#!/usr/bin/env zsh emulate zsh -o extended_glob -o no_function_argzero -o no_unset ## # Compares options in `rg --help` output to options in zsh completion function get_comp_args() { # Technically there are many options that the completion system sets that # our function may rely on, but we'll trust that we've got it mostly right setopt local_options unset # Our completion function recognises a special variable which tells it to # dump the _arguments specs and then just return. But do this in a sub-shell # anyway to avoid any weirdness ( _RG_COMPLETE_LIST_ARGS=1 source $1 ) } main() { local diff local rg="${0:a:h}/../target/${TARGET:-}/release/rg" local _rg="${0:a:h}/../complete/_rg" local -a help_args comp_args [[ -e $rg ]] || rg=${rg/%\/release\/rg/\/debug\/rg} rg=${rg:a} _rg=${_rg:a} [[ -e $rg ]] || { print -r >&2 "File not found: $rg" return 1 } [[ -e $_rg ]] || { print -r >&2 "File not found: $_rg" return 1 } print -rl - 'Comparing options:' "-$rg" "+$_rg" # 'Parse' options out of the `--help` output. To prevent false positives we # only look at lines where the first non-white-space character is `-`, or # where a long option starting with certain letters (see `_rg`) is found. # Occasionally we may have to handle some manually, however help_args=( ${(f)"$( $rg --help | $rg -i -- '^\s+--?[a-z0-9]|--[a-z]' | $rg -ior '$1' -- $'[\t /\"\'`.,](-[a-z0-9]|--[a-z0-9-]+)\\b' | $rg -v -- --print0 | # False positives sort -u )"} ) # 'Parse' options out of the completion function comp_args=( ${(f)"$( get_comp_args $_rg )"} ) # Note that we currently exclude hidden (!...) options; matching these # properly against the `--help` output could be irritating comp_args=( ${comp_args#\(*\)} ) # Strip excluded options comp_args=( ${comp_args#\*} ) # Strip repetition indicator comp_args=( ${comp_args%%-[:[]*} ) # Strip everything after -optname- comp_args=( ${comp_args%%[:+=[]*} ) # Strip everything after other optspecs comp_args=( ${comp_args##[^-]*} ) # Remove non-options comp_args=( ${(f)"$( print -rl - $comp_args | sort -u )"} ) (( $#help_args )) || { print -r >&2 'Failed to get help_args' return 1 } (( $#comp_args )) || { print -r >&2 'Failed to get comp_args' return 1 } diff="$( if diff --help 2>&1 | grep -qF -- '--label'; then diff -U2 \ --label '`rg --help`' \ --label '`_rg`' \ =( print -rl - $help_args ) =( print -rl - $comp_args ) else diff -U2 \ -L '`rg --help`' \ -L '`_rg`' \ =( print -rl - $help_args ) =( print -rl - $comp_args ) fi )" (( $#diff )) && { printf >&2 '%s\n' 'zsh completion options differ from `--help` options:' printf >&2 '%s\n' $diff return 1 } printf 'OK\n' return 0 } main "$@"