diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index c7c9dfa3..db337d82 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ members = ["grep", "globset", "ignore", "termcolor", "wincolor"]
atty = "0.2.2"
bytecount = "0.3.1"
encoding_rs = "0.7"
+globset = { version = "0.2.1", path = "globset" }
grep = { version = "0.1.7", path = "grep" }
ignore = { version = "0.3.1", path = "ignore" }
lazy_static = "1"
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ num_cpus = "1"
regex = "0.2.4"
same-file = "1"
termcolor = { version = "0.3.3", path = "termcolor" }
-globset = { version = "0.2.1", path = "globset" }
version = "2.29.4"
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..063a7888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FAQ.md
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+## FAQ
+* [Does ripgrep support configuration files?](#config)
+* [What's changed in ripgrep recently?](#changelog)
+* [When is the next release?](#release)
+* [Does ripgrep have a man page?](#manpage)
+* [Does ripgrep have support for shell auto-completion?](#complete)
+* [How do I use lookaround and/or backreferences?](#fancy)
+* [How do I stop ripgrep from messing up colors when I kill it?](#stop-ripgrep)
+* [How can I get results in a consistent order?](#order)
+* [How do I search files that aren't UTF-8?](#encoding)
+* [How do I search compressed files?](#compressed)
+* [How do I search over multiple lines?](#multiline)
+* [How do I get around the regex size limit?](#size-limit)
+* [How do I make the `-f/--file` flag faster?](#dfa-size)
+* [How do I make the output look like The Silver Searcher's output?](#silver-searcher-output)
+* [When I run `rg`, why does it execute some other command?](#rg-other-cmd)
+* [How do I create an alias for ripgrep on Windows?](#rg-alias-windows)
+* [How do I create a PowerShell profile?](#powershell-profile)
+* [How do I pipe non-ASCII content to ripgrep on Windows?](#pipe-non-ascii-windows)
+Does ripgrep support configuration files?
+Yes. See the [guide's section on configuration files](#configuration-file).
+What's changed in ripgrep recently?
+Please consult ripgrep's [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md).
+When is the next release?
+ripgrep is a project whose contributors are volunteers. A release schedule
+adds undue stress to said volunteers. Therefore, releases are made on a best
+effort basis and no dates **will ever be given**.
+One exception to this is high impact bugs. If a ripgrep release contains a
+significant regression, then there will generally be a strong push to get a
+patch release out with a fix.
+Does ripgrep have a man page?
+Yes! Whenever ripgrep is compiled on a system with `asciidoc` present, then a
+man page is generated from ripgrep's argv parser. After compiling ripgrep, you
+can find the man page like so from the root of the repository:
+$ find ./target -name rg.1 -print0 | xargs -0 ls -t | head -n1
+Running `man -l ./target/debug/build/ripgrep-79899d0edd4129ca/out/rg.1` will
+show the man page in your normal pager.
+Note that the man page's documentation for options is equivalent to the output
+shown in `rg --help`. To see more condensed documentation (one line per flag),
+run `rg -h`.
+The man page is also included in all
+[ripgrep binary releases](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases).
+Does ripgrep have support for shell auto-completion?
+Yes! Shell completions can be found in the
+[same directory as the man page](#manpage)
+after building ripgrep. Zsh completions are maintained separately and committed
+to the repository in `complete/_rg`.
+Shell completions are also included in all
+[ripgrep binary releases](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases).
+For **bash**, move `rg.bash` to
+`$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash_completion` or `/etc/bash_completion.d/`.
+For **fish**, move `rg.fish` to `$HOME/.config/fish/completions/`.
+For **zsh**, move `_rg` to one of your `$fpath` directories.
+For **PowerShell**, add `. _rg.ps1` to your PowerShell
+(note the leading period). If the `_rg.ps1` file is not on your `PATH`, do
+`. /path/to/_rg.ps1` instead.
+How can I get results in a consistent order?
+By default, ripgrep uses parallelism to execute its search because this makes
+the search much faster on most modern systems. This in turn means that ripgrep
+has a non-deterministic aspect to it, since the interleaving of threads during
+the execution of the program is itself non-deterministic. This has the effect
+of printing results in a somewhat arbitrary order, and this order can change
+from run to run of ripgrep.
+The only way to make the order of results consistent is to ask ripgrep to
+sort the output. Currently, this will disable all parallelism. (On smaller
+repositories, you might not notice much of a performance difference!) You
+can achieve this with the `--sort-files` flag.
+There is more discussion on this topic here:
+How do I search files that aren't UTF-8?
+See the [guide's section on file encoding](GUIDE.md#file-encoding).
+How do I search compressed files?
+ripgrep's `-z/--search-zip` flag will cause it to search compressed files
+automatically. Currently, this supports gzip, bzip2, lzma and xz only and
+requires the corresponding `gzip`, `bzip2` and `xz` binaries to be installed on
+your system. (That is, ripgrep does decompression by shelling out to another
+ripgrep currently does not search archive formats, so `*.tar.gz` files, for
+example, are skipped.
+How do I search over multiple lines?
+This isn't currently possible. ripgrep is fundamentally a line-oriented search
+tool. With that said,
+[multiline search is a planned opt-in feature](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/176).
+How do I use lookaround and/or backreferences?
+This isn't currently possible. ripgrep uses finite automata to implement
+regular expression search, and in turn, guarantees linear time searching on all
+inputs. It is difficult to efficiently support lookaround and backreferences in
+finite automata engines, so ripgrep does not provide these features.
+If a production quality regular expression engine with these features is ever
+written in Rust, then it is possible ripgrep will provide it as an opt-in
+How do I stop ripgrep from messing up colors when I kill it?
+Type in `color` in cmd.exe (Command Prompt) and `echo -ne "\033[0m"` on
+Unix-like systems to restore your original foreground color.
+In PowerShell, you can add the following code to your profile which will
+restore the original foreground color when `Reset-ForegroundColor` is called.
+Including the `Set-Alias` line will allow you to call it with simply `color`.
+$OrigFgColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor
+function Reset-ForegroundColor {
+ $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $OrigFgColor
+Set-Alias -Name color -Value Reset-ForegroundColor
+PR [#187](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/pull/187) fixed this, and it
+was later deprecated in
+[#281](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/281). A full explanation is
+How do I get around the regex size limit?
+If you've given ripgrep a particularly large pattern (or a large number of
+smaller patterns), then it is possible that it will fail to compile because it
+hit a pre-set limit. For example:
+$ rg '\pL{1000}'
+Compiled regex exceeds size limit of 10485760 bytes.
+(Note: `\pL{1000}` may look small, but `\pL` is the character class containing
+all Unicode letters, which is quite large. *And* it's repeated 1000 times.)
+In this case, you can work around by simply increasing the limit:
+$ rg '\pL{1000}' --regex-size-limit 1G
+Increasing the limit to 1GB does not necessarily mean that ripgrep will use
+that much memory. The limit just says that it's allowed to (approximately) use
+that much memory for constructing the regular expression.
+How do I make the -f/--file
flag faster?
+The `-f/--file` permits one to give a file to ripgrep which contains a pattern
+on each line. ripgrep will then report any line that matches any of the
+If this pattern file gets too big, then it is possible ripgrep will slow down
+dramatically. *Typically* this is because an internal cache is too small, and
+will cause ripgrep to spill over to a slower but more robust regular expression
+engine. If this is indeed the problem, then it is possible to increase this
+cache and regain speed. The cache can be controlled via the `--dfa-size-limit`
+flag. For example, using `--dfa-size-limit 1G` will set the cache size to 1GB.
