use crate::hay::SHERLOCK; use crate::util::{sort_lines, Dir, TestCommand}; // See: rgtest!(r16, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "ghi/"); dir.create_dir("ghi"); dir.create_dir("def/ghi"); dir.create("ghi/toplevel.txt", "xyz"); dir.create("def/ghi/subdir.txt", "xyz"); cmd.arg("xyz").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r25, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "/llvm/"); dir.create_dir("src/llvm"); dir.create("src/llvm/foo", "test"); cmd.arg("test"); eqnice!("src/llvm/foo:test\n", cmd.stdout()); cmd.current_dir(dir.path().join("src")); eqnice!("llvm/foo:test\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r30, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create(".gitignore", "vendor/**\n!vendor/manifest"); dir.create_dir("vendor"); dir.create("vendor/manifest", "test"); eqnice!("vendor/manifest:test\n", cmd.arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r49, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create(".gitignore", "foo/bar"); dir.create_dir("test/foo/bar"); dir.create("test/foo/bar/baz", "test"); cmd.arg("xyz").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r50, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create(".gitignore", "XXX/YYY/"); dir.create_dir("abc/def/XXX/YYY"); dir.create_dir("ghi/XXX/YYY"); dir.create("abc/def/XXX/YYY/bar", "test"); dir.create("ghi/XXX/YYY/bar", "test"); cmd.arg("xyz").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r64, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("dir"); dir.create_dir("foo"); dir.create("dir/abc", ""); dir.create("foo/abc", ""); eqnice!("foo/abc\n", cmd.arg("--files").arg("foo").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r65, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "a/"); dir.create_dir("a"); dir.create("a/foo", "xyz"); dir.create("a/bar", "xyz"); cmd.arg("xyz").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r67, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "/*\n!/dir"); dir.create_dir("dir"); dir.create_dir("foo"); dir.create("foo/bar", "test"); dir.create("dir/bar", "test"); eqnice!("dir/bar:test\n", cmd.arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r87, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "foo\n**no-vcs**"); dir.create("foo", "test"); cmd.arg("test").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r90, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "!.foo"); dir.create(".foo", "test"); eqnice!(".foo:test\n", cmd.arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r93, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", ""); eqnice!("foo:\n", cmd.arg(r"(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r99, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo1", "test"); dir.create("foo2", "zzz"); dir.create("bar", "test"); eqnice!( sort_lines("bar\ntest\n\nfoo1\ntest\n"), sort_lines(&cmd.arg("-j1").arg("--heading").arg("test").stdout()) ); }); // See: rgtest!(r105_part1, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "zztest"); eqnice!("foo:1:3:zztest\n", cmd.arg("--vimgrep").arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r105_part2, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "zztest"); eqnice!("foo:1:3:zztest\n", cmd.arg("--column").arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r127, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { // Set up a directory hierarchy like this: // // .gitignore // foo/ // sherlock // watson // // Where `.gitignore` contains `foo/sherlock`. // // ripgrep should ignore 'foo/sherlock' giving us results only from // 'foo/watson' but on Windows ripgrep will include both 'foo/sherlock' and // 'foo/watson' in the search results. dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "foo/sherlock\n"); dir.create_dir("foo"); dir.create("foo/sherlock", SHERLOCK); dir.create("foo/watson", SHERLOCK); let expected = "\ foo/watson:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock foo/watson:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "; assert_eq!(expected, cmd.arg("Sherlock").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r128, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_bytes("foo", b"01234567\x0b\n\x0b\n\x0b\n\x0b\nx"); eqnice!