msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Comprehensive Rust 🦀\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-24 10:41-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Language zh-Hans\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.2\n"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Welcome to Comprehensive Rust 🦀"
msgstr "欢迎来到 Comprehensive Rust 🦀"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Running the Course"
msgstr "授课"
#: src/ src/running-the-course/
msgid "Course Structure"
msgstr "课程结构"
#: src/ src/running-the-course/
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "键盘快捷键"
#: src/ src/running-the-course/
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "翻译"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Using Cargo"
msgstr "使用 Cargo"
#: src/
msgid "Rust Ecosystem"
msgstr "Rust 生态系统"
#: src/
msgid "Code Samples"
msgstr "代码示例"
#: src/
msgid "Running Cargo Locally"
msgstr "在本地运行 Cargo"
#: src/
msgid "Day 1: Morning"
msgstr "第一天:早上"
#: src/ src/ src/ src/
#: src/ src/
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "欢迎"
#: src/ src/welcome-day-1/
msgid "What is Rust?"
msgstr "什么是 Rust?"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Hello World!"
msgstr "Hello World!"
#: src/ src/hello-world/
msgid "Small Example"
msgstr "简短示例"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Why Rust?"
msgstr "为什么选择 Rust?"
#: src/ src/why-rust/
msgid "Compile Time Guarantees"
msgstr "编译期保障"
#: src/ src/why-rust/
msgid "Runtime Guarantees"
msgstr "运行时保障"
#: src/ src/why-rust/
msgid "Modern Features"
msgstr "现代特性"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Basic Syntax"
msgstr "基本语法"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Scalar Types"
msgstr "标量类型"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Compound Types"
msgstr "复合类型"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "References"
msgstr "引用"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Dangling References"
msgstr "悬垂引用"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Slices"
msgstr "切片"
#: src/
msgid "String vs str"
msgstr "String 和 str"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "函数"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Rustdoc"
msgstr "Rustdoc"
#: src/ src/ src/basic-syntax/
#: src/
msgid "Methods"
msgstr "方法"
#: src/
msgid "Overloading"
msgstr "重载"
#: src/ src/ src/ src/
#: src/ src/ src/ src/
#: src/ src/ src/
#: src/exercises/android/ src/exercises/bare-metal/
#: src/exercises/bare-metal/
#: src/exercises/concurrency/
#: src/exercises/concurrency/
msgid "Exercises"
msgstr "习题"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-1/
msgid "Implicit Conversions"
msgstr "隐式类型转换"
#: src/
msgid "Arrays and for Loops"
msgstr "数组与 for 循环"
#: src/
msgid "Day 1: Afternoon"
msgstr "第 1 天:下午"
#: src/ src/ src/
msgid "Control Flow"
msgstr "控制流"
#: src/ src/control-flow/
msgid "Blocks"
msgstr "块"
#: src/
msgid "if expressions"
msgstr "if 表达式"
#: src/
msgid "for expressions"
msgstr "for 表达式"
#: src/
msgid "while expressions"
msgstr "while 表达式"
#: src/
msgid "break & continue"
msgstr "break & continue"
#: src/
msgid "loop expressions"
msgstr "loop 表达式"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Variables"
msgstr "变量"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Type Inference"
msgstr "类型推导"
#: src/
msgid "static & const"
msgstr "静态与常量"
#: src/ src/basic-syntax/
msgid "Scopes and Shadowing"
msgstr "作用域和隐藏 (Shadowing)"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Enums"
msgstr "枚举"
#: src/ src/enums/
msgid "Variant Payloads"
msgstr "变体载荷"
#: src/ src/enums/
msgid "Enum Sizes"
msgstr "枚举大小"
#: src/ src/control-flow/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Novel Control Flow"
msgstr "控制流"
#: src/
msgid "if let expressions"
msgstr "if let 表达式"
#: src/
msgid "while let expressions"
msgstr "while let 表达式"
#: src/
msgid "match expressions"
msgstr "match 表达式"
#: src/ src/ src/
msgid "Pattern Matching"
msgstr "模式匹配"
#: src/ src/pattern-matching/
msgid "Destructuring Enums"
msgstr "解构枚举"
#: src/ src/pattern-matching/
msgid "Destructuring Structs"
msgstr "解构结构体"
#: src/ src/pattern-matching/
msgid "Destructuring Arrays"
msgstr "解构数组"
#: src/ src/pattern-matching/
msgid "Match Guards"
msgstr "匹配守卫"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-1/
#: src/exercises/day-1/
msgid "Luhn Algorithm"
msgstr "Luhn 算法"
#: src/
msgid "Day 2: Morning"
msgstr "第二天:上午"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Memory Management"
msgstr "内存管理"
#: src/
msgid "Stack vs Heap"
msgstr "栈 vs 堆"
#: src/
