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cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
Provides the definition of high level arguments from CLI flags.
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use {
grep::printer::{ColorSpecs, SummaryKind},
use crate::{
BinaryMode, BoundaryMode, BufferMode, CaseMode, ColorChoice,
ContextMode, ContextSeparator, EncodingMode, EngineChoice,
FieldContextSeparator, FieldMatchSeparator, LowArgs, MmapMode, Mode,
PatternSource, SearchMode, SortMode, SortModeKind, TypeChange,
haystack::{Haystack, HaystackBuilder},
search::{PatternMatcher, Printer, SearchWorker, SearchWorkerBuilder},
/// A high level representation of CLI arguments.
/// The distinction between low and high level arguments is somewhat arbitrary
/// and wishy washy. The main idea here is that high level arguments generally
/// require all of CLI parsing to be finished. For example, one cannot
/// construct a glob matcher until all of the glob patterns are known.
/// So while low level arguments are collected during parsing itself, high
/// level arguments aren't created until parsing has completely finished.
pub(crate) struct HiArgs {
binary: BinaryDetection,
boundary: Option<BoundaryMode>,
buffer: BufferMode,
byte_offset: bool,
case: CaseMode,
color: ColorChoice,
colors: grep::printer::ColorSpecs,
column: bool,
context: ContextMode,
context_separator: ContextSeparator,
crlf: bool,
dfa_size_limit: Option<usize>,
encoding: EncodingMode,
engine: EngineChoice,
field_context_separator: FieldContextSeparator,
field_match_separator: FieldMatchSeparator,
file_separator: Option<Vec<u8>>,
fixed_strings: bool,
follow: bool,
globs: ignore::overrides::Override,
heading: bool,
hidden: bool,
hyperlink_config: grep::printer::HyperlinkConfig,
ignore_file_case_insensitive: bool,
ignore_file: Vec<PathBuf>,
include_zero: bool,
invert_match: bool,
is_terminal_stdout: bool,
line_number: bool,
max_columns: Option<u64>,
max_columns_preview: bool,
max_count: Option<u64>,
max_depth: Option<usize>,
max_filesize: Option<u64>,
mmap_choice: grep::searcher::MmapChoice,
mode: Mode,
multiline: bool,
multiline_dotall: bool,
no_ignore_dot: bool,
no_ignore_exclude: bool,
no_ignore_files: bool,
no_ignore_global: bool,
no_ignore_parent: bool,
no_ignore_vcs: bool,
no_require_git: bool,
no_unicode: bool,
null_data: bool,
one_file_system: bool,
only_matching: bool,
path_separator: Option<u8>,
paths: Paths,
path_terminator: Option<u8>,
patterns: Patterns,
pre: Option<PathBuf>,
pre_globs: ignore::overrides::Override,
quiet: bool,
quit_after_match: bool,
regex_size_limit: Option<usize>,
replace: Option<BString>,
search_zip: bool,
sort: Option<SortMode>,
stats: Option<grep::printer::Stats>,
stop_on_nonmatch: bool,
threads: usize,
trim: bool,
types: ignore::types::Types,
vimgrep: bool,
with_filename: bool,
impl HiArgs {
/// Convert low level arguments into high level arguments.
/// This process can fail for a variety of reasons. For example, invalid
/// globs or some kind of environment issue.
pub(crate) fn from_low_args(mut low: LowArgs) -> anyhow::Result<HiArgs> {
// Callers should not be trying to convert low-level arguments when
// a short-circuiting special mode is present.
assert_eq!(None, low.special, "special mode demands short-circuiting");
// If the sorting mode isn't supported, then we bail loudly. I'm not
// sure if this is the right thing to do. We could silently "not sort"
// as well. If we wanted to go that route, then we could just set
// `low.sort = None` if `supported()` returns an error.
if let Some(ref sort) = low.sort {
// We modify the mode in-place on `low` so that subsequent conversions
// see the correct mode.
match low.mode {
Mode::Search(ref mut mode) => match *mode {
// treat `-v --count-matches` as `-v --count`
SearchMode::CountMatches if low.invert_match => {
*mode = SearchMode::Count;
// treat `-o --count` as `--count-matches`
SearchMode::Count if low.only_matching => {
*mode = SearchMode::CountMatches;
_ => {}
_ => {}
let mut state = State::new()?;
let patterns = Patterns::from_low_args(&mut state, &mut low)?;
let paths = Paths::from_low_args(&mut state, &patterns, &mut low)?;
let binary = BinaryDetection::from_low_args(&state, &low);
let colors = take_color_specs(&mut state, &mut low);
let hyperlink_config = take_hyperlink_config(&mut state, &mut low)?;
let stats = stats(&low);
let types = types(&low)?;
let globs = globs(&state, &low)?;
let pre_globs = preprocessor_globs(&state, &low)?;
let color = match low.color {
ColorChoice::Auto if !state.is_terminal_stdout => {
_ => low.color,
let column = low.column.unwrap_or(low.vimgrep);
let heading = match low.heading {
None => !low.vimgrep && state.is_terminal_stdout,
Some(false) => false,
Some(true) => !low.vimgrep,
let path_terminator = if low.null { Some(b'\x00') } else { None };
let quit_after_match = stats.is_none() && low.quiet;
let threads = if low.sort.is_some() || paths.is_one_file {
} else if let Some(threads) = low.threads {
} else {
std::thread::available_parallelism().map_or(1, |n| n.get()).min(12)
log::debug!("using {threads} thread(s)");
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
let with_filename = low
.unwrap_or_else(|| low.vimgrep || !paths.is_one_file);
let file_separator = match low.mode {
Mode::Search(SearchMode::Standard) => {
if heading {
} else if let ContextMode::Limited(ref limited) = low.context {
let (before, after) = limited.get();
if before > 0 || after > 0 {
} else {
} else {
_ => None,
let line_number = low.line_number.unwrap_or_else(|| {
if low.quiet {
return false;
let Mode::Search(ref search_mode) = low.mode else { return false };
match *search_mode {
| SearchMode::FilesWithoutMatch
| SearchMode::Count
| SearchMode::CountMatches => return false,
SearchMode::JSON => return true,
SearchMode::Standard => {
// A few things can imply counting line numbers. In
// particular, we generally want to show line numbers by
// default when printing to a tty for human consumption,
// except for one interesting case: when we're only
// searching stdin. This makes pipelines work as expected.
