Programming Language]( the " "canonical free book about Rust. Covers the language in detail and includes a " "few projects for people to build." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Rust By Example]( covers the " "Rust syntax via a series of examples which showcase different constructs. " "Sometimes includes small exercises where you are asked to expand on the code " "in the examples." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Rust Standard Library]( full documentation " "of the standard library for Rust." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[The Rust Reference]( an incomplete " "book which describes the Rust grammar and memory model." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "More specialized guides hosted on the official Rust site:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[The Rustonomicon]( covers unsafe Rust, " "including working with raw pointers and interfacing with other languages " "(FFI)." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Asynchronous Programming in Rust]( " "covers the new asynchronous programming model which was introduced after the " "Rust Book was written." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[The Embedded Rust Book]( " "an introduction to using Rust on embedded devices without an operating " "system." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Unofficial Learning Material" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "A small selection of other guides and tutorial for Rust:" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Learn Rust the Dangerous Way]( covers Rust " "from the perspective of low-level C programmers." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Rust for Embedded C Programmers](" "rust_for_c/): covers Rust from the perspective of developers who write " "firmware in C." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Rust for professionals]( " "covers the syntax of Rust using side-by-side comparisons with other " "languages such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Rust on Exercism]( 100+ exercises to help " "you learn Rust." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Ferrous Teaching Material](" "material/index.html): a series of small presentations covering both basic " "and advanced part of the Rust language. Other topics such as WebAssembly, " "and async/await are also covered." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Beginner's Series to Rust](" "series-to-rust/) and [Take your first steps with Rust](https://docs." " two Rust guides aimed at " "new developers. The first is a set of 35 videos and the second is a set of " "11 modules which covers Rust syntax and basic constructs." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "[Learn Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists](https://rust-unofficial." " in-depth exploration of Rust's memory management " "rules, through implementing a few different types of list structures." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Please see the [Little Book of Rust Books]( " "for even more Rust books." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The material here builds on top of the many great sources of Rust " "documentation. See the page on [other resources]( for a " "full list of useful resources." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The material of Comprehensive Rust is licensed under the terms of the Apache " "2.0 license, please see [`LICENSE`](" "rust/blob/main/LICENSE) for details." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Rust by Example" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Some examples and exercises have been copied and adapted from [Rust by " "Example]( Please see the " "`third_party/rust-by-example/` directory for details, including the license " "terms." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "Rust on Exercism" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "Some exercises have been copied and adapted from [Rust on Exercism](https://" " Please see the `third_party/rust-on-exercism/` " "directory for details, including the license terms." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "CXX" msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The [Interoperability with C++](android/interoperability/ section " "uses an image from [CXX]( Please see the `third_party/cxx/` " "directory for details, including the license terms." msgstr "" #: src/ msgid "" "The [Why Rust? - An Example in C](why-rust/ section has " "been taken from the presentation slides of [Colin Finck's Master Thesis]" "( It has been " "relicensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license for this course by the " "author." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/ msgid "You will find solutions to the exercises on the following pages." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/ msgid "" "Feel free to ask questions about the solutions [on GitHub](https://github." "com/google/comprehensive-rust/discussions). Let us know if you have a " "different or better solution than what is presented here." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Day 1 Morning Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"{row:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "//\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Bonus question" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "It requires more advanced concepts. It might seem that we could use a slice-" "of-slices (`&[&[i32]]`) as the input type to transpose and thus make our " "function handle any size of matrix. However, this quickly breaks down: the " "return type cannot be `&[&[i32]]` since it needs to own the data you return." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "You can attempt to use something like `Vec>`, but this doesn't work " "out-of-the-box either: it's hard to convert from `Vec>` to " "`&[&[i32]]` so now you cannot easily use `pretty_print` either." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "Once we get to traits and generics, we'll be able to use the [`std::convert::" "AsRef`]( trait to " "abstract over anything that can be referenced as a slice." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "// A line references a slice of items\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "// A matrix references a slice of lines\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "// &[&[i32]]\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "// [[&str; 2]; 2]\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "// Vec>\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "" "In addition, the type itself would not enforce that the child slices are of " "the same length, so such variable could contain an invalid matrix." msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "Day 1 Afternoon Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"1234 5678 1234 5670\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"Is {cc_number} a valid credit card number? {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ #, fuzzy msgid "Pattern matching" msgstr "パタヌンマッチング" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"expr: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-1/ msgid "\"result: {:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Day 2 Morning Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Designing a Library" msgstr "ラむブラリをデザむン" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"{}, published in {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "// Using a closure and a built-in method:\n" " // self.books.iter().min_by_key(|book| book.year)\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "// Longer hand-written solution:\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "// We could try and capture stdout, but let us just call the\n" " // method to start with.