+(Note that this doesn't mean ripgrep will use 1GB of memory automatically, but
+it will allow the regex engine to if it needs to.)
+How do I make the output look like The Silver Searcher's output?
+Use the `--colors` flag, like so:
+rg --colors line:fg:yellow \
+ --colors line:style:bold \
+ --colors path:fg:green \
+ --colors path:style:bold \
+ --colors match:fg:black \
+ --colors match:bg:yellow \
+ --colors match:style:nobold \
+ foo
+Alternatively, add your color configuration to your ripgrep config file (which
+is activated by setting the `RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable to point
+to your config file). For example:
+$ cat $HOME/.config/ripgrep/rc
+$ RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/.config/ripgrep/rc rg foo
+When I run rg
, why does it execute some other command?
+It's likely that you have a shell alias or even another tool called `rg` which
+is interfering with ripgrep. Run `which rg` to see what it is.
+(Notably, the Rails plug-in for
+[Oh My Zsh](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Plugins#rails) sets
+up an `rg` alias for `rails generate`.)
+Problems like this can be resolved in one of several ways:
+* If you're using the OMZ Rails plug-in, disable it by editing the `plugins`
+ array in your zsh configuration.
+* Temporarily bypass an existing `rg` alias by calling ripgrep as
+ `command rg`, `\rg`, or `'rg'`.
+* Temporarily bypass an existing alias or another tool named `rg` by calling
+ ripgrep by its full path (e.g., `/usr/bin/rg` or `/usr/local/bin/rg`).
+* Permanently disable an existing `rg` alias by adding `unalias rg` to the
+ bottom of your shell configuration file (e.g., `.bash_profile` or `.zshrc`).
+* Give ripgrep its own alias that doesn't conflict with other tools/aliases by
+ adding a line like the following to the bottom of your shell configuration
+ file: `alias ripgrep='command rg'`.
+How do I create an alias for ripgrep on Windows?
+Often you can find a need to make alias for commands you use a lot that set
+certain flags. But PowerShell function aliases do not behave like your typical
+linux shell alias. You always need to propagate arguments and `stdin` input.
+But it cannot be done simply as
+`function grep() { $input | rg.exe --hidden $args }`
+Use below example as reference to how setup alias in PowerShell.
+function grep {
+ $count = @($input).Count
+ $input.Reset()
+ if ($count) {
+ $input | rg.exe --hidden $args
+ }
+ else {
+ rg.exe --hidden $args
+ }
+PowerShell special variables:
+* input - is powershell `stdin` object that allows you to access its content.
+* args - is array of arguments passed to this function.
+This alias checks whether there is `stdin` input and propagates only if there
+is some lines. Otherwise empty `$input` will make powershell to trigger `rg` to
+search empty `stdin`.
+How do I create a PowerShell profile?
+To customize powershell on start-up, there is a special PowerShell script that
+has to be created. In order to find its location, type `$profile`.
+[Microsoft's documentation](https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb613488(v=vs.85).aspx)
+for more details.
+Any PowerShell code in this file gets evaluated at the start of console. This
+way you can have own aliases to be created at start.
+How do I pipe non-ASCII content to ripgrep on Windows?
+When piping input into native executables in PowerShell, the encoding of the
+input is controlled by the `$OutputEncoding` variable. By default, this is set
+to US-ASCII, and any characters in the pipeline that don't have encodings in
+US-ASCII are converted to `?` (question mark) characters.
+To change this setting, set `$OutputEncoding` to a different encoding, as
+represented by a .NET encoding object. Some common examples are below. The
+value of this variable is reset when PowerShell restarts, so to make this
+change take effect every time PowerShell is started add a line setting the
+variable into your PowerShell profile.
+Example `$OutputEncoding` settings:
+* UTF-8 without BOM: `$OutputEncoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()`
+* The console's output encoding:
+ `$OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::OutputEncoding`
+If you continue to have encoding problems, you can also force the encoding
+that the console will use for printing to UTF-8 with
+`[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8`. This
+will also reset when PowerShell is restarted, so you can add that line
+to your profile as well if you want to make the setting permanent.
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new file mode 100644
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+## User Guide
+This guide is intended to give an elementary description of ripgrep and an
+overview of its capabilities. This guide assumes that ripgrep is
+and that readers have passing familiarity with using command line tools. This
+also assumes a Unix-like system, although most commands are probably easily
+translatable to any command line shell environment.
+### Table of Contents
+* [Basics](#basics)
+* [Recursive search](#recursive-search)
+* [Automatic filtering](#automatic-filtering)
+* [Manual filtering: globs](#manual-filtering-globs)
+* [Manual filtering: file types](#manual-filtering-file-types)
+* [Replacements](#replacements)
+* [Configuration file](#configuration-file)
+* [File encoding](#file-encoding)
+* [Common options](#common-options)
+### Basics
+ripgrep is a command line tool that searches your files for patterns that
+you give it. ripgrep behaves as if reading each file line by line. If a line
+matches the pattern provided to ripgrep, then that line will be printed. If a
+line does not match the pattern, then the line is not printed.
+The best way to see how this works is with an example. To show an example, we
+need something to search. Let's try searching ripgrep's source code. First
+grab a ripgrep source archive from
+and extract it:
+$ curl -LO https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/archive/0.7.1.zip
+$ unzip 0.7.1.zip
+$ cd ripgrep-0.7.1
+$ ls
+benchsuite grep tests Cargo.toml LICENSE-MIT
+ci ignore wincolor CHANGELOG.md README.md
+complete pkg appveyor.yml compile snapcraft.yaml
+doc src build.rs COPYING UNLICENSE
+globset termcolor Cargo.lock HomebrewFormula
+Let's try our first search by looking for all occurrences of the word `fast`
+in `README.md`:
+$ rg fast README.md
+75: faster than both. (N.B. It is not, strictly speaking, a "drop-in" replacement
+88: color and full Unicode support. Unlike GNU grep, `ripgrep` stays fast while
+119:### Is it really faster than everything else?
+124:Summarizing, `ripgrep` is fast because:
+129: optimizations to make searching very fast.
+So what happened here? ripgrep read the contents of `README.md`, and for each
+line that contained `fast`, ripgrep printed it to your terminal. ripgrep also
+included the line number for each line by default. If your terminal supports
+colors, then your output might actually look something like this screenshot:
+In this example, we searched for something called a "literal" string. This
+means that our pattern was just some normal text that we asked ripgrep to
+find. But ripgrep supports the ability to specify patterns via [regular
+expressions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression). As an example,
+what if we wanted to find all lines have a word that contains `fast` followed
+by some number of other letters?
+$ rg 'fast\w+' README.md
+75: faster than both. (N.B. It is not, strictly speaking, a "drop-in" replacement
+119:### Is it really faster than everything else?
+In this example, we used the pattern `fast\w+`. This pattern tells ripgrep to
+look for any lines containing the letters `fast` followed by *one or more*
+word-like characters. Namely, `\w` matches characters that compose words (like
+`a` and `L` but unlike `.` and ` `). The `+` after the `\w` means, "match the
+previous pattern one or more times." This means that the word `fast` won't
+match because there are no word characters following the final `t`. But a word
+like `faster` will. `faste` would also match!
