mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 04:34:39 +02:00
In order to implement --count-matches, we simply re-execute the regex on the spans reported by the searcher. The spans always correspond to the lines that participated in the match. This is the correct thing to do, except when the regex contains look-ahead (or look-behind). In particular, the look-around permits the regex's match success to depends on an arbitrary point before or after the lines actually reported as participating in the match. Since only the matched lines are reported to the printer, it is possible for subsequent searching on those lines to fail. A true fix for this would somehow make the total span available to the printer. But that seems tricky since it isn't always available. For PCRE2's case in multiline mode, it is available because we force it to be so for correctness. For now, we simply detect this corner case heuristically. If the match count is zero, then it necessarily means there is some kind of look-around that isn't matching. So we set the match count to 1. This is probably incorrect in some cases, although my brain can't quite come up with a concrete example. Nevertheless, this is strictly better than the status quo. Fixes #1573
1074 lines
37 KiB
1074 lines
37 KiB
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Instant;
use grep_matcher::Matcher;
use grep_searcher::{Searcher, Sink, SinkError, SinkFinish, SinkMatch};
use termcolor::{ColorSpec, NoColor, WriteColor};
use color::ColorSpecs;
use counter::CounterWriter;
use stats::Stats;
use util::PrinterPath;
/// The configuration for the summary printer.
/// This is manipulated by the SummaryBuilder and then referenced by the actual
/// implementation. Once a printer is build, the configuration is frozen and
/// cannot changed.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Config {
kind: SummaryKind,
colors: ColorSpecs,
stats: bool,
path: bool,
max_matches: Option<u64>,
exclude_zero: bool,
separator_field: Arc<Vec<u8>>,
separator_path: Option<u8>,
path_terminator: Option<u8>,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
kind: SummaryKind::Count,
colors: ColorSpecs::default(),
stats: false,
path: true,
max_matches: None,
exclude_zero: true,
separator_field: Arc::new(b":".to_vec()),
separator_path: None,
path_terminator: None,
/// The type of summary output (if any) to print.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SummaryKind {
/// Show only a count of the total number of matches (counting each line
/// at most once) found.
/// If the `path` setting is enabled, then the count is prefixed by the
/// corresponding file path.
/// Show only a count of the total number of matches (counting possibly
/// many matches on each line) found.
/// If the `path` setting is enabled, then the count is prefixed by the
/// corresponding file path.
/// Show only the file path if and only if a match was found.
/// This ignores the `path` setting and always shows the file path. If no
/// file path is provided, then searching will immediately stop and return
/// an error.
/// Show only the file path if and only if a match was found.
/// This ignores the `path` setting and always shows the file path. If no
/// file path is provided, then searching will immediately stop and return
/// an error.
/// Don't show any output and the stop the search once a match is found.
/// Note that if `stats` is enabled, then searching continues in order to
/// compute statistics.
impl SummaryKind {
/// Returns true if and only if this output mode requires a file path.
/// When an output mode requires a file path, then the summary printer
/// will report an error at the start of every search that lacks a file
/// path.
fn requires_path(&self) -> bool {
use self::SummaryKind::*;
match *self {
PathWithMatch | PathWithoutMatch => true,
Count | CountMatches | Quiet => false,
/// Returns true if and only if this output mode requires computing
/// statistics, regardless of whether they have been enabled or not.
fn requires_stats(&self) -> bool {
use self::SummaryKind::*;
match *self {
CountMatches => true,
Count | PathWithMatch | PathWithoutMatch | Quiet => false,
/// Returns true if and only if a printer using this output mode can
/// quit after seeing the first match.
fn quit_early(&self) -> bool {
use self::SummaryKind::*;
match *self {
PathWithMatch | Quiet => true,
Count | CountMatches | PathWithoutMatch => false,
/// A builder for summary printer.
/// The builder permits configuring how the printer behaves. The summary
/// printer has fewer configuration options than the standard printer because
/// it aims to produce aggregate output about a single search (typically just
/// one line) instead of output for each match.
/// Once a `Summary` printer is built, its configuration cannot be changed.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SummaryBuilder {
config: Config,
impl SummaryBuilder {
/// Return a new builder for configuring the summary printer.
pub fn new() -> SummaryBuilder {
SummaryBuilder { config: Config::default() }
/// Build a printer using any implementation of `termcolor::WriteColor`.