msgid "Stack Memory"
msgstr "栈内存"
#: src/ src/memory-management/
msgid "Manual Memory Management"
msgstr "手动内存管理"
#: src/ src/memory-management/
msgid "Scope-Based Memory Management"
msgstr "基于作用域的内存管理"
#: src/
msgid "Garbage Collection"
msgstr "垃圾回收"
#: src/
msgid "Rust Memory Management"
msgstr "Rust 内存管理"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Ownership"
msgstr "所有权"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Move Semantics"
msgstr "移动语义"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Moved Strings in Rust"
msgstr "Rust 中移动的字符串"
#: src/
msgid "Double Frees in Modern C++"
msgstr "现代 C++ 中的双重释放"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Moves in Function Calls"
msgstr "函数调用中的移动"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Copying and Cloning"
msgstr "复制和克隆"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Borrowing"
msgstr "借用"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Shared and Unique Borrows"
msgstr "共享和唯一的借用"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Lifetimes"
msgstr "生命周期"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Lifetimes in Function Calls"
msgstr "函数调用中的生命周期"
#: src/ src/ownership/
msgid "Lifetimes in Data Structures"
msgstr "数据结构中的生命周期"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Structs"
msgstr "结构体"
#: src/ src/structs/
msgid "Tuple Structs"
msgstr "元组结构体"
#: src/ src/structs/
msgid "Field Shorthand Syntax"
msgstr "字段简写语法"
#: src/ src/methods/
msgid "Method Receiver"
msgstr "方法接收者"
#: src/ src/ src/
#: src/methods/ src/concurrency/shared_state/
msgid "Example"
msgstr "示例"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-2/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Storing Books"
msgstr "字符串"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-2/
msgid "Health Statistics"
msgstr "健康统计"
#: src/
msgid "Day 2: Afternoon"
msgstr "第二天:下午"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Standard Library"
msgstr "标准库"
#: src/
msgid "Option and Result"
msgstr "Option 和 Result"
#: src/ src/std/
msgid "String"
msgstr "String"
#: src/
msgid "Vec"
msgstr "Vec"
#: src/
msgid "HashMap"
msgstr "哈希表"
#: src/
msgid "Box"
msgstr "Box"
#: src/
msgid "Recursive Data Types"
msgstr "递归数据类型"
#: src/ src/std/
msgid "Niche Optimization"
msgstr "小众优化"
#: src/
msgid "Rc"
msgstr "Rc"
#: src/
msgid "Cell/RefCell"
msgstr "Cell/RefCell"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "模块"
#: src/ src/modules/
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "可见性"
#: src/ src/modules/
msgid "Paths"
msgstr "路径"
#: src/ src/modules/
msgid "Filesystem Hierarchy"
msgstr "文件系统层级结构"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-2/
msgid "Iterators and Ownership"
msgstr "迭代器和所有权"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-2/
#: src/exercises/day-2/
msgid "Strings and Iterators"
msgstr "字符串和迭代器"
#: src/
msgid "Day 3: Morning"
msgstr "第三天:上午"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Generics"
msgstr "泛型"
#: src/ src/generics/
msgid "Generic Data Types"
msgstr "通用数据类型"
#: src/ src/generics/
msgid "Generic Methods"
msgstr "泛型方法"
#: src/ src/generics/
msgid "Monomorphization"
msgstr "单态化"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Traits"
msgstr "特征"
#: src/ src/traits/
msgid "Trait Objects"
msgstr "特征(Trait)对象"
#: src/ src/traits/
msgid "Deriving Traits"
msgstr "派生特征"
#: src/ src/traits/
msgid "Default Methods"
msgstr "默认方法"
#: src/ src/traits/
msgid "Trait Bounds"
msgstr "特征边界"
#: src/
msgid "impl Trait"
msgstr "impl Trait"
#: src/ src/traits/
msgid "Important Traits"
msgstr "重要特征"
#: src/
msgid "Iterator"
msgstr "迭代器"
#: src/ src/traits/
msgid "FromIterator"
msgstr "FromIterator"
#: src/
msgid "From and Into"
msgstr "From 和 Into"
#: src/
msgid "Read and Write"
msgstr "读取和写入"
#: src/
msgid "Drop"
msgstr "Drop"
#: src/
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Default"
#: src/
msgid "Operators: Add, Mul, ..."
msgstr "运算符:Add、Mul..."
#: src/
msgid "Closures: Fn, FnMut, FnOnce"
msgstr "闭包:Fn、FnMut、FnOnce"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-3/
#: src/exercises/day-3/
msgid "A Simple GUI Library"
msgstr "一个简单的 GUI 库"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-3/
msgid "Points and Polygons"
msgstr "点和多边形"
#: src/
msgid "Day 3: Afternoon"
msgstr "第三天:下午"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Error Handling"
msgstr "错误处理"
#: src/ src/error-handling/
msgid "Panics"
msgstr "Panics"
#: src/
msgid "Catching Stack Unwinding"
msgstr "捕获堆栈展开"
#: src/
msgid "Structured Error Handling"
msgstr "结构化错误处理"
#: src/
msgid "Propagating Errors with ?"