("foo:5:x\n", cmd.arg("-n").arg("x").stdout()); }); // See: // // TODO(burntsushi): Darwin doesn't like this test for some reason. Probably // due to the weird file path. #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] rgtest!(r131, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "TopÑapa"); dir.create("TopÑapa", "test"); cmd.arg("test").assert_err(); }); // See: // // TODO(burntsushi): Figure out how to make this test work on Windows. Right // now it gives "access denied" errors when trying to create a file symlink. // For now, disable test on Windows. #[cfg(not(windows))] rgtest!(r137, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("sherlock", SHERLOCK); dir.link_file("sherlock", "sym1"); dir.link_file("sherlock", "sym2"); let expected = "\ ./sherlock:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock ./sherlock:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes sym1:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock sym1:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes sym2:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock sym2:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "; cmd.arg("-j1").arg("Sherlock").arg("./").arg("sym1").arg("sym2"); eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r156, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { let expected = r#"#parse('widgets/foo_bar_macros.vm') #parse ( 'widgets/mobile/foo_bar_macros.vm' ) #parse ("widgets/foobarhiddenformfields.vm") #parse ( "widgets/foo_bar_legal.vm" ) #include( 'widgets/foo_bar_tips.vm' ) #include('widgets/mobile/foo_bar_macros.vm') #include ("widgets/mobile/foo_bar_resetpw.vm") #parse('widgets/foo-bar-macros.vm') #parse ( 'widgets/mobile/foo-bar-macros.vm' ) #parse ("widgets/foo-bar-hiddenformfields.vm") #parse ( "widgets/foo-bar-legal.vm" ) #include( 'widgets/foo-bar-tips.vm' ) #include('widgets/mobile/foo-bar-macros.vm') #include ("widgets/mobile/foo-bar-resetpw.vm") "#; dir.create("testcase.txt", expected); cmd.arg("-N"); cmd.arg(r#"#(?:parse|include)\s*\(\s*(?:"|')[./A-Za-z_-]+(?:"|')"#); cmd.arg("testcase.txt"); eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r184, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create(".gitignore", ".*"); dir.create_dir("foo/bar"); dir.create("foo/bar/baz", "test"); cmd.arg("test"); eqnice!("foo/bar/baz:test\n", cmd.stdout()); cmd.current_dir(dir.path().join("./foo/bar")); eqnice!("baz:test\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r199, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "tEsT"); eqnice!("foo:tEsT\n", cmd.arg("--smart-case").arg(r"\btest\b").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r206, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("foo"); dir.create("foo/bar.txt", "test"); cmd.arg("test").arg("-g").arg("*.txt"); eqnice!("foo/bar.txt:test\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: #[cfg(unix)] rgtest!(r210, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; let badutf8 = OsStr::from_bytes(&b"foo\xffbar"[..]); // APFS does not support creating files with invalid UTF-8 bytes. // if dir.try_create(badutf8, "test").is_ok() { cmd.arg("-H").arg("test").arg(badutf8); assert_eq!(b"foo\xffbar:test\n".to_vec(), cmd.output().stdout); } }); // See: rgtest!(r228, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("foo"); cmd.arg("--ignore-file").arg("foo").arg("test").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r229, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "economie"); cmd.arg("-S").arg("[E]conomie").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r251, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "привет\nПривет\nПрИвЕт"); let expected = "foo:привет\nfoo:Привет\nfoo:ПрИвЕт\n"; eqnice!(expected, cmd.arg("-i").arg("привет").stdout()); }); // See: #[cfg(not(windows))] rgtest!(r256, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("bar"); dir.create("bar/baz", "test"); dir.link_dir("bar", "foo"); eqnice!("foo/baz:test\n", cmd.arg("test").arg("foo").stdout()); }); // See: #[cfg(not(windows))] rgtest!(r256_j1, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("bar"); dir.create("bar/baz", "test"); dir.link_dir("bar", "foo"); eqnice!("foo/baz:test\n", cmd.arg("-j1").arg("test").arg("foo").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r270, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "-test"); cmd.arg("-e").arg("-test"); eqnice!