+Here's a different variation on this same theme:
+$ rg 'fast\w*' README.md
+75: faster than both. (N.B. It is not, strictly speaking, a "drop-in" replacement
+88: color and full Unicode support. Unlike GNU grep, `ripgrep` stays fast while
+119:### Is it really faster than everything else?
+124:Summarizing, `ripgrep` is fast because:
+129: optimizations to make searching very fast.
+In this case, we used `fast\w*` for our pattern instead of `fast\w+`. The `*`
+means that it should match *zero* or more times. In this case, ripgrep will
+print the same lines as the pattern `fast`, but if your terminal supports
+colors, you'll notice that `faster` will be highlighted instead of just the
+`fast` prefix.
+It is beyond the scope of this guide to provide a full tutorial on regular
+expressions, but ripgrep's specific syntax is documented here:
+### Recursive search
+In the previous section, we showed how to use ripgrep to search a single file.
+In this section, we'll show how to use ripgrep to search an entire directory
+of files. In fact, *recursively* searching your current working directory is
+the default mode of operation for ripgrep, which means doing this is very
+Using our unzipped archive of ripgrep source code, here's how to find all
+function definitions whose name is `write`:
+$ rg 'fn write\('
+469: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) {
+227: fn write(&mut self, b: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+250: fn write(&mut self, b: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+428: fn write(&mut self, b: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.wtr.write(b) }
+441: fn write(&mut self, b: &[u8]) -> io::Result { self.wtr.write(b) }
+454: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+511: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+848: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+915: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+949: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+1114: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+1348: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+1353: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
+(**Note:** We escape the `(` here because `(` has special significance inside
+regular expressions. You could also use `rg -F 'fn write('` to achieve the
+same thing, where `-F` interprets your pattern as a literal string instead of
+a regular expression.)
+In this example, we didn't specify a file at all. Instead, ripgrep defaulted
+to searching your current directory in the absence of a path. In general,
+`rg foo` is equivalent to `rg foo ./`.
+This particular search showed us results in both the `src` and `termcolor`
+directories. The `src` directory is the core ripgrep code where as `termcolor`
+is a dependency of ripgrep (and is used by other tools). What if we only wanted
+to search core ripgrep code? Well, that's easy, just specify the directory you
+$ rg 'fn write\(' src
+469: fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) {
+Here, ripgrep limited its search to the `src` directory. Another way of doing
+this search would be to `cd` into the `src` directory and simply use `rg 'fn
+write\('` again.
+### Automatic filtering
+After recursive search, ripgrep's most important feature is what it *doesn't*
+search. By default, when you search a directory, ripgrep will ignore all of
+the following:
+1. Files and directories that match the rules in your `.gitignore` glob
+ pattern.
+2. Hidden files and directories.
+3. Binary files. (ripgrep considers any file with a `NUL` byte to be binary.)
+4. Symbolic links aren't followed.
+All of these things can be toggled using various flags provided by ripgrep:
+1. You can disable `.gitignore` handling with the `--no-ignore` flag.
+2. Hidden files and directories can be searched with the `--hidden` flag.
+3. Binary files can be searched via the `--text` (`-a` for short) flag.
+ Be careful with this flag! Binary files may emit control characters to your
+ terminal, which might cause strange behavior.
+4. ripgrep can follow symlinks with the `--follow` (`-L` for short) flag.
+As a special convenience, ripgrep also provides a flag called `--unrestricted`
+(`-u` for short). Repeated uses of this flag will cause ripgrep to disable
+more and more of its filtering. That is, `-u` will disable `.gitignore`
+handling, `-uu` will search hidden files and directories and `-uuu` will search
+binary files. This is useful when you're using ripgrep and you aren't sure
+whether its filtering is hiding results from you. Tacking on a couple `-u`
+flags is a quick way to find out. (Use the `--debug` flag if you're still
+perplexed, and if that doesn't help,
+[file an issue](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/new).)
+ripgrep's `.gitignore` handling actually goes a bit beyond just `.gitignore`
+files. ripgrep will also respect repository specific rules found in
+`$GIT_DIR/info/exclude`, as well as any global ignore rules in your
+`core.excludesFile` (which is usually `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore` on
+Unix-like systems).
+Sometimes you want to search files that are in your `.gitignore`, so it is
+possible to specify additional ignore rules or overrides in a `.ignore`
+(application agnostic) or `.rgignore` (ripgrep specific) file.
+For example, let's say you have a `.gitignore` file that looks like this:
+This generally means that any `log` directory won't be tracked by `git`.
+However, perhaps it contains useful output that you'd like to include in your
+searches, but you still don't want to track it in `git`. You can achieve this
+by creating a `.ignore` file in the same directory as the `.gitignore` file
+with the following contents:
+ripgrep treats `.ignore` files with higher precedence than `.gitignore` files
+(and treats `.rgignore` files with higher precdence than `.ignore` files).
+This means ripgrep will see the `!log/` whitelist rule first and search that
+Like `.gitignore`, a `.ignore` file can be placed in any directory. Its rules
+will be processed with respect to the directory it resides in, just like
+For a more in depth description of how glob patterns in a `.gitignore` file
+are interpreted, please see `man gitignore`.
+### Manual filtering: globs
+In the previous section, we talked about ripgrep's filtering that it does by
+default. It is "automatic" because it reacts to your environment. That is, it
+uses already existing `.gitignore` files to produce more relevant search
+In addition to automatic filtering, ripgrep also provides more manual or ad hoc
+filtering. This comes in two varieties: additional glob patterns specified in
+your ripgrep commands and file type filtering. This section covers glob
+patterns while the next section covers file type filtering.
+In our ripgrep source code (see [Basics](#basics) for instructions on how to
+get a source archive to search), let's say we wanted to see which things depend
+on `clap`, our argument parser.
+We could do this:
+$ rg clap
+[lots of results]
+But this shows us many things, and we're only interested in where we wrote
+`clap` as a dependency. Instead, we could limit ourselves to TOML files, which
+is how dependencies are communicated to Rust's build tool, Cargo:
+$ rg clap -g '*.toml'
+35:clap = "2.26"
+51:clap = "2.26"
+The `-g '*.toml'` syntax says, "make sure every file searched matches this
+glob pattern." Note that we put `'*.toml'` in single quotes to prevent our
+shell from expanding the `*`.
+If we wanted, we could tell ripgrep to search anything *but* `*.toml` files:
+$ rg clap -g '!*.toml'
+[lots of results]
+This will give you a lot of results again as above, but they won't include
+files ending with `.toml`. Note that the use of a `!` here to mean "negation"
+is a bit non-standard, but it was chosen to be consistent with how globs in
+`.gitignore` files are written. (Although, the meaning is reversed. In
+`.gitignore` files, a `!` prefix means whitelist, and on the command line, a
+`!` means blacklist.)
+Globs are interpreted in exactly the same way as `.gitignore` patterns. That
+is, later globs will override earlier globs. For example, the following command
+will search only `*.toml` files:
+$ rg clap -g '!*.toml' -g '*.toml'
+Interestingly, reversing the order of the globs in this case will match
+nothing, since the presence of at least one non-blacklist glob will institute a
+requirement that every file searched must match at least one glob. In this
+case, the blacklist glob takes precedence over the previous glob and prevents
+any file from being searched at all!
+### Manual filtering: file types
+Over time, you might notice that you use the same glob patterns over and over.