msgstr "使用 ? 传播错误"
#: src/ src/error-handling/
#: src/error-handling/
msgid "Converting Error Types"
msgstr "转换错误类型"
#: src/ src/error-handling/
msgid "Deriving Error Enums"
msgstr "派生错误枚举"
#: src/ src/error-handling/
msgid "Dynamic Error Types"
msgstr "动态错误类型"
#: src/ src/error-handling/
msgid "Adding Context to Errors"
msgstr "为错误添加背景信息"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Testing"
msgstr "测试"
#: src/ src/testing/
msgid "Unit Tests"
msgstr "单元测试"
#: src/ src/testing/
msgid "Test Modules"
msgstr "测试模块"
#: src/ src/testing/
msgid "Documentation Tests"
msgstr "文档测试"
#: src/ src/testing/
msgid "Integration Tests"
msgstr "集成测试"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/
msgid "Useful crates"
msgstr "实用 crate"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Unsafe Rust"
msgstr "不安全 Rust"
#: src/ src/unsafe/
msgid "Dereferencing Raw Pointers"
msgstr "解引用裸指针"
#: src/ src/unsafe/
msgid "Mutable Static Variables"
msgstr "可变的静态变量"
#: src/ src/unsafe/
msgid "Unions"
msgstr "联合体"
#: src/ src/unsafe/
msgid "Calling Unsafe Functions"
msgstr "调用 Unsafe 函数"
#: src/ src/unsafe/
msgid "Writing Unsafe Functions"
msgstr "编写 Unsafe 函数"
#: src/
msgid "Extern Functions"
msgstr "外部函数"
#: src/ src/unsafe/
msgid "Implementing Unsafe Traits"
msgstr "实现 Unsafe Trait"
#: src/ src/exercises/day-3/
#: src/exercises/day-3/
msgid "Safe FFI Wrapper"
msgstr "安全 FFI 封装容器"
#: src/ src/ src/bare-metal/
msgid "Android"
msgstr "Android"
#: src/ src/android/
msgid "Setup"
msgstr "设置"
#: src/ src/android/
msgid "Build Rules"
msgstr "构建规则"
#: src/
msgid "Binary"
msgstr "可执行文件"
#: src/
msgid "Library"
msgstr "库"
#: src/ src/android/
msgid "AIDL"
msgstr "AIDL"
#: src/
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "接口"
#: src/
msgid "Implementation"
msgstr "实现"
#: src/
msgid "Server"
msgstr "服务器"
#: src/ src/android/aidl/
msgid "Deploy"
msgstr "部署"
#: src/
msgid "Client"
msgstr "客户端"
#: src/ src/android/aidl/
msgid "Changing API"
msgstr "更改 API"
#: src/ src/ src/android/
#: src/bare-metal/aps/
msgid "Logging"
msgstr "日志记录"
#: src/ src/android/
msgid "Interoperability"
msgstr "互操作性"
#: src/
msgid "With C"
msgstr "与 C 语言交互"
#: src/
msgid "Calling C with Bindgen"
msgstr "使用Bindgen调用C语言"
#: src/
msgid "Calling Rust from C"
msgstr "从C语言调用Rust语言"
#: src/ src/android/interoperability/
msgid "With C++"
msgstr "与 C++ 交互"
#: src/
msgid "With Java"
msgstr "与 Java 交互"
#: src/
msgid "Bare Metal: Morning"
msgstr "裸机:上午"
#: src/
msgid "no_std"
msgstr "no_std"
#: src/
msgid "A Minimal Example"
msgstr "最小示例"
#: src/
msgid "alloc"
msgstr "alloc"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/
msgid "Microcontrollers"
msgstr "微控制器"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/
msgid "Raw MMIO"
msgstr "原始 MMIO"
#: src/
msgid "PACs"
msgstr "PAC"
#: src/
msgid "HAL Crates"
msgstr "HAL crate"
#: src/
msgid "Board Support Crates"
msgstr "板级支持 Crate"
#: src/
msgid "The Type State Pattern"
msgstr "类型状态模式"
#: src/
msgid "embedded-hal"
msgstr "embedded-hal"
#: src/
msgid "probe-rs, cargo-embed"
msgstr "probe-rs、cargo-embed"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/microcontrollers/
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "Debugging"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Other Projects"
msgstr "其他项目"
#: src/ src/exercises/bare-metal/
#: src/exercises/bare-metal/
msgid "Compass"
msgstr "罗盘"
#: src/
msgid "Bare Metal: Afternoon"
msgstr "裸机:下午"
#: src/
msgid "Application Processors"
msgstr "应用处理器"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/aps/
msgid "Getting Ready to Rust"
msgstr "准备使用 Rust"
#: src/
msgid "Inline Assembly"
msgstr "内嵌汇编"
#: src/
msgid "MMIO"
msgstr "MMIO"
#: src/
msgid "Let's Write a UART Driver"
msgstr "编写 UART 驱动程序"
#: src/
msgid "More Traits"
msgstr "更多 trait"
#: src/
msgid "A Better UART Driver"
msgstr "一个更好的 UART 驱动程序"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/
msgid "Bitflags"
msgstr "Bitflags"
#: src/
msgid "Multiple Registers"
msgstr "多个寄存器"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/aps/better-uart/
msgid "Driver"
msgstr "驱动程序"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Using It"
msgstr "开始使用"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/aps/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exceptions"
msgstr "函数"
#: src/
msgid "Useful Crates"
msgstr "实用 crate"
#: src/
msgid "zerocopy"
msgstr "zerocopy"
#: src/
msgid "aarch64-paging"
msgstr "aarch64-paging"
#: src/
msgid "buddy_system_allocator"