("foo:-test\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r279, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "test"); eqnice!("", cmd.arg("-q").arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r391, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create("lock", ""); dir.create("", ""); dir.create(".git/packed-refs", ""); dir.create(".git/description", ""); cmd.args(&[ "--no-ignore", "--hidden", "--follow", "--files", "--glob", "!{.git,node_modules,plugged}/**", "--glob", "*.{js,json,php,md,styl,scss,sass,pug,html,config,py,cpp,c,go,hs}", ]); eqnice!("\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r405, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("foo/bar"); dir.create_dir("bar/foo"); dir.create("foo/bar/file1.txt", "test"); dir.create("bar/foo/file2.txt", "test"); cmd.arg("-g").arg("!/foo/**").arg("test"); eqnice!("bar/foo/file2.txt:test\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: #[cfg(not(windows))] rgtest!(r428_color_context_path, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("sherlock", "foo\nbar"); cmd.args(&[ "-A1", "-H", "--no-heading", "-N", "--colors=match:none", "--color=always", "foo", ]); let expected = format!( "{colored_path}:foo\n{colored_path}-bar\n", colored_path = "\x1b\x5b\x30\x6d\x1b\x5b\x33\x35\x6dsherlock\x1b\x5b\x30\x6d" ); eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r428_unrecognized_style, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("file.txt", "Sherlock"); cmd.arg("--colors=match:style:").arg("Sherlock"); cmd.assert_err(); let output = cmd.cmd().output().unwrap(); let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr); let expected = "\ unrecognized style attribute ''. Choose from: nobold, bold, nointense, \ intense, nounderline, underline. "; eqnice!(expected, stderr); }); // See: rgtest!(r451_only_matching_as_in_issue, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("digits.txt", "1 2 3\n"); cmd.arg("--only-matching").arg(r"[0-9]+").arg("digits.txt"); let expected = "\ 1 2 3 "; eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r451_only_matching, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("digits.txt", "1 2 3\n123\n"); cmd.args(&["--only-matching", "--column", r"[0-9]", "digits.txt"]); let expected = "\ 1:1:1 1:3:2 1:5:3 2:1:1 2:2:2 2:3:3 "; eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r483_matching_no_stdout, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("", ""); cmd.arg("--quiet").arg("--files").arg("--glob").arg("*.py"); eqnice!("", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r483_non_matching_exit_code, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("", ""); cmd.arg("--quiet").arg("--files").arg("--glob").arg("*.py"); cmd.assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r493, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("input.txt", "peshwaship 're seminomata"); cmd.arg("-o").arg(r"\b 're \b").arg("input.txt"); assert_eq!(" 're \n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r506_word_not_parenthesized, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("wb.txt", "min minimum amin\nmax maximum amax"); cmd.arg("-w").arg("-o").arg("min|max").arg("wb.txt"); eqnice!("min\nmax\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r553_switch, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("sherlock", SHERLOCK); let expected = "\ sherlock:For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock sherlock:be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes "; cmd.arg("-i").arg("sherlock"); eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); // Repeat the `i` flag to make sure everything still works. eqnice!(expected, cmd.arg("-i").stdout()); }); rgtest!(r553_flag, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("sherlock", SHERLOCK); let expected = "\ For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always -- but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted, and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "; cmd.arg("-C").arg("1").arg(r"world|attached").arg("sherlock"); eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); let expected = "\ For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock and exhibited clearly, with a label attached. "; eqnice!(expected, cmd.arg("-C").arg("0").