(state.is_terminal_stdout && !paths.is_only_stdin())
|| column
|| low.vimgrep
let mmap_choice = {
// SAFETY: Memory maps are difficult to impossible to encapsulate
// safely in a portable way that doesn't simultaneously negate some
// of the benfits of using memory maps. For ripgrep's use, we never
// mutate a memory map and generally never store the contents of
// memory map in a data structure that depends on immutability.
// Generally speaking, the worst thing that can happen is a SIGBUS
// (if the underlying file is truncated while reading it), which
// will cause ripgrep to abort. This reasoning should be treated as
// suspect.
let maybe = unsafe { grep::searcher::MmapChoice::auto() };
let never = grep::searcher::MmapChoice::never();
match low.mmap {
MmapMode::Auto => {
if paths.paths.len() <= 10
&& paths.paths.iter().all(|p| p.is_file())
// If we're only searching a few paths and all of them
// are files, then memory maps are probably faster.
} else {
MmapMode::AlwaysTryMmap => maybe,
MmapMode::Never => never,
Ok(HiArgs {
mode: low.mode,
boundary: low.boundary,
buffer: low.buffer,
byte_offset: low.byte_offset,
case: low.case,
context: low.context,
context_separator: low.context_separator,
crlf: low.crlf,
dfa_size_limit: low.dfa_size_limit,
encoding: low.encoding,
engine: low.engine,
field_context_separator: low.field_context_separator,
field_match_separator: low.field_match_separator,
fixed_strings: low.fixed_strings,
follow: low.follow,
hidden: low.hidden,
ignore_file: low.ignore_file,
ignore_file_case_insensitive: low.ignore_file_case_insensitive,
include_zero: low.include_zero,
invert_match: low.invert_match,
is_terminal_stdout: state.is_terminal_stdout,
max_columns: low.max_columns,
max_columns_preview: low.max_columns_preview,
max_count: low.max_count,
max_depth: low.max_depth,
max_filesize: low.max_filesize,
multiline: low.multiline,
multiline_dotall: low.multiline_dotall,
no_ignore_dot: low.no_ignore_dot,
no_ignore_exclude: low.no_ignore_exclude,
no_ignore_files: low.no_ignore_files,
no_ignore_global: low.no_ignore_global,
no_ignore_parent: low.no_ignore_parent,
no_ignore_vcs: low.no_ignore_vcs,
no_require_git: low.no_require_git,
no_unicode: low.no_unicode,
null_data: low.null_data,
one_file_system: low.one_file_system,
only_matching: low.only_matching,
path_separator: low.path_separator,
pre: low.pre,
quiet: low.quiet,
regex_size_limit: low.regex_size_limit,
replace: low.replace,
search_zip: low.search_zip,
sort: low.sort,
stop_on_nonmatch: low.stop_on_nonmatch,
trim: low.trim,
vimgrep: low.vimgrep,
/// Returns a writer for printing buffers to stdout.
/// This is intended to be used from multiple threads. Namely, a buffer
/// writer can create new buffers that are sent to threads. Threads can
/// then independently write to the buffers. Once a unit of work is
/// complete, a buffer can be given to the buffer writer to write to
/// stdout.
pub(crate) fn buffer_writer(&self) -> termcolor::BufferWriter {
let mut wtr =
/// Returns true when ripgrep had to guess to search the current working
/// directory. That is, it's true when ripgrep is called without any file
/// paths or directories to search.
/// Other than changing how file paths are printed (i.e., without the
/// leading `./`), it's also useful to know for diagnostic reasons. For
/// example, ripgrep will print an error message when nothing is searched
/// since it's possible the ignore rules in play are too aggressive. But
/// this warning is only emitted when ripgrep was called without any
/// explicit file paths since otherwise the warning would likely be too
/// aggressive.
pub(crate) fn has_implicit_path(&self) -> bool {
/// Return a properly configured builder for constructing haystacks.
/// The builder can be used to turn a directory entry (from the `ignore`
/// crate) into something that can be searched.
pub(crate) fn haystack_builder(&self) -> HaystackBuilder {
let mut builder = HaystackBuilder::new();
/// Return the matcher that should be used for searching using the engine
/// choice made by the user.