+For example, you might find yourself doing a lot of searches where you only
+want to see results for Rust files:
+$ rg 'fn run' -g '*.rs'
+Instead of writing out the glob every time, you can use ripgrep's support for
+file types:
+$ rg 'fn run' --type rust
+or, more succinctly,
+$ rg 'fn run' -trust
+The way the `--type` flag functions is simple. It acts as a name that is
+assigned to one or more globs that match the relevant files. This lets you
+write a single type that might encompass a broad range of file extensions. For
+example, if you wanted to search C files, you'd have to check both C source
+files and C header files:
+$ rg 'int main' -g '*.{c,h}'
+or you could just use the C file type:
+$ rg 'int main' -tc
+Just as you can write blacklist globs, you can blacklist file types too:
+$ rg clap --type-not rust
+or, more succinctly,
+$ rg clap -Trust
+That is, `-t` means "include files of this type" where as `-T` means "exclude
+files of this type."
+To see the globs that make up a type, run `rg --type-list`:
+$ rg --type-list | rg '^make:'
+make: *.mak, *.mk, GNUmakefile, Gnumakefile, Makefile, gnumakefile, makefile
+By default, ripgrep comes with a bunch of pre-defined types. Generally, these
+types correspond to well known public formats. But you can define your own
+types as well. For example, perhaps you frequently search "web" files, which
+consist of Javascript, HTML and CSS:
+$ rg --type-add 'web:*.html' --type-add 'web:*.css' --type-add 'web:*.js' -tweb title
+or, more succinctly,
+$ rg --type-add 'web:*.{html,css,js}' -tweb title
+The above command defines a new type, `web`, corresponding to the glob
+`*.{html,css,js}`. It then applies the new filter with `-tweb` and searches for
+the pattern `title`. If you ran
+$ rg --type-add 'web:*.{html,css,js}' --type-list
+Then you would see your `web` type show up in the list, even though it is not
+part of ripgrep's built-in types.
+It is important to stress here that the `--type-add` flag only applies to the
+current command. It does not add a new file type and save it somewhere in a
+persistent form. If you want a type to be available in every ripgrep command,
+then you should either create a shell alias:
+alias rg="rg --type-add 'web:*.{html,css,js}'"
+or add `--type-add=web:*.{html,css,js}` to your ripgrep configuration file.
+([Configuration files](#configuration-file) are covered in more detail later.)
+### Replacements
+ripgrep provides a limited ability to modify its output by replacing matched
+text with some other text. This is easiest to explain with an example. Remember
+when we searched for the word `fast` in ripgrep's README?
+$ rg fast README.md
+75: faster than both. (N.B. It is not, strictly speaking, a "drop-in" replacement
+88: color and full Unicode support. Unlike GNU grep, `ripgrep` stays fast while
+119:### Is it really faster than everything else?
+124:Summarizing, `ripgrep` is fast because:
+129: optimizations to make searching very fast.
+What if we wanted to *replace* all occurrences of `fast` with `FAST`? That's
+easy with ripgrep's `--replace` flag:
+$ rg fast README.md --replace FAST
+75: FASTer than both. (N.B. It is not, strictly speaking, a "drop-in" replacement
+88: color and full Unicode support. Unlike GNU grep, `ripgrep` stays FAST while
+119:### Is it really FASTer than everything else?
+124:Summarizing, `ripgrep` is FAST because:
+129: optimizations to make searching very FAST.
+or, more succinctly,
+$ rg fast README.md -r FAST
+In essence, the `--replace` flag applies *only* to the matching portion of text
+in the output. If you instead wanted to replace an entire line of text, then
+you need to include the entire line in your match. For example:
+$ rg '^.*fast.*$' README.md -r FAST
+Alternatively, you can combine the `--only-matching` (or `-o` for short) with
+the `--replace` flag to achieve the same result:
+$ rg fast README.md --only-matching --replace FAST
+or, more succinctly,
+$ rg fast README.md -or FAST
+Finally, replacements can include capturing groups. For example, let's say
+we wanted to find all occurrences of `fast` followed by another word and
+join them together with a dash. The pattern we might use for that is
+`fast\s+(\w+)`, which matches `fast`, followed by any amount of whitespace,
+followed by any number of "word" characters. We put the `\w+` in a "capturing
+group" (indicated by parentheses) so that we can reference it later in our
+replacement string. For example:
+$ rg 'fast\s+(\w+)' README.md -r 'fast-$1'
+88: color and full Unicode support. Unlike GNU grep, `ripgrep` stays fast-while
+124:Summarizing, `ripgrep` is fast-because:
+Our replacement string here, `fast-$1`, consists of `fast-` followed by the
+contents of the capturing group at index `1`. (Capturing groups actually start
+at index 0, but the `0`th capturing group always corresponds to the entire
+match. The capturing group at index `1` always corresponds to the first
+explicit capturing group found in the regex pattern.)
+Capturing groups can also be named, which is sometimes more convenient than
+using the indices. For example, the following command is equivalent to the
+above command:
+$ rg 'fast\s+(?P\w+)' README.md -r 'fast-$word'
+88: color and full Unicode support. Unlike GNU grep, `ripgrep` stays fast-while
+124:Summarizing, `ripgrep` is fast-because:
+It is important to note that ripgrep **will never modify your files**. The
+`--replace` flag only controls ripgrep's output. (And there is no flag to let
+you do a replacement in a file.)
+### Configuration file
+It is possible that ripgrep's default options aren't suitable in every case.
+For that reason, and because shell aliases aren't always convenient, ripgrep
+supports configuration files.
+Setting up a configuration file is simple. ripgrep will not look in any
+predetermined directory for a config file automatically. Instead, you need to
+set the `RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable to the file path of your
+config file. Once the environment variable is set, open the file and just type
+in the flags you want set automatically. There are only two rules for
+describing the format of the config file:
+1. Every line is a shell argument, after trimming ASCII whitespace.
+2. Lines starting with `#` (optionally preceded by any amount of
+ ASCII whitespace) are ignored.
+In particular, there is no escaping. Each line is given to ripgrep as a single
+command line argument verbatim.
+Here's an example of a configuration file, which demonstrates some of the
+formatting peculiarities:
+$ cat $HOME/.ripgreprc
+# Don't let ripgrep vomit really long lines to my terminal.
+# Add my 'web' type.
+# Set the colors.
+# Because who cares about case!?
+When we use a flag that has a value, we either put the flag and the value on
+the same line but delimited by an `=` sign (e.g., `--max-columns=150`), or we
+put the flag and the value on two different lines. This is because ripgrep's
+argument parser knows to treat the single argument `--max-columns=150` as a
+flag with a value, but if we had written `--max-columns 150` in our
+configuration file, then ripgrep's argument parser wouldn't know what to do
+with it.
+Putting the flag and value on different lines is exactly equivalent and is a
+matter of style.
+Comments are encouraged so that you remember what the config is doing. Empty
+lines are OK too.
+So let's say you're using the above configuration file, but while you're at a
+terminal, you really want to be able to see lines longer than 150 columns. What
+do you do? Thankfully, all you need to do is pass `--max-columns 0` (or `-M0`
+for short) on the command line, which will override your configuration file's
+setting. This works because ripgrep's configuration file is *prepended* to the
+explicit arguments you give it on the command line. Since flags given later
+override flags given earlier, everything works as expected. This works for most
+other flags as well, and each flag's documentation states which other flags
+override it.
+If you're confused about what configuration file ripgrep is reading arguments
+from, then running ripgrep with the `--debug` flag should help clarify things.
+The debug output should note what config file is being loaded and the arugments
+that have been read from the configuration.