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r568_leading_hyphen_option_args, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("file", "foo bar -baz\n"); cmd.arg("-e-baz").arg("-e").arg("-baz").arg("file"); eqnice!("foo bar -baz\n", cmd.stdout()); let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("-rni").arg("bar").arg("file"); eqnice!("foo ni -baz\n", cmd.stdout()); let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("-r").arg("-n").arg("-i").arg("bar").arg("file"); eqnice!("foo -n -baz\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: // // This test used to check that we emitted color escape sequences even for // empty matches, but with the addition of the JSON output format, clients no // longer need to rely on escape sequences to parse matches. Therefore, we no // longer emit useless escape sequences. rgtest!(r599, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("input.txt", "\n\ntest\n"); cmd.args(&[ "--color", "ansi", "--colors", "path:none", "--colors", "line:none", "--colors", "match:fg:red", "--colors", "match:style:nobold", "--line-number", r"^$", "input.txt", ]); let expected = "\ 1: 2: "; eqnice_repr!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r693_context_in_contextless_mode, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "xyz\n"); dir.create("bar", "xyz\n"); cmd.arg("-C1").arg("-c").arg("--sort-files").arg("xyz"); eqnice!("bar:1\nfoo:1\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r807, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", ".a/b"); dir.create_dir(".a/b"); dir.create_dir(".a/c"); dir.create(".a/b/file", "test"); dir.create(".a/c/file", "test"); eqnice!(".a/c/file:test\n", cmd.arg("--hidden").arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r900, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("sherlock", SHERLOCK); dir.create("pat", ""); cmd.arg("-fpat").arg("sherlock").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r1064, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("input", "abc"); eqnice!("input:abc\n", cmd.arg("a(.*c)").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1098, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "a**b"); dir.create("afoob", "test"); cmd.arg("test").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r1130, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "test"); eqnice!( "foo\n", cmd.arg("--files-with-matches").arg("test").arg("foo").stdout() ); let mut cmd = dir.command(); eqnice!( "foo\n", cmd.arg("--files-without-match").arg("nada").arg("foo").stdout() ); }); // See: rgtest!(r1159_invalid_flag, |_: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { cmd.arg("--wat").assert_exit_code(2); }); // See: rgtest!(r1159_exit_status, |dir: Dir, _: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "test"); // search with a match gets 0 exit status. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("test").assert_exit_code(0); // search with --quiet and a match gets 0 exit status. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("-q").arg("test").assert_exit_code(0); // search with a match and an error gets 2 exit status. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("test").arg("no-file").assert_exit_code(2); // search with a match in --quiet mode and an error gets 0 exit status. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("-q").arg("test").arg("foo").arg("no-file").assert_exit_code(0); // search with no match gets 1 exit status. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("nada").assert_exit_code(1); // search with --quiet and no match gets 1 exit status. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("-q").arg("nada").assert_exit_code(1); // search with no match and an error gets 2 exit status. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("nada").arg("no-file").assert_exit_code(2); // search with no match in --quiet mode and an error gets 2 exit status. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.arg("-q").arg("nada").arg("foo").arg("no-file").assert_exit_code(2); }); // See: rgtest!(r1163, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("bom.txt", "\u{FEFF}test123\ntest123"); eqnice!( "bom.txt:test123\nbom.txt:test123\n", cmd.arg("^test123").stdout() ); }); // See: rgtest!(r1164, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "myfile"); dir.create("MYFILE", "test"); cmd.arg("--ignore-file-case-insensitive").arg("test").assert_err(); eqnice!