msgstr "buddy_system_allocator"
#: src/
msgid "tinyvec"
msgstr "tinyvec"
#: src/
msgid "spin"
msgstr "转动"
#: src/ src/bare-metal/android/
msgid "vmbase"
msgstr "vmbase"
#: src/
msgid "RTC Driver"
msgstr "RTC驱动"
#: src/
msgid "Concurrency: Morning"
msgstr "并发编程:入门篇"
#: src/ src/concurrency/
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "线程"
#: src/ src/concurrency/
msgid "Scoped Threads"
msgstr "范围线程"
#: src/ src/concurrency/
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "通道"
#: src/ src/concurrency/channels/
msgid "Unbounded Channels"
msgstr "无界通道"
#: src/ src/concurrency/channels/
msgid "Bounded Channels"
msgstr "有界通道"
#: src/
msgid "Send and Sync"
msgstr "Send 和 Sync"
#: src/
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Send"
#: src/
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Sync"
#: src/ src/concurrency/send-sync/
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "示例"
#: src/ src/concurrency/
msgid "Shared State"
msgstr "共享状态"
#: src/
msgid "Arc"
msgstr "Arc"
#: src/
msgid "Mutex"
msgstr "Mutex"
#: src/ src/
#: src/exercises/concurrency/
#: src/exercises/concurrency/
msgid "Dining Philosophers"
msgstr "哲学家就餐问题 (Dining philosophers problem)"
#: src/ src/exercises/concurrency/
msgid "Multi-threaded Link Checker"
msgstr "多线程链接检查器"
#: src/
msgid "Concurrency: Afternoon"
msgstr "并发:下午"
#: src/
msgid "Async Basics"
msgstr "异步基础"
#: src/
msgid "async/await"
msgstr "async/await"
#: src/ src/async/
msgid "Futures"
msgstr "Futures"
#: src/ src/async/
msgid "Runtimes"
msgstr "Runtimes"
#: src/ src/async/runtimes/
msgid "Tokio"
msgstr "Tokio"
#: src/ src/exercises/concurrency/
#: src/async/ src/exercises/concurrency/
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "任务"
#: src/ src/async/
msgid "Async Channels"
msgstr "异步通道"
#: src/ src/async/control-flow/
msgid "Join"
msgstr "加入"
#: src/ src/async/control-flow/
msgid "Select"
msgstr "选择"
#: src/
msgid "Pitfalls"
msgstr "误区"
#: src/
msgid "Blocking the Executor"
msgstr "屏蔽执行器"
#: src/ src/async/pitfalls/
msgid "Pin"
msgstr "固定"
#: src/ src/async/pitfalls/
msgid "Async Traits"
msgstr "异步特质"
#: src/ src/async/pitfalls/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cancellation"
msgstr "安装"
#: src/ src/exercises/concurrency/
#: src/exercises/concurrency/
msgid "Broadcast Chat Application"
msgstr "广播聊天应用程序"
#: src/
msgid "Final Words"
msgstr "结束语"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Thanks!"
msgstr "谢谢!"
#: src/
msgid "Other Resources"
msgstr "其他资源"
#: src/ src/
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "鸣谢"
#: src/ src/exercises/
msgid "Solutions"
msgstr "解答"
#: src/
msgid "Day 1 Morning"
msgstr "第一天上午"
#: src/
msgid "Day 1 Afternoon"
msgstr "第一天下午"
#: src/
msgid "Day 2 Morning"
msgstr "第二天上午"
#: src/
msgid "Day 2 Afternoon"
msgstr "第二天下午"
#: src/
msgid "Day 3 Morning"
msgstr "第三天上午"
#: src/
msgid "Day 3 Afternoon"
msgstr "第三天下午"
#: src/
msgid "Bare Metal Rust Morning"
msgstr "嵌入式 Rust:入门篇"
#: src/ src/exercises/bare-metal/
msgid "Bare Metal Rust Afternoon"
msgstr "嵌入式 Rust:进阶篇"
#: src/
msgid "Concurrency Morning"
msgstr "并发编程:入门篇"
#: src/
msgid "Concurrency Afternoon"
msgstr "并发编程:进阶篇"
#: src/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"[![Build workflow]("
"google/comprehensive-rust/actions/workflows/build.yml?query=branch%3Amain) [!"
"[GitHub contributors]("
"comprehensive-rust/graphs/contributors) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields."
msgstr ""
"comprehensive-rust/actions/workflows/build.yml?query=branch%3Amain) [!"
"[GitHub 贡献者]("
#: src/
msgid ""
"This is a free Rust course developed by the Android team at Google. The "
"course covers the full spectrum of Rust, from basic syntax to advanced "
"topics like generics and error handling."
msgstr ""
"这是由 Android 团队开发的免费 Rust 课程。该课程涵盖了 Rust 的全部范围,从基本"
#: src/
msgid ""
"The latest version of the course can be found at . If you are reading somewhere else, please check there "
"for updates."
msgstr ""
"如需查看课程的最新版本,请访问 。如果您是在其他地方阅读,请查看这个网址了解是否有更新。"
#: src/
msgid ""
"The goal of the course is to teach you Rust. We assume you don't know "
"anything about Rust and hope to:"
msgstr "本课程的目标是教授你 Rust。我们假设你对 Rust 一无所知,并希望能够:"
#: src/
msgid "Give you a comprehensive understanding of the Rust syntax and language."
msgstr "帮助你全面理解 Rust 的语法和语言。"
#: src/
msgid "Enable you to modify existing programs and write new programs in Rust."
msgstr "使你能够修改现有的程序并用 Rust 编写新程序。"
#: src/
msgid "Show you common Rust idioms."