+Finally, if you want to make absolutely sure that ripgrep *isn't* reading a
+configuration file, then you can pass the `--no-config` flag, which will always
+prevent ripgrep from reading extraneous configuration from the environment,
+regardless of what other methods of configuration are added to ripgrep in the
+### File encoding
+[Text encoding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_encoding) is a complex
+topic, but we can try to summarize its relevancy to ripgrep:
+* Files are generally just a bundle of bytes. There is no reliable way to know
+ their encoding.
+* Either the encoding of the pattern must match the encoding of the files being
+ searched, or a form of transcoding must be performed converts either the
+ pattern or the file to the same encoding as the other.
+* ripgrep tends to work best on plain text files, and among plain text files,
+ the most popular encodings likely consist of ASCII, latin1 or UTF-8. As
+ a special exception, UTF-16 is prevalent in Windows environments
+In light of the above, here is how ripgrep behaves:
+* All input is assumed to be ASCII compatible (which means every byte that
+ corresponds to an ASCII codepoint actually is an ASCII codepoint). This
+ includes ASCII itself, latin1 and UTF-8.
+* ripgrep works best with UTF-8. For example, ripgrep's regular expression
+ engine supports Unicode features. Namely, character classes like `\w` will
+ match all word characters by Unicode's definition and `.` will match any
+ Unicode codepoint instead of any byte. These constructions assume UTF-8,
+ so they simply won't match when they come across bytes in a file that aren't
+ UTF-8.
+* To handle the UTF-16 case, ripgrep will do something called "BOM sniffing"
+ by default. That is, the first three bytes of a file will be read, and if
+ they correspond to a UTF-16 BOM, then ripgrep will transcode the contents of
+ the file from UTF-16 to UTF-8, and then execute the search on the transcoded
+ version of the file. (This incurs a performance penalty since transcoding
+ is slower than regex searching.)
+* To handle other cases, ripgrep provides a `-E/--encoding` flag, which permits
+ you to specify an encoding from the
+ [Encoding Standard](https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-encoding-get).
+ ripgrep will assume *all* files searched are the encoding specified and
+ will perform a transcoding step just like in the UTF-16 case described above.
+By default, ripgrep will not require its input be valid UTF-8. That is, ripgrep
+can and will search arbitrary bytes. The key here is that if you're searching
+content that isn't UTF-8, then the usefulness of your pattern will degrade. If
+you're searching bytes that aren't ASCII compatible, then it's likely the
+pattern won't find anything. With all that said, this mode of operation is
+important, because it lets you find ASCII or UTF-8 *within* files that are
+otherwise arbitrary bytes.
+Finally, it is possible to disable ripgrep's Unicode support from within the
+pattern regular expression. For example, let's say you wanted `.` to match any
+byte rather than any Unicode codepoint. (You might want this while searching a
+binary file, since `.` by default will not match invalid UTF-8.) You could do
+this by disabling Unicode via a regular expression flag:
+$ rg '(?-u:.)'
+This works for any part of the pattern. For example, the following will find
+any Unicode word character followed by any ASCII word character followed by
+another Unicode word character:
+$ rg '\w(?-u:\w)\w'
+### Common options
+ripgrep has a lot of flags. Too many to keep in your head at once. This section
+is intended to give you a sampling of some of the most important and frequently
+used options that will likely impact how you use ripgrep on a regular basis.
+* `-h`: Show ripgrep's condensed help output.
+* `--help`: Show ripgrep's longer form help output. (Nearly what you'd find in
+ ripgrep's man page, so pipe it into a pager!)
+* `-i/--ignore-case`: When searching for a pattern, ignore case differences.
+ That is `rg -i fast` matches `fast`, `fASt`, `FAST`, etc.
+* `-S/--smart-case`: This is similar to `--ignore-case`, but disables itself
+ if the pattern contains any uppercase letters. Usually this flag is put into
+ alias or a config file.
+* `-w/--word-regexp`: Require that all matches of the pattern be surrounded
+ by word boundaries. That is, given `pattern`, the `--word-regexp` flag will
+ cause ripgrep to behave as if `pattern` were actually `\b(?:pattern)\b`.
+* `-c/--count`: Report a count of total matched lines.
+* `--files`: Print the files that ripgrep *would* search, but don't actually
+ search them.
+* `-a/--text`: Search binary files as if they were plain text.
+* `-z/--search-zip`: Search compressed files (gzip, bzip2, lzma, xz). This is
+ disabled by default.
+* `-C/--context`: Show the lines surrounding a match.
+* `--sort-files`: Force ripgrep to sort its output by file name. (This disables
+ parallelism, so it might be slower.)
+* `-L/--follow`: Follow symbolic links while recursively searching.
+* `-M/--max-columns`: Limit the length of lines printed by ripgrep.
+* `--debug`: Shows ripgrep's debug output. This is useful for understanding
+ why a particular file might be ignored from search, or what kinds of
+ configuration ripgrep is loading from the environment.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 502cfa5c..ca1ed5ce 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
ripgrep (rg)
-`ripgrep` is a line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current
-directory for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore rules. To a first
-approximation, ripgrep combines the usability of The Silver Searcher (similar
-to `ack`) with the raw speed of GNU grep. `ripgrep` has first class support on
-Windows, macOS and Linux, with binary downloads available for
-[every release](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases).
+ripgrep is a line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current
+directory for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore rules. ripgrep
+has first class support on Windows, macOS and Linux, with binary downloads
+available for [every release](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases).
+ripgrep is similar to other popular search tools like The Silver Searcher,
+ack and grep.
@@ -13,23 +13,36 @@ Windows, macOS and Linux, with binary downloads available for
Dual-licensed under MIT or the [UNLICENSE](http://unlicense.org).
Please see the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for a release history.
+### Documentation quick links
+* [Installation](#installation)
+* [User Guide](GUIDE.md)
+* [Frequently Asked Questions](FAQ.md)
+* [Regex syntax](https://docs.rs/regex/0.2.5/regex/#syntax)
+* [Configuration files](GUIDE.md#configuration-file)
+* [Shell completions](FAQ.md#complete)
+* [Building](#building)
### Screenshot of search results
### Quick examples comparing tools
This example searches the entire Linux kernel source tree (after running
`make defconfig && make -j8`) for `[A-Z]+_SUSPEND`, where all matches must be
words. Timings were collected on a system with an Intel i7-6900K 3.2 GHz, and
-ripgrep was compiled using the `compile` script in this repo.
+ripgrep was compiled with SIMD enabled.
Please remember that a single benchmark is never enough! See my
-[blog post on `ripgrep`](http://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/)
+[blog post on ripgrep](http://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/)
for a very detailed comparison with more benchmarks and analysis.
| Tool | Command | Line count | Time |
@@ -69,65 +82,62 @@ large file (~9.3GB,
In the above benchmark, passing the `-n` flag (for showing line numbers)
increases the times to `2.640s` for ripgrep and `10.277s` for GNU grep.
-### Why should I use `ripgrep`?
+### Why should I use ripgrep?
* It can replace both The Silver Searcher and GNU grep because it is generally
faster than both. (N.B. It is not, strictly speaking, a "drop-in" replacement
for both, but the feature sets are far more similar than different.)
-* Like The Silver Searcher, `ripgrep` defaults to recursive directory search
+* Like The Silver Searcher, ripgrep defaults to recursive directory search
and won't search files ignored by your `.gitignore` files. It also ignores
- hidden and binary files by default. `ripgrep` also implements full support
+ hidden and binary files by default. ripgrep also implements full support
for `.gitignore`, whereas there are many bugs related to that functionality
in The Silver Searcher.