/// If there was a problem building the matcher (e.g., a syntax error),
/// then this returns an error.
pub(crate) fn matcher(&self) -> anyhow::Result<PatternMatcher> {
match self.engine {
EngineChoice::Default => match self.matcher_rust() {
Ok(m) => Ok(m),
Err(err) => {
EngineChoice::PCRE2 => Ok(self.matcher_pcre2()?),
EngineChoice::Auto => {
let rust_err = match self.matcher_rust() {
Ok(m) => return Ok(m),
Err(err) => err,
"error building Rust regex in hybrid mode:\n{rust_err}",
let pcre_err = match self.matcher_pcre2() {
Ok(m) => return Ok(m),
Err(err) => err,
let divider = "~".repeat(79);
"regex could not be compiled with either the default \
regex engine or with PCRE2.\n\n\
default regex engine error:\n\
PCRE2 regex engine error:\n{pcre_err}",
/// Build a matcher using PCRE2.
/// If there was a problem building the matcher (such as a regex syntax
/// error), then an error is returned.
/// If the `pcre2` feature is not enabled then this always returns an
/// error.
fn matcher_pcre2(&self) -> anyhow::Result<PatternMatcher> {
#[cfg(feature = "pcre2")]
let mut builder = grep::pcre2::RegexMatcherBuilder::new();
match self.case {
CaseMode::Sensitive => builder.caseless(false),
CaseMode::Insensitive => builder.caseless(true),
CaseMode::Smart => builder.case_smart(true),
if let Some(ref boundary) = self.boundary {
match *boundary {
BoundaryMode::Line => builder.whole_line(true),
BoundaryMode::Word => builder.word(true),
// For whatever reason, the JIT craps out during regex compilation with
// a "no more memory" error on 32 bit systems. So don't use it there.
if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "64") {
// The PCRE2 docs say that 32KB is the default, and that 1MB
// should be big enough for anything. But let's crank it to
// 10MB.
.max_jit_stack_size(Some(10 * (1 << 20)));
if !self.no_unicode {
if self.multiline {
if self.crlf {
let m = builder.build_many(&self.patterns.patterns)?;
#[cfg(not(feature = "pcre2"))]
"PCRE2 is not available in this build of ripgrep"
/// Build a matcher using Rust's regex engine.
/// If there was a problem building the matcher (such as a regex syntax
/// error), then an error is returned.
fn matcher_rust(&self) -> anyhow::Result<PatternMatcher> {
let mut builder = grep::regex::RegexMatcherBuilder::new();
match self.case {
CaseMode::Sensitive => builder.case_insensitive(false),
CaseMode::Insensitive => builder.case_insensitive(true),
CaseMode::Smart => builder.case_smart(true),
if let Some(ref boundary) = self.boundary {
match *boundary {
BoundaryMode::Line => builder.whole_line(true),
BoundaryMode::Word => builder.word(true),
if self.multiline {
if self.crlf {
} else {
if self.crlf {
// We don't need to set this in multiline mode since mulitline
// matchers don't use optimizations related to line terminators.
// Moreover, a mulitline regex used with --null-data should
// be allowed to match NUL bytes explicitly, which this would
// otherwise forbid.
if self.null_data {
if let Some(limit) = self.regex_size_limit {
if let Some(limit) = self.dfa_size_limit {
if !self.binary.is_none() {
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
let m = match builder.build_many(&self.patterns.patterns) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(err) => {
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
/// Returns true if some non-zero number of matches is believed to be
/// possible.
/// When this returns false, it is impossible for ripgrep to ever report
/// a match.
pub(crate) fn matches_possible(&self) -> bool {
if self.patterns.patterns.is_empty() {
return false;
if self.max_count == Some(0) {
return false;
/// Returns the "mode" that ripgrep should operate in.
/// This is generally useful for determining what action ripgrep should
/// take. The main mode is of course to "search," but there are other
/// non-search modes such as `--type-list` and `--files`.
pub(crate) fn mode(&self) -> Mode {
/// Returns a builder for constructing a "path printer."
/// This is useful for the `--files` mode in ripgrep, where the printer
/// just needs to emit paths and not need to worry about the functionality
/// of searching.
pub(crate) fn path_printer_builder(
) -> grep::printer::PathPrinterBuilder {
let mut builder = grep::printer::PathPrinterBuilder::new();
/// Returns a printer for the given search mode.
/// This chooses which printer to build (JSON, summary or standard) based
/// on the search mode given.
pub(crate) fn printer<W: termcolor::WriteColor>(
search_mode: SearchMode,
wtr: W,
) -> Printer<W> {
let summary_kind = if self.quiet {
} else {
match search_mode {
SearchMode::FilesWithMatches => SummaryKind::PathWithMatch,
SearchMode::FilesWithoutMatch => SummaryKind::PathWithoutMatch,
SearchMode::Count => SummaryKind::Count,
SearchMode::CountMatches => SummaryKind::CountMatches,
SearchMode::JSON => {
return Printer::JSON(self.printer_json(wtr))
SearchMode::Standard => {
return Printer::Standard(self.printer_standard(wtr))
Printer::Summary(self.printer_summary(wtr, summary_kind))
/// Builds a JSON printer.
fn printer_json<W: std::io::Write>(
wtr: W,
) -> grep::printer::JSON<W> {
/// Builds a "standard" grep printer where matches are printed as plain
/// text lines.
fn printer_standard<W: termcolor::WriteColor>(
wtr: W,
) -> grep::printer::Standard<W> {
let mut builder = grep::printer::StandardBuilder::new();
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
.replacement(self.replace.clone().map(|r| r.into()))
// When doing multi-threaded searching, the buffer writer is
// responsible for writing separators since it is the only thing that
// knows whether something has been printed or not. But for the single
// threaded case, we don't use a buffer writer and thus can let the
// printer own this.
if self.threads == 1 {
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
/// Builds a "summary" printer where search results are aggregated on a
/// file-by-file basis.
fn printer_summary<W: termcolor::WriteColor>(
wtr: W,
kind: SummaryKind,
) -> grep::printer::Summary<W> {
/// Returns true if ripgrep should operate in "quiet" mode.