msgstr "展示常见的 Rust 习语。"
#: src/
msgid "We call the first three course days Rust Fundamentals."
msgstr "我们将前三天的课程称为`Rust 基础知识`。"
#: src/
msgid ""
"Building on this, you're invited to dive into one or more specialized topics:"
msgstr "在此基础上,你可以选择深入学习一个或多个专门的主题:"
#: src/
msgid ""
"[Android]( a half-day course on using Rust for Android platform "
"development (AOSP). This includes interoperability with C, C++, and Java."
msgstr ""
"[Android](一个半天的课程,介绍如何在 Android 平台开发中使用 "
"Rust(AOSP)。课程内容包括与 C、C++ 和 Java 的互操作性。"
#: src/
msgid ""
"[Bare-metal]( a whole-day class on using Rust for bare-metal "
"(embedded) development. Both microcontrollers and application processors are "
msgstr ""
"[Bare-metal](为期一天的课程,介绍如何使用 Rust 进行裸机(嵌入式)"
#: src/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"[Concurrency]( a whole-day class on concurrency in Rust. We "
"cover both classical concurrency (preemptively scheduling using threads and "
"mutexes) and async/await concurrency (cooperative multitasking using "
msgstr ""
"[并发](一天的课程,介绍 Rust 中的并发性。我们将涵盖传统并发(使"
"用线程和互斥锁进行抢占式调度)和 async/await 并发(使用 futures 进行协作式多任"
#: src/
msgid "Non-Goals"
msgstr "非目标"
#: src/
msgid ""
"Rust is a large language and we won't be able to cover all of it in a few "
"days. Some non-goals of this course are:"
msgstr ""
"Rust 是一门庞大的语言,我们无法在几天内涵盖所有内容。本课程的一些非目标包括:"
#: src/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Learning how to develop macros: please see [Chapter 19.5 in the Rust Book]"
"( and [Rust by Example]"
"( instead."
msgstr ""
"了解如何开发宏,请参阅[本书中的第 19.5 章]("
"ch19-06-macros.html)和 [Rust by Examples]("
#: src/
msgid "Assumptions"
msgstr "前提假设"
#: src/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The course assumes that you already know how to program. Rust is a "
"statically-typed language and we will sometimes make comparisons with C and "
"C++ to better explain or contrast the Rust approach."
msgstr ""
"本课程假设你已经具备编程知识。Rust 是一种静态类型语言,我们有时会与 C 和 C++ "
"进行比较,以更好地解释或对比 Rust 的方法。"
#: src/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you know how to program in a dynamically-typed language such as Python or "
"JavaScript, then you will be able to follow along just fine too."
msgstr ""
"如果你已经了解如 Python 或 JavaScript 等动态类型语言的编程,那么你也能够很好地"
#: src/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is an example of a _speaker note_. We will use these to add additional "
"information to the slides. This could be key points which the instructor "
"should cover as well as answers to typical questions which come up in class."
msgstr ""
#: src/ src/running-the-course/
msgid "This page is for the course instructor."
msgstr "本页面适用于课程教师。"
#: src/
msgid ""
"Here is a bit of background information about how we've been running the "
"course internally at Google."
msgstr "以下是有关 Google 内部授课方式的一些背景信息。"
#: src/
msgid ""
"We typically run classes from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, with a 1 hour lunch break "
"in the middle. This leaves 2.5 hours for the morning class and 2.5 hours for "
"the afternoon class. Note that this is just a recommendation: you can also "
"spend 3 hour on the morning session to give people more time for exercises. "
"The downside of longer session is that people can become very tired after 6 "
"full hours of class in the afternoon."
msgstr ""
"上课时间通常是从上午 10:00 到下午 4:00,中间有 1 小时的午餐休息时间。这样,上午"
"和下午各留了 2.5 小时的上课时间。请注意,这仅是建议:您也可以上午上课 3 小时,让"
"学员有更多的时间进行练习。上课时间较长的缺点是,学员上了整整 6 小时的课,到了下"
#: src/
msgid "Before you run the course, you will want to:"
msgstr "在授课之前,你需要完成以下事项:"
#: src/
msgid ""
"Make yourself familiar with the course material. We've included speaker "
"notes to help highlight the key points (please help us by contributing more "
"speaker notes!). When presenting, you should make sure to open the speaker "
"notes in a popup (click the link with a little arrow next to \"Speaker "
"Notes\"). This way you have a clean screen to present to the class."
msgstr ""
#: src/
msgid ""
"Decide on the dates. Since the course takes at least three full days, we "
"recommend that you schedule the days over two weeks. Course participants "
"have said that they find it helpful to have a gap in the course since it "
"helps them process all the information we give them."
msgstr ""
#: src/
msgid ""
"Find a room large enough for your in-person participants. We recommend a "
"class size of 15-25 people. That's small enough that people are comfortable "
"asking questions --- it's also small enough that one instructor will have "
"time to answer the questions. Make sure the room has _desks_ for yourself "
"and for the students: you will all need to be able to sit and work with your "
"laptops. In particular, you will be doing a lot of live-coding as an "
"instructor, so a lectern won't be very helpful for you."