/// The implementation of `WriteColor` used here controls whether colors
/// are used or not when colors have been configured using the
/// `color_specs` method.
/// For maximum portability, callers should generally use either
/// `termcolor::StandardStream` or `termcolor::BufferedStandardStream`
/// where appropriate, which will automatically enable colors on Windows
/// when possible.
/// However, callers may also provide an arbitrary writer using the
/// `termcolor::Ansi` or `termcolor::NoColor` wrappers, which always enable
/// colors via ANSI escapes or always disable colors, respectively.
/// As a convenience, callers may use `build_no_color` to automatically
/// select the `termcolor::NoColor` wrapper to avoid needing to import
/// from `termcolor` explicitly.
pub fn build<W: WriteColor>(&self, wtr: W) -> Summary<W> {
Summary {
config: self.config.clone(),
wtr: RefCell::new(CounterWriter::new(wtr)),
/// Build a printer from any implementation of `io::Write` and never emit
/// any colors, regardless of the user color specification settings.
/// This is a convenience routine for
/// `SummaryBuilder::build(termcolor::NoColor::new(wtr))`.
pub fn build_no_color<W: io::Write>(&self, wtr: W) -> Summary<NoColor<W>> {
/// Set the output mode for this printer.
/// The output mode controls how aggregate results of a search are printed.
/// By default, this printer uses the `Count` mode.
pub fn kind(&mut self, kind: SummaryKind) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.kind = kind;
/// Set the user color specifications to use for coloring in this printer.
/// A [`UserColorSpec`](struct.UserColorSpec.html) can be constructed from
/// a string in accordance with the color specification format. See the
/// `UserColorSpec` type documentation for more details on the format.
/// A [`ColorSpecs`](struct.ColorSpecs.html) can then be generated from
/// zero or more `UserColorSpec`s.
/// Regardless of the color specifications provided here, whether color
/// is actually used or not is determined by the implementation of
/// `WriteColor` provided to `build`. For example, if `termcolor::NoColor`
/// is provided to `build`, then no color will ever be printed regardless
/// of the color specifications provided here.
/// This completely overrides any previous color specifications. This does
/// not add to any previously provided color specifications on this
/// builder.
/// The default color specifications provide no styling.
pub fn color_specs(&mut self, specs: ColorSpecs) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.colors = specs;
/// Enable the gathering of various aggregate statistics.
/// When this is enabled (it's disabled by default), statistics will be
/// gathered for all uses of `Summary` printer returned by `build`,
/// including but not limited to, the total number of matches, the total
/// number of bytes searched and the total number of bytes printed.
/// Aggregate statistics can be accessed via the sink's
/// [`SummarySink::stats`](struct.SummarySink.html#method.stats)
/// method.
/// When this is enabled, this printer may need to do extra work in order
/// to compute certain statistics, which could cause the search to take
/// longer. For example, in `Quiet` mode, a search can quit after finding
/// the first match, but if `stats` is enabled, then the search will
/// continue after the first match in order to compute statistics.
/// For a complete description of available statistics, see
/// [`Stats`](struct.Stats.html).
/// Note that some output modes, such as `CountMatches`, automatically
/// enable this option even if it has been explicitly disabled.
pub fn stats(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.stats = yes;
/// When enabled, if a path was given to the printer, then it is shown in
/// the output (either as a heading or as a prefix to each matching line).
/// When disabled, then no paths are ever included in the output even when
/// a path is provided to the printer.
/// This setting has no effect in `PathWithMatch` and `PathWithoutMatch`
/// modes.
/// This is enabled by default.
pub fn path(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.path = yes;
/// Set the maximum amount of matches that are printed.
/// If multi line search is enabled and a match spans multiple lines, then
/// that match is counted exactly once for the purposes of enforcing this
/// limit, regardless of how many lines it spans.
/// This is disabled by default.
pub fn max_matches(&mut self, limit: Option<u64>) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.max_matches = limit;
/// Exclude count-related summary results with no matches.
/// When enabled and the mode is either `Count` or `CountMatches`, then
/// results are not printed if no matches were found. Otherwise, every
/// search prints a result with a possibly `0` number of matches.
/// This is enabled by default.
pub fn exclude_zero(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.exclude_zero = yes;
/// Set the separator used between fields for the `Count` and
/// `CountMatches` modes.
/// By default, this is set to `:`.
pub fn separator_field(&mut self, sep: Vec<u8>) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.separator_field = Arc::new(sep);
/// Set the path separator used when printing file paths.