( "MYFILE:test\n", cmd.arg("--no-ignore-file-case-insensitive").stdout() ); }); // See: rgtest!(r1173, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "**"); dir.create("foo", "test"); cmd.arg("test").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r1174, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir(".git"); dir.create(".gitignore", "**/**/*"); dir.create_dir("a"); dir.create("a/foo", "test"); cmd.arg("test").assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r1176_literal_file, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("patterns", "foo(bar\n"); dir.create("test", "foo(bar"); eqnice!( "foo(bar\n", cmd.arg("-F").arg("-f").arg("patterns").arg("test").stdout() ); }); // See: rgtest!(r1176_line_regex, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("patterns", "foo\n"); dir.create("test", "foobar\nfoo\nbarfoo\n"); eqnice!( "foo\n", cmd.arg("-x").arg("-f").arg("patterns").arg("test").stdout() ); }); // See: rgtest!(r1203_reverse_suffix_literal, |dir: Dir, _: TestCommand| { dir.create("test", "153.230000\n"); let mut cmd = dir.command(); eqnice!("153.230000\n", cmd.arg(r"\d\d\d00").arg("test").stdout()); let mut cmd = dir.command(); eqnice!("153.230000\n", cmd.arg(r"\d\d\d000").arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!( r1223_no_dir_check_for_default_path, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("-"); dir.create("a.json", "{}"); dir.create("a.txt", "some text"); eqnice!( "a.json\na.txt\n", sort_lines(&cmd.arg("a").pipe(b"a.json\na.txt")) ); } ); // See: rgtest!(r1259_drop_last_byte_nonl, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("patterns-nonl", "[foo]"); dir.create("patterns-nl", "[foo]\n"); dir.create("test", "fz"); eqnice!("fz\n", cmd.arg("-f").arg("patterns-nonl").arg("test").stdout()); cmd = dir.command(); eqnice!("fz\n", cmd.arg("-f").arg("patterns-nl").arg("test").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1311_multi_line_term_replace, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("input", "hello\nworld\n"); eqnice!( "1:hello?world?\n", cmd.args(&["-U", "-r?", "-n", "\n", "input"]).stdout() ); }); // See: rgtest!(r1319, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("input", "CCAGCTACTCGGGAGGCTGAGGCTGGAGGATCGCTTGAGTCCAGGAGTTC"); eqnice!( "input:CCAGCTACTCGGGAGGCTGAGGCTGGAGGATCGCTTGAGTCCAGGAGTTC\n", cmd.arg("TTGAGTCCAGGAG[ATCG]{2}C").stdout() ); }); // See: rgtest!(r1334_crazy_literals, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("patterns", &"\n".repeat(40)); dir.create("corpus", "\n"); eqnice!( "\n", cmd.arg("-Ff").arg("patterns").arg("corpus").stdout() ); }); // See: rgtest!(r1380, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create( "foo", "\ a b c d e d e d e d e ", ); eqnice!("d\ne\nd\n", cmd.args(&["-A2", "-m1", "d", "foo"]).stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1389_bad_symlinks_no_biscuit, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("mydir"); dir.create("mydir/file.txt", "test"); dir.link_dir("mydir", "mylink"); let stdout = cmd .args(&["test", "--no-ignore", "--sort", "path", "mylink"]) .stdout(); eqnice!("mylink/file.txt:test\n", stdout); }); // See: rgtest!(r1401_look_ahead_only_matching_1, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { // Only PCRE2 supports look-around. if !dir.is_pcre2() { return; } dir.create("ip.txt", "foo 42\nxoyz\ncat\tdog\n"); cmd.args(&["-No", r".*o(?!.*\s)", "ip.txt"]); eqnice!("xo\ncat\tdo\n", cmd.stdout()); let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.args(&["-No", r".*o(?!.*[ \t])", "ip.txt"]); eqnice!("xo\ncat\tdo\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1401_look_ahead_only_matching_2, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { // Only PCRE2 supports look-around. if !dir.is_pcre2() { return; } dir.create("ip.txt", "foo 42\nxoyz\ncat\tdog\nfoo"); cmd.args(&["-No", r".*o(?!.*\s)", "ip.txt"]); eqnice!("xo\ncat\tdo\nfoo\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1412_look_behind_no_replacement, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { // Only PCRE2 supports look-around. if !dir.is_pcre2() { return; } dir.create("test", "foo\nbar\n"); cmd.args(&["-nU", "-rquux", r"(?<=foo\n)bar", "test"]); eqnice!("2:quux\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!