/// Generally speaking, quiet mode means that ripgrep should not print
/// anything to stdout. There are some exceptions. For example, when the
/// user has provided `--stats`, then ripgrep will print statistics to
/// stdout.
pub(crate) fn quiet(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns true when ripgrep should stop searching after a single match is
/// found.
/// This is useful for example when quiet mode is enabled. In that case,
/// users generally can't tell the difference in behavior between a search
/// that finds all matches and a search that only finds one of them. (An
/// exception here is if `--stats` is given, then `quit_after_match` will
/// always return false since the user expects ripgrep to find everything.)
pub(crate) fn quit_after_match(&self) -> bool {
/// Build a worker for executing searches.
/// Search results are found using the given matcher and written to the
/// given printer.
pub(crate) fn search_worker<W: termcolor::WriteColor>(
matcher: PatternMatcher,
searcher: grep::searcher::Searcher,
printer: Printer<W>,
) -> anyhow::Result<SearchWorker<W>> {
let mut builder = SearchWorkerBuilder::new();
Ok(builder.build(matcher, searcher, printer))
/// Build a searcher from the command line parameters.
pub(crate) fn searcher(&self) -> anyhow::Result<grep::searcher::Searcher> {
let line_term = if self.crlf {
} else if self.null_data {
} else {
let mut builder = grep::searcher::SearcherBuilder::new();
match self.context {
ContextMode::Passthru => {
ContextMode::Limited(ref limited) => {
let (before, after) = limited.get();
match self.encoding {
EncodingMode::Auto => {} // default for the searcher
EncodingMode::Some(ref enc) => {
EncodingMode::Disabled => {
/// Given an iterator of haystacks, sort them if necessary.
/// When sorting is necessary, this will collect the entire iterator into
/// memory, sort them and then return a new iterator. When sorting is not
/// necessary, then the iterator given is returned as is without collecting
/// it into memory.
/// Once special case is when sorting by path in ascending order has been
/// requested. In this case, the iterator given is returned as is without
/// any additional sorting. This is done because `walk_builder()` will sort
/// the iterator it yields during directory traversal, so no additional
/// sorting is needed.
pub(crate) fn sort<'a, I>(
haystacks: I,
) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Haystack> + 'a>
I: Iterator<Item = Haystack> + 'a,
use std::{cmp::Ordering, fs::Metadata, io, time::SystemTime};
fn attach_timestamps(
haystacks: impl Iterator<Item = Haystack>,
get: impl Fn(&Metadata) -> io::Result<SystemTime>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Haystack, Option<SystemTime>)> {
haystacks.map(move |s| {
let time = s.path().metadata().and_then(|m| get(&m)).ok();
(s, time)
let Some(ref sort) = self.sort else { return Box::new(haystacks) };
let mut with_timestamps: Vec<_> = match sort.kind {
SortModeKind::Path if !sort.reverse => return Box::new(haystacks),
SortModeKind::Path => todo!(),
SortModeKind::LastModified => {
attach_timestamps(haystacks, |md| md.modified()).collect()
SortModeKind::LastAccessed => {
attach_timestamps(haystacks, |md| md.accessed()).collect()
SortModeKind::Created => {
attach_timestamps(haystacks, |md| md.created()).collect()
with_timestamps.sort_by(|(_, ref t1), (_, ref t2)| {
let ordering = match (*t1, *t2) {
// Both have metadata, do the obvious thing.
(Some(t1), Some(t2)) => t1.cmp(&t2),
// Things that error should appear later (when ascending).
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Less,
// Things that error should appear later (when ascending).
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
// When both error, we can't distinguish, so treat as equal.
(None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
if sort.reverse {
} else {
Box::new(with_timestamps.into_iter().map(|(s, _)| s))
/// Returns a stats object if the user requested that ripgrep keep track
/// of various metrics during a search.
/// When this returns `None`, then callers may assume that the user did
/// not request statistics.
pub(crate) fn stats(&self) -> Option<grep::printer::Stats> {
/// Returns a color-enabled writer for stdout.
/// The writer returned is also configured to do either line or block
/// buffering, based on either explicit configuration from the user via CLI
/// flags, or automatically based on whether stdout is connected to a tty.
pub(crate) fn stdout(&self) -> grep::cli::StandardStream {
let color = self.color.to_termcolor();
match self.buffer {
BufferMode::Auto => {
if self.is_terminal_stdout {
} else {
BufferMode::Line => grep::cli::stdout_buffered_line(color),
BufferMode::Block => grep::cli::stdout_buffered_block(color),
/// Returns the total number of threads ripgrep should use to execute a
/// search.
/// This number is the result of reasoning about both heuristics (like
/// the available number of cores) and whether ripgrep's mode supports
/// parallelism. It is intended that this number be used to directly
/// determine how many threads to spawn.
pub(crate) fn threads(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the file type matcher that was built.