-* `ripgrep` can search specific types of files. For example, `rg -tpy foo`
+* ripgrep can search specific types of files. For example, `rg -tpy foo`
limits your search to Python files and `rg -Tjs foo` excludes Javascript
- files from your search. `ripgrep` can be taught about new file types with
+ files from your search. ripgrep can be taught about new file types with
custom matching rules.
-* `ripgrep` supports many features found in `grep`, such as showing the context
+* ripgrep supports many features found in `grep`, such as showing the context
of search results, searching multiple patterns, highlighting matches with
- color and full Unicode support. Unlike GNU grep, `ripgrep` stays fast while
+ color and full Unicode support. Unlike GNU grep, ripgrep stays fast while
supporting Unicode (which is always on).
-* `ripgrep` supports searching files in text encodings other than UTF-8, such
+* ripgrep supports searching files in text encodings other than UTF-8, such
as UTF-16, latin-1, GBK, EUC-JP, Shift_JIS and more. (Some support for
automatically detecting UTF-16 is provided. Other text encodings must be
specifically specified with the `-E/--encoding` flag.)
-* `ripgrep` supports searching files compressed in a common format (gzip, xz,
+* ripgrep supports searching files compressed in a common format (gzip, xz,
lzma or bzip2 current) with the `-z/--search-zip` flag.
-In other words, use `ripgrep` if you like speed, filtering by default, fewer
+In other words, use ripgrep if you like speed, filtering by default, fewer
bugs, and Unicode support.
-### Why shouldn't I use `ripgrep`?
-I'd like to try to convince you why you *shouldn't* use `ripgrep`. This should
+### Why shouldn't I use ripgrep?
+I'd like to try to convince you why you *shouldn't* use ripgrep. This should
give you a glimpse at some important downsides or missing features of
-* `ripgrep` uses a regex engine based on finite automata, so if you want fancy
- regex features such as backreferences or lookaround, `ripgrep` won't provide
- them to you. `ripgrep` does support lots of things though, including, but not
+* ripgrep uses a regex engine based on finite automata, so if you want fancy
+ regex features such as backreferences or lookaround, ripgrep won't provide
+ them to you. ripgrep does support lots of things though, including, but not
limited to: lazy quantification (e.g., `a+?`), repetitions (e.g., `a{2,5}`),
begin/end assertions (e.g., `^\w+$`), word boundaries (e.g., `\bfoo\b`), and
support for Unicode categories (e.g., `\p{Sc}` to match currency symbols or
`\p{Lu}` to match any uppercase letter). (Fancier regexes will never be
-* `ripgrep` doesn't have multiline search. (Unlikely to ever be supported.)
+* ripgrep doesn't have multiline search. (Will happen as an opt-in feature.)
-In other words, if you like fancy regexes or multiline search, then `ripgrep`
+In other words, if you like fancy regexes or multiline search, then ripgrep
may not quite meet your needs (yet).
-### Feature comparison
-Andy Lester, author of [ack](https://beyondgrep.com/), has published an
-excellent table comparing the features of ack, ag, git-grep, GNU grep and
-ripgrep: https://beyondgrep.com/feature-comparison/
### Is it really faster than everything else?
Generally, yes. A large number of benchmarks with detailed analysis for each is
[available on my blog](http://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/).
-Summarizing, `ripgrep` is fast because:
+Summarizing, ripgrep is fast because:
* It is built on top of
[Rust's regex engine](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/regex).
@@ -138,7 +148,7 @@ Summarizing, `ripgrep` is fast because:
* It supports searching with either memory maps or by searching incrementally
with an intermediate buffer. The former is better for single files and the
- latter is better for large directories. `ripgrep` chooses the best searching
+ latter is better for large directories. ripgrep chooses the best searching
strategy for you automatically.
* Applies your ignore patterns in `.gitignore` files using a
@@ -148,11 +158,19 @@ Summarizing, `ripgrep` is fast because:
[`crossbeam`](https://docs.rs/crossbeam) and
+### Feature comparison
+Andy Lester, author of [ack](https://beyondgrep.com/), has published an
+excellent table comparing the features of ack, ag, git-grep, GNU grep and
+ripgrep: https://beyondgrep.com/feature-comparison/
### Installation
-The binary name for `ripgrep` is `rg`.
+The binary name for ripgrep is `rg`.
-**[Archives of precompiled binaries for `ripgrep` are available for Windows,
+**[Archives of precompiled binaries for ripgrep are available for Windows,
macOS and Linux.](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/releases)** Users of
platforms not explicitly mentioned below (such as Debian) are advised
to download one of these archives.
@@ -179,53 +197,53 @@ $ brew tap burntsushi/ripgrep https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep.git
$ brew install burntsushi/ripgrep/ripgrep-bin
-If you're a **Windows Chocolatey** user, then you can install `ripgrep` from the [official repo](https://chocolatey.org/packages/ripgrep):
+If you're a **Windows Chocolatey** user, then you can install ripgrep from the [official repo](https://chocolatey.org/packages/ripgrep):
$ choco install ripgrep
-If you're an **Arch Linux** user, then you can install `ripgrep` from the official repos:
+If you're an **Arch Linux** user, then you can install ripgrep from the official repos:
$ pacman -S ripgrep
-If you're a **Gentoo** user, you can install `ripgrep` from the [official repo](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/sys-apps/ripgrep):
+If you're a **Gentoo** user, you can install ripgrep from the [official repo](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/sys-apps/ripgrep):
$ emerge sys-apps/ripgrep
-If you're a **Fedora 27+** user, you can install `ripgrep` from official repositories.
+If you're a **Fedora 27+** user, you can install ripgrep from official repositories.
$ sudo dnf install ripgrep
-If you're a **Fedora 24+** user, you can install `ripgrep` from [copr](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/carlwgeorge/ripgrep/):
+If you're a **Fedora 24+** user, you can install ripgrep from [copr](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/carlwgeorge/ripgrep/):
$ sudo dnf copr enable carlwgeorge/ripgrep
$ sudo dnf install ripgrep
-If you're a **RHEL/CentOS 7** user, you can install `ripgrep` from [copr](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/carlwgeorge/ripgrep/):
+If you're a **RHEL/CentOS 7** user, you can install ripgrep from [copr](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/carlwgeorge/ripgrep/):
$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo=https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/carlwgeorge/ripgrep/repo/epel-7/carlwgeorge-ripgrep-epel-7.repo
$ sudo yum install ripgrep
-If you're a **Nix** user, you can install `ripgrep` from
+If you're a **Nix** user, you can install ripgrep from
$ nix-env --install ripgrep
-$ # (Or using the attribute name, which is also `ripgrep`.)
+$ # (Or using the attribute name, which is also ripgrep.)
-If you're an **Ubuntu** user, `ripgrep` can be installed from the `snap` store.
+If you're an **Ubuntu** user, ripgrep can be installed from the `snap` store.
* Note that if you are using `16.04 LTS` or later, snap is already installed.
* For older versions you can install snap using
[this guide](https://docs.snapcraft.io/core/install-ubuntu).
@@ -234,8 +252,8 @@ If you're an **Ubuntu** user, `ripgrep` can be installed from the `snap` store.
sudo snap install rg
-If you're a **Rust programmer**, `ripgrep` can be installed with `cargo`.