msgstr ""
"找一间足以容纳全体线下学员的大教室。我们建议你将课程人数控制在 15-25 人之间。"
#: src/
msgid ""
"On the day of your course, show up to the room a little early to set things "
"up. We recommend presenting directly using `mdbook serve` running on your "
"laptop (see the [installation instructions]("
"comprehensive-rust#building)). This ensures optimal performance with no lag "
"as you change pages. Using your laptop will also allow you to fix typos as "
"you or the course participants spot them."
msgstr ""
"在开课当天,请提前一点到教室,设置好教学设备。我们建议你直接在笔记本电脑上运行 "
"`mdbook serve` 来演示课程内容(请参阅[安装说明]("
#: src/
msgid ""
"Let people solve the exercises by themselves or in small groups. We "
"typically spend 30-45 minutes on exercises in the morning and in the "
"afternoon (including time to review the solutions). Make sure to ask people "
"if they're stuck or if there is anything you can help with. When you see "
"that several people have the same problem, call it out to the class and "
"offer a solution, e.g., by showing people where to find the relevant "
"information in the standard library."
msgstr ""
"让学员采取小组形式或独立解题。通常,我们会在上午和下午各安排 30-45 分钟的练习"
#: src/
msgid ""
"That is all, good luck running the course! We hope it will be as much fun "
"for you as it has been for us!"
msgstr "今天的分享就是这些,祝你授课顺利!希望你和我们一样,乐在其中!"
#: src/
msgid ""
"Please [provide feedback]("
"discussions/86) afterwards so that we can keep improving the course. We "
"would love to hear what worked well for you and what can be made better. "
"Your students are also very welcome to [send us feedback]("
msgstr ""
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "Rust Fundamentals"
msgstr "Rust 二进制文件"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"The first three days make up [Rust Fundaments](../ The "
"days are fast paced and we cover a lot of ground:"
msgstr ""
"我们会在头三天介绍 [Rust 基础知识](../。这几天的步调会稍快,"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "Day 1: Basic Rust, syntax, control flow, creating and consuming values."
msgstr "第 1 天:Rust 基础知识、语法、控制流、创建和使用值。"
#: src/running-the-course/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Day 2: Memory management, ownership, compound data types, and the standard "
msgstr "第 2 天:复合数据类型、模式匹配和标准库。"
#: src/running-the-course/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Day 3: Generics, traits, error handling, testing, and unsafe Rust."
msgstr "第 3 天:trait 和泛型、错误处理、测试和不安全 Rust。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "Deep Dives"
msgstr "深入探究"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"In addition to the 3-day class on Rust Fundamentals, we cover some more "
"specialized topics:"
msgstr "除了为期 3 天的`Rust 基础知识`课程外,我们还推出了一些专题课程:"
#: src/running-the-course/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rust in Android"
msgstr "欢迎来到Android 中的Rust"
#: src/running-the-course/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The [Rust in Android](../ deep dive is a half-day course on using "
"Rust for Android platform development. This includes interoperability with "
"C, C++, and Java."
msgstr ""
"`[深入探究 Android](../`课程为期半天,旨在介绍如何使用 Rust 进行 "
"Android 平台开发。其中包括与 C、C++ 和 Java 的互操作性。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"You will need an [AOSP checkout]("
"download/downloading). Make a checkout of the [course repository](https://"
" on the same machine and move the `src/"
"android/` directory into the root of your AOSP checkout. This will ensure "
"that the Android build system sees the `Android.bp` files in `src/android/`."
msgstr ""
"你将需要[签出 AOSP]("
"comprehensive-rust), 然后将 `src/android/` 目录移至所签出的 AOSP 的根目录。这"
"将确保 Android 构建系统能检测到 `src/android/` 中的 `Android.bp` 文件。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"Ensure that `adb sync` works with your emulator or real device and pre-build "
"all Android examples using `src/android/`. Read the script to "
"see the commands it runs and make sure they work when you run them by hand."
msgstr ""
"确保 `adb sync` 适用于你的模拟器或实际设备, 并使用 `src/android/build_all."
"sh` 预构建所有 Android 示例。请阅读脚本, 查看它所运行的命令,并确保这些命令能"
#: src/running-the-course/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bare-Metal Rust"
msgstr "裸机"
#: src/running-the-course/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The [Bare-Metal Rust](../ deep dive is a full day class on "
"using Rust for bare-metal (embedded) development. Both microcontrollers and "
"application processors are covered."
msgstr ""
"`[深入探究裸机](../`课程为期一天,旨在介绍如何使用 Rust 进行裸机"
"(嵌入式)开发。其中涵盖了微控制器和应用 处理器。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"For the microcontroller part, you will need to buy the [BBC micro:bit]"
"( v2 development board ahead of time. Everybody will "
"need to install a number of packages as described on the [welcome page](../"
msgstr ""
"对于微控制器部分,你需要提前购买 [BBC micro:bit]( 第 2 "
"版开发板。每个人都需要安装多个软件包, 具体如[欢迎页面](../中所"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "Concurrency in Rust"
msgstr "欢迎了解 Rust 中的并发"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"The [Concurrency in Rust](../ deep dive is a full day class "
"on classical as well as `async`/`await` concurrency."