/// The matcher includes both the default rules and any rules added by the
/// user for this specific invocation.
pub(crate) fn types(&self) -> &ignore::types::Types {
/// Create a new builder for recursive directory traversal.
/// The builder returned can be used to start a single threaded or multi
/// threaded directory traversal. For multi threaded traversal, the number
/// of threads configured is equivalent to `HiArgs::threads`.
/// If `HiArgs::threads` is equal to `1`, then callers should generally
/// choose to explicitly use single threaded traversal since it won't have
/// the unnecessary overhead of synchronization.
pub(crate) fn walk_builder(&self) -> anyhow::Result<ignore::WalkBuilder> {
let mut builder = ignore::WalkBuilder::new(&self.paths.paths[0]);
for path in self.paths.paths.iter().skip(1) {
if !self.no_ignore_files {
for path in self.ignore_file.iter() {
if let Some(err) = builder.add_ignore(path) {
.skip_stdout(matches!(self.mode, Mode::Search(_)))
.git_global(!self.no_ignore_vcs && !self.no_ignore_global)
.git_exclude(!self.no_ignore_vcs && !self.no_ignore_exclude)
if !self.no_ignore_dot {
// When we want to sort paths lexicographically in ascending order,
// then we can actually do this during directory traversal itself.
// Otherwise, sorting is done by collecting all paths, sorting them and
// then searching them.
if let Some(ref sort) = self.sort {
assert_eq!(1, self.threads, "sorting implies single threaded");
if !sort.reverse && matches!(sort.kind, SortModeKind::Path) {
builder.sort_by_file_name(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
/// State that only needs to be computed once during argument parsing.
/// This state is meant to be somewhat generic and shared across multiple
/// low->high argument conversions. The state can even be mutated by various
/// conversions as a way to communicate changes to other conversions. For
/// example, reading patterns might consume from stdin. If we know stdin
/// has been consumed and no other file paths have been given, then we know
/// for sure that we should search the CWD. In this way, a state change
/// when reading the patterns can impact how the file paths are ultimately
/// generated.
struct State {
/// Whether it's believed that tty is connected to stdout. Note that on
/// unix systems, this is always correct. On Windows, heuristics are used
/// by Rust's standard library, particularly for cygwin/MSYS environments.
is_terminal_stdout: bool,
/// Whether stdin has already been consumed. This is useful to know and for
/// providing good error messages when the user has tried to read from stdin
/// in two different places. For example, `rg -f - -`.
stdin_consumed: bool,
/// The current working directory.
cwd: PathBuf,
impl State {
/// Initialize state to some sensible defaults.
/// Note that the state values may change throughout the lifetime of
/// argument parsing.
fn new() -> anyhow::Result<State> {
use std::io::IsTerminal;
Ok(State {
is_terminal_stdout: std::io::stdout().is_terminal(),
stdin_consumed: false,
cwd: current_dir()?,
/// The disjunction of patterns to search for.
/// The number of patterns can be empty, e.g., via `-f /dev/null`.
struct Patterns {
/// The actual patterns to match.
patterns: Vec<String>,
impl Patterns {
/// Pulls the patterns out of the low arguments.
/// This includes collecting patterns from -e/--regexp and -f/--file.
/// If the invocation implies that the first positional argument is a
/// pattern (the common case), then the first positional argument is
/// extracted as well.
fn from_low_args(
state: &mut State,
low: &mut LowArgs,
) -> anyhow::Result<Patterns> {
// The first positional is only a pattern when ripgrep is instructed to
// search and neither -e/--regexp nor -f/--file is given. Basically,
// the first positional is a pattern only when a pattern hasn't been
// given in some other way.
// No search means no patterns. Even if -e/--regexp or -f/--file is
// given, we know we won't use them so don't bother collecting them.
if !matches!(low.mode, Mode::Search(_)) {
return Ok(Patterns { patterns: vec![] });
// If we got nothing from -e/--regexp and -f/--file, then the first
// positional is a pattern.
if low.patterns.is_empty() {
"ripgrep requires at least one pattern to execute a search"
let ospat = low.positional.remove(0);
let Ok(pat) = ospat.into_string() else {
anyhow::bail!("pattern given is not valid UTF-8")
return Ok(Patterns { patterns: vec![pat] });
// Otherwise, we need to slurp up our patterns from -e/--regexp and
// -f/--file. We de-duplicate as we go. If we don't de-duplicate,
// then it can actually lead to major slow downs for sloppy inputs.
// This might be surprising, and the regex engine will eventually
// de-duplicate duplicative branches in a single regex (maybe), but
// not until after it has gone through parsing and some other layers.
// If there are a lot of duplicates, then that can lead to a sizeable
// extra cost. It is lamentable that we pay the extra cost here to
// de-duplicate for a likely uncommon case, but I've seen this have a
// big impact on real world data.
let mut seen = HashSet::new();
let mut patterns = Vec::with_capacity(low.patterns.len());
let mut add = |pat: String| {
if !seen.contains(&pat) {
for source in low.patterns.drain(..) {
match source {
PatternSource::Regexp(pat) => add(pat),
PatternSource::File(path) => {
if path == Path::new("-") {
"error reading -f/--file from stdin: stdin \
has already been consumed"
for pat in grep::cli::patterns_from_stdin()? {
state.stdin_consumed = true;
} else {
for pat in grep::cli::patterns_from_path(&path)? {
Ok(Patterns { patterns })
/// The collection of paths we want to search for.
