mirror of https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep.git synced 2025-03-03 14:32:22 +02:00
Andrew Gallant 7ad23e5565 Use for_label_no_replacement.
This will cause certain unsupported legacy encodings to act as if they
don't exist, in order to avoid using an unhelpful (in the context of
file searching) "replacement" encoding.

Kudos to @hsivonen for chirping about this!
2017-04-12 18:14:23 -04:00

302 lines
9.8 KiB

use std::env;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::atomic::{ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
static TEST_DIR: &'static str = "ripgrep-tests";
static NEXT_ID: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
/// WorkDir represents a directory in which tests are run.
/// Directories are created from a global atomic counter to avoid duplicates.
pub struct WorkDir {
/// The directory in which this test executable is running.
root: PathBuf,
/// The directory in which the test should run. If a test needs to create
/// files, they should go in here.
dir: PathBuf,
impl WorkDir {
/// Create a new test working directory with the given name. The name
/// does not need to be distinct for each invocation, but should correspond
/// to a logical grouping of tests.
pub fn new(name: &str) -> WorkDir {
let id = NEXT_ID.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
let root = env::current_exe().unwrap()
.parent().expect("executable's directory").to_path_buf();
let dir = root.join(TEST_DIR).join(name).join(&format!("{}", id));
nice_err(&dir, repeat(|| fs::create_dir_all(&dir)));
WorkDir {
root: root,
dir: dir,
/// Create a new file with the given name and contents in this directory.
pub fn create<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, name: P, contents: &str) {
self.create_bytes(name, contents.as_bytes());
/// Create a new file with the given name and size.
pub fn create_size<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, name: P, filesize: u64) {
let path = self.dir.join(name);
let file = nice_err(&path, File::create(&path));
nice_err(&path, file.set_len(filesize));
/// Create a new file with the given name and contents in this directory.
pub fn create_bytes<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, name: P, contents: &[u8]) {
let path = self.dir.join(name);
let mut file = nice_err(&path, File::create(&path));
nice_err(&path, file.write_all(contents));
nice_err(&path, file.flush());
/// Remove a file with the given name from this directory.
pub fn remove<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, name: P) {
let path = self.dir.join(name);
nice_err(&path, fs::remove_file(&path));
/// Create a new directory with the given path (and any directories above
/// it) inside this directory.
pub fn create_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) {
let path = self.dir.join(path);
nice_err(&path, repeat(|| fs::create_dir_all(&path)));
/// Creates a new command that is set to use the ripgrep executable in
/// this working directory.
pub fn command(&self) -> process::Command {
let mut cmd = process::Command::new(&self.bin());
/// Returns the path to the ripgrep executable.
pub fn bin(&self) -> PathBuf {
let path = self.root.join("rg");
if !path.is_file() {
// Looks like a recent version of Cargo changed the cwd or the
// location of the test executable.
} else {
/// Returns the path to the ripgrep executable.
pub fn bin(&self) -> PathBuf {
let path = self.root.join("rg.exe");
if !path.is_file() {
// Looks like a recent version of Cargo changed the cwd or the
// location of the test executable.
} else {
/// Returns the path to this directory.
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
/// Creates a directory symlink to the src with the given target name
/// in this directory.
pub fn link_dir<S: AsRef<Path>, T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, src: S, target: T) {
use std::os::unix::fs::symlink;
let src = self.dir.join(src);
let target = self.dir.join(target);
let _ = fs::remove_file(&target);
nice_err(&target, symlink(&src, &target));
/// Creates a directory symlink to the src with the given target name
/// in this directory.
pub fn link_dir<S: AsRef<Path>, T: AsRef<Path>>(&self, src: S, target: T) {
use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_dir;
let src = self.dir.join(src);
let target = self.dir.join(target);
let _ = fs::remove_dir(&target);
nice_err(&target, symlink_dir(&src, &target));
/// Creates a file symlink to the src with the given target name
/// in this directory.
pub fn link_file<S: AsRef<Path>, T: AsRef<Path>>(
src: S,
target: T,
) {
self.link_dir(src, target);
/// Creates a file symlink to the src with the given target name
/// in this directory.
pub fn link_file<S: AsRef<Path>, T: AsRef<Path>>(
src: S,
target: T,
) {
use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file;
let src = self.dir.join(src);
let target = self.dir.join(target);
let _ = fs::remove_file(&target);
nice_err(&target, symlink_file(&src, &target));
/// Runs and captures the stdout of the given command.
/// If the return type could not be created from a string, then this
/// panics.
pub fn stdout<E: fmt::Debug, T: FromStr<Err=E>>(
cmd: &mut process::Command,
) -> T {
let o = self.output(cmd);
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&o.stdout);
match stdout.parse() {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(err) => {
panic!("could not convert from string: {:?}\n\n{}", err, stdout);
/// Gets the output of a command. If the command failed, then this panics.
pub fn output(&self, cmd: &mut process::Command) -> process::Output {
let output = cmd.output().unwrap();
self.expect_success(cmd, output)
/// Pipe `input` to a command, and collect the output.
pub fn pipe(
cmd: &mut process::Command,
input: &str
) -> process::Output {
let mut child = cmd.spawn().unwrap();
// Pipe input to child process using a separate thread to avoid
// risk of deadlock between parent and child process.
let mut stdin = child.stdin.take().expect("expected standard input");
let input = input.to_owned();
let worker = thread::spawn(move || {
write!(stdin, "{}", input)
let output = self.expect_success(cmd, child.wait_with_output().unwrap());
/// If `o` is not the output of a successful process run
fn expect_success(
cmd: &process::Command,
o: process::Output
) -> process::Output {
if !o.status.success() {
let suggest =
if o.stderr.is_empty() {
"\n\nDid your search end up with no results?".to_string()
} else {
command failed but expected success!\
\n\ncommand: {:?}\
\ncwd: {}\
\n\nstatus: {}\
\n\nstdout: {}\
\n\nstderr: {}\
suggest, cmd, self.dir.display(), o.status,
/// Runs the given command and asserts that it resulted in an error exit
/// code.
pub fn assert_err(&self, cmd: &mut process::Command) {
let o = cmd.output().unwrap();
if o.status.success() {
panic!("\n\n===== {:?} =====\n\
command succeeded but expected failure!\
\n\ncwd: {}\
\n\nstatus: {}\
\n\nstdout: {}\n\nstderr: {}\
cmd, self.dir.display(), o.status,
/// Runs the given command and asserts that something was printed to
/// stderr.
pub fn assert_non_empty_stderr(&self, cmd: &mut process::Command) {
let o = cmd.output().unwrap();
if o.status.success() || o.stderr.is_empty() {
panic!("\n\n===== {:?} =====\n\
command succeeded but expected failure!\
\n\ncwd: {}\
\n\nstatus: {}\
\n\nstdout: {}\n\nstderr: {}\
cmd, self.dir.display(), o.status,
fn nice_err<P: AsRef<Path>, T, E: error::Error>(
path: P,
res: Result<T, E>,
) -> T {
match res {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(err) => {
panic!("{}: {:?}", path.as_ref().display(), err);
fn repeat<F: FnMut() -> io::Result<()>>(mut f: F) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut last_err = None;
for _ in 0..10 {
if let Err(err) = f() {
last_err = Some(err);
} else {
return Ok(());