msgstr ""
"`[深入探究并发](../`课程为期一天,旨在介绍传统并发和 `async`/"
"`await` 并发。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"You will need a fresh crate set up and the dependencies downloaded and ready "
"to go. You can then copy/paste the examples into `src/` to experiment "
"with them:"
msgstr ""
"你需要设置一个新 crate,下载所需的依赖项, 做好课前准备。然后,你可以将示例复制/"
"粘贴到 `src/` 中, 以便对以下代码进行实验:"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "Format"
msgstr "课程形式"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"The course is meant to be very interactive and we recommend letting the "
"questions drive the exploration of Rust!"
msgstr "本课程的互动性非常强, 建议你以问题驱动探索 Rust!"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "There are several useful keyboard shortcuts in mdBook:"
msgstr "mdBook 中有一些实用键盘快捷键:"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "Arrow-Left"
msgstr "向左箭头"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ": Navigate to the previous page."
msgstr ":转到上一页。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "Arrow-Right"
msgstr "向右箭头"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ": Navigate to the next page."
msgstr ":转到下一页。"
#: src/running-the-course/ src/cargo/
msgid "Ctrl + Enter"
msgstr "Ctrl + Enter"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ": Execute the code sample that has focus."
msgstr ":执行具有焦点的代码示例。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "s"
msgstr "s"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ": Activate the search bar."
msgstr ":激活搜索栏。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"The course has been translated into other languages by a set of wonderful "
msgstr "一批优秀的志愿者已将本课程翻译成其他语言:"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[Brazilian Portuguese]( "
"by [@rastringer](, [@hugojacob](https://github."
"com/hugojacob), [@joaovicmendes](, and "
msgstr ""
"com/hugojacob)、[@joaovicmendes]( 和 "
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[Korean]( by [@keispace]"
"(, [@jiyongp](, and "
msgstr ""
"(、[@jiyongp]( 和 "
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[Spanish]( by [@deavid]"
msgstr ""
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"Use the language picker in the top-right corner to switch between languages."
msgstr "使用右上角的语言选择器切换语言。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid "Incomplete Translations"
msgstr "未完成的翻译"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"There is a large number of in-progress translations. We link to the most "
"recently updated translations:"
msgstr "多数语言版本仍在翻译中。我们会提供最近更新的翻译的链接:"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[Bengali]( by [@raselmandol]"
msgstr ""
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[Chinese (Traditional)]( "
"by [@hueich](, [@victorhsieh]("
"victorhsieh), [@mingyc](, and [@johnathan79717]"
msgstr ""
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[Chinese (Simplified)]( "
"by [@suetfei](, [@wnghl]("
"wnghl), [@anlunx](, [@kongy]("
"kongy), [@noahdragon](, and [@superwhd]"
msgstr ""
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[French]( by [@KookaS]"
"( and [@vcaen]("
msgstr ""
"( 和 [@vcaen](。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[German]( by [@Throvn]"
"( and [@ronaldfw]("
msgstr ""
"( 和 [@ronaldfw](。"
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"[Japanese]( by [@CoinEZ-JPN]"
"( and [@momotaro1105]("
msgstr ""
"( 和 [@momotaro1105]("
#: src/running-the-course/
msgid ""
"If you want to help with this effort, please see [our instructions](https://"
" for how to "
"get going. Translations are coordinated on the [issue tracker](https://"
msgstr ""
#: src/
msgid ""
"When you start reading about Rust, you will soon meet [Cargo](https://doc."
", the standard tool used in the Rust ecosystem to build "
"and run Rust applications. Here we want to give a brief overview of what "
"Cargo is and how it fits into the wider ecosystem and how it fits into this "
msgstr ""
"开始了解 Rust 后,你很快就会遇到 [Cargo](,这"
"是 Rust 生态系统中 用于构建和运行 Rust 应用的标准工具。在这里,我们希望 简要介"
"绍一下什么是 Cargo,它如何融入更广泛的生态系统, 以及我们如何在本培训中合理利"
"用 Cargo。"
#: src/
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "安装"
#: src/
msgid "**Please follow the instructions on .**"
msgstr "**请按照 上的说明操作。**"
#: src/
msgid ""
"This will give you the Cargo build tool (`cargo`) and the Rust compiler "
"(`rustc`). You will also get `rustup`, a command line utility that you can "
"use to install to different compiler versions."
msgstr ""
"这将为你提供 Cargo 构建工具 (`cargo`)和 Rust 编译器 (`rustc`)。你还将获得 "
#: src/
msgid ""
"After installing Rust, you should configure your editor or IDE to work with "
"Rust. Most editors do this by talking to [rust-analyzer](https://rust-"
", which provides auto-completion and jump-to-definition "
"functionality for [VS Code](, [Emacs](https://"
", [Vim/Neovim](https://rust-"
", and many others. There is also a "
"different IDE available called [RustRover]("
msgstr ""
#: src/
msgid ""
"On Debian/Ubuntu, you can also install Cargo, the Rust source and the [Rust "
"formatter]( via `apt`. However, this "
"gets you an outdated rust version and may lead to unexpected behavior. The "
"command would be:"
msgstr ""
"在 Debian/Ubuntu 上,你也可以通过 `apt` 安装 Cargo、Rust 源代码和 [Rust 格式设"
"置工具](。但是,这样会得到一个过时的 "
"Rust 版本,可能会导致意外的行为。命令如下:"
#: src/cargo/
msgid "The Rust Ecosystem"
msgstr "Rust 生态系统"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"The Rust ecosystem consists of a number of tools, of which the main ones are:"
msgstr "Rust 生态系统由许多工具组成,其中的主要工具包括:"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"`rustc`: the Rust compiler which turns `.rs` files into binaries and other "
"intermediate formats."