/// Typically, printing is done by emitting the file path as is. However,
/// this setting provides the ability to use a different path separator
/// from what the current environment has configured.
/// A typical use for this option is to permit cygwin users on Windows to
/// set the path separator to `/` instead of using the system default of
/// `\`.
/// This is disabled by default.
pub fn separator_path(&mut self, sep: Option<u8>) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.separator_path = sep;
/// Set the path terminator used.
/// The path terminator is a byte that is printed after every file path
/// emitted by this printer.
/// If no path terminator is set (the default), then paths are terminated
/// by either new lines or the configured field separator.
pub fn path_terminator(
&mut self,
terminator: Option<u8>,
) -> &mut SummaryBuilder {
self.config.path_terminator = terminator;
/// The summary printer, which emits aggregate results from a search.
/// Aggregate results generally correspond to file paths and/or the number of
/// matches found.
/// A default printer can be created with either of the `Summary::new` or
/// `Summary::new_no_color` constructors. However, there are a number of
/// options that configure this printer's output. Those options can be
/// configured using [`SummaryBuilder`](struct.SummaryBuilder.html).
/// This type is generic over `W`, which represents any implementation of
/// the `termcolor::WriteColor` trait.
pub struct Summary<W> {
config: Config,
wtr: RefCell<CounterWriter<W>>,
impl<W: WriteColor> Summary<W> {
/// Return a summary printer with a default configuration that writes
/// matches to the given writer.
/// The writer should be an implementation of `termcolor::WriteColor`
/// and not just a bare implementation of `io::Write`. To use a normal
/// `io::Write` implementation (simultaneously sacrificing colors), use
/// the `new_no_color` constructor.
/// The default configuration uses the `Count` summary mode.
pub fn new(wtr: W) -> Summary<W> {
impl<W: io::Write> Summary<NoColor<W>> {
/// Return a summary printer with a default configuration that writes
/// matches to the given writer.
/// The writer can be any implementation of `io::Write`. With this
/// constructor, the printer will never emit colors.
/// The default configuration uses the `Count` summary mode.
pub fn new_no_color(wtr: W) -> Summary<NoColor<W>> {
impl<W: WriteColor> Summary<W> {
/// Return an implementation of `Sink` for the summary printer.
/// This does not associate the printer with a file path, which means this
/// implementation will never print a file path. If the output mode of
/// this summary printer does not make sense without a file path (such as
/// `PathWithMatch` or `PathWithoutMatch`), then any searches executed
/// using this sink will immediately quit with an error.
pub fn sink<'s, M: Matcher>(
&'s mut self,
matcher: M,
) -> SummarySink<'static, 's, M, W> {
let stats = if self.config.stats || self.config.kind.requires_stats() {
} else {
SummarySink {
matcher: matcher,
summary: self,
path: None,
start_time: Instant::now(),
match_count: 0,
binary_byte_offset: None,
stats: stats,
/// Return an implementation of `Sink` associated with a file path.
/// When the printer is associated with a path, then it may, depending on
/// its configuration, print the path.
pub fn sink_with_path<'p, 's, M, P>(
&'s mut self,
matcher: M,
path: &'p P,
) -> SummarySink<'p, 's, M, W>
M: Matcher,
P: ?Sized + AsRef<Path>,
if !self.config.path && !self.config.kind.requires_path() {
return self.sink(matcher);
let stats = if self.config.stats || self.config.kind.requires_stats() {
} else {
let ppath = PrinterPath::with_separator(
SummarySink {
matcher: matcher,
summary: self,
path: Some(ppath),
start_time: Instant::now(),
match_count: 0,
binary_byte_offset: None,
stats: stats,
impl<W> Summary<W> {
/// Returns true if and only if this printer has written at least one byte
/// to the underlying writer during any of the previous searches.
pub fn has_written(&self) -> bool {
self.wtr.borrow().total_count() > 0
/// Return a mutable reference to the underlying writer.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
/// Consume this printer and return back ownership of the underlying
/// writer.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> W {
/// An implementation of `Sink` associated with a matcher and an optional file
/// path for the summary printer.
/// This type is generic over a few type parameters:
/// * `'p` refers to the lifetime of the file path, if one is provided. When
/// no file path is given, then this is `'static`.
/// * `'s` refers to the lifetime of the
/// [`Summary`](struct.Summary.html)
/// printer that this type borrows.