/// This guarantees that there is always at least one path.
struct Paths {
/// The actual paths.
paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// This is true when ripgrep had to guess to search the current working
/// directory. e.g., When the user just runs `rg foo`. It is odd to need
/// this, but it subtly changes how the paths are printed. When no explicit
/// path is given, then ripgrep doesn't prefix each path with `./`. But
/// otherwise it does! This curious behavior matches what GNU grep does.
has_implicit_path: bool,
/// Set to true if it is known that only a single file descriptor will
/// be searched.
is_one_file: bool,
impl Paths {
/// Drain the search paths out of the given low arguments.
fn from_low_args(
state: &mut State,
_: &Patterns,
low: &mut LowArgs,
) -> anyhow::Result<Paths> {
// We require a `&Patterns` even though we don't use it to ensure that
// patterns have already been read from LowArgs. This let's us safely
// assume that all remaining positional arguments are intended to be
// file paths.
let mut paths = Vec::with_capacity(low.positional.len());
for osarg in low.positional.drain(..) {
let path = PathBuf::from(osarg);
if state.stdin_consumed && path == Path::new("-") {
"error: attempted to read patterns from stdin \
while also searching stdin",
if !paths.is_empty() {
let is_one_file = paths.len() == 1
&& (paths[0] == Path::new("-") || paths[0].is_file());
return Ok(Paths { paths, has_implicit_path: false, is_one_file });
// N.B. is_readable_stdin is a heuristic! Part of the issue is that a
// lot of "exec process" APIs will open a stdin pipe even though stdin
// isn't really being used. ripgrep then thinks it should search stdin
// and one gets the appearance of it hanging. It's a terrible failure
// mode, but there really is no good way to mitigate it. It's just a
// consequence of letting the user type 'rg foo' and "guessing" that
// they meant to search the CWD.
let is_readable_stdin = grep::cli::is_readable_stdin();
let use_cwd = !is_readable_stdin
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
|| state.stdin_consumed
|| !matches!(low.mode, Mode::Search(_));
"using heuristics to determine whether to read from \
stdin or search ./ (\
is_readable_stdin={is_readable_stdin}, \
stdin_consumed={stdin_consumed}, \
stdin_consumed = state.stdin_consumed,
mode = low.mode,
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
let (path, is_one_file) = if use_cwd {
log::debug!("heuristic chose to search ./");
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
(PathBuf::from("./"), false)
} else {
log::debug!("heuristic chose to search stdin");
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
(PathBuf::from("-"), true)
Ok(Paths { paths: vec![path], has_implicit_path: true, is_one_file })
/// Returns true if ripgrep will only search stdin and nothing else.
fn is_only_stdin(&self) -> bool {
self.paths.len() == 1 && self.paths[0] == Path::new("-")
/// The "binary detection" configuration that ripgrep should use.
/// ripgrep actually uses two different binary detection heuristics depending
/// on whether a file is explicitly being searched (e.g., via a CLI argument)
/// or implicitly searched (e.g., via directory traversal). In general, the
/// former can never use a heuristic that lets it "quit" seaching before
/// either getting EOF or finding a match. (Because doing otherwise would be
/// considered a filter, and ripgrep follows the rule that an explicitly given
/// file is always searched.)
struct BinaryDetection {
explicit: grep::searcher::BinaryDetection,
implicit: grep::searcher::BinaryDetection,
impl BinaryDetection {
/// Determines the correct binary detection mode from low-level arguments.
fn from_low_args(_: &State, low: &LowArgs) -> BinaryDetection {
let none = matches!(low.binary, BinaryMode::AsText) || low.null_data;
let convert = matches!(low.binary, BinaryMode::SearchAndSuppress);
let explicit = if none {
} else {
let implicit = if none {
} else if convert {
} else {
BinaryDetection { explicit, implicit }
/// Returns true when both implicit and explicit binary detection is
/// disabled.