( r1446_respect_excludes_in_worktree, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_dir("repo/.git/info"); dir.create("repo/.git/info/exclude", "ignored"); dir.create_dir("repo/.git/worktrees/repotree"); dir.create("repo/.git/worktrees/repotree/commondir", "../.."); dir.create_dir("repotree"); dir.create("repotree/.git", "gitdir: repo/.git/worktrees/repotree"); dir.create("repotree/ignored", ""); dir.create("repotree/not-ignored", ""); cmd.arg("--sort").arg("path").arg("--files").arg("repotree"); eqnice!("repotree/not-ignored\n", cmd.stdout()); } ); // See: rgtest!(r1537, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("foo", "abc;de,fg"); let expected = "foo:abc;de,fg\n"; eqnice!(expected, cmd.arg(";(.*,){1}").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1559, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create( "foo", "\ type A struct { TaskID int `json:\"taskID\"` } type B struct { ObjectID string `json:\"objectID\"` TaskID int `json:\"taskID\"` } ", ); let expected = "\ foo: TaskID int `json:\"taskID\"` foo: TaskID int `json:\"taskID\"` "; eqnice!(expected, cmd.arg("TaskID +int").stdout()); }); // See: // // Tests that if look-ahead is used, then --count-matches is correct. rgtest!(r1573, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { // Only PCRE2 supports look-ahead. if !dir.is_pcre2() { return; } dir.create_bytes("foo", b"\xFF\xFE\x00\x62"); dir.create( "foo", "\ def A; def B; use A; use B; ", ); // Check that normal --count is correct. cmd.args(&[ "--pcre2", "--multiline", "--count", r"(?s)def (\w+);(?=.*use \w+)", "foo", ]); eqnice!("2\n", cmd.stdout()); // Now check --count-matches. let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.args(&[ "--pcre2", "--multiline", "--count-matches", r"(?s)def (\w+);(?=.*use \w+)", "foo", ]); eqnice!("2\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: // // Tests if UTF-8 BOM is sniffed, then the column index is correct. rgtest!(r1638, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create_bytes("foo", b"\xef\xbb\xbfx"); eqnice!("foo:1:1:x\n", cmd.arg("--column").arg("x").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1739_replacement_lineterm_match, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("test", "a\n"); cmd.args(&[r"-r${0}f", r".*", "test"]); eqnice!("af\n", cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1765, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("test", "\n"); // We need to add --color=always here to force the failure, since the bad // code path is only triggered when colors are enabled. cmd.args(&[r"x?", "--crlf", "--color", "always"]); assert!(!cmd.stdout().is_empty()); }); rgtest!(r1866, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("test", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoo quux"); cmd.args(&[ "--multiline", "--vimgrep", r"foobar\nfoobar\nfoo|quux", "test", ]); // vimgrep only wants the first line of each match, even when a match // spans multiple lines. // // See: let expected = "\ test:1:1:foobar test:3:5:foo quux "; eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r1868_context_passthru_override, |dir: Dir, _: TestCommand| { dir.create("test", "foo\nbar\nbaz\nquux\n"); let args = &["-C1", "bar", "test"]; eqnice!("foo\nbar\nbaz\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); let args = &["--passthru", "bar", "test"]; eqnice!("foo\nbar\nbaz\nquux\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); let args = &["--passthru", "-C1", "bar", "test"]; eqnice!("foo\nbar\nbaz\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); let args = &["-C1", "--passthru", "bar", "test"]; eqnice!("foo\nbar\nbaz\nquux\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); let args = &["--passthru", "-B1", "bar", "test"]; eqnice!("foo\nbar\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); let args = &["-B1", "--passthru", "bar", "test"]; eqnice!("foo\nbar\nbaz\nquux\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); let args = &["--passthru", "-A1", "bar", "test"]; eqnice!("bar\nbaz\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); let args = &["-A1", "--passthru", "bar", "test"]; eqnice!("foo\nbar\nbaz\nquux\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); }); rgtest!(r1878, |dir: Dir, _: TestCommand| { dir.create("test", "a\nbaz\nabc\n"); // Since ripgrep enables (?m) by default, '^' will match at the beginning // of a line, even when -U/--multiline is used. let args = &["-U", "--no-mmap", r"^baz", "test"]; eqnice!