-* Note that the minimum supported version of Rust for ripgrep is **1.17**,
+If you're a **Rust programmer**, ripgrep can be installed with `cargo`.
+* Note that the minimum supported version of Rust for ripgrep is **1.20**,
although ripgrep may work with older versions.
* Note that the binary may be bigger than expected because it contains debug
symbols. This is intentional. To remove debug symbols and therefore reduce
@@ -245,189 +263,15 @@ If you're a **Rust programmer**, `ripgrep` can be installed with `cargo`.
$ cargo install ripgrep
-`ripgrep` isn't currently in any other package repositories.
+ripgrep isn't currently in any other package repositories.
[I'd like to change that](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/10).
-### Whirlwind tour
-The command-line usage of `ripgrep` doesn't differ much from other tools that
-perform a similar function, so you probably already know how to use `ripgrep`.
-The full details can be found in `rg --help`, but let's go on a whirlwind tour.
-`ripgrep` detects when its printing to a terminal, and will automatically
-colorize your output and show line numbers, just like The Silver Searcher.
-Coloring works on Windows too! Colors can be controlled more granularly with
-the `--color` flag.
-One last thing before we get started: generally speaking, `ripgrep` assumes the
-input it is reading to be UTF-8. However, if ripgrep notices a file is encoded as
-UTF-16, then it will know how to search it. For other encodings, you'll need to
-explicitly specify them with the `-E/--encoding` flag.
-To recursively search the current directory, while respecting all `.gitignore`
-files, ignore hidden files and directories and skip binary files:
-$ rg foobar
-The above command also respects all `.ignore` files, including in parent
-directories. `.ignore` files can be used when `.gitignore` files are
-insufficient. In all cases, `.ignore` patterns take precedence over
-To ignore all ignore files, use `-u`. To additionally search hidden files
-and directories, use `-uu`. To additionally search binary files, use `-uuu`.
-(In other words, "search everything, dammit!") In particular, `rg -uuu` is
-similar to `grep -a -r`.
-$ rg -uu foobar # similar to `grep -r`
-$ rg -uuu foobar # similar to `grep -a -r`
-(Tip: If your ignore files aren't being adhered to like you expect, run your
-search with the `--debug` flag.)
-Make the search case insensitive with `-i`, invert the search with `-v` or
-show the 2 lines before and after every search result with `-C2`.
-Force all matches to be surrounded by word boundaries with `-w`.
-Search and replace (find first and last names and swap them):
-$ rg '([A-Z][a-z]+)\s+([A-Z][a-z]+)' --replace '$2, $1'
-Named groups are supported:
-$ rg '(?P[A-Z][a-z]+)\s+(?P[A-Z][a-z]+)' --replace '$last, $first'
-Up the ante with full Unicode support, by matching any uppercase Unicode letter
-followed by any sequence of lowercase Unicode letters (good luck doing this
-with other search tools!):
-$ rg '(\p{Lu}\p{Ll}+)\s+(\p{Lu}\p{Ll}+)' --replace '$2, $1'
-Search only files matching a particular glob:
-$ rg foo -g 'README.*'
-Or exclude files matching a particular glob:
-$ rg foo -g '!*.min.js'
-Search and return paths matching a particular glob (i.e., `-g` flag in ag/ack):
-$ rg -g 'doc*' --files
-Search only HTML and CSS files:
-$ rg -thtml -tcss foobar
-Search everything except for Javascript files:
-$ rg -Tjs foobar
-To see a list of types supported, run `rg --type-list`. To add a new type, use
-`--type-add`, which must be accompanied by a pattern for searching (`rg` won't
-persist your type settings):
-$ rg --type-add 'foo:*.{foo,foobar}' -tfoo bar
-The type `foo` will now match any file ending with the `.foo` or `.foobar`
-### Regex syntax
-The syntax supported is
-[documented as part of Rust's regex library](https://doc.rust-lang.org/regex/regex/index.html#syntax).
-### Configuration files
-ripgrep supports reading configuration files that change ripgrep's default
-behavior. The format of the configuration file is an "rc" style and is very
-simple. It is defined by two rules:
-1. Every line is a shell argument, after trimming ASCII whitespace.
-2. Lines starting with '#' (optionally preceded by any amount of
- ASCII whitespace) are ignored.
-ripgrep will look for a single configuration file if and only if the
-`RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable is set and is non-empty. ripgrep
-will parse shell arguments from this file on startup and will behave as if
-the arguments in this file were prepended to any explicit arguments given to
-ripgrep on the command line.
-For example, if your ripgreprc file contained a single line:
- --smart-case
-then the following command
- RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=wherever/.ripgreprc rg foo
-would behave identically to the following command
- rg --smart-case foo
-ripgrep also provides a flag, --no-config, that when present will suppress
-any and all support for configuration. This includes any future support for
-auto-loading configuration files from pre-determined paths.
-Conflicts between configuration files and explicit arguments are handled
-exactly like conflicts in the same command line invocation. That is, this
- RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=wherever/.ripgreprc rg foo --case-sensitive
-is exactly equivalent to
- rg --smart-case foo --case-sensitive
-in which case, the --case-sensitive flag would override the --smart-case flag.
-### Shell completions
-Shell completion files are included in the release tarball for Bash, Fish, Zsh
-and PowerShell.
-For **bash**, move `complete/rg.bash-completion` to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash_completion`
-or `/etc/bash_completion.d/`.
-For **fish**, move `complete/rg.fish` to `$HOME/.config/fish/completions/`.
-For **PowerShell**, add `. _rg.ps1` to your PowerShell
-(note the leading period). If the `_rg.ps1` file is not on your `PATH`, do
-`. /path/to/_rg.ps1` instead.
-For **zsh**, move `complete/_rg` to one of your `$fpath` directories.
### Building
-`ripgrep` is written in Rust, so you'll need to grab a
+ripgrep is written in Rust, so you'll need to grab a
[Rust installation](https://www.rust-lang.org/) in order to compile it.
-`ripgrep` compiles with Rust 1.17 (stable) or newer. Building is easy:
+ripgrep compiles with Rust 1.20 (stable) or newer. Building is easy:
$ git clone https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep
@@ -437,8 +281,8 @@ $ ./target/release/rg --version
-If you have a Rust nightly compiler, then you can enable optional SIMD
-acceleration like so:
+If you have a Rust nightly compiler and a recent Intel CPU, then you can enable
+optional SIMD acceleration like so:
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release --features 'simd-accel avx-accel'
@@ -447,144 +291,14 @@ RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release --features 'simd-accel av
If your machine doesn't support AVX instructions, then simply remove
`avx-accel` from the features list. Similarly for SIMD.
### Running tests
-`ripgrep` is relatively well-tested, including both unit tests and integration
+ripgrep is relatively well-tested, including both unit tests and integration
tests. To run the full test suite, use:
-$ cargo test
+$ cargo test --all
from the repository root.
-### Tips
-#### Windows Powershell
-##### Powershell Profile
-To customize powershell on start-up, there is a special powershell script that has to be created.
-In order to find its location, type `$profile`
-See [more](https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb613488(v=vs.85).aspx) for profile details.
-Any powershell code in this file gets evaluated at the start of console.
-This way you can have own aliases to be created at start.
-##### Setup function alias
-Often you can find a need to make alias for the favourite utility.
-But powershell function aliases do not behave like your typical linux shell alias.
-You always need to propagate arguments and **Stdin** input.
-But it cannot be done simply as `function grep() { $input | rg.exe --hidden $args }`
-Use below example as reference to how setup alias in powershell.