pub(crate) fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
let none = grep::searcher::BinaryDetection::none();
self.explicit == none && self.implicit == none
cli: replace clap with lexopt and supporting code ripgrep began it's life with docopt for argument parsing. Then it moved to Clap and stayed there for a number of years. Clap has served ripgrep well, and it probably could continue to serve ripgrep well, but I ended up deciding to move off of it. Why? The first time I had the thought of moving off of Clap was during the 2->3->4 transition. I thought the 3.x and 4.x releases were great, but for me, it ended up moving a little too quickly. Since the release of 4.x was telegraphed around when 3.x came out, I decided to just hold off and wait to migrate to 4.x instead of doing a 3.x migration followed shortly by another 4.x migration. Of course, I just never ended up doing the migration at all. I never got around to it and there just wasn't a compelling reason for me to upgrade. While I never investigated it, I saw an upgrade as a non-trivial amount of work in part because I didn't encapsulate the usage of Clap enough. The above is just what got me started thinking about it. It wasn't enough to get me to move off of it on its own. What ended up pushing me over the edge was a combination of factors: * As mentioned above, I didn't want to run on the migration treadmill. This has proven to not be much of an issue, but at the time of the 2->3->4 releases, I didn't know how long Clap 4.x would be out before a 5.x would come out. * The release of lexopt[1] caught my eye. IMO, that crate demonstrates exactly how something new can arrive on the scene and just thoroughly solve a problem minimalistically. It has the docs, the reasoning, the simple API, the tests and good judgment. It gets all the weird corner cases right that Clap also gets right (and is part of why I was originally attracted to Clap). * I have an overall desire to reduce the size of my dependency tree. In part because a smaller dependency tree tends to correlate with better compile times, but also in part because it reduces my reliance and trust on others. It lets me be the "master" of ripgrep's destiny by reducing the amount of behavior that is the result of someone else's decision (whether good or bad). * I perceived that Clap solves a more general problem than what I actually need solved. Despite the vast number of flags that ripgrep has, its requirements are actually pretty simple. We just need simple switches and flags that support one value. No multi-value flags. No sub-commands. And probably a lot of other functionality that Clap has that makes it so flexible for so many different use cases. (I'm being hand wavy on the last point.) With all that said, perhaps most importantly, the future of ripgrep possibly demands a more flexible CLI argument parser. In today's world, I would really like, for example, flags like `--type` and `--type-not` to be able to accumulate their repeated values into a single sequence while respecting the order they appear on the CLI. For example, prior to this migration, `rg regex-automata -Tlock -ttoml` would not return results in `Cargo.lock` in this repository because the `-Tlock` always took priority even though `-ttoml` appeared after it. But with this migration, `-ttoml` now correctly overrides `-Tlock`. We would like to do similar things for `-g/--glob` and `--iglob` and potentially even now introduce a `-G/--glob-not` flag instead of requiring users to use `!` to negate a glob. (Which I had done originally to work-around this problem.) And some day, I'd like to add some kind of boolean matching to ripgrep perhaps similar to how `git grep` does it. (Although I haven't thought too carefully on a design yet.) In order to do that, I perceive it would be difficult to implement correctly in Clap. I believe that this last point is possible to implement correctly in Clap 2.x, although it is awkward to do so. I have not looked closely enough at the Clap 4.x API to know whether it's still possible there. In any case, these were enough reasons to move off of Clap and own more of the argument parsing process myself. This did require a few things: * I had to write my own logic for how arguments are combined into one single state object. Of course, I wanted this. This was part of the upside. But it's still code I didn't have to write for Clap. * I had to write my own shell completion generator. * I had to write my own `-h/--help` output generator. * I also had to write my own man page generator. Well, I had to do this with Clap 2.x too, although my understanding is that Clap 4.x supports this. With that said, without having tried it, my guess is that I probably wouldn't have liked the output it generated because I ultimately had to write most of the roff by hand myself to get the man page I wanted. (This also had the benefit of dropping the build dependency on asciidoc/asciidoctor.) While this is definitely a fair bit of extra work, it overall only cost me a couple days. IMO, that's a good trade off given that this code is unlikely to change again in any substantial way. And it should also allow for more flexible semantics going forward. Fixes #884, Fixes #1648, Fixes #1701, Fixes #1814, Fixes #1966 [1]: https://docs.rs/lexopt/0.3.0/lexopt/index.html
2023-10-16 18:05:39 -04:00
/// Builds the file type matcher from low level arguments.
fn types(low: &LowArgs) -> anyhow::Result<ignore::types::Types> {
let mut builder = ignore::types::TypesBuilder::new();
for tychange in low.type_changes.iter() {
match tychange {
TypeChange::Clear { ref name } => {
TypeChange::Add { ref def } => {
TypeChange::Select { ref name } => {
TypeChange::Negate { ref name } => {
/// Builds the glob "override" matcher from the CLI `-g/--glob` and `--iglob`
/// flags.
fn globs(
state: &State,
low: &LowArgs,
) -> anyhow::Result<ignore::overrides::Override> {
if low.globs.is_empty() && low.iglobs.is_empty() {
return Ok(ignore::overrides::Override::empty());
let mut builder = ignore::overrides::OverrideBuilder::new(&state.cwd);
// Make all globs case insensitive with --glob-case-insensitive.
if low.glob_case_insensitive {
for glob in low.globs.iter() {
// This only enables case insensitivity for subsequent globs.
for glob in low.iglobs.iter() {
/// Builds a glob matcher for all of the preprocessor globs (via `--pre-glob`).
fn preprocessor_globs(
state: &State,
low: &LowArgs,
) -> anyhow::Result<ignore::overrides::Override> {
if low.pre_glob.is_empty() {
return Ok(ignore::overrides::Override::empty());
let mut builder = ignore::overrides::OverrideBuilder::new(&state.cwd);
for glob in low.pre_glob.iter() {
/// Determines whether stats should be tracked for this search. If so, a stats
/// object is returned.
fn stats(low: &LowArgs) -> Option<grep::printer::Stats> {
if !matches!(low.mode, Mode::Search(_)) {
return None;
if low.stats || matches!(low.mode, Mode::Search(SearchMode::JSON)) {
return Some(grep::printer::Stats::new());
/// Pulls out any color specs provided by the user and assembles them into one
/// single configuration.
fn take_color_specs(_: &mut State, low: &mut LowArgs) -> ColorSpecs {
let mut specs = grep::printer::default_color_specs();
for spec in low.colors.drain(..) {
/// Pulls out the necessary info from the low arguments to build a full
/// hyperlink configuration.
fn take_hyperlink_config(
_: &mut State,
low: &mut LowArgs,
) -> anyhow::Result<grep::printer::HyperlinkConfig> {
let mut env = grep::printer::HyperlinkEnvironment::new();
if let Some(hostname) = hostname(low.hostname_bin.as_deref()) {
log::debug!("found hostname for hyperlink configuration: {hostname}");
if let Some(wsl_prefix) = wsl_prefix() {
"found wsl_prefix for hyperlink configuration: {wsl_prefix}"
let fmt = std::mem::take(&mut low.hyperlink_format);
log::debug!("hyperlink format: {:?}", fmt.to_string());
Ok(grep::printer::HyperlinkConfig::new(env, fmt))
/// Attempts to discover the current working directory.
