use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use std::path::Path; use std::process; use clap::Shell; use app::{RGArg, RGArgKind}; #[allow(dead_code)] #[path = "crates/core/"] mod app; fn main() { // OUT_DIR is set by Cargo and it's where any additional build artifacts // are written. let outdir = match env::var_os("OUT_DIR") { Some(outdir) => outdir, None => { eprintln!( "OUT_DIR environment variable not defined. \ Please file a bug: \" ); process::exit(1); } }; fs::create_dir_all(&outdir).unwrap(); let stamp_path = Path::new(&outdir).join("ripgrep-stamp"); if let Err(err) = File::create(&stamp_path) { panic!("failed to write {}: {}", stamp_path.display(), err); } if let Err(err) = generate_man_page(&outdir) { eprintln!("failed to generate man page: {}", err); } // Use clap to build completion files. let mut app = app::app(); app.gen_completions("rg", Shell::Bash, &outdir); app.gen_completions("rg", Shell::Fish, &outdir); app.gen_completions("rg", Shell::PowerShell, &outdir); // Note that we do not use clap's support for zsh. Instead, zsh completions // are manually maintained in `complete/_rg`. // Make the current git hash available to the build. if let Some(rev) = git_revision_hash() { println!("cargo:rustc-env=RIPGREP_BUILD_GIT_HASH={}", rev); } // Embed a Windows manifest and set some linker options. The main reason // for this is to enable long path support on Windows. This still, I // believe, requires enabling long path support in the registry. But if // that's enabled, then this will let ripgrep use C:\... style paths that // are longer than 260 characters. set_windows_exe_options(); } fn set_windows_exe_options() { static MANIFEST: &str = "pkg/windows/Manifest.xml"; let Ok(target_os) = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS") else { return }; let Ok(target_env) = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV") else { return }; if !(target_os == "windows" && target_env == "msvc") { return; } let Ok(mut manifest) = env::current_dir() else { return }; manifest.push(MANIFEST); let Some(manifest) = manifest.to_str() else { return }; println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", MANIFEST); // Embed the Windows application manifest file. println!("cargo:rustc-link-arg-bin=rg=/MANIFEST:EMBED"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-arg-bin=rg=/MANIFESTINPUT:{manifest}"); // Turn linker warnings into errors. Helps debugging, otherwise the // warnings get squashed (I believe). println!("cargo:rustc-link-arg-bin=rg=/WX"); } fn git_revision_hash() -> Option<String> { let result = process::Command::new("git") .args(&["rev-parse", "--short=10", "HEAD"]) .output(); result.ok().and_then(|output| { let v = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).trim().to_string(); if v.is_empty() { None } else { Some(v) } }) } fn generate_man_page<P: AsRef<Path>>(outdir: P) -> io::Result<()> { // If asciidoctor isn't installed, fallback to asciidoc. if let Err(err) = process::Command::new("asciidoctor").output() { eprintln!( "Could not run 'asciidoctor' binary, falling back to 'a2x'." ); eprintln!("Error from running 'asciidoctor': {}", err); return legacy_generate_man_page::<P>(outdir); } // 1. Read asciidoctor template. // 2. Interpolate template with auto-generated docs. // 3. Save interpolation to disk. // 4. Use asciidoctor to convert to man page. let outdir = outdir.as_ref(); let cwd = env::current_dir()?; let tpl_path = cwd.join("doc").join("rg.1.txt.tpl"); let txt_path = outdir.join("rg.1.txt"); let mut tpl = String::new(); File::open(&tpl_path)?.read_to_string(&mut tpl)?; let options = formatted_options()?.replace("{", "{").replace("}", "}"); tpl = tpl.replace("{OPTIONS}", &options); let githash = git_revision_hash(); let githash = githash.as_ref().map(|x| &**x); tpl = tpl.replace("{VERSION}", &app::long_version(githash, false)); File::create(&txt_path)?.write_all(tpl.as_bytes())?; let result = process::Command::new("asciidoctor") .arg("--doctype") .arg("manpage") .arg("--backend") .arg("manpage") .arg(&txt_path) .spawn()? .wait()?; if !result.success() { let msg = format!