-function grep {
- $count = @($input).Count
- $input.Reset()
- if ($count) {
- $input | rg.exe --hidden $args
- }
- else {
- rg.exe --hidden $args
- }
-Powershell special variables:
-* input - is powershell **Stdin** object that allows you to access its content.
-* args - is array of arguments passed to this function.
-This alias checks whether there is **Stdin** input and propagates only if there is some lines.
-Otherwise empty `$input` will make powershell to trigger `rg` to search empty **Stdin**
-##### Piping non-ASCII content to ripgrep
-When piping input into native executables in PowerShell, the encoding of the
-input is controlled by the `$OutputEncoding` variable. By default, this is set
-to US-ASCII, and any characters in the pipeline that don't have encodings in
-US-ASCII are converted to `?` (question mark) characters.
-To change this setting, set `$OutputEncoding` to a different encoding, as
-represented by a .NET encoding object. Some common examples are below. The
-value of this variable is reset when PowerShell restarts, so to make this
-change take effect every time PowerShell is started add a line setting the
-variable into your PowerShell profile.
-Example `$OutputEncoding` settings:
-* UTF-8 without BOM: `$OutputEncoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new()`
-* The console's output encoding:
-`$OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::OutputEncoding`
-If you continue to have encoding problems, you can also force the encoding
-that the console will use for printing to UTF-8 with
-`[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8`. This
-will also reset when PowerShell is restarted, so you can add that line
-to your profile as well if you want to make the setting permanent.
-#### How do I make the output look like ag's?
-Use the `--colors` flag, like so:
- rg --colors line:fg:yellow \
- --colors line:style:bold \
- --colors path:fg:green \
- --colors path:style:bold \
- --colors match:fg:black \
- --colors match:bg:yellow \
- --colors match:style:nobold \
- foo
-### Known issues
-#### I just hit Ctrl+C in the middle of ripgrep's output and now my terminal's foreground color is wrong!
-Type in `color` in cmd.exe (Command Prompt) and `echo -ne "\033[0m"` on Unix
-to restore your original foreground color.
-In PowerShell, you can add the following code to your profile which will
-restore the original foreground color when `Reset-ForegroundColor` is called.
-Including the `Set-Alias` line will allow you to call it with simply `color`.
-$OrigFgColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor
-function Reset-ForegroundColor {
- $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $OrigFgColor
-Set-Alias -Name color -Value Reset-ForegroundColor
-PR [#187](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/pull/187) fixed this, and it
-was later deprecated in
-[#281](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/281). A full explanation is
-available [here][msys issue explanation].
-[msys issue explanation]: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/281#issuecomment-269093893
-#### When I run `rg` it executes some other command!
-It's likely that you have a shell alias or even another tool called `rg` which
-is interfering with `ripgrep` — run `which rg` to see what it is.
-(Notably, the `rails` plug-in for
-[Oh My Zsh](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Plugins#rails) sets
-up an `rg` alias for `rails generate`.)
-Problems like this can be resolved in one of several ways:
-* If you're using the OMZ `rails` plug-in, disable it by editing the `plugins`
- array in your zsh configuration.
-* Temporarily bypass an existing `rg` alias by calling `ripgrep` as
- `command rg`, `\rg`, or `'rg'`.
-* Temporarily bypass an existing alias or another tool named `rg` by calling
- `ripgrep` by its full path (e.g., `/usr/bin/rg` or `/usr/local/bin/rg`).
-* Permanently disable an existing `rg` alias by adding `unalias rg` to the
- bottom of your shell configuration file (e.g., `.bash_profile` or `.zshrc`).
-* Give `ripgrep` its own alias that doesn't conflict with other tools/aliases by
- adding a line like the following to the bottom of your shell configuration
- file: `alias ripgrep='command rg'`
diff --git a/doc/rg.1.txt.tpl b/doc/rg.1.txt.tpl
index a1068c09..911cba71 100644
--- a/doc/rg.1.txt.tpl
+++ b/doc/rg.1.txt.tpl
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ Synopsis
*rg* [_OPTIONS_] _PATTERN_ [_PATH_...]
-*rg* [_OPTIONS_] [*-e* _PATTERN_...] [*-f* _PATH_...] [_PATH_...]
+*rg* [_OPTIONS_] *-e* _PATTERN_... [_PATH_...]
+*rg* [_OPTIONS_] *-f* _PATH_... [_PATH_...]
*rg* [_OPTIONS_] *--files* [_PATH_...]
@@ -32,6 +34,20 @@ searching. Because of this, features like backreferences and arbitrary
lookaround are not supported.
+ripgrep uses Rust's regex engine, which documents its syntax:
+ripgrep uses byte-oriented regexes, which has some additional documentation:
+To a first approximation, ripgrep uses Perl-like regexes without look-around or
+backreferences. This makes them very similar to the "extended" (ERE) regular
+expressions supported by `egrep`, but with a few additional features like
+Unicode character classes.
@@ -105,11 +121,13 @@ SHELL COMPLETION
Shell completion files are included in the release tarball for Bash, Fish, Zsh
and PowerShell.
-For *bash*, move `rg.bash-completion` to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash_completion`
+For *bash*, move `rg.bash` to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash_completion`
or `/etc/bash_completion.d/`.
For *fish*, move `rg.fish` to `$HOME/.config/fish/completions`.
+For *zsh*, move `_rg` to one of your `$fpath` directories.
diff --git a/src/app.rs b/src/app.rs
index 0e0a7a76..f2f214d3 100644
--- a/src/app.rs
+++ b/src/app.rs
@@ -13,15 +13,13 @@ use clap::{self, App, AppSettings};
const ABOUT: &str = "
ripgrep (rg) recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern.
+By default, ripgrep will respect your `.gitignore` and automatically skip
+hidden files/directories and binary files.
ripgrep's regex engine uses finite automata and guarantees linear time
searching. Because of this, features like backreferences and arbitrary
lookaround are not supported.
-Note that ripgrep may abort unexpectedly when using default settings if it
-searches a file that is simultaneously truncated. This behavior can be avoided
-by passing the --no-mmap flag.
ripgrep supports configuration files. Set RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH to a
configuration file. The file can specify one shell argument per line. Lines
starting with '#' are ignored. For more details, see the man page or the
@@ -857,9 +855,9 @@ fn flag_files_without_match(args: &mut Vec) {
const SHORT: &str = "Only print the paths that contain zero matches.";
const LONG: &str = long!("\
Only print the paths that contain zero matches. This inverts/negates the
---file-with-matches flag.
+--files-with-matches flag.
-This overrides --file-with-matches.
+This overrides --files-with-matches.
let arg = RGArg::switch("files-without-match")
@@ -900,7 +898,7 @@ This flag can be disabled with --no-follow.
fn flag_glob(args: &mut Vec) {
- const SHORT: &str = "Include or exclude files and directories.";
+ const SHORT: &str = "Include or exclude files.";
const LONG: &str = long!("\
Include or exclude files and directories for searching that match the given
glob. This always overrides any other ignore logic. Multiple glob flags may be
@@ -964,7 +962,7 @@ This flag can be disabled with --no-hidden.
fn flag_iglob(args: &mut Vec) {
const SHORT: &str =
- "Include or exclude files and directories case insensitively.";
+ "Include or exclude files case insensitively.";
const LONG: &str = long!("\
Include or exclude files and directories for searching that match the given
glob. This always overrides any other ignore logic. Multiple glob flags may be