/// This mostly just defers to the standard library, however, such things will
/// fail if ripgrep is in a directory that no longer exists. We attempt some
/// fallback mechanisms, such as querying the PWD environment variable, but
/// otherwise return an error.
fn current_dir() -> anyhow::Result<PathBuf> {
let err = match std::env::current_dir() {
Err(err) => err,
Ok(cwd) => return Ok(cwd),
if let Some(cwd) = std::env::var_os("PWD") {
if !cwd.is_empty() {
return Ok(PathBuf::from(cwd));
"failed to get current working directory: {err}\n\
did your CWD get deleted?",
/// Retrieves the hostname that should be used wherever a hostname is required.
/// Currently, this is only used in the hyperlink format.
/// This works by first running the given binary program (if present and with
/// no arguments) to get the hostname after trimming leading and trailing
/// whitespace. If that fails for any reason, then it falls back to getting
/// the hostname via platform specific means (e.g., `gethostname` on Unix).
/// The purpose of `bin` is to make it possible for end users to override how
/// ripgrep determines the hostname.
fn hostname(bin: Option<&Path>) -> Option<String> {
let Some(bin) = bin else { return platform_hostname() };
let bin = match grep::cli::resolve_binary(bin) {
Ok(bin) => bin,
Err(err) => {
"failed to run command '{bin:?}' to get hostname \
(falling back to platform hostname): {err}",
return platform_hostname();
let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new(&bin);
let rdr = match grep::cli::CommandReader::new(&mut cmd) {
Ok(rdr) => rdr,
Err(err) => {
"failed to spawn command '{bin:?}' to get \
hostname (falling back to platform hostname): {err}",
return platform_hostname();
let out = match std::io::read_to_string(rdr) {
Ok(out) => out,
Err(err) => {
"failed to read output from command '{bin:?}' to get \
hostname (falling back to platform hostname): {err}",
return platform_hostname();
let hostname = out.trim();
if hostname.is_empty() {
"output from command '{bin:?}' is empty after trimming \
leading and trailing whitespace (falling back to \
platform hostname)",
return platform_hostname();
/// Attempts to get the hostname by using platform specific routines.
/// For example, this will do `gethostname` on Unix and `GetComputerNameExW` on
/// Windows.
fn platform_hostname() -> Option<String> {
let hostname_os = match grep::cli::hostname() {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(err) => {
log::debug!("could not get hostname: {}", err);
return None;
let Some(hostname) = hostname_os.to_str() else {
"got hostname {:?}, but it's not valid UTF-8",
return None;
/// Returns the value for the `{wslprefix}` variable in a hyperlink format.
/// A WSL prefix is a share/network like thing that is meant to permit Windows
/// applications to open files stored within a WSL drive.
/// If a WSL distro name is unavailable, not valid UTF-8 or this isn't running
/// in a Unix environment, then this returns None.
/// See: <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/filesystems>
fn wsl_prefix() -> Option<String> {
if !cfg!(unix) {
return None;
let distro_os = std::env::var_os("WSL_DISTRO_NAME")?;
let Some(distro) = distro_os.to_str() else {
"found WSL_DISTRO_NAME={:?}, but value is not UTF-8",
return None;
/// Possibly suggest another regex engine based on the error message given.
/// This inspects an error resulting from building a Rust regex matcher, and
/// if it's believed to correspond to a syntax error that another engine could
/// handle, then add a message to suggest the use of the engine flag.
fn suggest_other_engine(msg: String) -> String {
if let Some(pcre_msg) = suggest_pcre2(&msg) {
return pcre_msg;
/// Possibly suggest PCRE2 based on the error message given.
/// Inspect an error resulting from building a Rust regex matcher, and if it's
/// believed to correspond to a syntax error that PCRE2 could handle, then
/// add a message to suggest the use of -P/--pcre2.
fn suggest_pcre2(msg: &str) -> Option<String> {
if !cfg!(feature = "pcre2") {
return None;
if !msg.contains("backreferences") && !msg.contains("look-around") {
} else {
Consider enabling PCRE2 with the --pcre2 flag, which can handle backreferences
and look-around.",
/// Possibly suggest multiline mode based on the error message given.
/// Does a bit of a hacky inspection of the given error message, and if it
/// looks like the user tried to type a literal line terminator then it will
/// return a new error message suggesting the use of -U/--multiline.
fn suggest_multiline(msg: String) -> String {
if msg.contains("the literal") && msg.contains("not allowed") {
Consider enabling multiline mode with the --multiline flag (or -U for short).
When multiline mode is enabled, new line characters can be matched.",
} else {
/// Possibly suggest the `-a/--text` flag.
fn suggest_text(msg: String) -> String {
if msg.contains("pattern contains \"\\0\"") {
Consider enabling text mode with the --text flag (or -a for short). Otherwise,
binary detection is enabled and matching a NUL byte is impossible.",
} else {