This essentially takes the work done in #2483 and does a bit of a
facelift. A brief summary:
* We reduce the hyperlink API we expose to just the format, a
configuration and an environment.
* We move buffer management into a hyperlink-specific interpolator.
* We expand the documentation on --hyperlink-format.
* We rewrite the hyperlink format parser to be a simple state machine
with support for escaping '{{' and '}}'.
* We remove the 'gethostname' dependency and instead insist on the
caller to provide the hostname. (So grep-printer doesn't get it
itself, but the application will.) Similarly for the WSL prefix.
* Probably some other things.
Overall, the general structure of #2483 was kept. The biggest change is
probably requiring the caller to pass in things like a hostname instead
of having the crate do it. I did this for a couple reasons:
1. I feel uncomfortable with code deep inside the printing logic
reaching out into the environment to assume responsibility for
retrieving the hostname. This feels more like an application-level
responsibility. Arguably, path canonicalization falls into this same
bucket, but it is more difficult to rip that out. (And we can do it
in the future in a backwards compatible fashion I think.)
2. I wanted to permit end users to tell ripgrep about their system's
hostname in their own way, e.g., by running a custom executable. I
want this because I know at least for my own use cases, I sometimes
log into systems using an SSH hostname that is distinct from the
system's actual hostname (usually because the system is shared in
some way or changing its hostname is not allowed/practical).
I think that's about it.
Closes#665, Closes#2483
I originally did not put PathPrinter into grep-printer because I
considered it somewhat extraneous to what a "grep" program does, and
also that its implementation was rather simple. But now with hyperlink
support, its implementation has grown a smidge more complicated. And
more importantly, its existence required exposing a lot more of the
hyperlink guts. Without it, we can keep things like HyperlinkPath and
HyperlinkSpan completely private.
We can now also keep `PrinterPath` completely private as well. And this
is a breaking change.
Like a previous commit did for the grep-cli crate, this does some
polishing to the grep-printer crate. We aren't able to achieve as much
as we did with grep-cli, but we at least eliminate all rust-analyzer
lints and group imports in the way I've been doing recently.
Next we'll start doing some more invasive changes.
This commit represents the initial work to get hyperlinks working and
was submitted as part of PR #2483. Subsequent commits largely retain the
functionality and structure of the hyperlink support added here, but
rejigger some things around.
This furthers our kludge of dealing with PCRE2's look-around in the
printer. Because of our bad abstraction boundaries, we added a kludge to
deal with PCRE2 look-around by extending the bytes we search by a fixed
amount to hopefully permit any look-around to operate. But because of
that kludge, we wind up over extending ourselves in some cases and
dragging along those extra bytes.
We had fixed this for simple searching by simply rejecting any matches
past the end point. But we didn't do the same for replacements. So this
commit extends our kludge to replacements.
Thanks to @sonohgong for diagnosing the problem and proposing a fix. I
mostly went with their solution, but adding the new replacement routine
as an internal helper rather than a new APIn in the 'grep-matcher'
Fixes#2095, Fixes#2208
This fixes a bug where PCRE2 look-around could change the result of a
match if it observed a line terminator in the printer. And in
particular, this is precisely how the searcher operates: the line is
considered unto itself *without* the line terminator.
This commit hacks in a bug fix for handling look-around across multiple
lines. The main problem is that by the time the matching lines are sent
to the printer, the surrounding context---which some look-behind or
look-ahead might have matched---could have been dropped if it wasn't
part of the set of matching lines. Therefore, when the printer re-runs
the regex engine in some cases (to do replacements, color matches, etc
etc), it won't be guaranteed to see the same matches that the searcher
Overall, this is a giant clusterfuck and suggests that the way I divided
the abstraction boundary between the printer and the searcher is just
wrong. It's likely that the searcher needs to handle more of the work of
matching and pass that info on to the printer. The tricky part is that
this additional work isn't always needed. Ultimately, this means a
serious re-design of the interface between searching and printing. Sigh.
The way this fix works is to smuggle the underlying buffer used by the
searcher through into the printer. Since these bugs only impact
multi-line search (otherwise, searches are only limited to matches
across a single line), and since multi-line search always requires
having the entire file contents in a single contiguous slice (memory
mapped or on the heap), it follows that the buffer we pass through when
we need it is, in fact, the entire haystack. So this commit refactors
the printer's regex searching to use that buffer instead of the intended
bundle of bytes containing just the relevant matching portions of that
same buffer.
There is one last little hiccup: PCRE2 doesn't seem to have a way to
specify an ending position for a search. So when we re-run the search to
find matches, we can't say, "but don't search past here." Since the
buffer is likely to contain the entire file, we really cannot do
anything here other than specify a fixed upper bound on the number of
bytes to search. So if look-ahead goes more than N bytes beyond the
match, this code will break by simply being unable to find the match. In
practice, this is probably pretty rare. I believe that if we did a
better fix for this bug by fixing the interfaces, then we'd probably try
to have PCRE2 find the pertinent matches up front so that it never needs
to re-discover them.