/// * `M` refers to the type of matcher used by
/// `grep_searcher::Searcher` that is reporting results to this sink.
/// * `W` refers to the underlying writer that this printer is writing its
/// output to.
pub struct SummarySink<'p, 's, M: Matcher, W: 's> {
matcher: M,
summary: &'s mut Summary<W>,
path: Option<PrinterPath<'p>>,
start_time: Instant,
match_count: u64,
binary_byte_offset: Option<u64>,
stats: Option<Stats>,
impl<'p, 's, M: Matcher, W: WriteColor> SummarySink<'p, 's, M, W> {
/// Returns true if and only if this printer received a match in the
/// previous search.
/// This is unaffected by the result of searches before the previous
/// search.
pub fn has_match(&self) -> bool {
match self.summary.config.kind {
SummaryKind::PathWithoutMatch => self.match_count == 0,
_ => self.match_count > 0,
/// If binary data was found in the previous search, this returns the
/// offset at which the binary data was first detected.
/// The offset returned is an absolute offset relative to the entire
/// set of bytes searched.
/// This is unaffected by the result of searches before the previous
/// search. e.g., If the search prior to the previous search found binary
/// data but the previous search found no binary data, then this will
/// return `None`.
pub fn binary_byte_offset(&self) -> Option<u64> {
/// Return a reference to the stats produced by the printer for all
/// searches executed on this sink.
/// This only returns stats if they were requested via the
/// [`SummaryBuilder`](struct.SummaryBuilder.html)
/// configuration.
pub fn stats(&self) -> Option<&Stats> {
/// Returns true if this printer should quit.
/// This implements the logic for handling quitting after seeing a certain
/// amount of matches. In most cases, the logic is simple, but we must
/// permit all "after" contextual lines to print after reaching the limit.
fn should_quit(&self) -> bool {
let limit = match self.summary.config.max_matches {
None => return false,
Some(limit) => limit,
self.match_count >= limit
/// If this printer has a file path associated with it, then this will
/// write that path to the underlying writer followed by a line terminator.
/// (If a path terminator is set, then that is used instead of the line
/// terminator.)
fn write_path_line(&self, searcher: &Searcher) -> io::Result<()> {
if let Some(ref path) = self.path {
if let Some(term) = self.summary.config.path_terminator {
} else {
/// If this printer has a file path associated with it, then this will
/// write that path to the underlying writer followed by the field
/// separator. (If a path terminator is set, then that is used instead of
/// the field separator.)
fn write_path_field(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
if let Some(ref path) = self.path {
if let Some(term) = self.summary.config.path_terminator {
} else {
/// Write the line terminator configured on the given searcher.
fn write_line_term(&self, searcher: &Searcher) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Write the given bytes using the give style.
fn write_spec(&self, spec: &ColorSpec, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Write all of the given bytes.
fn write(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
impl<'p, 's, M: Matcher, W: WriteColor> Sink for SummarySink<'p, 's, M, W> {
type Error = io::Error;
fn matched(
&mut self,
_searcher: &Searcher,
mat: &SinkMatch,
) -> Result<bool, io::Error> {
self.match_count += 1;
if let Some(ref mut stats) = self.stats {
let mut match_count = 0;
.find_iter(mat.bytes(), |_| {
match_count += 1;
if match_count == 0 {
// It is possible for the match count to be zero when
// look-around is used. Since `SinkMatch` won't necessarily
// contain the look-around in its match span, the search here
// could fail to find anything.
// It seems likely that setting match_count=1 here is probably
// wrong in some cases, but I don't think we can do any
// better. (Because this printer cannot assume that subsequent
// contents have been loaded into memory, so we have no way of
// increasing the search span here.)
match_count = 1;
stats.add_matched_lines(mat.lines().count() as u64);
} else if self.summary.config.kind.quit_early() {
return Ok(false);
fn begin(&mut self, _searcher: &Searcher) -> Result<bool, io::Error> {
if self.path.is_none() && self.summary.config.kind.requires_path() {
return Err(io::Error::error_message(format!(
"output kind {:?} requires a file path",
self.start_time = Instant::now();
self.match_count = 0;
self.binary_byte_offset = None;
if self.summary.config.max_matches == Some(0) {
return Ok(false);
fn finish(
&mut self,
searcher: &Searcher,
finish: &SinkFinish,
) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
self.binary_byte_offset = finish.binary_byte_offset();
if let Some(ref mut stats) = self.stats {
if self.match_count > 0 {
// If our binary detection method says to quit after seeing binary
// data, then we shouldn't print any results at all, even if we've
// found a match before detecting binary data. The intent here is to
// keep BinaryDetection::quit as a form of filter. Otherwise, we can
// present a matching file with a smaller number of matches than
// there might be, which can be quite misleading.
