Previously, ignore::WalkParallel would invoke the callback for all *explicitly* given file paths in a single thread, which effectively meant that `rg pattern foo bar baz ...` didn't actually search foo, bar and baz in parallel. The code was structured that way to avoid spinning up workers if no directory paths were given. The original intention was probably to have a separate pool of threads responsible for searching, but ripgrep ended up just reusing the ignore::WalkParallel workers themselves for searching, and thereby subjected to its sub-par performance in this case. The code has been restructured so that file paths are sent to the workers, which brings back parallelism. Fixes #226
The ignore crate provides a fast recursive directory iterator that respects
various filters such as globs, file types and .gitignore
files. This crate
also provides lower level direct access to gitignore and file type matchers.
Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE.
Add this to your Cargo.toml
ignore = "0.1"
and this to your crate root:
extern crate ignore;
This example shows the most basic usage of this crate. This code will
recursively traverse the current directory while automatically filtering out
files and directories according to ignore globs found in files like
and .gitignore
use ignore::Walk;
for result in Walk::new("./") {
// Each item yielded by the iterator is either a directory entry or an
// error, so either print the path or the error.
match result {
Ok(entry) => println!("{}", entry.path().display()),
Err(err) => println!("ERROR: {}", err),
Example: advanced
By default, the recursive directory iterator will ignore hidden files and
directories. This can be disabled by building the iterator with WalkBuilder
use ignore::WalkBuilder;
for result in WalkBuilder::new("./").hidden(false).build() {
println!("{:?}", result);
See the documentation for WalkBuilder
for many other options.