This commit fixes a subtle bug in multi-line replacement of line
The problem is that even though ripgrep supports multi-line searches, it
is *still* line oriented. It still needs to print line numbers, for
example. For this reason, there are various parts in the printer that
iterate over lines in order to format them into the desired output.
This turns out to be problematic in some cases. #1311 documents one of
those cases (with line numbers enabled to highlight a point later):
$ printf "hello\nworld\n" | rg -n -U "\n" -r "?"
But the desired output is this:
$ printf "hello\nworld\n" | rg -n -U "\n" -r "?"
At first I had thought that the main problem was that the printer was
taking ownership of writing line terminators, even if the input already
had them. But it's more subtle than that. If we fix that issue, we get
output like this instead:
$ printf "hello\nworld\n" | rg -n -U "\n" -r "?"
Notice how '2:' is printed before 'world?'. The reason it works this way
is because matches are reported to the printer in a line oriented way.
That is, the printer gets a block of lines. The searcher guarantees that
all matches that start or end in any of those lines also end or start in
another line in that same block. As a result, the printer uses this
assumption: once it has processed a block of lines, the next match will
begin on a new and distinct line. Thus, things like '2:' are printed.
This is generally all fine and good, but an impedance mismatch arises
when replacements are used. Because now, the replacement can be used to
change the "block of lines" approach. Now, in terms of the output, the
subsequent match might actually continue the current line since the
replacement might get rid of the concept of lines altogether.
We can sometimes work around this. For example:
$ printf "hello\nworld\n" | rg -U "\n(.)?" -r '?$1'
Why does this work? It's because the '(.)' after the '\n' causes the
match to overlap between lines. Thus, the searcher guarantees that the
block sent to the printer contains every line.
And there in lay the solution: all we need to do is tweak the multi-line
searcher so that it combines lines with matches that directly adjacent,
instead of requiring at least one byte of overlap. Fixing that solves
the issue above. It does cause some tests to fail:
* The binary3 test in the searcher crate fails because adjacent line
matches are now one part of block, and that block is scanned for
binary data. To preserve the essence of the test, we insert a couple
dummy lines to split up the blocks.
* The JSON CRLF test. It was testing that we didn't output any messages
with an empty 'submatches' array. That is indeed still the case. The
difference is that the messages got combined because of the adjacent
line merging behavior. This is a slight change to the output, but is
still correct.
It turns out that the vimgrep format really only wants one line per
match, even when that match spans multiple lines.
We continue to support the previous behavior (print all lines in a
match) in the `grep-printer` crate. We add a new option to enable the
"only print the first line" behavior, and unconditionally enable it in
ripgrep. We can do that because the option has no effect in single-line
mode, since, well, in that case matches are guaranteed to span one line
In the case where after-context is requested with a match count limit,
we need to be careful not to reset the state tracking the remaining
context lines.
Fixes#1380, Closes#1642
This fixes a bug where it was assumed that 'is_suffix' when CRLF
handling was enabled mean that '\r\n' was present. But that's not the
case, and it is intentional that 'is_suffix' only looks for '\n'. (Which
is why #1803 wasn't taken, which tries to fix this by changing
Fixes#1765, Closes#1803
It turned out that --vimgrep wasn't quite getting the column of each
match correctly. Instead of printing column numbers relative to the
current line, it was printing column numbers as byte offsets relative to
where the match began. To fix this, we simply subtract the offset of the
line number from the beginning of the match. If the beginning of the
match came before the start of the current line, then there's really
nothing sensible we can do other than to use a column number of 1, which
we now document.
Interestingly, existing tests were checking that the previous behavior
was intended. My only defense is that I somehow tricked myself into
thinking it was a byte offset instead of a column number.
Kudos to @bfrg for calling this out in #1866:
In order to implement --count-matches, we simply re-execute the regex on
the spans reported by the searcher. The spans always correspond to the
lines that participated in the match. This is the correct thing to do,
except when the regex contains look-ahead (or look-behind).
In particular, the look-around permits the regex's match success to
depends on an arbitrary point before or after the lines actually
reported as participating in the match. Since only the matched lines are
reported to the printer, it is possible for subsequent searching on
those lines to fail.
A true fix for this would somehow make the total span available to the
printer. But that seems tricky since it isn't always available. For
PCRE2's case in multiline mode, it is available because we force it to
be so for correctness.
For now, we simply detect this corner case heuristically. If the match
count is zero, then it necessarily means there is some kind of
look-around that isn't matching. So we set the match count to 1. This is
probably incorrect in some cases, although my brain can't quite come up
with a concrete example. Nevertheless, this is strictly better than the
status quo.
The top-level listing was just getting a bit too long for my taste. So
put all of the code in one directory and shrink the large top-level mess
to a small top-level mess.
NOTE: This commit only contains renames. The subsequent commit will
actually make ripgrep build again. We do it this way with the naive hope
that this will make it easier for git history to track the renames.