diff --git a/FAQ.md b/FAQ.md
index 184b401c..b7facfe3 100644
--- a/FAQ.md
+++ b/FAQ.md
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
* [How do I create an alias for ripgrep on Windows?](#rg-alias-windows)
* [How do I create a PowerShell profile?](#powershell-profile)
* [How do I pipe non-ASCII content to ripgrep on Windows?](#pipe-non-ascii-windows)
+* [Can ripgrep replace grep?](#posix4ever)
@@ -466,3 +467,66 @@ that the console will use for printing to UTF-8 with
`[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8`. This
will also reset when PowerShell is restarted, so you can add that line
to your profile as well if you want to make the setting permanent.
+Can ripgrep replace grep?
+Yes and no.
+If, upon hearing that "ripgrep can replace grep," you *actually* hear, "ripgrep
+can be used in every instance grep can be used, in exactly the same way, for
+the same use cases, with exactly the same bug-for-bug behavior," then no,
+ripgrep trivially *cannot* replace grep. Moreover, ripgrep will *never* replace
+If, upon hearing that "ripgrep can replace grep," you *actually* hear, "ripgrep
+can replace grep in some cases and not in other use cases," then yes, that is
+indeed true!
+Let's go over some of those use cases in favor of ripgrep. Some of these may
+not apply to you. That's OK. There may be other use cases not listed here that
+do apply to you. That's OK too.
+(For all claims related to performance in the following words, see my
+[blog post](https://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/)
+introducing ripgrep.)
+* Are you frequently searching a repository of code? If so, ripgrep might be a
+ good choice since there's likely a good chunk of your repository that you
+ don't want to search. grep, can, of course, be made to filter files using
+ recursive search, and if you don't mind writing out the requisite `--exclude`
+ rules or writing wrapper scripts, then grep might be sufficient. (I'm not
+ kidding, I myself did this with grep for almost a decade before writing
+ ripgrep.) But if you instead enjoy having a search tool respect your
+ `.gitignore`, then ripgrep might be perfect for you!
+* Are you frequently searching non-ASCII text that is UTF-8 encoded? One of
+ ripgrep's key features is that it can handle Unicode features in your
+ patterns in a way that tends to be faster than GNU grep. Unicode features
+ in ripgrep are enabled by default; there is no need to configure your locale
+ settings to use ripgrep properly because ripgrep doesn't respect your locale
+ settings.
+* Do you need to search UTF-16 files and you don't want to bother explicitly
+ transcoding them? Great. ripgrep does this for you automatically. No need
+ to enable it.
+* Do you need to search a large directory of large files? ripgrep uses
+ parallelism by default, which tends to make it faster than a standard
+ `grep -r` search. However, if you're OK writing the occasional
+ `find ./ -print0 | xargs -P8 -0 grep` command, then maybe grep is good
+ enough.
+Here are some cases where you might *not* want to use ripgrep. The same caveats
+for the previous section apply.
+* Are you writing portable shell scripts intended to work in a variety of
+ environments? Great, probably not a good idea to use ripgrep! ripgrep is has
+ nowhere near the ubquity of grep, so if you do use ripgrep, you might need
+ to futz with the installation process more than you would with grep.
+* Do you care about POSIX compatibility? If so, then you can't use ripgrep
+ because it never was, isn't and never will be POSIX compatible.
+* Do you hate tools that try to do something smart? If so, ripgrep is all about
+ being smart, so you might prefer to just stick with grep.
+* Is there a particular feature of grep you rely on that ripgrep either doesn't
+ have or never will have? If the former, file a bug report, maybe ripgrep can
+ do it! If the latter, well, then, just use grep.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ca1ed5ce..047ca06c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ increases the times to `2.640s` for ripgrep and `10.277s` for GNU grep.
### Why should I use ripgrep?
-* It can replace both The Silver Searcher and GNU grep because it is generally
- faster than both. (N.B. It is not, strictly speaking, a "drop-in" replacement
- for both, but the feature sets are far more similar than different.)
+* It can replace many use cases served by both The Silver Searcher and GNU grep
+ because it is generally faster than both. (See [the FAQ](FAQ.md#posix4ever)
+ for more details on whether ripgrep can truly replace grep.)
* Like The Silver Searcher, ripgrep defaults to recursive directory search
and won't search files ignored by your `.gitignore` files. It also ignores
hidden and binary files by default. ripgrep also implements full support