msgstr "`rustc`:Rust 编译器,可将 `.rs` 文件转换为二进制文件和其他 中间格式。"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"`cargo`: the Rust dependency manager and build tool. Cargo knows how to "
"download dependencies, usually hosted on , and it will "
"pass them to `rustc` when building your project. Cargo also comes with a "
"built-in test runner which is used to execute unit tests."
msgstr ""
"`cargo`:Rust 依赖项管理器和构建工具。Cargo 知道如何 下载托管在 上的依赖项,并在构建项目时将它们 传递给 `rustc`。Cargo 还附带一个内"
"置的 测试运行程序,用于执行单元测试。"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"`rustup`: the Rust toolchain installer and updater. This tool is used to "
"install and update `rustc` and `cargo` when new versions of Rust is "
"released. In addition, `rustup` can also download documentation for the "
"standard library. You can have multiple versions of Rust installed at once "
"and `rustup` will let you switch between them as needed."
msgstr ""
"`rustup`:Rust 工具链安装程序和更新程序。发布新版本 Rust 时,此工具用于 安装并"
"更新 `rustc` 和 `cargo`。 此外,`rustup` 还可以下载标准 库的文档。你可以同时安"
"装多个版本的 Rust,并且 `rustup` 可让你根据需要在这些版本之间切换。"
#: src/cargo/ src/
#: src/hello-world/ src/why-rust/
#: src/why-rust/ src/basic-syntax/
#: src/basic-syntax/
#: src/pattern-matching/
#: src/ownership/
#: src/error-handling/
#: src/error-handling/
#: src/concurrency/ src/async/
msgid "Key points:"
msgstr "关键点:"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"Rust has a rapid release schedule with a new release coming out every six "
"weeks. New releases maintain backwards compatibility with old releases --- "
"plus they enable new functionality."
msgstr ""
"Rust 有一个快速发布时间表,每六周就会发布一次 新版本。新版本保持与 旧版本的向"
#: src/cargo/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"There are three release channels: \"stable\", \"beta\", and \"nightly\"."
msgstr "共有三个发布阶段:`稳定版``Beta 版`和`夜间版`。"
#: src/cargo/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"New features are being tested on \"nightly\", \"beta\" is what becomes "
"\"stable\" every six weeks."
msgstr "我们会在`夜间版`上测试新功能,每六周将`Beta 版`升级为 `稳定版`。"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"Dependencies can also be resolved from alternative [registries](https://doc."
", git, folders, and more."
msgstr ""
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"You can use any later version too since Rust maintains backwards "
msgstr "您也可以使用任何更高版本,因为 Rust 保持向后兼容性。"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"With this in place, follow these steps to build a Rust binary from one of "
"the examples in this training:"
msgstr ""
"了解这些信息后,请按照以下步骤从本培训中的 一个示例中构建 Rust 二进制文件:"
#: src/cargo/
msgid "Click the \"Copy to clipboard\" button on the example you want to copy."
msgstr "在你要复制的示例上点击`复制到剪贴板`按钮。"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"Use `cargo new exercise` to create a new `exercise/` directory for your code:"
msgstr "使用 `cargo new exercise` 为你的代码新建一个 `exercise/` 目录:"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"Navigate into `exercise/` and use `cargo run` to build and run your binary:"
msgstr "导航至 `exercise/` 并使用 `cargo run` 构建并运行你的二进制文件:"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"Replace the boiler-plate code in `src/` with your own code. For "
"example, using the example on the previous page, make `src/` look like"
msgstr ""
"将 `src/` 中的样板代码替换为你自己的代码。例如, 使用上一页中的示例,将 "
"`src/` 改为:"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"fn main() {\n"
" println!(\"Edit me!\");\n"
msgstr ""
"fn main() {\n"
" println!(\"Edit me!\");\n"
#: src/cargo/
msgid "Use `cargo run` to build and run your updated binary:"
msgstr "使用 `cargo run` 构建并运行你更新后的二进制文件:"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"Use `cargo check` to quickly check your project for errors, use `cargo "
"build` to compile it without running it. You will find the output in `target/"
"debug/` for a normal debug build. Use `cargo build --release` to produce an "
"optimized release build in `target/release/`."
msgstr ""
"使用 `cargo check` 快速检查项目是否存在错误;使用 `cargo build` 只进行编译,而"
"不运行。你可以在 `target/debug/` 中找到常规调试 build 的输出。使用 `cargo "
"build --release` 在 `target/release/` 中生成经过优化的 发布 build。"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"You can add dependencies for your project by editing `Cargo.toml`. When you "
"run `cargo` commands, it will automatically download and compile missing "
"dependencies for you."
msgstr ""
"你可以通过修改 `Cargo.toml` 为项目添加依赖项。当你 运行 `cargo` 命令时,系统会"
"自动为你下载和编译缺失 的依赖项。"
#: src/cargo/
msgid ""
"Try to encourage the class participants to install Cargo and use a local "
"editor. It will make their life easier since they will have a normal "
"development environment."
msgstr ""
"尽量鼓励全班学员安装 Cargo 并使用 本地编辑器。这能为他们营造常规 开发环境,让"