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "Day 2 Afternoon Exercises" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "'/'" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "\"*\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-2/ msgid "" "// Alternatively, Iterator::zip() lets us iterate simultaneously over " "prefix\n" " // and request segments. The zip() iterator is finished as soon as one " "of\n" " // the source iterators is finished, but we need to iterate over all " "request\n" " // segments. A neat trick that makes zip() work is to use map() and " "chain()\n" " // to produce an iterator that returns Some(str) for each pattern " "segments,\n" " // and then returns None indefinitely.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "Day 3 Morning Exercise" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "// Add 4 paddings for borders\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "" "// TODO: after learning about error handling, you can change\n" " // draw_into to return Result<(), std::fmt::Error>. Then use\n" " // the ?-operator here instead of .unwrap().\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"+-{:-\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/day-3/ msgid "\"//! Crab\\n\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "Bare Metal Rust Morning Exercise" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Set up the I2C controller and Inertial Measurement Unit.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"Setting up IMU...\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Set up display and timer.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Read compass data and log it to the serial port.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"{},{},{}\\t{},{},{}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// If button A is pressed, switch to the next mode and briefly blink all " "LEDs on.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_main.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Base address of the PL031 RTC.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// The IRQ used by the PL031 RTC.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Safe because `PL031_BASE_ADDRESS` is the base address of a PL031 device,\n" " // and nothing else accesses that address range.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"RTC: {time}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Wait for 3 seconds, without interrupts.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"Waiting for {}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"matched={}, interrupt_pending={}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "\"Finished waiting\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "// Wait another 3 seconds for an interrupt.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "_pl031.rs_:" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Data register\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Match register\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Load register\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Control register\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Interrupt Mask Set or Clear register\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Raw Interrupt Status\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Masked Interrupt Status\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Interrupt Clear Register\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Driver for a PL031 real-time clock.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "/// Constructs a new instance of the RTC driver for a PL031 device at the\n" " /// given base address.\n" " ///\n" " /// # Safety\n" " ///\n" " /// The given base address must point to the MMIO control registers of " "a\n" " /// PL031 device, which must be mapped into the address space of the " "process\n" " /// as device memory and not have any other aliases.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Reads the current RTC value.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "// Safe because we know that self.registers points to the control\n" " // registers of a PL031 device which is appropriately mapped.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "/// Writes a match value. When the RTC value matches this then an interrupt\n" " /// will be generated (if it is enabled).\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "/// Returns whether the match register matches the RTC value, whether or " "not\n" " /// the interrupt is enabled.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "/// Returns whether there is currently an interrupt pending.\n" " ///\n" " /// This should be true if and only if `matched` returns true and the\n" " /// interrupt is masked.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "" "/// Sets or clears the interrupt mask.\n" " ///\n" " /// When the mask is true the interrupt is enabled; when it is false " "the\n" " /// interrupt is disabled.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/bare-metal/ msgid "/// Clears a pending interrupt, if any.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Concurrency Morning Exercise" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"{} is trying to eat\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "// To avoid a deadlock, we have to break the symmetry\n" " // somewhere. This will swap the forks without deinitializing\n" " // either of them.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"{thought}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ #, fuzzy msgid "Link Checker" msgstr "マルチスレッド・リンクチェッカヌ" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "/// Determine whether links within the given page should be extracted.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "/// Mark the given page as visited, returning false if it had already\n" " /// been visited.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// The sender got dropped. No more commands coming in.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Got crawling error: {:#}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Bad URLs: {:#?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "Concurrency Afternoon Exercise" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "// Add a delay before picking the second fork to allow the execution\n" " // to transfer to another task\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// The locks are dropped here\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "// To avoid a deadlock, we have to break the symmetry\n" " // somewhere. This will swap the forks without deinitializing\n" " // either of them.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// tx is dropped here, so we don't need to explicitly drop it later\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Here is a thought: {thought}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "([back to exercise](" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"Welcome to chat! Type a message\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "" "// A continuous loop for concurrently performing two tasks: (1) receiving\n" " // messages from `ws_stream` and broadcasting them, and (2) receiving\n" " // messages on `bcast_rx` and sending them to the client.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"From client {addr:?} {text:?}\"" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "// Continuous loop for concurrently sending and receiving messages.\n" msgstr "" #: src/exercises/concurrency/ msgid "\"From server: {}\"" msgstr ""