// If our binary detection method is to convert binary data, then we
// don't quit and therefore search the entire contents of the file.
// There is an unfortunate inconsistency here. Namely, when using
// Quiet or PathWithMatch, then the printer can quit after the first
// match seen, which could be long before seeing binary data. This
// means that using PathWithMatch can print a path where as using
// Count might not print it at all because of binary data.
// It's not possible to fix this without also potentially significantly
// impacting the performance of Quiet or PathWithMatch, so we accept
// the bug.
if self.binary_byte_offset.is_some()
&& searcher.binary_detection().quit_byte().is_some()
// Squash the match count. The statistics reported will still
// contain the match count, but the "official" match count should
// be zero.
self.match_count = 0;
return Ok(());
let show_count =
!self.summary.config.exclude_zero || self.match_count > 0;
match self.summary.config.kind {
SummaryKind::Count => {
if show_count {
SummaryKind::CountMatches => {
if show_count {
let stats = self
.expect("CountMatches should enable stats tracking");
SummaryKind::PathWithMatch => {
if self.match_count > 0 {
SummaryKind::PathWithoutMatch => {
if self.match_count == 0 {
SummaryKind::Quiet => {}
mod tests {
use grep_regex::RegexMatcher;
use grep_searcher::SearcherBuilder;
use termcolor::NoColor;
use super::{Summary, SummaryBuilder, SummaryKind};
const SHERLOCK: &'static [u8] = b"\
For the Doctor Watsons of this world, as opposed to the Sherlock
Holmeses, success in the province of detective work must always
be, to a very large extent, the result of luck. Sherlock Holmes
can extract a clew from a wisp of straw or a flake of cigar ash;
but Doctor Watson has to have it taken out for him and dusted,
and exhibited clearly, with a label attached.
fn printer_contents(printer: &mut Summary<NoColor<Vec<u8>>>) -> String {
fn path_with_match_error() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
let res = SearcherBuilder::new().build().search_reader(
fn path_without_match_error() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
let res = SearcherBuilder::new().build().search_reader(
fn count_no_path() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
.search_reader(&matcher, SHERLOCK, printer.sink(&matcher))
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("2\n", got);
fn count_no_path_even_with_path() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("2\n", got);
fn count_path() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("sherlock:2\n", got);
fn count_path_with_zero() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"NO MATCH").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("sherlock:0\n", got);
fn count_path_without_zero() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"NO MATCH").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("", got);
fn count_path_field_separator() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("sherlockZZ2\n", got);
fn count_path_terminator() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("sherlock\x002\n", got);
fn count_path_separator() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "/home/andrew/sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("\\home\\andrew\\sherlock:2\n", got);
fn count_max_matches() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
.search_reader(&matcher, SHERLOCK, printer.sink(&matcher))
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("1\n", got);
fn count_matches() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson|Sherlock").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("sherlock:4\n", got);
fn path_with_match_found() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("sherlock\n", got);
fn path_with_match_not_found() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"ZZZZZZZZ").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("", got);
fn path_without_match_found() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"ZZZZZZZZZ").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("sherlock\n", got);
fn path_without_match_not_found() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock"),
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("", got);
fn quiet() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson|Sherlock").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
let match_count = {
let mut sink = printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock");
.search_reader(&matcher, SHERLOCK, &mut sink)
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("", got);
// There is actually more than one match, but Quiet should quit after
// finding the first one.
assert_eq!(1, match_count);
fn quiet_with_stats() {
let matcher = RegexMatcher::new(r"Watson|Sherlock").unwrap();
let mut printer = SummaryBuilder::new()
let match_count = {
let mut sink = printer.sink_with_path(&matcher, "sherlock");
.search_reader(&matcher, SHERLOCK, &mut sink)
let got = printer_contents(&mut printer);
assert_eq_printed!("", got);
// There is actually more than one match, and Quiet will usually quit
// after finding the first one, but since we request stats, it will
// mush on to find all matches.
assert_eq!(3, match_count);