import os for filename in os.popen("git diff --name-only").read().split(): if not filename.endswith(".po"): continue if "POT-Creation-Date" in os.popen( f"git diff --unified=0 {filename}").read(): print( f"Assuming {filename} was changed automatically, skipping msgid check" ) continue changed_lines = { i + 1 for i, line in enumerate( os.popen(f"git blame {filename}").readlines()) if line.startswith("00000000") } saw_msgid = False with open(filename, "r") as f: line = f.readline() line_number = 1 while line: if line.startswith("msgid"): saw_msgid = True elif line.startswith("msgstr"): saw_msgid = False if saw_msgid and line_number in changed_lines: print(f"Changed msgid in file {filename}:{line_number}!") print( "Please read" ) exit(1) line_number += 1 line = f.readline()