("baz\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); let args = &["-U", "--mmap", r"^baz", "test"]; eqnice!("baz\n", dir.command().args(args).stdout()); // But when (?-m) is disabled, or when \A is used, then there should be no // matches that aren't anchored to the beginning of the file. let args = &["-U", "--no-mmap", r"(?-m)^baz", "test"]; dir.command().args(args).assert_err(); let args = &["-U", "--mmap", r"(?-m)^baz", "test"]; dir.command().args(args).assert_err(); let args = &["-U", "--no-mmap", r"\Abaz", "test"]; dir.command().args(args).assert_err(); let args = &["-U", "--mmap", r"\Abaz", "test"]; dir.command().args(args).assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r1891, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { // TODO: Sadly, PCRE2 has different behavior here. Not clear why. We should // look into this and see if there's a fix needed at the regex engine // level. if dir.is_pcre2() { return; } dir.create("test", "\n##\n"); // N.B. We use -o here to force the issue to occur, which seems to only // happen when each match needs to be detected. eqnice!("1:\n2:\n2:\n", cmd.args(&["-won", "", "test"]).stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r2095, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create( "test", "#!/usr/bin/env bash zero=one a=one if true; then a=( a b c ) true fi a=two b=one }); ", ); cmd.args(&[ "--line-number", "--multiline", "--only-matching", "--replace", "${value}", r"^(?P\s*)a=(?P(?ms:[(].*?[)])|.*?)$", "test", ]); let expected = "4:one 8:( 9: a 10: b 11: c 12: ) 15:two "; eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r2198, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create(".ignore", "a"); dir.create(".rgignore", "b"); dir.create("a", ""); dir.create("b", ""); dir.create("c", ""); cmd.arg("--files").arg("--sort").arg("path"); eqnice!("c\n", cmd.stdout()); eqnice!("a\nb\nc\n", cmd.arg("--no-ignore-dot").stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r2208, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("test", "# Compile requirements.txt files from all found or specified files (compile). # Use -h to include hashes, -u dep1,dep2... to upgrade specific dependencies, and -U to upgrade all. pipc () { # [-h] [-U|-u [,...]] [...] [-- ...] emulate -L zsh unset REPLY if [[ $1 == --help ]] { zpy $0; return } [[ $ZPY_PROCS ]] || return local gen_hashes upgrade upgrade_csv while [[ $1 == -[hUu] ]] { if [[ $1 == -h ]] { gen_hashes=--generate-hashes; shift } if [[ $1 == -U ]] { upgrade=1; shift } if [[ $1 == -u ]] { upgrade=1; upgrade_csv=$2; shift 2 } } } "); cmd.args(&[ "-N", "-U", "-r", "$usage", r#"^(?P\n?(# .*\n)*)(alias (?Ppipc)="[^"]+"|(?Ppipc) \(\) \{)( #(?P .+))?"#, "test", ]); let expected = " [-h] [-U|-u [,...]] [...] [-- ...]\n"; eqnice!(expected, cmd.stdout()); }); // See: rgtest!(r2236, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create(".ignore", r"foo\/"); dir.create_dir("foo"); dir.create("foo/bar", "test\n"); cmd.args(&["test"]).assert_err(); }); // See: rgtest!(r2480, |dir: Dir, mut cmd: TestCommand| { dir.create("file", "FooBar\n"); // no regression in empty pattern behavior cmd.args(&["-e", "", "file"]); eqnice!("FooBar\n", cmd.stdout()); // no regression in single pattern behavior let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.args(&["-e", ")(", "file"]); eqnice!("FooBar\n", cmd.stdout()); // no regression in multiple patterns behavior let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.args(&["--only-matching", "-e", "Foo", "-e", "Bar", "file"]); eqnice!("Foo\nBar\n", cmd.stdout()); // no regression in capture groups behavior let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.args(&["-e", "Fo(oB)a(r)", "--replace", "${0}_${1}_${2}${3}", "file"]); eqnice!("FooBar_oB_r\n", cmd.stdout()); // note: ${3} expected to be empty // flag does not leak into next pattern on match let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.args(&["--only-matching", "-e", "(?i)foo", "-e", "bar", "file"]); eqnice!("Foo\n", cmd.stdout()); // flag does not leak into next pattern on mismatch let mut cmd = dir.command(); cmd.args(&["--only-matching", "-e", "(?i)notfoo", "-e", "bar", "file"]); cmd.assert_err(); });