("'asciidoctor' failed with exit code {:?}", result.code()); return Err(ioerr(msg)); } Ok(()) } fn legacy_generate_man_page<P: AsRef<Path>>(outdir: P) -> io::Result<()> { // If asciidoc isn't installed, then don't do anything. if let Err(err) = process::Command::new("a2x").output() { eprintln!("Could not run 'a2x' binary, skipping man page generation."); eprintln!("Error from running 'a2x': {}", err); return Ok(()); } // 1. Read asciidoc template. // 2. Interpolate template with auto-generated docs. // 3. Save interpolation to disk. // 4. Use a2x (part of asciidoc) to convert to man page. let outdir = outdir.as_ref(); let cwd = env::current_dir()?; let tpl_path = cwd.join("doc").join("rg.1.txt.tpl"); let txt_path = outdir.join("rg.1.txt"); let mut tpl = String::new(); File::open(&tpl_path)?.read_to_string(&mut tpl)?; tpl = tpl.replace("{OPTIONS}", &formatted_options()?); let githash = git_revision_hash(); let githash = githash.as_ref().map(|x| &**x); tpl = tpl.replace("{VERSION}", &app::long_version(githash, false)); File::create(&txt_path)?.write_all(tpl.as_bytes())?; let result = process::Command::new("a2x") .arg("--no-xmllint") .arg("--doctype") .arg("manpage") .arg("--format") .arg("manpage") .arg(&txt_path) .spawn()? .wait()?; if !result.success() { let msg = format!("'a2x' failed with exit code {:?}", result.code()); return Err(ioerr(msg)); } Ok(()) } fn formatted_options() -> io::Result<String> { let mut args = app::all_args_and_flags(); args.sort_by(|x1, x2|; let mut formatted = vec![]; for arg in args { if arg.hidden { continue; } // ripgrep only has two positional arguments, and probably will only // ever have two positional arguments, so we just hardcode them into // the template. if let app::RGArgKind::Positional { .. } = arg.kind { continue; } formatted.push(formatted_arg(&arg)?); } Ok(formatted.join("\n\n")) } fn formatted_arg(arg: &RGArg) -> io::Result<String> { match arg.kind { RGArgKind::Positional { .. } => { panic!("unexpected positional argument") } RGArgKind::Switch { long, short, multiple } => { let mut out = vec![]; let mut header = format!("--{}", long); if let Some(short) = short { header = format!("-{}, {}", short, header); } if multiple { header = format!("*{}* ...::", header); } else { header = format!("*{}*::", header); } writeln!(out, "{}", header)?; writeln!(out, "{}", formatted_doc_txt(arg)?)?; Ok(String::from_utf8(out).unwrap()) } RGArgKind::Flag { long, short, value_name, multiple, .. } => { let mut out = vec![]; let mut header = format!("--{}", long); if let Some(short) = short { header = format!("-{}, {}", short, header); } if multiple { header = format!("*{}* _{}_ ...::", header, value_name); } else { header = format!("*{}* _{}_::", header, value_name); } writeln!(out, "{}", header)?; writeln!(out, "{}", formatted_doc_txt(arg)?)?; Ok(String::from_utf8(out).unwrap()) } } } fn formatted_doc_txt(arg: &RGArg) -> io::Result<String> { let paragraphs: Vec<String> = arg .doc_long .replace("{", "{") .replace("}", r"}") // Hack to render ** literally in man page correctly. We can't put // these crazy +++ in the help text directly, since that shows // literally in --help output. .replace("*-g 'foo/**'*", "*-g +++'foo/**'+++*") .split("\n\n") .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect(); if paragraphs.is_empty() { return Err(ioerr(format!("missing docs for --{}",; } let first = format!(" {}", paragraphs[0].replace("\n", "\n ")); if paragraphs.len() == 1 { return Ok(first); } Ok(format!("{}\n+\n{}", first, paragraphs[1..].join("\n+\n"))) } fn ioerr(msg: String) -> io::Error { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, msg) }